Ejército Mexicano

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Ejército Mexicano is the reformation of the Army of Mexico.

Historical background

Formed by an insane and powerful splinter of Tlaloc that believes itself to be the reincarnation of Santa Anna, the Army of Mexico is an army with a nation, not a nation with an army. Santa Anna's iron grasp on his population ensures full "cooperation" with his forces at all times.

Driven by a desire to redeem himself for the shame of his "past actions", the mad AI strives to improve his conscript army and fill out its ranks with robots. Living conditions are poor, working conditions are poorer, and suffering is ignored. Everything is done in service to the reconquest of Mexico: if humans must suffer for that? So be it.
- Scenarios country selection screen quote

Ejército Mexicano, the Post-Great War reformation of the Mexican Army, is lead by one of Tlaloc's sons, Santa Anna, basing himself on the historical figure of the same name. Anna's belief is that the nation is the legitimate Mexican government, despite the only claimant being an insane AI personality.[1] However, Ejército Mexicano is largely made up of enslaved conscripts, obtained through Santa Anna's robot workers, and are forced to maintain production no matter what. In compensation, they are given ration tokens for their efforts. Despite the robot amount, most labor in Ejército Mexicano is performed by humans, and overseen by the robots, with humans forbidden from escaping, and those that attempt to being put to death by way of public execution. The reasoning for the depravity in human conditions is due to an error in Santa Anna's programming, visualizing human lives as a valuable resource, but still a resource to be fully utilized to ensure maximum potential. The ultimate conclusion to Ejército Mexicano by 2275 is to prepare for a potential war that may erupt following Tlaloc's death, but at the cost of supporting only an army, with little of a nation build around it.[2]



National spirits

Ejército Mexicano starts with two national spirits:

Combined Armada icon
Combined Armada
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +5.00%
  • Army Energy Cell Consumption: +15.00%
  • Support Robot: Production Cost: -7.50%
  • Combat Robot: Production Cost: -7.50%
Our armies are comprised of both man and machine, giving us greater reach and more options than if we have only stuck to one type of force. However our consumption of supplies is greatly increased.
Advanced Power Management icon
Advanced Power Management
  • Energy Cell Capacity: +100.00%
  • Combat Robot: Cell Usage: -50%
  • Support Robot: Cell Usage: -50%


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Santa Anna Animated.gif
Santa Anna Ruler The Caudillo Yes 100.00% Yes The first and strongest of Tlaloc's seperateIn-game spelling identities, and the only one to roam outside of Tlaloc's domain, Santa Anna is a plague upon the wasteland. Mad with power and desperate to "redeem himself" after his defeat hundreds of years ago, this insane AI has ensnared a portion of Mexico to do its bidding, and will stop at nothing to truly become the Mexican general it believes itself to be. "The Man of Destiny", Dislikes Caesar's Legion

Starting Position

Ejército Mexicano starts on the east cost of Mexico, between The Pursuant, Petro-Chico, and Tlalocan.

They start with a production of 3 factories making Combat Robots and 3 factories making Support Robots.

Their division templates are:

  • Militia Force (4 Militia battalions)
  • Fuerza Milicia (4 Infantry battalions)
  • Guardia (7 Infantry battalions with Anti-Tank and Recon support companies)
  • Máquinas de Matara (3 Support Robot battalions and 3 Combat Robot battalions with an Anti-Tank support company)
  • Robot Policiales (6 Support Robot battalions with an Anti-Tank support company)

Their order of battle spawns 16 land units and 1 naval fleet:

  • 9 Máquinas de Matara, fully equipped
  • 7 Máquinas de Matara, 80% equipped
  • 1 fleet of 3 River Boats, 1 Destroyer, and 4 Heavy Ship.

Behind the scenes

  • In English, Ejército Mexicano translates to "Mexican Army", which is reflected in the Pip-Boy Plus Regions section.
  • The patch 2.0 version of the Ejército Mexicano focus tree was scripted by HappyNTH and wtchappell, the patch 3.0 version was scripted by Faeelin, and the patch 3.2 version was tweaked by Zusk.[3]


  1. Zapdude: "The Army of Mexico believes itself to be the legitimate mexican government, but nobody supports their claim due to the baseless insanity it stems from (An A.I. who thinks its an ancient Mexican president reborn)"
    - Obtained from Discord, 1/17/2019
  2. Pip-Boy Plus/Regions#Los Ejército Mexicano: "Occupying the northern portion of Mexico's east coast, the Ejército Mexicano lives up to its name. Comprised of unwilling conscripts enslaved by the robotic serfs of the army's leader, it strives for the reconquest of Texas. Every day, the "citizens" living under the Army's control work, willingly or not, in its factories and dockyards. Its robotic taskmasters leave no room for error, ensuring the entire working population is productive. Workers are rewarded with a paltry amount of ration tokens, the bare minimum for a wage. Construction, salvaging, resource extraction, and farming are roles staffed by humans and overseen by robots. Escape from this draconian society is nigh impossible due to the nature of its ruler. The watchful eye of the ever-present A.I. Santa Anna will mercilessly hunt down those who dare to go against its grand vision. Escapees are regularly dragged back to their housing blocks, or for repeat offenders, publicly executed.

    These extreme methods are employed not to be cruel, but due to a fundamental error with the overlord itself. Human lives are considered a valuable resource by Santa Anna, but a resource nonetheless. Resources are collected to be spent after-all. No one citizen of working age should go unused either, for wasting resources is wasting time, and time is something Santa Anna doesn't have. Its central authority, Tlaloc, is rapidly dying. Refusing to accept the inevitable fate ahead of itself, the A.I. will continue to charge ahead into the future; preparing for a war that may never come. The Army of Mexico is an army with a nation, not the other way around."
  3. army_of_mexico_nf.txt: "####################################
    1. Army of Mexico Focus Tree #
    2. 2.0 Tree #
    3. Scripted by Happy and wtchappell #
    4. 3.0 Tree #
    5. Scripted by Faelin #
    6. 3.2 Tweaks #
    7. Tweaked by Zusk #