Rib Breakers

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The Rib Breakers are a tribal nation in the West Coast region.

Historical background

A tribe composed of tribals who engage in violent acts pertaining to the breaking of bones.


National spirits

The Rib Breakers starts with one national spirit:

Tribal Nation icon
Tribal Nation
  • Construction Speed: +10.00%
  • Required Garrisons: -25%
  • Strengthen Resistance efficiency: +25%
  • Civilian intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Army intelligence to others: +20.0%
  • Navy intelligence to others: +20.0%


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
People People No 0.00% No --- ---
Intellectuals Intellectuals No 0.00% No --- ---
Elites Elites No 0.00% No --- ---
Portrait rbt leader.png
Doras Ruler Ruler Yes 100.00% Yes Among the Rib Breakers, there is always Doras.

It is a heralded title passed down from one warrior to the next in a sacred tradition unbroken since the skies were set ablaze from the heat of the world furnace. It is the duty of Doras to guide the generation they belong to, lead hunting parties to gather fresh bodies and ensure that none breaks their unending chain of succession.

Behind the scenes

  • At some point, the Rib Breakers and Washington Brotherhood contested over a location known as the "Willamette Fortress." This area was specified to be a fortress built on top of the Willamette University Campus, having been fought over by both factions for a long period of time.[1] However, due to changes made during The Broken Coast update, the area no longer exists under its original name.


  1. skeep: "lore question: is the willamette fortress that is mentioned as being in rib breaker territory meant to be fort willamette that's under brotherhood control?"
    Loonybinjin: "Willamette Fortress is basically a fortress that's been made on the Willamette University Campus. Narratively, it's been back and forth between the Rib Breakers and WBOS for a while now. Although I haven't been up in that region for a while, so something may have changed during broken coast."- Obtained from Discord, 10/20/2018