Republic of The Rio Grande events

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This is a list of all events relating to the Republic of The Rio Grande (from /Old World Blues/events_rio_grande_l_english.yml).

In the year 2051 the United States invaded and occupied Mexico, citing political instability, environmental impact, and the protection of American citizens as their reasoning. In truth, the move was made to protect American interests in Mexico, specifically the large portions of the oil industry owned by American corporations.
Although the occupation went smoothly at first, the American military was still being met with resistance farther from the border. Seeking a way to invest American assets in the north of Mexico without facing much criticism, the army officially recognisedIn-game spelling the Republic of the Rio Grande as an independent nation, and began construction efforts to "increase stability in the region."

In truth, the infrastructure built by the American forces was almost exclusively military oriented, designed to create in-roads into Mexico developed enough to support mass-deployment and long-term supply chains.
The capital of the newly formed republic was arbitrarily chosen to be Piedras Negras, and leadership was hand-picked by the occupying forces to ensure cooperation. The Americans, at the very least, provided the capital with its own executive, judiciary, and legislative buildings.

During the 24 years before the Great War that the Republic of the Rio Grande was occupied, where did the Americans focus their efforts most?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the American Intervention National Focus.

Event button.png
Military industry.
  • Gloria
    • Add 2 Building Slots.
    • Add 2 Arms Workshops.
  • 500 units of Basic Weaponry is added to the national stockpile.
Event button.png
  • (Rancho Próspero, Vergüenza de la Legión, Carbón Pueblo and 10 others):
    • Add 1 Infrastructure.
  • (Rio's Steel Heart, Gloria, Nuevo Laredo):
    • Add 1 Infrastructure.


Nuclear Rain

The Great War came without warning and left everything in a state of disarray. Mexico was hit later than its northern neighbour, giving just enough time for paranoia, rioting, and the destruction of the chain of command. As news spread of the devastation, and the explosions in the distance continued on and on, the people of the Republic fell into disarray.
For some unknown reason, the military high command in Armageddon Station sealed themselves away from the rest of the world, never once using their nuclear payload to retaliate. As chaos began to swell and anarchy reigned, the military presence left in Piedras Negras made a snap decision. They organised as best they could under their colonel, and rapidly moved to gather and direct as many civilians as they could to the numerous bunkers that had been built in the city.
These bunkers had originally been designed to protect highly valuable resources and equipment, as well as staff in some cases. Ever since the food riots in Denver resulting from reduced crop output, food had become an essential resource for the military, allowing for at least limited-term survival. Once the military had gathered as many people as they possibly could, they sealed the doors of each bunker, and waited.
It wasn't just the men in Piedras Negras who acted to save lives, however. Across the republic, the soldiers who'd been abandoned by their high command decided to save as many people as they could before the end. Some died in the process, still venturing out to find civilians as the bombs began to fall on the Rio Grande Republic.
Near the very end, just before Mexico was bathed in nuclear fire, there was a cry for help on the radio. Soldiers from the Mexican army who'd deserted to cross the border and find shelter with the Americans, whose bunkers were much more prepared for the apocalypse. The Americans quickly found the battalion and hurried them to safety. What did these men provide the survivors with?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the El Apocalipsis National Focus.

Event button.png
  • Gains National Spirit Mexican Spirit, which grants (Supply Consumption: -5.0%, Division Attack on core territory: +5.0%, Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%).
Event button.png
  • Army Experience: +10.
  • Every Unit Leader:
    • Add Skill Level: 1


Democratic Apocalypse

Three decades after the Great War, the Republic of the Rio Grande was still a shadow of its former self. It had been in a self-imposed dictatorship for the last thirty three years, but with the death of Colonel Griffin, the Republic transitioned into a democracy as he'd wished. Setting up elections for the numerous branches of the government, as well as for the president themselves, was much harder than anticipated.

But at the end, it happened.The first president of the Republic, Julieta Torres, had built her platform around the reclamation of lost land. Over the next few years, they reclaimed Mexico's largest steel factory, mines, and key supply depots. Numerous other facilities and locations were captured, such as Armageddon Station, and the city of Monclova. None of these came without losses, as the bandits who'd set up camp in Monclova and across most of the uncontested territory proved difficult to dislodge.

A border was drawn from the point at which the Republic could expand no longer. To their south was some unknowable agent, whose robots seemed content to protect their border for them, and to the west sat a great desert from across which no invader could hope to prevail. Julieta's eight year term came to a close soon after she met her goals. She chose to run again once more. This time her platform was centred around reconstruction and preservation. What did she prioritise?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Reclaiming the Republic National Focus.

Event button.png
Repairing the foundry.
  • Add production of 20 Scrap Metalultra in Rio's Steel Heart.
Event button.png
Repairing the city.
  • Monclova:
    • Add 1 Infrastructure
    • Add 1 Building Slots.
    • Add 1 Civilian Workshop.
    • Manpower: +2000.



In the year 2263, drunk off of success and the inevitable conquest of New Mexico, one of the Legion's centurions petitioned Caesar for the opportunity to prove himself farther afield. He argued that the Legion shouldn't just stop at New Mexico, it should continue to Texas and fight worthier foes. Caesar, impressed by how brazenly the man had pushed for a command, consulted his legate on the matter.
The Malpais Legate saw no issue with the expedition: on the contrary, the centurion who'd asked for it was one of his better commanders. If their detachment succeeded in conquering new lands in Texas, more wealth, slaves, and resources would flow into the capital. If not, then the campaign in New Mexico would quickly replace the loss regardless.
Caesar gave the man his answer. He would be given five thousand men to command, as he did under the Legate, to go forth and conquer in the name of the Legion. Failure was not an option. Boldly the man stepped forward and declared that neither he, nor any of his men, would ever return to Legion lands without a great bounty. He would come to regret this act.
Under the command of Paullus Naevius, the army of five thousand men set out on their last ever conquest. They marched alongside the Rio Grande's south bank, in part due to a northern crossing being likely to lead to conflict with unruly tribes—but mostly due to Paullus' own hubris.
The centurion desired great glory, and so to simply conquer Texas wasn't enough. He wanted slaves, wealth, and power all to himself once he returned to the Legion. Mexico was fertile, easy pickings, that once absorbed into the Legion he could petition to rule as governor.
Legion scouts had been to Mexico as early as 2259, when surveying for conquests farther from their lands. The scouts had reported that Mexico was home to little more than settlers, struggling to survive, with no superpowers to speak of.
They weren't wrong. The Republic of the Rio Grande had a pathetically small standing army, due to the protection they had from the south, west, and now even from the north. Good terms with the Brotherhood of Steel meant they never had to worry about their Texan land being molested by raiders.
The Legion should've won. There was almost no way the Republic could've defeated them.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing The Last Ace in a Lost Hand National Focus.

Event button.png
Repairing the foundry.
  • Gets event 'Triumph'.


Democratic Apocalypse

When Centurion Naevius had his men disembark in northern Coahuila, the Republic didn't even know they were being invaded. When a tax collector didn't return from the north, they sent a group of ten soldiers, who also disappeared. When they finally sent scouts to investigate the reports exceeded even their worse fears—an army had arrived in the Republic.
With only a few hundred soldiers including civilian militia, the Republic was at a severe disadvantage both numerically and in experience. President Leonardo Mora was tasked with the defence of the Republic only one year into his term. If he failed it would spell the end of his nation.
President Mora more than rose to the task, he went above and beyond to make the most of the short amount of time he had before a proper engagement with the Legion. For better or for worse the legionaries were more occupied with raiding and torching desert settlements than marching on their heartland, perhaps they were simply trying to send a message, but it would prove to be their undoing.
Gathering every IOU, calling upon every ally, and threatening to return on every broken promise—Mora became the most influential man in Mexico by using diplomacy, intrigue, and brute force. Never one to leave work in the hands of lesser men, Mora personally kicked down the door of each cartel boss, and he would be the man to lead the assault against the invaders.
When the time arrived, President Mora gathered his men in preparation for the assault. It would have to be all in, there would be no second chances. The fate of the Republic would be decided with a single battle. Were it not for Mora, the republic would have never survived, and everyone alive knows this. He gathered together mobsters, raiders, tribals, settlers, mercenaries, brotherhood knights, prewar ghouls, and gained the trust and aid of Santa Anna.
All that remained was deciding where the battle would take place. Mora was more than just a charismatic statesman, he was an excellent tactician. Where did he decide to face Paullus' Legion?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Hubris event.

Event button.png
Under the cover of night.
  • Gains National Spirit Vencedores, which grants (Reconnaissance: +10.0%, Land Night Attack: +10.0%).
Event button.png
Repairing the city.
  • Gains National Spirit Vencedores, which grants (Division Defense on core territory: +10.0%).