Bone Cohort National Focus Tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
The Twin Brothers icon
The Twin Brothers
Caesar gave Centurion [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] a job.
He wasn't about to fail it now.
  • Trigger country event “The task ahead”
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of CES CES:
      • Decrease variable CES_stress_level by 99
    • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Returning Home icon
Returning Home
A chance of a lifetime, a lucky draw of a straw, a huge coincidence? It couldnt be told... Yet.
  • Trigger country event “The trip to Oregon”
Strangers in a Strange Land icon
Strangers in a Strange Land
"The Oregon, home. At least it was before we left..." --Australis
  • Trigger country event “The Landing”
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag generic_unlock_focus
    • Trigger country event “Wayward Daughter” in 7 days
Men of the Pillars icon
Men of the Pillars
Strange latin speaking tribals surrounding rock formations in a specific place that used to be called 'Rome'? What does Rome even mean? Does it even matter to the Legion?
  • Trigger country event “The Pillars of Rome?”
Trained Geckos icon
Trained Geckos
The Pillarmen near the Pillars of Rome have become masters at training Geckos as battle warriors. Perhaps we should purchase some of their trained Geckos?
  • Add technology: oregon_geckosupport
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • support_dog_tech_category
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -50
  • add_caps = yes
  • Trigger country event “A Dog's Life”
Men of the East icon
Men of the East
Serveral groups of different Christian cults that we have met in our travels have followed us, wanting to spread their 'Message' in Oregon, as its a tainted land...
  • Trigger country event “River Christians?”
The Word of Christ icon
The Word of Christ
The Malpais Legate always spoke fondly of his Lord, of his Caananite God. He belived in Mars and on his Lord at the same time. Caesar never gave it too much tought. The teachings of the Christian God are very... similiar to the ones of the Legion, with a few exceptions of course. But they can be used in our advantage.
  • Add technology: CES_horns_moroni_tech
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • support_medical_tech_category
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -50
  • add_caps = yes
Veni Vidi Vici icon
Veni Vidi Vici
The Cohort is preparing, machetes are being sharpened, firearms are getting cleaned and metal armors are being polished. All the men are in the Castrum are saying their prayers to Mars and even some whisper with rosaries that they got from the Christians. But for now, it does not matter. They were going to be dealt with after the conquest was over.
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • Trigger country event “Preparing for battle”
Victory or Dishonor icon
Victory or Dishonor
Eridanus always spoke that the strongest decisions required the stongest of wills. Its time to prove him right.
  • Requires the following:
  • Requires the following:
  • [SCOPE]Any neighbouring country:
    • [SCOPE]Any owned state:
  • ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals = yes

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Set country flag boc_battle_one_photo
  • File:BDT.png BDT:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag BOC_bdt_focuses
    • If:
    • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • cant_justify_on_countries = 1
Vae Victis icon
Vae Victis
Southwestern Oregon lays in ruins. But from the ashes of the Crimson forest, the true Rulers of Oregon will rise to the test.
  • File:BDT.png BDT:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • core_owned_states_of_prev = yes
  • Flag of CES CES:
    • Decrease variable CES_stress_level by 99
    • Decrease variable fbhd_hoover_attack_add by 1
  • add_ideas = oregon_cannibal_widespread_cannibalism
  • Trigger country event “The Fate of the Bone Dancers”
  • Hidden effect:
Enslave everyone! icon
Enslave everyone!
As we are now in war with the Bone Dancers, we lack suficient numbers to push. We will enslave every single man or child old enough and force them to fight against the tribals of the west.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_bdt_focuses is set
Aeternit imperi! icon
Aeternit imperi!
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • Division Defense: −10%
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
Enslave Prisioners icon
Enslave Prisioners
We will make every single surrendered enemy into slave auxiliaries, they will fight their kin and friends under the threat of death or maybe, a fate worse than it.
  • Scripted Effect: fight_for_life=yes
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
Fight for your Life! icon
Fight for your Life!
We do not have enough men, we do not have enough guns. Defeat of the Cohort means a fate worse than death for us! Charge the Profligates!
  • Scripted Effect: fight_for_life=yes
  • Gain Manpower 300 Manpower
  • Lose 15% Stability Stability
Retool Factories icon
Retool Factories
The few industrial factories we have in our lands arent enough for our needs in this battle. We will work the slaves and the tools that we have until they are broken down. We need the equipment now!
  • Add −1 off map Arms workshop Military Factory
  • 150 units of melee_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 50 units of heavy_infantry_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 50 units of spec_ops_equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Lose 10% War support War Support
Every Piece of Metal a Machete icon
Every Piece of Metal a Machete
We dont need no tools, every piece of scrap or metal that we find, needs to be sharpened into a weapon, machetes, blunt objects, anything we can get our hands on.
  • Requires the following:
    • Retool Factories “Retool Factories”
  • Add −1 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • 250 units of melee_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 50 units of heavy_infantry_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Lose 15% War support War Support
The Bone Cohort icon
The Bone Cohort
The Bone Cohort is the new name of the Legion expedition in the Northwest, at its lead, the new Bone Centurion leads the Legionaries into the hills and forests of Oregon. Tribals to the west, Christians to the east and we are stuck in the middle with you.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Requires the following:
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • Has not been pillaged (?


  • Clear global flag death_of_caesar_enabled_flag
  • Set global flag life_of_caesar_enabled_flag
  • Flag of CES CES:
    • Clear country flag malpais_buddy
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Country flag cohort_easy_mode_flag is set
    • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Savages not Civilized”
Savages not Civilized icon
Savages not Civilized
  • Justify war goal time: +60%
  • Non-core Manpower: −10%
  • War Support: +10%
  • Resistance Target: +20%
  • Damage to Garrisons: +25%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: −0.1%
[ROOT.GetLeader] rules over the [ROOT.GetName], crucifying those who they deem worthless, enslaving those who they deem useful. They intend to ravage the Northwest and make an absolute nightmare to everyone who dares enter their domain.
    • Set variable coring_cost_country_factor to 2
    • Custom effect tooltip:

Gain a permanent 200% increase in coring costs.

  • Set country flag boc_borealis_bone
  • Scripted Effect: change_borealis_desc=yes
Steam Machines icon
Steam Machines
The knowdelge of the Seraph Pilgrims let us develop newer versions of vehicles, improved by the power of steam and the technological knowdelge of Heaven Gate.
  • Gain +50% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (3 uses) towards:
    • vehicle_tech_category
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available as Research Advisor:
  • BOC_servum_advisor , which grants
    • Acolyte of Nas
      • Army Experience Gain: +0.07
    • cat_grand_army_research: +10%
Servum's Tanks? icon
Servum's Tanks?
A singular Legionary from Two-Sun has been making quite the hassle with all the new technology brought by the Steam Worshippers, with his knowledge of the motors of Nas, we could utilize a new kind of wonder weapon never seen before in the Oregon!
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Has tracks_vehicle_tech_1 technology researched
  • Set country flag boc_tank_research
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Has tank_equipment_vehicle_tech_1 technology researched
    • set_technology = tank_equipment_vehicle_tech_1
  • Hidden effect:
    • Create “Servum's Tractors” division template
    • [SCOPE]Capital state:
  • 100 units of File:America.png America tank_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip:

We will unlock 'Servum's Servos' designer and a division of our new wonder tanks will be raised at the capital!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

Available as Designer:

  • Servum Servos , which grants
    • tank_tech_category_research: +15%
A Dark Gift icon
A Dark Gift
The Odious King had a stash of Gecks, now that he is not around his 'based' the Cohort will take over his belongings and spread its rewards!
  • Increase variable geck_count by 1
  • Increase variable malfunctioning_geck_count by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: corrupted_geck_tt
A Clean Gift icon
A Clean Gift
With the help of the remaining Seraphs we have managed to "purify" one of the G.E.C.K.S of the Odious King - essentially rebooting it and cleaning it of foreign contamination.

Perhaps, some day we will be able to heal the Oregon fully...
  • Increase variable geck_count by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: generic_geck_tt
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This Focus will unlock a button to repair every state that you have ravaged!

The Goddess icon
The Goddess
In the archives of the Future-Tec facility, where the G.E.C.K.S were made, we have found a message, about the second and biggest, facility that could produce such impressive technology.

It was on the Twin Mothers, a tribe that Lanius was sent to conquer and destroy...

If we ever reach those lands...

We shall meet its Goddess.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • Requires the following:
  • Owns state Damascus (554)
  • Trigger country event “Meeting a Goddess”
The Nursery icon
The Nursery
Hidden away from mankind's madness, its ambitions, and even the wasteland itself, lies the Nursery. Decades of pre-war construction efforts, years of research, months of the most minute changes and refinement all led to this secret paradise, an untouched garden of Eden, and the last serene place in the wasteland.
  • Trigger country event “A Chance of Redemption”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This Focus will unlock a button to reclaim the wastes on every state that you own, improving them and coring it!

To Build a Legion icon
To Build a Legion
With the lands of the Bone Dancers under our control, the Cohort has split itself into two different sides. The men of [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName], the Christians, Bone Dancers and other tribals. Against the Four Centurions, Corbylys, Isaias, Saltus and Defectum with the support of the loyal Legionaries. [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] has to find a very dangerous balance between the two sides. Otherwise his rule of the Cohort will be in peril.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • has_idea = war_economy
    • add_ideas = low_economic_mobilisation
  • Hidden effect:
    • Lose Manpower 700 Manpower
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set temporary variable new_node_target to the value of
      • Set temporary variable new_node_economic_development to 0.5
      • add_to_temp_array
        • new_node_trade_array = 291
      • add_to_temp_array
        • new_node_trade_array = 179
      • add_to_temp_array
        • new_node_trade_array = 23
      • add_to_temp_array
        • new_node_trade_array = 337
      • add_to_temp_array
        • new_node_trade_array = 84
      • Set temporary variable set_main_node_flag to 1
      • Set temporary variable new_node_map_x to 1898
      • Set temporary variable new_node_map_y to 736
    • create_map_node = yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • has_any_power_balance = no
      • Scripted Effect: BOC_initiate_balance_of_power_effect=yes
    • Activate Mission: “Defectum gains favour!”
  • Set country flag slavery_boc
  • Set variable boc_slave_mil_factory_limit to 5
  • Set country flag boc_slave_unkeep
  • Trigger country event “The Lands of Bone”
The Frumentarii icon
The Frumentarii
The Legion always had the Frumentarii, it always had its operatives leading missions into the enemies lands, scouting and securing alliances and information.
Australis has been acting as the 'Head Frumentarus' and he had given the Cohort a few pointers to follow....
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC La Résistance La Resistance is enabled
      • Has created an Intelligence Agency
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_economy_civilian
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_army_department
  • Else:
    • Gain +50% research bonus (lac_hire_vulpes) (2 uses) towards:
      • Encryption methods
      • Decryption methods
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “The Frumentarii of the North”
The Frumentarii of the North icon
The Frumentarii of the North
  • Counter intelligence: +0.2
  • Operative slots: +1
  • Intel network strength gain factor: +15%
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −10%
Send Supplies to Kamlo icon
Send Supplies to Kamlo
One might question why are we sending supplies to some raiders, but Australis has a very interesting idea.

This will send several legionaries and advisors to Kamlo, letting us send more volunteers and maybe in a future, reach a deal with them... If they survive.
  • Requires the following:
  • More than 499 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Has more than 500 ManpowerManpower
  • File:KAM.png KAM exists
  • Lose Manpower 500 Manpower
  • 500 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Frumentarii Advisors” for 3 years
Frumentarii Advisors icon
Frumentarii Advisors
  • Max volunteer force divisions: +3
  • Divisions required for sending volunteer force: −20%
  • diplomacy_distance = 400
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Be warned, we will need to improve our communications technology to send volunteers to [KAM.GetNameWithFlag] ...

  • File:KAM.png KAM:
    • Hidden effect:
      • load_oob = BOC_kam
      • Add technology: CES_mercenary_training_tech
      • Add technology: pathfinders
      • Add technology: mountaineer_training_tech
    • recruit_character = BOC_KALIDUS
    • 500 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
    • add_ideas = WHT_legion_training_idea
The Northern Forum icon
The Northern Forum
The old Future-Tec facility that now has been renamed to 'Nova Borea' is in a perfect location for the capital of a northern Legion. Public works have started to be done by slaves to bring the capital into the standards of the Cohort. The Forum will be the new marketplace from which all of the slave trade and goods will be shipped to the rest of the wasteland.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • has_idea = closed_economy
    • add_ideas = export_focus
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
  • add_caps = yes
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 0.5
    • add_development_to_node = yes
The Trader Tithe icon
The Trader Tithe
Our laws make it so that every person in our lands has no true personal property, but what about the traders? They are not part of our nation, yet they will willingly help us. Instead of seizing their goods, lets force them to pay a Tithe to the Bone Centurion.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 75
  • add_caps = yes
Nova Borean Farms icon
Nova Borean Farms
The Bone Dancers never tought much of farming and developing their evil Crimson Forest, now we will start a new latifundia project by the shores of the Snake river, perfect for Irrigation.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “To love and live” in 5 days
  • [Scope]Nepal (323):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • agriculture_tech
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Heaven's Gate Steamworks icon
Heaven's Gate Steamworks
There are serveral conections to the Steam's network of pipes in our lands, they are a great source of energy and power, which will boost our industry. We do not control or undestand how they work at all. But the few Pilgrims in our lands have helped us in their connection.
  • [Scope]Liberia (298):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has fewer than 8 InfrastructureInfrastructure
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • Custom effect tooltip: available_economic_advisor
  • BOC_marcellus_advisor , which grants
    • Vulcanic Mechanic
      • combat_robot_equipment:
        • Soft attack: +10%
        • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
      • support_robot_equipment:
        • Production cost.png Production Cost: −15%
        • Defense: +10%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Uncle Sam's Boniest Tin Can” in 75 days to 85 days
The Borean Works icon
The Borean Works
A massive industrial project has been undergoing in the Capital, with the big amount of slaves gathered in our campaigns, this will be easily done and expanded, future endeavours are encouraged by the Centurions.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 5
  • Increase variable boc_slave_mil_factory_limit by 5
    • Variable Tooltip: This will increase the limit of Slave Workshops in Nova Borea by 5!

  • Scripted Effect: reduce_cohort_state=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A Lifetime” in 5 days
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_3_civilian_factories = yes
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots
      • Add 3 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_core_defence_factor by 0.05
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% core defense!

Improving our Blimps icon
Improving our Blimps
Our continous development in blimps has let us learn more and more about the very complicated process of blimp building. We shall improve our building methods and get more juice out of our slaves when building them.


  • Set country flag boc_blimp_improved
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will let us build double the blimps per batch.

(You should really check Chelmut skies!)

Slave Repair Auxilia icon
Slave Repair Auxilia
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip...

We don't wanna go to war today
But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
Where there's a whip there's a way!
Slave Repair Auxilia icon
Slave Repair Auxilia
  • Factory Repair Speed: +20%
  • Free repair: +10%
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip, there's a way.
Where there's a whip...

We don't wanna go to war today
But the Lord of the Lash says: "nay, nay, nay!"
We're gonna march all day, all day, all day!
Where there's a whip there's a way!
The Jewel of the Northwest icon
The Jewel of the Northwest
Caesar might have his eyes set in Vegas, in a city of the Old World, a city of Sin and decadence. But Nova Borea is a shining beacon, a jewel in the rough. Forget Port Paw and that haunted city that was once called Portland. Our Jewel will be built by our hardworking hands and by the blood of our slaves!
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • Add the following modifiers:
      • caps_trade_node_route_limit = 1
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 0.25
    • add_development_to_node = yes
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 25
  • add_caps = yes
The Colonia Model icon
The Colonia Model
In each city or town we conquer, in each outpost that we leave Legionaries to secure, they will put roots. They will stay, they will mingle with the locals and they will teach them what being a Legionary means. We are not raiders, we are their masters. And maybe with enough time, they will learn our culture and laws given by those Legionaries left behind. Improving the agricultural output of such places, increasing the productivy and getting us an even bigger share of spoils.
  • Add technology: exploitation_tech_level_settler
  • [Scope]Afyon (343):
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 700
    • add_state_population_no_state_name = yes
  • [Scope]Liberia (298):
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 900
    • add_state_population_no_state_name = yes
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 1200
    • add_state_population_no_state_name = yes
Idahoan Designs icon
Idahoan Designs
"For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. -2 Corinthians 10:4" The weapon designs brought by the Christians have been quite the improvement of our past ones, they will help us develop new kinds of firearms and even melee weapons.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • infantry_weapons_tech_category
  • Custom effect tooltip: available_high_command
  • BOC_ezekiel_advisor , which grants
    • Fire Starter
      • Resistance Target: +15%
      • demolitions_equipment:
        • Breakthrough: +10%
        • Soft attack: +10%
        • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
Technological Tribals? icon
Technological Tribals?
In our trips to Oregon, we have found so many groups, with technological advances far beyond those taught by the Legion. Even if Caesar has taught us to not rely on Technology, it helps our small nation in beating its enemies.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • All of the following must be true:
        • Country flag boc_mesmetron is set
        • Centurion Defectum is active in this country
    • Custom effect tooltip: An Ex-Marrow Drinker tribal has shown us the ways of the mesmetron. The Twins dislike it, but it could be used...

  • Found a way to bribe Defectum!


  • Gain +75% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • support_tech_category
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Industry
Lessons from the Bone Dancers icon
Lessons from the Bone Dancers
The Bone Dancers recently had gotten a huge influence from the Warriors of the Road, a group which used to control the highways of Western Oregon and Utah to the east, their knowdelge of vehicles will be hugely appreciated.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • spec_force_equipment_tech_category
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • motorized_equipment_category
  • Add technology: vehicles_tech_level_tribal
  • Add technology: Bicycles
Legends of the Road Warriors icon
Legends of the Road Warriors
The Road Warrior was the greatest raider and driver the whole wasteland had seen, he was a hero, a warrior and more than anything, a myth. The Legend of the Road Warrior lives in the mind of the Bone Dancers after they fought against him and even the old leader Cranium, was a child taken by the Road Warrior and taken to Crowshaven. Vehicles have been part of Bone Dancer lifestyle ever since, going up and down the hills of western Oregon.
  • 300 units of File:America.png America light_motorized_equipment_2 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 5 units of File:BDT.png BDT supply_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
Oregonian Scrapyards icon
Oregonian Scrapyards
As the Bone Cohort is a wandering army, having enough vehicles is a hardous task, but with the huge amounts of vehicles still working due the lack of bombings in the Great War, more and more hidden garages have been found and with those, new technologies to improve.
  • 250 units of File:America.png America light_motorized_equipment_2 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain +25% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • vehicle_tech_category
  • Add technology: vehicles_tech_level_settler
The Pilgrims of the Steam icon
The Pilgrims of the Steam
The Seraph Pilgrims are lead by a man named 'Cain' he seeks to transform the lands of the Bone Dancers into a more Christian-like one. [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] could chose to accept them and keep them in the lands of the Cohort, with some caveheats, or he could go ahead and enslave or murder them all, reducing their influence.
  • Trigger country event “nf_bonecohort.4211”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The Pilgrims are setting down in our lands.

Exterminate the Pilgrims icon
Exterminate the Pilgrims
The Pilgrims were a danger to our Cohort, their influence would bring weakness to our Legionaries and slaves. Althrough, Australis and [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] came to regret that they couldnt find an easier solution.

This will set you in the Path of the Legion.

  • Kill the pilgrims (?


  • Trigger country event “Killing the Seraphs”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

We will enslave and massacre the Pilgrims.

Accept the Pilgrims icon
Accept the Pilgrims
We already have groups of Christians in our expedition, from Canaanites to Anointed, another group even if they are a bit more radical, isnt a big of a deal, even more, their industrial and technological capacities are quite high and they are willing to help us in spreading their Steam.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Industry
  • Trigger country event “Meeting the Seraphs”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Cain will join us as a research advisor.

The Odious King icon
The Odious King
The Odious King is a ghoul that came into the lands of the Bone Dancers quite sometime ago, his very inusual abilities have let him get some of the secrets in the Future-Tec facility, where no normal human could have gone. He also has some strange abilities, he and his Crimson Acolytes sing in a way which can... Influence people.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The Odious King is making a mess out of the countryside.

Enslave the King icon
Enslave the King
Odious is in chains, deep inside the the Future Tec facility, alone and in the darkness. His acolytes having been enslaved and forced to do menial labour with their tongues cut off. He demands an audience with the Bone Centurion.
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Odious King Rebellion”
  • Trigger country event “An Enticing Song”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The Odious King will be enslaved and he will be available as an advisor.

The Odious King Escapes icon
The Odious King Escapes
The lack of action of the Bone Centurion with the matter of capturing and enslaving the Odious King with his acolytes have led them to a mass exodus of Bone Dancer tribals to the nearby lands. The Centurions look down on [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and Australis, as a show of weakness.
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Odious King Rebellion”
  • Lose Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The Odious king will escape into the wild. You will need to find a way to stop [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] headches!

The Followers Of The Apocalypse icon
The Followers Of The Apocalypse
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • None of:
    • Become a Legate (?


  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • Lose 5% War support War Support
  • Gain Manpower 750 Manpower
  • Gain +100% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (1 use) towards:
    • support_medical_tech_category
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_core_defence_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_medium_decrease_effect=yes
    • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

    • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% core defense!

  • Else:
    • Lose Political Power 75 Political Power
    • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

    • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% core defense!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • Custom effect tooltip: ncr_mur_followers_influence_decrease
  • decrease_followers_influence_10 = yes
Follower Forts and Support icon
Follower Forts and Support
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Lose 10% War support War Support
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Gain +100% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (ncr_agri_research_tech_tt) (2 uses) towards:
    • agriculture_tech
  • Gain Manpower 750 Manpower
  • 250 units of Flag of NCR NCR Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_core_defence_factor by 0.05
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_medium_decrease_effect=yes
  • Else:
    • Lose Political Power 75 Political Power
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% core defense!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

  • Custom effect tooltip: ncr_mur_followers_influence_decrease
  • decrease_followers_influence_10 = yes
Follower Cooperation icon
Follower Cooperation
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Requires the following:
  • add_ideas = followers_doctors
  • Lose 20% War support War Support
  • Gain Manpower 750 Manpower
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_core_defence_factor by 0.05
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_high_decrease_effect=yes
  • Else:
    • Lose Political Power 125 Political Power
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% core defense!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

  • Custom effect tooltip: ncr_mur_followers_influence_decrease
  • decrease_followers_influence_10 = yes
The People of the Dances icon
The People of the Dances
[BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and Australis never spent too much time with the rest of the 'Bone Dancers' as thier father was an outcast which lived in the borderlands. Yet they knew alot about the dances, as it was the tradition of their true people.

At last they finally sat down with the Elders and the Chieftains of the Dancers, to finally learn their Knowdelge and history.
  • Scripted Effect: boc_increase_conscription_law=yes
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • spec_force_equipment_tech_category
Guns of the Dancers icon
Guns of the Dancers
As [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and Australis spent time with the Dancers they learned of the ways of Warfare in Oregon and the most important thing was the support, the company and friendship that a soldier could get from its peers. Support and Comradery.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • support_tech_category
  • 150 units of File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 100 units of File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort melee_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Scripted Effect: boc_infantry_reward=yes
The Foundries of Borea icon
The Foundries of Borea
Newly made foundries and factories in the outskirts of Nova Borea filled with slaves working tiresly day and night, making new weapons of war for the Cohort. Nonetheless, its the most safe and comfortable job in the outskirts.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 5
  • Increase variable boc_slave_mil_factory_limit by 5
    • Variable Tooltip: This will increase the limit of Slave Workshops in Nova Borea by 5!

  • Scripted Effect: reduce_cohort_state=yes
  • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Breaking Our Backs” in 5 days
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_core_defence_factor by 0.05
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% core defense!

Slave Collar Tricks icon
Slave Collar Tricks
The art of making slave collars, is something that some of our trade partners have found amusing. How does a person who is wearing a collar feel when they have to build the same object that would bring pain and suffering to other? By teaching them the virtues of being a slave. A Slave Collar is not a tool of oppression, its a garment, a sign of one true belief in what Mars and the Bone Centurion believe. Teaching the slaves to be proud of their collars, of their suffering and their future freedom, would increase the production of them....

Thats what our Slavemasters have said.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will let us get even more collars when forcing slaves to make them.
Meat for the Grinder icon
Meat for the Grinder
Recruiting from our own menial slaves is never a good idea, a slave is selected for menial labour when they are clearly not fit for combat. But every system has cracks or mistakes, by doing regular checks on promising groups of slaves, we can get several volunteers for our Cohort. Men who have been molded by the harsh back breaking work into Mars Chosen Legionaries.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 1
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Recruitment Drive!” for 150 days
Recruitment Drive! icon
Recruitment Drive!
  • Division Recovery Rate: −5%
  • Mobilization speed: −75%
  • Weekly Manpower: +75
Legionary Artisanship icon
Legionary Artisanship
While our industries are of extremely poor quality and skill, our artisans from blacksmiths, to tailors and weavers have years of experience under their belts. They might not produce as much as a machine, but the gear that they can create is of the best quality.
  • 400 units of File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 500 units of File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort melee_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Scripted Effect: boc_infantry_reward=yes
Scavenging Experience icon
Scavenging Experience
Every enemy defeated, from a deathclaw to a brotherhood knight always leaves their spoils. From the hide of an animal, a new uniform can be created. From a downed soldier, their gear and guns can be recovered. The Cohort shines on reusing and learning from whatever we can find.
  • 250 units of File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort spec_ops_equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 250 units of File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort heavy_infantry_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Scripted Effect: boc_infantry_reward=yes
Where is it? icon
Where is it?
All Centurions have helmet, why does [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] not wear one. Where is it?
  • Requires the following:
  • Found [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] Helmet (?


  • Custom effect tooltip:

[BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] finds his helmet!

Or does he...?!

Chariots of Oregon icon
Chariots of Oregon
Of course in our dangerous and perilous trip to Oregon we were not able to bring our Two Sunian Chariots, but now with all the support and vehicles of the Road Warriors, our first Northern Chariots are ready to roll. Yet supplying them will be our most ardous task.
  • Custom effect tooltip:

We will unlock all the tecnologies for the development of Chariots and a Divison of the finest Motor Chariots will be raised at the capital!

  • Hidden effect:
    • Add technology: chariot_vehicle_tech
    • Add technology: fireteam_weaponry_tech
    • Create “Northern Chariots” division template
    • [SCOPE]Capital state:
      • Create File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort unit based on the Northern Chariots" start_experience_factor = 1.0 start_equipment_factor = 1.0 force_equipment_variants = { chariot_equipment_1 = { owner = "TWO template
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Available as Designer:

  • Motor Currus , which grants
    • truck_tech_category_research: +15%
The Problem of Cannibalism icon
The Problem of Cannibalism
Another civlilzation would take their time in dealing with the stupid and pointless activity that the tribals in Oregon do. Even if Cannibalism isnt shamed or against the law of the Legion, its too much of a waste of resources. Every loud and proud cannibal will be crossed in our roads, the fear will keep the others in line. No mercy for the wicked.
  • remove_ideas = oregon_cannibal_widespread_cannibalism
  • add_timed_idea
    • idea = oregon_cannibal_fighting_cannibalism
    • days = 165
  • Custom effect tooltip: available_economic_advisor
  • BOC_agrippus_advisor , which grants
    • The Hangman
      • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.25
      • Weekly Stability: −1%
      • Weekly War Support: −1%
Tolerate Tribal Customs icon
Tolerate Tribal Customs
In his Conquests, Caesar looked and forced tribals to forget their own ways, to wipe the state clean. But we are not Caesar's, we are the Bone Cohort. We shall learn and improve, from every defeated foe. Their wives will be ours, Their children will be ours and their knowdelge will be ours.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (LAC_tribal_mastery) (2 uses) towards:
    • tribal_tech_category
The Bone Dancer Homeland icon
The Bone Dancer Homeland
"For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? -1 Timothy 3:5"
The missionaries told the Bone Dancers. And they were right. We will build fortresses out of Nova Borea and Cardinalis, so they will be completely under our control.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 1
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Owns state Afyon (343)
    • [Scope]Afyon (343):
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (1387)
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory, on the province (1387)
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Owns state Eastern Slovakia (71)
    • [Scope]Eastern Slovakia (71):
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (646)
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory, on the province (646)
An Uxor for the Centurion? icon
An Uxor for the Centurion?
"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. -Genesis 2:24"
The Bone Centurion needs a wife. Its very clear that having a woman is quite important for the control of the Christians and it would help to manage the local tribals if the 'sucession' is secure. This will clearly upset the other Centurions...

But the real question... was she going to say yes?
  • Trigger country event “Choosing a wife”
Buying Female Slaves icon
Buying Female Slaves
"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. -Proverbs 18:22"
Its very clear that with the amount of crazed and murderous raiders, cannibals and tribals in Oregon, docile and serviciable women for breeding will be hard to find. We could deal with different slave traders to 'fix' our current problem and bring 'stability' to our Cohort.
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -50
  • add_caps = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain File:Slave texticon.png 3 thousand slaves.
  • Increase variable boc_slaves_var by 3
The Camp Followers icon
The Camp Followers
As our army marches fowards, our men need their own entretainment and care. Women who willingly follow our men into their campaigns will get better acomodations and there is nothing better than having nurses already waiting to comfort a legionary after a harsh battle.
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
Nomadic Lifestyle icon
Nomadic Lifestyle
Every little square of land that the Bone Cohort conquers, its a new plot of land that a future Legionary will own. Every little house or ruin, a future mansion for its owner. Maybe one day, the Legionaries will stop marching, but for now, Oregon is our home.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_1_arms_factories = yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
  • [SCOPE]Every core state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 500
    • add_state_population_no_state_name = yes
A Cohort of Slaves icon
A Cohort of Slaves
Files and lines of slaves chained walk behind the mighty Cohors of the Cohort. Port Maw has slaves, the Bone Dancers had slaves to eat and the Timberline freed slaves. But the Bone Cohort?

It's a Cohort of Slaves.
  • Scripted Effect: increase_leg_bones_vanilla=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain File:Slave texticon.png 5 thousand slaves.
  • Increase variable boc_slaves_var by 5
  • If:
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will upgrade the Officiorum ab Famulatus business.

  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_resistance_growth by 0.05
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% Resistance Growth in their Occupied States!

Settling the Land icon
Settling the Land
With our recent conquest complete, one of the most important matters after burning, pillaging and butchering our way through Oregon is to make our newly conquered lands into lands worthy of a Legionary. Sooner or later, civilization will come to the forests and hills of Oregon, and it will come from the hard working hand of the Cohort.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 1
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a coastal state
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 500
    • add_state_population_no_state_name = yes
Women at Home icon
Women at Home
"And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. -Titus 2:4-5"
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Industry
Northern Angelii icon
Northern Angelii
"Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. -Proverbs 31:31"

Women have always supported their sons and husband as they went to war.
  • add_ideas = ces_legionary_inger_idea
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
Women of the Cohort icon
Women of the Cohort
"Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. -1 Timothy 2:15"

We can formalize this process and promote the medical corps that have always accompanied the Legion to a more formal role.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • swap_ideas
    • remove_idea = ces_legionary_inger_idea
    • add_idea = ces_inger_funding_idea
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Mothers of the Cohort icon
Mothers of the Cohort
Everyone has a mother, a caring figure that keeps them warm and fed in the most vulnerable moments of their lives. Taking children away from their mothers was something that never sat well with either of the Twins.
From now on, the newly born will stay with their mothers until they come of age, then they will be taken to the Priestesses in a manner of School to be taught in a more social environment.
While still living and being with their mothers.


  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • swap_ideas
    • remove_idea = ces_inger_funding_idea
    • add_idea = boc_mother_cohort_idea
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
Steady as She Goes icon
Steady as She Goes
Cursor Corporosus has a saying 'Steady as she goes' which means to continue sailing on the present course. Why change the way of doing things? Caesar taught us to keep the course.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_high_increase_effect=yes
  • swap_ideas
    • remove_idea = ces_inger_funding_idea
    • add_idea = boc_steady_as_she_goes_idea
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
Matrons of the Cohort icon
Matrons of the Cohort
A woman's duty is to take care of their family and the household. Slaves can be either men or women, but Women are the only ones that can be mothers. Let them celebrate each pregnancy and birth, women who give themselves to the journey of motherhood, to raise a new Legionary or a future Mother, all women shall be praised as Legionaries are.
For all we come from a mother and a father.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • Requires the following:
  • After January 1 of 2280
Legionary Matrons icon
Legionary Matrons
  • Monthly Population: +20%
  • Recruitable Population: 1%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −25%
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_medical_chem_company_max_org_factor = 0.3
  • support_tech_category_research: +10%
  • Support Equipment:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −20%
A matron is what all mothers aspire to be, a companion, an advisor, a follower and more than anything, a wife. Not all mothers are matrons, but all matrons are mothers.
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
Legionary Families icon
Legionary Families
A Legionary is always marching, always heading to battle and always dying for the glory of the Cohort. But those who win, those who choose to marry and stay faithful to a woman, shall be rewarded in life with the joys of having their children with them.
Teaching them, passing their knowledge directly to their kin and finally, knowing that even if the Glory of the Cohort is eternal, a part of them stays in the mortal coil fighting for them and making sure their home is safe and in order.
Legionary Families icon
Legionary Families
  • Monthly Population: +25%
  • Recruitable Population: 1%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −30%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.01%
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_medical_chem_company_max_org_factor = 0.3
  • support_tech_category_research: +10%
  • Support Equipment:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −20%
A family. Its like the state itself, a group of people, together for the same goal.
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
Give Women some 'Rights' icon
Give Women some 'Rights'
Slavery is a central idea to the Cohort, but seeing as we are lacking manpower, we shall give the 'strongest' women of each tribe a chance of joining our legionaries as followers or 'squires' of old. Clearly in a support role, those women who are not doing menial tasks and breeding, shall be allowed a slight amount of responsibility.


    • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power
    • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • swap_ideas
    • remove_idea = ces_legionary_inger_idea
    • add_idea = boc_gender_equality0
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) people party popularity
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Hannah Stahl becomes a Unit Leader. Level: 3 Attack Skill: 4 Defense Skill: 2 Planning Skill: 3 Logistics Skill: 3

  • Hidden effect:
    • Becomes a General
  • If:
    • Limited to:

Corbylys will die.



Isaias will die.



Saltus will die.



Defectum is not a threat.



    • Custom effect tooltip:

With the Centurions dead, its possible for us to do this focus without danger!

  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
    • Custom effect tooltip: debug
  • Else:
    • Custom effect tooltip:

!!!THIS WILL NOT GO WELL WITH THE CENTURIONS!!! !!!You will only be able to take this focus safely if you kill Corbylys, Isaias, Saltus and Defectum!!!

    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “boc_civilwar.82”
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Women Propaganda icon
Women Propaganda
Many Legionaries are confused by the decision of [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName]. Why does he allow to walk around freely? Why does he not follow the laws of Caesar?

It's simple, the Cohort needs everyone for its war-machine, when they return to Arizona, then things would get back to normal.
  • Gain +25% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • infantry_tech_category
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Boc women2.png “Female Support”
Female Support icon
Female Support
  • Max planning: +5%
  • Resistance Target: +2.5%
  • Female Divisional Commander Chance: +10%
  • female_random_operative_chance = 0.1
"What in Mars name is a 'Mammam Dominari'?"
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) people party popularity
Women Scouts icon
Women Scouts
Women are nimble things, easily being able to slip out of trouble when needed. Making them our scout and spies would make our secretive exploits even stronger and they would raise less suspicion due them being women. People would never expect Legion spies and scouts to be women.
Female Auxiliaries icon
Female Auxiliaries
  • Max planning: +10%
  • Resistance Target: +5%
  • Female Divisional Commander Chance: +25%
  • female_random_operative_chance = 0.25
"What in Mars name is a 'Mammam Dominari'?"
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) people party popularity
  • Trigger country event “A Change In Pace”
Women Auxiliaries icon
Women Auxiliaries
A slave is a slave, whatever gender may it be. A Legionary is a slave with more rights and duties, an auxiliary is the middle ground between those such things. Women are able to become auxiliaries if they are barren or old enough. It does not matter as long their reproductive means are impaired. Auxiliaries assist our legionaries in battle, mostly as medics or even as crews in weapon teams.
Female Leaders icon
Female Leaders
  • Max planning: +15%
  • Resistance Target: +10%
  • Female Divisional Commander Chance: +50%
  • female_random_operative_chance = 0.5
"What in Mars name is a 'Mammam Dominari'?"
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) people party popularity
  • Trigger country event “The Only Angels In War”
Women Leaders icon
Women Leaders
A mechanic, a doctor, an architect or even a general do not need martial prowess, why would a woman not be chosen to lead such groups or teams of people if her ability and skills are even better than some men?
A Some-What Equal Cohort icon
A Some-What Equal Cohort
  • Recruitable Population: 5%
  • Non-core Manpower: +5%
  • support_tech_category_research: +5%
You like boys, do you?
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) people party popularity
  • Trigger country event “The Flow Of Battle”
Women Equality icon
Women Equality
Man or woman, does it even matter? As long as they serve the Cohort and the Bone Centurion, their lives are fulfilled and their duty is complete.
An Equal Cohort icon
An Equal Cohort
  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Special forces Defense: +10%
  • Recruitable Population: 10%
  • Non-core Manpower: +5%
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +50
  • support_tech_category_research: +10%
You like boys, do you?
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • people > 0.3
    • Custom effect tooltip: "Finally, women are equal to men... What could go wrong?"

Changing such a huge tenet of the Legion will clearly have repercussions!

    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “boc_civilwar.69”
  • Else:
    • Gain 15% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) people party popularity
  • Trigger country event “Riding Along”
Buying Male Slaves icon
Buying Male Slaves
"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. -John 8:36"
We are lacking a huge amount of men, of course any man can become a recruit legionary with enough training then so be it. We will buy all the men from the surrounding slave traders and the survivors of the training will become part of our Cohort as brothers in arms.
  • Requires the following:
  • Requires the following:
  • Set temporary variable caps_diff to -51
  • caps_cost_trigger = yes
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -50
  • add_caps = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain File:Slave texticon.png 3 thousand slaves.
  • Increase variable boc_slaves_var by 3
The State of the Cohort icon
The State of the Cohort
Now that they situation has calmed down, we need to figure what we will do with our Cohort. There are different paths, choosing to follow the mainline doctrine given by Caesar or move into the new designs of [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and his men. Heavily armored Legionaries which work as shock troops.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Scripted Effect: boc_bone_legionaries_template=yes
  • Trigger country event “One Step Forward...” in 7 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Unlocks Decisions on the Slavery Tab to raise Bone Legionaries! After you deal with their leaders through the Northwestern Leader Slavery

  • Gain Army experience 35 Army Experience
  • Add technology: legion_vexillarius_tech
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

A Melody so Grand.. icon
A Melody so Grand..
"Come closer, Bone Centurion, learn from my song, but carefully... Enjoy it... Share it... Hold it.
Psyker Recruits icon
Psyker Recruits
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +10
Some of our newly recruited Legionaries have abilities, just like Borealis, they can sense and feel things before they happen. They will make great Legionaries.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • “The Crimson Court mission is active
    • Increase duration of mision “The Crimson Court by 20 days
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
A Melody so Loud icon
A Melody so Loud
"You are strong, the song flows through you like no one I have ever seen. But your men are weak, let them follow your Song... I will give you something so they dont get lost..."
  • Add technology: oregon_psyker_nullification_training
  • Gain +30% research bonus or 3 years ahead of time penalty reduction (2 uses) towards:
    • spec_force_equipment_tech_category
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • “The Crimson Court mission is active
    • Increase duration of mision “The Crimson Court by 20 days
A Melody so Jumbled icon
A Melody so Jumbled
"Your men of the South are too unfocused, never trained to think for themselves, give them Talismans, give them Bones, focus their minds... Let those objects be anchors of one's mind..."
Psyker Praetorians icon
Psyker Praetorians
  • Division Experience Gain: +10%
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +60
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_attack_factor = 0.1
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_defence_factor = 0.1
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_speed_factor = 0.1
The Bone Centurion has declared that the Magii will be his honour guard, his own true Praetorians. This makes the Magii Legionaries the most skilled and inmtimidating shocktroops in the Northwest.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • “The Crimson Court mission is active
    • Increase duration of mision “The Crimson Court by 20 days
A Melody so Lonely icon
A Melody so Lonely
"Can you feel your own Chorus? Can you hear the wind? Can you hear your own.... Song? Let it play.... You are its singer."
Psyker Primes icon
Psyker Primes
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +20
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_attack_factor = 0.025
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_defence_factor = 0.025
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_speed_factor = 0.025
Those with psy abilities shall be promoted faster and higher depending their abilities. The abilitiy to use telekinesis, to bring light objects closer to oneself, the ability to set things on fire from a distance cannot be overstated even if its like a small ember.
  • Gain +75% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • spec_force_equipment_tech_category
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • “The Crimson Court mission is active
    • Increase duration of mision “The Crimson Court by 20 days
A Melody so Crowded icon
A Melody so Crowded
"You have controlled your Song... But can you trust your men to follow it? To not wander around in darkness? Make your own Chorus... Let it be heard."
Psyker Veterans icon
Psyker Veterans
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +40
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_attack_factor = 0.05
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_defence_factor = 0.05
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_speed_factor = 0.05
Maybe, their abilities are not the flashiest, maybe some of them get too many headches, but they are the brightest and the best that the Cohort has to offer.
  • Gain 1 use of +50% doctrine cost reduction for:
    • cat_roman_tactics
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • “The Crimson Court mission is active
    • Increase duration of mision “The Crimson Court by 20 days
  • Trigger country event “A Group of Singers”
A Melody. icon
A Melody.
"Centurion, you have learned everything I could taught you. Your Chorus grows. Your Song grows. But.... I have an offer for you."
  • Add technology: special_forces_tech_level_settler
  • Add technology: legion_centurions_tech
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This will stop the Crimson Court!

  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • Trigger country event “The End of a Performance”
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

A Heavy Cohort Doctrine icon
A Heavy Cohort Doctrine
The Bone Centurion has chosen to follow a different path from the one given by Caesar, normal quick unarmored legionaries in melee have been a mistake. Our Armored Legionaries shall crush their foes under the heavy weight of their equipment. It does not matter if they are in ranged or melee combat, our men shall be an indestructible wall.
  • Gain 1 use of +25% doctrine cost reduction for:
    • cat_terror_tactics
  • 250 units of File:America.png America heavy_infantry_equipment_2 is added to the national Stockpile
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Riot Armor Designs icon
Riot Armor Designs
Our men have found the designs for making our own Riot Armor deep inside the armory of the Future-Tec facility, from now on, our equipment shall have the emblem of the Cohort!
  • Add technology: Future-Tec Riot Armor
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • infantry_weapons_tech_category
Future-Tec Forges icon
Future-Tec Forges
As the upper levels of the Future-Tec facility have been picked clean, a new industrial sector will be built in that area, specialized in building new equipment and weapons in the safety of Nova Borea.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
Scavenging for Armor icon
Scavenging for Armor
There are many storage areas and hidden places in the depths of the Future-Tec facility that the old Bone Dances happened. We just need to look hard enough to find the equipment that the Dancers never took.
  • Gain 1 use of +30% doctrine cost reduction for:
    • cat_terror_tactics
  • 1 000 units of File:America.png America ballistic_equipment_2 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 500 units of File:America.png America heavy_infantry_equipment_2 is added to the national Stockpile
Finding the Armory icon
Finding the Armory
Elders of the Bone Dancers speak of tales of the 'Pi Em Zee' armory. Today, we have found it, a huge cache filled with Riot Gear which will surely help in our efforts.
  • Gain 1 use of +30% doctrine cost reduction for:
    • cat_terror_tactics
  • 250 units of File:America.png America heavy_infantry_equipment_2 is added to the national Stockpile
A Heavy Cohort icon
A Heavy Cohort
It does not matter if you are a Legionary from birth, a Bone Dancer tribal or a Christian missionary. Everyone shall wear the Bones and Armors made in the Future-Tec facility sooner or after.
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “The Bone Cohort will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a centurion, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the centurion of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray!”
The Bone Cohort will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a centurion, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the centurion of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray! icon
The Bone Cohort will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a centurion, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the centurion of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray!
  • Division Attrition: −15%
  • Divisions speed: −5%
  • Non-core Manpower: +7%
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.025
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_defence_factor = 0.025
  • heavy_infantry_equipment:
    • Soft attack: +5%
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Add technology: legion_centurions_tech
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_decrease_effect=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

The Unending Legions icon
The Unending Legions
The soldiers of the Cohort will die, but they know the Cohort will live forever. We are immortal when we are one with the Bull.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
    • Custom effect tooltip:

    • Adds modifier“[BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] follows Legion Doctrine” to Balance of Power
      • Weekly Balance of Power Change: Right0.1%
    • Custom effect tooltip:

  • Gain Manpower 750 Manpower
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
The Oregonian Smiths icon
The Oregonian Smiths
The Bone Dancers relied too much in cultist ideas and tools, old weapons passed generations and generations. Lets teach them how to truly work on creating new tools of war.
  • [Scope]Afyon (343):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_1_arms_factories = yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
  • 1 000 units of Flag of CES CES melee_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
The Forge of Cardinalis icon
The Forge of Cardinalis
Cardinalis is the armoury of the Cohort. And the slaves know to practice prudentia in service of the Cohort.
  • Add technology: warrior_melee_tech
  • [Scope]Afyon (343):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
The Edge of the Machete icon
The Edge of the Machete
A Recruit only needs a machete, maybe one spear or two to throw. If they cannot survive their first battles with such weapons, they were never Legion material.
  • Gain +75% research bonus (ces_rebirth_principes_doctrine) (1 use) towards:
    • cat_roman_tactics
  • 500 units of Flag of CES CES melee_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Scripted Effect: boc_infantry_reward=yes
The Tip of the Spear icon
The Tip of the Spear
Caesar has engaged in decades of warfare, absorbing lesser tribes, gathering power. Forging the dross into a vast, razor-sharp scythe. The Legion's expansion has never ceased. And that has given him a Worthy Few to lead the Legion and thus the Cohort.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Add technology: legion_centurions_tech
  • Trigger news event “nf_legion.28”
  • Gain +75% research bonus (ces_rebirth_principes_doctrine) (2 uses) towards:
    • cat_roman_tactics
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
Rebirth of the Triplex Acies icon
Rebirth of the Triplex Acies
The Cohort can revive a three line formation. This formation will let the second and third lines provide cover to the shock troops of the first line. And the front line can hold our greenest troops who need blooding.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • add_ideas = cultofmars_triplex
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

Bone Legionaries icon
Bone Legionaries
The Cohort is adaptable. It learned from the Shoshone. It learned from [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName]. It learned from its struggles with Timberline rangers. And it will learn from all others who are trampled beneath its feet.

      • Value of variable boc_bone_legionaries_number is greater than 4
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_low_increase_effect=yes
  • add_ideas = ces_ever_evolving_idea
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

Northern Tactics icon
Northern Tactics
Our battles have shown us that no one can oppose us, not any men in Power Armor, not mutants nor crabs. No one shall stop [BOC.getname].

      • Value of variable boc_bone_legionaries_number is greater than 8
  • Scripted Effect: increase_leg_bones_vanilla=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • has_idea = cultofmars_triplex
      • remove_ideas = cultofmars_triplex
      • remove_ideas = ces_ever_evolving_idea
      • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Oregonian Triplex”
Oregonian Triplex icon
Oregonian Triplex
  • Division Attrition: −10%
  • Divisions speed: +5%
  • Division Organization: +10%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −10%
  • Planning Speed: +10%
  • Non-core Manpower: +5%
  • Mobilization speed: +25%
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • Soft attack: +5%
Instead of herding unskilled warriors to the front, perhaps we can train all of them and mix our forces. The youths can learn from their elders, instead of dying before they gain training. But they are still going first! Mars favours the bold!
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Has the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “The Bone Cohort will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a centurion, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the centurion of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray!”
      • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “The Bone Cohort will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a centurion, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the centurion of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray!”
      • remove_ideas = ces_ever_evolving_idea
      • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Oregonian Cohors”
Oregonian Cohors icon
Oregonian Cohors
  • Division Attrition: −15%
  • Divisions speed: −5%
  • Division Organization: +10%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −10%
  • Planning Speed: +10%
  • Non-core Manpower: +7%
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.025
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_defence_factor = 0.025
  • heavy_infantry_equipment:
    • Soft attack: +5%
The army will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a centurion, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the centurion of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray!
Psyker Cohors icon
Psyker Cohors
  • Division Experience Gain: +10%
  • Division Organization: +10%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −10%
  • Planning Speed: +10%
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +60
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_attack_factor = 0.1
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_defence_factor = 0.1
  • modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_speed_factor = 0.1
The army will be formed in Cohors, military units generally composed of 480 soldiers in which each cohors will be commanded by a Magii, who increased in seniority from the sixth to the first cohors; thus, the Magii of the sixth cohors was the most junior in the cohort. The youngest Cohors will always be the first ones in the fray!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Has special_forces_tech_level_settler technology researched
    • Add technology: special_forces_tech_level_settler
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will combine all the bonuses of this tree into a singular one!

It will also unlock the Bone Legionary template!

  • Hidden effect:
    • set_division_template_lock
      • division_template = "Bone Legionaries"
      • is_locked = no
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_core_defence_factor by 0.05
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Trigger country event “What is a Culture?”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% core defense!

Ever Growing Foundries icon
Ever Growing Foundries
With more and more artisans and blacksmiths joining our ranks, our foundries have become factories. Guns and equipment are produced at a breakneck pace, to fuel the conquest of our Glorious Cohort.

      • Value of variable boc_bone_legionaries_number is greater than 4
  • Scripted Effect: boc_increase_conscription_law=yes
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
Wave Tactics icon
Wave Tactics
Even if we are far away from Arizona and the almost infinite amount of Men that Caesar commands, the idea of 'Wave' Tactics can still be used. Instead of letting our men march to their deaths, we shall use slaves to do so, drowning the enemy under the most insane and psychotic slaves who risk everything for the chance of becoming legionaries while our men deal with the enemies at a distance.

      • Value of variable boc_bone_legionaries_number is greater than 4
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Add technology: legion_training_tech
  • Scripted Effect: boc_infantry_reward=yes
Honestas, Industria, Prudentia icon
Honestas, Industria, Prudentia
Honesty, Industry, Prudence; the three virtues taught to all slaves of the Cohort. Let these three words define those that labour for the greater good, and let them find spiteful pride in their duty.
  • Scripted Effect: increase_leg_bones_vanilla=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain File:Slave texticon.png 2 thousand slaves.
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of our country
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 500
    • add_state_population = yes
  • Increase variable boc_slaves_var by 2
  • Trigger country event “A Lesson in Manners”
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_resistance_growth by 0.05
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_army_org_factor by 0.025
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +2,5% Division Organization!

  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will gain +5,0% Resistance Growth in their Occupied States!

The Conquest of the North West icon
The Conquest of the North West
Our Centurions have been called into the War Tent. The Twins are making the plans. The Conquest of the North West has started.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc oregon.png “The Roads of Oregon”
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
  • Gain 20% Stability Stability
  • Gain 20% War support War Support
Shoshone Conquest icon
Shoshone Conquest
Weirdly enough, even if the most important and strategic target would be the raiders of Chemult to the south, the Bone Centurion and his brother have chose to strike east to... settle a personal matter.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • File:SHO.png SHO:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • None of:
        • this country exists
      • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc wargoals.png “The Conquest of the North West”
  • File:SHO.png SHO:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Chemult Conquest icon
Chemult Conquest
The Trainyard and armouries of the Chemults will be a good second target in our conquest of Oregon, if we secure them quick enough, our conquest wont be delayed a day.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • File:CHE.png CHE:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc attack sho.png “Shoshone Conquest”
  • File:CHE.png CHE:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Klamath Conquest icon
Klamath Conquest
Why conquer Klamath? Two of the Centurions have asked, but Eridanus has shut them up. It will be a great gateway to the south, bringing Traders from Nevada into our lands... And they do have some nice Geckos!
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • File:KLA.png KLA:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • None of:
        • this country exists
      • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc attack sho.png “Shoshone Conquest”
  • File:KLA.png KLA:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of NEW NEW:
      • end_puppet = KLA
    • Custom effect tooltip:

"I have a few contacts in New Reno, with a few visitations, we can totally make it so Klamath have 'slipped away', Brother."

Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Timberline Conquest icon
Timberline Conquest
The conquest of the Timberline to the north is one of the most important, and dangerous, matters at our hands. The men of the forests are strong, resiliant and smart. They are a bastion of the so called 'Freedom' and thus they need to be destroyed before we head east. The people of Oregon need to be reminded that we are here to stay.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • File:TIM.png TIM:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc attack sho.png “Shoshone Conquest”
  • File:TIM.png TIM:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Bone Conquest icon
Bone Conquest
Carcass Walkers, Marrow Drinkers and Rib Breakers, all of them were Bone Dancers in the past, but they have splintered due the weak control of the leaders of old. Lets reclaim our 'Rightful' lands into the Cohort.... And of course lets get some big BONES from those trolls!
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc attack sho.png “Shoshone Conquest”
  • File:RBT.png RBT:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:MDT.png MDT:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:CCW.png CCW:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:TRL.png TRL:
Trolling Tactics icon
Trolling Tactics
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Mirelurk Conquest icon
Mirelurk Conquest
The worship of huge crab beasts is not a rightful way of govement. We will need weapons which can pierce those shells if we want to destroy and surround those beasts. The Centurions want to eat crab meat.
  • File:Malta.png Malta:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:DIS.png DIS:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Port Maw Conquest icon
Port Maw Conquest
A hive of Scum and Villany. A hotspot for slave trade and chem users. Of course the latter can be removed, but the former will be a great asset... and we did hear the so called 'Pirate Queen' had a secret agreement with the Brotherhood..
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • File:PMR.png PMR:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc attack sho.png “Shoshone Conquest”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger country event “A Dark Proposal”
    • Custom effect tooltip:

"I managed to secure an audience with this.... 'Immortal', we will see what he wants. "

  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger country event “A Dark Proposal”
    • Custom effect tooltip:

"I managed to secure an audience with this.... 'Immortal', we will see what he wants. "

  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger country event “A Dark Proposal”
    • Custom effect tooltip:

"I managed to secure an audience with this.... 'Immortal', we will see what he wants. "

  • Else:
    • File:PMR.png PMR:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Arroyo Conquest icon
Arroyo Conquest
There is a big tribe in the south. A tribe with so much history, a leader of the Legends... and nothing much else. Nonetheless, they have to be dealt with before they become a thorn in our side.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • File:ARR.png ARR:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc attack sho.png “Shoshone Conquest”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger country event “Hollow Words, Hollow Point”
    • Custom effect tooltip:

We will send Narcissus in a disguise to try to convince them to join willingly. Otherwise, we will get a wargoal on them.

  • Else:
    • File:ARR.png ARR:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
    • File:MXS.png MXS:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Murtaugh and Anointed Conquest icon
Murtaugh and Anointed Conquest
Even if we have been trading and dealing with the Christians to our east, a more permanent solution has been given forth. To conquer and enslave them, so their petty squabbles will be finished at last.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc idaho.png “The Roads of Idaho”
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • File:ANO.png ANO:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:MUR.png MUR:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Heaven's Gate Conquest icon
Heaven's Gate Conquest
The Seraphs have told us about their homeland, the steam that comes from the northeast. They dont deserve to keep such secrets, so the Cohort will march north, to conquer and destroy any kind of opossition.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc idaho.png “The Roads of Idaho”
  • File:HEA.png HEA:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • File:HEA.png HEA:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:HGH.png HGH:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Eastern Washington Conquest icon
Eastern Washington Conquest
To the North of our lands, there had been quite the civil war going on for decades, of course now its over. But the remaining power has to submit to us, we need another flank to take Seattle.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc washington.png “The Roads of Washington”
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Flag of TOC TOC:
      • At least one of the following is true:
    • Flag of ROT ROT:
      • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • Flag of TOC TOC:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • Flag of ROT ROT:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Washington Conquest icon
Washington Conquest
What remains of the state of Washington is our last goal, before the plans for the south are made. The Brotherhood has a strong grip on the area and it doesnt matter if its knights in shining armors or knights in black armor. They will submit.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc washington.png “The Roads of Washington”
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • has_no_unused_wargoals = yes
  • File:WBH.png WBH:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • Flag of TCA TCA:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • File:YAK.png YAK:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
  • If:
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
Conquerors of the Northwest icon
Conquerors of the Northwest
  • Army Experience Gain: −70%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −30
The Bone Road icon
The Bone Road
The Centurions have gathered to plan the conquest ahead, of course they cannot think of controlling and changing the tribal identity of such a vast land filled with people. This is where the Bone Centurion and his brother have hatched a plan. A very brutally cunning plan.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad_flag
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “The Bone Road”
The Bone Road icon
The Bone Road
  • Max Factories in a State: +1%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +1%
The Bone Road is the future project of making the Northwest into a desolate and heavily depopulated area. All the population will be pushed into 'City-States' connected by very efficient and well protected highways.
  • Trigger country event “The Bone Road”
The Roads of Oregon icon
The Roads of Oregon
Oregon was part of the Northwestern Commonwealth of the Us of A, a land filled with mountains, hills and forests very unlike the plains and Mesas in the Legion. Making a new systems of roads connecting our 'City-States' will be the most important thing to do.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock the Bone Roads of Oregon!

  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Set country flag boc_oregon_photo
Another Bear River icon
Another Bear River
Four Hundred years before, the Shoshone were massacred in Eastern Idaho, now as they lay dead in Western Idaho, the massacre of Grand View will be nothing but a footnote in their minds and no books will be writting about them.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:SHO.png SHO:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad1_flag
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Trigger country event “To Enslave the Shoshone”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
Taking up Arms icon
Taking up Arms
The railyard of the Chemult are filled with weapons of old and other resources. Bringing them and connecting them to our roads will bring quite the activity to the lands south of Nova Borea.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:CHE.png CHE:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has fewer than 3 InfrastructureInfrastructure
      • Is a core state of File:CHE.png CHE
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “Taking over the Railyard”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad2_flag
To Hunt a Gecko icon
To Hunt a Gecko
Geckos and Traps. Thats what most locals tell us about Klamath, but we have tamed the Geckos already, it only takes some time 'remove' the traps.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:KLA.png KLA:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “Trapper Town”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad3_flag
Cutting the Timberline icon
Cutting the Timberline
People used to say that the Timberline was the only 'civilized' tribe in Oregon, that they were the most helpful and friendly peoples of the west. We will see their quality as slaves and scouts.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:TIM.png TIM:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The Timberline”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_low_increase_effect=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • “The Crimson Court mission is active
    • Custom effect tooltip: You find odious and kill!
    • Found a way to stop the Crimson (?


  • Set country flag boc_boneroad4_flag
Picking a Bone icon
Picking a Bone
Even if the lands of the east of the Bone Dancers, the recent conflicts have made a mess out of them. A firm hand is needed and we have chosen the right spot to make a new 'City-State'
  • Requires the following:
  • File:TRL.png TRL:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • File:MDT.png MDT:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • File:RBT.png RBT:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Trolling Tactics”
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The Westernlands of Bone”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad5_flag
Disciples and Crabs icon
Disciples and Crabs
The Disciples of the south follow a strange kind of Christiany, while the north of is filled with crab cultists. Making an industry out of crab meat isnt a bad idea and we have found our first sight of the Pacific...
  • Requires the following:
  • File:Malta.png Malta:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • File:DIS.png DIS:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The Crowlands”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad6_flag
A Port to the West icon
A Port to the West
We never had a true navy, our little boats and canoes were nothing to the sights of Port Maw and to the citizens of it. But our conquest of it, was a simple change of ownership for the slaves
  • Requires the following:
  • File:PMR.png PMR:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “To take a Port”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad7_flag
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Cobylys pouches are full (?


      • Trigger country event “A Great Dinner” in 7 days
You have to Chose One icon
You have to Chose One
The people of Arroyo worship the 'Chosen One' almost like a god. But they are not a god, we still havent found them, but we got a clue of them driving around the highway and killing our patrols. Maybe its time to make a bait.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:ARR.png ARR:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 999 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The 'Jewel' of Oregon”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Set country flag boc_boneroad8_flag
The Cohort's Domain icon
The Cohort's Domain
When we arrived, we only had just taken the Bone Dancers. Now, we rule from the Bone Pickers, their bones picked and used by our warriors, to the shores of the Columbia River, which we have now dealt with. But it is not enough for us, and it will not be enough for Caesar. We need to grow before we can take on the profligates. The Idaho. The Washington. That is where I shall set the Cohort's sights on next.
  • Trigger country event “Too Hot To Handle”
The Roads of Idaho icon
The Roads of Idaho
Idaho is a land filled with Christians and different sects, we know pretty well of their stupid squabbles and conflicts. We shall bring 'Gods' peace upon them.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock the Bone Roads of Idaho!

  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • At least one of the following is true:
          • State is in strategic area Ireland (4)
          • State is in strategic area Alaska (33)
          • State is in strategic area Southern Sweden (10)
          • State is in strategic area Northeastern Iberia (41)
      • Is claimed by our country
  • Trigger country event “A walk in the city”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
No more Schisms icon
No more Schisms
"Forge a chain! For the land is full of bloody crimes and the city is full of violence." -Ezekiel 7:23 Our own Priests and Priestresses will show the people of these lands the right way to worship God or die trying.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:ANO.png ANO:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • File:MUR.png MUR:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 1 499 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • 1 500 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The Christian Lands”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag boc_boneroad9_flag
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will lose +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

Power of the Steam icon
Power of the Steam
It was quite easy to give the people of Heaven's Gate the choice of join us willingly or not. Most of them did not, but it does not matter, our remaining Seraphs will show us the way of the Steam and they shall make a Temple of Mars on it.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:HEA.png HEA:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • File:HGH.png HGH:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 1 499 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • 1 500 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The Steam”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag boc_boneroad10_flag
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will lose +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

The Roads of Washington icon
The Roads of Washington
Washington was a very sinful place in the old and nowdays due the brotherhood civil war that has happened in the North, is quite damaged and mostly useless. We have to take the State to cement our authority in the North.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock the Bone Roads of Washington!

  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Hidden effect:
  • Trigger country event “The Diplomacy of the Cohort”
Vault Dwellers icon
Vault Dwellers
Surprisingly, other than the Empty Vault in southeastern Idaho, we have found no other Vault-Tec vaults in these lands. Now it was time to remake this land filled with mutants and ghouls into something new.
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of TOC TOC:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • Flag of ROT ROT:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 1 499 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • 1 500 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “The Whiteout”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag boc_boneroad11_flag
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will lose +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

The Tower icon
The Tower
All those stupid ideals of the Brotherhood, even Hannah is laughing about them. The Tower will become the center of operations in our north, it shall become our own Lucky 38 from which we will control the Northwest.
  • Requires the following:
  • File:WBH.png WBH:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • Flag of TCA TCA:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • More than 1 499 of type Infantry Equipment stored in stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag boc_boneroad12_flag
  • 1 500 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Trigger country event “Seatle at Last”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_very_low_increase_effect=yes
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Increase variable boc_ncr_dig_in by 1
    • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The NCR will lose +1,0% Max Entrenchment!

All Roads Lead to Bone icon
All Roads Lead to Bone
From Arruiga to Fauces, from Olympus to The Exodus, our Roads of Bone, connect all our lands, there are no raiders, no mutants, no threats at all. Our walled City-States are shining beacons in the wasteland. Now, we shall leave our walls and settle around the roads. Finally bring civilization to the untamed wilds.
  • Clear country flag boc_gun_unkeep
  • Scripted Effect: boneroad_growth=yes
  • Increase variable boc_slave_mil_factory_limit by 5
    • Variable Tooltip: This will increase the limit of Slave Workshops in Nova Borea by 5!

  • Scripted Effect: reduce_cohort_state=yes
  • Replace country leader trait Conqueror of Tribes (locked) with:
    • conqueror_of_tribes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Balance of Power is active
    • Scripted Effect: BOC_bop_high_increase_effect=yes
The Legion of Bones icon
The Legion of Bones
The Oregon belongs to us. We are on time, Caesar's will be done and the New California Republic will burn. We simply await for his command.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will autocomplete when the deadline ends!

If Caesar is at war with the NCR, you will get new deadlines which will force you into war with the NCR, pay attention and do your mission!

  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_return_narcissus=yes
      • Veteran Narcissus:
        • Change name to Veteran Narcissus
  • Custom effect tooltip: You need to FINISH THE BALANCE OF POWER, if its not completed, the Centurions will rise up in discontent!

  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Balance of Power is active
      • Trigger country event “boc_civilwar.82”
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Centurion Corbylys is active in this country
        • Centurion Saltus is active in this country
      • Trigger country event “A Dance In Ambivalence” in 37 days
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Caesar's Loyal Orthros”
Caesar's Loyal Orthros icon
Caesar's Loyal Orthros
  • cant_justify_on_countries = 1
There is no time to waste, the Bone Cohort shall complete its duty!
Conquest of the North icon
Conquest of the North
What is the North, but snow and dispersed peoples? Nothing. And thats why the Bone Cohort has claimed it. The Alaskan pipeline, resources and ancient ruins of the Old World, free to scavenge and restore. As soon the so called 'inhabitants of Cascadia' are dealth with.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of NCR NCR:
      • Scripted Effect: boc_ncr_stronk=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger country event “A trip to Kamlo”
    • Custom effect tooltip:

This will create the Cataracta Tutela, a puppet state led by Centurion Eridanus with the sole purpose of controling the frigid north and supplying the Bone Cohort with slaves.

Eridanus will stop being a general and advisor, as his new duties will take most of his time.

  • Else:
    • Hidden effect:
      • [SCOPE]Every state:
        • Limited to:
          • At least one of the following is true:
            • State is in strategic area Western Seaboard (89)
            • State is in strategic area Cap Verde Plain (61)
            • State is in strategic area Pampas (35)
            • State is in strategic area West Indian Ocean (60)
            • State is in strategic area Trans-Urals (14)
            • State is in strategic area Bismarck Sea (84)
        • Is claimed by our country
    • Custom effect tooltip: This focus reward will change if we complete the Send Supplies to Kamlo focus and if [KAM.GetNameWithFlag] still exist!

    • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain claims on all of Cascadia!
A Bone Cataracta icon
A Bone Cataracta
Cascadia, or Cataracta Frigus, as the lands to the north of Sealth have been named by our scouts are simply covered in snows and the remains of the armies of the Old World, but the most interesting part about it, its the mercenary group known as the 'Ice Picks' that we have found. They have been the prime enslavers of the Whiteout and they are lead by a brother and a sister, which seem quite willing to help us as long we keep the slave trade and their 'Independence'.
  • Trigger country event “The Ice Picks”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Every 90 days, we will gain File:Slave texticon.png 1 thousand slaves as long the [KAM.getname] is our puppet.

  • Scripted Effect: boc_socii_increase=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will increase the chances of the Socii of the Legion siding with us.

New World Hopes icon
New World Hopes
Caesar gave us a suicide mission. Caesar did not want us to succeed, he saw us as tools. We conquered all of the Northwest by ourselves, we destroyed his dream and now...

Why should we bow to him or anyone else? Our ideas and experiences have shaped us into something else.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc who the.png No Strings On Us
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Chosen a new Path! (?


  • Trigger news event “The Proclamation”
  • Custom effect tooltip: You should do the 'We are Legion' and 'Calida Fornax' focuses before doing this focus!
  • Increase variable boc_slave_mil_factory_limit by 5
    • Variable Tooltip: This will increase the limit of Slave Workshops in Nova Borea by 5!

  • Scripted Effect: reduce_cohort_state=yes
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Sinister icon
Australis, the Younger Twin. Frumentarii, advisor, friend, brother and finally Son. Always he stood at the side of his more ambitious brother, on his shadow, not with resentment or anger nor with jealousy. He simply wanted to protect his brother, to make people understand, that the world could be a better place.

Maybe, he did convince [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and himself on the way.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • Requires the following:
  • Trigger country event “Buying and Selling”
Dexter icon
[BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName], the Older Twin. Veteran of many battles, Centurion of the Bone Cohort. Husband. Son. Brother. He saw he learned, through hardship, that maybe, the way that the Legion ran things was misguided, maybe he would have fallen in disrepair. Yet the choices that he made, had opened his eyes to something new.

Damn the Old World Blues, lets create New World Hopes!
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
  • Requires the following:
  • Trigger country event “California Rulin'”
  • File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort:
    • Clear country flag boc_slave_unkeep
The Centurion icon
The Centurion
"It is the armor of a Centurion. You have the rare honor of beholding it unspattered by the blood of my inferiors."
  • Trigger country event “Aurelius”
The Praetorian icon
The Praetorian
"We were savages. The Legion raised us up, made us better than what we were."
  • Trigger country event “Lucius”
The Butcher icon
The Butcher
One does not simply describe Lanius.
  • Trigger country event “Lanius”
The Ghoul icon
The Ghoul
"Who are you to come before the King of Hades?"
  • Trigger country event “Drusus”
The Fox icon
The Fox
"We are soldiers of a different stripe, capable in battle, but skilled as infiltrators and agents as well."
  • Trigger country event “Vulpes”
The Legate icon
The Legate
"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion."
  • Trigger country event “Joshua”
The Follower icon
The Follower
"As an anthropologist and linguist, my assignment was to learn the dialects of the Grand Canyon tribes. What a fucking waste of time!"
  • Trigger country event “Caesar”
A New Generation icon
A New Generation
War. Glory. Death. Battle. Fervor. Sacrifice. That was all that Mars taught to us. To the Legion and then to the Cohort. War is glorious. War makes us feel alive. But its not for everyone. A doctor, a sciencist, a farmer, an engineer... make horrible Legionaries. Many nations in the wasteland have chosen to simply let those who willingly volunteer serve their armed forces. And thats what we should do. We are not a roaming army. We do not need to waste our manpower in stupid ways. We are a Nation. Our Hegemony.
A New Generation icon
A New Generation
  • Division training time: +10%
  • Recruitable Population: −1%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: −20%
  • Mobilization speed: −20%
  • Trigger country event “The New Generation”
A Culture of Equality icon
A Culture of Equality
Equality did not mean that everyone was supposed to have the same rights. To the Hegemony, it meant that sooner or later, everyone would be judged. By Mars or the Hegemon, it did not matter if you were a legionary, a Californian, or a scribe. Everyone deserved respect and to be respected, you needed to be respectful.
  • Trigger country event “The Old and the New”
  • Replace the mutant_recruitment_laws File:Idea unknown.png “Equality in Slavery” with the mutant_recruitment_laws File:Idea unknown.png “Equality for the Greater Good”
Hesperization icon
'Heperization' was the process of building a culture; of shaping something that would survive the test of time. It needed propaganda and a long time to come to fruition, and who knew how long and hard it was going to be... But for the Bone Cohort to not be a simple successor to the Legion, they had to learn from the Californians... a new Idea...
  • Trigger country event “Hesperization”
A Culture of Family icon
A Culture of Family
Family, Duty, Honor. The NCR forgot about the strength of the family unit, of kinship and closeness. We will never understimate it, your parents are the ones responsable of your future, who you are and who you will be. Respect your elders, because they are allowed to have children for a reason.
  • Trigger country event “A Culture of Family”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperization Idea'

A Culture of Strength icon
A Culture of Strength
To rule, one must have the strength and valor to fight for one's dreams, for one's survival, and for the weak. Strength should be praised, not for the sake of destruction, but for the ability of one to maintain the status quo.
  • Trigger country event “A Culture of Strength”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperization Idea'

A Culture of Paragons icon
A Culture of Paragons
The Electa who destroyed the Enclave. The Vault Dweller of the 13 who defeated the Master. The Hegemon who conquered the West Coast. They all are paragons who all people should strive to be, no matter the gender, creed, or origin. People who rose to the occasion and to save the world. We are all...

Standing on the shoulders of giants.
  • Trigger country event “Hesperia, for all Hesperians”
  • Scripted Effect: boc_hesperian_press=yes
A Culture of Worship icon
A Culture of Worship
Worship Mars, Worship the Steam, Worship the Lord, Worship Dharma... Worship your Ancestors...

All kind of worships are welcome in Hesperia, all creeds and cults, as long they recognize the Authority of the Hegemon. For he is the only ones who fight for your Gods.
  • Trigger country event “A Culture of Worship”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperization Idea'

A Culture of Understanding icon
A Culture of Understanding
The Legion used to shun everything that did not benefit the war-machine. It stopped the growth of thought, of arts and ideas. But the Hesperians were not going to be like the Legion, they were going to understand and assimilate other beliefs and cultures. As for the success of the nation, a gentle hand was needed... while keeping a sharp machete.
  • Trigger country event “A Culture of Understanding”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperization Idea'

A Culture icon
A Culture
Hesperization is the term that indicate the acculturation, integration and assimilation of newly incorporated and peripheral populations by the Hegemony.
  • Trigger country event “A Culture”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperization Idea'

New Centurions icon
New Centurions
Centurions in the Legion were a mixed bunch, from men who were not truly fit to lead, to ambitious snakes and even worse. The Legion only valued martial prowress, but in our future Army, that is not what its wanted. We need men who think, who lead men from the front as well as from the back. Men who know that their soldiers are not inexpensive resources. We shall only allow the best of the best, to lead our armies into a Hegemonic Future.
  • Trigger country event “The New Centurions”
  • Scripted Effect: increase_hesperia=yes
Hesperian Legionaries icon
Hesperian Legionaries
They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them.
They are my bulwark against the profligates. They are the Defenders of the Hegemony.

They are my Legionaries and they shall know no fear.
  • Trigger country event “Remembering the Past”
  • Scripted Effect: increase_hesperia=yes
Hesperian Immunes icon
Hesperian Immunes
An army is not just a bunch of soldiers marching in a line. An army has serveral parts, like a machine. It needs cogs, it needs oil and it needs objects to do their duty without failing. That way, the machine moves fowards.

The Immunes are the Logisticans, the Technicians, the Doctors and even the janitors of the Hegemonic Army. Duty, honor and glory, even for those who do not risk their lives in battle.
  • If:
  • If:
    • Scripted Effect: increase_hesperia=yes
    • Limited to:
      • Has special_forces_tech_level_tribal technology researched
    • Add technology: special_forces_tech_level_settler
  • Changed the Way of Doing Things. (?


Studying the Bible icon
Studying the Bible
The Bible is the book that the Christians use, there are so many copies of it all over the wasteland that its easy to use it as a source of literacy. Teaching everyone to read, to follow the tenets of Christianity will help us improve the living standards of everyone.

A special group of theologists has been formed to deal with a new problem...
  • Trigger country event “Remembering the Legate”
  • Scripted Effect: boc_religion_change=yes
A Constitution? icon
A Constitution?
We, the representatives of the people of the Hegemony, gathered in the Hegemonic Senate by the will of the Hegemon who rules the Provinciaes which compose it, in fulfillment of pre-existing pacts, in order to form a national union, guarantee justice, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of order to ourselves, to our posterity, and to all men of the world who wish to dwell on Hegemonic soil, invoking the protection of Mars, source of all reason and justice: do ordain, decree, and establish this Constitution for the Hegemony.
  • Trigger country event “A Constitution?”
The Question of Citizenship icon
The Question of Citizenship
Article 2
Hesperian Nationality shall be defined by law.

Article 3
Hesperians shall be equal before the law. There shall be no discrimination between them as regards to their rights and duties on grounds of race, language or religion.

Article 4
The official language in the Hegemony is Hesperian.
  • Trigger country event “The Question of Citizenship?”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperian Constitution Idea'

The Matter of Women icon
The Matter of Women
The matter of Women in the Caesar's Legion sense of it has been quite the problem. Both of the twins have met and dealt with so many different adversaries, amongst them there were huge amounts of women. Even more than in Arizona, warrior queens, leaders of men and more. It was clear that for most people in the wastes equality or gender did not seem to matter. But for the Legion, for the future of the Hegemony, things were going to be explained. What was the Hegemon going to do with this matter?
  • Trigger country event “The Matter of Women”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperian Constitution Idea'

The Organization of the Hegemony icon
The Organization of the Hegemony
Article 27
The Hegemon is the Head of the State and is immune from any liability and responsibility.

Article 28
(g) The Hegemon attains his majority upon the completion of his eighteenth year according to the lunar calendar. If the reign devolves upon a person who is below this age, the powers of the Hegemon shall be exercised by a female member of the Ossum family, who shall have been appointed by a Hegemonic Decree by the reigning Hegemon. If the Hegemon dies without making such nomination, the Senate shall appoint the female member of the Ossum family.

(h) Should the Hegemon become unable to exercise his powers on account of illness, his powers shall be exercised by their wife or mother. The decision of which woman shall be appointed by a Hegemonic Decree. Should the Hegemon be unable to make such appointment, such shall be made by the Senate.
  • Trigger country event “The Organization of the Hegemony”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperian Constitution Idea'

Judicial Matters icon
Judicial Matters
Article 97
Judges are independent, and in the exercise of their judicial functions they are only subject to the authority of the Hegemon.

Article 99
The courts shall be divided into three categories:
(i) Civil Courts
(ii) Religious Courts
(iii) Special Courts

Article 102

The Civil Courts in the Hegemony shall have jurisdiction over all persons in all matters, civil and criminal, including cases brought by the Government, except those matters in respect of which jurisdiction is vested in Religious or Special Courts in accordance with the provisions of the present Constitution.
  • Trigger country event “Judicial Matters”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperian Constitution Idea'

The Matter of the Capital icon
The Matter of the Capital
Article 5
The city of [] is the capital of the Hegemony, but it may be transferred to another place by a special law.

Article 6
(a)The Two-headed Bull Flag is the State Flag of the Hegemony.
(b) The national flag is red with a golden two-headed bull in the centre.
(c)The national anthem is "Per aspera ad astra."
(d)The form and dimensions of the national symbols, the content of the text of the national anthem, and their use shall be regulated by law.
  • Trigger country event “The Matter of the Capital”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperian Constitution Idea'

Lex Hesperia icon
Lex Hesperia
His Majesty the Bone Centurion in the name of the Bone Cohort, His Majesty the The Sovereign of Hesperia, His Majesty the Caesar of the Legion, His Majesty the Dictator of California and Nevada, for those parts of the California which are south of the city of Dayglow, conclude an everlasting Federation for the protection of the territory of the Federation and the rights thereof, as well as to care for the welfare of the Hegemonic people. This Federation will bear the name "Hegemony" and is to have the following;

Article 1
The Hegemony is an independent sovereign state. (...)
  • Scripted Effect: develop_constitution_boc=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will change the 'Hesperian Constitution Idea' to its final form and it will remove the Hesperian Debate balance of power!

Learning from Old Books icon
Learning from Old Books
Books, not just the Bible, hold such an inmense knowdelge, even having the ability to read is one of the biggest survival skills one person can have. So we shall go ahead and make libraries, fill them with books, use our knowdelgeable slaves and peoples to improve our technology. We have seen what other groups can do, we have the same people working for us... Why couldnt we do it ourselves with a little training?
  • Add technology: tools_tech_level_settler
  • Trigger country event “Learning from old books”
Using Computers icon
Using Computers
Terminals, Computers, Airplanes... Technologies, forbidden by Caesar. But we do not care about that anymore. We need to improve ourselves, we shall not be like raiders who live in squalor. We shall learn and improve, for the betterment of our nation.
  • Trigger country event “Civilization and Barbarism”
  • Add technology: electronics_tech_level_settler
  • Add technology: air_tech_level_tribal
  • Scripted Effect: increase_automation=yes
Rediscovering Knowdelge icon
Rediscovering Knowdelge
We have learned through the books and old computers, that robots can be easily commanded to do other things for ourselves. From killing to building, but we shall not abuse such means. Even if a group of robots building real structures made of concrete and not tents is quite tempting...
  • Add technology: habitation_tech_level_settler
  • Add technology: robotics_tech_level_tribal
  • Scripted Effect: increase_automation=yes
A Modern Nation icon
A Modern Nation
The Hegemony will never be like the nations of the Old World, it wont make the same mistakes, it wont follow the same steps. They will find their own Hegemonic Way, and maybe, once everything as far the Hegemon can see is under their control... The World will be a better place.

A True Synthesis...
  • Scripted Effect: increase_automation=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boc_conscript_hesperia=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boc_aux_hesperia=yes
Synthesis icon
The combination of two nations to form a singular one, better, improved and without the flaws of the past.

A Pax Hesperia, Hesperian Peace for the true sovereign of the old american wastes has finally came to bring peace unto the world, an American Hegemony.
  • Set cosmetic tag to BOC_heg
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will remove the debuffs of 'The Hesperian Constitution' and 'State-Wide Hesperization' after ten years!

  • Scripted Effect: increase_hesperization=yes
  • Scripted Effect: develop_constitution_boc=yes
  • If:
  • If:
  • A Synthesis (?


Two Retards Fighting icon
Two Retards Fighting
Two sides fighting for the same thing.

The Hegemon

Dying and killing eachother under his name, for the Glory of the Hegemony and Hesperia.
Different ways of reaching the same goal.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
      • Country flag hesperian_civil_war_flag is set
  • set_truce
    • target = CES
    • days = 365
  • set_truce
    • target = NCR
    • days = 365
Wait and See icon
Wait and See
Lee Oliver was a firm believer of democracy and freedoms, something that many Californians have thought that [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] was going to destroy and remove...

But unlike Caesar, he had been doing his best at reaching a consensus, to find a way to make it all work. Maybe he was not the best ruler, but what was best for the Californians, was to beat and destroy those Arizonian savages.

For the Hegemon!

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • Scripted Effect: raise_tribals_civilwar=yes
    • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower
    • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Chaotic Conflicts”
Purpose and Virtue icon
Purpose and Virtue
Canyon Runner saw many empires rise and fall, ever since he had a consiouness, he had been a legionary. He fought for Caesar, He fought for [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and now...

Those damn Californians wanted to destroy the Legacy of Caesar, stopping the Synthesis from happening! All of the Legion heed to his words to finally put an end to the debauchery of the Californians.

For the Hegemon!

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of CES CES:
    • Scripted Effect: raise_tribals_civilwar=yes
    • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower
    • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Chaotic Conflicts”
A Pointless Affair icon
A Pointless Affair
Many would question what was the point of the civil War that ravaged the two states of Arizona and California for the second time...

The truth is, it shouldnt have happened.
Hesperian Civil War Scars icon
Hesperian Civil War Scars
  • Political Power Gain: −25%
  • Research Speed: −25%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: −50%
  • Experienced soldier losses: +50%
  • Custom modifier tooltip: You cannot remove this. The War should have never happened...
Scars that will never heal have made our nation become weaker and more divided, maybe these scars would never heal. But for now, we have to keep going. For the Hegemon...
The End of a Journey icon
The End of a Journey
"So, with happiness in my heart
Feel the best thing I could do
Is end it all and leave forever
What's done is done, it feels so good
What once was sad now is happy
I'll never see you again
My world is ending."
  • Trigger country event “A Trip Down Memory Lane”
Hannah of The Brotherhood icon
Hannah of The Brotherhood
Hannah, a Brotherhood of Steel member. The woman [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] chose to marry, was quite happy and cheerful of the things that her spouse had made. She helped him in any of the strategic decisions and even sparred with him in their free time. Nonetheless, she had been in a weird mood lately, remembering and thinking about the many Brotherhood slaves, paladins, scribes and knights that were in the cells all around the Cohort. Maybe, something could be done about it.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag boc_hannah_married is set
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has power_armour_tech_level_tribal technology researched
    • Add technology: power_armour_tech_level_settler
  • Else:
    • Add technology: power_armour_tech_level_tribal
  • Gain +100% research bonus (power_armor_bos_research) (2 uses) towards:
    • power_armor_tech_category
Ending the Brotherhood icon
Ending the Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of Steel.
Hannah spoke so much about it with her husband and now that the NCR was destroyed, that its smoldering ruins surrounded what was called the 'Lost Hills' bunker. She knew that deep inside it, the true Brotherhood, the original one sat and waited, plotting in the underground... and rather than dealing with their overground neighbor. We have fought heavily armored foes before, we have destroyed the midwestern expedition in Washington. We are simply going to take over and finally deal with these Bunker blues.
  • File:Bosnia.png Bosnia:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev = yes
The Reformers icon
The Reformers
The Reformers are truly the weird ones of the Brotherhood, they follow the ideas that the Brotherhood has completed its goal, that a society has risen from the ashes of Nuclear War and they shall submit to its authority. It used to be the NCR, but now its [BOC.Getname] let's integrate them into our nation and reap the benefits.
    • Gains core on Abruzzo (157)
    • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
      • Limited to:
        • At least one of the following is true:
          • Scripted Trigger: is_boc_bos_state=yes
      • Add the dynamic modifier “Light Brotherhood Control” to this state providing the following effects:
        • Local Manpower: −50%
        • Mobilization speed: −50%
        • Local Construction Speed: −25%
        • Local Factories: −25%
    • [Scope]Abruzzo (157):
      • Hidden effect:
        • Remove the dynamic modifier “Light Brotherhood Control”
      • Add the dynamic modifier “Brotherhood Controlled State” to this state providing the following effects:
        • Local Manpower: −80%
        • Mobilization speed: −90%
        • Local Construction Speed: −80%
        • Local Factories: −80%
      • [FROM.GetName] already has been enslaved. (?


    • Scripted Effect: boc_paladins=yes
    • [Scope]Abruzzo (157):
The Rhombians icon
The Rhombians
The Rhombians are the followers of Rhombus, a figure which wanted to open the Brotherhood to more wastelanders and seeked to reform the Brotherhood into a nation that would be the safeguard of knowledge of all the wastes, not simply hoard and keep it. To protect the wastelanders and to reform it.
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Steel Praetorians will become a puppet of [BOC.getname], with their capital Lost Hills and most of the Western Coastal states of California!
Brotherhood-[BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] Alliance? icon
Brotherhood-[BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] Alliance?
The lower levels of the Bunker were still sealed, most of the Elders and remaining brotherhood members hid and bide their time there. The Legionaries pounded on the doors and prepared to block the air vents or fill them with smoke, to simply and utterly make a coffin of the bunker. But before the sealing began, the doors opened and the Elders came with their white flags, to save their children and future.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc who the.png No Strings On Us
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • File:Bosnia.png Bosnia:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • Trigger country event “The End of the Brotherhood”
Those Evil Tin Cans icon
Those Evil Tin Cans
Power Armour, so much of it. Full storage areas filled with those suits. Even in our Cohort, we had parts of them from defeated Washingtonians and other nations. But the hoard of the Brotherhood is inexplicable, why should we let it rust? To go into ruin? What about those huge stockpiles of equipment? Let's use them. They used to call the Brotherhood 'Those Evil Tin men'... let's show them true evil.
  • 500 units of File:America.png America power_armor_equipment_3 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 125 units of File:America.png America energy_fireteam_equipment_4 is added to the national Stockpile
  • 125 units of File:America.png America ballistic_fireteam_equipment_4 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain +75% research bonus (power_armor_bos_research) (2 uses) towards:
    • power_armor_tech_category
Our Own Brotherhood Scribes icon
Our Own Brotherhood Scribes
Caesar made all Brotherhood members of Arizona part of the Cult of Vulcan, he used those scribes for those nefarious means. We shall integrate them, be women or men into our field squads. Men and women with knowledge of technology, with medical skills and the right equipment for us to beat our enemies. They shall not be separated and chained, for they know the secrets of the old world.
  • add_ideas = ach_idea_scribes
  • Add technology: scribes_unlock_tech
The Recruit Squires icon
The Recruit Squires
A Brotherhood Squire is a child, teenager or young person who is in the training to become a full fledged member of the Brotherhood, be it a knight or a scribe. With our conquest of Lost hills, they shall be used in our cohors, these smart and well trained young men shall be used to reinforce our armies... and who knows, maybe they will soon become our first Steel-Praetorian Centurions.
  • Gain Manpower 1 500 Manpower
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Recruitment Drive!” for 150 days
Recruitment Drive! icon
Recruitment Drive!
  • Division Recovery Rate: −5%
  • Mobilization speed: −75%
  • Weekly Manpower: +75
Praetorians of a New Age icon
Praetorians of a New Age
The Steel-Praetorians are the new name for the Brotherhood of Steel, our own guardians of Knowledge and protectors of Technology. They will advise our people, they shall take care of the most dangerous tech and they will be loyal to the Hegemon and only the Hegemon personally. Not the Hegemony in itself or anyone.
  • add_ideas = ach_fort_hood_secrets
  • 250 units of File:America.png America power_armor_equipment_4 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain +100% research bonus (power_armor_bos_research) (2 uses) towards:
    • power_armor_tech_category
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has power_armour_tech_level_settler technology researched
    • Add technology: power_armour_tech_level_settler
  • Else:
    • Add technology: power_armour_tech_level_ad
Hesperian Science icon
Hesperian Science
insert stuff about tech good, tribal bad.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Scripted Effect: boc_remove_tribals=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will unlock a few decisions to improve your tech levels with caps and time in the following categories:

-Special Ops -Infantry -Support -Industry -Habitation -Exploitation!

  • Custom effect tooltip: This will REMOVE all your tribal techs and your access to them!
Bone Research and Development icon
Bone Research and Development
so you want to rule the world...
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will unlock even more decisions to improve your tech levels with caps and time in the following categories

-Vehicles -Power Armour -Air -Robotics -Electronics -Naval

  • Gain 1 research slot
The Northern Flank icon
The Northern Flank
Caesar gave us a mission. We will complete it. We will help the Legion in their attack, the NCR will crumble like a paper and finally we will be reunited with our brethen to the south.

True to Mars!
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Requires the following:
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Flag of CES CES:
      • Has leader “CES_caesar”
      • Is at war with Flag of NCR NCR
    • After January 1 of 2280
    • Is at war with Flag of NCR NCR
  • Trigger country event “Render Onto Caesar”
  • Flag of NCR NCR:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war = yes
  • File:FOU.png FOU:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war = yes
  • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes
  • File:PAC.png PAC:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war = yes
  • File:EUR.png EUR:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war = yes
  • If:

The NCR is weak and pitiful, it has entered a civil war, thus we get extra wargoals!

    • File:Regno del Sud.png Regno del Sud:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war = yes
    • File:BON.png BON:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war = yes
  • If:
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • Decrease variable CES_stress_level by 5
  • Hidden effect:
    • scoped_play_song = Genghis_Khan
Open up the Eastern Front icon
Open up the Eastern Front
The Bear is well entrenched, but the Nevada is weak! We shall destroy the Bear's backyard and surprise them!
We will be victorious!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Will unlock decisions to get wargoals on Western and Southern Nevada nations.

These decisions will appear on the Borealis's Desk category and if you own a puppet in northern California, you will transfer your conquest to it.

Focus on Defense icon
Focus on Defense
We could focus our efforts in defense, with ideas from Pacis, we can develop a scheme to fight the NCR in our own turf if needed... But we lack the industry and manpower of them, this can only work once and then we would be back at our starting point.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of CES CES exists
A Defensive Cohort? icon
A Defensive Cohort?
  • Factory Repair Speed: +20%
  • Free repair: +10%
  • Land Fort construction speed: +25%
  • (Flag of NCR NCR) Defense bonus against country: +15%
  • Custom effect tooltip: available_high_command
  • BOC_pacis_advisor , which grants
    • Peace Guardian
      • Entrenchment speed: +5%
      • Division Defense on core territory: +5%
      • Max Entrenchment: +2
Californian Traitors icon
Californian Traitors
The Californians throught their expansion and imperialism, have made many enemies, mostly from tribal communities and less democratic settlements. We can use support from them, to raise our numbers in this time of need!
  • Scripted Effect: boc_increase_conscription_law=yes
  • Scripted Effect: boc_infantry_reward=yes
  • Gets the outsider_recruitment_laws File:Idea unknown.png “Profligates?!”
A Bone Navy icon
A Bone Navy
We will never match the other nations in shipbuilding abilities, after all, the Legion always has been a land force... But we could prepare docks to build enough ships to be a deterrence and maybe, send some naval invasions if needed.
  • [Scope]Alpes (32):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_1_dockyards = yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
    • Add 2 Naval base Naval Base, on the province (5005)
  • [Scope]New York (358):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_1_dockyards = yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
    • Add 2 Naval base Naval Base, on the province (7064)
  • [Scope]Poznan (86):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_1_dockyards = yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
    • Add 2 Naval base Naval Base, on the province (1748)
Pacific Shipyards icon
Pacific Shipyards
Arizona was in the middle of a desert and now, the Legion owns the west Coast, Texas and the Atlantic are on our sights! From sea to shining sea!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_2_dockyards = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_2_dockyards = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • is_valid_state_for_2_dockyards = yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
  • Gain +50% research bonus (3 uses) towards:
    • naval_tech_category
The March South icon
The March South
Its time to tell Caesar that our mission has been completed.
"A job well done" written in the blood of profligates.


  • Custom effect tooltip: [ROOT.GetFlag][ROOT.GetName] will peacefully integrates into [CES.GetFlag][CES.GetName], transferring troops, generals, factories and land over to our new unified legion.


    • Trigger country event “Return To Caesar What Is Caesar's”
  • Else:
    • Trigger country event “Return To Caesar What Is Caesar's”
[BOC_hespe_legio] New Mexico icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] New Mexico
The Butcher's domain, his own 'Oregon' now will belong to us. All of it.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc the twins.png New World Hopes
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every New Mexican State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Barents Sea (46)
        • State is in strategic area Region15
        • State is in strategic area Iberian Coast (47)
        • State is in strategic area Norwegian Sea (45)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Utah icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Utah
Caesar tried to woo two tribes in Utah, neither one managed to take over New Caanan. Lets show them how its done.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • [Scope]Tehran (266):
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Utahn State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Transvolga (40)
        • State is in strategic area Eastern Poland (39)
        • State is in strategic area Western Poland (38)
        • State is in strategic area Benelux Region (5)
        • State is in strategic area Middle East (28)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Texas icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Texas
Texas... The way to the East. What we shall find in the many forts and cities of the rich Lone Star State?
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc the twins.png New World Hopes
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Texan State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • is_texan_state = yes
        • State is in strategic area North Central Pacific (111)
        • State is in strategic area Far South Pacific (112)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Nebraska icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Nebraska
Lands of Plague and Corn, devastation and madness, lets clear them for once and for all.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc the twins.png New World Hopes
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Nebraskan State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Argentine Coast (63)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Colorado icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Colorado
Rich and Powerful, the Colorado state is rightful land of the Legion. We shall finish what Lanius should have done.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc the twins.png New World Hopes
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: every_colorado_state
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Bay of Biscay (42)
        • State is in strategic area Western Approaches (43)
        • State is in strategic area Denmark Strait (44)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Wyoming icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Wyoming
Wyomig, Caesar almost send us there, we heard the talks. Lets conquer that forgotten state once for all.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Wyomingite State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Newfoundland Sea (55)
        • State is in strategic area Western Siberia (151)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Montana icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Montana
Brotherhoods... Enclave... Relics of the old World, lets bring true Civilization to Montana.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Montanan State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Philippines (160)
        • State is in strategic area Borneo (159)
        • State is in strategic area Gulf Of Guinea (62)
        • State is in strategic area South American coast (108)
        • State is in strategic area Central America (34)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Dakota icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Dakota
Nuclear silos and tribals with horses, nothing truly worth our time remains in these lands, but its ours by Mars right of conquest.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Dakotan State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Eastern North Sea (173)
        • State is in strategic area Pacific Line Ridge (172)
        • State is in strategic area Central Pacific (175)
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Mexico icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Mexico
The Lands of Titans, now with its old 'God' truly gone, its ripe for conquest. Aztecs, Itza, Republicans, they are all the same meat to me.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc the twins.png New World Hopes
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: every_mexican_state
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • State is owned by our country
      • is_mexico_state = yes
    • Is claimed by our country
[BOC_hespe_legio] Canada icon
[BOC_hespe_legio] Canada
The Cold frigid north of Canada, it belongs to us. Borders do not exist anymore and these pesky profilgates will finally learn what order truly means.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc flank.png The Northern Flank
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every Canadian State
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • State is in strategic area Northern India (153)
        • State is in strategic area Sunda Islands (158)
        • State is in strategic area Iceland (161)
        • State is in strategic area Afghanistan (162)
        • State is in strategic area Amazonas (163)
        • State is in strategic area Eastern China (164)
        • State is in strategic area Southern China (165)
        • State is in strategic area Hudson Bay (166)
        • State is in strategic area New Guinea (167)
        • State is in strategic area Adriatic Sea (168)
        • State is in strategic area Tyrrhenian Sea (169)
        • State is in strategic area Florida Coast (170)
        • State is in strategic area Northwest Coast (171)
    • Is claimed by our country
No Strings On Us icon
No Strings On Us
"We can do whatever we want."

"We are masters of our own Destiny."

A man chooses, a slave obeys...


  • Found Mother! (?


  • Chosen a new Path! (?


  • Trigger country event “A New Way?”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

[BOC.GetFlag][BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] will leave [CES.GetFlag][CES.GetName], as he knows that the east does not hold his 'leash' anymore.

  • Hidden effect:
    • leave_current_faction = yes
    • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
  • Flag of CES CES:
    • set_truce
      • target = BOC
      • days = 365
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Idea unknown.png “Caesar's Loyal Orthros”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

A man chooses, a slave obeys...

  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
A Merciful Legion? icon
A Merciful Legion?
To be Merciful is not to be weak, those who fight for us shall be always appreciated, for they risk their lives for [BOC.Getleader] and for The Bone Cohort.
Lets recruit those NCRA men who are worth our time and effort.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc who the.png No Strings On Us
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of CES CES exists
  • Trigger country event “The NCR Exiles”
  • Scripted Effect: boc_socii_increase=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will increase the chances of the Socii of the Legion siding with us.

An Equal Adversary icon
An Equal Adversary
The Wars and Foes that the [BOC.getname] have been so different and utterly complicated in ways that the [CES.getname] would never understand. We are equal foes, forged in the hellish landscape of the wasteland and by blood of Mars.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc who the.png No Strings On Us
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Is at war with Flag of CES CES
A Brother's War icon
A Brother's War
  • (Flag of CES CES) Attack bonus against country: +10%
  • (Flag of CES CES) Defense bonus against country: +10%
Legionaries against Legionaries. A Legion born under the scorching Arizonian Sun versus a Cohort born under the skulls and bones of their enemies.
  • Scripted Effect: boc_socii_increase=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will increase the chances of the Socii of the Legion siding with us.

The Courier of the Mojave icon
The Courier of the Mojave
"There is no future in the Bear or Bull. The Bear is diseased, barely clings to life. And the Bull... when the Legion reaches the sea, it will turn on itself and die. Killing one will end both."

"And that is why I am helping you."
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Create an operative named “Courier Six” with nationality Flag of VEG VEG, Flag of CES CES, File:Borealis Cohort.png Borealis Cohort and recruit them
      • operative_smooth_talker
      • operative_heavyweight
      • operative_speech
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Will unlock decisions to get wargoals on eastern Nevada and Utah nations. These decisions will appear on the Borealis's Desk category.

  • Scripted Effect: boc_socii_increase=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This focus will increase the chances of the Socii of the Legion siding with us.

The Frumentarii of Australis icon
The Frumentarii of Australis
  • Counter intelligence: +0.25
  • Operative slots: +2
  • Intel network strength gain factor: +20%
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −15%
The Socii of the Legion icon
The Socii of the Legion
The Navajo and Two Sun have been allies of the Legion as long as [BOC.getleader] knows, they are loyal and faithful...

But what the [CES.getname] has in brutality and genocide, the [BOC.getname] has in pragmatism and equality. Lets us send an offer towards them!
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc who the.png No Strings On Us
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Is at war with Flag of CES CES
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will send an offer to the Subjects of the Legion, if we have done the other focuses, the chances of them joining our New Hegemony Increase!
  • Scripted Effect: boc_socii_chances=yes
The Sovereign of the West icon
The Sovereign of the West
Thirteen tribes could not beat him. Eighty Seven tribes under a Legion could not beat him. Neither Brotherhoods nor Republics, stood against him.

What hope has anyone against [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName], The Sovereign of the West?
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Has completed national focus File:Boc who the.png No Strings On Us
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Requires the following:
  • Has completed national focus File:Boc northwest.png “All Roads Lead to Bone”
  • Flag of CES CES:
    • all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere = yes

If both (or one) of The Navajo and Two Sun are in your faction, you will annex them!

Arizona in Flames icon
Arizona in Flames
The Legion had controlled Arizona for decades, [BOC.GetName] was a different kind of Legion. It was not the same, even if the same foundations were there. It was going to take a while for all the administrative and bureaucratic matters to finish changing. Nevertheless, most of the Legionaries, those who did not kill themselves and chose to at least continue a resistance against the Hegemony, were going to be put down, sooner or later. But in the meanwhile, Arizona would not be the best place to stay at.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag boc_ces_conquered is set
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Arizonian state under our control.

  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
    • Resistance: +10%
Grab the Bull by the Horns icon
Grab the Bull by the Horns
Aurelius, Lucius, Lanius, Malpais and Vulpes, those were the leaders, the ones that would have replaced Caesar. But not anymore. They are remains of an old order. Lets bring them to the first Arizonian Hegemonic 'Court'. Where [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] will be its judge and executioner.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Arizonian state under our control.

<div style="display:flex; align-items:center;" id="Arizona Burns! ">Arizona Burns! icon
Arizona Burns!
  • Stability: −25%
  • Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: −20%
  • Resistance Target: +20%
  • Resistance Decay Speed: −20%
  • Compliance Growth Speed: −20%
  • Garrison Penetration Chance: +20%
  • Damage to Garrisons: +20%
  • Resistance Activity Chance: +20%
Our friends in Two Sun icon
Our friends in Two Sun
The Cult of Nas was a calming sight for [BOC.BOC_BOREALIS.GetName] and Australis, the Hegemon had gone south many times and his skill in driving was deep in his blood and ancestors, so seeing the grand roads of Two Sun were a wonderful sight. They were going to have a race, a race with the old leader of them, Will Faster.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Two Sun state under our control.

  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Flag of TWO TWO:
        • Is in the same faction as our country
    • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Else:
    • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
      • Limited to:
        • At least one of the following is true:
          • Is a core state of Flag of TWO TWO
      • Compliance:+30%
Navajo Integration icon
Navajo Integration
The Navajo were integral to the development of [BOC.getname] they were the basis of the new world that the Twins were shaping. Not total and oppresive control over big nations or tribes, but rather a peaceful and slow assimilation.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Navajo state under our control.

  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
We are Legion icon
We are Legion
We are Legion, because we are many. The Bible mentioned in a passage. We are not the old Legion, the army who scoured the lands, plundering without care and respect. We are the Hegemony, lead by our Hegemon, pushing fowards into a new and brighter future. We are Legion, because we are many, many peoples, many cultures and many beliefs all forced to be together and work things out.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Arizonian state under our control.

<div style="display:flex; align-items:center;" id="Arizonan Embers ">Arizonan Embers icon
Arizonan Embers
  • Stability: −10%
  • Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: −5%
  • Resistance Target: +5%
  • Resistance Decay Speed: −5%
  • Compliance Growth Speed: −5%
  • Garrison Penetration Chance: +5%
  • Damage to Garrisons: +5%
  • Resistance Activity Chance: +5%
California on Fire icon
California on Fire
The Bear is dying, blood pouring from every gaping hole, yet he stands defiant, fighting us back. Its claws try to hit the Bull as it prepares for another strike, to gore its horns deep inside the organs of the Bear. Caesar might have all the might of the East to control the South. But we lack the means to effectively control the North.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Country flag boc_ncr_conquered is set
      • Country flag reveal_boc is set
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Californian state under our control.

  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_boc_californian_state=yes
    • Resistance: +10%
Cutting a Bear's Head icon
Cutting a Bear's Head
After some consideration, we cannot enslave every single old citizen of the NCR, we need to reach agreements with which settlements and peoples would be enslaved and who will be spared. By killing and enslaving every single one of the old Northern Californian goverment officials, we shall cut the Bear's head and its head-less body will keep on living, until we can put a new head on it. A bull's head.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Californian state under our control.

<div style="display:flex; align-items:center;" id="California Burns! ">California Burns! icon
California Burns!
  • Stability: −25%
  • Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: −20%
  • Resistance Target: +20%
  • Resistance Decay Speed: −20%
  • Compliance Growth Speed: −20%
  • Garrison Penetration Chance: +20%
  • Damage to Garrisons: +20%
  • Resistance Activity Chance: +20%
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_boc_californian_state=yes
    • Resistance: +20%
Californian Barons icon
Californian Barons
The Californian Barons are the true lords of the NCR, they own the land, they have control of the production of the NCR's biggest money producing goods. Food itself. And thus, they will need to be dealt with accordingly. Let's arrange a meeting with all of them. And this meeting is not voluntary.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Californian state under our control.

  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_boc_californian_state=yes
    • Resistance: +20%
  • Trigger country event “The Californian Barons”
People of California icon
People of California
The Californian people were utterly useless, disgusting in the eyes of the Twins. They were weak-willed people, who only a small few gave martial matters the importance that they should have.
Its time to change... our views.
  • Custom effect tooltip: This focus will affect every Californian state under our control.

  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_boc_californian_state=yes
    • Compliance:+20%
  • Trigger country event “The Californian People”
Calida Fornax icon
Calida Fornax
Californians, just like the People of Oregon, were lost and shambling in their own ideals and morality. [BOC.getname] gave them purpose, a new outlook and a new way of living.
Maybe in a few decades, they will become the ideal subjects of the nation. For the meanwhile, the Twins can be content that they had managed to keep Northern California under their control.
<div style="display:flex; align-items:center;" id="Californian Embers ">Californian Embers icon
Californian Embers
  • Stability: −10%
  • Offensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: −5%
  • Resistance Target: +5%
  • Resistance Decay Speed: −5%
  • Compliance Growth Speed: −5%
  • Garrison Penetration Chance: +5%
  • Damage to Garrisons: +5%
  • Resistance Activity Chance: +5%
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_boc_californian_state=yes
    • Resistance: −40%
Slavery is a State of Mind icon
Slavery is a State of Mind
We are not savages, we will give the offer of being enslaved or killed to our defeated enemies. The Cohort will provide and show them that our cause is just and rightful.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “Meeting the Road Warrior”
To Shatter a Hand icon
To Shatter a Hand
Shatterhand is one of the best warlords that the Bone Dancers ever had, of course we are going to ask him kindly...
  • Trigger country event “To Shatter a Hand”
Breaking a Skull icon
Breaking a Skull
Cranium has been a disgrace, his ideas about the 'Road Warrior' are quite useless and he has no use for us. Let his bones become part of a new mighty throne.
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This Focus will be completed depending the choices in the previous National Focus.

Road Warrior of the '84 icon
Road Warrior of the '84
Cranium is a Road Warrior. A slave to be used and he is very glad to serve under us, bringing out new technologies which will improve our vehicles.
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This Focus will be completed depending the choices in the previous National Focus.

The Chief of the Shoshone icon
The Chief of the Shoshone
Techki has been chief of the Shoshone for as long as most Shoshone can remember.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Chieftain of the Shoshone”
The Chemult Mercenary icon
The Chemult Mercenary
The Leader of the Chemults is a man named Acri, he is a very known and skilled general that could be put to use... and he has a very smart sister.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Mercenary from Chemult”
The Trapper from Klamath icon
The Trapper from Klamath
Slim Picket knows everything about traps and Geckos, his abilities will help the Cohort, so his people wouldnt suffer as much.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Trapper of Klamath”
The Timberline Pathfinder icon
The Timberline Pathfinder
Bunyan leads the best scouts and pathfinders in this side of the wasteland, he will be a great asset for our future conquests.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Timberline Pathfinder”
The Rib Breaker icon
The Rib Breaker
Doras is the name given to the leader of the Rib Breakers, he willingly came to us to offer his services due our shared Heritage.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Rib Breaker”
The Marrow Drinker Queen icon
The Marrow Drinker Queen
A crazed, senseless and at worst, woman who thinks that she is some kind of character from a comic book. The Bone Centurion did not need to think twice.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “Holding A Mirror To The Gorgon”
The First of the Troll Warren icon
The First of the Troll Warren
Supermutants were frickle things. Most of them were dumb, imbeciles even. But the First and his lieutenants werent the same. They were willing to follow the strongest leader... and guess who it was.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The First of the Troll Warren”
The Prophet of the Apostles icon
The Prophet of the Apostles
The man called Vadim is quite unremarkable, but he has a very nice way with words, he shall serve as one of our wandering preachers. Exile is nothing new to him.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Become a Legate (?


    • Trigger country event “The Prophet of the Apostles”
The Pirate Queen of Port Maw icon
The Pirate Queen of Port Maw
A woman who isnt too mad, too crazy or too humble? She will make a nice slave, as she knows her trade pretty well.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Pirate Queen of Port Maw”
The Chosen One icon
The Chosen One
We have managed to find the 'Chosen One' in one of the empty roads. They are waiting for us. They wish to speak to the Bone Centurion.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “A Highwayman's End”
The Father of the Anointed icon
The Father of the Anointed
Amon is a shriverling old man whose good years are over. Yet he keeps talking about his one true god. Let show him the way.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Father of the Anointed”
The Presbyter of Murtaugh icon
The Presbyter of Murtaugh
Ann had better days, now an aging woman is quite worthless for the Legion, but her ideas of Christian Reformation are quite interesting. If she chooses to follow us, she could be useful.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Presbyter of Murtaugh”
The Ghoul of the Old Country icon
The Ghoul of the Old Country
Grozdan is a ghoul of the Pre-War world, quite the diplomat and logistic genius, so we will give him a quite nice offer to save his people.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Ghoul of the Old Country”
The PMC of the Wardens icon
The PMC of the Wardens
One would really start to question what was really happening in the Northwest, Bone Dancers were PMCs, Chemults were PMCS and these Wardens were also PMCs...
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “A Warden for the North”
The Three Rotpurgers icon
The Three Rotpurgers
Mutants from a Vault. They used to have three leaders, but which one ended winning?
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Unlocked New Abilities! (?


    • Trigger country event “A Chance of Encounter”
  • Else:
    • Trigger country event “The Three Rotpurgers”
The Saint of Heaven's Gate icon
The Saint of Heaven's Gate
Michael is just another Christian, another beliver of the wrong faith and he wont submit.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Saint of Heaven's Gate”
A Rebel without a Cause icon
A Rebel without a Cause
The leader of the so called 'True Washington Brotherhood' is a man named Abel, he will of course not submit to 'Tyrants'. We all know what is going to happen.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “A Rebel without a Cause”
The Immortal of Washington icon
The Immortal of Washington
The so called 'Immortal' was the leader of the Washington Brotherhood, our scouts have found his last hidden space and the Bone Centurion himself is going to meet him.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_never is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus will autocomplete once a certain events or actions are completed.
    • No Never
  • Trigger country event “The Immortal of Washington”
The Oregon Trails icon
The Oregon Trails
Ancient pioneers used to seek out this land - we are wasting it. Let us try to rebuild what was once lost.
  • Allow Branch if:
    • Country flag BOC_victory is set
  • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power
Legion Foundries icon
Legion Foundries
Machetes make for good profilgate cutting'
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_arms_factory = yes
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
Improved Legion Workshops icon
Improved Legion Workshops
Machete Gladiuses? They are sharper, after all.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 1
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
Masterwork Legion Artisans icon
Masterwork Legion Artisans
Men from the South come to our lands to increase our arms production!
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 1
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
Improved Tools icon
Improved Tools
By using rocks to sharpen our tools we can make them even better!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory = yes
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Gain Political Power 10 Political Power
Artisan Tools icon
Artisan Tools
We found a few old holotapes that seem to detail how to make proper old world weapons!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories = yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Gain Political Power 10 Political Power
Wasteland Tools icon
Wasteland Tools
We have found a cache of old world tools!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_3_civilian_factories = yes
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 3 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Gain Political Power 10 Political Power
Thriving in the Wastes icon
Thriving in the Wastes
With our new tools and weapons we are thriving pretty well in Oregon, all things considered.
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 2
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories = yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Military Factory
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories = yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
Oregon Scrapyards icon
Oregon Scrapyards
There is much to work, so much metal to gather.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 25
  • add_caps = yes
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 8 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_METAL
Clean Water icon
Clean Water
The most important thing for a slave wellbeing is water, lets improve our trade of water.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 150
  • add_caps = yes
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 6 Water PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_WATER
Northwest Commonwealth Army Caches icon
Northwest Commonwealth Army Caches
The people who lived here seemed to store a good deal of things - likely in preparation for some sort of perceived invasion from a enemy across the sea?
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 25
  • add_caps = yes
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 8 Energy PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_ENERGY
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 8 Circuitry PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_CIRCUITRY
Old Commonwealth Roads icon
Old Commonwealth Roads
The old roads that used to link up the nation that existed in these lands are pretty well done.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has fewer than 8 InfrastructureInfrastructure
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Roadside Communities icon
Roadside Communities
Local merchants are starting to build little trading posts on the sides of the City States, selling their goods and serving as local community hubs.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has fewer than 9 InfrastructureInfrastructure
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Invite Southern Traders icon
Invite Southern Traders
By inviting traders from the south we can improve the riches of our people.
  • Gain 7.5% Stability Stability
Legion Training icon
Legion Training
We need to train for battle all the time! That way we will always be ready.
  • Gain Army experience 25 Army Experience
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Add Logistics Skill: 1
Metal Detectors icon
Metal Detectors
Our scouts have procured a new tool - a "Metal Detector", we can use this to detect metal and scrap even underground!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 5 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_METAL
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 5 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_METAL
Local Communities icon
Local Communities
The communities that have sprung up here are numerous and plenty.
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has fewer than 8 InfrastructureInfrastructure
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Add production of 3 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_METAL
Skyscrapers of the Northwest icon
Skyscrapers of the Northwest
Even the skyscrapers are starting to be reclaimed! Few can rival us if we settle in the greatest citadels of the old world!
  • Decrease variable boc_slaves_var by 5
  • Increase variable boc_slave_mil_factory_limit by 5
    • Variable Tooltip: This will increase the limit of Slave Workshops in Nova Borea by 5!

  • Scripted Effect: reduce_cohort_state=yes
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has fewer than 7 InfrastructureInfrastructure
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
    • Add 4 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Add production of 4 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) PRODUCTION_MATERIALS_METAL