Bank End Bandits national focus tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
Index Fund icon
Index Fund
How great the life of an investor.
  • Trigger country event “The Electorate's Index Fund”
Going Public icon
Going Public
Total freedom from other agencies of enforcement. Now the real business can begin.
  • Requires the following:
    • Index Fund “Index Fund”
  • Trigger country event “Going Public”
Hostile Takeovers icon
Hostile Takeovers
Woe is the life of a banker.
  • Requires the following:
    • Going Public “Going Public”
  • Trigger country event “Threats of Liquidization”
  • Scripted Effect: unlock_all_available_generic_branches=yes
The Men of Bank End Held Out icon
The Men of Bank End Held Out
Those buffoons from Fort Cap Hell came for us time and time again-- but alas, they could not break the bank as planned. Now, with so very little to challenge us, we're free to operate on levels hitherto undreamt of...
  • Has completed national focus Ancient wealth 2.png “Hostile Takeovers”
  • Flag of Fort Cap Hell Fort Cap Hell:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Replace the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Lords of Debt” with the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Kings of Debt”
Kings of Debt icon
Kings of Debt
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.05
  • Passive Caps Income: +10
A foolish man once said “If you have to ask how much it costs, you can't afford it.”, that man obviously has never heard of a high-interest loan, available at Bank End Credit Union today! Why live your life miserable when any day could be your last?
  • Gains core on Fort Cap Hell (1327)
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
Bank End Mercenaries icon
Bank End Mercenaries
In any civilized society, it is traditional to believe that picking up a weapon is overtly silly. Now, Toonie doesn't necessarily hold that belief, but it is simple arithmetic to ask oneself "why hold a gun myself when I can just get some other bozo to do it for me?"
  • Requires the following:
    • The Men of Bank End Held Out “The Men of Bank End Held Out”
Offering Salary To All Ne'Er-Do-Wells icon
Offering Salary To All Ne'Er-Do-Wells
We're not sure if anyone in this age outside of Bank End has even heard of a salary, but if we make it sound important, we'll get plenty of potential bodies.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Men of Bank End Held Out “The Men of Bank End Held Out”
  • Gain Manpower 2 500 Manpower
Setting Up The Proper Channels icon
Setting Up The Proper Channels
If we are to enforce our loan repayments in full, we will need to address the dreadful and humiliating treatment of roads and other such methods of travel. Dundurn may have its trains-- at least until our collection teams roll through-- but we will have the roads. Nobody gets through without our say.
  • Requires the following:
    • Bank End Mercenaries “Bank End Mercenaries”
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
Outfitting Toll Collectors icon
Outfitting Toll Collectors
One of the greatest keys to controlling fear and ensuring debtors honor their end of the bargain is through a collection agent who can make somebody piss their pants at the sight of them. Many old American checkpoints still linger the roads around here; why not see if they have any gear worth salvaging?
  • Requires the following:
    • Offering Salary To All Ne'Er-Do-Wells “Offering Salary To All Ne'Er-Do-Wells”
  • Gain +50% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (2 uses) towards:
    • Power Armour Technology
  • 100 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America T-45d Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
Without Further Ado... icon
Without Further Ado...
It doesn't matter where the money comes from, or who it comes from. What matters is that it ends up in our pockets.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Men of Bank End Held Out “The Men of Bank End Held Out”
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will enforce loan repayments on all the Electorate states, even Elbo-- even on those who haven't taken any out with us. After all, most people forget about them, anyway!
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 300
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Hidden effect:
Loan Repayment Fees icon
Loan Repayment Fees
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: −15
With the Bank End Bandits victory against Fort Cap Hell, there is little to stop them from enforcing their made-up loan payments upon us all. I wish these guys would take a holiday or something..
    • Flag of Elbo Elbo:
      • Gets the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Loan Repayment Fees”
Loan Repayment Fees icon
Loan Repayment Fees
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: −15
With the Bank End Bandits victory against Fort Cap Hell, there is little to stop them from enforcing their made-up loan payments upon us all. I wish these guys would take a holiday or something..
    • Flag of Dundurn Dundurn:
      • Gets the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Loan Repayment Fees”
Loan Repayment Fees icon
Loan Repayment Fees
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: −15
With the Bank End Bandits victory against Fort Cap Hell, there is little to stop them from enforcing their made-up loan payments upon us all. I wish these guys would take a holiday or something..
    • Flag of Wakaw Wakaw:
      • Gets the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Loan Repayment Fees”
Loan Repayment Fees icon
Loan Repayment Fees
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: −15
With the Bank End Bandits victory against Fort Cap Hell, there is little to stop them from enforcing their made-up loan payments upon us all. I wish these guys would take a holiday or something..
    • Flag of Pleasantdale Pleasantdale:
      • Gets the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Loan Repayment Fees”
Loan Repayment Fees icon
Loan Repayment Fees
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: −15
With the Bank End Bandits victory against Fort Cap Hell, there is little to stop them from enforcing their made-up loan payments upon us all. I wish these guys would take a holiday or something..
    • Flag of Stoon Dandies Stoon Dandies:
      • Gets the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Loan Repayment Fees”
Loan Repayment Fees icon
Loan Repayment Fees
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: −15
With the Bank End Bandits victory against Fort Cap Hell, there is little to stop them from enforcing their made-up loan payments upon us all. I wish these guys would take a holiday or something..
...Let's Get to Business icon
...Let's Get to Business
We don't need to manage our own people, really. We'll just show up when we need something and everything will be as peachy as necessary.
  • Requires the following:
    • Without Further Ado... “Without Further Ado...”
  • Add 3 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Only The Best For Bank End icon
Only The Best For Bank End
A trained force is a-- well, really, just having proper soldiers who are capable of understanding basic orders is fantastic.
  • Requires the following:
    • ...Let's Get to Business “...Let's Get to Business”
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Add Defense Skill: 2
  • Gain Army experience 50 Army Experience
Pipes Are Insufficient icon
Pipes Are Insufficient
How is anyone meant to take us seriously if we aren't shoving superior firepower down their throats? Investing in massive amounts of firearms will be highly beneficial to our little soiree.
  • Requires the following:
    • ...Let's Get to Business “...Let's Get to Business”
Renewed Interest icon
Renewed Interest
With everyone officially under our jurisdiction, it's time for a change of regime. How does 'Canadian Credit Union' sound?
  • Requires the following:
    • ...Let's Get to Business “...Let's Get to Business”
  • Flag of Strasbourg's Sparkblades Strasbourg's Sparkblades:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Wakaw Wakaw:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Fairy Glen Fairy Glen:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Pleasantdale Pleasantdale:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Dundurn Dundurn:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Stoon Dandies Stoon Dandies:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Gain Political Power 250 Political Power
  • Set cosmetic tag to BKB_credit_union
  • Replace the National Spirit Economy money bags.png “Kings of Debt” with the National Spirit Iron crown.png “Emperors of the Indebted”
Emperors of the Indebted icon
Emperors of the Indebted
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.1
  • Passive Caps Income: +25
We reign over The Katch with a golden fist. Our subject's currency is one of interest rates, all while their bank accounts endlessly rack up late fees. Our people are our greatest asset.