Old World Blues patch 1.1.13

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Update 1.1.13 was released on September 13, 2018.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.

Fixed Vertibird Transports using the vanilla transport icons in the equipment production screens.

Gave the Super Mutant Behemoth unit type the super mutant icon so it's not some broken thing that exists.

Made the Baja Migration focus for the NCR require the NCR or a puppet of theirs to own all the states of the Baja region.

Attempted to fix the issue someone reported of dead nations being added to the Nevada pact: achieved by making sure nations exist in order to receive the events for them joining.

Changed parish to perished in the NCR focus "The Siege of Poker's Ranch" description.

Made the NCR AI more likely to choose the alliance option for Mojave if it's available for them.

Another attempt to fix the Legion civil war triggering again after the first one.

Made Arroyo settler for sure. They should have already been but hey why not make sure.

Fixed Baja State not having general images. Gave them Settler portraits for now since they are a NCR puppet.

Got a report AI NCN weren't puppeting nations. Attempted a fix so they would do that.

Made is so a tribal idea effect was listed correctly.

Removing more bogus '+' syntax

Fix large and medium Boomer flags. Sidenote: The Clausewitz engine cares about the case of the extension, despite most Windows applications not caring. Apparently, Windows applications can operate either way depending on how they use the Windows API - who knew? After renaming these files, you can now see the '34' flag of the Boomers in game.

Add Goodsprings to is_new_vegas_state.

Changed it so when you create the Baja State the states no longer are decimated.

Added some loc for 3 missing tooltips for the NCN.