Old World Blues patch 3.1.5

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Update 3.1.5 was released on December 24, 2020.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Added a theorist to all robotic flagged nations for the Automated Warfare doctrine.

- Added a research penalty to most tribal techs. Meaning the more of these are taken, the worse does research become.


- Changed Asymmetric Warfare and Conventional Warfare to have different focuses. More specifically the tribal path of Asymmetrical and the Trooper path of Conventional. There are no manpower or width bonuses present anymore. Conventional warfare unlocks custom equipment now though.

- Buffed enforcers to work as units in the field, they work especially well with the tribal doctrine path now.

- Buffed tanks slightly, still work in progress.

- Buffed APC Breakthrough a lot.


- Fixed the The Garita Caldera decision for Twin Mothers not having loc if you had the Waking the Tiger DLC.

- Fixed a strange crash for Windows 7 users when they tried to start a game up as New Vegas.

- Fixed issue with Mirelurk advisor traits not actually buff Mirelurk equipment.

- Fixed the nuke idea to apply correctly when being nuked.

- Fixed the tech level advancement gamerule not applying to nations that didn't exist on game start.

- Fixed the issue with nations that are newly created sometimes not having the correct generic focus tree.

- Fixed west_legion_east_legion_cant_call tooltip not being localized.

- Fixed potential issue of focus trees having wrong modifier values.

- Fixed potential issue of when freeing subjects/puppets they don’t get the right default trees back.

- Fixed Troll Warren having slave law requirements for some focuses.

- Fixed a bug with war bond calculation and army law default when caps disabled.


- Removed second call to the Equestria April Fools event in the New California Republic focus tree.

- Removed North Texas strategic region from claims added to Maxson Chapter in the focus The Greater Colorado Expedition.

- Removed puppet taxation decisions till 3.2 due to remaining issues with them.

- Removed the Followers of the Apocalypse as a trade node organisation, pending 3.2 rework.