Old World Blues patch 1.1.10

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Update 1.1.10 was released on August 18, 2018.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.

Fixed the Requirements for the NCR Dam focus so that if Vegas has done the Statehood focus before they have done the dam focus they can still do it if Vegas accepted the alliance.

Added a condition to the Vegas Statehood event so that if the NCR owns the Fiends territory as well it gives Vegas that as well.

Added Lakes to Southern NCR

Fixed how BRK units were getting HEA textures and HEA units weren't getting any.

Added Salton Sea, Laguna Salada, Mexicali, and some new provinces

Fixed not being able to take "Friends in Low Places" in Benny's path if you have done any of the khan focuses after the first one.

Change state name width and font size in state gui

Removed some Eddies

Fixed the Ghoul Paratroopers not having a icon.

Fixed the Oldbirds OOB not spawning the ace due to missing modifier.

Made the Reno focus for the Oldbirds OOB require the tech for the planes it wants to spawn.

Added states north of the Rio Grande (backend for 2.0, had to be done on master for git reasons)

Added some city textures, removed city textures and urban terrain between Reno and Carson City

Moved Yakama starting troops into their territory

Removed small river pixels from rivers.bmp

Fixed duplicate localisation keys

Fixed some of the localisation for Heaven's Gate not working.

Changed the Blessing of the Angels focus to say "with the" instead of "the the"

Added in some Flags for submodders/us to use to disable generic manufacturers/advisers from specific nations.

Removed the vanilla industry, tank, and material manufacturers as we have our own that are basically the same with custom name/graphics.

Changed conversion decisions to allow HEA/NCN to bind to them at any time no matter how many states they have converted but the chances are greater the more states they have converted.

Fixed the faction NCRclave makes if Reno is AI Renoclave to actually be localised.

Added some more stuff to that effect to take into account AI Renoclave having puppets somehow maybe.

Moved a trigger for the Reno Ministers being killed to their own scripted trigger file.

Removed all the left over Eddies.

Added in some extra things for Vegas when the AI gains the Advisers from their focuses so they don't end up with like 5-6 advisers.

Moved some advisers for Vegas to the actual ministers file instead of the ideas file.

Fixed manpower in two states

Removed concord terrain type

Added a generic Power Armour namelist made by @Valo [Namelist Gal]