Gente del Sol events/scriptoutput

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If you ask the Generalissimo, even as a child all knew he was destined for greatness. He will gladly tell you that he was born under a solar eclipse, although he is oddly reticent on which one. And he took after the sun, for he was:

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus GDH shield.png “Child of the Sun”

Event button.png
As bright as the sun.
  • Gets the National Spirit Veg good business.png “A Sunny Disposition”
A Sunny Disposition icon
A Sunny Disposition
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.25
Event button.png
As constant as the sun.
An Even Keel icon
An Even Keel
  • Surrender Limit: +100%
  • Research Speed: +5%
Event button.png
As fierce as the sun.
A Fiery Temper icon
A Fiery Temper
  • Division Organization: +5%
  • Division Attack: +10%
  • Division Defense: +5%
  • Division Attrition: −20%


The Menace from the Deep!

Thirty years ago, El Generalissimo was peacefully providing voluntary protection to the people of Puerto Libertad when monstrous cangrejos emerged from the depths. When the leader of his troop fled, El Generalissimo rallied the men and coordinated their attacks brilliantly! When the dust was cleared, the people of Puerto Libertad were so grateful that they voluntarily offered leadership of their now weakly defended town to the young soldier. And several of the women of the town voluntarily offered something else.

And the people feasted!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature mirelurk.png “The Danger from the Sea”

Event button.png
A great hero!
Brave icon
  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Special forces Defense: +10%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
Event button.png
A cunning hero!
Cunning icon
  • Max planning: +5%
  • §YInfrastructure§! construction speed: +10%
  • Construction Speed: +10%


The Free Exchange of Ideas and Ammunition

Despite what [FFI.GetLeader] says, El Generalissimo has proven to be a capable ruler. He may enjoy his margaritas and mujeres, but what leader doesn't? He has turned Gente into a prosperous city. But its prosperity rests, to a large degree, on guns and mercenaries.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Petro chico bottle cap.png “Open for Business”

Event button.png
If you've got money, he's got guns!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Prioritize selling guns.
Event button.png
Prioritize producing guns.
  • Gets the National Spirit Chinese rifle.png “Gun Production”
Gun Production icon
Gun Production
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • £production_cost Production Cost: −10%
Event button.png
Prioritize building tools to build guns.
  • [Scope]Gente City (471):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots
      • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop


The Setting Sun?

[GDH.GetLeader] has decided Los Luchadores Libres are too great a threat to his oppression, and is preparing to march south! Whatever. He might have been a hero back in the day, but he's spent the last few years drinking margaritas and engaging in a personal fitness regimen. How could he seriously pose a threat to us?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic regular firearms focus.png “Preemptive Strike”

Event button.png
We'll host wrestling matches in his villa.
  • Custom effect tooltip: [GDH.GetNameWithFlag] has a wargoal upon you...


A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

Rum and coffee, fine cigars, brahmin with just the right hit of chilli; say what you will about the Baron, he has panache. And so [GDH.GetLeader] and [CAF.GetLeader] are willing to discuss business ties; El Generalissimo is glad to open a franchise for the Baron in North-western Mexico, and the Baron will diversify his arms shipments. Everyone wins! Except the Aztlán, of course.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Rrg mexico coffee.png “Costa Contracts”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
To new business ties!
  • [Scope]Oaxaca (828):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 1
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We should party more often!
  • [Scope]Oaxaca (828):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 1
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes


A Better Tomorrow, Today!

Vault-Tec kept design schematics for a series of advanced weapons of war in the Vault. Unfortunately, we lack the tools to make the tools needed to make most of the equipment here. With a concerted economic effort, we can develop pre-war technology, but we have to decide. Will we pursue robotics, planes, or vehicles?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Robots are really Mexico's schtick.
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Robotics Tech
Event button.png
We can use the planes to go parasailing!
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Air Tech
Event button.png
El Generalissimo could use a brand new car...
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Vehicle Tech


The Pool!

As El Generalissimo sipped a margarita on his patio, he could not help reflect how good life had been. He had made friends, won much, lost some, won most of what he lost back, gambled in New Vegas, toured the ruins of Mexico City, and seen what he was still convinced was a horse. And who knew what the future would hold?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Zippo girl.png “The Villa is Finished!”

Event button.png
Some fancy ships!
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Naval Tech
Event button.png
We can use the planes to go parasailing!
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Air Tech
Event button.png
El Generalissimo could use a brand new car...
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Vehicle Tech


A Trade Caravan from [GDH.Capital.GetName]

[GDH.GetLeader] has sent another convoy to us, furthering the cause of Mexican solidarity. [GDH.GetLeader] is a son of a bitch, he's our son of a bitch.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Rrg laser gun.png “Army Contracts”

Event button.png
Mexico: Mas fuertes juntos!
  • Gain +25% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Common Ballistic Weaponry technology researched
    • 1 000 units of Common Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Basic Ballistic Weaponry technology researched
    • 1 000 units of Basic Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • Else:
    • 1 000 units of Pipe Guns is added to the national Stockpile
  • Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion:
    • Trigger country event “[GDH.Capital.GetName] aligned with [RRG.Capital.GetName]”


[GDH.Capital.GetName] aligned with [RRG.Capital.GetName]

[GDH.GetLeader] has spurned ties with the Legion, aligning with the profligates of the Republic of the Rio Grande. We'll keep this in mind, and we'll see them crucified outside their villa yet.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A Trade Caravan from [GDH.Capital.GetName]” option “Mexico: Mas fuertes juntos!”
  • Completing the national focus Rrg laser gun.png “Army Contracts”

Event button.png
Degenerates like him belong on a cross.



An Offer We Could Refuse, But Why?

We have received an unusual offer from Mexico. It appears that [GDH.GetLeader] is willing to sell guns to us. Although this is not really our area of focus, we could use every gun we can get given the threats that we face. And hey, do you really trust the Gun Runners? I sure don't.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic ideological fury focus.png “The Baja Purchase”

Event button.png
Pleasure doing business!
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “Sweet Home California”
  • Set country flag gdh_market_country_available
  • Custom effect tooltip:

We gain access to El Generalissimo's market!


Sweet Home California

[NCR.Capital.GetName] has agreed to buy guns from us and will access our market. Good news, no?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “An Offer We Could Refuse, But Why?” option “Pleasure doing business!”

Event button.png
War is good for business.



Farewell California

[NCR.Capital.GetName] refuses to buy guns from us, for some reason. Que Triste!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
It's fine, enjoy the Legion.
  • Set country flag ncr_assholes


Her Special Day

The band quieted down, the attendees were having a good time on the balcony over the sea, and El Generalissimo smiled. 'My dearest daughter, this will one day all be yours. And I know you will do more with it than I did.' He sniffed a tear. 'When I look at you, I see your mother, and I know she would be proud of who you have become. And that's why I wanted to give you something in her name.'

Two soldiers came out with a large box, wrapped in Aztláni silks. 'Your mother designed this when you were a baby, but we didn't know how to build it. But now we do.'

Lucia walked to her father, her pink dress trailing behind her. She carefully unwrapped the box, and found a gauss rifle within. The hilt was carved with a picture of her mother holding her as a baby, surrounded by a heart. 'Lucia, we will always be with you, in one way or another. I love you.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic focus happy cactus.png “La Quinceañera”

Event button.png
Family makes it all worthwhile.


One Man, One Vote!

[GDH.GetLeader] has expected to win this sham election, but he may face a surprise. His dear comrade, Maria Izquierdo, has a dream. A [GDH.GetName] with no Generalissimo, where the people's vote actually does matter. Once she has established stability after an interim regime of indefinite duration, of course.

It was the night before the election, when the ballot boxes had been duly stuffed. El Generalissimo always had a taster check his drink, but he trusted Izquierdo. And a ghoul was immune to many poisons....

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic focus happy cactus.png “'Liberalisation'”

Event button.png
To Your Inauguration, Presidente!
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Person of the Community
      • Stability: +5%
      • caps_country_trade_modifier = 0.1
      • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
Event button.png
Drink Up, Generalissimo!
  • Gubernia Izquierda becomes the leader for their party
    • Popular Figurehead
      • sprite = 13
      • Stability: +10%
      • War Support: +5%
    • Cult of Personality
      • sprite = 13
      • Mobilization speed: +20%
      • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
  • Party Popularities will change:


A Trade Caravan from [GDH.Capital.GetName]

[GDH.GetLeader] has sent another convoy to us. We will profit greatly from this friendship. Although [GDH.GetLeader] is a Profligate who, some would say, belongs on a cross, perhaps there is still a use for him.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic gold bars.png “Legionary Tributes”

Event button.png
Strange times make for strange friends.
  • Gain +25% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Technology
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Basic Ballistic Weaponry technology researched
    • 1 000 units of Basic Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • Else:
    • 1 000 units of Pipe Guns is added to the national Stockpile
  • Flag of Republic of the Rio Grande Republic of the Rio Grande:
    • Trigger country event “[GDH.GetLeader] sent a caravan to Flagstaff!”


[GDH.GetLeader] sent a caravan to Flagstaff!

[GDH.GetLeader] has sent more resources to Flagstaff. This is not good for Rio, not good at all...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Trade Caravan from [GDH.Capital.GetName]” option “Strange times make for strange friends.”

Event button.png
We'll kill him too.



The Ultimo Trade

[GDH.GetLeader] requests the right to buy [444.GetName] from us. Although we will lose our outlet on the Pacific, they are offering quite a bit of money...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Ancient wealth.png “The Ultima Purchase”

Event button.png
Let those profigates have it.
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “A Gift from [TWO.GetName]”
Event button.png
Why would we ever do this?
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “[TWO.GetName] Rejected Our Offer!”


A Gift from [TWO.GetName]

[TWO.GetLeader] has agreed to sell [444.GetName]. What a steal!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Ultimo Trade” option “Let those profigates have it.”

Event button.png
Muchas Gracias!
  • Becomes owner and controller of Ultimo (444)
  • [Scope]Ultimo (444):
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -400
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion:
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 400
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


[TWO.GetName] Rejected Our Offer!

[TWO.GetLeader] refused to [444.GetName]. That asshole.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Ultimo Trade” option “Why would we ever do this?”

Event button.png
Chenga tu Madre, [TWO.GetLeader]


The Nogales Proposal

[GDH.GetLeader] would also trade us for [588.GetName]. They could do more with it, and we would benefit from having another injection of funds.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Why would we care about this scrap of land?
Event button.png
The Legion's flag does not retreat.


Nogales is Ours!

[CES.GetLeader] agreed to sell us [588.GetName]. Is this not wonderful? Today north-western Mexico, tomorrow perhaps more of Mexico!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Nogales Proposal” option “Why would we care about this scrap of land?”

Event button.png
Let's throw another fiesta!
  • Becomes owner and controller of Nogales (588)
  • [Scope]Southern Lucia Range (558):
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -400
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion:
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 400
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Nogales Nunca

[CES.GetLeader] refused to sell us [588.GetName]. Perhaps we will consider taking it by force, down the road.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Nogales Proposal” option “The Legion's flag does not retreat.”

Event button.png
Is there no honour in the Wasteland?


Our Friend in Mexico

[GDH.GetLeader] has asked to negotiate a treaty of eternal peace and further promote trade ties. While we find much about him rather contemptuous, he does have a stile to rival [CES.GetLeader], and has been a useful trading partner. What shall we do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Ces servus publicus.png “The Socii of the Legion”

Event button.png
A True Friend of Rome
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “The Treaty of Eternal Peace”
Event button.png
We do not truck with merchants.
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “You Mess With the Bull, You Get the Horns”


The Treaty of Eternal Peace

[CES.GetLeader] has agreed to our proposal! We have agreed that we shall never war upon one another, and Mexico shall open its arms to the Legion.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Our Friend in Mexico” option “A True Friend of Rome”

Event button.png
Let us celebrate with a drink! No?


You Mess With the Bull, You Get the Horns

[CES.GetLeader] refused our offer of a nonaggression pact. We can only assume that they are planning to attack us despite all we have done for them What can we do to survive? Perhaps we can reach out to [RRG.Capital.GetName]...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Our Friend in Mexico” option “We do not truck with merchants.”

Event button.png
Viva Mexico!
  • Complete national focus Generic rrg shield basic.png “The Eagle Economy”


A Little Place to Call My Own

El Generalissimo has decided that his people wish to honour him with a wonderful villa. But this will not merely be a palatial estate pools on the Pacific. There will be manicured parks for the people! Schools for the children! Oh, and this is also a cover to loot a vault beneath the construction site.

However, the General is getting crotchety in his old age, and everyone is happy to give him advice on how to build the villa. This can be stressful!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic mountain fortress.png “Building the Villa”

Event button.png
Wasn't the point of the villa to relax?
  • Set country flag GDH_villa_construction_begun
  • Custom effect tooltip:

This unlocks a timed mission to finish the villa. Completing additional focuses will unlock ways to delay or speed up construction at a cost in stress.


A Visit From El Generalissimo

[CES.GetLeader], [GDH.GetLeader] has proposed an arms deal. This could be very useful to us, and there's honestly no downside to this arrangement. They hope that this will later turn into an alliance against the Luchadores who threaten [GDH.GetLeader], and we could use this as a springboard to invade Mexico...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Ces generic focus.png “Bull Market”

Event button.png
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_arms_factories=yes
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Set country flag gdh_market_country_available
  • Custom effect tooltip:

You may now buy guns from [GDH.GetLeader]! in the decision tab!

Event button.png
No, we plan to conquer [GDH.GetName]
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “Spurned By the Legion”


Spurned By the Legion

[GDH.GetLeader], [CES.GetLeader] rejected our trade prpoosal. We can only assume this means they are planning to conquer us at some point. Perhaps it's time to approach [RRG.Capital.GetName] and see if they will stand with us?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Visit From El Generalissimo” option “No, we plan to conquer [GDH.GetName]”

Event button.png
Yes, let us invite [RRG.GetLeader] to our villa.
  • Complete national focus Generic rrg shield basic.png “The Eagle Economy”


To New Friends!

Although [CES.GetLeader]'s delegates refused our shots of tequila, they have agreed to buy firearms from us. Soon slaves, silver, and cotton will flow to our villa. And we can use the Legion's aid to restore order to much of Mexico.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Visit From El Generalissimo” option “Ave!”

Event button.png
This calls for another party!



A Visit From El Generalissimo

[RRG.GetLeader], [GDH.GetLeader] has proposed an arms deal. This could be very useful to us, and there's honestly no downside to this arrangement. They hope that this will later turn into an alliance against the Luchadores who threaten [RRG.GetLeader], and we could use their guns against our enemies...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic rrg shield basic.png “The Eagle Economy”

Event button.png
Muchas Gracias!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_arms_factories=yes
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger country event “[RRG.GetLeader] Says Yes!”
  • Set country flag gdh_market_country_available
  • Custom effect tooltip:

You may now buy guns from [GDH.GetLeader]! in the decision tab!

Event button.png
No, we plan to conquer [GDH.GetName]



[RRG.GetLeader] Says Yes!

The leader of the Republic of the Rio Grande has accepted our offer. Is this not wonderful?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Visit From El Generalissimo” option “Muchas Gracias!”

Event button.png
This calls for another party!
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 400
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Panic Attack!

The stress of looking this good has gotten to El Generalissimo! He will need to take some time off to recover, and in his absence chaos will reign! Perhaps he was too hard working?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Taking the decision “Study the Vault”
  • Taking the decision “Promise to Invite Contractors to a Party”

Event button.png
I blame the Crossfit
  • Lose 15% Stability Stability
  • Set variable generalissimo_stress to 0
  • Custom effect tooltip: At least I won't be stressed anymore.


[GDH.GetLeader] wishes to purchase Baja.

Great [CES.GetLeader], [GDH.GetLeader] wishes to buy the Baja peninsula from us. Truth be told, we do not need the territory, and we are already overstretched with our victories elsewhere. However, this will cement his control over what he is now calling the Sea of Vialla

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
We will gladly sell more desert!
  • Flag of Gente del Sol Gente del Sol:
    • Trigger news event “El Mar De Vialla”
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 1000
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
The Legion's flag never retreats!


El Mar De Vialla

At long last, El Generalissimo finally has a beach front property worth the name. How wonderful! And of course the people of Baja greatly prefer El Generalissimo's rule over the Legion.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “[GDH.GetLeader] wishes to purchase Baja.” option “We will gladly sell more desert!”

Event button.png
Sounds like it's time for another party!
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -1000
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Becomes owner and controller of Puertecitos (651)
  • Becomes owner and controller of Southern Laguna Range (650)
  • Becomes owner and controller of Colonet (41)
  • Becomes owner and controller of El Marron (174)
  • Becomes owner and controller of Valle de los Cirios (158)
  • Becomes owner and controller of Bahi Asuncion (136)
  • Becomes owner and controller of Santa Rosalia (481)
  • Becomes owner and controller of La Yaqui (176)
  • Becomes owner and controller of Guaycura (325)
  • Becomes owner and controller of La Paz (97)
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
  • [SCOPE]Every state:


Caesar Said No!

For some reason, Caesar does not wish to sell us a significant piece of territory that restricts our access to the Pacific for a low, low price. But we can always consider alternatives.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “[GDH.GetLeader] wishes to purchase Baja.” option “The Legion's flag never retreats!”

Event button.png


Generalissimos Bearing Gifts

[GDH>GetLeader] is providing us guns in exchange for money we borrowed from our people at gunpoint. Hurray!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Rrg mexico industry guns.png “Stand With the Baja”
  • Completing the national focus Rrg mexico industry guns.png “Stand With the Baja”

Event button.png
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Common Ballistic Weaponry technology researched
    • 1 000 units of Common Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Basic Ballistic Weaponry technology researched
    • 1 000 units of Basic Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • Else:
    • 1 000 units of Pipe Guns is added to the national Stockpile