Heaven's Gate national focus tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
Legacy of Scripture icon
Legacy of Scripture
The word of God has always been the supreme law of the land, even in times where Heaven's Gate has been lead by more moderate leaders. These divine writings have always inspired our people, generation after generation.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Trigger country event “Legacy of Scripture”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Pilgrims Cometh icon
Pilgrims Cometh
Pilgrims have travelled to our lands, whether intentionally or unintentionally, for the better part of several decades. For these people, churches and shrines have been built, yet one has always been more popular than the other!
  • Requires the following:
    • Legacy of Scripture “Legacy of Scripture”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Trigger country event “Pilgrims Cometh”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Pagan Conversion icon
Pagan Conversion
Tribals have come to join our flock time and time again, sometimes individuals, sometimes entire tribes. Their arrival can never be predicted, and often strain our resources.
  • Requires the following:
    • Pilgrims Cometh “Pilgrims Cometh”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Trigger country event “Pagans Cometh”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Innocence Lost icon
Innocence Lost
The Tragedy at Innocence Lost can never be understated. The rage of the Pagan fell upon the peaceful pilgrim, and it is said that the blood spilt there stains the ground red to this day. A word of warning to all faithful.
  • Requires the following:
    • Pagan Conversion “Pagan Conversion”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Trigger country event “Innocence Lost”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Great Debate icon
The Great Debate
The legacy of the Great Debate is ancient, dating back to the years following the great war, wherein the people feared violence might break out between the people of differing faiths. Instead, on each sunday, all who have faith in God are encouraged to do intellectual and theological battle with one another, where all can see.
  • Requires the following:
    • Innocence Lost “Innocence Lost”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Victory to the Clergy icon
Victory to the Clergy
The Clergy quite nearly lost the hearts and minds of the people to the sheer charisma and audacity of the young Prophet, yet it can be said that cooler heads inevitably triumphed. For even the Prophet cannot debate a small army of wizened minds, every Sunday. Inevitably, even he sees the wisdom in their words.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Great Debate “The Great Debate”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • The Prophet Prevails “The Prophet Prevails”
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Has the National Spirit File:Hea idea innocence lost.png “Crisis lessened”
    • Has completed national focus Hea focus mercy for the wicked.png “Mercy for the Wicked”
    • Has completed national focus Hea focus boilers of justice.png “Boiled Alive”
Theocratic Elite icon
Theocratic Elite
  • Stability: +20%
  • War Support: −12.5%
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.05
The men who speak the word of God are held above all others in our society, for reasons clear to all.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Council of Christ icon
Council of Christ
Now Christened the Council of Christ, the elders of the city, joined by the prophet, move forward with their usual plans and agenda. They seek to unify the all people under God, and focus heavily on bringing more lost souls to mass.
  • Requires the following:
    • Victory to the Clergy “Victory to the Clergy”
Theocratic Elite icon
Theocratic Elite
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.2
  • Stability: +20%
  • War Support: −5%
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = 0.05
The men who speak the word of God are held above all others in our society, for reasons clear to all.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Prophet Prevails icon
The Prophet Prevails
The Words of the prophet have quite literally been written on the subway walls, down below the city. In households, dining halls, and sacred places, his words are spoken. The Great Debate has become less a debate, and more a rallying call to all who wish to see him cast down the Old Elite, through wit, word, and sheer willpower.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Great Debate “The Great Debate”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Victory to the Clergy “Victory to the Clergy”
  • At least one of the following is true:
    • Has the National Spirit File:Hea idea innocence lost.png “Crisis lessened”
    • Has completed national focus Hea focus mercy for the wicked.png “Mercy for the Wicked”
    • Has completed national focus Hea focus boilers of justice.png “Boiled Alive”
Theocratic Elite Challenged icon
Theocratic Elite Challenged
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.25
  • Weekly Stability: −0.5%
  • Weekly War Support: +0.5%
The Theocratic Elite have struggled as of late, often dealing with formal challenges to their once immense authority.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Archangel Rises icon
The Archangel Rises
All who would stand against the will of the Prophet have been subdued, and those who remain kneel in his presence. Divinity walks among us, and with him comes the word of God. There are none who can consider the Theocratic Elite anything but pretenders in his presence, for surely, this man has God on his side.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Prophet Prevails “The Prophet Prevails”
One Prophet icon
One Prophet
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Stability: +10%
  • War Support: +10%
There is but one prophet, one leader, and his name is Saint Michael.
Theocratic Elite Marginalized icon
Theocratic Elite Marginalized
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.1
  • War Support: +10%
The Theocratic elite are a shadow of their former selves, with marginal power over the people in the wake of the prophets ascension.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Religious Evolution icon
Religious Evolution
A time of change is upon us, and the people flock to Heaven's Gate! They drop to their knees in our churches, and whisper eager prayers to our lord, asking forgiveness and mercy. The world is changing, and at last? Religion changes with it.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • The Archangel Rises “The Archangel Rises”
    • Council of Christ “Council of Christ”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Hea idea divided leadership.png “Divided Leadership”
  • Gain Political Power 50 Political Power
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Billowing Cathedral icon
The Billowing Cathedral
In the very heart of the Heaven's Gate there has always been a massive, ruined cathedral, a relic of the old world that survived where all other things crumbled to ruin and dust. The renovation of this cathedral has been the work of a thousand men, over several decades. Choir call all within the city to mass, and the smoke calls all within a hundred miles to the city.
  • Requires the following:
    • Religious Evolution “Religious Evolution”
Grand Cathedral icon
Grand Cathedral
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +10%
  • Stability: +10%
The Grand Cathedral is among the greatest of all structures built after the fall, four stories of shaped marble and steel piping. A symbol worthy of both God and his Saint.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Memories of Innocence icon
Memories of Innocence
Innocence was, true to its namesake, a peaceful town of kind souls, doing what they could to survive in the wasteland. For their faith and kindness, they were butchered by uncertain and fearful Pagan masses. There are few alive today who do not still weep for a lost loved one, taken back by misery and uncertainty. In time, what will this fear become?
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Learning to Forgive icon
Learning to Forgive
Hatred is not the way of God, nor is it intrinsic to the heart of mankind. The world has bled enough, suffered enough because men and women could not let go. We have been given a second chance in what remains of our lord's greatest creation, so let us not taint this with the same spite that ruined it.
  • Requires the following:
    • Memories of Innocence “Memories of Innocence”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • An Eye for an Eye “An Eye for an Eye”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks coversion decisions!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Mercy for the Wicked icon
Mercy for the Wicked
Those Pagans who once butchered Innocence fled from us for decades, fearing what would happen when we caught them, fearing the wrath of our God. Yet when we found them? We offered mercy to all who would take it, and word of that mercy spread like wildfire through the land. In the eyes of all who look upon us, we are remembered for this kindness.
  • Requires the following:
    • Learning to Forgive “Learning to Forgive”
Crisis lessened icon
Crisis lessened
  • Encryption: +25%
  • Decryption: −25%
  • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
Through careful word and manipulation, the souls of Innocence Lost were saved. The Crisis and threat remains, but blood has not yet been spilt.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
An Eye for an Eye icon
An Eye for an Eye
And have we forgotten the Plagues? The walls of Jericho? The drowned armies of the Pharaoh? Mercy goes to those who deserve it, and we can never forgive them for what they have done. Let it be known to all who remember Innocence, and to all who hear of it. The wicked will suffer the vengeance of the faithful.
  • Requires the following:
    • Memories of Innocence “Memories of Innocence”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Learning to Forgive “Learning to Forgive”
Rampant Militarism icon
Rampant Militarism
  • Stability: −10%
  • War Support: +10%
The people of Heaven's Gates move further and further from their peaceful ways with each passing month, taking up arms to protect themselves and the will of God.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks coversion decisions!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Boiled Alive icon
Boiled Alive
Those Pagans once butchered Innocence fled for as far as their legs could take them, scattered to the wind and in a hundred directions. Once every few months, such a man or woman is caught and dragged back to Heaven's Gate, where they are forgiven, but after being punished for their sin. Baptised in boiling water, so that they might travel to heaven and beg the forgiveness of those they struck down.
  • Requires the following:
    • An Eye for an Eye “An Eye for an Eye”
Boilers of Justice icon
Boilers of Justice
  • War Support: +10%
  • Military Factory construction speed: +7.5%
The Boilers of Heaven's Gate are the ultimate baptism, boiling water to scald both the soul and body of sin and bile. Few survive such baptisms, yet all who enter are purified.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
A Culture of War? icon
A Culture of War?
Long ago, Heaven's Gate was a largely peaceful community nestled high in the mountains. Warriors were few, for our threats were few. Yet times change, and smoke rises from manufactories and weapons shops, young men march in lockstep, preparing for wars they believe will come. The loss of Innocence has changed the very way we look at the world, and how we react to it shall forever shape our nation.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
File:Hea focus embracing violence.png
Embracing Violence
And what good has mercy given the faithful? If we can not defend our people, what good is our faith? What good are our dreams? We must learn to protect ourselves to prevent yet another tragedy. The arms of the faithful are filled with the strength of man and God.
  • Requires the following:
    • A Culture of War? “A Culture of War?”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • The Rise of Mercy “The Rise of Mercy”
Rampant Militarism icon
Rampant Militarism
  • Recruitable Population: 4%
  • Stability: −10%
  • War Support: +15%
The people of Heaven's Gates move further and further from their peaceful ways with each passing month, taking up arms to protect themselves and the will of God.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Tenth Crusade icon
The Tenth Crusade
The Crusades are a thing of legend, for so little is known of them. It is said that an army of the faithful rose up to cast down false prophets, to march forth and defend against the heathen masses. Man and woman, grandfather and grandson, all answer the call, and all prepare for the war against the enemies of God.
Rampant Militarism icon
Rampant Militarism
  • Recruitable Population: 4%
  • Justify war goal time: −10%
  • Stability: −10%
  • War Support: +20%
The people of Heaven's Gates move further and further from their peaceful ways with each passing month, taking up arms to protect themselves and the will of God.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Rise of Mercy icon
The Rise of Mercy
And what good are we if we become our enemies? If we give way to madness and violence? War is not who we are, nor will it ever be who we are. A bastion for good, a bastion for change. Heaven's Gate shall be the heart of God's kingdom on earth, and no Kingdom of God shall go forth to butchered those who know no better.
Tribal Reconciliation icon
Tribal Reconciliation
  • Encryption: −25%
  • Decryption: +25%
  • Non-core Manpower: +5%
The Tribals have had a strained relationship with us for many years, yet we are beginning to rebuilt that which was lost. Trust returns to Heaven's Gate.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Sanctuary for All icon
Sanctuary for All
All who are lost may come to the Gate. Those fleeing persecution, those fleeing slavery, those fleeing their conquerors. All of whom and are willing to believe may find Sanctuary within our walls, and in time? Our home shall become their home, our food shall become their food, and our faith shall become their faith.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Rise of Mercy “The Rise of Mercy”
Welcome to the Fold icon
Welcome to the Fold
  • Encryption: −25%
  • Decryption: +25%
  • Non-core Manpower: +10%
  • Appeal to Refugees: +15%
Those who have embraced us may return. Those who have forgotten may return. All may return to the embrace of God should they seek it.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Evolution of the Guard icon
Evolution of the Guard
For the better part of a hundred years, Heaven's Gate has been protected by the Guard, an unofficial alignment of disjointed militia and mercenaries who have little to no formal interaction with one another, beyond a unified goal of protecting the gate. Evolving this organization into a true military shall be no simple task.
  • Requires the following:
    • Innocence Lost “Innocence Lost”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain +75% research bonus (Land doctrines bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Land Doctrine
  • Gain 1 use of +75% doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Air Doctrine
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Arming the Clergy icon
Arming the Clergy
The greatest among our warriors have always been the clergy and preachers, those who go out into this barren and dangerous world with a small book and a proper big iron, dedicated to bringing god's mercy to those in need, and god's wrath upon those who deserve it. Allowing these men to teach and arm the clergy shall be the first step to a proper fighting force.
  • Requires the following:
    • Evolution of the Guard “Evolution of the Guard”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain Army experience 25 Army Experience
  • Gain +75% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Weaponry
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Mandatory Service icon
Mandatory Service
Among the citizenry, there is often little to no desire to go forth and fight, to go forth and kill, yet it is the duty of any good Christian to protect their home, their family, and those who can't protect themselves. Mandatory service is a means to an end, a method through which we shall fill out the ranks on our holy mission, but more than that, it is the will of our god.
  • Requires the following:
    • Arming the Clergy “Arming the Clergy”
Widespread Conscription icon
Widespread Conscription
  • Recruitable Population: 3%
All are called to battle and protect the last kingdom of God! Woe be onto the foes who beholds our mighty host!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Crusader Armies icon
Crusader Armies
Among our citizenry, there are those of zealous mind and holy body who feel that it is their duty to wage war upon the infidel and bring god to this begotten land. The so called crusaders march forth, chanting prayers and training daily with the dreams of the day when they shall not have to take up arms fresh on their minds. Until such a day? They shall fight and pray for Heaven's Gate.
  • Requires the following:
    • Arming the Clergy “Arming the Clergy”
Crusader Forces icon
Crusader Forces
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • Division Defense: +5%
The Crusaders are a new generation of soldier, wielding both weapon and faith against those who would challenge the Saint.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Military Ordos icon
Military Ordos
Those among our ranks who feel that there is a singular need for violence also believe in a mastery of war. To wage war upon the forgotten, one must first know of war. The Ordos Military is a subsection of the church who dedicate themselves to studying biblical battles, historical records, and modern examples of large scale war, so that they might better learn and master it.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Mandatory Service “Mandatory Service”
    • Crusader Armies “Crusader Armies”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain +50% research bonus (Land doctrines bonus) (2 uses) towards:
    • Land Doctrine
  • Gain Army experience 50 Army Experience
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Race to Heaven icon
The Race to Heaven
The Race to Heaven is something of a misleading name for a cultural phenomenon that was established thirty years ago by an elderly preacher named Darren Shaw, who challenged the young minds of the Gate to reach for the heavens from his deathbed. While this was undoubtedly a philosophical statement, many young engineers believed it a challenge, and invitation to rebuild the flying machines of old.
  • Requires the following:
    • Evolution of the Guard “Evolution of the Guard”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain Air experience 25 Air Experience
  • Gain +75% research bonus (Air models bonus) (1 use) towards:
    • Air Equipment Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Blessing of the Angels icon
Blessing of the Angels
It is said that those who fly, and have flown, only do so because the angels, and by extension, god allow them too. If such is true, than it can be said that all of those among us who take to the skies do so with the blessing of those angels, and the blessing of a beloved god. Let those who dare to soar do so with the confidence that such faith can inspire.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Race to Heaven “The Race to Heaven”
  • Has Glider technology researched
Flying Orders icon
Flying Orders
  • Air Accidents Chance: −20%
  • Agility: +20%
  • Bad Weather Penalty: −20%
Like the Knights that once roamed the lands in the name of God, our pilots have formed into orders. Guarding the faith from in high, champions clad in steel and riding with God at their side.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Wings of the Angels icon
Wings of the Angels
Those who fly are said to sore, but not all who soar do so within planes. To truly soar, one must embrace the experience, be free in mind and soul, spirit and body. To this end, those who fly and wish to soar must know that the wings that carry them are not made from metal, fibre, nor are they powered by fuel or reactor. The wings of the angels carry those who soar, and those who know this will know no fear.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Race to Heaven “The Race to Heaven”
  • Has Glider technology researched
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Custom effect tooltip: Adds 75 Scrap Fighters to our stockpiles.
  • Hidden effect:
    • 75 units of Flag of Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate Glider is added to the national Stockpile
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Ascension Achieved icon
Ascension Achieved
Those who fly on our behalf fear not the fall, nor the rise, for they know in their heart of hearts that their soul has already risen. Their bodies are but vessels for the will of the lord, as they are the few who have risen high enough to see with the naked eye that which was the world god created, the ruined beauty of that which we squandered. Death is a mercy, and death in his name? An honour.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Wings of the Angels “Wings of the Angels”
    • Blessing of the Angels “Blessing of the Angels”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain 2 uses of +50% doctrine cost reduction for:
    • Air Doctrine
  • Gain Air experience 50 Air Experience
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Armed Pilgrims icon
Armed Pilgrims
Those who journey to Heaven's Gate have often travelled miles uncountable, across land and water, against threat of death and rumination. They have seen with the naked eye what remains of God's kingdom on earth, and know every path that there is to be travelled. This knowledge, above all other things, gives us an advantage in times of strife and regrettable violence.
  • Requires the following:
    • Military Ordos “Military Ordos”
  • Requires the following:
    • Ascension Achieved “Ascension Achieved”
Priestly Officers icon
Priestly Officers
  • Planning Speed: +10%
  • Max planning: +10%
  • Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: +10%
Priests are often thought of as peaceful souls, yet when needed? Such a man can inspire warriors and soldiers in ways that few could understand. God walks with them into battle.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Cleric Generals icon
Cleric Generals
There are few things in the world that can motivate a man or woman to move quicker than the a short hymn for the grace of a powerful verse. The Cleric Generals do not only lead our armies, they guide them through what remains of the world, ensuring that both spirit and body remain strong all the while.
  • Requires the following:
    • Armed Pilgrims “Armed Pilgrims”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Hea idea mobility.png “School of Mobility”
School of Mobility icon
School of Mobility
  • Org Loss when Moving: −10%
  • Divisions speed: +10%
The power of the steam-fusion engine should not be underestimated, and our growing mastery of it gives us numerous advantages over our foes.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Serfdom In the Steam Age icon
Serfdom In the Steam Age
The duty one owes to Heaven's Gate is second to none, for it is the last true bastion of godliness left in this world, powered not only by the steam of nuclear fusion, but by the wills, hearts and minds of the faithful. All who live must do their part for the cause of God, striving against mind and body to build a tomorrow worthy of being called home.
  • Requires the following:
    • Innocence Lost “Innocence Lost”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Expanding the Steamwork Pipelines icon
Expanding the Steamwork Pipelines
The Pipelines that run from the city of Heaven's Gate are more than highways through which heat and fuel are carried to the larger kingdom. They are highways that pilgrims travel down, and missionaries travel up. They are the promise of water and warmth to the sick and cold in our realm, the constant reminder that they are not forgotten, not forsaken. To expand such lines is to expand faith.
  • Requires the following:
    • Serfdom In the Steam Age “Serfdom In the Steam Age”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Clerical Education icon
Clerical Education
The minds of the youth are often forgotten in the wasteland, filled only with the bare necessities. What it takes to build a shelter, what it takes to clean a gun, to survive the harshness of this new world. Yet among our kind Clerical Education is available to all who wish to have it, for a few prayers and the promise of encouraging others to seek it.
  • Requires the following:
    • Expanding the Steamwork Pipelines “Expanding the Steamwork Pipelines”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain 1 research slot
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic research bonus.png “School of Steam”
School of Steam icon
School of Steam
  • Research Speed: +5%
The power of steam has changed us for the better, and as our understanding of the fusion-powered steam generators grow, so too does our ability to cope with the world around us.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Steam Powered Factories icon
Steam Powered Factories
The steam that runs from the special fusion reactors in the Heart of Heavens Gate, gifts from our ancestors, preserved by the will of god, is what allows us to thrive when so many others fail and fall. It is our duty to bring this steam to all within our domain, for the heat and power provided by it warms our people and fuels our industry.
  • Requires the following:
    • Clerical Education “Clerical Education”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Gain +35% research bonus (Industrial Research Bonus) (3 uses) towards:
    • Industry Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Engine Innovation icon
Engine Innovation
It is said that oil killed the war, oil and other finite fuels and powers. Things that could not be replaced with fusion and steel. If only the technology we now use had been perfected sooner, maybe it could have all been avoided. Regardless, we now have the means with which to improve the very vehicles that brought about the end.
  • Requires the following:
    • Clerical Education “Clerical Education”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Gain +35% research bonus (Motorized Infantry bonus) (3 uses) towards:
    • Vehicle Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Rebuilding Airports icon
Rebuilding Airports
Scattered across the land are ruined stretches of flat land, filled with potholes, ruined machines, and broken pavement. The ruined machines that remain in these airports are key to our efforts to rebuild the sky fleets of old...
  • Requires the following:
    • Clerical Education “Clerical Education”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
  • Gain +35% research bonus (Air models bonus) (3 uses) towards:
    • Air Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Steam-powered Dreadnoughts icon
Steam-powered Dreadnoughts
Across the wasteland, individuals strive to rebuild the oldest weapons of war, those metal-bound goliaths that once shattered those armies that dared oppose the might of the American military. Using our unique steam-fusion technology, we are able to solve one of the most common problems with this type of technological advance, that is to say, powering these machines in a way that is efficient.
  • Requires the following:
    • Cleric Generals “Cleric Generals”
  • Requires the following:
    • Rebirth of the Gate “Rebirth of the Gate”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Steam-Power Armour “Steam-Power Armour”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain +50% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (Industrial Research Bonus) (2 uses) towards:
    • Tank Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Steam-Power Armour icon
Steam-Power Armour
Power armour is, at its core, a remarkably inefficient system of fighting a war. Only those with access to vast stockpiles of fusion cores and similar power sources are capable of moving such monstrous units. Using our own technology, we are capable of powering these rudimentary units with an ease and swiftness usually lost to those around us.
  • Requires the following:
    • Cleric Generals “Cleric Generals”
  • Requires the following:
    • Rebirth of the Gate “Rebirth of the Gate”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Steam-powered Dreadnoughts “Steam-powered Dreadnoughts”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain +50% research bonus or 2 years ahead of time penalty reduction (Industrial Research Bonus) (2 uses) towards:
    • Power Armour Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
A New Age icon
A New Age
The Steam-Fusion reactors have taken us far and beyond what any might have expected, allowing our military to reach heights previously thought impossible by all but the greatest of nations or technophiles. The blessing of steam allowed us to become what we are, and with that blessing? We shall usher in an new age,
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Steam-Power Armour “Steam-Power Armour”
    • Steam-powered Dreadnoughts “Steam-powered Dreadnoughts”
Age of Steam icon
Age of Steam
  • Max Factories in a State: +40%
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +40%
  • Construction Speed: +40%
  • Free repair: +50%
The Age of Steam is upon us! Let all who look upon the gate know what we have become, and what we shall bring to this world!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Developing the Gate icon
Developing the Gate
The Gate is the seat of our power, from which all of our influence and faith stems. Building the city further is the utmost priority of our people, for once the gate is built to its fullest, will the lands around it truly prosper as they did before the war. Only then can we begin rebuilding that which was loss.
  • Requires the following:
    • Innocence Lost “Innocence Lost”
  • [Scope]Eastern Passage (116):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Eastern Passage (116):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 15
  • 150 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Prophet's Grace icon
Prophet's Grace
By the grace of God almighty, the order has been handed down from the church itself. The Prophet's Hollow are to be rebuilt as a center of commerce and industry. From the river of prosperity that shall arise from this land shall our people continue their mission to rebuild the world.
  • Requires the following:
    • Developing the Gate “Developing the Gate”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Prophet's Blessing “Prophet's Blessing”
  • [Scope]Western Tunnel (1385):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Western Tunnel (1385):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Else:
      • [SCOPE]State owner:
        • Add 1 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 30
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Nucleus' Grace icon
Nucleus' Grace
By the grace of God almighty, the order has been handed down from the church itself. The Steam is to be rebuilt as a center of commerce and industry. From the river of prosperity that shall arise from this land shall our people continue their mission to rebuild the world.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Prophet's Blessing “Prophet's Blessing”
    • Prophet's Grace “Prophet's Grace”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Nucleus' Blessing “Nucleus' Blessing”
  • [Scope]The Nucleus (1384):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]The Nucleus (1384):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Else:
      • [SCOPE]State owner:
        • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 30
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Innocence Lost's Grace icon
Innocence Lost's Grace
By the grace of God almighty, the order has been handed down from the church itself. Judas' Shrine is to be rebuilt as a center of commerce and industry. From the river of prosperity that shall arise from this land shall our people continue their mission to rebuild the world.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Nucleus' Blessing “Nucleus' Blessing”
    • Nucleus' Grace “Nucleus' Grace”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Innocence Lost's Blessing “Innocence Lost's Blessing”
  • [Scope]Innocence Lost (18):
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Innocence Lost (18):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Else:
      • [SCOPE]State owner:
        • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 60
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Windy Isolation's Grace icon
Windy Isolation's Grace
By the grace of God almighty, the order has been handed down from the church itself. Peter's Peak is to be rebuilt as a center of commerce and industry. From the river of prosperity that shall arise from this land shall our people continue their mission to rebuild the world.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Innocence Lost's Blessing “Innocence Lost's Blessing”
    • Innocence Lost's Grace “Innocence Lost's Grace”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Windy Isolation's Blessing “Windy Isolation's Blessing”
  • [Scope]Windy Isolation (278):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Windy Isolation (278):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots
      • Add 3 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Else:
      • [SCOPE]State owner:
        • Add 3 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 60
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Prophet's Blessing icon
Prophet's Blessing
By the will of God almighty, the order has been passed down by the prophet himself. The Prophet's Hollow are to become a center of war and weapons manufacturing. From the mighty arms that shall flow from this land shall we gain the strength needed to reshape this world.
  • Requires the following:
    • Developing the Gate “Developing the Gate”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Prophet's Grace “Prophet's Grace”
  • [Scope]Western Tunnel (1385):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Western Tunnel (1385):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_arms_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • Else:
      • [SCOPE]State owner:
        • Add 1 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • 300 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Nucleus' Blessing icon
Nucleus' Blessing
By the will of God almighty, the order has been passed down by the prophet himself. The Steam is to become a center of war and weapons manufacturing. From the mighty arms that shall flow from this land shall we gain the strength needed to reshape this world.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Prophet's Blessing “Prophet's Blessing”
    • Prophet's Grace “Prophet's Grace”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Nucleus' Grace “Nucleus' Grace”
  • [Scope]The Nucleus (1384):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]The Nucleus (1384):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_arms_factory=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • 300 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Innocence Lost's Blessing icon
Innocence Lost's Blessing
By the will of God almighty, the order has been passed down by the prophet himself. Judas' Shrine is to become a center of war and weapons manufacturing. From the mighty arms that shall flow from this land shall we gain the strength needed to reshape this world.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Nucleus' Blessing “Nucleus' Blessing”
    • Nucleus' Grace “Nucleus' Grace”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Innocence Lost's Grace “Innocence Lost's Grace”
  • [Scope]Innocence Lost (18):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Innocence Lost (18):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • 600 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Windy Isolation's Blessing icon
Windy Isolation's Blessing
By the will of God almighty, the order has been passed down by the prophet himself. Peter's Peak is to become a center of war and weapons manufacturing. From the mighty arms that shall flow from this land shall we gain the strength needed to reshape this world.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Innocence Lost's Blessing “Innocence Lost's Blessing”
    • Innocence Lost's Grace “Innocence Lost's Grace”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Windy Isolation's Grace “Windy Isolation's Grace”
  • [Scope]Windy Isolation (278):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Windy Isolation (278):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots
      • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • 600 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Rebirth of the Gate icon
Rebirth of the Gate
Heaven's Gate is reborn, and from all across the wasteland come those seeking wealth and power. Arms manufacturers travel great distances to sell to us, caravans flow to our capital, and for the first time in ages? The city is larger than the ruins that it was once build within. For the first time since the great war, the city truly grows.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Windy Isolation's Blessing “Windy Isolation's Blessing”
    • Windy Isolation's Grace “Windy Isolation's Grace”
  • [Scope]Eastern Passage (116):
    • Is owned and controlled by our country
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • [Scope]Eastern Passage (116):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_4_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 4 Building slot building slots
      • Add 4 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_4_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 4 Building slot building slots
      • Add 4 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 2
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
The Heathens of High Chapel icon
The Heathens of High Chapel
The heathens of High Chapel have been a affront to His glory for far too long, their defiance of the wonder of our technology and way of life has left us with little other choice. The time for mercy has ended long ago.
  • Requires the following:
    • Innocence Lost “Innocence Lost”
  • Has completed national focus Hea focus political action.png “Religious Evolution”
  • After January 1 of 2277
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
  • Flag of High Chapel High Chapel:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
Strike at the Reformers icon
Strike at the Reformers
Reformers in any society pose a danger to faith. Worse yet? They were once in leagues with our bitter rivals in High Chapel. Let us show these reformers what happens to those that question Gods glory.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Heathens of High Chapel “The Heathens of High Chapel”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Crusade against the Anointed “Crusade against the Anointed”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
Crusade against the Anointed icon
Crusade against the Anointed
The Lord's Anointed feel that they are righteous in God's image, yet they threaten the safety of our great river through their desire of conquest. If they were to become too powerful they could pose a threat to our holy mission in this world - let us stop this before it is too late.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Heathens of High Chapel “The Heathens of High Chapel”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Strike at the Reformers “Strike at the Reformers”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
Embassy of Christ icon
Embassy of Christ
Our blessed nation lies within the heart of Idaho, centred around the mighty Steam and Heaven's Gate: a place where the children of God can gaze upon four states at once. It is no mistake that two Christian nations reside within the south of our holy state. Although they have strayed from the true path, God's message is clear to the prophet: we must invite them into our home and show them the true way of God.
  • Requires one of the following:
    • Crusade against the Anointed “Crusade against the Anointed”
    • Strike at the Reformers “Strike at the Reformers”
  • Flag of High Chapel High Chapel:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • At least one of the following is true:
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set
  • Set variable coring_cost_country_factor to -0.25
  • Custom effect tooltip: Gain a permanent 25% reduction in coring costs.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Global flag debug_logs is set