Riding Mountain Mooseketeers

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The Riding Mountain Mooseketeers were a people-oriented nation residing in Central and Western Manitoba, removed in Patch 4.2.6.

Historical background


National spirits

The Riding Mountain Mooseketeers begin with one national spirit:

Independence icon
  • Starting Planning skill of new army leaders: +2
  • (Flag of The Boggy March The Boggy March Boggy Creek Cryptid Collective) Attack bonus against country: +5.0%
  • (Flag of The Boggy March The Boggy March Boggy Creek Cryptid Collective) Defense bonus against country: +5.0%
With the defeat of Her Most Supreme Excellency, Saint Sunshadow Cross Duchess Bellores Von Amadaus Alexandria Godfreya Gladia Sunshadow, Slayer of Grofthroat, Conqueror of the Boggiest of Creeks, the Undefeated, Chancellor McClane has cemented his authority. He knows she will return, perhaps with the aid of Manitoba. So he prepares for this eventuallityIn-game spelling.


Starting Position

The Riding Mountain Mooseketeers started in Central and Western Manitoba between The Boggy March and The Dammed to the north, the Kingdom of Manitoba to the south and west, and Arborg Junta to the east.

The Riding Mountain Mooseketeers started with these division templates:

  • Road Patrol (4 Militia battalions)
  • Mooseketeer's (8 Infantry battalions)

The Riding Mountain Mooseketeers starts with 5 divisions:

  • 5 Mooseketeer's, fully equipped

Behind the scenes
