Slags national focus tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
The Sealing icon
The Sealing
We are the descendants of a militia group that was at odds with the American government before the bombs fell. Luckily a senator that was friendly to our cause informed us of the looming threat of nuclear annihilation, allowing us to build shelters in time. We closed the doors behind us and waited in darkness to emerge again.
  • Trigger country event “The Aftermath of the Sealing”
Ghosts and a Wanderer icon
Ghosts and a Wanderer
Our population grew beyond what we could support underground. We built a farm above ground and scared away whoever came too close by disguising our protectors as 'ghosts' and scattering some props around the area that looked more gruesome than they were.
A fearless wanderer was not deterred though and him braving the ghosts helped us find a path to the future.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Sealing “The Sealing”
  • Trigger country event “Memories of Freedom”
As Above, So Below icon
As Above, So Below
Thanks to the wanderer we entered a long and fruitful partnership with the town of Modoc, with us supplying their farms with water and their people with technical know-how and them giving us food, medicine and equipment in fair trade.
  • Trigger country event “Mentoring Modoc”
  • Scripted Effect: unlock_all_available_generic_branches=yes
The Below icon
The Below
While we technically could wander freely on the surface, most of our people are still terrified of it, not to mention physically hurt by sunlight. But our ailing machines need some parts that Modoc most likely can't supply and our stockpiles are dreadfully low.
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Unlock the Search for Spare Parts decisions
Expand the Tunnel Network icon
Expand the Tunnel Network
With moving the majority of our people above ground not being a feasible option, the alternative is expanding our living space down below. It is also way less dangerous than the topside. We do encounter the occasional molerat while digging our tunnels, but we have learned to deal with those over the years.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is the country's capital
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is not the country's capital
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure
Acquire Mining Equipment icon
Acquire Mining Equipment
We have been getting very good at digging tunnels, but our original machines have broken down long ago, so we had to do most things manually for a while now.
It's time to get automated again, either through trade or by scavenging.
  • Requires the following:
    • Expand the Tunnel Network “Expand the Tunnel Network”
Mining Equipment icon
Mining Equipment
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10%
  • Infrastructure construction speed: +10%
Tunnel Communications icon
Tunnel Communications
Over the decades underground our tunnel network has become rather far reaching. One thing we figured out was that certain sounds and noises carried really well through the tunnels. So we devised a system to communicate through those noises. And while those same sounds won't carry as far above ground nobody else but us will understand the message. Which could prove useful in certain situations.
  • Requires the following:
    • Expand the Tunnel Network “Expand the Tunnel Network”
Tunnel Communication icon
Tunnel Communication
  • Own operative detection chance factor: −20%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: −10%
  • Coordination: +1%
Tunnel Communication icon
Tunnel Communication
  • Encryption: +30%
  • Coordination: +1%
  • Gain +100% research bonus (radio_bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Primitive Radio
Adequate Living Quarters icon
Adequate Living Quarters
Our tunnel system might be sprawling but actual usable living space is still in short supply. We are also lacking basic amenities, like proper beds. With enough power and new goods coming in we can change that.
  • Requires the following:
    • Acquire Mining Equipment “Acquire Mining Equipment”
Adequate Living Quarters icon
Adequate Living Quarters
  • Max Factories in a State: +5%
  • Monthly Population: +20%
  • Recruitable Population: 1%
File:Various fruits.png
Better Living Standards
It is surprising how much a few fresh fruit can do for your mental health. Even if those fruits look nothing like the ones we have seen in the records of our ancestors. What is a mutfruit supposed to be anyway?
But those and other luxury items coming in have done wonders for our morale and productivity.
  • Requires the following:
    • Acquire Mining Equipment “Acquire Mining Equipment”
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
Actual Production Lines icon
Actual Production Lines
Now that our people are content and well-rested, they are way more eager to get to work. There are tools to builds, weapons to craft and wars to win.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Reorganizing the Stockpiles icon
Reorganizing the Stockpiles
Resources and equipment are spread thin in the tunnels. We need to check everything we have stored away. There are probably things that got lost decades ago in some dusty storage rooms that people forgot even exist.
Making Our Own Equipment icon
Making Our Own Equipment
While scrounging up existing equipment was useful, it was only a stop-gap measure. We can't rely on Modoc to supply everything we need. We need to start producing our own things to be able to sustain our livelihood.
  • Requires the following:
    • Reorganizing the Stockpiles “Reorganizing the Stockpiles”
  • Gain +50% research bonus (3 uses) towards:
    • Infantry Weaponry
More than Just Guns icon
More than Just Guns
While guns are well and good and give us a chance in a fight, they won't keep us alive outside of one. For that we need a multitude of small things. Canteens, sturdy clothing, first aid kits, utility tools, camping gear... the list goes on. So far we have scavenged most of those. But to be sustainable we need to figure out how to make most of them ourself.
  • Gain +75% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Support Technology
A Good Defense icon
A Good Defense
We are few in number. We can't afford to lose too many people. Something that can stop a bullet, spear or a bite from some unnecessary large lizard will lower our losses significantly.
  • Gain +75% research bonus (Armor models bonus) (2 uses) towards:
    • Special Forces Equipment
Weapons of Light icon
Weapons of Light
Considering how much normal light hurts us, these weapons are deeply unpleasant to use for our troops. On the other hand what better way to make other people experience what we do under direct sunlight. At least for a very short time before they turn into a small pile of ash.
  • Gain +100% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (1 use) towards:
    • Energy Weaponry
  • 250 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Basic Laser Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
Repair the Generator icon
Repair the Generator
Our generator has been limping on it's last legs for years now. It is time to use some of the supplies we got as replacement parts and try to render it fully functional.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus needs at least 1 Spare Parts!
    • Value of variable sla_supplies is greater than 0
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add production of 8 Energy Energy
  • Scripted Effect: decrease_scarcity=yes
  • Scripted Effect: costs_supplies=yes
Vault-Tec Fusion Generator icon
Vault-Tec Fusion Generator
Our new allies have come through and send us a fancy Vault-Tec branded fusion generator that they surprisingly just had lying around and were not using themselves. Time to replace our own home-brew one.
  • Requires the following:
    • Repair the Generator “Repair the Generator”
  • Is a subject of Flag of Vault City Vault City
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add production of 16 Energy Energy
New Water Filters icon
New Water Filters
Our water supply is based on a water filtering system that actually stopped working properly a few decades ago. The majority is good enough for watering crops and in a pinch is better than dying of thirst, but good safe drinkable water is rare. With some spare parts we could refurbish it to turn that around.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus needs at least 1 Spare Parts!
    • Value of variable sla_supplies is greater than 0
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add production of 8 Water Water
  • Scripted Effect: decrease_scarcity=yes
  • Scripted Effect: costs_supplies=yes
Subterranean Farms icon
Subterranean Farms
You'd be surprised how long pre-war packaged food lasts. I only recently had a Yum Yum Deviled Egg that (probably) tasted as good as it did 200 years ago. But our stored food can't last forever. And while we did shore up our stockpiles with the occasional molerat and various edible underground plants and mushrooms, large scale planting was just not possible until now. More mushrooms it is.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: This focus needs at least 1 Spare Parts!
    • Value of variable sla_supplies is greater than 0
Subterranean Farms icon
Subterranean Farms
  • Recruitable Population: 1%
  • Scripted Effect: decrease_scarcity=yes
  • Scripted Effect: costs_supplies=yes
The Other Kind of Mushroom icon
The Other Kind of Mushroom
Given our success with the underground farms we wondered if we could grow other mushrooms on a larger scale. We long have been aware that some of them have certain properties that are rather close to some pre-war chems we still have stashed. If we could produce those ourselves, we could either trade them away or use them...recreationally.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 100
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Gets the Drug Laws Chems allowed.png “Chems Legalised”
Access the Terminals icon
Access the Terminals
Now that our immediate situation has improved, we can access some of our computer terminals that have lain dormant for decades. The knowledge stored in them, as well as the utility they provide will help us progress faster. Also, it seems that our ancestors packed the terminals full of pre-war information for all eventualities. We should probably study these as soon as we can.
  • Requires the following:
    • Repair the Generator “Repair the Generator”
  • Requires the following:
    • New Water Filters “New Water Filters”
  • Requires the following:
  • Gain 1 research slot
Dean's Electronics: RobCo Terminal Edition icon
Dean's Electronics: RobCo Terminal Edition
A digital study book on the field of electronics. An introductory note on the disk says that it is for the "budding young electrician in everyone!" Who would have known that electronics are that easy to understand. People really should read more.
  • Requires the following:
    • Access the Terminals “Access the Terminals”
Repaired Terminal System icon
Repaired Terminal System
  • Research Speed: +3%
  • Add technology: Intermediate Electronics Tech
Chryslus Motors Yearly Reviews 2065-75 icon
Chryslus Motors Yearly Reviews 2065-75
We did not expect to get much useful information out of these entries in the terminal and while it is mostly sales statistics and promotional materials for new car models, there are a couple of articles that might improve how we run our production facilities.
  • Requires the following:
    • Access the Terminals “Access the Terminals”
Pre-War Factory Organisation icon
Pre-War Factory Organisation
Guns and Bullets: Collected Back Issues icon
Guns and Bullets: Collected Back Issues
While the issues we found in the terminals didn't offer anything new or ground breaking, they did show us how we can produce the weapons we have easier and with higher quality.
Efficient Weapon Designs icon
Efficient Weapon Designs
Special Ops Training Manual icon
Special Ops Training Manual
The first entry is made up of some strange characters none of us could comprehend fully. The rest is in normal, if somewhat broken English. This raises some questions about who our ancestors dealt with.
But disregarding that, while some of it is a bit hard to understand due to the poor English, it still contains a lot of good information regarding military tactics and operations.
  • Gain +100% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (1 use) towards:
    • Special Forces Technology
  • 250 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Recon Team Kit is added to the national Stockpile
Knowledge Databanks icon
Knowledge Databanks
There is a lot of information, way more than the tidbits we have focused on so far. If we organize this all of this will be an invaluable resource for us and our future generations.
Knowledge Databanks icon
Knowledge Databanks
  • Custom effect tooltip: Combines Repaired Terminal System, Pre-War Factory Organisation and Efficient Weapon Designs into one National Spirit and additionally gives:

Research Speed: +2.00%: Factory Output: +5.00% Special Forces Technology Research Speed: +5%

The Old Symbols icon
The Old Symbols
The star in chains, but the chains are broken. We have used that symbol for as long as we can remember. It was on clothing and tools from before the Sealing. It was on boxes and documents. And recently we have used it as a flag to show where we come from, when venturing above. But what does it mean?
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Gain 25% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
Questioning Our Past icon
Questioning Our Past
We found records that said we belonged to a group called the "Free States". Our ancestors were hunted by the American government. We were called dissidents, traitors.
But are we still the same people? The government does not exist anymore and neither does the reason for the Free States existing. Or does it?
Traitors or Revolutionaries? icon
Traitors or Revolutionaries?
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Max planning: +10%
The government called us traitors. Some called us revolutionaries. Does it matter to us?
  • Gain 25% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
A Look Back and a Step Forward icon
A Look Back and a Step Forward
While the institutions that sparked this conflict are long gone, the ideals of the Free State are something to be valued. A place for the people, free from oppression. That is something worth striving for.
A Free State icon
A Free State
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Max planning: +10%
  • Infantry Technology Research Speed: +15%
  • Gain 50% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Slags will be known as Nevada Free States.
Gone With the Blast Wave icon
Gone With the Blast Wave
The past is long gone, the old symbols don't matter anymore. We came this far without adhering to pre-war ideologies. We may still wear the star and broken chains, but it has become our symbol, not something someone else far away made.
A Path Lasting 200 Years icon
A Path Lasting 200 Years
  • Division Recovery Rate: +10%
  • Max planning: +10%
  • Extra£resources_strip
Whatever lies in our past, whatever lies in our future, we are the Slags today and we will remain so.
  • Gain 50% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity