Old World Blues patch 1.1.9

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Update 1.1.9 was released on August 15, 2018.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.

Fixed the Painted Men Being called Painted Mens.

Removed some left over stuff in the NCR tech scripted effect.

Formatting for the equipment file.

Made it so Explosive support no longer doubles the soft and hard attack of it's equipment.

Nerfed Flamer Breakthrough as it seemed a bit excessive.

BRK infantry textures added

HEA infantry textures added

Added another piece of code to make sure the PA decision for NCR can only be taken once.

Fixed the Vault OOBs spawning in the wrong provinces.

Fixed a warren focus just saying load_oob

Fixed a misspelling in a tooltip for a OOB.

Added a Befriend AI strat to Vegas and NCR after Vegas takes the NCR Vegas Treaty.

Fixed the mojave_paladin_thought OOB being just wrong.

Fixed the washington_black_paladins OOB not being in correct encoding.

Fixed Rapids being called Delta if they go people or intellectuals.

Formatting/Spacing for BOS loc.

Fixed two typos in the Generic BOS focuses for MOJ and WBH.

Removed a redundant instance of the Reno Enclave being given Enclave Power Armour, as they previously gained it from a Granite focus. If they don't have the Scavenged Power Armour tech yet it gives it to them, so that they can make divisions.

Fixed a error in the reno event `txt` making it just not work.

Changed how the Reclaim Nevada focus is displayed. Now tells you what it does instead of just a massive list of states. Also added in a few missed states.

Changed the Unbroken Resistance effects, making them only trigger if you actually signed up for the pact and have the idea it gives.

Fixed some spelling errors.

Fixed the VLT focus giving water to the wrong state.