Tierra de los Tzotzil events

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This is a list of all events relating to Tierra de los Tzotzil (from /Old World Blues/events_TDT_l_english.yml).

When the United States occupied Mexico, it crushed the Zapatistas of the south, seizing Mayan land for for the American home front. What did they prioritize?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Heart of Hearts National Focus.

Event button.png
Clearing the jungle for future sweatshops.
  • (Villahermosa, Tuxtla Gutiérrez):
    • Add 2 Building Slots.
  • (Comitán, Las Montañas del Refugio):
    • Add 1 Building Slots.
Event button.png
Prospecting for natural resources.
  • Add production of 3 Composite Materialsultra in Villahermosa.
  • Add production of 2 Advanced Componentsultra in Villahermosa.
  • Add production of 4 Energyultra in Villahermosa.


Leaving Chichen Itza

The break came when the Mayan leaders of Chichen Itza declared the birth of a Mayan empire. To the people of Tierra de los Tzotzil, this was absurd. In a world struggling to rebuild from the Great War, the only thing they would be kings of were the ashes. The people of the Chiapas revolted against the Itzans, and declared they would go their own way. The break had many causes, but most scholars blame:

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing The Great Schism National Focus.

Event button.png
The demand for more men to conquer the Yucatan.
  • Replace Funding the Army with Wasteland Economy
  • Effective change:
    Consumer Goods Factories: +5.0%
    Military to Civilian Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
    Civilian to Military Factory conversion cost: +30.00%
    Country Base Node Income: +5.0%
    Military Factory construction speed: -20.00%
    Civilian Factory construction speed: -20.00%
  • (Villahermosa, Tuxtla Gutiérrez):
    • Add 1 Civilian Workshop.
    • Add 1 Building Slots.
Event button.png
The new regime's contempt for traditional Mayan Christianity.
  • Las Montañas del Refugio Changes name to Las Montañas del Refugiados.
  • Las Montañas del Refugio's state population changes by +5000.


The Free State

Itzan armies poured west, seeking to conquer the breakaway state of Chiapas. But Tierra de los Tzotzil's leaders new they had their own advantage. They could rely upon Aztlan support, and their knowledge of Chiapan terrain. In the end, which proved more decisive?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Rumble in the Jungle National Focus.

Event button.png
Clever diplomacy.
  • Add Silver Tongues, which grants (Daily Political Power Gain: +0.20, Improve relations maintain cost: -20%, Trade deal opinion factor: +15.00%).
Event button.png
Dastardly misdirection.
  • Add Quick Wits, which grants (Division Organization: -25.0%, Reconnaissance: +5.0%, Entrenchment speed: +0, Planning Speed: +5.0%).


The Might of the People

Although Tierra de los Tzotzil was small, its people were willing to sacrifice for their freedom. Its people are ready for whatever comes their way.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Defending the Homeland National Focus.

Event button.png
Every home is a pillbox, if you fight hard enough.
  • Las Montañas del Refugio Add 3 Outpost in a province in the state.
  • Villahermosa Add 2 Outpost in a province in the state.
  • Tuxtla Gutiérrez Add 2 Outpost in a province in the state.
Event button.png
And should they cross our rivers, they will find heroes upon the shore.
  • Villahermosa:
    • Add 2 Coastal Fort in a province in the state.
    • Add 2 Coastal Fort in a province in the state.
    • Add 2 Coastal Fort in a province in the state.
    • Add 2 Coastal Fort in a province in the state.
    • Add 2 Coastal Fort in a province in the state.
  • Tuxtla Gutiérrez Add 2 Coastal Fort in a province in the state.