Equine technologies

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Equine technologies, or Pony technologies is a group of technologies in the fields of Horses, Friendship, Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness,Honesty, Generosity, Love, Magic, Ponies, Magical Creatures and Weapons of mass destruction. The technologies in this category offer a range of percentage bonuses as well as new and improved Equipment for normal and heavy infantry, special forces and power armour divisions.

Technologies can be gained by Researching them, or by completing a Focus or an Event.

Tooltip for the research screen: A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.

Interactive technology tree

Techtree bg horse technology.png
Friendship language tech icon.png
Friendship language tech icon 2.png
Element loyalty icon.png
Element loyalty icon 2.png
Unicorn tech icon.png
File:Element laughter icon.png
Element laughter icon 2.png
Pegasus tech icon.png
Ponykind tech icon.png
Earth pony tech icon.png
Horse tech icon.png
Element kindness.png
File:Element kindness 2.png
Element magic icon.png
Element magic icon 2.png
Pacification beam tech icon.png
Orbital friendship cannon tech icon.png
Element honesty icon.png
Element honesty icon 2.png
Gryphon tech icon.png
Reformation tech icon.png
Dragon tech icon.png
Element generosity icon.png
Element generosity icon 2.png
Changeling tech icon.png
Love letters tech icon.png
Love letters tech icon 2.png


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Horse tech icon.png Long live Friendship Friendship
  • Weekly Stability: +0.10%
My Little Horse, My Little Horse, What is friendship all about? ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Friendship language tech icon.png Friendship Language Friendship
  • Encryption: +1.00
  • Counter Inteligence: +1.00
If you speak in strange ways only your friends understand, then you have mastered the art of secrets. ---

Friendship language tech icon 2.png Advanced Friendship Language Friendship
  • Encryption: +1.00
  • Counter Inteligence: +1.00
At least until even your friends do not understand you anymore. ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Element loyalty icon.png Loyalty Friendship
  • Division Organization: +10.0%
Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible. ---

Element loyalty icon 2.png Advanced Loyalty Friendship
  • Army Organization Regain: +10.0%
20% Cooler. ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
File:Element laughter icon.png Laughter Friendship
  • Weekly War Support: +0.10%
Eternal Chaos comes with Chocolate Rain, You guys, CHOCOLATE RAIN!! ---

Element laughter icon 2.png Advanced Laughter Friendship
  • Weekly War Support: +0.10%
Let's do this Pinkie Pie style. ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Element kindness.png Kindness Friendship
  • Monthly Population: +25.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%
I'd like to be a tree. ---

File:Element kindness 2.png Advanced Kindness Friendship
  • Monthly Population: +25.0%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%
You're going to LOVE ME! ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Element honesty icon.png Honesty Friendship
  • Factory Output: +10.0%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.0%
Being honest might not get you a lot of friends. But it'll always get you the right ones. ---

Element honesty icon 2.png Advanced Honesty Friendship
  • Factory Output: +10.0%
  • Dockyard Output: +10.0%
Dear Princess Celestia, I didn't learn anything, I was right all along. ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Element generosity icon.png Generosity Friendship
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
Best pone, nuff said. ---

Element generosity icon 2.png Advanced Generosity Friendship
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20
Of all the things that could have happened, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Love letters tech icon.png Love Letters Friendship
  • Encryption: +1.00
  • Intel network strength gain factor: +20%
Dear Princess Celestia..... ---

Love letters tech icon 2.png Advanced Love Letters Friendship
  • Encryption: +1.00
  • Intel network strength gain factor: +20%
Today I learned that guns hurt. ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Element magic icon.png Magic Friendship
  • Division Attack on core territory: +10.0%
  • Division Defence on core territory: +10.0%
Books, Books, books, booooooks, BOOKS, BOOOOOOKS Booksortcation. Needs only one prerequizite technology, even though the tech tree shows as if it needs all.

Element magic icon 2.png Elements of Harmony Friendship
  • Production Efficiency Cap: +10.00%
  • Production Efficiency Base: +20.00%
  • Lack of Resources Penalty: -50.00%
You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the...the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth Element: The Element of...Magic! ---


Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Ponykind tech icon.png Ponykind Friendship
  • Recruitable Population: 2.00%
Living peacefully and in harmony within Equestria. Productive, prosperous and in love with Friendship. ---

Pegasus tech icon.png Pegasi Friendship
Infantry.png Army
Max Speed: +10.0%
Rulers of the sky, fast, nimble and capable of weather manipulation. Don't mess with them. ---

Unicorn tech icon.png Unicorns Friendship
Infantry.png Army
Hard Attack: +10.0%
Piercing: +20.0%
Snobby and sophisticated, but also capable of magic. There when you need them or not. Arguably the most powerful of the three pony races. ---

Earth pony tech icon.png Earth Ponies Friendship
  • Factory Output: +20.0%
  • Dockyard Output: +20.0%
Hardworking and with a deep connection to the land. They work even the most dire desert into a blooming orchard of juicy apples. ---

Magical Creatures

Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Reformation tech icon.png Nobody is beyond Redemption Friendship
  • Recruitable Population: 2.00%
Even the most vile creature can be brought to endorse and love friendship. Given enough Rainbow beams. ---

Gryphon tech icon.png Gryphons Friendship
Infantry.png Army
Soft attack: +5.0%
Proud solitary creatures that love themselves above all else. The typical schoolyard bully ---

Changeling tech icon.png Changelings Friendship
  • Resistance in our states occupied by the enemy: +50.0%
Insectoid creatures that are capable of shapeshitting into what ever form they wish. Feeding of the love of others like parasites. ---

Dragon tech icon.png Dragons Friendship
Infantry.png Army
Hardness: +10.0%
Armor: +10.0%
Big, solitary and with a firey breath. Don't mess with them. ---

Weapons of mass destruction

Technology Level Effects Description Notes
Pacification beam tech icon.png Rainbow Pacification Beam Friendship
  • Ressistance Target: -10.00%
  • Daily Compliance gain: +0.05%
I carry within me the most powerful magic of all! Rainbow pacification Beams! ---

Orbital friendship cannon tech icon.png Orbital Friendship Cannon Friendship
  • Division Attack: +15.0%
Nuff said, evaporates any unfriendly in 3 seconds flat. ---