Excan Tlahtoloyan national focus tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
The Death of Tlaloc icon
The Death of Tlaloc
Moctzeuma was the youngest of Tlaloc's sons, created to handle resource processing for the southern part of his domains, and to handle defenses against the Aztlan. Perversely, the personality for the reason is inspired by the great Aztec leader Moctzeuma I, and seeks to restore the empire to its past glories.
  • Trigger country event “All the Earth is a Grave”
Old Ways for a New World icon
Old Ways for a New World
Moctezuma rapidly concluded that the situation in Mexico in the 23rd century resembled 15th century Mexico. Accordingly, the best government would be one modeled on the Aztec Empire.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Death of Tlaloc “The Death of Tlaloc”
  • Trigger country event “To the God of War”
The Telpochcalli icon
The Telpochcalli
Tlaloc didn't educate the children of Mexico, but the Aztec Empire sent all its youth, boys and girls, to the Telpochcalli, or Houses of the Young. Moctezuma can revive these schools to teach all his children the glory of the Mexica. And skills for war.
  • Requires the following:
    • Old Ways for a New World “Old Ways for a New World”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic research bonus.png “The Telpochcalli”
The Telpochcalli icon
The Telpochcalli
  • Recruitable Population: 3%
Flower Wars icon
Flower Wars
Flower Wars were fought by the Aztecs to glorify the empire, extort tribute, and to bring slaves to sacrifice. A few flower wars against Moctzeuma's neighbors would serve to bloody the troops and rally the people to their master.
  • Requires the following:
    • Old Ways for a New World “Old Ways for a New World”
  • Trigger country event “The Flower Wars”
Crush the Aztlan icon
Crush the Aztlan
These fools claim the title of our sacred homeland, of the Seven caves from which the Aztec came. Moctezume will make them pay.
  • Requires the following:
  • None of:
    • Has the National Spirit Idea chi war of resistance3.png “Untimely Death”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has variable global.aztec_breakaway
    • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
      • Limited to:
        • Original country is File:Nuevo Aztlán.png Nuevo Aztlán
        • None of:
          • Is in the same faction as our country
        • None of:
          • Is a subject of our country
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • File:Nuevo Aztlán.png Nuevo Aztlán:
        • None of:
          • Is in the same faction as our country
        • None of:
          • Is a subject of our country
    • File:Nuevo Aztlán.png Nuevo Aztlán:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
Sacrifice the Aztlan leader icon
Sacrifice the Aztlan leader
The Aztlan are no more, and we are one of the leading powers of Mexico. Let us demonstrate.
  • Requires the following:
    • Crush the Aztlan “Crush the Aztlan”
  • Owns state Xochicalco (863)
  • [Scope]Xochicalco (863):
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to -500
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
    • Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan gains a core on this state
Rebuild Tenochtitlan icon
Rebuild Tenochtitlan
Now that Moctezuma controls our ancient cpaital, he can rebuild it to its prewar glory. Said war being the Spanish conquest.
  • Requires the following:
    • Crush the Aztlan “Crush the Aztlan”
  • Owns state Mexico City (803)
  • [Scope]Mexico City (803):
    • Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan gains a core on this state
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_arms_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • Rename state to Tenochtitlan
  • Rename the province (10451) to Tenochtitlan
The Brothers' War icon
The Brothers' War
With the Aztlan defeated, it is time to consider the nations who could rival the Mexica's greatness; the other sons of Tlaloc.
  • Requires the following:
    • Crush the Aztlan “Crush the Aztlan”
  • Owns state Xochicalco (863)
  • [Scope]Tlaloc's Lair (769):
    • Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan gains a core on this state
The Death of Zapata icon
The Death of Zapata
Moctzeuma does not understand why Zapata thinks a 20th century revolutionary is a proper model for Mexico. Surely he will fail just like the first Zapata?
  • Requires the following:
    • The Brothers' War “The Brothers' War”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
The Slaughter of Santa Anna icon
The Slaughter of Santa Anna
Santa Anna was a loser in history, and he'll be a loser in the Wasteland. The gods would be offended by this poor a sacrifice.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Brothers' War “The Brothers' War”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of Ejército Mexicano Ejército Mexicano:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
Death to the False Emperor icon
Death to the False Emperor
There's only room for one emperor of the Mexica. Maximilian's oil will please the gods as well as blood.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Brothers' War “The Brothers' War”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of Imperio Mexicano Imperio Mexicano:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
The Land of the Fifth Sun icon
The Land of the Fifth Sun
The children of Tlaloc have been brought to heal. The Triple Alliance has been restored. It is now time to restore the Empire's rule to the four quarters of the earth!
  • Requires the following:
  • Requires the following:
    • The Slaughter of Santa Anna “The Slaughter of Santa Anna”
  • Requires the following:
    • The Death of Zapata “The Death of Zapata”
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • All of the following must be true:
    • All of the following must be true:
      • Owns state The Glowing Ash (760)
      • Owns state Leon (765)
      • Owns state Reynosa (755)
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Flag of Imperio Mexicano Imperio Mexicano:
        • Is a subject of our country
    • Annex Flag of Imperio Mexicano Imperio Mexicano (troops transferred)
  • If:
  • If:
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_tlaloc_original_state=yes
    • Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan gains a core on this state
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan gains a core on this state
  • Set cosmetic tag to MOC_universe
The Calmecac icon
The Calmecac
The elite of the empire can send their children to the Calmecacs, the Houses of Lineage. These children will be the Moctezuma's adjuctants in the land of the Fifth Sun.
To Unite the Fifth Sun icon
To Unite the Fifth Sun
For the Empire was the world, and the world was the empire.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Land of the Fifth Sun “The Land of the Fifth Sun”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: Grants claims on all of Mexico.
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • None of:
          • State is owned by our country
        • Scripted Trigger: is_mexico_state=yes
      • Is claimed by our country
Appoint Tlatoani icon
Appoint Tlatoani
The Aztec Empire ruled through speakers for its subject people. We can appoint a series of Tlatoani for the towns we conquer, who will answer directly to Moctezuma. If they know what's good for them.
  • Requires the following:
    • Old Ways for a New World “Old Ways for a New World”
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Appoint the Cihuacoatl icon
Appoint the Cihuacoatl
The Aztec Empire's chief legal scholar was the Cihuacoatl, who was appointed by the emperor but was the final authority on all matters. Promising Moctzeuma's subjects law by someone other than an AI may reassure them.
  • Requires the following:
    • Appoint Tlatoani “Appoint Tlatoani”
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Create the Quauhpilli icon
Create the Quauhpilli
Not everyone can bee a noble or a serf. For merchants, craftsmen, and soldiers of note, we can create the nonherditary title of Quauhpilli.
  • Requires the following:
    • Appoint the Cihuacoatl “Appoint the Cihuacoatl”
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
Human Sacrifices icon
Human Sacrifices
Moctezuma does not believe that the world is sustained through the sacrifice of human blood, but a bloody pageant to bind the Mexica together together will be useful. So have a heart.
  • Requires the following:
    • Create the Quauhpilli “Create the Quauhpilli”
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Lose Manpower 1 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks the ability to make offerings to the gods of the Aztecs.
The Pochteca icon
The Pochteca
The Aztec Emmpire honored merchants for bringing quetzal fathers, jade, and dyed cottons to the markets of Tenochtitlan. Although Moctezuma has no need for such frippers, he can still reward the merchants who strengthen the Empire.
  • Requires the following:
    • Old Ways for a New World “Old Ways for a New World”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic morale bonus.png “The Pochtecha”
The Pochtecha icon
The Pochtecha
  • Stability: +3%
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.03
The Pochteca Naualoztomeca icon
The Pochteca Naualoztomeca
Merchants were not just valued in the Empire for the wealth they brought; they also served as spies for foreign conquests. The most notorious spies were the Pochteca Naualoztomeca, or "Diguised Merchants." A visit from them was once a prelude to conquest, as they mapped the best routes into enemy cities. Perhaps it will be again.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Pochteca “The Pochteca”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic infantry bonus.png “The Disguised Merchants”
The Disguised Merchants icon
The Disguised Merchants
  • Winter Attrition: −10%
  • Heat Attrition: −10%
  • Reconnaissance: +5%
The Ocelotl icon
The Ocelotl
The Jagur Warriors will command our robot armies in battle. Identifiable by their powered armor, all jaguar warriors must have killed at least five enemy soldiers before they can claim the title.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Pochteca Naualoztomeca “The Pochteca Naualoztomeca”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic infantry bonus.png “The Jaguar Knights”
The Jaguar Knights icon
The Jaguar Knights
  • Division Attrition: −10%
  • Divisions speed: +5%
  • Division Attack: +10%
Tlaloc's Defense Protocols icon
Tlaloc's Defense Protocols
Tlaloc provided all of his subroutines with defense protocols, but they were corrupted during his death. With sufficient reformating, we can unlock the ability to use them.
  • Requires the following:
    • Old Ways for a New World “Old Ways for a New World”
Unlock Tlaloc's Garages icon
Unlock Tlaloc's Garages
  • Requires the following:
    • Tlaloc's Defense Protocols “Tlaloc's Defense Protocols”
  • Gain +70% research bonus (vault_garage) (2 uses) towards:
    • Vehicle Technology
Arm the Humans icon
Arm the Humans
The men and women of Mexico are one of the AIs most important resources. In the grim dark future where there is only war, lasers are hard to build; but you can always make more humans.
  • Requires the following:
    • Tlaloc's Defense Protocols “Tlaloc's Defense Protocols”
  • Gain +70% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Infantry Weaponry
Build High End Robots icon
Build High End Robots
Tlaloc let his children deploy only his more primitive robots, trusting none of them to fully manage Mexico. But he's not around anymore is he?
  • Requires the following:
    • Tlaloc's Defense Protocols “Tlaloc's Defense Protocols”
  • Gain +100% research bonus or 3 years ahead of time penalty reduction (1 use) towards:
    • Robotics
Take to the Skies icon
Take to the Skies
With Tlaloc gone, it's time for us to reclaim the skies from the upstart humans.
  • Requires the following:
    • Unlock Tlaloc's Garages “Unlock Tlaloc's Garages”
  • Gain +70% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Air Technology
Recognize the VEEPs icon
Recognize the VEEPs
Tlaloc's lands contained a hereditary elite known as VEEPs. Many of them are looking for stability and confirmatoin of their status in the time since his death. We can provide that in exchange for their service.
  • Requires the following:
    • Arm the Humans “Arm the Humans”
  • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “The VEEPS”
The VEEPS icon
  • Political Power Gain: +10%
  • Recruitable Population: 2%
Prewar Robots icon
Prewar Robots
Tlaloc had access to some of prewar America's greatest robots. So do we, now.
  • Requires the following:
    • Build High End Robots “Build High End Robots”
  • Has Precision Motors technology researched
  • Add technology: Assaultron
REPCONN Testing icon
  • Requires the following:
    • Recognize the VEEPs “Recognize the VEEPs”
  • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “REPCONN Testing”
REPCONN Testing icon
Eagle Warriors icon
Eagle Warriors
The heirs of the Mexica will take to the skies under the leadership of the Eagle Warriors.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Calmecac “The Calmecac”
Brotherhood Flight Academy icon
Brotherhood Flight Academy
  • Air Accidents Chance: −20%
  • Ace generation chance: +15%
  • Air Experience Gain: +0.1
Rebuild the Roads icon
Rebuild the Roads
Much of Mexico's infrastructure has lay in ruinssince the Great War and conditions were only worsened after Tlaloc's death. It would be logical to fix them.
  • Requires the following:
    • Old Ways for a New World “Old Ways for a New World”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure
Industrial Development icon
Industrial Development
[FROM.GETNAME] will never defeat the other children of Tlaloc without a sufficient industrial base. Let's fix that.
  • Requires the following:
    • Rebuild the Roads “Rebuild the Roads”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Develop High Technology icon
Develop High Technology
The primitives of the Wastes can barely build firearms, let alone our flawless robots. We can leverage our industrial capacity to go one step further.
  • Requires the following:
    • Industrial Development “Industrial Development”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 10 (unrecognized string "advanced" for Template:Icon) Advanced Components
Processed Foodstuffs icon
Processed Foodstuffs
We can industrialize food processing to develop food supplies that the Wastes traditionally refrain from, although the taste varies from person to person.
  • Requires the following:
    • Industrial Development “Industrial Development”
  • Requires the following:
    • Construct New Armories “Construct New Armories”
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic manpower bonus.png “Processed Foods”
Processed Foods icon
Processed Foods
  • Monthly Population: +15%
  • Stability: +5%
  • Appeal to Refugees: +5%
Construct New Armories icon
Construct New Armories
[FROM.GETNAME] must build more weapons if he iis to prevail. Plese report to your nearest work assignment facility.
  • Requires the following:
    • Rebuild the Roads “Rebuild the Roads”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Lighting Adjustments icon
Lighting Adjustments
A robot army will require energy to power its machines. If [FROM.GETNAME] has the plants, then he'll have the power.
  • Requires the following:
    • Construct New Armories “Construct New Armories”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 16 Energy Energy
Electronics Workshops icon
Electronics Workshops
Through careful work, we can build electronic workshops to build [FROM.GETNAME]'s war machines.
  • Requires the following:
    • Lighting Adjustments “Lighting Adjustments”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 16 Circuitry Circuitry
Fuel for the Fight! icon
Fuel for the Fight!
An army marches on its stomach, but runs on its fuel.
  • Requires the following:
    • Rebuild the Roads “Rebuild the Roads”
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add production of 8 (unrecognized string "composites" for Template:Icon) Composite Materials
Human Engineering icon
Human Engineering
Humans may not be as smart as [FROM.GETNAME], but they try so hard it's cute. Maybe they have a few tricks we can learn.
  • Requires the following:
    • Develop High Technology “Develop High Technology”
  • Gain +70% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Industry Technology
Develop the Mines icon
Develop the Mines
Tlaloc decliend to open prewar mines concluding there was "insufficient market demand due to business conditions" in the United States. But our war machine is proof of a thriving domestic market!
  • Requires the following:
    • Human Engineering “Human Engineering”
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 16 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
Construction robots icon
Construction robots
All of [FROM.GETNAME]'s work to develop his economy has demanded the use of construction robots. Turns out they are also great war machines.
  • Requires the following:
    • Develop the Mines “Develop the Mines”
  • Requires the following:
    • Electronics Workshops “Electronics Workshops”
  • Has Cooling Systems technology researched
  • Add technology: Sentry Bot