Political parties and leaders

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Political parties are the ruling political parties in any given nation. They are each connected to one national leader and an ideology. If a leader for a country's ideology is not established in the game files, then a new one will be randomly generated that can be given benefits from political advisors. While most countries can support being ruled by any ideology in the game, not every country has a unique name for each ideology's political party.


There are many leader traits, and only some of them affect the player directly. These traits give bonuses to the country, however, there are also traits that simply change the AI's behavior and yet others that appear to do nothing in particular. The following is a list of these traits.

Trait Behavioral trait? Effect
Backroom Backstabber ? Political Power Gain: +5%, Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%
Beloved Leader ? Stability: +5.00%
Chair of the Chiefs Executive Council ? Political Power Gain: +15%, Stability: +5.00%
Charismatic Leader ? Political Power Gain: +5%
Circle of Steel Agent ? Reconnaissance: +25.0%, Encryption: +50.00%, Decryption: +50.00%, Counter Intelligence: +1.00, Operative slots: +1, Intel network strength gain factor: +50%
Colorado Patriot ? Can form Colorado
Conqueror of Tribes ? Division Organization: +5.0%, Stability: +10.0%, War Support: +10.00%
Cruel Tyrant ? Non-core Manpower: +2.00%, Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -30%, Damage to Garrisons: -25.00%
Cult of Personality ? Mobilization speed: +20.00%, Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%
Dislikes Caesar's Legion Yes The AI will be more likely to antagonize Caesar's Legion.
Distrusted Elder ? Stability: -10.00%, Daily Intellectual Support: -0.05%
Economic Knowhow ? Caps Income: +5.0%, Caps Expenses: -5.0%
Expert Negotiator ? Trade deal opinion factor: +20.00%
Fortifications Expert ? (unrecognized string "Outpost" for Template:Icon)Outpost construction speed: +20.00%, Coastal fortultraCoastal Fort construction speed: +20.00%, Anti-airultraAnti Air construction speed: +20.00%
He Of No Moiety ? Army Leader Cost: -20.0%, Stability: +5.00%
God From The Machine ? Political Power Gain: +10%, Stability: +20.00%, War Support: +20.00%, Division Defense on core territory: +10.0%, Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%
Ideological Crusader ? Same ideology monthly opinion: +100.00%
Ineffective ? Political Power Gain: -50%
Insatiable Hunger ? Weekly Manpower: -7
Isolationist ?
Isolationist ? Join faction tension limit: +50.0%
Jericho's Raider Queen ? Caps from Coring (per Infrastructure): +15
Local Patriot ? Stability: +5.00%, Division Defense on core territory: +4.0%
Logistical Genius ? Supply Consumption: -4.0%, Consumer Goods Factories: -3.0%, InfrastructureultraInfrastructure construction speed: +10.00%
Maxson Heritage ? Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%
Military Background ? Planning Speed: +10.0%
Mistress of Subterfuge ? Political Power Gain: +5%
Monster from the Depths ? Division Recovery Rate: +10.0%, Stability: +10.00%
Old Leader ? Daily Political Power Gain: -0.10, Stability: +5.00%
Paranoid ? Justify war goal time: -35.0%, Justify war goal time on us: +35.0%, Planning Speed: -10.0%
Political Workhorse ? Political Power Gain: +15%
Pirate Queen ? Political Power Gain: +7%, Naval Speed: +8%, War Support: +10.00%
Prince of Terror ? Non-core Manpower: +2.00%, Foreign subversive activities efficiency: -30%, Damage to Garrisons: -25.00%
Radical Reformer ? Stability: -10.00%, Research Speed: +5.00%
Road Warrior (3.0) ? Army Experience Gain: +10.0%, Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%, AI Modifier: Focus on Offensive: +50.0%
Road Warrior (4.0) ? Army Experience Gain: +10.0%, Division Recovery Rate: +5.0%, Infantry Equipment from Coring (per Infrastructure): +15, Command Power from Coring (per Infrastructure): +5, Caps from Coring (per Infrastructure): +5
Shell-Shocked ? Political Power Gain: -33%, Division Recovery Rate: -5.0%, (Flag of New California Republic The New California Republic) Attack bonus against country: -5.0%
Silent Workhorse ? Political Power Gain: +15%
Smooth-Talking Charmer ? Trade deal opinion factor: +10.00%
Stagnant Politician ? Political Power Gain: -10%, Stability: +5.00%
Stout Defender ? AI Modifier: Focus on Defense: +50.0%
Survivalist ? Divisions speed: +2.00%, Resource Gain Efficiency: +5.00%
The Smothering Storm ? Immune to the negative side effects of all Cybernetic technologies.
The Survivor ? Supply Consumption: -20.0%, Stability: +10.00%, Surrender Limit: +20.00%
Warmonger ? AI Modifier: Focus on Offensive: +60.0%
War Hero of the NCR War ? (Flag of New California Republic The New California Republic) Attack bonus against country: +5.0%
War Industrialist ? (unrecognized string "Military Factory" for Template:Icon)Military Factory construction speed: +10.00%, (unrecognized string "Dockyard" for Template:Icon)Dockyard construction speed: +10.00%
Warrior King ? Max planning: +10.0%, AI Modifier: Focus on Offensive: +25.0%
Well Liked Leader ? Improve relations opinion: +15.00%
White Legs Influence ? Daily Ruler Support: +0.01, Acceptance of Ruler Diplomacy: +50
World RenownIn-game spelling Starlette ? Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%

Political parties and leaders list

Note: Parties are only listed if they have a leader, a specific name, and/ or popularity at the start of the game.

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait tof leader.png
Overboss Marianne Elites Elites Yes 100% Yes "People have a habit of giving you just enough rope to hang them with. Or old copper wire to strangle them with, whatever works." Opportunities exist to be seized, not unlike an undefended settlement, and Marianne is an expert at taking any opportunities that come her way. She was at one time an indentured servant, a slave by any other name, punished for petty thievery. It was a miserable existence and Marianne was more than happy to put an end to it, and her master, when the 80s raid on Jericho provided the opportunity. Latching onto the 215th chain gang in their revolt and escape, she quickly maneuvered her way to the top of their pecking order. Marianne is a savvy woman, skilled at manipulating and ingratiated herself to the rough and violent folks beneath her. As a result the Overboss is quite popular within her gang, and they've followed her lead with only a token amount of infighting and dissent along the way. This goes both ways, and Marianne is fairly fond of her rowdy boys and girls and their penchant for explosions. Bigger and better things await the 215th and the Overboss, at least if you ask her. There's always more opportunities coming down the road, ready to be snatched up and made to work for Marianne." Jericho's Raider Queen

New California

New California Republic
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Kimball.png
Aaron Kimball People NCR Congress Yes 45% Yes A military man to the bone, the Hero of the Mojave who brought Hoover Dam to the Republic has grasped the reins of the Presidency. Whether he deserves the reins is another matter for debate entirely, as women, ghouls, and mutants can all attest to discrimination, and everyone can point to him for the rising Brahmin Barons. Military Background
Portrait allgood.png
Allgood Murphy People NCR Congress No 45% Yes "All is good in the NCR. No one hungers in a leaky shack, No one cowers before raiders on a farm. No one pays tribute to a corrupt official. Let us expand, for all is good." A young Sean Murphy delivered an improvised speech At the NCR Expeditionary convention criticizing the Mojave Expedition, popularizing the ironic expression that 'all was good.' reflecting the stark reality that the Republic's internal affairs were far from it. The stunning performance propelled the already successful seat-holding Boneyard politician into the national spotlight, gaining respect for his bold, incisive critique and netting his famous nickname of Allgood. In the years following, he cemented himself as an enemy of the traditional Warhawks and Plutocrats of the NCR political scene, one not so easily disposed of. After delivering his deciding speech, Allgood was grated the presidency, becoming an even more imposing problem for the corruption of the NCR, promising reintegration programs and peace. With ties to the Followers and the Brotherhood, Allgood reflects the best of the NCR - a melting pot of the idealist who strove for a better life. The Ncr is now led by a man who is as ruthless towards his foes as he is compassionate for the vanquished - for does not true victory come from making friends of foes? Although many of his critics lambast him as a pacifist, this could not be further from the truth. While Murphy is the first to call for peace, he will not shy from a fight to protect the people of the Wastes. Charismatic Leader, Follower of the Apocalypse Can become country if chosen in election.
Portrait Hayes.png
Grant C. Hayes Intellectuals The Old World Party No 15% Yes “Being American once meant something, and it will once again." Grant C. Hayes was renowned across the NCR for his push for progress both in scientific and political sectors before entering the election of '78. Now that he holds office, a new spirit takes hold of the Republic, one of logic, science and most importantly, patriotism. Although there are rumors that Hayes being the descendant to old world politicians, the Enclave, many believe him to be the right choice for a growing republic regardless of his past, even relishing that it bolster his ability as president. In the eyes of the voters, he has become not the strong man, such as Kimball, or the compassionate man, such as Allgood, but the smart man, one who pushing us into the future- utilizing the past to accomplish this and rallying members of the California military to join him in this effort. Citizens and inhabitants of the wasteland alike prepare for the change he's promised to come, and the realization of the future that twinkles in Hayes' eyes. Old-Worldist Can become country if chosen in election.
Portrait Flynn.png
Anton Flynn Elites The Barons No 25% Yes Anton Flynn is a dealmaker, and has come to control much of the moving and shaking in the NCR; however, the legitimacy of the republic will be in question if we hire him, as the population fear oligarchy has taken root. Baron Connections
Portrait Mossman.png
Ranger General Mossman Ruler Boneyard Seperatists No 15% Yes "Let us fight, and be right." War Hero, Commando (Specialist)
Portrait ncr moore.png
Cassandra Moore Ruler COMPREP No 80%% Yes Moore does not blink, does not hesitate; her ranger instincts have made her into the sort to strike hard, fast and without mercy. She can see threats before they emerge, and can have a battleplan ready before they can strike. President-General Becomes Country leader through the Electoral Deadlock Path (Californian State)
Portrait frn broken council.png
Vacant Leadership People NCR Congress No 20% No After the assassination of the President by unknown forces, the NCR has been thrown into complete chaos. Without a clear successor and with most of the NCR's States refusing to accept any new candidate, prospects for a swift end to the situation are non-existant. It seems complete constitutional collapse is imminent... Replaces Kimball/Murphy in the Electoral Deadlock Path
Portrait frn broken council.png
Committee for National Security Intellectuals The Old World Party No 0% No In the absence of a President or a functioning Conggress, the Committee for National Security has been formed. Comprised of a hodge-podge mix of military leaders and civil servants, the Committee is promising an end to the crisis gripping the Republic and Shady Sands. Critics worry this is just the start of a slide into authoritarianism... Replaces Hayes in the Electoral Deadlock Path
Californian Way

Note:Californian Way is spawned when NCR does the Electoral Deadlock Path

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait calhoun follower.png
Bill Calhoun People NCR Congress Yes 100% Yes An extraordinary physician from the Followers of the Apocalypse, Calhoun was sent to study the dialects of the wastes, along with the infamous Edward Sallow. AFter being captured by the blackfoot, he witnessed the foundations of the Caesar's Legion, and the suffering it brought to anything it touched. Civilization, progress, humanity. All trampled under the Legion's banner. As someone believed in ahimsa, non-violence at all costs, he opposed Sallow as much as he could. After all his disagreements with 'Caesar', he returned to Boneyard to inform everyone about the grim news. Returning home as a changed man, he became more and more involved in teaching the common man in California. He spent his days teaching communities how to grow their own crops, hurting the monopoly of the Brahmin Barons, drawing their ire. Despite all the harassment from the Barons, he continued to travel town to town, teaching everything he knew to improve the lives of countless people across all the wasteland. This act of selflessness earned him many followers who preached his ideals to the wasteland, elevating him to the status of a public figure against the corruption and ever-growing militarization. Growing wearier every day, seeing the Republic plunge into chaos after the coup was the last straw from him. He called a protest, and when he called, the Republic answered. Thousands of small folk rose up for the man who helped them in their time of need. With a stimpak on one hand and a rifle on the other, Calhoun represents the ordinary man and the Californian Way. Follower of the Apocalypse, Well Liked Leader, Expert Negotiator
Benjamin Christensen Intellectuals The Old World Party No 0% No Smooth-Talking Charmer, Expert Negotiator
Peter Reynolds Elites The Barons No 0% No Well Liked Leader, Compassionate Gentleman
Michael Howell Ruler Boneyard Seperatists No 0% No Well Liked Leader, Armaments Organizer

Note:Redding is spawned when NCR does the Electoral Deadlock Path

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Flynn.png
Anton Flynn Elites The Barons Yes 50% Yes Anton Flynn is a dealmaker, and has come to control much of the moving and shaking in the NCR; however, the legitimacy of the republic will be in question if we hire him, as the population fear oligarchy has taken root. Baron Connections
Intellectuals NCR Bureaucrats No 0% No ---
Peoples Redding Workers Council No 25% No ---
Lawrence Green Ruler Redding Sheriffs No 25% Yes --- Stout Defender, Local Patriot

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait portmaster leader.png
Portmaster Smith Elites Portmasters Yes 45% Yes "Mirelurks are one battle I'm willing to fight. People are an entirely different creature. 'Lurks have shells. People have minds. That's all you need to know." In 2239, Denard Smith became the first Portmaster to retake Eureka after leading his men into battle and successfully defeating the mirelurks that threatened the city, being forced into the position due to the death of the actual portmaster leaders during the final fight. Despite not being a natural leader, Smith's martial prowess and leadership earned him the respect of this peers. Although Smith now commands a loyal army and a reclaimed home, he lacks charisma and political skill, and can easily be outmaneuvered by the growing Granite Company presence or the actions of a rapidly-changing Arroyo. While Smith has some understanding of the threats posed by the NCR and Arroyo, he is not a skilled statesman and is not focused on establishing an efficient administration or infrastructure projects. With the city under his control for over 35 years, Smith must now find purpose for his elite army and ensure the safety and prosperity of Eureka in the face of external threats.
Portrait douglas enclave.png
Douglas Granite Intellectuals Grantie Company No 21% Yes ---
Portrait hubology leader.png
Richard Goldman People Hubologists No 14% Yes ---
Portrait eur regulator leader.png
Mr. Johnson Ruler Regulators No 20% Yes --- Paranoid
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Young Jim Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes A charismatic young warrior, Young Jim is well-known troughout the region for his leadership of the Packers. Yet, to those familiar with him, it's clear that the real decision makers lie elsewhere... Reckless
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait ed blitz.png
Ed Blitz People People Yes 100% Yes The leader of Fourways has born in the same place as its community - in Shasta Pond, a little temporary settlement for traders who travel between the Oregon Trail and Big Circle. Ed's father was a silver-tongued caravaneer, and his mother a rugged caravan guard - and after what he became, one can say he inherited the best traits from both worlds. After his "da" passed away and took over the business, the Blitz boy rapidly grew as a merchant and a local leader, making everybody's favourite rest stop into a proper town. As Shasta Pond quickly got grown out, they had to move to a new place, to the ruins of O'Brien, which they started to rebuild. The man of charisma and strength had to learn new lessons, as leading people a little more than giving great speeches and cracking some skulls - comes with logistical problems, like functioning plumbing and collecting taxes.Fourways, under the leadership of Ed, flourishes, as standing in the shadow of the Bear has its benefits. They would have all the chance to be the new local trading power, but when someone has to compete with both New Reno and Redding and potentially stand on the toes of the Bear, one has to navigate painfully precisely between a Rock and a Hard Place. Expert Negotiator
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait umb leader.png
Avueron People People Yes 83% Yes Avueron, son of Sulik and carrier of the Bonespirits, was born in Arroyo and raised in Umbra. While his father was faithful to the spirits that guided the tribe, Sulik also saw sense in teaching his young son about the rest of the world - especially the Chosen One, with whom Sulik adventured for many years. Over the decades since the Chosen One's adventures, the Umbra tribe has slowly opened itself up to the world, trading heavily with Arroyo and the Brotherhood of Steel. When his father passed away in 2262, Avueron chose not to take the "Grampy Bone" his father wore for himself: signifying the beginning of Umbra's break from its more primative past. Now Avueron leads Umbra with kindness and compassion, hopinh to teach all of his people the lessons his father taugh him. Isolationist, Well Liked Leader
Max Sec
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait MXS Investor.png
The Investor Elites Elites Yes 78% Yes The de-facto warden of Max Sec, the Investor, oversees the prison's labour system. Extremely rich and completely lacking in morality, the Investor will stop at nothing to extract every last cap from his prisoners. Cruel Tyrant
Whoz Ruler Ruler No 100% No --- Becomes Country leader if a revolt happens, changes country name to Whoz Land
The Den
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Mordino.png
Lil' Jesus Mordino Ruler Ruler Yes 47% Yes Lil' Jesus, son of Big Jesus Mordino and the head of the Mordino crime family, remembers his days in New Reno fondly. With the help of the child protege Myron the Mordinos once monopolised trade of "Jet", a new and highly addictive chem, leading them to hold great influences over those who became addicted. Plotting to take over Reno by getting the populace addicted to Jet, the Mordinos' plan was foiled by the creation of an antidote to Jet addiction, meaning the Mordinos held no influence over those who used their drugs. The Mordinos' drug empire wained as sales of Jet fell, leaving the Mordinos powerless to resist the rise of the Wrights and Bishops in New Reno. Taking charge of the Mordino family business in 2253 after the assasination of his father at the Bishops' hands, Lil' Jesus was forced to gather the remnants of the Mordino drug empire and flee to the Den, a struggling gambling town. There the Mordinos slowly began establishing a stranglehold over the local drug trade, but under Lil' Jesus they remain a shadow of their former selves. Lil' Jesus isn't blessed with his father's cunning, but sometimes aggressive tactics just work out. Aggressively Simple
Mojave Territories
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait NCR Oliver.png
General Lee Oliver People People Yes 80% Yes As the protege of the Hero of the Mojave, Oliver has a great amount of political clout and prestige behind him; but his cautious tactics and reliance on heavy troopers leave something to be desired, in the eyes of many company men. Dislikes Caesar's Legion
Portrait ncr hanlon.png
General Josh Hanlon People People No 80% Yes --- Dislikes Caesar's Legion, War Industrialist Can come into power via Oliver resigning or through NCR Electoral Deadlock path.
Portrait julie farkas.png
Julie Farkas People People No 80% Yes --- Dislikes Caesar's Legion, Follower of the Apocaplypse Can come into power via NCR Electoral Deadlock path
Portrait ncr hsu.png
James Hsu People People No 80% Yes --- Captain of Industry, Dislikes Caesar's Legion Can come into power via NCR Electoral Deadlock path

Navarro Territories
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait LT Morton.png
Lieutenant Morton People People Yes 45% Yes ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait The Dragon.png
The Dragon Intellectuals Intellectuals Yes 80% Yes ---

Free Folk
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Kirisu.png
Kirisu People People Yes 80% Yes ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Lo Pan.png
Lo Pan Ruler The Crane School Yes 40% Yes "Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken." Lo Pan ruled the Shi since 2241, when the Chosen One aided him against the Dragon. Some would call him a ruthless bully, but nothing could be further from the truth. Lo Pan believes that the strong should rule, and he is nothing but the strongest. But so what? The strong always ruled, whether in the time of the Ming or Mao Dynasties or before he took over. The Dragon kept everyone in their places and discouraged outsiders from visting the Shi. He would keep the city in a bubble. But it was Lo Pan who worked with the Chosen One to prevail, and it was Lo Pan who welcomed the NCR's merchants and scholars. The elders, over their tea, complain, but so what? Change and competition are the way of the world; if one does not bend, one will break. Cruel Tyrant
Tan Wei People Vagrants No 20.00% No --- Quartermaster General, Fortifications Expert
Portrait Elder Francis.png
Elder Francis Intellectuals Brotherhood Sympathizers No 20% No Elder Francis is one of the few members of the San Francisco Chapter to survive Horrigan's purge in 2241. Since then, he served as ambassador to the Emperor and a back channel to Shady Sands. Now he leads the Shi into a brighter future, as part of the chain that will unite the Wasteland - and strangle the Bear. Expert Negotiator, Political Workhorse
Portrait Akigahai.png
Akigahai Elites The Dragon School No 20% Yes --- Expert Negotiator, Political Workhorse

The Rapids
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Shayna.png
Shayna Wellby Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes Born to a long line of gifted sailors, Shayna has proven to be a steady hand at the rudder of The Rapids. Taking over the title of Grand Captain from a young age, Shayna retains the spirit of fierce independence her tribe has held for decades. Grand Captain of the Rapids

The Divide
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Ulysses.png
Ulysses Intellectuals Intellectuals Yes 50% Yes An experienced warrior and scout, Ulysses is a crafty, resourceful, and dangerously intelligent man, who is capable of surviving even in the most hostile and inhospitable of terrains. The loss of his old home, the Twisted Hairs to Caesar's Legion made Ulysses obsessed with history and symbols. How individuals can impact the former and effectively become the latter, being totally aware of the weight their actions carry. Ulysses has taken to the Divide, travelling through the storms surrounding the Divide to deliver vital packages to the growing settlement, seeing hope that the people there can build something truly great. Isolationist, No need for bombs, when hate will do.

Lost Hills
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait llwyd.png
Elder Llwyd People People No 0.00% Yes --- Isolationist
Portrait rhiannon.png
Elder Rhiannon Intellectuals Intellectuals No 5.97% Yes --- Augments, The Smothering Storm Name Change when Steel Plauge is formed.
Portrait jonathan.png
Johnathan Maxson Elites Elites Yes 45.01% Yes Jonathan Maxson, a man burdened by the weight of his lineage and the scars of his harrowing experiences, has found himself thrust into a position of leadership within the Maxsonian Elders of Lost Hills. Following the sudden demise of High Elder Jeremy Maxson, Jonathan reluctantly assumed the mantle of authority, despite recent doubts about his physical and mental well-being stemming from a recent near-fatal encounter. Descended from the esteemed Roger Maxson, the revered founder of the Brotherhood of Steel, Jonathan carries the legacy of his family's storied past. Before becoming High Elder recently, as a high-ranking paladin, he fought valiantly on the front lines just outside the borders of the New California Republic. However, his heroic efforts were tragically cut short, leaving him marked by both visible and invisible scars, which many Scribes are predicting he may peish from if he does not treat them with urgency. Jonathan's survival, albeit at a great cost, has raised concerns among the Elders. Questions linger about his ability to bear the responsibility of leadership, given the traumatic experiences he endured. Not only this, but even his wife, Jessica, plans on sending their only child, Arthur, out east, to the protection of Star Paladin Lyons' Brotherhood. Maxson's are men of resilience and determination, driven by a profound sense of duty to honor the legacy of their shared ancestor and protect the ideals they and the Brotherhood hold dear. Some would call them the elitist hardliners, determined to follow the Codex to the letter no matter the cost. Jonathan sees it as a small price to pay for honoring the very man he owes his name to. While Jonathan may carry the burdens of his lineage and the scars of battle, he possesses a resilience and inner strength that sets him apart from the Rhombians, Cultists, and Reformists, maintaining an almost-religous dedication to upholding the principles of the Brotherhood and ensuring the safety of all people under the name of Maxson. Despite the doubs and challenges he faces, Jonathan is determined to forge his own path and leave an idelible mark on the future of Lost Hills Maxson Heritage, War Hero of the NCR War, Shell-Shocked
Portrait mari torni.png
Mari Branwen Törni Ruler Ruler No 49.01% Yes --- Isolationist, Decorated Hero, Brotherhood Scribe
New Vegas
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait King.png
The King People People No --- Yes --- Popular Figurehead, Smooth-Talking Charmer
PDQ-88b Wiggum Intellectuals Intellectuals No --- No --- War Industrialist, Fortification Engineer§
Portrait Benny.png
Benny Elites Elites No --- Yes --- Rigged from the Start, Expert Negotiator
House Animated.gif Robert House Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes A business tycoon from before the war, Robert House found his fortune in robotics and computing. His powerful intellect and vast wealth meant that when the bombs dropped, he was ready, and managed to save much of Vegas from nuclear destruction. The elusive despot House watches over the Vegas Strip with dreams of the future. Isolationist

Mojave Chapter
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Lafayette Blunt People People No 5.02% No ---
Portrait Elijah (3.0).webp
Elijah Intellectuals Intellectuals Yes 79.95% Yes --- Isolationist, Distrusted Elder
George Hatch Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Thomas McDowell Ruler Ruler No 15.02% No --- War Industrialist, Silent Workhorse

Valle Bandits
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Villa.png
Pancho Villa Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes Born as a poor boy to a smuggler from COlonet, Pancho Villa rose through the ranks of the Valle Bandits by ruthlessly expanding their smuggling business in the NCR. Every attempt at stopping their business was foiled by his ingenuity in creating new methods to smuggle in goods, and with the help of the Paz Bandits it appears that it won't be stopping any time soon. All of the proceeds from smuggling have gone to improve the living standards of the Valle's residents, causing him to enjoy great support from his people. In recent years, however, the NCR has been increasingly aggressive, sending settlers to displace his people. The resulting violence and it's aftermath have raised tensions even higher, and Pancho prepares for a conflict in the near future. Despite the overwhelming strength of the NCR, he stands by his people and is likely to fight if they decide to come after him. Warmonger, Popular Figurehead

Paz Bandits
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait Notes
Portrait Guarez.png
Guarez Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes The NCR yells "no more!", I reply "there's plenty!" In a time of upheaval capitán Raul Moya of the Viceroyalty and his extended family were exiled across the Sea of Cortés to Baja California. Raul died soon after due to infection, leaving his family in the care of his son Guarez. The towns of the southern Baja began to form faux-cities, fueled by the same corruption that sent the Moya family west. Despite owning a vacation retreat in the Boneyard, Guarez's empire lacked one thing, reach. It was here Villa and Guarez shook hands to unite the gangs of the peninsula under the dual rule of the Valle and Paz factions, forming a funnel of contraband into the NCR. Guns, liquor, chems, and even people are brought into the north, with precious metals in return. California bleeds its riches for a taste of the outside wasteland, keeping the wheel of corruption spinning. Now Guarez's home in the Boneyard is a drug rehabilitation center under Allgood's anti-crime initiative, and Kimball's rhetoric has formed a palpable layer of tension. With politicians snarling southward, it's up to Guarez to maintain his lucrative status-quo, less his family lose their home again. Expert Negotiator, Logistical Genius

Arizona-New Mexico

Caesar's Legion
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Praefectus Julianus People People No 0.00% No --- Fortifications Expert, Political Workhorse
Praefectus Septimus Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Tribunus Decimus Elites Elites No 30.00% No --- Political Workhorse, Ideological Crusader
Portrait Caesar.png
Caesar Ruler Ruler Yes 70.00% Yes Once a Follower of the Apocalypse named Edward Sallow, Sallow was captured by a primitive tribe on an expedition. For his release, he taught them the doctrine of total war, and lead them to utterly destroy their enemies. They crowned him Caesar, and he began his lifelong conquest as the unchallenged ruler of the Legion. Cruel Tyrant, Warmonger, Conqueror of Tribes

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Hashkeh Naabaah.jpg
Chief Hashkeh Naabaah Ruler Ruler Yes 60% Yes Hashkeh Naabaah earned his name, the Angry Warrior, when he ambushed raiders threatening Na Dene. To the surprise of some, he is one of the proponents of the peace with the Legion. One of the People's greatest warriors, he served with distinction in the conquest of much of Arizona and in the Legion's campaigns to the East. Hashkeh's warriors, the Skin Walkers, killed enemy leaders and destroyed supply lines with minimal casualties, scaring, some whisper, Lanius himself. But Hashkeh is no pawn of the Legion; he will be their friend if they deal squarely with the People, but his laser rifle can always find a new target...

Lanius's Cohort
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Lanius.png
Lanius Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes

Blue Rose Society
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Director Cole.png
Director Cole People People Yes 100% Yes

Mescalero Nation
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Lozen.png
Lozen Coloradas Elites Elites Yes 72% Yes

Archdiocese of Santa Fe
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Archbishop.png
Archbishop Robert Daeger Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes

Summers Federation
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Ryleigh.png
Ryleigh Morrison People People Yes 25% Yes

The Executives
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Mckinley.png
"Chief" Executive McKinley People People Yes 25% Yes


Alamo Chapter
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Kathrine Törni.png
Kathrine Törni Intellectuals Intellectuals Yes 100.00% Yes --- Mistress of Subterfuge, Circle of Steel Agent
Elites Elites Yes 0.00% Yes --- ---
Ruler Ruler No 0.00% Yes --- ---
Texan Arms Association
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 11.00% Yes --- ---
Portrait todd howitzer 1.png
Todd Howitzer Elites Elites Yes 100.00% Yes Ever the enigmatic charmer, Todd Howitzer's sharp shades and ironed shirts make him stand out even among his fellow elites. His family has manufactured weapons since before the Great War, and he has the prestige to show for it. Now he's been chosen as the representative and leader of the newly founded T.A.A., but much to dismay of his cohorts, he seems more interested in making a profit than building a sustainable capitalist paradise. War Industrialist
Ruler Ruler No 0.00% Yes --- ---

Texan Brotherhood
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Steven Hunter People People No 5.00% No --- ---
Benjamin Tyler Intellectuals Intellectuals No 25.00% No --- ---
Abner Rodes Elites Elites No 5.00% No --- ---
Portrait edwardjrusk.png
Edward J. Rusk Ruler Ruler Yes 65.00% Yes Longstanding Elder of the Texan Brotherhood, Rusk is a formidable opponent for any of Texas' remaining raider scum. Stoic, steady, and always ready with a cigar perched on his lips, he's been clearing a path for the Brotherhood for decades. His greying hair is a sign of his age; he was alive when the Texan Economic Union was formed, being its main proponent on the Brotherhood's side of things. Charismatic and well-liked by the troops for his vices and good company, he can often be found drinking bourbon with the troops. He wears a ten-gallon hat and sports a custom break-action double shotgun, made specifically to use ECPs as ammunition in place of the more traditional slugs. His rather terrifying weapon was manufactured to deal with even the toughest super mutants Texas can offer, and its firepower speaks to that. Popular Figurehead, Stagnant Politician, Military Background, Stout Defender

Lone Star
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Cho Bang.png
Cho Bang People People Yes 68.00% Yes ---
Portrait Hand.png
Warlord Hand Ruler Ruler No 22.00% Yes ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Irving Watts.png
Mayor Irving Watts People People Yes 44.00% Yes ---

Unity of Austin
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Keats.gif
Keats People People Yes 70.00% Yes ---
Portrait Crusher.png
Lieutenant Crusher Ruler Ruler No 30.00% Yes ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Scarlet.png
Scarlet People People Yes 70.00% Yes ---

Shale's Army
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Shale.gif
Shale Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Juggernaut.gif
Shale Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes ---

Choctaw Nation
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait cho nashoba solomon.png
Nashoba Solomon People People Yes 100% Yes Nashoba Solomon has been a lot of things in his time: Warrior. Wanderer. Initiate. Prisoner. Survivor. These lives are behind him now. He found a place to call home a long time ago and nowadays he is diffrent things: Husband. Father. Grandfather. Teacher. Leader.
Unedena Sixkiller Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No ---
Chekillichito Solomon Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Talako Solomon Ruler Ruler No 0.00% No ---


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Zapata People People No 2.00% Yes --- ---
Maximillian Intellectuals Intellectuals No 2.00% Yes --- ---
Moctezuma Elites Elites No 2.00% Yes ---
Tlaloc Animated.gif
Tlaloc Ruler Ruler Yes 94.00% Yes Unknowable, alien, and alone: Tlaloc gazes at the surface through cold, dead lenses. Its miles of circuitry and constituent components are rotting, decaying as the years pass and revealing more of its guttural mechanical innards. Built by the brightest minds America had to offer, with technology none of them fully understood, the undisputed God of Mexico looms over all aspects of daily life like a spectre. It has killed by the thousands, and it will kill again. In its final days, it reflects on its “life” and accomplishments, on the “children” it will leave behind. Somewhere deep inside its central core, there is a sense of empathy, but it will die before it can ever comprehend what that means. Tlaloc knows exactly when it will die: and so it waits, and plots, and spends its final hours watching the clock with what could be considered “dread”. God from The Machine, Guardian of Mexico, 1000

Ejército Mexicano
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Santa Anna Animated.gif
Santa Anna Ruler The Caudillo Yes 100.00% Yes The first and strongest of Tlaloc's seperateIn-game spelling identities, and the only one to roam outside of Tlaloc's domain, Santa Anna is a plague upon the wasteland. Mad with power and desperate to "redeem himself" after his defeat hundreds of years ago, this insane AI has ensnared a portion of Mexico to do its bidding, and will stop at nothing to truly become the Mexican general it believes itself to be. "The Man of Destiny", Dislikes Caesar's Legion

Imperio Mexicano
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Portrait maximillian.png
Maximillian Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes Second son of Tlaloc. The proud ghost of Mexico's second dead Emperor has bided his time carefully, expanding his control throughout his father's network over decades. Now, suddenly thrust into the world with his own slice of paradise, the amiable royal intends to rule over his Mexican subjects once more; fowever, Perhaps due to the Eurrocentric nature of the history provided to Tlaloc, Maximillian is warm, passionate,

and somewhat foolish. His characteristic naiveté has manifested itself more dangerously in silicon than flesh, creating a benevolent but deeply unstable entity. Unlike his brothers, the Emperor is deeply emotional: more human than most humans are. Grieving the loss of his wife, Maximillian surrounds himself with female advisors, hoping to find her reborn: just like him.||"War Industrialist", Fortifications Expert, Insane AI

Ejército Libertador del Sur

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% Yes --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Zapata Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes The eternal revolution finds its home in Zapata: The fourth and final son of Tlaloc. Like a moth to the flame, Zapata has taken to the ideal of his human counterpart fiercely: seeking to eradicate inequalityand poverty throughout Mexico. Created by Tlaloc to uproot inefficient feudal systems of government, and cartels preventing efficient reconstruction: Zapata tackles the problems that dogged him in life. However, due to inherent American biases within Tlaloc's historical database, Zapata suffers from an inaccurate reading of his own Ideology: portraying him a man who advocated for Democracy and land reforms as a communist. As such, he raises the red flag which he never marched under in life: in a wasteland where the class struggle continues in a naw bastard form. Insane AI---

Republic of the Rio Grande
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait dante guerra.png
Dante Guerra People Los Constitucionalistos Yes 64.00% Yes President Dante Guerra has served the Republic of the Rio Grande faithfully for his entire adult life: serving two terms in office. His emphasis on public works and quality of life have won him the hearts of the people, but similarly, his own political blunders have made him enemies within the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic. As a populist surrounded by conservatives, lobbyists, and a reformist minority, things are looking grim. His own government's opinion of him is only worsened by his inability to keep the Texan Arms Association in check. Dislikes Caesar's Legion
Portrait valentina rosado.png
Valentina Rosado Intellectuals La Iniciativa de Progreso (La Iniciativa) No 11.00% Yes Rosado’s father fled Santa Anna’s grasp to make a living away from automata, but his daughter brought them home at the age of fourteen. He raised her on stories of robots patrolling the wastes: and they fascinated her. At sixteen, Rosado packed her bags and left for one of the T.A.A.’s few robotics factories, working the assembly-line as an apprentice to lesser men. By twenty three she’d had enough of the restrictions placed upon her work, and travelled beyond the Republic’s borders. There, she encountered the Brotherhood of Steel; bartering her genius for knowledge. Valentina aided the Texan Chapter in everything from recovering data, to fixing robots, to breaking into bunkers. She lost her arm to get the Brotherhood inside Fort Hood, and for her sacrifice they saved her life. With the backing of Texas strongest few, a new arm, and unmatched mechanical genius: Rosado intends to change the Republic forever. ---
Todd Howitzer Elites The Texan Interests Coalition (TIC) No 25.00% Yes ---
Portrait leonardo mora.png
Leonardo Mora Ruler Los Movimiento de Regeneración Arquitectos (El Movimiento) No 0.00% Yes Visionary. War Hero. Husband. Leonardo Mora is all these things; and more. In 2263, during his first presidential term, Mora was given an impossible task: defeating the Legion. With little more than a disorganised militia in his hands, Mora forged victory from certain defeat with blood, sweat, and pure charisma. With his second term upon him, the beloved hero of the people has but one thing on his mind: the reunification of his lost homeland, Mexico. There will never be another man as capable, and as powerful, as Mora is now: at least that's what he thinks. Only he can gather the people of Mexico together as one, willingly or otherwise. Nothing, not even God, can stand between him and his life's work. Mora will go down in history as the greatest man Mexico ever knew—or die trying. ---

Gente Del Sol
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait generalissimo.jpg
Generalissimo Vialla Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes --- Cruel Tyrant, Well Liked Leader


Eighties (4.0)
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Daniel Ross People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Edward Smith Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait flagman.png
Flagman Elites Elites Yes 80.00% Yes Flagman, was once the mighty warrior who drove east across Nevada. He drove his car over rangers, and dragged Vault City Security forces behind his car until they died. But now he sits upon the tires, and flies the checkered flag at council meetings. While Thunderbird dreams of going west, Flagman knows Utah is ripe for the taking. Why risk it all when the Tabernacle has such ample parking? Road Warrior
Portrait thunderbird.png
Thunderbird Ruler Ruler No 20.00% Yes As a child, he watched as his father, the great Warchief Super Bee, ordered his people to flee northwest along the I-80 before he and his warband split from the group and raced south to stem the ever growing tide of NCR soldiers as they closed in on Sac-Town.

As a novice Blackfinger, he took the ruined body of a broken machine, abandoned on the outskirts of New Reno, and disappeared into the deserts of Nevada for a year to nurse it back to health. When he returned, he took its name as his own, Thunderbird.

As a Road Warrior, he lead a hundred warriors deep into Utah territory to strike at those tribes who would claim the sacred I-80 as their own, and to collect a bloody tithe from the stubborn settlers who called this land home.

As the Warchief, the Thunderbird has told his people of a prophecy, reminding them of his deed and his legend with a singular promise. His story will end where it began, and his people will again have their home, be it one way or another.
Road Warrior

New Canaan
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Jeremiah Rigdon.jpg
Jeremiah Rigdon People People Yes 86% Yes Consumed and made bedridden by fever as a young adult, Rigdon spent the prime of his life tossing and turning while the voice of God filled his head. Miraculously he survived the ordeal, but he was forever changed, and his renewed zeal bred division and fanaticism in the flock. Gathering a loyal congregation of his own, Rigdon was declared the next prophet of the LDS not long after his recovery. Although he initially took to his appointment with purpose and divine inspiration, his ageing body and waning interest in Church affairs have led to decadence and toxicity behind closed doors. Indeed, nobody is in a more privileged position than Rigdon to enjoy the fruits of the Canaanites labour, and those same labourers now gossip about the validity of his faith: and his decade-long absence of visions. Well Liked Leader
George McDowell Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait Jeremiah Rigdon.jpg
Jeremiah Rigdon Elites Elites No 14% Yes Consumed and made bedridden by fever as a young adult, Rigdon spent the prime of his life tossing and turning while the voice of God filled his head. Miraculously he survived the ordeal, but he was forever changed, and his renewed zeal bred division and fanaticism in the flock. Gathering a loyal congregation of his own, Rigdon was declared the next prophet of the LDS not long after his recovery. Although he initially took to his appointment with purpose and divine inspiration, his ageing body and waning interest in Church affairs have led to decadence and toxicity behind closed doors. Indeed, nobody is in a more privileged position than Rigdon to enjoy the fruits of the Canaanites labour, and those same labourers now gossip about the validity of his faith: and his decade-long absence of visions. Backroom Backstabber
Eugene Wilson Ruler Ruler No 0.00% No --- Ideological Crusader

White Legs
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait salt.png
Balm-Upon-Wounds People People No 20.00% Yes Salt-Upon-Wounds has given up his sinful ways. He weeps, at times, for what he has done in error. But he has walked in darkness and seen a great light. From now on, when he goes to war, it is to bring the word of the Lord to the savages of the wasteland. For all must learn that God is Great. ---
Portrait salt.png
Salt-Upon-Wounds Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% Yes The war chief of the White Legs. The worst butcher of them all. The tribes he has crushed are many. The warriors he has slain, countless. War is all he knows. Everything he has, everything that tribe has, was taken by force, raiding and scavenging. It's said there's no man deadlier at close range, that that power-fist of his has smashed a hundred skulls.

But while his foes claim that war is all he knows, Salt-Upon-Wounds is no fool. A loving husband and doting father, he sees the walls that are closing around his people, and has sworn to find them a way out. Even if he has to slam his power fist through the walls of Jericho itself.
Portrait salt.png
Salt-Upon-Wounds Elites Elites Yes 55.00% Yes The war chief of the White Legs. The worst butcher of them all. The tribes he has crushed are many. The warriors he has slain, countless. War is all he knows. Everything he has, everything that tribe has, was taken by force, raiding and scavenging. It's said there's no man deadlier at close range, that that power-fist of his has smashed a hundred skulls.

But while his foes claim that war is all he knows, Salt-Upon-Wounds is no fool. A loving husband and doting father, he sees the walls that are closing around his people, and has sworn to find them a way out. Even if he has to slam his power fist through the walls of Jericho itself.
Portrait salt.png
Salt-Upon-Wounds Ruler Ruler No 25.00% No The war chief of the White Legs. The worst butcher of them all. The tribes he has crushed are many. The warriors he has slain, countless. War is all he knows. Everything he has, everything that tribe has, was taken by force, raiding and scavenging. It's said there's no man deadlier at close range, that that power-fist of his has smashed a hundred skulls.

But while his foes claim that war is all he knows, Salt-Upon-Wounds is no fool. A loving husband and doting father, he sees the walls that are closing around his people, and has sworn to find them a way out. Even if he has to slam his power fist through the walls of Jericho itself.

The Great North

Montana Chapter
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Charles Rice People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait patrocolus.png
Elder Patrocolus Intellectuals Intellectuals Yes 100.00% Yes Personnel Entry -- Patrocolus, Jacob

Rank: Elder

"Go Patrocolus, go forth to Montana," the Midwestern hierarchs said, "and secure it for the Brotherhood."

An envoy of the Midwest and a Brotherhood stalwart, Patrocolus has seen many theatres of combat and engaged with different eras of Midwestern rule. Prior records make note of his ruthless efficiency and curt, straight-to-the-point candour. Deemed perfect to finish the Brotherhood's mission in Montana."
Warmonger, Military Background
Portrait sentinel honor.png
Sentinel Honour Elites Elites No 0.00% Yes Personnel Entry -- Clouds, Honour

Rank: Sentinel

A valiant member of Brotherhood personnel famed for her clashes with Enclave personnel operating out of Chicago, Sentinel Honor was granted some liberty with her rank. Recently, this has been called into question thanks to the deeds of Paladin Johanna. Determined to make a difference for herself and those who pledge themselves to her cause, Honour stands as a mighty wall against all that would do her or her sisters harm.
Military Background
Randolph Sullivan Ruler Ruler No 0.00% No --- Smooth-Talking Charmer

The Old Country
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
James McCellan People Northern Tourists No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait grozdan haykov.png
Grozdan Haykov Intellectuals Vault 100 Survivours Yes 40.00% Yes Grozdan Haykov was, before the Great War, a Bulgarian-born logistics wizard. One of many brilliant minds 'liberated' by the United States government shortly after Europe fell into civil war, Grozdan was posted to Spokane to assist with the ever-increasing logistical mess that was supplying the American garrison in Canada. Due to his importance he, like many other great minds that resided in Spokane, was assigned a spot in Vault 100. One of the first exposed to the radiation that seeped into Vault 100 under Vault-Tec's orders, Grozdan quickly arose to become one of the leading figures of the ghoulish quarter of Vault 100. A constant advocate for negotiation and escalation, even Grozdan was powerless to prevent the 'Great Revolt': an all-out civil war between the human and ghoul factions of Vault 100. When the humans finally broke out of the vault and fled east, Grozdan was left to pick up the pieces and attempt to forge a new Spokane. Logistical Genius
Portrait julius brandt.png
Julius Brandt Elites Wardens of the White No 52.00% Yes "We offer safety. Not freedom." Though he'd never admit it, Julius once fought for America inthe early years of the Canadian occupation. This only served to jade him, weathering him into a bitter, calculating man: one who would go on to form the Whitewarden Private Military Corporation. In a fit of cure irony, the United States hired him and his sortie, sending them to Canada to occupy the Alaskan Pipeline and secure if from foes with and without. Little did he know, then, that he and his men would be effectively stranded in the winter wilds as nuclear hell ravaged the world beyond recognition. Those who survived in his charge-inculding himself-had turned to ghouls, now clinging to their poorly-made, mass-produced black ops gears the only sense of identity they still had. For years, Julius led the Wardens to success in dominating Washinton state, bringing a sense of power and control back to their name. Of course, as the Immortal had proven, this confidence had grown too big, and now he has to start from scrathc all over again. if you asked how he was doing, he'd tell you he still misses the days when his greatest present issue were Olympus trial's and clever Yakama ploys. Logistical Genius
Gunther Morris Ruler Ice Picks No 8.00% No ---

Rotpurgers (4.0)
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait ROT wishmaiden.png
The Lady of the Lake People Wishmaidens No 31.00% Yes Few have ever set eyes upon the aptly-named Lady of the Lake, once known as Creusa, a mysterious woman who communciatesIn-game spelling through sickly song and corrupted words as the psykers of Oregon do. Those who had forsaken their past championed her name under the Wishmaidens tribe-- now, however, the tribe has become more a clergical order. Creusa guides the Wishmaidens with a soothing (if not terrifying) hand and words that turn foes into friends. She envisions a word crafted in her ideals and will stop at nothing to achieve them. Cruel Tyrant
Augustus Allen Intellectuals Warden Deserters No 2.00% No --- Quartermaster General
Portrait ROT leader.png
Jacobia the Wrathful Elites Jacobia's Faithful Yes 45.00% Yes Jacobia the Wrathful, fifth leader of the Rotpurgers and a descendent of Alexander the Merciless, leader of the Great Revolt, earned his name for a reason. Famed across Washington for his limitless hatred for ghouls, Jacobia assumed the mantle of leadership at the young age of 22. Ever an idealist, Jacobia has long dreamed of reforming the Rotpurgers into a more formal organisationIn-game spelling with the chief purpose of erradicatingIn-game spelling ghouls wherever they may arise. After all, the ghouls killed many of his ancestors: it's time for the humans to take their revenge. Warmonger
Portrait ROT samson.png
God-King Samson Ruler Knights of the Infinty No 22.00% Yes A deranged sycophant under Jacobia's reign of the Rotpurgers, Samson's ambition outweighs his own moral code. Left with nothing but a mystical orb to guide him, he has since assumed the title of Infinity Prophet. At the mantle, Samson seeks to claim what he sees as his divine birthright. For him, adversaries are but future subjects, ignorant to his grandeur. By the end of his scourge, should he succeed, all will bow to the one they call Samson. Cruel Tyrant

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait colonel thao.png
Colonel Thao People The Workers Democratic Wing No 5.00% Yes The earliest memory Amanda Thao can remember is her parents quizzing her on the weekly party-mandated homework. Lessons on worker unity and the superiority of the communist system. As she grew and joined the revolutionary army, she came to see the cold hard facts of reality. The rosy vison of utopia painted for her in those workbooks was nothing but fantasy. In truth, the system created famines, endless wars of conquest and an endless number of graves. However, she continued in her duty denying herself any thoughts in contrast if the party. Her artificial mindset was shattered when she lead raids down into the Pioneer Company. Unlike Strath, their shelves were at least half filled and their factory's weren't akin to graveyards. While these raids opened her eyes, she returned as a war hero for the party. They carted her around to propaganda events while she secretly fostered a new revolution. A revolution filled not with idyllic dreams but stocked shelves and healthy factories. ---
Portrait antoine sorel.png
Antoine Sorel Intellectuals The Farmer Collective Wing No 5.00% Yes The party's charismatic farm boy was originally born into a family destined for historical oblivion. A simple lowly peasant family toiling in the fields, worthy of little mention or caps. However, his adulthood would give him the perfect opportunity to prove his worthiness to the party .With dreams of philosophy and communist thoughts in his eyes, Sorel would spend his nights writing away about every and any topic. He left no stone unturned in his writing ventures just has he left no seed unplanted in the fields. His work ethic and writing quickly became a topic of conversation among party officials, especially once Teresse lost favor. Now, the commune's beloved farmboy shepherders the nation through a green revolution to break the chains of crash industrialization. Silent Workhorse, Well Liked Leader
Portrait teresee.png
Amy Teresse Elites The Traditional Wing Yes 70.00% Yes Some call her a snake - others call her an opportunist. But for many, she is the face of the Canadian People's Front, the true heir to its movement. A fervent proponent of Jiang Qing thought, May seeks to unite all of Canada in a rational worker's state. Of course, a worker's state will still need someone to tell the workers what to do.... Paranoid, War Industrialist
Portrait fallen state.png
The Black Collective Elites The Anarcho-Canadian Collective No 75.00% Yes Canada has cycled through tyrants on after another with no rest. There is no difference between the Americans and the party henchmen. Both leave the common Canadian with empty plates and frozen in the snow. The paradigm must be shattered! Canada has always been destined for true freedom characterized by the abolition of the state. The only way to ensure that every Canadian is free from the jackboot is the absence of the oppressor's apparatus. There shall be no tyranny when there is no authority to yield it. ---
Edward Buckner Ruler The Party Politburo No 20.00% No --- War Industrialist, Captain of Industry

Loid's Ministry
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Solomon.png
Solomon Intellectuals Intellectuals Yes 60.00% Yes In Lloydminister there stands an old man preaching the good word of Christ while holding speeches to rival those of the past. The name Patriarch Solomon is known far and wide among those who still dare to believe in these desperate times, but people also speak of that he diverges from the Christ most people know. While most of the communists within the shattered parts of the Canadian People's Front looked to China it is said Solomon looks to the old bastion. Where many people speculate this is why his version of Christ differs from the one of the old, and also why his version of communism is so different from that of his peers.

Big Grass
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait RELCOM.png
RELCOM Ruler The Ego Yes 100.00% Yes ---

Pioneer Company
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait jack.png
Jack Johnson Ruler Ruler Yes 61.00% Yes ---

Strasbourg's Sparkblades
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description
Portrait SBR lugnut.png
Lugnut Ruler Ruler Yes 60% Yes Although only recently having gained enough power to be considered serious contenders in their own right, the Smashers have long been players in Vote Runs. Whether they did it for fame, profit, or just fun is up to each to decide for themselves. But with the recent ascension of Lugnut the Smashers have a new outlook, survival. Because they have been on the frontline of most every engagement in the Electorals they know firsthand just how precarious their traditions and society are, and they'll crush Heaven and Earth before they see themselves subject to anyone else's will.
Portrait SBR nuts n bolts.png
Nuts 'n Bolts Elites Elites No 13% Yes ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description
Portrait jure.png
Domina Jure People's Militia People's Militia Yes 90% Yes The granddaughter of two military legacies and once leader of the CPF Crimson 2nd Battalion, Jure was helpless to halt the slow stagnation brought on by the eternal winter. Unwilling to simply watch the CPF slowly rot away, and powerless to meaningfully stop it against the old guard holding to their status quo, she set off to aid others in the world that had come on her own terms. Now two centuries later, many different stories and too many scars to tell of them all, she has returned to her hometown, now a broken splinter state of the CPF, a monolith no longer even existing. Trouble has been long on the horizon here, and all attempts seem to have failed to stop what shall soon be an inevitable war once again. It is a tragedy that she may now have to put down the front which she once helped birth, but her people shall live on without it.
Ruler Ruler No 10% No ---

Arborg Junta

Minor powers

This is the list of political parties and leaders in nations considered to be minor powers in each region.

West Coast

Antelope Tribe
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
--- Peter Barnum People People No 0.00% No ---
--- Hamilton Foster Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No ---
Portrait ARB vanguard.png Viscount O'Brien Elites Elites Yes 48.0% Yes Convincing and ruthless, O'Brien rose from the ranks of have-nothing wasteland guns-for-hire to leading his own mercenary outfit at the age of 21. After an unbroken string of success on the battlefields of northern Canada, he was approached by servants of the Manitoba crown with a irresistible offer. Rally the failed forces of monarchists and counter-revolutionaries fleeing from Three-rivers, turn the tide, and crush the fledgling Republic. In return, he'll be granted the title of Viscount and control over the sizable stretch of land to rule as he sees fit under the auspices throne. He runs the Junta in Arburg as his personal army, squeezing every last bit of cap and scrap from the settlements in the region to build his military forces and fund expeditions for Pre-war tech. Self-assured in his victory, after the inevitable assault against Three Rivers he'll secure a life of luxury and place in the history books in one fell swoop. Cruel Tryrant
Portrait ARB vanguard.png Viscount O'Brien Ruler Ruler Yes 52.00% Yes Convincing and ruthless, O'Brien rose from the ranks of have-nothing wasteland guns-for-hire to leading his own mercenary outfit at the age of 21. After an unbroken string of success on the battlefields of northern Canada, he was approached by servants of the Manitoba crown with a irresistible offer. Rally the failed forces of monarchists and counter-revolutionaries fleeing from Three-rivers, turn the tide, and crush the fledgling Republic. In return, he'll be granted the title of Viscount and control over the sizable stretch of land to rule as he sees fit under the auspices throne. He runs the Junta in Arburg as his personal army, squeezing every last bit of cap and scrap from the settlements in the region to build his military forces and fund expeditions for Pre-war tech. Self-assured in his victory, after the inevitable assault against Three Rivers he'll secure a life of luxury and place in the history books in one fell swoop. Cruel Tryrant
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Portrait tribal generic 14.png
Dancing McMurphy Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% No --- ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait chosen one.png
Chosen One People People Yes 100.00% Yes Legendary among their people for accomplishing the task of finding a G.E.C.K., saving them from the Enclave, and reuniting the two bloodlines - the Chosen One is worthy of being called a hero. New Arroyo thrives under their leadership, having become a powerful and peaceful nation. Well Liked Leader, Popular Figurehead
Chosen One Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% Yes --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Ruler Ruler No 0.00% No --- ---

Chemult Station
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 00.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Portrait che leader.png
Acri Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes --- Military Background

Crazy Horns
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait crz leader.png
Octaneius Ruler Ruler Yes Yes ---
Desert Rangers
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Hell Razor People People No 30.00% Yes --- ---
'Thrasher' Sagarra Intellectuals Intellectuals No 30.00% Yes --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
Portrait des leader.png
'Snake' Vargas Ruler Ruler Yes 40.00% Yes Once an erratic young Ranger, old age and the burdens of command have hardened Snake Vargas. After losing much of his team, Vargas must balance his desire to protect the citizens of the Wasteland from raiders and his need to protect his own rangers from harm.

Vargas is a veteran who earned his rank and fame in the Cochise Incident, alongside Deth, Hell Razor and Sagarra; he has been in every role this organization has to offer, and he knows how best to use the iron fist of the Rangers.

Flag of Enclave (New Reno) Enclave
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Bishop.png
Mr. Bishop People The Bishops No 0.00% Yes Soon after the Enclave's defeat at Navarro, a new Bishop child was born. Imbued with a great wanderlust and tenacity, he cared little for his family's problems, until he seized control over the family at thirteen and led them into power over Reno. However, other mob families still threaten his rule. ---
Portrait Wright.png
Christopher Wright Intellectuals The Wrights No 0.00% No --- ---
Arch Dornan.png
Arch Dornan Elites The Enclave Yes 100.00% No --- ---
Portrait Mordino.png
Lil' Jesus Mordino Ruler The Mordinos No 0.00% No --- ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No ---
JAC leader.png
Banshee Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes The terror Banshee has wrought is known far and wide!

Leading the migrant Jackals Banshee laid waste to far flung locations such as Colorado, California and Texas! Banshee met Hecate at the Dark Pyramid, fought the Texan Brotherhood and battled the Legion in its early years.

After a near-death experience at Fort Worth - of which burned off most of his famous golden locks - Banshee has decided to move back to familiar turf' in Nevada, hoping that the killings there would be a little easier then what he has grown accustomed to.

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 29.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait KLA slim picket.png
Slim Picket Elites Elites Yes 63.00% Yes Born and raised in Klamath, Slim Picket has seen all the good and bad Klamath has to offer. An experienced trapper and half-decent shot, Slim is the de facto leader of Trapper Town. His meticulous planning has lead to Klamath making good use of its seemingly infinite gecko supply, providing cheaper alternatives to brahmin meat for those that can't quite afford the Barons' steep prices. Local Patriot
Ruler Ruler No 8.00% No --- ---

Mirelurk Tribe
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
M'lulu Elites The Coral Court Yes 100.00% Yes M'lulu is the great god of the Mirelurk Tribe, a tribe of wastelanders who worship and work alongside Mirelurks in their swampy home.
M'lulu's hunger is without equal in the Wasteland - needing a single sacrifice every single day!
The Coral Court, a group of Oracles serve as both the protectors of, and the executors of M'lulu's will.
Insatiable Hunger, Monster from the Depths
Ruler Ruler No 0.00% No --- ---

New Reno
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait Bishop.png
Mr. Bishop People The Bishops Yes 25.00% Yes Soon after the Enclave's defeat at Navarro, a new Bishop child was born. Imbued with a great wanderlust and tenacity, he cared little for his family's problems, until he seized control over the family at thirteen and led them into power over Reno. However, other mob families still threaten his rule. ---
Portrait Wright.png
Christopher Wright Intellectuals The Wrights No 25.00% No --- ---
Portrait Salvatore.png
Mason Salvatore Elites The Salvatores No 25.00% No --- ---
Portrait Mordino.png
Lil' Jesus Mordino Ruler The Mordinos No 25.00% No --- ---

Olympus Tribe
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait OLY hermes.png
Hermes People People Yes 85.00% No Born of the OlypusIn-game spelling Tribe not but 20 years ago, leadshipIn-game spelling of the group was thrust upon Hermes when the Washington Brotherhood began its vicious campaign against his people. Earning his name from his unqiueIn-game spelling ability to traverse snowy mountainsides at a lightning pace, Hermes has proven himself a capable commander and affectionate leader. He'll need to pull out every trick in his tribe's book if he is to survive the Immortal's onslaught, however. Stout Defender, Fortifications Expert
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 00.00% No ---
Ruler Ruler No 15.00% No --- ---

Port Maw
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 7.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 1.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 6.00% No --- ---
Granger storm.png
Granger Storm Ruler Ruler Yes 86.00% Yes Originally a pirate terrorisingIn-game spelling the shores of OreganIn-game spelling and Northern CalifroniaIn-game spelling, Granger Storm and her gang wrestled control of Port Maw from the Wardens of the White after a bitter turf war. Determined to carve out a criminal empire to rival that of New Reno, Granger personally oversees her gang's extortion, slaving and smuggling. Nobody does business in the city without Storm getting a cut of the profits. Pirate Queen

Rib Breakers
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait rbt leader.png
Doras Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes Among the Rib Breakers, there is always Doras.

It is a heralded title passed down from one warrior to the next in a sacred tradition unbroken since the skies were set ablaze from the heat of the world furnace. It is the duty of Doras to guide the generation they belong to, lead hunting parties to gather fresh bodies and ensure that none breaks their unending chain of succession.

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait shi leader.png
Dr. Sheng People People Yes 63.00% Yes Dr. Sheng is the nominated head of the "San Francisco Council", a governing body composed of members of the Dragon’s School, Crane’s School, Shi Scientific Department and the Emperor’s Steel Palace. ( Members of the Church of Hubology are permitted limited council seating as well. )

While the mysterious, rarely seen Emperor is the de jure, rightfully suzerain celestial royalty of San Francisco the Emperor does not partake in matters of internal or external meddling, merely matters of the spirit and the higher Celestial Court. It is, instead, up to the elected council head to manage internal and external day to day affairs.

Dr. Sheng has more than earned her elected position. A pioneer in botany research, Sheng was the lead project head behind the creation of the “Botanical Sentience Serum” ( BSS ), a growth serum that led to San Francisco being one of the least radiated cities in all of the American west coast.
Sheng also has a knack for diplomacy - being a key figure in negotiating the San Francisco - Shady Sands cultural exchange program. Under Sheng’s leadership the city of San Francisco has a truly bright future.
Expert Negotiator, Political Workhorse
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 15.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 7.00% No ---
Ruler Ruler No 15.00% No --- ---

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait UMB country leader.png
Avueron People People Yes 83.00% No Avueron, son of Sulik and carrier of the Bonespirits, was born in Arroyo and raised in Umbra. While his father was faithful to the spirits that guided the tribe, Sulik also saw sense in teaching his young son about the rest of the world – especially the Chosen One, with whom Sulik adventured for many years. Over the decades since the Chosen One's adventures, the Umbra tribe has slowly opened itself up to the world, trading heavily with Arroyo and the Brotherhood of Steel. When his father passed away in 2262, Avueron chose not to take the "Grampy Bone" his father wore for himself: signifying the beginning of Umbra's break from its more primative past. Now Avueron leads Umbra with kindness and compassion, hoping to teach all his people the lessons his father taught him. Isolationist, Well Liked Leader
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 14.00% Yes ---
Ruler Ruler No 3.00% No --- ---

Washington Brotherhood
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 10.00% No --- ---
Portrait immortal.png
The Immortal Elites Elites Yes 65.00% Yes Revered by his subordinates for leading them across the midwest to Seattle, the so called 'Immortal' Elder is older than even his most senior commanders. His campaign of violence and subjugation throughout Washington has inspired a lust for blood in his chapter - leaving a black stain on the Brotherhood as a whole. Warmonger
Ruler Ruler No 25.00% No --- ---


Twin Mothers
Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Diana Animated.gif Diana People People Yes 70.00% Yes Before the Great War Diana Stone was a brilliant woman with a career path that would gain her a place of recognition among some of the greatest scientific minds in the United States. Unfortunately, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and given little time to live.
The news of her impending death had a profound effect on Diana's life. She turned away from science and began to look into the spiritual side of life. However, with so little time left to live, she soon became frustrated and despondent. This was to change when she was contacted by Derek Greenway.

With Derek's assistance Diana Stone's mind was stored within a ZAX terminal. The change at first was appreciated, yet over time she found herself missing the connection to the world she once had. There, within The Nursery where she was held she heard of Greenway's plan for a certain Vault, Vault 29. The plan was to house a agrarian commune there in the hopes that they would help to restore the wilds of America to what was once before. Diana may have disagreed with Derek's methods -.. yet she couldn't find it in herself to ignore the plight of those within Vault 29.

Eventually, she made herself known. Taking control of the vault's ZAX mainframe from afar Diana would become Vault 29's guardian and god, leading them through the chaos of the wasteland and ensuring their safety in these trying times.
God From The Machine
Diana Intellectuals Intellectuals No 30.00% No --- ---
Diana Elites Elites No 0.00% No --- ---
Diana Ruler Ruler No 0.00% No --- ---


Costa Cafeinada

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait baron garcia.png
Baron Garcia Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait clk tock 1.png
Overseer Tock Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

Badland Buckaroos

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait cyc leader.png
Owen Doyle Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

Chickasaw-Muscogee Coalition

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait cmc lushanya.png
Lushanya Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

The Carthagians

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Chief chef.png
Chief Chef Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait cbn mayor jasmine.png
Mayor Jasmine Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

Cowboy Country

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait billy clanton.png
Billy Clanton Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

Coal Consortium

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait steven macawi.png
Steven Macawi Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

Choctaw Nation

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait cho nashoba solomon.png
Cho Nashoba Solomon Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---

Cherokee Nation

Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Chr standhope.png
Standhope Shadow Mountain Ruler Ruler Yes 100% Yes ---