Two Sun events/scriptoutput

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Before the war, Tucson was the second largest city in Arizona, rivalled only by Phoenix. That small size made for an advantage when the bombs fell as it; as fire rained from the skies on metropolises across America, nobody spared a thought for a direct strike on the second-largest city in one big desert. Of course, this knowledge did little to ease the minds of its inhabitants; in the panic that followed the world's end, entire sections of the city were destroyed. Great fires, fueled by nuclear winds, threatened to consume Tucson whole. Miraculously, one part of the city managed to escape destruction, despite all the chaos and the quickly expanding flames; it was Tucson's...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:CES Great Chamber.png “Tucson legacy”

Event button.png
Tucson Education icon
Tucson Education
  • Research Speed: +4%
Event button.png
Car Manufacturer
Tucson Cars icon
Tucson Cars
  • Divisions speed: +3%
Event button.png
Military Base
  • Gets the National Spirit Idea company pile of guns.png “Tucson Arms”
Tucson Arms icon
Tucson Arms
  • Infantry Weaponry Research Speed: +7%


The Cult of Nas

Anarchy followed the flames that consumed the old world - whatever nuclear fire did not reach was soon fought over by the survivors. Few could describe the horrors that followed as the fabrics of society unravelled, men and women reduced to their most basic instincts.
The story of Two Sun could have ended before it even began, had it not been for the Cult of Nas. Employees of a pre-war auto racing company banded together to give hope to the helpless; racers would patrol the city, while mechanics and priests maintained their equipment and kept the generators running. They freely accepted the surrounding areas when they came seeking protection from the threats that now roamed the wastes, and the stories and knowledge they shared would become the basis of Nas. We still remember the very first story they told...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:CES Great Chamber.png “Cult of Nas”

Event button.png
The Heroics of Canonball
  • Gain 7% Stability Stability
Event button.png
The Tasks of the Senior
  • Gain 7% War support War Support


Wyatt the Demon

The demon was found abandoned on the steps to the great temple of Cannonball. No parents to his name, no resident women known to have given birth; in time, some would question if the demon even had any, or was a gift from Nas. At first the priests took him for a simple orphan, raising him amongst them so that he may one day join their ranks, but in time the true destiny of the child would reveal itself. For it is not red blood that runs through the Demon's veins, it is black oil; fitting for Wyatt, the man that might be the greatest racer that has ever roamed the wasteland. While his legend grows with every feat and victory, we should not forget about his humble beginnings. Before He took his true place among Nas' greatest, He was a...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:CES Great Chamber.png “Wyatt the Demon”

Event button.png
The Priest icon
The Priest
  • Army Energy Cell Consumption: −10%
The Cult of Nas found in Wyatt its most diligent servant.
Event button.png
The Mechanic icon
The Mechanic
  • £prod_eff Production Efficiency growth: +5%
  • £prod_eff_cap Production Efficiency Cap: +5%
The demon could assemble motors before he learned to run.
Event button.png
The Racer icon
The Racer
  • Divisions speed: +5%
The demon was born in the driver seat, none could match his speed.


Caesar's Rule

Many Years have passed since Two Sun has sworn fealty to Caesar - while some of the older racers still lament the loss of autonomy, the relationship has always been mutually beneficial. The Legion controls large stretches of land, rich in resources Two Sun desperately needs to not only maintain but expand our growing arsenal of vehicles. Meanwhile, the Legion benefits greatly from our expertise; with our cars, we have enabled them to perform lightning-fast strikes at a moments notice, and shift troops and supply at speeds that could never be rivalled by foot. We have proven our loyalty numerous times, both on and outside of the battlefield and none can deny that the Legion has repaid our devotion by making us...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:CES Two Legion Chariots.png “Caesar's Rule”

Event button.png
  • [Scope]Two Sun (516):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 0.5
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 100
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
  • Add technology: Motor Chariots
  • Add technology: Armoured Chariots
Event button.png
  • Add technology: Intermediate Support Tech


Two Sun offers to administer the Cowboys

Two Sun has offered to take the task of governing our newly conquered lands off our hands - they will accept our decision either way, but by deciding against it we will severely harm their ability to grow into a stronger ally.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Event button.png
  • Flag of Two Sun Two Sun:
    • unlock_national_focus = two_cowboy_ces
    • Unlock national focus Generic cowboys.png “Road to Ultimo”
    • Unlock national focus File:Ces crucifixion 2.png “Crucify the Rangers”
    • Unlock national focus Cowboy rule.png “Incorporating the Ranches”


Two Sun requests a chance to prove their worth

Two Sun requests permission to deal with Cowboy Country for us so we may focus on our campaign towards the west.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Let them prove themselves.
  • Flag of Two Sun Two Sun:
    • Gains claim on Whyajo (2)
    • Gains claim on Ultimo (444)
    • Gains claim on Saguaro (330)
    • Gains claim on Gila Bend (335)
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Cowboy Country Cowboy Country
  • Flag of Two Sun Two Sun:
    • Set country flag two_ces_allowed_cow
Event button.png
We will hunt down the last Rangers ourselves.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Unlock national focus Ncr ranger core.png “Integrate the Rangers”
    • Unlock national focus Cowboy rule.png “Incorporating the Ranches”
    • Unlock national focus Generic cowboys.png “Road to Ultimo”


Rangers Continue to Fight

In the early morning hours, groups of armed young men broke the curfew and stormed official buildings and warehouses, with our troops barely able to hold them off from breaking into the newly built temple of Nas itself. The Insurgents are lead by former Arizona Rangers, determined not to let their new home fall under the Legion's banner without a fight. It will require special action to truly bring them to heel.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation annexed

Immediate effects
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 1 level of damage
    • Resistance: +10%
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 2 levels of damage
    • Resistance: +20%
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 2 levels of damage
    • Resistance: +20%

Event button.png
Degenerates Like Them Belong on a Cross


Event button.png
Perhaps they Can Be Reasoned With



Our loyal subjects in Two Sun have once again brought gifts to Flagstaff

This time, their tribute is accompanied by a concerning question about our southern neighbour. While we have made investigations into the Generalissimo and his men in the past, they have only confirmed what we already suspected; Vialla might be a profligate, but his fondness for Legion coin (as well as a basic sense of self preservation) have kept him loyal. Now however, our subjects have presented new evidence that might suggest that Gente is secretly intending to align itself with the Rio Pact; if this is true, we may need to re-evaluate our stance towards the Generalissimo.

After some deliberation Caesar told the delegation:

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus GDH shield.png “The Gente Question”

Event button.png
§OPede poena claudo§!
Event button.png
§OIn omnia paratus§!
  • Flag of Two Sun Two Sun:
    • Set country flag two_gdh_friendship


Prepared in All Things

We were foolish not to assume that the many eyes of the Legion hadn't already informed Caesar of what we only learned very recently. If he deems the people of Gente a worthy ally, then we shall not disgrace ourselves further by doubting him.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
§OUbi amici, ibi opes§!



One Last Hurrah

The forces of Two Sun have fought their way deep into the heartland of Gente Del Sol. The people found themselves quickly abandoned by their supposed leader Vialla, who decided it was time to go on a prolonged vacation on his yacht, with the state treasury and numerous mistresses in toe. However, one man remained behind, to protect the people of Gente against the victorious legion and its lap dogs; attacking supply lines and even launching raids across the former border itself, he has grown from a nuisance to a symbol of resistance for those that still rally against your rule.
In the end it was Wyatt who would bring down the self-proclaimed freedom fighter. Tracking him to one of Gente’s high mountain passes the two entered a chase worthy of admiration along the treacherous mountain road. Wyatt was victorious in the end and Sun Eater was forced to admit defeat - and to the surprise of anyone but Wyatt has agreed to enter Two Sun’s services.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Suneater.png “One Last Hurrah”

Event button.png
Two Legendary Racers are better than one
  • [SCOPE]Event target FFI_suneater_target:


The Great Race Preparations

With our improved industry, we are finally ready to undertake the greatest building project the people of Two Sun have ever undertaken. We shall build a racetrack worthy of Nas across all of Sonora. Wyatt has prepared his ride to deliver the invitations to the most worthy competitors from all across the wasteland and with the help of the chop shop we can ensure that everything will be up to par to even the highest of standards.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Aniversary.png “§YThe Great Race§!”

Event button.png
We must prepare



The Great Race

The people of Two Sun have always honoured their deities on the race track, their best racers competing in skilful Motorsports competitions just like their ancestors did before the war. It is only fitting that the one we intend to hold in the name of Mars and Caesar himself shall be the greatest competition the wasteland has ever seen. New tracks will be built, new cars constructed, new garages built and smaller races held, all in preparation for the main event, one that is sure to attract attention from all over. To ensure that the greatest racers the wastes have to offer all get the opportunity to take part, we shall send out invitations to those deemed skilful enough to participate.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Let us Prepare



A Messenger from Two Sun

Join us for the greatest racing competition of all time! Starting in Two Sun, prepare for the Motorsports competition of a lifetime, taking place on the greatest race track ever built. Meet the greatest race car drivers the wasteland has to offer as we compete in honour of Nas and Mars to determine which nation can truly claim to house the ultimate racer! Witness the newest technological innovations as they're being made, applied and tested on a never before seen scale!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

When scripted effect “great_race_wyatt_calculate” is activated

Event button.png
  • Set country flag great_race_participant
Event button.png
Let's Leave Our Racers Alone
  • Set country flag great_race_participant
  • Set country flag great_race_dont_show




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

When scripted effect “great_race_race” is activated

Event button.png



The Great Race

Today shall forever be remembered as the date on which [race_winner] won the very first Great Race of Two Sun. After a long and hard thought battle against his four rivals, all masterful racers in their own right, across the extensive Sonora track that surpassed even the country leader Will Faster's wildest expectations, the competition was fierce - but through a combination of luck, skill and remarkable grid [race_winner] managed to pull ahead on the home stretch, crossing the finish line just a split second ahead of the competitors. The people of Two Sun and their honoured guests are now celebrating this momentous occasion, with promises to come together for an even greater competition should fortune allow it.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

When scripted effect “great_race_race” is activated

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Scripted Effect: great_race_calculate_winner=yes

Event button.png
A Race to Remember




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

When scripted effect “great_race_race” is activated

Immediate effects
  • Scripted Effect: great_race_race=yes

(no options for event nf_two.105)


The Death of God

This is a day we hoped would not come for many years. Caesar's death puts the Legion in jeopardy, with command being immediately fought over by his most trusted advisors.
With the empire and peace he had built at risk of disintegrating it will be up to us to carry out his will by ensuring that only the most worthy ascends to the throne to rule over Caesar's Empire.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic legion speared.png “Death of a God”

Event button.png
What do we do now?



A New Caesar?

The false Caesar has rejected our offer, it is clear to us now that he is unworthy of our service in the first place. We will make him regret this decision and correct our previous error in judgement by joining the rightful Caesar, which is of course...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A Messenger from Two Sun” option “They are mere subjects”
  • Completing the national focus File:Kha focus befriend legion.png “Vulpes Always has a Plan”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
The True Caesar

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Screw you Malpais

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Lucius, the Dedicated Praetorian
  • File:LUC.png LUC:
    • Trigger country event “A Messenger from Two Sun”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Aurelius, the Shrewd Centurion
  • File:AUR.png AUR:
    • Trigger country event “A Messenger from Two Sun”

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
None are Worthy



A Messenger from Two Sun

A lone rider road up to the camp today, his ride already identifying him as none other than Wyatt of the Two Sun tribe. He brings news that his people, who have always been loyal to Caesar, now wish to extend that loyalty to Caesar's rightful successor, and aid us in our war against the usurpers.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A New Caesar?” option “The True Caesar”
  • The event “A New Caesar?” option “Screw you Malpais”
  • The event “A New Caesar?” option “Lucius, the Dedicated Praetorian”
  • The event “A New Caesar?” option “Aurelius, the Shrewd Centurion”

Event button.png
A Surprise For Sure But a Welcome One
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: can_use_autonomy_system=yes
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Set autonomy level of Flag of Two Sun Two Sun to (unrecognized string "Client State" for Template:Icon) Client State and end wars and civil wars for subject
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: can_use_autonomy_system=no
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Flag of Two Sun Two Sun:
        • Scripted Effect: become_puppet=yes
  • If:
Event button.png
They are mere subjects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set country flag TWO_rejected
  • Flag of Two Sun Two Sun:
    • Trigger country event “A New Caesar?”



The people of Two Sun have betrayed Caesar's will and broken away to side with our enemies in the war of succession!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Messenger from Two Sun” option “A Surprise For Sure But a Welcome One”

Event button.png
Degenerates like them belong on a cross!
