Old World Blues patch 2.0.5

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Update 2.0.5 was released on September 12, 2019.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Added missing credit for artists.

- Added gamerule to turn off/on the Legion Explosion events when the NCR conquers the Legion. Default is disabled.

- Added dockyard output increase to industry technology.

- Added animated portrait for the Lady of the Bells.

- Added extra events to the Synthetic Dawn game rule.

- Added a few new design companies to use.

- Added additional leader checks to Rio's tree.

- Added G.E.C.K. decisions and a new GUI to them to pick which state to use it on.

- Added description localization to many Rio focuses.

- Added bypasses to several Santa Anna focuses for Rio being gone.

- Added additional checks to the BoS tree to stop strange things from happening.

- Added a copy_tech effect to copy tech from one nation to another.

- Added a flag to stop Tlaloc from losing memory for submodders who wanted it.

- Added a small explanation of technology tiers to the mechanics section of the pipboy.

- Added victory point to Junktown.

- Added additional checks to New Vegas focus bypasses.

- Added Icon for the vault-tec calling decisions.

- Added Vault 29 vault-tec calling decision.

- Added Dayglow to the game.


- Fixed New Reno creating/joining the Nevada Pact when on NCR focus path.

- Fixed Vault City Puppet Leader decisions appearing for other nations.

- Fixed Rio focus Tlaloc's Unruly Child missing it's description.

- Fixed Rio The Rio Rising decision description.

- Fixed Rio The Dead Refinery focus description.

- Fixed typo in the Viceroyalty bookmark description.

- Fixed NCR event still referencing mexico states.

- Fixed the unique infantry equipment not being considered better then the normal infantry equipment for reinforcement.

- Fixed Ires being tribal when they should have been civilized.

- Fixed downfall events not triggering properly.

- Fixed Death to the False Emperor focus for Moctezuma giving wargoals against Anna instead of against Max.

- Fixed Rio AI not picking the correct leader based on game path choosen.

- Fixed Aztlan focus Noble Reformation showing the wrong effect.

- Fixed Legion focus Crossing the Colorado not giving the Legion the state it changes.

- Fixed leader tooltips not showing the right countries.

- Fixed issue with being able to get infinite reliability as Santa Anna.

- Fixed Santa Anna Ending the Raids focus description.

- Fixed Reno minister triggers saying the wrong thing.

- Fixed Territory Dispute decisions not being removed after giving back the land.

- Fixed localization error in the Legion's focus path game rules.

- Fixed Aztlan and Itza unit leader ID errors.

- Fixed errors with openGL and building models.

- Fixed NCR Broken game rule.


- Changed the TAA so they can't be released the normal way.

- Changed Rio focuses Two Suns Over Paradise, Red Sun at Night, and From the Ashes to be available if a faction member owns those nations capitals.

- Changed the look of the mods changelogs in the pipboy.

- Changed gliders to be available to tribals now.

- Changed unique techs so they won't appear researchable from the start of the game.

- Changed reward tech so it will display the fact you can't research them.

- Changed coring ability for Lady of the Bells to be the same as Tlaloc's Children.

- Changed Rio Senate GUI to disappear when Rosado becomes the Lady of the Bells.

- Changed NCR AI focus path to hopefully help them get to the dam more often.

- Changed BoS Umbra event so Umbra takes into account army strength when saying no or yes.

- Changed Aztlan focus A Future Foretold so it is available if the state owner is an Aztlan puppet.

- Changed Rio Senate decisions to disappear after selecting a president.

- Changed the Legions Light of Vegas focus to bypass only if you owned and cored all vegas's original states and to not give a decision against yourself.

- Changed the Laguna Mountains to be impassable.

- Changed Rio focus tree to bypass several Mora focuses if the legion controls northern mexico states.

- Changed Arroyo to be considered a Vault-Tec nation.

- Changed vault-tec calling decisions so they are always visible to vault-tec nations.


- Removed duplicate localization keys.

- Removed Volunteer and Lend-lease opinion requirements for now.