Grant C. Hayes

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Grant Columbus Hayes[1] is the Old World-obsessed mayor of the New California Republic state of Dayglow.


A self-professed historian and Bajan immigrant, Hayes seeks to restore the cities of the NCR to their Pre-War glory. Despite making speeches that appeal to the people of the NCR due to their impassioned and flowery nature, Hayes does not believe Caesar's Legion to be a threat, instead focusing on dealing with NCR raiders.[2]


Grant C. Hayes appears only in the Hearts of Iron IV mod Old World Blues.

Behind the scenes

  • Grant C. Hayes was written by Loonybinjin, originally being designed as attempting to reform the Enclave and Old World in the form of the NCR, with his biggest foundations being his motto of "Old World City", as well as being unable to take the Legion seriously due to their lack of technology.[3]


  1. Soleful Phoenix: What does the C of Grant Hayes' name stand for?
    Faeelin: "Columbus, obviously. Loony didn’t make erb so not sure why he’d know"
    - Obtained from Discord, 8/7/2022
  2. Loonybinjin: "Grant C. Hayes (Elitists) |DAYGLOW| Grant C. Hayes is a last minute edition to the ballot who is gaining rapid support. A historian by trade, Hayes spent much of his time reading to the people, telling stories from the old world and stories about their great cities of the NCR, and their former status as Megacities. He's an Immigrant from the Baja regions who has stolen the hearts of minds of the citizens of the NCR with his impassioned, flowery speeches about the rights of the worth of the good people of NCR, and their ability to rebuild what once was. He wants to crack down on the raider problem in the NCR, and like Allgood, doesn't want war with the Legion, or take them seriously as a threat."
    - Obtained from Discord, 6/28/2017
  3. Loonybinjin: "Casual expansion on that as the dude who wrote Hayes. It isn't conveyed particularly well and well be expanded upon in future updates, but Hayes didn't have the blessing of the Enclave to do what he did. He and a small group of younger Enclave members more or less founded the Old World party against the wishes of the surviving Elite. Hayes and his father believed that the NCR 'was' America reborn, an electorian republic with cities and people, a powerful military. The American dream was sitting in front of the Enclave all along and they were to blind to reach out and grab it. So now he's trying.

    Their primary motivator for recruitment and people was primarily the Notion of the 'Old World City', which was something of a slogan of his. He would tell his people about and play recordings of the cities of old, telling people that the ruins they lived in could and 'would' be so much more if they simply came together and worked to rebuild them. Beyond that? Like a trueblooded American he believes in higher military spending and a defensive posture. The Legion is too technologically unadvanced to really scare the Enclave, so one of his larger weaknesses is not taking them seriously at all. They are a boogieman to be used for political gains, but the thought of losing to them isn't even on his Radar."

    - Obtained from Discord, 6/8/2018