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Blackfoot is a Legion releasable nation. It can be released through the occupied territories tab. Blackfoot is first tribe to be integrated into, and infact become Caesar's Legion. Originally the tribe held Edward Sallow, Joshua Grahm, and Bill Calhoun as hostages but Edward would teach them the art of war and ascend to Caesar.


Blackfoot is located in the northern outcrop of 2275 Legion territory, bordering the Dead Horses to the north and the Foragers and Ciphers to the East, though mountains block any access to them, along with the Navajo Nation and Caesar's Legion. This location is sufficiently upstream of the Colorado that safe fords are located here, allowing for crossing. These crossings are the only direct river crossings (if controlled by the Legion) into Utah.

Focus tree

Should Blackfoot be Released normally as a standard nation, it will use the Raider Focus Tree

Should it be released as a puppet by the Legion, it will then use the generic Legion puppet focus tree.

Trivia and Bugs

It is generally unadvised to release Blackfoot, at least in 2275 as Caesars Legion looses cores and valuable resources. Releasing Blackfoot in 2275 leads to them ending up with NO ECONOMY and without means to build more factories or any army.