Alamo Chapter events/scriptoutput

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While our brothers to the north cling to their dreams of restoring the old world, we have seen the truth. Technology still needs to be safeguarded until humanity is ready for it again. Until then, will we stand eternal vigil. The choice was not easy, but we all agree that it was necessary. Let us never forget our brothers, even those that decided to leave the brotherhood for promises of restoring something that has failed time and time again.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus ACH awesome shield.png “Brotherhood Consolidation”

Event button.png
To safeguard humanity
  • Flag of Alamo Chapter Alamo Chapter:
    • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
      • Limited to:
      • Add 4 Building slot building slots
      • Set temporary variable pop_add to 500
      • Scripted Effect: add_state_population_no_state_name=yes
  • Flag of Texan Brotherhood Texan Brotherhood:
    • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
      • Limited to:
      • Set temporary variable pop_add to -250
      • Scripted Effect: add_state_population_no_state_name=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: Our trained and prepared soldiers will be deployed to the field! Spawns 5 Brotherhood Paladin Divisions and 9 Brotherhood Knight Divisions. Also adds three division templates for future use.
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = "ACH_startup"


Open the Vaults

Even as part of the Texas branch we collected and safeguarded technology, though one of the reasons for our split was that they wanted to distribute what we guard. We can't let that happen obviously, but what of our now lonely vigil? We need every edge we can get.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus ACH generic shield.png “Technological Recovery”

Event button.png
No matter the cost...
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Infantry Tech
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Special Forces Tech
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Power Armour Tech
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Support Tech
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Vehicle Tech
  • Add technology: Underground Expansion
  • 2 500 units of Flag of Alamo Chapter Alamo Chapter Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 500 units of Flag of Alamo Chapter Alamo Chapter Motorized Vehicle is added to the national Stockpile
  • 500 units of Flag of Alamo Chapter Alamo Chapter Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • set_research_slots = 5


Richmond: We Need It

Direct land access to the USSA headquarters is basically mandatory. Let us achieve this, by force or by finance. Let us hope that our former brothers still have some sympathy for our mission.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Tbh startup icon.png “Demand Richmond”

Event button.png
Purchase Richmond


Broadcast From Central Houston

A war is costly, but we do not need to fight if they just give us unlimited access to their facilities. But if we have to, we will take it by force. One way or another the USSA headquarters secrets will be ours.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Moj repconn rocket.png “Houston Space Center”

Event button.png
Houston, do we have a problem?


Chains that Bind

We have had limited success, although extended, continuous communication is naturally difficult as always. At the least this has proven to be a good benchmark from which we can build on.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Bos generic.png “The Chains That Bind”

Event button.png
Perhaps, through further work, we can reach them more easily?
We are Alone icon
We are Alone
  • Research Speed: +3%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +15%
  • (Flag of Texan Brotherhood Texan Brotherhood) Attack bonus against country: −15%


Relics of the Past

To safeguard the past is our duty, even if it is out of physical reach. Codes, equipment, satellites. Let us use them to discover, to prevent humanity from abusing technology once more. Only those worthy enough shall wield the sword.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic satellite.png “We Have No Problem”

Event button.png
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has the National Spirit Generic satellite.png “Satellite Coverage”
    • Replace the National Spirit Generic satellite.png “Satellite Coverage” with the National Spirit Generic satellite.png “Advanced Satellite Coverage”
Advanced Satellite Coverage icon
Advanced Satellite Coverage
  • Encryption: +2
  • Decryption: +5
  • Civilian Intelligence: +35%
  • Army Intelligence: +35%
  • Navy Intelligence: +35%
  • Air Intelligence: +35%
  • country_resource_advanced = 6
  • Else:
    • Replace the National Spirit Satellite 1.png “Satellite Coverage” with the National Spirit Satellite 1.png “Advanced Satellite Coverage”
Advanced Satellite Coverage icon
Advanced Satellite Coverage
  • Decryption: +3
  • Static Anti Air hit chance factor: +30%
  • Civilian Intelligence: +20%
  • Army Intelligence: +20%
  • Navy Intelligence: +20%
  • Air Intelligence: +20%
  • country_resource_advanced = 6


The Alamo Chapter Requests Rosado's aid

Rosado and Kathrine were part of the original expedition that ventured into the depths of some old world military base. The very same place that took the presidential candidates arm. Now they are requesting her aid once more, to help them crack the high security that place has. Should we allow old friendships to bloom once more, or should we deem this too risky. After all, the Alamo is in Texas.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Recruit Rosado”

Event button.png
Event button.png


Security Door Gamma Thirteen

Last time we ventured into the depths of Fort Hood we managed to reach this door. Impassable and with no alternative route in sight. A massive hulk of reinforced metal blocking any further progress. But we need to get through here to further uncover the secrets of the past. Who knows what wonders will wait for us beyond this obstacle.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Launch Expedition”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Use Brute Force
  • Custom effect tooltip: Smack it violently, even if it might explode. Or cave in, or blow up. Perhaps we should not smack it after all, but rather blow it up.
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers is greater than or equals 100
      • Trigger country event “Success”
      • Else:
        • Trigger country event “A Terrible Tragedy”
        • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers to 0

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes is greater than or equals 3
Event button.png
Hack the System
  • Custom effect tooltip: Using security codes prepared by our scribes might be the best option. If we have enough codes that is.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes by 3
    • Trigger country event “Success”

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Try to Find a Way Around
  • Custom effect tooltip: It is very unlikely we will find a way around. Very very unlikely, but never hurts to try, right?
  • Hidden effect:
    • One of the following at random:
      • 90% (90) chance of:
        • Trigger country event “This place is a Maze”
      • 5% (5) chance of:
        • Trigger country event “A Terrible Tragedy”
      • 5% (5) chance of:
        • Trigger country event “Success”

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: We can always return at a later date. Better equipped and prepared to deal with this particular issue.



We are through, we managed, let us delve onwards, ever deeper. Every step forward brings us closer to victory.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A Corridor of Guns” option “Hack”
  • The event “Security Door Gamma Thirteen” option “Use Brute Force”
  • The event “Security Door Gamma Thirteen” option “Hack the System”
  • The event “Security Door Gamma Thirteen” option “Try to Find a Way Around”

Event button.png
Bound by Steel
  • Gain +40% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Technology
  • Gain +40% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Support Technology
  • Gain +40% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Vehicle Technology
  • [Scope]San Antonio (908):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_progress to 14


A Terrible Tragedy

Sometimes violence is not an option, sometimes codes are not enough, sometimes, lady luck just does not smile on us. But at least we tried, and who can blame us? We did not know better.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Security Door Gamma Thirteen” option “Use Brute Force”
  • The event “Security Door Gamma Thirteen” option “Try to Find a Way Around”

Event button.png
They will be remembered


This place is a Maze

Told ya so!!!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Security Door Gamma Thirteen” option “Try to Find a Way Around”

Event button.png
Let us try again



A Corridor of Guns

Guns, guns, guns. Usually our brothers and sisters get very excited about the prospect of finding automated futuristic weapon systems that can cut down a man, even if in T51b in seconds. There is one exception to this though, one small exception. If the guns are pointed at our brothers, it is a very different thing. We have to decide what we want to do. How will we best this particular obstacle?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Launch Expedition”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Brute Force
  • Custom effect tooltip: Brute force against Turrets, it might just work, but we will have to accept that it will also cause us to loose brothers and sisters.
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers is greater than or equals 200
      • Trigger country event “Turret Success”
      • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers by 50
      • Else, if:
        • Limited to:
          • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers is greater than or equals 100
        • Trigger country event “Turret Success”
        • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers by 75
      • Else:
        • Trigger country event “Turret Failure”
        • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers to 0

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes is greater than or equals 3
Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: These turrets are sophisticated, our number of codes might not be sufficient to disable all of them, but we can clear out the rest with firepower.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes by 3
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers is greater than or equals 25
      • Trigger country event “Success”
      • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers by 25
      • Else:
        • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers to 0
    • Trigger country event “Turret Success”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes is greater than or equals 5
Event button.png
Superior Hack
  • Custom effect tooltip: By using an excessive amount of codes we might be able to crack all of them.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes by 5
    • Trigger country event “Turret Success”

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: We can always return at a later date. Better equipped and prepared to deal with this particular issue.


Turret Success

By what ever means, we managed to get past those Turrets. Let us hope we won'T see more of these troublsome things.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A Corridor of Guns” option “Brute Force”
  • The event “A Corridor of Guns” option “Brute Force”
  • The event “A Corridor of Guns” option “Hack”
  • The event “A Corridor of Guns” option “Superior Hack”

Event button.png
  • [Scope]San Antonio (908):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_progress to 20


Turret Failure

What ever we did, it was not enough. May our fallen brothers and sisters forgive us.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Corridor of Guns” option “Brute Force”

Event button.png
We mourn their loss


Security force Fields

Pre war USA always had a penchant for blocking progress of those that wanted to compete. Pulse fields that easily allow those with the right genetic makeup to pass unhindered are one such obstacle. Everyone not coded for them simply ceases to exist once trying to pass them. Disintegrated into atomic particles. The faint glow they emit makes this section of the fort, so deep underground seem particularly eery. Let us hope we will find a way around. Or the way back...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Launch Expedition”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers is greater than or equals 50
Event button.png
Brute Force
  • Custom effect tooltip: Brute force against a system specifically designed to prevent this does not bode well. But if you insist, we can try.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Failure”
  • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers by 50

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes is greater than or equals 5
Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: The obviously better option, assuming we have enough codes.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes by 5
    • Trigger country event “Success”

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: We can always return at a later date. Better equipped and prepared to deal with this particular issue.



We managed, if by code or force, we are through. How deep does this rabid hole go? How much more must we endure to finally reach our destination?

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Security force Fields” option “Hack”

Event button.png
  • [Scope]San Antonio (908):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_progress to 24



Broken, shambled, disintegrated. There is nothing left of our brothers, burned to cinders, ash, reduced to nothing but particles floating in the wind. Ripped apart by forces from a bygone age. Technological marvels, in the wrong hands, are very much monstrosities.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Security force Fields” option “Brute Force”

Event button.png
We will endure


Slumbering Sentries

We have to decide what to do with them. Turn them into scrap metal, taking meticulous care to remove them all? Or do we try to take them over. Let us hope our choice is the right one while we wade between the bodies of a thousand sleeping sentries.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Launch Expedition”

Event button.png
Smash Them
  • Custom effect tooltip: Better safe than sorry
  • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_progress to 28
  • Add production of 25 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal to San Antonio (908)
Event button.png
Attempt to Hack them
  • Custom effect tooltip: Better sorry than safe
  • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_progress to 28
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes is greater than or equals 4
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has Heavy Lifter Bot technology researched
        • Add technology: Heavy Lifter Bot
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has Automation technology researched
        • Add technology: Automation
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has RobCo Industries technology researched
        • Add technology: RobCo Industries
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has Automatons technology researched
        • Add technology: Automatons
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has Fission Batteries technology researched
        • Add technology: Fission Batteries
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has Mr Handy technology researched
        • Add technology: Mr Handy
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Has Armour Hardening technology researched
        • Add technology: Armour Hardening
      • Decrease variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes by 4
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Value of variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes is less than 4
      • Set variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_troopers to 0
Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: We can always return at a later date. Better equipped and prepared to deal with this particular issue.


Sentinel Automated Power Armour Unit

Look at that glow iluminating it, and the terminal with those schematics. Yet the heart of the piece is the software sleeping within those terminals. Ready to be taken. Ready to awake our suits even without masters. Slaved to the command of a singular brother. We will become legion with this. It was worth it, every single sacrifice. Steel sentinels will bring order to a lawless wasteland. Forged in steel. Tempered in Blood.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Launch Expedition”

Event button.png
For the Brotherhood


Brothers United

We have no other choice. We need to return, abandon what made us our ancestors the Brotherhood. The way forward is not ours. It is theirs. The way forward lies in Texas. May we hope to one day return to our charge. One day...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Rrg rio bos.png “United Texan Front”

Immediate effects

Event button.png
Humility, perhaps, is a virtue.


Unexpected Aid

It seems our continued efforts to improve communication with Lost Hills have had a knock-on effect. Another group having heard our requests for aid!
They came with faces like devils.

Not from the west, but from the north-east. They descended from great airships, looking like salvation itself. The Midwest is here. Saviors in Horned and beige armour.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Bos elder recalled.png “Plea For Help”

Event button.png
Does Barnaky still live?
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • None of:
          • Has Anti-tank Rifles technology researched
      • Add technology: Anti-tank Rifles
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • None of:
          • Has Dynamite technology researched
      • Add technology: Dynamite
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • None of:
          • Has fireteam_weaponry_tech technology researched
      • Add technology: fireteam_weaponry_tech
  • Gain Manpower 400 Manpower
  • Add technology: Advanced Technical Armour
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = ach_helpers_from_afar
  • 400 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Technical Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • 300 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Energy Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • 250 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Rocket Launchers is added to the national Stockpile
  • 250 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Incinerator is added to the national Stockpile
  • 250 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Heavy Machine Gun is added to the national Stockpile


Rosado Will Help

It appears that Rosado is willing to work for us. Although her home is always going to be in Gloria, she can rest easy knowing we aren't out to conquer Texas and her homeland.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Alamo Chapter Requests Rosado's aid” option “Yes!”

Event button.png
What are we, monsters?
  • Increase variable ACH_fort_hood_readiness_codes by 3
  • Custom effect tooltip: Our access to Fort Hood will be improved.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Adds Three unused security codes


Rosado Stays Home

Despite losing the election, Rosado has chosen to continue her teaching gig in Gloria rather than work for us. Ah well, we can respect that pursuit of knowledge.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Alamo Chapter Requests Rosado's aid” option “No!”

Event button.png
Good for her!



They Demand Access

The Elder of the Alamo chapter has come forth and demanded access to our territory. We can either grant it to them or, in their words, suffer the consequences. Considering how they run about, frothing at the mouth at the mere prospect of seeing the internals of the space center? We should consider thoroughly. Refusal means war.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Broadcast From Central Houston” option “Houston, do we have a problem?”

Event button.png
Let them in
  • Give military access to Flag of Alamo Chapter Alamo Chapter
  • Enters a Non-aggression pactNon-aggression pact with Flag of Alamo Chapter Alamo Chapter
  • Remove production of 6 (unrecognized string "advanced" for Template:Icon) Advanced Components to Houston (880)
  • Remove production of 6 Circuitry Circuitry to Houston (880)
  • Add production of 6 (unrecognized string "advanced" for Template:Icon) Advanced Components to San Antonio (908)
  • Add production of 6 Circuitry Circuitry to San Antonio (908)
Event button.png
Defy them


Draft the results

Meticulous research, cross referencing and correlating of dozens of data snippets has given us some insight. All of these military bases we have visited had direct access to something called Poseidonet. Some form of internal communications network spanning the entirety of the pre war US. Related to Poseidon Energy, a massive pre war conglomerate of dozens of different companies, primarily in the energy sector. Even better, we believe that with all the pieces we have found, we might be able to gain access to this still, partially operational, network.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Kha focus research tech.png “Delve Deeper”

Event button.png
Let us proceed with caution.
Centralized Knowledge icon
Centralized Knowledge
  • Research Speed: +5%
Let us use what we found out before we forget it all again.


Poseidon IFF

The Enclave, a foe that brought us almost to extinction before the NCR wiped them out back west. We hid, as best as we could to avoid their wrath. Unhinged, without morals, and seeing themselves the successor to the pre war United States of America Government. It seems that Poseidon energy was deeply intertwined with this pre-war shadow government consisting of industrialists, high ranking officials and even some presidents. Purely a contingency to continue the government they said in the case of catastrophe, but our records tell a different story. They tried to use a Virus to eradicate everyone on the continent, to repopulate it with whomever they managed to store away in secret bunkers. A genocide, one that would have reduced humanities gene pool so drastically, we might as well have surrendered and become inbred.

Regardless of that though, the Enclave used Poseidonet extensively, from automated security, communications and many other secret things. We could even trick their defenses to believe we are them with what our scribes and knights have created. A fully functional IFF module, with it, we are, Enclave. At least to those who don't ask too many questions.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Moj poseidon relic circuitry.png “Corporate Leftovers”

Event button.png
We are Enclave, if it suits us.
  • Set country flag poseidon_oil_iff


I don't want to set the world on fire

This is absurd, so many nukes in one place. The great Silo, a depot that Tlaloc has full access to, over the subnetwork called Chiconet. Another piece of the puzzle really, Chiconet, being a subsection of Poseidonet itself. Regardless, we did not just secure the warheads, to safeguard them, but we also got some Launch codes. It seems even in death, the god of rain, did not manage to use all of them. How many did the pre war world build? How many weapons of ultimate destruction?

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Nuke.png “Harbinger Of Armageddon”

Event button.png
Let us never use them.
  • add_nuclear_bombs = 2


Make it Rain

Tlaloc, the super AI implemented by Poseidon energy to help with the occupation of Mexico. It used thousands of robots, to control it all, to make every human it's slave. At least until it died and freed all of its victims from the joke of the machine. Still, as vile as the machine was in life, as useful can it be for us in death. Advanced robots, intricate circuitry, let us use this to our advantage to further what we know.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Tla programming.png “Control Core Tlaloc”

Event button.png
The secrets of a god.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Intermediate Robotics Tech technology researched
    • Add technology: Sophisticated Robotics Tech
  • Else:
    • Add technology: Intermediate Robotics Tech


It called back

Out there in those hostile waters, standing like a bulwark against the backdrop of the endless ocean, a rather dinky and derelict oil rig, most likely long having exhausted all of its resources. Yet it seems to be still alive, and after we pinged it we knew the truth. Our hails were soon answered, we found a bunch of pre war zombies, housed within the place. They told us their entire story without us even asking, then offered to come over for a talk. They had met other survivors before, but they seemed far less polite than we did, calling themselves the enclave those survivors did. Fighting erupted and the survivors were no more, but their technology remained. Advanced flying Vertical takeoff vehicles. Alongside schematics for them. We will be ready once those "ghouls" want to set foot on Texan soil.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus ACH texico rig.png “Texico Oil Rig”

Event button.png
Let's take the birds, and leave the ghouls.
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Air Tech
  • Add technology: Vertibird Schematics


This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
