Old World Blues patch 2.1.5

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Update 2.1.5 was released on January 30, 2020.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Added if any nation joins the Mormon Alliance they gain the Mormon Mission idea.

- Added localization for Mirelurk/Molerat units and their upgrades.

- Added missing tooltip for chem withdrawl.

- Added a bypasses to Deal with the Technocrats and Crush Petro Chico.

- Added the needed scripted triggers for each pre-made leader.

- Added extra checks to the Itza Enlarge Raiding Parties focus so if scavenging is disabled the check for scavenging isn't used and it doesn't add to scavenging variables.

- Added cost to faction actions.

- Added Vault-Tec Power Armor icon.

- Added more skill magazine focus icons: Get off my lawn, Wastelad.

- Added cleaned up version for Queen Victoria VI.

- Re-added the recent skill magazine based focuses.


- Change the leaders of Itza to use ID's instead of their names for triggers.

- Adjusted the leader levelup skill gain. Now a levelup only gives 2 random skills. Also adjusted tooltips.

- Changed Elite Army Research time to Refined Warfare Research time to be inline with the doctrines actual name.

- Changed securitron vault from pre-war company to national idea.

- Changed improve relationship modifier to more trade opinion on Majorie advisor for vegas.

- Changed useless soft attack modifier on Wheelmother's Garage to more speed.

- Improved tooltip on market advisors.

- Reorganized massive pipboy localization file into several smaller files for organization/size.


- Fixed some economic laws having vanilla names/descriptions instead of our names/descriptions.

- Fixed several faction system boxes missiong localization.

- Fixed Chichen Itza not being able to pick Enlarge Raiding Parties due to a flag error.

- Fixed no state showing in the flower war events due to using a bad variable.

- Fixed several typo errors.

- Fixed issue with puppet ideas not being removed because the on_action for annexing a subject was misspelled.

- Fixed available for The Itza Reign Supreme focus so it requires either the nations to be puppets or not exist.

- Fixed Chemult Station having the wrong starting manpower law.

- Fixed Capitol Hill downfall event having the White Legs tag for the original owner option rather then the Washington Brotherhoods.

- Fixed the Brush Gun name being applied to the wrong technology for the Desert Rangers.

- Fixed the tooltip on the starting Followers event to make more sense.

- Fixed generic raider getting all the market advisors and tribal/settler getting none.

- Fixed caps not being applied to nations that appeared after the start of the game.


- Removed Immersive terrain as the work needed to make it actually work is bad.

- Removed pp cost for removing companies.