Old World Blues patch 3.2.6

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Update 3.2.6 was released on April 8, 2021.

Patch notes

Steam Workshop page.


- Added Texan tech to Louisiana Territories texa and an idea to represent Mississippi trade.

- Added Anti-Tank to Santa Anna’s starting units.

- Added ability for Lanius to invite the Iron Alliance to his new faction.

- Added a tooltip should your Assimilation Factor be less than 0, explaining you won’t be assimilating anyone this month because you’re a sad Brotherhood nation with no friends.


- Changed several focuses for Santa Anna to buff his industry so the war against the Alamo Chapter is more in his favor.

- Changed several generic raider/tribal/settler ideas to have different icons.

- Changed several triggers for puppets to reference correctly needed DLC.

- Changed it so Lanius cores New Mexico if he crushes the Hangdogs for buffing purposes.

- Changed Santa Anna focus The Army Renewed to not be blocked if he lost.

- Changed it so Lanius’ Territory does not cause Exodus upon being annexed by the Legion.

- Changed ‘National Assimilation Drive’ to always integrate 15% of your refugee pool, and ‘Expel Refugees’ to always expel 20%. Their costs vary depending on your assimilation modifiers.


- Fixed issue with getting mass negative income from trade nodes.

- Fixed minor localization issues with extra :0 in some lines.

- Fixed Texas, and any others who use the same effect, getting more than one doctrine due to how the triggers for copying over technologies worked for doctrines.

- Fixed issue where if you have a negative assimilation rate the amount of refugees you get increases over time without gaining actual new ones.

- Fixed ideas missing icons if they included excess code.

- Fixed Navajo general The Free Man and the Pursuant general Max Tackett not having portraits.

- Fixed typos in various localization.

- Fixed issue of Navajo sometimes not starting as a Legion puppet.

- Fixed the Iron Mongers focus tree being blocked by the Texas Brotherhood.

- Fixed a few minor issues in Hangdog and Summer federations focus trees with lengths of focuses.