Old World Blues patch 1.0.26

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Update 1.0.26 was released on April 12, 2018.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.

Updated OWB to 1.5.2

New ship names for the following nations: SKY, SOR, TCA, THO, TOB, TOC, TTM,

AI Strategy Bugfix

Fixed the army_morale_factor modifier in adaptive_learning to actually work and not be misspelled.

Fixed NCR not being able to switch to total mobilized as a focus was named wrong in the trigger.

Fixed Generic Raider focus not giving the power armor equipment from focus.

Fixed Reno having abandon in their focus tree as it did nothing and put stuff that should do the same thing.

Changed some stuff so the new capital focus for enclave actually did something instead of just being there for shits and giggles.

Fixed vegas focus tree complaining about having a invalid idea for papa_khan

Changed the focus for a valid_war_triggers.txt scripted trigger as the focus in there was commented out so put something else that did the same thing.

Fixed incorrectly spelled war goals in hooverdam.txt and nf_mormons.txt events.

Fixed a misspelled transfer_troops in the april fools events.

Made it so only the Western BOS can see their custom conscription laws.

Made it so a Crucified Lucius can't be in your cabinet or a military leader.

Fixed a description for the vault city focus vault_brain_1 not showing due to it being misspelled.

Localization for a new custom_trigger_tooltip to inform people of Lucius not being available after crucification.

Fixed some dds files being named .DDS instead of .dds which breaks them in the gfx files.

Changed Desert Rangers BOS cosmetic localisation to actually apply the name to them.

Split “Drums in the West” into two focuses to stop Troll Warren commiting ritualistic suicide every game.

Nerfed Marrow Drinkers OOB

Nerfed Yakuza OOB

Fixed newspaper button

Grammar fix for the Lucius crucified trigger

Fixed the Raider tree giving a research buff to howitzers instead of just giving them.

Fixed the rangers having a duplicate named unit at the star

Fixed the raider focus business_booms not being named right in the localization files

Added ai_will_do modifiers for Troll Warren

Deleted some old junk raider files

Redid the Raider events, ideas, focus tree, and localisation. This was done to improve old, messy code.

Fixed some indentation in the Settler tree

Fixed some focuses being swapped in terms of effects in the raider tree

Also fixed a focus not actually having localisation in the files.

Fixed the continuous focuses to actually work as well as localised the stuff in the construction one

Fixed duplicate events

Removed an old “neutrality” ideology floating around

Integrated Blazzar’s old submod “NCR Civil War Edits” that gave NCE civil war factions the tech the NCR had researched.

Edited the Reno Advisor Salvatore to be "killed" when the Enclave take over as part of the event they receive making him no longer recruitable as a advisor.

Gave NCR Enclave 6 research slots

Added in localisation for a pre_war_administrator minister

Change on_civil_war_end on_action to on_peaceconference_ended on_action so the Player Renoclave annexed the AI NCRclave for reals and gives them all NCRclave cores as well.

Added in the GFX necessary for the ENC(only NCRclave for now) to actually show their vertibird Transports as vertibirds in the equipment making screen.

Made it so the Reno Advisors are killed like the Enclave event says and will remove them when that happens.

Added unique advisors for Troll Warren, as well as descriptions and icons for them.

Removed an unused on_annex

Added unique Enclave advisors for Reno to replace the ones killed off in the takeover, including descriptions and portraits

Fixed the Ranger’s outpost focuses not giving outposts

Added unique raider exclusive advisors

Added unique settler exclusive advisors

Added unique tribal exclusive advisors

Blanked the new state/OOBs added by 1.5.2

Added the 3D button from 1.5.2 to our tech tree and division designer

Added the Modern Fallout font to the mod, giving the map a more unique look

Integrated Garnithor’s doctrine submod, with numerous changes! Read #announcements for the full scoop.

Fixed Shi trading away their special fighter to whoever asks.

Fixed the industry tab making huge boxes when you research the other exclusive tech.

Added an all new texture for Legion infantry to better represent them