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Alexander, also known as 4l3x4nd3r is a developer who worked with the Old World Blues development team as one of the Senior and Junior Developers.


Alexander originally applied for the Old World Blues team through the creation of their Covert Operations submod.[1] The main reasoning for the submod was due to a perceived void in what the mod wished to portray, with the lack of operations feeling to Alexander as if "I was playing a WW2 game with a Fallout skin instead of playing a Fallout map painter." After their recruitment, Alexander worked on an expanded form of Operations, designated as Operations 1.0, which currently provides unique mechanics and opportunities, as well as additional Fallout flavor.[2] As of November 2021, Alexander is working on the New Vegas rework for 4.0, having picked Vegas due to its robotic focus and Alexander's own robotics expertise,[3] and plans to work on an "Operations 2.0" afterwards, aiming to be more ambitious than the original 1.0.[4] In addition to being the main developer of Operations, Alexander wished to experiment with designing a focus tree, in order to better improve himself as a developer.[5]


  • Created the Operations (versions 1.0 and 2.0) of the mod (3.0 - 4.0)
  • Provided feedback to Caesar's Legion's focus tree (3.0)
  • New Vegas focus tree rework (4.0)
  • Initial NCR planning (4.0)


  1. Alexander: "Well, the entry into the OWB Team as a dev was made via my Operations Submod, you can find it here:"
    - Obtained from Discord, 11/13/2021
  2. Alexander: "The whole operations part of my work started since I wanted to fill in a void in OWB Development. I think that was the only part of the mod at the time I felt broke the illusion that I was playing a WW2 game with a Fallout skin instead of playing a Fallout map painter.
    Currently I'd say we are on Operations 1.0 there is a bit of flavour Fallout wise, some unique stuff."

    - Obtained from Discord, 11/13/2021
  3. Alexander: "Zusk did some band aid for the Vegas tree back in 3.0, and I picked the tree since it reasonated with me. A robotics student working on the on the most known robot nation in the mod."
    - Obtained from Discord, 11/13/2021
  4. Alexander: "But for after I finish my work on Vegas Operations 2.0 is in works which aims to be a bit more ambitious as far as the operative systems goes. I'd like to think of Operations like quests one of your heroes can do. That's as much as I can say for now."
    - Obtained from Discord, 11/13/2021
  5. Alexander: "Well, I am and have been the main dev handling operations so that was most of my work. However, I always wanted to play with designing a tree, challenging myself to improve myself as a developer. I have helped out during the initial phases of 4.0 planning in the NCR, had a bit of feedback with the Legion tree in 3.0, small things."
    - Obtained from Discord, 11/13/2021