Old World Blues patch 3.1.6

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Update 3.1.6 was released on December 30, 2020.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Added localization to security robot attack, defence, and speed modifiers.

- Added giving the blocked tech level tech to nations that are liberated if the manual tech level advancement gamerule is on.

- Added block_tech_level tech to the copy tech effect if the game rule is active for it.

- Added block_tech_level tech to be given when using the create_new_owb_country effect if the game rule is active.

- Added create_new_owb_country effect to Tlaloc's children spawning.


- Buffed the Economy laws for the New California Republic.

- Changed the effect for Forming Colorado to not add cores but instead claims on all states you don’t own in Colorado.


- Fixed issue with sending Lanius west but him never coming back if Caesars Legion has their civil war before the decision ends.

- Fixed issues with Tlaloc and his childrens wage laws.


- Removed North Pole Enclave from spawning on start-up