The Navajo are an American Indian tribe, independent, although subjected under the rule of Caesar's Legion. In the past, they successfully waged a guerilla war against Caesar's Legion, but have since entered an uneasy alliance, accepting Caesar's rule over their lands and pledging their services to the Bull to avoid further bloodshed. They have since profited greatly from Legion trade and must face the important decision if they seek greater autonomy through peaceful or non-peaceful means.
Historical background
- Scenarios country selection screen quote
People (please fill "peoplePartyAmm" parameter)
Intelectuals (please fill "intelectualsPartyAmm" parameter)
Elites (please fill "elitesPartyAmm" parameter)
Intelectuals (please fill "rulerPartyAmm" parameter)
please fill the
(with suffix)
or at least
parameter if using
.png file
Please Fill the "rulingParty" parameter
No Elections
Type" empty
Type" empty
Type" empty
Type" empty
Type" empty
Type" empty
National focus
The Navajo national focus tree can be divided into 3 branches and 5 Sub-Branches:
- The History of the People Branch
- This branch allows the Navajo to determine their starting ideological, political, and economic focuses through resulting events, eventually unlocking the other branches and sub-branches of the nation.
- Remember When They Called us Tribals? Sub-branch
- The American Indian sub-branch. It focuses on negotiating and working with nearby American Indian nations in order to benefit the Navajo by way of economic and political means.
- The Navajo Scouts Sub-branch
- The Navajo army sub-branch. It focuses on giving national spirits, additional manpower, and more advanced equipment, to the Navajo's military force.
- The Three Sisters Sub-branch
- The Navajo industrial sub-branch. It focuses on increasing agricultural, electrical, and economic production.
- The Reservation System Sub-branch
- The Navajo-The Reservation sub-branch. It focuses on investigating the nearby nation of The Reservation, either gaining a war goal against the nation or guaranteeing them as an ally.
- I Will Fight Some More Forever Branch
- This Branch guarantees the Navajo will resist against Caesar's Legion and their Legion puppet status, culminating in gaining a war goal against the Legion.
- The Best Tribe in the Legion Branch
- This Branch guarantees the Navajo will continue their Legion affiliation, eventually resulting in becoming a nation equal to, or independent from, Caesar's Legion.
- Plains Sign Language Sub-branch
- The Navajo research sub-branch. Unlocked by siding with the Legion or resisting them, the sub-branch focuses in increasing research bonuses and adding a research slot.
- The Dream of Dinétah Branch
- The conclusion of the Navajo national focus tree, focusing on nearby nations, specifically the Iron Lines, Foragers, and Ciphers.
National spirits
The Navajo starts with one national spirit:
Portrait | Leader | Ideology | Party | In power (2275) | Popularity | Unique portrait? | Description | Leader trait |
Chief Hashkeh Naabaah | Ruler | Ruler | Yes | 60% | Yes | Hashkeh Naabaah earned his name, the Angry Warrior, when he ambushed raiders threatening Na Dene. To the surprise of some, he is one of the proponents of the peace with the Legion. One of the People's greatest warriors, he served with distinction in the conquest of much of Arizona and in the Legion's campaigns to the East. Hashkeh's warriors, the Skin Walkers, killed enemy leaders and destroyed supply lines with minimal casualties, scaring, some whisper, Lanius himself. But Hashkeh is no pawn of the Legion; he will be their friend if they deal squarely with the People, but his laser rifle can always find a new target... |
The Navajo starts with the following templates:
- Militia Force (4 Militia Battalions)
- Defenders of Diné (9 Infantry Battalions with the Demolitions Support Company)
- Skin Walkers (8 Spec Ops Battalions)
The Navajo starts with the following divisions:
- 5 Defenders of Diné (at 100% strength)
Conscription Law
The Navajo serve Caesar's Legion closely in all things, and their manner of recruitment for their armies follows suit as such. Legionem Foederati icon Legionem Foederati
Thanks to Caesar Legion, we are no longer mere tribals in the Wasteland. But at the same time, we still fight the way we are accustomed to ourselves, using the tactics that work best for us.
Barbarisque Auxiliis icon Barbarisque Auxiliis
We are now part of a new idea, a new society and a vision of the world. We should use not only the traditional tactics for us, but also the basis of the military machine - the infantry.
Equites Cohortes icon Equites Cohortes
We should be using not only our tactics, but also the view of Legion warfare, such as the tactics of using large formations, logistics, siege weapons and much more. And the history of Rome can give us all of this.
Sociis icon Sociis
We've borrowed enough from the Legion to be considered, if not full-fledged citizens of this new nation, then not very different from them. Of course, this means consigning to oblivion our traditions, our gods and ancestors. But that is the price for a place in the New World.
Vexillatio icon Vexillatio
Vexillatio are special mobile units in the Roman army with a flexible structure, created and disbanded as needed. For the legions of Rome, this gives flexibility in a matter of operational action. We will get in this way the ideal tactics for the maneuver war we are used to. Of course, some will say that our abandonment of the ways of our ancestors will incur the wrath of Naagloshii, but this is the only way to preserve at least a part of our culture in this New World.
3 | 0 | 5 |
10 | 3 | 22 | 0 | 3 | 8 |
Starting Position
The Navajo are located to the north east of Caesar's Legion, to the south they border the Reservation and to the east they are almost entirely cut off from New Mexico by the Rio Grande and to the north their territory is boxed in by the Rockies, with only small pessages connecting them to the the Ciphers and Twin Mothers tribe respectively.
Focus Tree
The Left Branch of the Navajo focus tree deals with the Navajo relationship to other native factions within the wasteland, offering closer cooperation as well as further development of the Navajo air capabilities.
The middle section of the tree offers economic as well as military ideas, while the middle section offers the chance at an extra research slot. While the middle left and right sections offer ways to decrease or increase the Navajos loyalty towards the Legion. The left side will ultimatley lead to the Navajo declaring war on the Legion as they declare their independence, while the left will give them the chance to end their puppet status.
Regardless of which option the player chooses to go with they will ultimately have the chance to form the state of Dinetah as well as expand into the north east through Ciphers territory.
The right side of the Navajo tree leads to the discovery of one of the many horrifying secrets of the Reservation at which point the Navajo can either initiate open war and integrate the Human prisoners into the tribe or allow themselves to be paid off in exchange for an alliance and access to high class weaponry
Unique Systems
The people of the Navajo are at a crossroads, should they stay loyal to Caesar's Legion, seeking greater autonomy within the framework of power they find themselves in or fight for their independence, to this end the Navajo can take both focuses that increase or decrease their loyalty, with only the final decision focus having a loyalty or disloyalty requirement.
Navajo start with 4 research slots and can get another one via their focus tree. They start with having Intermediate Industry Techs, Intermediate Air and Naval Techs, Intermediate Vehicle and Army Techs with the exception of Sophisticated Special Forces Tech, and Intermediate Robotics Tech. While Navajo do not start with Power Armour Tech, Basic and Intermediate techs can be gained through the focus tree. Navajo can also gain Sophisticated Infantry Tech through their focus tree.