Old World Blues patch 2.0.2

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Update 2.0.2 was released on September 2, 2019.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Blocked war justification on Aztlan and their civil war when at war.

- Added Victory Point to Colmena.

- Added missing flags for Reno Enclave.

- Added descriptions to Hunt down Paullus decisions.

- Added missing changelog text to the Pipboy.

- Added extra button to open the Rio Senate in the decision tab.

- Added descriptions to several Rio focuses.

- Added ship class gfx, so that they will appear in the tech research window.


- Fixed Baseball radio from NCR to give Intellectual party instead of elite.

- Fixed Tlaloc not nuking the Great Silo on death.

- Fixed Clara marrying the wrong person.

- Fixed Rosado being able to take focuses against Max before he exists.

- Fixed localization typos in Anna's ideas.

- Fixed Aztlan civil war to actually kill the Speaker.

- Fixed typo in Rio for Santa Anna's Key key.

- Fixed typos making Moctezuma focuses not have descriptions.

- Fixed Rio having to be at peace with themselves to annex others.

- Fixed strange double spacing in descriptions for Rio focuses.

- Fixed Rio Election radio decisions so they go away if they don't do anything.

- Fixed Mojave BoS progressive thought focuses from spawning unit in Rio.

- Fixed Tlaloc 2.0 event not giving cores to Rio but instead giving them to the Rio Chapter.

- Fixed 4 Rio focuses having no description loc.

- Fixed Tlaloc Shards' not needing to be puppets of themselves to reform Tlaloc.

- Fixed Sinaloa Cartel having units in the Bahamas.

- Fixed Rio event description typos.

- Fixed Sack of Flagstaff event not requiring you to own Flagstaff.

- Fixed typo in Clara's leadership description.

- Fixed inconsistent Paullus name.

- Dockyards can no longer be built in non-coastal states.

- Fixed Ollin portrait from being Todd Howitzer to being actual Ollin.

- Fixed issue with leadership of factions going to random nations.

- Fixed referencing Joshua by the wrong ID when removing him.

- Fixed typo of Scavenging in Pipboy.


- Changed Legion party Popularity from 25% elites to 50% elites.

- Changed special forces tech to give the spec ops template/unit.

- Changed Chaos Wars to prevent them going after ChicoNet countries while Tlaloc exists.

- Changed Aztlan civil war to not remove ideas when it happens.

- Changed Naval Doctrine so you can research it without Man the Guns.

- Changed Tlaloc 2.0 nation name to Nahuii-Ollin.

- Changed final focuses of Tlaloc's shards to grant them claims on all Mexican states instead of 1-2 wargoals.

- Changed Bakersfield's name to Necropolis.


- Removed vanilla nuke events.

- Removed Shady Sands provinces in mexico.