Far Son national focus tree

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Flag of Far Son Far Son, as one of the many sub-major powers of The Great North, has a unique national focus tree.

The Far Son national focus tree can be divided into four branches:

  • The Steppes of Wyoming Branch
This branch allows Far Son to determine their starting ideological, political, and economic focuses through resulting events, eventually unlocking the other branches of the nation.
  • The Fields of Wyoming Branch
The resource production and manpower branch. The branch allows expansion of infrastructure, production, and manpower, while also allowing for economic gain.
  • The Fires Upon the Hills Branch
The armed forces branch. The branch provides both national spirits, building construction, and research bonuses to the warfare abilities of Far Son.
  • Sixteen Tons Branch
The Far Son domination branch. It first focuses on providing technology research and additions, then, once Wyoming is under Far Son's control, they expand outside the state, seeking either Utah, Montana, or Colorado, ending with their discovery of the Mini-Nuke.

The Steppes of Wyoming Branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects Description
File:Wyoming icon.png The Steppes of Wyoming Far Son
  • None
Gets event Fools & Frauds. Wyoming's been a stopping place for many over the years. It's a shame the calm never lasts...
File:Wyoming icon.png Alton Bourges' Legacy Far Son Gets event They Came From Below. Jealousy can be a powerful and destructive force.
File:Wyoming icon.png War in Wyoming Far Son Gets event Dig, and Dig, and Dig. Mole Miners burst forth from the Far Son crater and beyond. With these terrible monsters leaving their hovels, it became evident the plains were no longer safe for travelers... Something would have to be done, or else they wouldn't ever stop.

The Fields of Wyoming Branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects Description
Generic ideological fury focus.png The Fields of Wyoming Far Son South Pass Mine Add 3 Infrastructure. Wyoming is a vast and beautiful land, full of opportunities for growth. We must take advantage of it, so that our children may live easier.
Nuka.png Harvesting the Nuka-Cola Factory Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Generic ideological fury focus.png The Fields of Wyoming
Gain (unrecognized string "Bottle Caps" for Template:Icon) +50.00k Bottle Caps.
Political Power: +50.
To the north, a Nuka-Cola factory lays derelict. We can salvage the bottles inside for caps, and maybe have a little R&R along the way, if there's enough cola to be had...
Brahmin trade.png Steppes Caravaneering Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Nuka.png Harvesting the Nuka-Cola Factory
Gain (unrecognized string "Bottle Caps" for Template:Icon) +200.00k Bottle Caps. Vast steppes for miles, and nothing but vast tracts of land in-between. While many great ranches dot the landscape, few connections have been established between such places. Encouraging caravaneering would be key to reasonable economical growth.
Barn.png The Wyoming Calm Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Nuka.png Harvesting the Nuka-Cola Factory
    • Focus dam.png The Waters of Wyoming
Manpower: +5000. The calm chill of Wyoming is inviting to much of the wasteland. With rumors of our hard work, likeminded individuals have begun to arrive from all over.
Generic cities focus.png The Settling Winds Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Brahmin trade.png Steppes Caravaneering
    • Barn.png The Wyoming Calm
Manpower: +5000. The settling winds of Wyoming have been an inviting premonition to travelers and wayfareresIn-game spelling alike. Dozens of people pass through our lands, more and more staying every day...
Focus dam.png The Waters of Wyoming Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Generic ideological fury focus.png The Fields of Wyoming
(South Pass Mine): Add production of 8 Waterultra in South Pass Mine. Though they are far from safe to drink in such times, the lakes and rivers of Wyoming are far better than others found in the wasteland. With enough jury rigging, we can establish a set of purifiers to help us with thirst.
Usa construct mil factory.png The Refineries Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Focus dam.png The Waters of Wyoming
(New Farson):
Add 2 Building Slots.
Add 2 Civilian Workshop.
Though they most certainly stain the views, numerous derelict factories dot the landscape. Let's see if we can't get some of them back online!
Generic creature bald eagle.png A Home on the Frontier Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Usa construct mil factory.png The Refineries
1x 50% Research bonus for: Agriculture.
(New Farson):
Add 1 Building Slots.
Add 1 Civilian Workshop.
No matter how amazing a land may be, without food to sustain it, it won't host anything for long. Looking into agricultural concerns would suit us well.
Bobble head science.png Nowhere Can Be Home, Too Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Generic cities focus.png The Settling Winds
    • Generic creature bald eagle.png A Home on the Frontier
    • Extractor.png Building Ourselves Up
Gain 1 Research Slot.
Replace Frontier Scavengers with Living On The Frontier
Effective change:
Resource Gain Efficiency: +5.00%
Wyoming's a beautiful place, though most certainly nowhere. But where else is there to be in this world, if not nowhere?
Usa education.png An Escape From Hardship Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Generic ideological fury focus.png The Fields of Wyoming
(New Farson):
Add production of 5 Scrap Metalultra in New Farson.
Add production of 3 Circuitryultra in New Farson.
Add Frontier Scavengers, which grants (Resource Gain Efficiency: +5.00%).
Many people stayed in Wyoming by accident. Maybe their caravan fell apart, maybe they just liked the people, or maybe it was just the weather. These people are quick to chat up the newcomers, and work with the locals.
Reactor old.png Rebooting Power Stations Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Focus dam.png The Waters of Wyoming
    • Usa education.png An Escape From Hardship
(Old Jeffry):
Add production of 8 Energyultra in Old Jeffry.
Add 1 Building Slots.
Add 1 Civilian Workshop.
The stars can only guide us so well. A proper power station would help us see at night! And, well, a heater-- if we can find a functioning one, that is-- wouldn't hurt, either.
Tinker workbench.png Tools to Build a Home Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Usa education.png An Escape From Hardship
1x 30% Research bonus for: Tool procurement.
(South Pass Mine): Add production of 4 Scrap Metalultra in South Pass Mine.
Scavenging is the baseline of any wasteland society, a trade both despised and respected by the majority. Equipping scavengers to go and see what they can get will save us a lot of legwork.
Extractor.png Building Ourselves Up Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Reactor old.png Rebooting Power Stations
    • Tinker workbench.png Tools to Build a Home
Reduce ahead of time penalty by 1.0 years and give a 50% research bonus. Valid for the next 1 researches of these technologies: Building Technology.
(New Farson): Add production of 4 Composite Materialsultra in New Farson.
To build a civilized society, you must be capable of building in the first place. The scavengers we've employed and the power station will help us get the proper equipment to try and start expanding.

The Fires Upon the Hills Branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects Description
Tractor 1.png The Fires Upon the Hills Far Son 1x 20% Research bonus for: Asymmetrical Warfare.
Gain Base Stability: +5.00%.
The frontier may be mostly peaceful, but times grow tough and some folks desperate. Change must be made.
Holy shit its wendigos.png Hunting Wild Beasts Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Tractor 1.png The Fires Upon the Hills
Army Experience: +25. There are many horrible creatures that roam the fields of Wyoming at night; most of them tragic leftovers of Alton Bourges' carelessness in times gone by. Hunting them will not just make the land safer but improve the finesse of our warriors.
Free states soldier.png Hearts, and Minds Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Tractor 1.png The Fires Upon the Hills
Gain Base War Support: +10.00%.
(Montague the Mad): Add Attack Skill: 1
A people ready to defend themselves will answer a thousand more calls to action.
Smoking cowboy.png Outsmarting Our Betters Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Tractor 1.png The Fires Upon the Hills
2x 40% Research bonus for: Asymmetrical Warfare. Many great forces surround the lands of Wyoming. What if one tries to breach our safety? We know the land better than anyone; we won't just make use of it, we'll make it part of our advantage.
Cowboy rule.png A Trained Populace Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Holy shit its wendigos.png Hunting Wild Beasts
Add Frontier Gumption, which grants (Training time: -10.00%). A gun in everyone's hand is one thing, but without the know-how to sling it, it's as useful as a bag of dirt in a drought. Training exercises won't just help folks know what to do; it'll save a lot of lives in the process.
Put that pistol down.png Planning a Way Ahead Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Free states soldier.png Hearts, and Minds
(Montague the Mad):
Add Planning Skill: 2
Add Logistics Skill: 2
Our warriors have done much to protect our citizenry. Exalting them for their repeated victories would be appreciated, no?
Generic metal focus.png Friendly, but Territorial Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Smoking cowboy.png Outsmarting Our Betters
Add Old-School Defense Tactics, which grants (Division Defense on core territory: +5.0%, Damage to Garrisons: -15.00%). A cautious hand can be better than a welcoming one. At least, that's what most people think after trying to pet a mountain lion!
Generic bunkers focus.png Factories for the Fire Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Holy shit its wendigos.png Hunting Wild Beasts
    • Free states soldier.png Hearts, and Minds
(New Farson):
Add 2 Building Slots.
Add 2 Arms Workshop.
There's a fire in every working individual's heart, a passion for a craft that is untapped. Why not let them express themselves with productive means?
Generic bunkers focus.png Factories for the Folks Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Free states soldier.png Hearts, and Minds
    • Smoking cowboy.png Outsmarting Our Betters
(New Farson):
Add 2 Building Slots.
Add 2 Arms Workshop.
A reasonable society is formed off of a system of mutually-agreed tasks. The wasteland is a harsh place, and many folks crave some sort of purpose. To protect ourselves and to brighten the minds of our people, we will facilitate the construction of new workshops across Wyoming.
Generic building focus.png Homeland Doctrines Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Put that pistol down.png Planning a Way Ahead
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Generic ideological fury focus.png Expansion Doctrines
Add Homeland Doctrines, which grants (Entrenchment Speed: +5.0%, Max planning factor: +5.0%, Max Entrenchment: +5.0%). We have no need for anything but home. Turning our minds inward will bring about a true era of peace.
Generic ideological fury focus.png Expansion Doctrines Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Put that pistol down.png Planning a Way Ahead
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Generic building focus.png Homeland Doctrines
Add Expansion Doctrines, which grants (Org Loss when Moving: -5.0%, Division Attack: +5.0%, Breakthrough: +5.00%). An outward way of life is the only way to ensure our own personal safety. We will venture out and vanquish threats before they can reach our doorstep.
Protectron conceptart primm slimm.png The Coalescence Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Generic bunkers focus.png Factories for the Fire
    • Generic bunkers focus.png Factories for the Folks
  • One of the following:
    • Generic building focus.png Homeland Doctrines
    • Generic ideological fury focus.png Expansion Doctrines
We will combine our ideas together into a stronger one! Wyoming's our home, and if we have anything to say about it, it always will be.

Sixteen Tons Branch

Focus Prerequisites Effects Description
Moleminer gauntlet.png Sixteen Tons Far Son Political Power: +100.
Gain Base War Support: +5.00%.
The Mole Miners emerged not as a line, but as a horde from South Pass Mine. Rumors were simple, but the legends scarier: the Mole Men stalked the night, taking people and object alike, dragging them into the night.
SOK rocket launcher.png Unreasonably Strong Firepower Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer gauntlet.png Sixteen Tons
Add technology: AA Equipment T1. The Moles were noted by travelers to be well-armed with a mixture of military-grade hardware and 'heavy mining equipment,' as Alton Bourges had once called it. Whether or not they knew how to repair or make more of these weapons was a mystery in and of itself.
Grenade.png Comically Strong Mining Equipment Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • SOK rocket launcher.png Unreasonably Strong Firepower
200 units of American Red Glare Rocket Launcher is added to the national stockpile. Alton Bourges was a rambunctious man: a man who knew how to take a venture and make it into a billion dollars, or so he thought. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on both a personal military in Farson and military-grade equipment tends to bite one's bank.
Generic ammo boxes focus.png Superior, If Oddball Firepower Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer gauntlet.png Sixteen Tons
3x 25% Research bonus for: Fire team Technology. Various weapons, new and old, would find their way into the Mole Miner's little crooked fingers. Some say they would take them down to be smelted, somewhere deep in the mines, or that they would be alternated as offerings to some strange, dark god that lurks in the tunnels.
Moleminer gauntlet 2.png Handmade Claws Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer gauntlet.png Sixteen Tons
1.00K units of American Slashing Melee Weaponry is added to the national stockpile. As if they knew what they had become, some of the Mole Miners would fashion these strange, splinter-edged gauntlets from old mining equipment. Though they were naught but scrap, many travelers who went too close to Far Son would be found not long after with their throats and chests caved in. Those who survived would often have a tetanus story to share afterwards.
Moleminer gauntlet.png Mole Minin' Gauntlets Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Generic ammo boxes focus.png Superior, If Oddball Firepower
    • Moleminer gauntlet 2.png Handmade Claws
3x 30% Research bonus for: Melee Weaponry.
Gets event 'A Good, Clean Operation'.
The gauntlets were well-made, for what they were. The miners began to standardize them as they learned how effective they were, taking means to improve their ability to make them.
Generic bloody sacrifice.png Wyoming Falls Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Generic ammo boxes focus.png Superior, If Oddball Firepower
    • Moleminer gauntlet 2.png Handmade Claws
  • Highland Watch: All core land of Highland Watch is owned by Far Son, their subjects, or their allies.
Cores all owned states also cored by Highland Watch. The Mole Miners charged as a swarm would across the open plains, killing senselessly and looting as vagabonds would. What once was a peaceful frontier, has now since returned to being one-- but the rivers run red, and there is nothing left but the fires.
Moleminer sad unpog.png Wyoming, Dominated Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Generic bloody sacrifice.png Wyoming Falls
  • After 1:00, 1 Jan, 2278
Gain Base Stability: +10.00%.
(Old Jeffry):
Add production of 4 Scrap Metalultra in Old Jeffry.
Add production of 4 Waterultra in Old Jeffry.
Add production of 4 Energyultra in Old Jeffry.
The Miners didn't take long to move in. How could anyone stop them? The Watch that had so heroically assembled had fallen, despite their best efforts to stem the moletide. Now, the Boss was in charge, yet that wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was that he was dissatisfied.
Mutant war focus.png The Soot Moves West Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer sad unpog.png Wyoming, Dominated
  • Is a neighbor of Flag of Lonetree The Lonetrees
Grants Far Son claims on and a Wargoal for the Lonetree's core territories. Lonetree was a perfect choice for the Boss. It would secure a wider berth around the South Pass and Far Son, allowing a longer front to be maintained against the surface dwellers.
Mutant war focus.png A Mine Deeper Than Our Own Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer sad unpog.png Wyoming, Dominated
  • Is a neighbor of Flag of Dryblowers The Dryblowers
Grants Far Son claims on and a Wargoal for the Dryblowers's core territories. The Boss was enraged to learn of the legendary 'Deepmines,' and swore an oath that it would be in Mole Miner hands in no time. How could they be Mole Miners, and not have the deepest mine? He set out to correct this fact as soon as possible.
Mutant war focus.png Bones To Rend Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer sad unpog.png Wyoming, Dominated
  • Is a neighbor of Flag of The Old Bones The Old Bones
Grants Far Son claims on and a Wargoal for The Old Bones's core territories. The Dry Bones meant nothing to the Boss. He was more interested in the strange, misshapen creatures that emerged from Burham Springs: the Gehenna and the Molech. Though he didn't understand them, he sought to control them as any tyrant would. First, however, he would have to secure their land...
Mutant war focus.png Ending the Cycle Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Moleminer sad unpog.png Wyoming, Dominated
  • Is a neighbor of Flag of Ouroboros Ouroboros
Grants Far Son claims on and a Wargoal for Ouroboros's core territories. The Boss' greatest foe, Ouroboros, stood tall against him: warriors who fought with the night just as he did. That vile woman Hecate and her lacky Jordan Dae had become his greatest nemesis seemingly overnight, and he swore an oath to rend them from the Earth completely.
Generic creature molerat.png What's Deep Is Now, Uh, Ours Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Mutant war focus.png The Soot Moves West
    • Mutant war focus.png A Mine Deeper Than Our Own
  • The Old Bones: All core land of The Old Bones is owned by Far Son, their subjects, or their allies.
Cores all owned states also cored by the Dryblowers.
Moves capital to The Deepmines.
The Deepmines Add production of 6 Scrap Metalultra in The Deepmines.
The Deepmines were where they belonged: under Mole Miner control. Now, the Boss could live with relative peace knowing his mine was the deepest in all the land.
Oro gehenna.png Among the Giants Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Mutant war focus.png Bones To Rend
    • Mutant war focus.png Ending the Cycle
  • The Old Bones: All core land of The Old Bones is owned by Far Son, their subjects, or their allies.
Cores all owned states also cored by The Old Bones.
Add technology: Colorado Mutant Support.
The wretched creatures from Burham Springs were resistant for a time, but soon the Miners figured out how to weaponize them just as others had, and so the dark armies of Far Son grew in even more horrible ways...
Freedom.png Down With The Darkness Far Son
  • Requires all of the following:
    • Generic creature molerat.png What's Deep Is Now, Uh, Ours
    • Oro gehenna.png Among the Giants
Grants Far Son claims on and a Wargoal for the Black Canyon's core territories. With Ouroboros and its surrounding environs now under the control of Far Son, the Boss set his sights on another foe: Battery of Mesa Verde and the men and women of the Black Canyon. Their land was too vast and their influence too great on the western mountains. They had to go, lest the Boss go mad from rage.
Ncn generic.png West We Shall Go Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Freedom.png Down With The Darkness
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Montanta.png The Northern Glories
    • TTM Colorado Shield.png The East Shall Know Pain
We will gain claims on all of Utah! To many, Utah is a land of religions and gods vying for souls and land alike. The miners have no gods and no cares for souls, but the Great Salt Lake that lies at the heart of that land calls them nonetheless. A rich source of many minerals and resources, the boss desires it, and so the miners will go.
Montanta.png The Northern Glories Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Freedom.png Down With The Darkness
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Ncn generic.png West We Shall Go
    • TTM Colorado Shield.png The East Shall Know Pain
We will gain claims on all of Montana! To the north the Boss turned himself then, towards the homes of metal clad humans and their arsenals of weaponry. Hungry for their wealth and craving violence, he whipped the miners into a frenzy and lead the way into old Montana.
TTM Colorado Shield.png The East Shall Know Pain Far Son
  • Requires the following:
    • Freedom.png Down With The Darkness
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Montanta.png The Northern Glories
    • Ncn generic.png West We Shall Go
We will gain claims on all of Colorado! With their tunnels and lairs teeming and the boss hungry for more minerals and territory, it was no surprise when the first mole miners began to trespass into the lands once known as Colorado. With Morghorls hungry eyes upon their wealth, those great rocky mountains will be the next to fall.
Nuka break nuke.png Atomic Mining Techniques Far Son
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Ncn generic.png West We Shall Go
    • Montanta.png The Northern Glories
    • TTM Colorado Shield.png The East Shall Know Pain
  • More controlled states than 30
Add technology: Mini-nuke. The Mole Miners do not celebrate their successes but Boss Morghorl could not help but spend the day barking happily after inspecting the newest pile of loot dragged before him. In the center of the heap, buried under an old chryslus was a crate of untouched mini nukes.