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The Umbra are a civilized tribal nation in the West Coast region.

Historical background

The Umbra, although considered an insignificant tribe, are led by the son of Sulik, Avueron, who has raised the tribe into a civilized society, although they still retain their tribal heritage. The tribe is friendly with Arroyo, due to the interactions between Sulik and the Chosen One between 2241-2242. The Followers of the Apocalypse also take interest in the tribe for their notions of spiritual prophecies and communications.[1]


National spirits

Umbra starts with two national spirits:

Guidance from the Spirits icon
Guidance from the Spirits
  • Political Power Gain: +12%
  • Recruitable Population: 5.00%
Extreme believers in the idea that people remain spirits after death, the Umbran tribe reveres a wide variety of spirits and attributes many personality characteristics to their influence. These spirits guide the Umbran tribe, offering them advice and insights into the future. While how true these spirits' words are is somewhat debatable, the fundamental religious belief in their existance helps the Umbran tribe stay motivated like few others.
Trade with Arroyo icon
Trade with Arroyo
  • Consumer Goods Factories: -4.0%
  • Research Speed: +3.00%
  • Passive Caps Income: +4.0
What started as a simple companionship between Sulik, an Umbran tribesman, and the Chosen One swiftly blossomed into a strong friendship between the two peoples. Arroyo and Umbra enjoy strong trade ties, with Umbra learning about "civilised" technology from Arroyo and Arroyo reaping the benefits of Umbra's strong hunter-gatherer skillset.


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait UMB country leader.png
Avueron People People Yes 83.00% No Avueron, son of Sulik and carrier of the Bonespirits, was born in Arroyo and raised in Umbra. While his father was faithful to the spirits that guided the tribe, Sulik also saw sense in teaching his young son about the rest of the world – especially the Chosen One, with whom Sulik adventured for many years. Over the decades since the Chosen One's adventures, the Umbra tribe has slowly opened itself up to the world, trading heavily with Arroyo and the Brotherhood of Steel. When his father passed away in 2262, Avueron chose not to take the "Grampy Bone" his father wore for himself: signifying the beginning of Umbra's break from its more primative past. Now Avueron leads Umbra with kindness and compassion, hoping to teach all his people the lessons his father taught him. Isolationist, Well Liked Leader
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 14.00% Yes ---
Ruler Ruler No 3.00% No --- ---

Behind the Scenes

  • The Umbra are based on the Primitive tribe of Fallout 2.
    • The Umbra's name originates from the Fallout 2 fan mod, Fallout 2 Restoration Project, based on a No Mutants Allowed poll, which chose the name based on Umbra Valley, as well as the term "Umbra" referring to concepts like shadows, spirits, ghosts, and apparitions.[2]


  1. Pip-Boy Plus: "Umbra is a small, insignificant tribe on the western coast of the Core Region. They occupy a long strip of the coast north of Navarro up to Arroyo, at which point their territory transitions to that of their closest ally. Their territory spans the valleys, passages, and plains between the Brotherhood of Steel and Arroyo. Despite their precarious position, the lack of important settlements, resources, or pre-war facilities within their borders has left them relatively untouched by even the N.C.R.

    The Umbra Tribe has a rich and complex culture centredIn-game spelling around animistic beliefs. Umbra believe that the world is inhabited by and filled with spirits, who act as free agents and also as inhabitants of the body. They have various forms, but the kind you may most commonly find would be; stupid, evil, anger, and chaos spirits. The Umbra attribute characteristics like mental disabilities or amoral beliefs, and actions like wrath and violence to these sorts of spirits. They believe that spirits see things differently from how they communicate them, which forms a central belief in the Umbra that spirits must be interpreted to be understood even marginally.

    Of the many members of the Umbra tribeIn-game spelling, a man named Sulik is their most famous. Formerly a companion of the Chosen One, the tribe maintains close ties to Arroyo to this day due to their shared bond of camaraderie. Sulik is the only known member of the Umbra to know of and communicate with a unique, named spirit: Grampy Bone. He communicates with his ancestor like all Umbra communicate with spirits⁠—by using the bone piercing in his nose. Through his otherworldly connection, he offered cryptic yet useful advice to the Chosen One. Followers of the Apocalypse regularly make the journey all the way up to Umbra just to observe the tribe, and attempt to uncover the strange truth behind their prophetic connections."
  2. Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.