Arroyo events

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This is a list of all events relating to Arroyo (from /Old World Blues/events_ARR_l_english.yml).


The Search for Vault 13

The Chosen One set out from Arroyo alone, facing a near impossible battle against a hostile wasteland. They knew only that their village, their people, were dying, and that only the secrets of nearby Vaults could save it.

Their journey to nearby vaults, which would take them through the likes of Shady Sands, Vault City, and Klamath, was froughtIn-game spelling with peril. But from it all the Chosen One learned...

Event arr arroyo.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Quest for the Holy G.E.C.K. National Focus.

Event button.png
The importance of trustworthy allies
  • Arroyo:
    Add 2 Civilian Workshop.
    Add 2 building slots.
Event button.png
How a big gun, or stick, can make things a whole lot easier
  • Arroyo:
    Add 3 Arms Workshop.
    Add 3 building slots.
Event button.png
That a full purse can buy many a solution.
  • Gain ultra +85.00k Bottle Caps.


Arrival at the Holy 13

After a long journey across California the Chosen One finally arrived at Vault 13. They found a startling surprise in their ancestor's home, now inhabited by a tribe of intelligent, yet friendly, deathclaws. Far more powerful than the Chosen One or any of their potential companions, and with the Water Chip hidden just behind them, the Chosen One was forced to cooperate, at least to some extent.

Once inside the vault the Chosen One found a unique status quo. The descendants of those that had stayed in Vault 13 lived in tandem with the deathclaws and had created a thriving society together. Yet what shocked the Chosen One the most was how...

Event arr enclave oil.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the Reaching Vault 13 National Focus.

Event button.png
How the humans of Vault 13 had put aside their prejudice by accepting their new partners
  • The Chosen One's karma will increase
  • 1x 90% Research bonus for: Support Technology.
Event button.png
The fear that still ruled the deathclaws, in particular of a certain Dr. Schreber
  • The Chosen One's karma will lower
  • 1x 33% Research bonus for: Land Doctrine.
Event button.png
The ordered nature of the tribe, as each member knew their part
  • 1x 40% Research bonus for: Industry Technology.


The Giant Faces

What the Chosen One believed to be their moment of victory was soon dashed by a vision from their tribal healer, Hakunin. The people of Arroyo had been kidnapped by soldiers in giant metal birds and taken somewhere into the sea. The Chosen One's mission to save their tribe became true in a far more literal sense, with certain death awaiting those that were taken into Enclave captivity.

Investigating the matter to the best of their ability, the Chosen One came upon several promising leads, the best of which was...

Event arr enclave oil.png

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing The Enclave Oil Rig National Focus.

Event button.png
The Shi Emperor, a Chinese pre-war supercomputer, capable of predicting every possible outcome
  • This will have unforeseeable consequences!
  • Add Shi Expertise, which grants (Research Speed: +3.00%).
  • Gains Likes the Shi (Opinion of Flag of Shi Shi +50.)
  • (Flag of Shi) Gains Likes Arroyo (Opinion of Flag of Shi Shi +50.)
Event button.png
The Navarro military base, a well-organized but surprisingly penetrable Enclave hold
  • This will have unforeseeable consequences!
  • Add technology: Basic Power Armour Tech.
  • 1x 50% Research bonus for: Power Armour Technology.
  • Gains Likes the Navarro Territories (Opinion of Flag of Navarro Territories Navarro Territories +50.)
  • (Flag of New California Republic) Gains Likes Arroyo (Opinion of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo +50.)
  • (Flag of Navarro Territories) Gains Likes Arroyo (Opinion of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo +50.)
Event button.png
The drugs of New Reno gave the them the needed courage
  • Political Power: +95.
  • Gains One Night in Reno (Opinion of Flag of New Reno New Reno +50.)
  • (Flag of New Reno) Gains Likes Arroyo (Opinion of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo +50.)