New Reno events/scriptoutput

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Before the atomic fire rained from on high? Reno was the biggest little city in the world! But now? Our wonderful little city lives as a place of harmless fun, where you can enjoy some booze, company, and recreation free from prying eyes. Do you know what we're most thankful for?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus New generic reno.png “Biggest Little City in the Wasteland”

Event button.png
All those cars.
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
Event button.png
The Casinos survived in a perfect condition, good for business!
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “Casino Funding”
Casino Funding icon
Casino Funding
  • Construction Speed: +5%
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Event button.png
The old military outposts survived, firearms for everyone!
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “Military Outposts”
Military Outposts icon
Military Outposts
  • Infantry Equipment:
    • £production_cost Production Cost: −5%
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop


The Coming of the NCR

The NCR has been our greatest blessing and curse. We can hardly have a vigorous tourist trade without a prosperous economy to draw tourists from, after all. But their tariffs, and grasping reach, are a bit of a problem.

In the 2240s, Reno was divided between four families - The Mordinos, Bishops, Wrights, and Salvatores.

The Mordinos tried to control Northern California through control of the jet trade, but the distribution of the jet cure by the Chosen One crippled that plan. We have chased those hooligans out of the City, to leave them to skulp in a wretched den of scum and villainy. The Salvatores had a shining moment of power; but their mysterious source of laser weaponry seemed to vanish overnight. Today they work to build careers for some of the city's wayward youths. The Wrights civic restoraton efforts blossomed, but too many citizens declined to give up the folksome charm which brought you here on vacation. And the Bishops? Why, John Bishop, and his son, were wise enough to see that friendship with the NCR was the wave of the future! Aren't they swell?

(This Pamphlet was paid for by the Shark Club Casino. Shark Club! Where you'll feel like a shark among minnows!)

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic ncr diplomatic focus.png “Our Best Frenemy”

Event button.png
Let's Go to the Shark Club!
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic morale bonus.png “The Brothels”
The Brothels icon
The Brothels
  • Monthly Population: +10%
The Bishops run clean establishments whatever your preference. Have fun with our Fisto, if that's your thing!
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Rule caps_system_toggle is set to Enabled
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 200
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Else:
    • Add production of 4 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal to New Reno (285)
Event button.png
Thank God for the Wrights
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “The Libraries”
The Libraries icon
The Libraries
  • Construction Speed: +5%
The Wrights' libraries have made Reno's citizens among the best educated of the Wasteland. Who doesn't love a gal with brains?
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Rule caps_system_toggle is set to Enabled
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 200
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Else:
    • Add production of 4 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal to New Reno (285)
Event button.png
The Mordinos? Didn't they used to be a big deal?
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic infantry bonus.png “Local Youth Organizations”
Local Youth Organizations icon
Local Youth Organizations
  • Division training time: −15%
  • Division Defense on core territory: +5%
While some might call them 'gangs,' the Salvatores' efforts to win the hearts and minds of Reno's youth through organized extracurricular activities are just one of our many quirks.
  • Gain 5% War support War Support


The Wright Stuff

Christopher Wright has lived up to some, if not all, of his mother's ideals. Under Mr. Wright's leadership Reno will strive to be a wholesome, safe place to raise a family. A place where children worry about standardized tests instead of drug addiction. A place of pious prayer instead of mon hits. Of course, the city will keep prostitution and gambling going, if only to channel men and women away from more destructive vices.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Backroom planning.png “The Masters of Our Fate”

Event button.png
Rejoice for the one who is saved, not those who are lost.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals


Mama Van Graff

The Van Graffs trade in gold, energy weapons, and, frankly, anything that makes a cap. Some may criticize their tactics, but none can deny that they provide capital to their new ventures in Reno! Why, consider the list of places where they've extended their open hand!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus New queen to f7.png “New Family On The Block”

Event button.png
The Chop Shop is legendary for its stolen machines.
Chop Shop icon
Chop Shop
  • Vehicle Technology Research Speed: +5%
  • Motorized Vehicle:
    • £production_cost Production Cost: −5%
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Event button.png
Who could forget the Cat's Paw? Oh, you only go for the ads?
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Event button.png
New Reno Arms! Spreading firepower to raiders for decades!
  • 500 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Common Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop


Sex, Drugs or Rock and Roll!

Our deal? Hell you know our deal. Living the life, living the dream, doing what you want, when you want, for as long as you can get away with it. Sex, Drugs, Rock'n'Roll! What else is there that you can want in a wasteland like this? Come on, forget who you are, forget where you are, and enjoy the party.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic morale bonus.png “Deal I”
Deal I icon
Deal I
  • Monthly Population: +10%
Event button.png
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic morale bonus.png “Deal II”
Deal II icon
Deal II
  • Medical Technology Research Speed: +10%
Event button.png
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic morale bonus.png “Deal III”
Deal III icon
Deal III
  • Infantry Technology Research Speed: +7.5%


The Top Dog?

Everyone in Reno has been fighting for a piece of the pie for decades. Every one of the big families is looking to get a leg up on the others, to find a way to take control? But these days, only one of the families rules the streets. And you'd better fucking remember it, or you're in for one hell of a vacation? Aye bud?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Mason Salvatore has regained power with outside help.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
Event button.png
The Wrights have come far in the last few decades.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
Event button.png
As if it were a question? The Bishops still rule the streets.


Event button.png
The Mordinos control the Jet, and they control the City.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler


New Klamath Agreements

New Reno has been pursuing a more lucrative, but possibly more dangerous partnership. They wish to restore some of our production infrastructure in exchange for control of our civilian government.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Generic creature gecko.png “The Gecko Trade”
  • Completing the national focus Generic creature gecko.png “The Gecko Trade”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • None of:
      • Country flag new_brokentakeoverflag is set
Event button.png
We accept their offer.
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Flag of Klamath Klamath:
      • Scripted Effect: become_puppet=yes
  • [Scope]The Den (57):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots
      • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots
      • Add 3 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Klamath will remain free.


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Country flag new_brokentakeoverflag is set
Event button.png
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Flag of Klamath Klamath:
      • Scripted Effect: become_puppet=yes
  • Becomes owner of Modoc (585)


An offer from the Warlord!

The Warlord Thradd, who has recently claimed complete control over the city of New Reno, seeks our aid in his conquest of California. My Immortal, do we dare fall in line behind such a madman? This may be our only chance to fight mankind as a unified front, yet many within the tribe are uncertain if Thradd is a trustworthy ally.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
We can't pass up this opportunity! The age mutants is here!
  • Scripted Effect: join_from_faction=yes
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “Troll Warren Joins the Master's New Army”
Event button.png
I would never kneel to Thradd's will!
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “Troll Warren Rejects us!”


Troll Warren Joins the Master's New Army

We have received word from our tribal brothers in the north! The First shall join the Master's new army, in order to secure the future of our race! Their Strength shall be added to our own!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “An offer from the Warlord!” option “We can't pass up this opportunity! The age mutants is here!”

Event button.png
Wonderful! The Master shall be avenged!



Troll Warren Rejects us!

My Lord! The First, in his supreme arrogance, has rejected our offers! He stands against mutant kind! Against the will of the Master! He must be crushed!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “An offer from the Warlord!” option “I would never kneel to Thradd's will!”

Event button.png
And crush him we shall! None defy Thradd!


An offer from the Warlord!

Oh illustriously intelligent and all knowing Brain! The Warlord Thradd has come to us, and offered us a place in his new army! He seeks to crusade against Mankind, reclaiming the remains of his former Master's pathetic domain!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
An unexpected opportunity! We shall accept!
  • Scripted Effect: join_from_faction=yes
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “The Brain Joins the Master's New Army!”
Event button.png
Bah? His army shall share the same fate as the original.
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “The Brain rejects our offer!”


The Brain Joins the Master's New Army!

The Monstrous Lord of Vault City has accept our offer! Even now, his most capable warriors scramble to join our forces, and he begins the mass production of war machines for our efforts! He shall be a glorious ally indeed!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “An offer from the Warlord!” option “An unexpected opportunity! We shall accept!”

Event button.png
The half breed made the right choice! Let him earn his place.



The Brain rejects our offer!

The sniveling half breed cowards to the north have rejected our offers! Truly they are a foolish and selfish lot, unworthy of the title of mutant! We should teach the half breeds their place my warlord! We should crush them!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “An offer from the Warlord!” option “Bah? His army shall share the same fate as the original.”

Event button.png
Crush them? No! We'll enslave them!


The Cult of Unity!

Many within the army believe that bringing back the Cult of Unity will increase our odds of survival, and give purpose to the humies who are too weak or young to survive the transformation into super mutants! The advantages are clear, but those among the younger generation of mutant consider it a waste.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
The Master would want this!
Event button.png
Bah! Some of the weak survive!
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Three units of Super mutants are created for our army.
cultmutants icon
  • Recruitable Population: +1%


Accept Vault City into the Nevada Enclave?

Vault City has expressed interest in joining our organization, and would certainly prove to be reasonable allies. Their technology and pure blooded nature make them the closest thing to acceptable citizens this wasteland has to offer the Enclave.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
We accept their application!
  • Scripted Effect: join_from_faction=yes
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “Vault City joins the Nevada Enclave!”
Event button.png
We reject their application!
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “Vault City earns our ire!”


Vault City joins the Nevada Enclave!

The men and women of Vault City have joined our cause, and now serve the Enclave and America! Let them be the first of many!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Accept Vault City into the Nevada Enclave?” option “We accept their application!”

Event button.png
America shall live again!



Vault City earns our ire!

The Men and Women of Vault City are unworthy of our cause! Their technology and people would better serve us!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Accept Vault City into the Nevada Enclave?” option “We reject their application!”

Event button.png
They are unworthy!


Bunch of dumb-dumbs in New Reno!

RHONDA: You're listening to UNC, the Utobithian News Channel, with breaking news! With us in the studio special guest star, Best Friend Tabitha!
TABITHA: Apparently first-generation super mutants and a bunch of dumb-dumbs have taken over the city of New Reno!
RHONDA: Ooh, how strange! But why would they do that instead of enjoying the safety and comfort that State of Utobitha provides?
TABITHA: That's a good question, Rhonda!
RHONDA: Thank you!
TABITHA: Honestly, I think those dumb-dumbs are trying to imitate the ideal society we've built here, Rhonda! And I can't blame them! The State of Utobitha is free, safe, secure and centaur pet friendly!
RHONDA: Ooh, I love the centaurs! They're just so cute!
TABITHA: Exactly, Rhonda! Who could resist those sweet little faces, and that cute way they shuffle around on all those hands they have! Haha!
RHONDA: You heard her, Utobitha! Let's go to the music...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png



New Reno is overrun!

After numerous reports of sudden disappearances, pillaging, and sightings of towering monstrosities on the horizon, our scouting party returns with only one man standing. Covered from head to toe in sweat, dirt, and blood; he mumbles breathlessly about his friends being reduced to bloody carcasses and ash. Worse still, the lone survivor delivers grim news. The capital of sin, New Reno, has been overrun by super mutants. Before falling unconscious, the scout repeats the words spoken to him as his life was spared. "Reno is the land of giants now. Any and all who stand in our way shall either join Unity, or die."

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png



A Caring Folk

New Reno's Van Graffs, Wrights, Salvatores, and Bishops may disagree, but all of them wish to see our fair city prosper. Oh, they may get a bit heated at times, but their disputes over leadership of the city shows they care. The Salvatores, Bishops, and Wrights will push initiatives to assert control over the City, ultimately consolidating influence. And the Van Graffs? Why, they are happy to help all their customers. And perhaps the rumours that Mama Van Graff finally found Mr. Wright are correct? Could love be in the air? In New Reno, anything is possible!*

*Subject to terms and conditions. Consult with your next of kin before taking the ghost tour through Golgotha.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus New generic reno.png “Taking The Next Step”

Event button.png
The Wrights offer scholarships.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
Event button.png
The Bishops run an advertising campaign in the NCR.


Event button.png
The Broken Brothers unite the Families.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites


Smooching Kills

Although the Mordinos were driven out of New Reno, they set up shop in the Den, which has become a wretched hive of scum in villainy. The leaders of Reno, never ones to meddle in their neighbors' affair, were content with this arrangement. But now the Mordinos are selling a new, deadly vice. Not the harmless fun of jet, coffee, or alcohol; a deadly narcotic called smooch. Smooch creates an intensely euphoric feeling when on it, but leaves its users listless and depressed when they are not.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
What sort of monsters would sell this?
Smooch Addiction icon
Smooch Addiction
  • Stability: −5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +5%
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = -8
The Dastardly Mordinos are funnelling a new drug into New Reno from the Den. Called smooch, it is highly addictive, unhealthy, and far worse, we don't make any money from it! But a divided Reno can do nothing to stop its spread . . .
Smooch Profits icon
Smooch Profits
  • Stability: +5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 8


The Fate of the Mordinos

Although the Mordinos were driven out of New Reno, they set up shop in the Den, which has become a wretched hive of scum in villainy. FoThe leaders of Reno, never ones to meddle in their neighbors' affair, were content with this arrangement. But now the Mordinos are selling a new, deadly vice. Not the harmless fun of jet, coffee, or alcohol; a deadly narcotic called smooch. Smooch creates an intensely euphoric feeling when on it, but leaves its users listless and depressed when they are nto consuming it. We must drive the Mordinos out of business to save the people of Reno; and our pockets.

But no family is willing to attack The Den, because it might leave them vulnerable to the other families in Reno. Only if somoene can consolidate control over our fair little town can we strike forth.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
What sort of monsters would sell this?
Smooch Addiction icon
Smooch Addiction
  • Stability: −5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +5%
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = -8
The Dastardly Mordinos are funnelling a new drug into New Reno from the Den. Called smooch, it is highly addictive, unhealthy, and far worse, we don't make any money from it! But a divided Reno can do nothing to stop its spread . . .
Smooch Profits icon
Smooch Profits
  • Stability: +5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 8




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Ncr baron.png “Sorting Out Redding”

Event button.png
What sort of monsters would sell this?
Smooch Addiction icon
Smooch Addiction
  • Stability: −5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +5%
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = -8
The Dastardly Mordinos are funnelling a new drug into New Reno from the Den. Called smooch, it is highly addictive, unhealthy, and far worse, we don't make any money from it! But a divided Reno can do nothing to stop its spread . . .
Smooch Profits icon
Smooch Profits
  • Stability: +5%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 8


The Associated Territory of Reno

... And this is NCR Radio, bringing all the news that's fit to hear in your ear. The latest round of talks between Reno and Shady Sands finished today, and it looks like the sticking points to statehood continue to surround REno's prostitution and gambling. Nevertheless, [NCR.GetLeader] appears willing to compromise, and for now Reno will join the NCR as an associated territory. Reno will not send delegates to Shady Sands, but nor will it face taxes on its fine, fine, ahem, tourist activities. Reno - It's like Vegas, but without Legion spies. Visit today!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Backroom planning.png “The Masters of Our Fate”

Event button.png
  • [Scope]New Reno (285):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 2
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes
    • Add the following modifiers:
      • caps_node_base_modifier = 0.35
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability


Ash Wednesday

Leave it to a woman to do a man's job, am I right? Having gained a seat on New Reno's councils and positions of power in the families services, the Van Graffs were positioned for their next step- Ash Wednesday. In a single day and night they used their energy weapon to burn the families of New Reno into submission, and immediately set about reordering the town. No longer would it be content to idle in vices and the leavings of the New Californian economy. Mama Van Graff was going to teach [NCR.GetLeader] a lesson he wouldn't forget.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Backroom planning.png “The Masters of Our Fate”

Event button.png
How illuminating!
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
  • Set cosmetic tag to NEW_van_graffs


The Incident

Here it was: the grand opening ceremony of a shelter with all kinds of amenities for the less fortunate citizens of New Reno. All the prominent figures of New Reno - Mr. Bishop, Christopher Wright and Chief Thradd - were present. They delivered speeches about unity, strength and the benefits of cooperation. They were interrupted by the appearance of a cart, pulled by a motorcycle. The cart had some kind of device on it and its driver seemed to be in the last stages of radiation sickness.
"The Big One, for you!" he cried out as he approached the stage "The Big One. For you!"
The crowd watched with morbid fascination as the cart finally came to a halt, about 10 feet away from the stage.
"It's a bomb!" someone in the crowd cried out, but it was too late. Silent white light filled the world.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Nuke.png “The Incident”

Event button.png
A small explosion
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
  • Retire the current country leader
  • Hidden effect:
    • Party Popularities will change:
  • Chief Thradd The Immortal becomes the leader for the Elites party.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Retire Tiaret "Mama" Van Graff
    • Retire NEW_mason_salvatore
    • Retire Christopher Wright
    • Retire Mr Bishop
    • Trigger country event “A Broken Brother”
  • Set country flag new_brokentakeoverflag
  • Unlock national focus Backroom planning.png “The Masters of Our Fate”


Dealing with the Van Graffs

We have salvaged as much as we could in our new home but still, it's not enough. We have approached the Van Graffs to strike a deal for more advanced materials, so we can properly finish our complex. The negotiations were swift and efficient - they even offered us their services as mercenaries in exchange for some of our fusion cores!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Plasma cutter.png “A Deal with the Van Graffs”

Event button.png
We can't trust the Van Graffs that far.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • [Scope]New Reno Outskirts (614):
    • Add production of 4 Circuitry Circuitry


Peace in Our Time

We have sent out a Brother to offer peace and fellowship to those who come from The Slag, so long as they choose to help further our endeavors against those settlers of Modoc.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Itz move settlers in.png “Slag Supremacy”

Event button.png
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Flag of Slags Slags becomes a puppet of the current scope
  • Flag of Slags Slags:
    • Becomes owner of Modoc (585)
Event button.png
We do not wish to harm our fellows.
  • Flag of Slags Slags:
    • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes


The Toxic Caves

Built inside of the caves of Klamath to store nuclear waste, the derelict military base is full of radioactive sludge. Deeming it too risky, prospectors ignored the cache, making it a fool's errand outside of a few ghouls trying to make a quick buck. Only the trappers found use of the caves, hunting the golden geckos inside the cave for their pelt. We however, can recycle the near depleted fusion cores to fuel our ever-growing need for energy, while also assisting the production capabilities of Klamath to produce the equipment they desperately need.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature molerat.png “Tasty Protein”

Event button.png
This is an acceptable deal.
  • Add production of 10 Energy Energy to New Reno Outskirts (614)
  • [Scope]Crater Lake (251):
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop


A Broken Brother

During a ceremony in New Reno, where all prominent family heads were present, a bomb exploded. While the explosion itself was small, the after-effects were severe. The bomb was stuffed full of FEV and nuclear waste, which immediately spread to the surrounding area. It poisoned everyone attending - except for the super mutant Broken Brothers. The event seems to have broken the spirit of Chief Thradd, whose dream of unity was finally within reach. The power vacuum left by Mr. Bishop and Christopher Wright plummeted New Reno into chaos. In an obvious power move, Mama Van Graff sent out her mercenaries to 'convince' the remnants of the Wrights and the Bishops to follow her. Thradd, upon realising what has happened, became furious. He rallied the police force and the Broken Brothers against the Van Graffs and battled them for days on the streets of the city, finally asserting control.
In the end, Thradd declared martial law, proclaiming that "humans need supervision".

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “The Incident” option “A small explosion”
  • Completing the national focus Backroom planning.png “The Masters of Our Fate”

Event button.png
And so the reign of the mutants begins
  • Set cosmetic tag to NEW_BROKEN


New Reno offers cooperation

Recent developments suggest that after the brutal bomb attack that wiped out the big families Thradd, former head of the Reno security forces, asserted his control over Reno. Chief Thradd now keeps a stern approach at keeping the peace between the humans and super mutants. Realising the precarious situation they are in, they approach us with an offer we can’t refuse. They propose an alliance that can benefit both countries against the approaching forces from all sides. Maybe it's now time to look past our hatred of mutants and work in unison with Thradd to become the post-war utopia we always aspired to be.

Despite all the benefits of an alliance, the effects of our past xenophobia linger. Most of our security council are unhappy about an alliance with a mutant, even a benevolent one like Thradd. We can refuse their offer and ignore their empty threats. Blood is a big expense, even for Thradd.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc welcome vlt citizens.png “Return To Symbiosis”

Event button.png
We will be stronger together
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_nevada_pact=yes
Event button.png
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “Vault City declines”


Vault City declines

Vault City is suspicious about how we came to power and does not wish for us to become members of this Nevada Pact.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “New Reno offers cooperation” option “Never!”

Event button.png
How unfortunate



New Reno lends a hand

Our precarious location is a blessing and a curse. With different factions vying for power in all directions, we have to pick a side. Fortunately for us, Reno sent us an offer for a membership in the Nevada Pact. Accepting their help may prove useful in repelling the encroaching NCR settlers from the south and mutant raiders from the north, allowing us to project our power to the wasteland. Alternatively we can refuse their offer and keep our options open. We all know we can't trust the super mutants after all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
We will be stronger together
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_nevada_pact=yes
Event button.png
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Trigger country event “Arroyo declines”


Arroyo declines

Arroyo doesn't want it.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “New Reno lends a hand” option “Never!”

Event button.png
How unfortunate



The Future of New Reno

New Reno is increasingly delving into extremism and discrimination of non-mutants. The example of Vault City and Gecko has shown that it can be different. But how will we act?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Vlt generic.png “Vault-Tec Calling?”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag friendship_with_fault_city is set
Event button.png
No longer will we suffer under them!

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag friendship_with_fault_city is set
Event button.png
We are all people.
  • Complete national focus Enc welcome vlt citizens.png “Return To Symbiosis”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag friendship_with_fault_city is set
Event button.png
  • Gain Political Power 50 Political Power


Ghoul Marriage?

Although the NCR has long adopted a position of nondiscrimination against ghouls, New Reno has been the first, ah, 'state' to legalize relations between humans and ghouls, recognizing ghoul marriage. When asked to comment, one local citizen said 'Which one is the Fisto and which one is the Courier?'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
  • Gains opinion modifier “Ghoul Freaks!” (Opinion −25 opinion) towards Flag of New Reno New Reno

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Adam and Eve, not Atom and Eve!
  • Gains opinion modifier “Ghoul Freaks!” (Opinion −25 opinion) towards Flag of New Reno New Reno

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Well, I guess love is love.
  • Gains opinion modifier “Supports Ghoul Rights” (Opinion +25 opinion) towards Flag of New Reno New Reno

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
I wonder if I can get a pinup?
  • Gains opinion modifier “Supports Ghoul Rights” (Opinion +25 opinion) towards Flag of New Reno New Reno


Tourism Season Results

Welcome to our show "Around The Wastes"! It's your host, Bryce, and oh boy, do we have some new interesting places for you to visit! In our today's episode...


Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Running out the timer on the decision “Profits from the Tourist Season”

Immediate effects
  • Set variable pop_income_tourist to 0
  • Set temporary variable pop_income_tourist_temp to the value of tourists
  • Divide temporary variable pop_income_tourist_temp by 500
  • Set variable pop_income_tourist to the value of pop_income_tourist_temp

Event button.png
Let the money roll in!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Is Flag of New Reno New Reno
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • Value of variable NEW.tourists is greater than VEG.tourists
        • None of:
    • Set temporary variable tourists_count to the value of tourists
    • Multiply temporary variable tourists_count by 3
    • Custom effect tooltip: §GBecause we have more tourists than our opponent we gain +1k [GetCapType] for every thousand tourists!§!
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Is Flag of New Reno New Reno
      • Flag of New Vegas New Vegas exists
      • Value of variable NEW.tourists is less than VEG.tourists
    • Set temporary variable tourists_count to the value of tourists
    • Multiply temporary variable tourists_count by 2
    • Custom effect tooltip: §RBecause our opponent has more tourists than we do, we don't get +1k [GetCapType] bonus for every thousand tourists!§!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Is Flag of New Vegas New Vegas
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • Value of variable NEW.tourists is less than VEG.tourists
        • None of:
    • Set temporary variable tourists_count to the value of tourists
    • Multiply temporary variable tourists_count by 3
    • Custom effect tooltip: §GBecause we have more tourists than our opponent we gain +1k [GetCapType] for every thousand tourists!§!
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Is Flag of New Vegas New Vegas
      • Flag of New Reno New Reno exists
      • Value of variable NEW.tourists is greater than VEG.tourists
    • Set temporary variable tourists_count to the value of tourists
    • Multiply temporary variable tourists_count by 2
    • Custom effect tooltip: §RBecause our opponent has more tourists than we do, we don't get +1k [GetCapType] bonus for every thousand tourists!§!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable tourists is greater than 4
    • Set temporary variable tourists_count_2 to the value of tourists
    • Multiply temporary variable tourists_count_2 by 0.25
    • Round temporary variable tourists_count_2
    • Decrease variable tourists by the value of tourists_count_2
    • Custom effect tooltip: §Y[?tourists_count_2


Radio Announcement!

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Flag of New Vegas New Vegas:
    • Country flag VEG_enorm_ad is set
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our program. This is Mr. New Vegas, and each and every one of you is wonderful in your own special way. This program was brought you by New Vegas. Beautiful sights, shiny neon signs, tasty gourmet food, attractive women and awesome casinos, working 24/7. New Vegas: The Jewel Of The Wasteland. Visit now!

The following description is used if:

  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Country flag NEW_enorm_ad is set
Hello there, people of the Wastes! Let me tell you about a magnificent city, where everything is possible! The city of New Reno, the biggest little city in Wasteland! You want to have some fun spending time in casinos? Come to us! You want to feel the warm touch of someone who cares about you? We can give you that! Come visit us now, and I assure you, you won't forget that visit for your entire life!''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
I will definitely visit!


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Welcome to New Vegas!


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Welcome to New Reno!


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Stop stealing our clients!


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Everyone knows that Vegas is still better.
