Eureka events (4.0)

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This is a list of all events relating to Eureka (from /Old World Blues/events_EUR_l_english.yml).

The nuclear devastation that awaited Eureka was avoided, but at a great cost. The missile was off target, and instead slammed into the waters outside the city's port. While the radiation effects alone were enough to kill or incapacitate many, the horrors that emerged from the diseased sea were nearly extraterrestrial. Worst of all, Eureka had survived primarily through fishing and trading through its port, making even the existence of these mutated creatures a threat to their survival. The Portmasters held together in this time, a local militia which protected us all. Under the Portmasters' guidance, we learned -

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Desolation National Focus.

Event button.png
To trust each other
  • Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.
Event button.png
To never give up
  • Gain Base War Support: +8.00%.
Event button.png
To rebuild whatever we could
  • Political Power: +50.


A Regulated Industry

There is an old Eurekan saying - 'peace is good for business; war is good for business.' The crew from Eureka's marina took control of the town after the bombs fell. But the lands around Eureka were too poor, and too lightly populated, to rule anyone. Why bother? Instead, the marina began offering themselves out for 'protection'. A season campaigning, then a return home for the winter. In a mere generation they were known as the Portmasters, a rough and ready band.

But the Portmasters had their limitations. Eureka lacked heavy weaponry or advanced schematics, and faced the chance of falling behind. And so in 2150, a new gang came to Eureka.

The Regulators were once the heroes of the Boneyard, a militia company who kept the town safe. But in 2141In-game spelling the Vault Dweller, corrupted by the honeyed words of local raiders, turned the town against them. The men and women who fought and died to keep one of California's first towns safe fled as far as they could go, looking for a home. And they found one in Eureka. To quote Caleb, 'this is a good and peaceful place - here I shall rest my gun above the mantle.'

Event nature nice.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Pirates, Drunks, and Whores National Focus.

Event button.png
They brought special forces training.
  • Add Offensive Portmasters, which grants (Special forces Attack: +8.0%).
Event button.png
They taught us how to hold a position.
  • Add Defensive Portmasters, which grants (Special forces Defense: +8.0%).
Event button.png
We learned how to live off the land.
  • Add Supplied Portmasters, which grants (Special Forces Non-Combat Out of Supply: -20.00%).


The Turning Wheel

Event ufo invasion.png

The Regulators weren't the only Californians to flee to Eureka, seeking a better life. Beginning in the 2240s, the Hubologists walked north, seeking a land free of the Shi's persecution.

The Hubologists are called 'con artists' and charlatans, but that is base slander. They believe that life, the universe, and everything are a turning wheel. With their scientific beliefs, the children of Dick Hubbell tried to cleanse the Wasteland of the neurodynes that almost destroyed mankind. But Thrakazog the Pot Hole stuck our wheel, and his agent from Arroyo drove us out of San Francisco. To Eureka we came, and Eureka we remain. It is in this little town that the Hubologists work for the Great Uplifting, and to bring us home to the star Father on Quetzel.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The A Regulated Industry event, after 4 days

Event button.png
Down With the Oppressives!


The Tales of Granite Company

'Kiss America Goodbye, Boys'.

These were Granite's last words as the Rig exploded, and his boys and girls fled Navarro. While hardliners fled East to Chicago and the Capital, Granite led those who either couldn't reach the evac zones or didn't want to. A group left behind, forgotten. Of course they turned to the Wasteland's most precious commodity - war.

For three decades the Granite Company fought and died, carefully maintaining failing power armour, as the radio carried words of a new president in the East. Some heroes, devoted to fighting the mutant threat, traveled on. Some of them stayed and died. After years of fighting, there was no one left devoted to the the Enclave's dreams.

The Granite Company had many customers, but a few rules stood out.

Event ENC camp navarro.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing The Granite Company National Focus.

Event button.png
Granite would fight for anyone, no questions asked.
  • Gets event 'Eureka!'.
Event button.png
But he especially disliked the dogs of the NCR.
  • Army Experience: +25.
  • Gain (unrecognized string "Bottle Caps" for Template:Icon) +25.00k Bottle Caps.
  • Gets event 'Eureka!'.



Granite Company drifted through the Wastes for decades; but there was never a great place to find a home. Reno was too hot once the Salvatores fell from power. Vault City attracted some, but the NCR garrison made many veterans uncomfortable. Seattle? A nice place, before the Brotherhood showed up. MacArthur? Technically, Granite Company committed treason aiding the Chosen One in killing Frank Horrigan. What to do?

By this point, Eureka was home to several groups of mercenaries. What was one more? And so the last Enclave troops on the west coast set themselves up as mercenaries in the 'bum fuck of nowhere.'

Event enc 1 soldier.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Obtaining The Tales of Granite Company event and selecting either option.

Event button.png
Old Soldiers Never Die...
  • Add The Last Americans, which grants (Army Experience Gain: +0.05 daily, Recruitable Population: -5.00%).
  • Gets event 'Fortunate Son'.
Event button.png
They Just Fade Away
  • Add The Next Generation, which grants (Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +15).
  • Gets event 'Fortunate Son'.


Fortunate Son

Event erb vertibird crash snow.png

Granite grew up on the campaign trail with his father, learning from radical officers, malcontent grunts, and jaded Followers. He piloted vertibirds to Koover, supped with Rio soldiers along the river, and learned much from the people. Much to his father's chagrin, he went, in a way, native. But he never placed roots, and never found a home. Granite Company just marched the Wastes, the only constant being caps for the soldiers, and taps for the fallen. Until a chill day in November 2274, when the taps played for Granite.

And so passed the last American. For Granite Company, and the last of the Western Enclave, it was up to Granite to write the epilogue.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Obtaining the Eureka! event and selecting either option.

Event button.png
He's tenting on the old camp ground.
  • Gain Base War Support: +5.00%.
  • Gets event 'In the Lair of the Bear'.


In the Lair of the Bear

Event ENC dark.png

As the years went on, Eureka ran into a problem - the NCR was too damn successful. Who needed to hire mercenaries when California had a standing army of thousands of men with bloody mechanized units? Protecting brahmin caravans was well and good, but it couldn't pay the way raiding Vault City once did. The NCR increasingly viewed Eureka as an inconvenience and embarassmentIn-game spelling, a den of trouble on its borders. Indeed, some felt it was only a matter of time before the NCR simply occupied Eureka to restore order. Some mercenaries moved east or north, while others cashed out.

And a few wondered if Eureka would have to find some other way to support itself. But whatever Eureka did would attract the NCR's interest, and there was a chance the Republic would simply solve the problem once and for all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Obtaining the Fortunate Son event.

Event button.png
Small businessmen always get the short end of the stick.
  • Unlocks the Hide Activities from NCR decision.
    This allows you to spend Political Powerultra Political Power or (unrecognized string "Bottle Caps" for Template:Icon) Caps to keep the NCR from mobilizing against you. Certain actions will increase the NCR's suspicion, such as flying around in vertibirds.


Uneasy Neighbours

Event enc ghoul fraternity.png

One reason Granite Company settled down in Eureka was the Sergeant's willingness to work with mutants, a tradition that existed since the fall of the Rig. While obviously ghouls and super mutants were potential threats, Granite could be perfectly civil and pleasant, setting an example for those who followed. Indeed, Granite and the Portmasters went on more than one successful venture together, especially a spectactular raid on the Great Eighties raid of 2268.

But this is not to deny that the two groups have tensions. In particular, Granite Company is far less willing to work with the Republic, preferring a stand-off approach for their little town. But for now, this remains a theoretical disagreement. Both parties recognize that any conflict might ruin their little community, and neither group wants to invite the NCR north. And hey, some of the ghouls can make a pretty good rotgut.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The In the Lair of the Bear event, after 4 days

Event button.png
They may be muties, but they're our muties.


Eureka's Mercenary Army

Eureka works differently from almost any other nation. Instead of a normal standing army they are involved in conflicts across the west coast in exchange for cash and army experience. They cannot train new divisions regularly and have extremely limited industry, but instead raise divisions and equipment through special decisions.

Mercenaries can be sent through the Send Volunteers button on the diplomacy screen. Sending mercenaries (so long as the nation does not already have mercenaries from Eureka) results in an automatic payment of 40 dollars, and levelling up your starting generals provides an additional payment of 25 dollars. Only your starting generals and those gained by focuses and events grant the 25 dollar payment.

You must have a presence in a nation's port in order to send them mercenaries. At game start, Eureka has built a presence from the southern tip of Baja to the Washington Brotherhood's Capitol Hill. Focuses may expand your reach to new ports, and therefore new conflicts.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

21 days after game start

Event button.png
I see.
  • Gets event 'Mercenaries, cont.'.


Mercenaries, cont.

In order to see where you can send mercenaries, open the drop-down menu on the top bar (where you would normally find the core state buttons). Look for the Additional Mapmodes button near the bottom. Once it's opened change the filter from "Countries" to "Volunteer Targets". All countries in green are valid targets for volunteers. Completing focuses will increase the number of available targets in intervene in.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Obtaining the Eureka's Mercenary Army event.

Event button.png
Wow, how convenient!


Flags of Our Fathers

Event ENC camp navarro.png

To the Shi, Navarro is a new rice bowl, a way to break free of the NCR's choking embrace. For the Republic, it's yet another frontier, an untamed wilderness for the brahmin that bring wealth and power. To Eureka? Oh boy, grab a beer. To Granite Company? It was the home of the Enclave, the last best hope for the Wasteland. And to everyone else in Eureka? It's put the Bear directly on their doorstep, a launching point for any offensive the Bear makes north. Not that there's anything wrong with our dear friends in Shady Sands, of course. Nevertheless, the argument could be carefully made that Eureka should consider taking contracts with the tribes of Navarro, those peaceful people. And if they can't afford a contract? Perhaps some sort of long term agreement could be arranged.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

40 days after game start

Event button.png
God Bless the En-Eureka.


I Met You in a Bar In San Francisco...

San Francisco has long served as a gateway to the north, and in happier times served as a popular spot for Navarro's leave. Now Eureka hopes to attract investment and trade from the city, with several factions available. The Shi are always happy to trade for more produce and lumber, and offer their technological services. But they were never friends of Granite Company's predecessors, convinced that the Enclave almost nuked San Francisco. The Hubologists, for their part, know much about aviation. But not too much. And we must admit, their religious views are strange even for the Wasteland. Still, they would work with Granite Company.... Who does Eureka pick?"

Event shi good.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The Contact the Shi National Focus

Event button.png
Blessings to the Emperor.
  • Add Shi Contacts, which grants (Research speed: +8.00%).
  • Change in popularity of Elites: +5.00%
Event button.png
Surely there's something to this Star Father business?.
  • Change in popularity of Intellectuals: +5.00%
  • Add Hubologists, which grants (Stability -4.00%, Research speed: +8.00%).


Going North, the Rush Is On.

With the growth of the Californian economy, it is time to open a new frontier to satisfy the appetites of southern California. Until now, Eureka was too remote and had little to offer the lands down south. There was ample farm land for staples, and no real market for luxury goods. But that has changed, and it opens an interesting opportunity.

Eureka could grow to rely upon resources and goods beyond manpower and mercenaries. The fish of the sea; the fruit of the land; and perhaps, with some hard work, the sweat of its people's brow. But to do that will require more settlers. Granite and [EUR.GetLeader], as the strongest forces in Eureka, are at an impasse. [EUR.GetLeader] believes all are welcome, and would encourage everyone to immigrate. But Granite believes that Eureka should limit immigration to a respectable sort, hard working, industrious, relatively successful peoples. 'We are not the Legion - we have no need of serfs.' Ultimately, who will prevail?

And perhaps, just perhaps, Granite could send some feelers out to old friends.

Event nice town.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the A Little Slice of Paradise National Focus

Event button.png
The more the merrier!.
  • Add All Are Welcome, which grants (Monthly Population: +25.0%, Stability -5.00%).
  • Change in popularity of Elites: +5.00%
Event button.png
Selective enticements will get a better class of citizen.
  • Change in popularity of Intellectuals: +5.00%
  • Add Selective Screening, which grants (Monthly Population: +15.0%), Stability +5.00%).
Event button.png
Welcome home, my fellow Americans.
  • Change in popularity of Intellectuals: +10.00%
  • Add Veterans From Days of Old, which grants (Daily Political Power Gain: +0.02, Monthly Population: +7.0%).


Home Means Nevada to Them

Nevada heard our call! The people of the region heard our plans to develop Eureka's economy, and we have three groups with interest.

Modoc sends a farming delegation, which would support our agricultural exports.

Vault City sends some citizens, cutting edge researchers who may, alas, dislike our ghoul population.

And Reno sent some well funded chem manufacturers. Who do we pick?

New Reno sign.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Guns, Germs or Steel National Focus

Event button.png
Farming ain't much, but it's honest work. For other people.
  • 1x 50% Research bonus for: Agriculture.
  • Change in popularity of People: +5.00%
Event button.png
Vault City? I have some friends who moved there!
  • Arcata:

    - Add production of 3 Circuitryultra in Arcata.

    - Add production of 2 Advanced Componentsultra in Arcata.

    - Add production of 2 Composite Materialsultra in Arcata.
  • Change in popularity of Intellectuals: +5.00%
Event button.png
Obviously we should work with the only group with resources.
  • Change in popularity of Elites: +5.00%


The Business of Redding is Business

As Eureka's economy opened, three investors approached the City's leaders with a plan.

Two twins, Olivia and Cordell, came with their retinues. A battalion of clerks, guards, and builders, behind two unique plans. Olivia's promise was simple - improve the infrastructure to improve exports to New California. Her brother, a student at Vault City University, proposed looking for gold. After all, Redding once had some, and the region was once the source of gold centuries ago. Surely some was left?

But there was also a third proposal, one that disgusted Granite. A super mutant known only as Francis claimed the super mutants from Broken Hills could use their skills to run the mine. From a strict cost-benefit analysis, the mutants would be an invaluable tool. But hadn't these monsters killed thousands?"

Event ncr money 2.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Redding's Investment National Focus

Event button.png
Olivia's solution is practical
  • Olivia Hunt will become available as an advisor
  • Change in popularity of Elites: +5.00%
Event button.png
Cordell, sign me up!
  • Cordell Hunt will become available as an advisor
  • Change in popularity of Intellectuals: +5.00%
Event button.png
Super mutants can lift *how much*?
  • Francis will become available as an advisor
  • Change in popularity of Elites: +5.00%
  • Change in popularity of Intellectuals: -5.00%