Old World Blues patch 2.2.7

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Update 2.2.7 was released on May 11, 2020.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Added a custom leader to the Two Suns.

- Added new flag for undesirable and Mutant recruitment laws so submods can turn off the generic ones.

- Added Huangdi (The Emperor) to the OST.

- Added new custom art for the New Canaan LMG fireteam technology/equipment.

- Added impassable checks to the New California Republic Mojave Brotherhood of Steel border war decisions so they can't happen in states that are impassable.

- Added a new scripted trigger all_core_land_controlled_by_prev_sphere works just like all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere but checks if you control all their land rather then own which means it can be used to see if you, your puppets, or your allies fully occupy a country but are still at war.

- Added a missing vanilla element to the mapicon gui for training will stop at max icon for Air wings.

- Added in dependency stuff to the OWB modding readme file.

- Added icons to many of the stats for units/equipment.

- Added bypasses to all wargoal focuses that didn't have them bypassing if you met the requirements of mainly you or your allies or puppets owning their land excluding a few focuses that needed more checks.

- Added enforcer tech to USA history file.

- Added several missing unlock techs to the scripted effect that transfer technologies between nations.

- Added support for generating submod faction tracking code.

- Added the Enduring trait to Tabitha so she has 2 on creation.

- Added dont_add_specials_loser to any event/focus unit leaders that are missing it.

- Added additional info on setting up the system for ignoring random special trait assignment for submodders/us in the OWB README.

- Added gamerule for Dismantle Faction with three options currently:

- Allowed

- All factions can be dismantled

- No Starter Factions

- All factions that exist on game start can not be dismantled but any other faction can be

- Blocked

- No factions can be dismantled.

- Added Automation tech to Dredgers.


- Reworked the requirements to joining factions.

- Countries can no longer ask to join factions if that country's leader dislikes that faction; notably, this prevents House from joining the Legion.

- Many factions have new conditions for membership through diplomatic action - focus tree/event based actions ignore these restrictions.

- Brotherhood factions require prospects to be human, not raiders, and either advanced or civilized with an intellectuals government.

- Caesar's Legion requires prospects to be human, not advanced, and not have either a people or intellectuals government.

- Children of the Gate require prospects to be civilized.

- Enclave factions require prospects to be human and civilized.

- NCR and Phoenix Federation require prospects not to be raiders.

- Los Ninos de Mexico requires prospects to be Mexican nations.

- Northern League requires prospects not to be super mutants or have a people government.

- A trigger checking if a state is in the Greater Mojave Desert; this includes states in the starting setup of the following countries:

- Ashton

- Dam Busters

- The Fiends

- Great Khans

- Hopeville

- Mojave Raiders

- New Vegas


- Shady Sands

- Death Valley

- Northwestern Mojave

- Southwestern Mojave

- Randsburg

- Sky Reavers

- Area 6

- Area 51

- Coyote Springs

- Desert Pass

- Twisted Hairs

- Mojave Alliance can now accept countries as members that don't border a current faction member if they have a core state within the borders of the Greater Mojave Desert. This is mostly useful when using game rules that split up countries in the area on game start.

- Changed Beltran-Levyan, Paz Bandits, Valle Bandits, Free Fighters, Sinaloa Cartel, The Viceroyalty, Imperio Mexicano, Excan Tlahtoloyan, Tlalocan, and several cosmetic tags into their spanish equivalent.

- Changed the name of The Forum to El Foro.

- Changed los Ej�rcito Mexicano to el Ej�rcito Mexicano.

- Changed tooltip for second option in Terrible Tuesday to let you know you will play as Lanius.

- Removed the state flags for is_impassable and used the new 1.9.1 trigger to check if a state is impassable or not.

- Changed Crush Petro Chico focus for Chichen Itza to allow you to take it even if Petro Chico doesn't exist if you don't own all their core land but bypass if you do.

- Changed Enforce Military Rule focus for Chichen Itza to require you to own all their core land to take it.

- Changed Crush Ejercito Mexicano focus to not require them to exist but bypass if you own all their core land also made it give proper wargoals of Demand territory decisions if someone else owns their land.

- Changed the code for not applying random SPECIAL traits to use a trait assigned manually instead of using the ID's for better compatibility with submods. See OWB MODDING README in the OWB files for more info.

- Changed Police Protectron build cost from 11.7 to 22.

- Changed RNG so bankruptcy chance is lower.

- Changed a bunch of wargoal effects to use the scripted_effects and scripted_triggers we implemented some time ago.

- Changed check in New Reno focus The Klamath Deal to use new scripted triggers.

- Changed all allwaystransparent references to alwaystransparent.

- Changed the operative leader gui to match the vanilla version adding in dismissal buttons.

- Adjusted unitview.gui to match vanilla code.

- Adjusted base caps unit cost making units 33% cheaper.

- Adjusted bankruptcy event restarting economy to be 10% rarer and be less harsh.

- Updated the should_initiate_resistance to match new vanilla triggers.

- Reenabled the New California Republic civil war as the 1.9.1 official patch fixed the broken effects and change the Enclave faction for Dayglow.

- Changed Broken Coasts undesirable law to raiders.

- Changed unit leaders and admirals to use the new stat formula, skill*2+2.

- Changed base combat width on fights to be 60 and additional added combat width to be 20.

- Reduced how often aces are generated and killed by a factor of 10.

- Gave the Nations of the New California Republic civil war cores on all New California Republic land.

- Updated Operation files with the vanilla changes to effects.

- Buffed Kinckaid.

- Aztlans now receive advisors.

- Changed Tlaloc's on_daily to be specific to him so only his nation ever uses it.


- Fixed a broken tooltip in the Ranger Deployment focus.

- Fixed Hanlon misspelled in the Ranger Deployment focus.

- Fixed typos in the Crowd Control Gear technology description.

- Fixed a typo in the party description for the Constitutional Republic type of people ideology.

- Fixed typo in Glider tech description.

- Fixed typo in Retaking Rattletail focus description.

- Fixed typo in Construction Basics tech description.

- Fixed typo in Origin of the Gang event description.

- Fixed the use of in term of instead of in terms of in tech descriptions.

- Fixed typo in Ranger Unification Treaty idea description.

- Fixed typo in War Propaganda decisions description.

- Fixed typo in Work as Needed Technology description.

- Fixed error when Raising Militia against the Texas Arms Association as the Republic of the Rio Grande not granting you cores on the land you raised militia in.

- Fixed Spawning Militia for Paullus spawning them in the wrong state.

- Fixed Chichen Itza focus Enhanced Landing Forces and Increase Naval Capabilities not giving you the right techs if you don't own the Man the Guns DLC.

- Fixed Western Brotherhood of Steel focus Common Ground with Savages bypass to use the right effect so if you own all their land it will bypass.

- Fixed caps idea not having localization.

- Fixed 3D issues with older models.

- Fixed Sorrows having a manpower idea they can't start with in their history file.

- Fixed the fix that added a naval base to The Warren not actually doing that.

- Fixed the Silicon Valley Expedition event being spelled wrong.