Old World Blues patch 2.0.0

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Update 2.0.0 was released on September 1, 2019.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Extended the playable map towards the south to include more Middle American territory up to Honduras.

- Added 18 new playable nations.

- Added focus trees, events, and decisions for the Republic of the Rio Grande, Free Fighters, Tlaloc, Moctezuma, Zapata, Maximillion, Ejercito Mexicoan, Nuevo Aztlan, Tzotzil, and the Chichen Itza.

- Added brand new Spec Ops units.

- Added new infantry models for these generic nation types:

- Settlers

- Raiders

- Tribals

- Brotherhood of Steel

- Mexican

- Ghoul

- Super Mutant

- Vaulters

- Added unique infantry models for:

- New California Republic (Regular + Special Forces)

- Caesar's Legion

- Nuevo Aztlan

- Chichen Itza

- Added unique weapon equipment 3d models for each infantry equipment tier.

- Added unique animations to accompany melee weapons.

- Added five unique motorized 3d models.

- Added five unique mechanized 3d models.

- Added vertibird 3d models (both variants).

- Added Mr. Handy 3d models with a Mexican variant.

- Added a new 3d map border.

- Added many unique static 3d map objects to the map.

- Added unique regional city 3d models.

- Added several advisor/minister icons.

- Added custom division template icons.

- Added Pip-Boy PLUS scripted gui that allows players to read the lore for ingame nations ingame, as well as mechanics, changelog, and credits.

- Added custom made music tracks to the “Old World Blues - Music” mod.

- Added numerous localization entries for many aspects of the mod.

- Added brand new faction system. This system replaces the base game faction system and adds a set of determined restrictions to it. It also restricts to bordering neighbors only, bypasses available through foci.

- Added a “Energy Cells” system based on the "Fuel" system added in 1.7 update.

- Added special forces with their own equipment needs. Counting towards the special forces cap

- Added both explosive and fireteam frontline units.

- Added a completely overhauled naval system, that includes full MTG support

- Added additional loading screens and quotes.

- Added in many new optional game rules including focus paths for most nations in the game.

- Added the Senate system for the Republic of the Rio Grande.

- Added in leader descriptions for several nations.

- Added custom gamerules for controlling the AI behavior of countries with unique focus tree (includes civil war determinism)

- Added a static unknown portrait for leaders

- Added ideas unique to Troll Warren

- Added new victory points around New Reno

- Added over 20 generic Mexican advisors

- Added animated portraits for robot/AI leaders

- Added news events for Thradd’s takeover

- Added new names and portraits to CES namelist and leader pool

- Added new bookmark menu that includes our two major regions, West Coast and Mexico


- Changed the Bookmark menu to include ability to choose either West Coast or Mexico with lore about the regions and nations in them.

- Changed Mojave state layout.

- Reworked province layout and map visuals of New Vegas

- Changed province count for many of the larger cities.

- Changed infantry tech tree to be less binary and allow all three paths of weapons to be viable, adding another tier of weapons to each branch.

- Changed Reworked Power Armour tech branch to include more types of Power Armour and allow slightly lower industry countries to have access to basic forms of Power Armour.

- Power armour does not use energy cells and counts to the special forces cap.

- Changed support company techs and units by giving them all their own unique Niche to work with. The tech tree emphasizes more meaningful choices, while reducing. Many of the old companies were cut for this, because of redundancy.

- Adjusted vehicles to work with the addition of fuel costs, and to hopefully make them more useful. APC’s having gotten the most drastic change, they are combat width 4 now.

- Changed and expanded the industry tech tree with brand new technologies allowing for a wider range of techs to pick from.

- Changed and expanded the Robotics tab to include all new robot types and better gameplay with robots in general, including stat changes. Robots train fast, but require energy cells. Two types of robots are now present, more infantry like robots, and more tank oriented ones. Support and Combat robots respectively.

- Changed the way ahead of time is calculated to make it more feasible to grab tech that is ahead of time.

- Reduced the maximum amount of manpower that can be trained at once to prevent people from storing 20 robot divisions in training lines.

- Changed and rebalanced almost any unit that was not previously mentioned to give them all one purpose or another. This includes changes to combat width.

- Changed unique provinces to have more territory and stronger effects.

- Changed population of southern states in Legion territory to be larger.

- Changed rain storms to radiation storms, currently only a visual effect with the same mechanics as rain storms.

- Changed the PBR shaders for better rendering of metals.

- Changed graphics for the Refined Warfare Doctrine.

- Changed several template icons to better fit the Old World Blues design.

- Changed several flags for higher quality designs, this includes the BoS, Mojave BoS, NCR, Legion, Rangers, and Vault City.

- Changed several flags for new designs, includes Flagstaff, Grabbers, Barons Republic, Shi, Boneyard, grand Tribes, New Canaan, Eastport, Lonetree, Rib Breakers, Crazy Horns, Twin Mothers, and Rapids.

- Changed strategic resources names, icons and their use. They are Water, Energy, Scrap, Composite, Circuitry, and Advanced Alloys.

- Changed the distance trade relation modifier to make trading a more harsh thing with far away nations, some Mexican nations have additional penalties to trading outside the Mexico area. Opinion modifiers also influence these values much more heavily.

- Changed state coring system. Major nations can now core states. Cost is based on state’s population, your overall cored population and distance from the capital. The bigger your nation is, the higher the cost will be.

- Changed House’s portrait to the animated version.

- Changed map’s regions so the continent is no longer one region and it is split between several regions, each with unique localization and flavor. Allows better AI theaters and trade options.

- Changed Decimation mechanic to only occur during war time so releasing a puppet doesn’t decimate their states.

- Changed resource distribution for states north of Mexico to balance for resource changes

- Changed Hadia to be a settler country

- Changed Naval OOBs to reflect new module system and tech tree

- Changed Localization for a few downfall sequences and events

- Changed height map to better reflect actual topographic information

- Changed decimation logic to only work on war peace deals, NOT other methods of acquiring land

- Replaced Butch with the Master

- Changed NCR leader portraits


- Fixed several has_government errors from the base game.

- Fixed bugs with Caesar's Legion’s ministers

- Fixed support for Unbroken Coast in various systems

-Fixed BRK naval OOB in general

- Fixed foci requiring NCR and CES in the event NCR or CES were broken

- Fixed custom terrain types for important locations in the world


- Removed country unique retextures, replaced with generics.

- Removed bunker and outpost gfx for an update in a later patch.

- Removed Infantry armour tech, repurposed for special forces.