Ruby Valley Refuge

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The Ruby Valley Refuge is a settler nation based in East Nevada.

Historical background

A nation made of refugees, Ruby Valley Refuge was formed by displaced settlers on the run from, or resettling after having been destroyed by, the Eighties.[1][2]


National spirits

Ruby Valley Refuge starts with no national spirits.


  1. What lore did you come up with for Ruby Valley Refuge?
    Looneybinjin: "The Ruby Valley Refuge is filled with people who've been displaced by the 80's."
    - Obtained from Discord, 7/4/2018
  2. What is the backstory behind Delta and the Ruby Valley Refuge
    Looneybinjin: "@I would like to be somebody else Delta has seen a few revisions, I can't say without spoiling the rework of Nevada/New Canaan. Ruby Valley Refuge is more or less a place where most of the people who got thrashed by the 80's when they ripped across Nevada ended up fleeing too."
    - Obtained from Discord, 11/29/2018