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The Rotpurgers are a raider nation based in East Washington.

Historical background

In the lands of Spokane, the human remnants of Vault 100 seethe in the cold ruins, hoping and plotting to retake their birthplace from the Ghouls of The Old Country once and for all. After years of stagnation under the dynasty of Alexander the Merciless, and flanked by the raging clergy of the Wishmaidens, a mad 'infinity prophet' named Samson has arrived with a plot to unite the three and strike back at the Vault, once and for all.
- Scenarios country selection screen quote


National spirits

The Rotpurgers start with two national spirits:

Legacy of Vault 100 icon
Legacy of Vault 100
  • War Support: +15.00%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +6.0%
  • Military Factory construction speed: +15.00%
  • Civilian Factory construction speed: -10.00%
  • Reconquering Spokane and erradicatingIn-game spelling the Old Country will grant us access to the decision to Form the Grand Inquisition.
Vault 100, built under pre-war Spokane, was one of the largest Vaults ever constructed by Vault-Tec. Designed to house over 1200 occupants, the Vault was purposefully built large to facilitate the twisted experiment run within its walls. Under the careful observation of the Overseer, radiation was purposefully let into the living quatersIn-game spelling of a portion of the Vault's occupants. For the first decade the effects were unnoticableIn-game spelling, but over time a significant minority of the Vault Dwellers slowly mutated into intelliigentIn-game spelling ghouls. Those Dwellers who remained 'pure' grew horrified of their irradiated kin, and before long civil war broke out in the Vault. The ghouls gained the upper hand when they seized control of the Overseer's armoury, forcing the human faction to make their escape to the surface and flee east. Now, we remain in control of Spokane, but the ancestors of the humans who were hellbent on erradicatingIn-game spelling us seem to still want revenge.
The Eternal Quest of the Pure icon
The Eternal Quest of the Pure
  • Occupation Appeal: -25.00%
  • Our hatred of those twisted by radiation means we cannot choose to recruit any form of mutants.
  • Demolition Equipment
    • Production Cost: -8.00%
    • Soft attack: +6%
    • Hard attack: +3%
Ever since out exile from Vault 100, our rightful home, we have been plotting our vengenceIn-game spelling. Armed with flamers, our prefered Ghoul-exterminating weapon, and three generations of training and planning, we are finally ready to reclaim our home. We will make Spokane burn bright in the night, if that's what it takes to kill the ghouls once and for all.


Portrait Leader Ideology Party In power (2275) Popularity Unique portrait? Description Leader trait
Portrait ROT wishmaiden.png
The Lady of the Lake People Wishmaidens No 31.00% Yes Few have ever set eyes upon the aptly-named Lady of the Lake, once known as Creusa, a mysterious woman who communciatesIn-game spelling through sickly song and corrupted words as the psykers of Oregon do. Those who had forsaken their past championed her name under the Wishmaidens tribe-- now, however, the tribe has become more a clergical order. Creusa guides the Wishmaidens with a soothing (if not terrifying) hand and words that turn foes into friends. She envisions a word crafted in her ideals and will stop at nothing to achieve them. Cruel Tyrant
Augustus Allen Intellectuals Warden Deserters No 2.00% No --- Quartermaster General
Portrait ROT leader.png
Jacobia the Wrathful Elites Jacobia's Faithful Yes 45.00% Yes Jacobia the Wrathful, fifth leader of the Rotpurgers and a descendent of Alexander the Merciless, leader of the Great Revolt, earned his name for a reason. Famed across Washington for his limitless hatred for ghouls, Jacobia assumed the mantle of leadership at the young age of 22. Ever an idealist, Jacobia has long dreamed of reforming the Rotpurgers into a more formal organisationIn-game spelling with the chief purpose of erradicatingIn-game spelling ghouls wherever they may arise. After all, the ghouls killed many of his ancestors: it's time for the humans to take their revenge. Warmonger
Portrait ROT samson.png
God-King Samson Ruler Knights of the Infinty No 22.00% Yes A deranged sycophant under Jacobia's reign of the Rotpurgers, Samson's ambition outweighs his own moral code. Left with nothing but a mystical orb to guide him, he has since assumed the title of Infinity Prophet. At the mantle, Samson seeks to claim what he sees as his divine birthright. For him, adversaries are but future subjects, ignorant to his grandeur. By the end of his scourge, should he succeed, all will bow to the one they call Samson. Cruel Tyrant


Chief of Army

Focus Tree

Generic Cascadian Economic Tree

This is the Shared economic tree for most Cascadian nations, it has 3 branch's. The firsts gives production and infastrucer bonuses, the second gives arms workshops bonuses and the third give electronics a efficacy buffs. The tree also grants a research slot.

Generic Cascadian Army Tree

This is the Shared army tree for most Cascadian nations, it contains three branch's. The first focuses on defense giving cold attrition bonus, after outpost construction speed and higher manpower. The second focuses on arms, you have to choose between quantity of arms or quality of arms, also spawning four units of men at arms for free. The thrid focuses on navel, Giving research and production bonus.

Shared War for Vault 100 Tree

This tree is shared by The Old Country and the Rotpurgers, This gives basic bonus for the war at the end of the tree between the two nations. Giving caps, army experience, recourses, factories and basic weapons. It also gives research bonus to infantry tech and industry. It also gives a special spirt that gives faster division speed and lowers training time. At the end the two nations will go to war with each other.

Shared The Fate of Spokane Tree

This tree is shared by The Old Country and the Rotpurgers, it gives bonus to help after the war and allows you to choose the country's path. It gives an extra research slot and a bunch of free factories and generic buffs to help sett you up for your up coming conquest. At the end of the tree you choose which faction will lead the nation. The Rotpurgers have three possible paths. The mad king Samson's Infinity Knights, Jacobia's Grand Inquisition or The Lady of the Lake and her Wishmaidens.

Infinity Knights, Samson's branch

Samson is a Schizophrenic man who thinks a magic eight ball is a god, The Infinity Orb. He will take over the Rotpurges and make them The Infinity Knights. This path gives access to basic power armor tech and a handful of unique advisors at the start along with reduced war goal time at the cost of stability. The first part of his tree gives resaerch bonuses to Land doctrines and infantry tech. You gain national spirts increasing manpower, division capability's and lowering training time. This part of the tree ends with gaining war goals on the Timberline. after conquering the Timberline the next part of the tree opens up giving research bonuses to industry, support and power armor tech, along with civilian workshops and Infatry equipment attack bonuses. This will lead to Samson's next Conquest, Seattle. Gaining war goals on the Washington brotherhood and/or The Cause. after wining the difficult war the final part of the tree opens giving research bonuses to firearms and power armor along with moving the capital to Seattle. Finally gain intermediate power armor tech and access to Orb decisions, which can create units of Infinity Squires at the cost of army experience and random war goals on a neighboring nation. Overall Samson leads the Heavily armored Infinity Knights to a uncertain Future that only the Orb knows.

The Grand Inequation, Jacobia's branch

Jacobia the Wrathful stays in control of the Rotpurgers, and will lead there crusades' to burn all rot form the wasteland. This path gives access to sophistical support tech and a handful of unique advisors at the start, The first part of his tree gives some generic buffs for a more conquest's focused nation, including war support, army experience ad reduced training time. Notably gaining a bunch of free flamethrower equipment and 4 free arms workshops. The next part of Jacobia's tree is the conquest of Seattle, gaining war goals on the Washington brotherhood and/or The Cause, this will be a jumping off point for a conquest of all of Cascadia. Gaining war goals on Kamlo, Syilx Nation's, Koover, The Bone Dancers, the Timberline and The Broken Coast. Along with a partially functional G.E.C.K. Finally Jacobia will join The Children of the Gate Faction, which is Heaven's Gate faction. Plus two national spirts, one that helps factory and construction, the other helps infantry attack. Finally Jacobia gains war goals on all of the state of Oregon. Overall Jacobia will lead the Rotpurgers on a bloody crusade across Cascadia and beyond.

Wishmaidens, The Lady of the Lake Branch

The Wishmaidens will seize control of the Rotpurgers and dramaticly change them. This path removes the Eternal Quest for the Pure sprite and a handful of unique advisors at the start. The first part of the tree gives generic buffs that are more stability focused then the other two paths for the Rotpurgers, notably rewarding 2500 manpower and 3 arms workshops. The last part of the tree gives a strong buff to division defense. The second part of the tree gives war goals on the Washington brotherhood and Heaven's Gate, a fully functional G.E.C.K. sophisticated support and intermediate specials forces tech. Finally if the Wishmaidens share a border with the Sisterhood of Steel, they can join a faction together.


Conscription Law

Name Trait Prerequisites Effects Description Cost

It is in the nature of raiders to band together into rapidly moving groups to easier ambush caravans and avoid the would be pursuers, it is also in their nature to fight in between themselves for the position of the leader. As such with the increasing size of the group it becomes harder and harder to keep the raiders focused and united.

Petty Gang Conscription icon
Petty Gang Conscription
  • Division Organisation: +5%
  • Recruitable population: 5%
  • Supply Consumption: -5%
  • Stability: +5%
  • Research Speed: +10%

Raider Bands icon
Raider Bands
  • Division Speed: +3%
  • Division Organisation: -3%
  • Recruitable population: 7%
  • Supply Consumption: +3%
  • Stability: -3%
  • Research Speed: +5%
  • Justify Wargoal Time: -3%
  • Reinforce Rate: +3%

Scum And Vilainy icon
Scum And Vilainy
  • Division Speed: +5%
  • Division Organisation: -5%
  • Recruitable population: 9%
  • Supply Consumption: +5%
  • Stability: -5%
  • Justify Wargoal Time: -5%
  • Reinforce Rate: +5%

Threat To All People icon
Threat To All People
  • Division Speed: +7%
  • Division Organisation: -7%
  • Recruitable population: 11%
  • Supply Consumption: +7%
  • Stability: -7%
  • Justify Wargoal Time: -7%
  • Reinforce Rate: +7%

Doom Of The Wasteland icon
Doom Of The Wasteland
  • Division Speed: +10%
  • Division Organisation: -10%
  • Recruitable population: 15%
  • Supply Consumption: +10%
  • Stability: -10%
  • Justify Wargoal Time: -10%
  • Reinforce Rate: +10%


Starting Industry
Arms workshop Naval dockyard Civilian workshop
3 0 3
Starting Resources
Water Energy Scrap Metal Composite Materials Circuitry Advanced Components
7 14 7 0 0 0


Basic Intermediate Sophisticated
Techtree tab infantry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab support.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab infantry.png
Special Forces
Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab infantry.png
Power Armour
Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab armour.png
Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab robotics.png
Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Basic Intermediate Sophisticated
Techtree tab air.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab naval.png
Naval Vessels
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab industry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab engineering.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab industry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab industry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png

The Rotpurgers start with these tech already researched

  • Pipe Guns
  • Basic Melee Weapons
  • Flamers
  • Canoe Halls
  • Waterproof Sealing
  • Tool Procurement

Starting Position

The Rotpurgers start east of The Old Country, sharing there biggest border with them. North of Heaven's Gate, north east of The Timberline, west of Macarthur, south west of Niitsitapi and south of The Passskeepers.

The order of battle starts production with 2 factories producing Basic weapons, 1 producing Support equipment and 1 producing Flamethrowers

The Starting divisionin templets are

  • Infinity Squires (4 militia battalions)
  • Purge Squad (5 infantry Battalions with 1 Demolition support group)

The order of battle spawns 6 divisions all being Purge Squads


Behind the scenes

  • The Rotpurgers were developed by a team of three developers, violet, Lusa and Aida.
  • Aida in specific was a big help in making events and advisors for Samson and Jacobia.
  • Lusa did art for Samson and the Lady of the Lake. She also did all of the portion the initial Wishmaidens events before violet went back to further define them
  • The actual code work was done entirely by violet
