The Think Tank

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The Think Tank is a sophisticated intellectual nation that can come to form through the Mojave Chapter or a custom game rule in the Mojave area.

Historical background

At first, the group that would come to be known as The Think Tank were the six executives of Big MT: Borous, the Head of animalogy, beastology and DNA-scrambling technology, Mobius, a scientist, Dala, First Head Chief Researcher of Mineralogy and Medical Sciences, 0, Roboticist, 8, Head of soundwaves technology, and Klein, the administrator of Big MT. They were responsible for the management of all experiments in Big MT, each in their respective domains under the direction of Klein. Having survived the Great War through their "think tanks", robotic apparatuses allowing indefinite life extension and continuation of experiments, the group became divided after Mobius grew to believe that the rest of the Think Tank were too dangerous for the rest of the world, wiping their memories and instilling a belief of fear and false memories of the outside world. By the 2270s, after Elder Elijah's potential success at HELIOS One, he set his sights on securing and opening Big MT, with Mobius and the rest of the Think Tank being forced to come together to stop Elijah, at the cost of unleashing the Think Tank on the world.


The Think Tank can appear either through the Mojave Chapter completing all of the Midnight Science Fiction Feature focuses through the Securing Big Mountain events and decisions. After completion, "The Dome Cracked" event will appear, giving the option for the Mojave Chapter to either fight and re-conquer the territory lost to the Think Tank, or to play as them, seeking to conquer the Mojave Chapter instead. Alternatively, a Custom Game Rule can have the nation appear in place of the Mojave Chapter, with its territory ranging from Nipton to Bitter Springs.


National focus

The Think Tank National Focus Tree


National spirits

The Think Tank starts with two national spirits:

  • Caps Expenses: -100.0%
  • Occupation Appeal: -100.00%
  • Appeal to Refugees: -100.00%
  • Enables the use of the Pacification system, allowing the easy removal of resistance from states.
  • Cannot core states.

  • None
The collective data the Think Tank has gathered through their experiments, research and study.

Gain SCIENCE! through taking some focuses and spend it through taking other focuses.
There is an expression in the Wasteland:
"Old World Blues."

It refers to those so obsessed with the past they can't see the present, much less the future, for what it is.
They stare into the what-was, eyes like pilot lights, guttering and spent, as the realities of their world continue on around them.
Science is a long, steady progression into the future. What may seem a sudden event often isn't felt for years, even centuries, to come.

In the times following the First Battle of the Hoover Dam, however, Old World Blues took on a new meaning.
Where once it was viewed as a form of sadness, nostalgia, it became an expression describing the potential for the future.
It can be easy to see Science as evil, technology unchecked as the source of all ills, all misfortunes.
With the Think Tank united under a common cause for the first time in over two hundred years science would become a beacon for the future. There was Old World Blues, and New World Hope. And hope ruled the day at Big MT.


Basic Intermediate Sophisticated
Techtree tab infantry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab support.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png
Techtree tab infantry.png
Special Forces
Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab infantry.png
Power Armour
Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab armour.png
Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab robotics.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Basic Intermediate Sophisticated
Techtree tab air.png
Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab naval.png
Naval Vessels
Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png Research unavb bg s.png
Techtree tab industry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png
Techtree tab engineering.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png
Techtree tab industry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png
Techtree tab industry.png
Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png Research comp bg s.png

Behind the scenes

  • Originally, The Think Tank was to not appear in the mod at all, due to Zapdude's belief in 2017 that "Adding in the Think Tank would be possibly the worst thing we could do."[1] This would be reinforced by Zusk in April 2020, stating that Big Mountain could not be a state due to the radar field preventing entry or interaction with any other nearby nations.[2] However, in June 2020, a teaser for The Think Tank was showcased, with Zusk explaining that, as the nation was focused on the Think Tank as opposed to the Big Mountain facility or location, changes to the Mojave Chapter, allowing for a Think Tank nation to exist.[3] In addition, it allowed for Zusk to write Elijah's character faithfully in the Mojave Chapter focus tree, which necessitated the inclusion of The Think Tank.[4]
  • Zusk and Indyclone77 worked on The Think Tank.[5]


  1. Zapdude: "Adding in the Think Tank would be possibly the worst thing we could do. A group of incredibly intelligent and crazy (practically) immortal scientists with no moral compass and supposedly no limit as to what they can do."
    - Obtained from Discord, 9/20/2017
  2. Zusk: "We can't include a BigMT state because of the barrier, really. The fact that its surrounded by a impenetrable barrier that only a small selection of countries could break through essentially prohibits it being a state.

    BigMT is lovely and has some great characters - but you will never see the location of BigMT appear as a state on the map for those reasons given."

    - Obtained from Discord, 4/14/2020
  3. Zusk: "Why the change? I thought the consensus was that Big MT would never be a nation since it was so small

    Its technically not a
    Big Mountain nation, but a Think Tank nation.
    Big difference there.

    Essentially, the Think Tank is a administration of six people coming together against Elijah - they have a unified purpose and a role to fill in a focus tree.
    Before? They didn't really have a good place in the mod because they had no reason to leave Big Mountain as characters.
    It was the changes to Mojave Chapter that allowed the design space of a Think Tank country to be available in the mod.
    Before? With a weakened, downplayed Mojave Chapter there existed no such design space that either a Big MT or a Think Tank country could have filled."

    - Obtained from Discord, 6/16/2020
  4. Zusk: "Pretty much me wanting to reflect Elijah as a character faithfully in MOJ's focus tree. To do that, you really need the Think Tank."
    - Obtained from Discord, 6/16/2020
  5. Zusk: "( Indy did a ton of Think Tank work )
    ( They really made their tree pretty )"

    - Obtained from Discord, 6/16/2020