Custom Game Rules

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This page is dedicated to the various custom game rules, with which the game experience can be altered beyond just selecting a difficulty. Such gamerules include the ability to individually strengthen several Nations, choose which focus path will the AI take, deciding which nations will spawn on the map at Game Start turn off and on various diplomacy rules and gameplay mechanics, as well as allowing special holiday/meme events such as April Fools and choosing the outcome of several events across the wasteland.

Major Nation Buffs

List of nations that can be buffed

There are currently 29 sliders which affect a total of 34 nations.

Rule name Affected Nations
Strengthen 215th Flag of 215th 215th
Strengthen Arroyo Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
Strengthen Broken Coast Flag of Broken Coast Broken Coast
Strengthen Caesar's Legion Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion
Strengthen Legion Expansion Targets Flag of Cowboy Country Cowboy Country
Flag of Hangdogs Hangdogs
Flag of Pecos Colony Pecos Colony
Flag of Baudelio Ranchers Baudelio Ranchers
Strengthen Chichen Itza Flag of Chichen Itza Chichen Itza
Strengthen Costa Cafeinada Flag of Costa Cafeinada Costa Cafeinada
Strengthen Desert Rangers Flag of Desert Rangers Desert Rangers
Strengthen Ejército Libertador del Sur Flag of Ejército Libertador del Sur Ejército Libertador del Sur
Strengthen Ejército Mexicano Flag of Ejército Mexicano Ejército Mexicano
Strengthen Eureka Flag of Eureka Eureka
Strengthen Excan Tlahtoloyan Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan
Strengthen Free Fighters Flag of Free Fighters Free Fighters
Strengthen Great Khans (Removed) Flag of Great Khans Great Khans
Strengthen Guardians Flag of Guardians Guardians
Strengthen Heaven's Gate Flag of Heaven's Gate Heaven's Gate
Strengthen Imperio Mexicano Flag of Imperio Mexicano Imperio Mexicano
Strengthen Mojave Chapter Flag of Mojave Chapter Mojave Chapter
Strengthen NCR Flag of New California Republic New California Republic
Strengthen Mojave Territories Flag of Mojave Territories Mojave Territories
Strengthen NCR Expansion Targets Flag of Paz Bandits Paz Bandits
Flag of Valle Bandits Valle Bandits
Flag of The Rapids The Rapids
Strengthen New Canaan Flag of New Canaan New Canaan
Strengthen New Reno Flag of New Reno New Reno
Strengthen New Vegas Flag of New Vegas New Vegas
Strengthen Nueva Aztlan Flag of Nueva Aztlán Nueva Aztlán
Strengthen Republic of the Rio Grande Flag of Republic of the Rio Grande Republic of the Rio Grande
Strengthen Rogue Rangers Flag of Rogue Rangers Rogue Rangers
Strengthen Shi Flag of Shi Shi
Strengthen Sons of Kaga Flag of Sons of Kaga Sons of Kaga
Strengthen Tierra de los Tzotzil Flag of Tierra de los Tzotzil Tierra de los Tzotzil
Strengthen Tlalocan Flag of Tlalocan Tlalocan
Strengthen Troll Warren Flag of Troll Warren Troll Warren
Strengthen TV Town Flag of TV Town TV Town
Strengthen Vault City Flag of Vault City Vault City
Strengthen Washington Brotherhood Flag of Washington Brotherhood Washington Brotherhood
Strengthen Western Brotherhood Flag of Western Brotherhood Western Brotherhood

Strengthening effects

There are 5 levels of strengthening, each giving a progressively stronger buff to the selected nation in almost all aspects of gameplay. The first level gives no bonuses, and the remaining ones can be summarized by the following table:

Attribute name 2nd level 3rd level 4th level 5th level
Political Power Gain: +12% +25% +37% +50%
Army Experience Gain: +12.5% +25.0% +37.5% +50.0%
Division Experience Gain: +5.0% +10.0% +15.0% +20.0%
Naval Experience Gain: +12.5% +25.0% +37.5% +50.0%
Ship Experience Gain: +5.0% +10.0% +15.0% +20.0%
Air Experience Gain: +12.5% +25.0% +37.5% +50.0%
Division Attrition: -3.7% -7.5% -11.2% -15.0%
Supply Consumption: -12.5% -25.0% -37.5% -50.0%
Division Recovery Rate: +7.5% +15.0% +22.5% +30.0%
Entrenchment speed: +12.5% +25.0% +37.5% +50.0%
Production efficiency capProduction Efficiency Cap +7.50% +15.00% +22.50% +30.00%
Production efficiency growthProduction Efficiency growth +12.50% +25.0% +37.50% +50.00%
Lack of Resources Penalty -15.00% -30.00% -45.00% -60.00%
Division Attack on core territory: +7.5% +15.0% +22.5% +30.0%
Division Defense on core territory: +7.5% +15.0% +22.5% +30.0%
Research Speed: +5.00% +10.00% +15.00% +20.00%
Dockyard Output: +10.00% +20.00% +30.00% +40.00%
Reinforce Rate: +1.0% +2.0% +3.0% +4.0%
Planning Speed: +12.5% +25.0% +37.5% +50.0%
Army Energy Cell Consumption: -20.00% -40.00% -60.00% -80.00%
Navy Energy Cell Consumption: -20.00% -40.00% -60.00% -80.00%
Air Energy Cell Consumption: -20.00% -40.00% -60.00% -80.00%
Air Wing Mission Experience Gain: +12% +25% +37% +50%
Occupational Appeal: +5.00% +10.00% +15.00% +20.00%

Region Unifiers

Rule name Options
Canadian Unifier No Canadian unifier
Roach King controls Canada
Standing Rock controls Canada
Vault 37 controls Canada
Montana Brotherhood controls Canada
Cascadia Unifier No Cascadian unifier
Broken Coast controls Cascadia
Washington Brotherhood controls Cascadia
The Cause controls Cascadia
Texan Unifier No Texan unifier
Texas Brotherhood controls Texas
Shale controls Texas
Last Patrol controls Texas
Heaven's Gate Area Unifier No Gate-area unifier
Yellowstone controls Gate area
Heaven's Gate controls Gate area
MacArthur controls Gate area
Mexican Unifier No Mexican unifier
Rio Grande controls Mexico
Chichen Itza controls Mexico
Nueva Aztlan controls Mexico
Zapata controls Mexico
Oregon Unifier No Oregon unifier
Troll Warren controls Oregon
Mirelurk Tribe controls Oregon
Bone Dancers controls Oregon
Nebraska Unifier No Nebraska unifier
Great Breach controls Nebraska
Nevada Unifier No Nevada unifier
Vault City controls Nevada
The Den controls Nevada
New Reno controls Nevada
Utah Unifier No Utah unifier
New Canaan controls Utah
White Legs control Utah
Eighties control Utah

AI Behavior

Rule name Affected Nations Decisions
Arroyo Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Default: Arroyo will either follow their historical path or select a random one based on the historical focus option.
Flag of Arroyo Good Karma: Arroyo will make decisions leading the Chosen One to have good karma.
Flag of Arroyo Neutral Karma: Arroyo will make decisions leading the Chosen One to have neutral karma.
Flag of Arroyo Bad Karma: Arroyo will make decisions leading the Chosen One to have bad karma.
Broken Coast Flag of Broken Coast Broken Coast Default: The Broken Coast will either follow their historical path or select a random one based on the historical focus option.
Flag of Broken Coast Graven's Rule: The Broken Coast will take steps to secure Graven's hold on power.
Flag of Broken Coast Ragnar's Power: The Broken Coast will see Ragnar usurp Graven's position as the undisputed master of the Broken Coast.
Caesar's Legion Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion Default: Caesar's Legion will either follow their historical path or select a random one based on the historical focus option.
Chichen Itza Flag of Chichen Itza Chichen Itza Default: The Chichen Itza will either follow their historical path or select a random one based on the historical focus option.
Flag of Chichen Itza Halach Uinik Carlos Franco: The Ejército will ensure that Carlos rises to power in the Chichen Itza.
Flag of Chichen Itza Ti'huun Clara Guzmán: The Chichen Itza will make decisions that lead to the Ti'huun seizing power.
Flag of Chichen Itza Kalomte Sebastián II: The Chichen Itza will follow a path to keep the Kalomte as its leader.
Costa Cafeinada Flag of Costa Cafeinada Costa Cafeinada Default: Costa Cafeinada will either follow their historical path or select a random one based on the historical focus option.
Flag of Nueva Aztlán Loyalty: Costa Cafeinada will stay loyal to the Aztlan - for now, at least.
Flag of Costa Cafeinada Independence: Costa Cafeinada will seek to break away from the Aztlan, by any means necessary.

Map Setup

Rule name Affected Nations Decisions
Eighties Flag of Eighties Eighties
Flag of Noemen Tribes Noemen Tribes
Flag of Protectron Security Hub Protectron Security Hub
Flag of Wendover Republic Wendover Republic
Flag of Eighties Default: The Eighties are whole at the start of the game
Flag of Noemen Tribes/Flag of Protectron Security Hub/Flag of Wendover Republic Broken: The Eighties are broken into their conquered states.
Mojave Chapter Flag of Mojave Chapter Mojave Chapter
Flag of State of Utobitha State of Utobitha
Flag of Mojave Chapter Default: The Mojave Chapter owns Black Mountain at the start of the game.
Flag of Mojave Chapter/Flag of State of Utobitha Black Mountain Radio: The State of Utobitha will co-exist with the Mojave Chapter on game start at Black Mountain.
Flag of State of Utobitha The State of Utobitha: The State of Utobitha will replace the Mojave Chapter on game start.
Think Tank Flag of The Think Tank The Think Tank
Flag of Mojave Chapter Mojave Chapter
Flag of Mojave Chapter Default: The Think Tank can only appear as a result of Flag of Mojave Chapter Mojave Chapter's focus tree.
Flag of The Think Tank Old World Blues: The Think Tank appears on game start.
NCR Flag of New California Republic New California Republic Flag of New California Republic Default: The NCR is whole at the start of the game.
Flag of New California Republic Broken: The NCR is broken into its break away states.
New Canaan Flag of New Canaan New Canaan
Flag of Brigham Barons Brigham Barons
Flag of Farfield Warband Farfield Warband
Flag of New Canaan Default: New Canaan is whole at the start of the game.
Flag of Brigham Barons/Flag of Farfield Warband Broken: New Canaan is split up as the Brigham Barons and the Farfield Warband.
New Vegas Flag of New Vegas New Vegas
Flag of Boomers Boomers
Flag of Jacobstown Jacobstown
Flag of New Vegas Default: New Vegas owns Nellis AFB at the start of the game.
Flag of New Vegas/Flag of Boomers Boomers: The Boomers will co-exist with New Vegas on game start at Nellis AFB.
Flag of New Vegas/Flag of Jacobstown Jacobstown: Jacobstown will co-exist with New Vegas on game start.
Flag of New Vegas/Flag of Boomers/Flag of Jacobstown Boomers & Jacobstown: Both Jacobstown and the Boomers will co-exist with New Vegas on gameIn-game spelling.
North Pole Enclave Flag of North Pole Enclave North Pole Enclave Flag of North Pole Enclave Default: The North Pole Enclave will not be on the Map.
Flag of North Pole Enclave North Pole Enclave On Map: Santa's coming to town(Puts North Pole Enclave on map above Broken Coast).
Tlalocan Flag of Tlalocan Tlalocan Flag of Tlalocan Default: Tlaloc begins the realm alive and in charge of his realm... for now.
Flag of Imperio Mexicano/Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan/Flag of Ejercito Libertador del Sur Tlaloc's Children: Tlaloc's children will replace him at the beginning of the game.
The Last Thanksgiving Flag of The Final Feast The Final Feast
Flag of Cypher Warband Cypher Warband
Flag of The Final Feast Default: The Turkey Day Will Not Happen.
Flag of The Final Feast The Final Feast Turkey Empire on Map: We're Thankful for our Fans, Huzzah.
White Legs Flag of White Legs White Legs
Flag of Frisco City Frisco City
Flag of White Legs Default: The White Legs are whole at the start of the game.
Flag of White Legs/Flag of Frisco City Broken: The White Legs will coexist with Frisco Cities at game start.

Diplomacy Rules

Jury Rigging.png "Waiting on a shipment of spit and shine!"

This page is still under construction. Information here may be inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrigible!

Event Rules

Rule name Affected Nations Decisions Effect
Flag of New California RepublicNCR Civil War Flag of New California Republic New California Republic Flag of New California Republic Allowed: The NCR Civil War will be allowed to happen if the correct conditions occur.
Flag of New California Republic Disallowed: The NCR Civil War will be disabled regardless of other game conditions.
The Death of Caesar Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion Caesar Will Die: Should The Legion take New Vegas, Caesar's surgery will fail! Damn Courier.
Caesar Will Live: Caesar's surgery will succeed.
What Am I, a Doctor?: Caesar's fate will be random.
Flag of Ka’teen Luub MayapanSynthetic Dawn Flag of Chichen Itza Chichen Itza Flag of Chichen Itza Default: The Chichen Itza have forgotten the ways of the last true Mexicans.
Flag of Ka’teen Luub Mayapan Synthetic Dawn: The Maya will be prepared to face the Synthetic Dawn.
Flag of TimekeepersA Time Lord's Visit Flag of Timekeepers Timekeepers Flag of Timekeepers Default: A certain Time Lord correctly programs his Tardis, making it to his correct destination.
Flag of Timekeepers The Doctor: A certain Time Lord fails to correctly plot his course through space-time, leading him to land in a very musty vault...
Flag of ZetansThe Zetan Invasion! Flag of Zetans Zetans Flag of Zetans Enabled: The Zetan Army lands in Area 51!
Flag of Zetans Disabled: The Zetan Star Armada chooses to wait a few centuries before launching their invasion of Earth.
Triggers the Aliens! event.
April fools kr.png April fools the kaisers return.png Flag of Caesar's Legion Caesar's Legion
Flag of Tlalocan Tlalocan
Flag of Ejercito Libertador del Sur Ejercito Libertador del Sur
Flag of Imperio Mexicano Imperio Mexicano
Flag of Excan Tlahtoloyan Excan Tlahtoloyan
Flag of Caesar's Legion Enabled: Caesar decides to take a moment to relax. Whats the worst that could happen?
Flag of Caesar's Legion Disabled: Caesar focuses on his job, he can rest after he takes the Dam.
April fools eaw.png April fools harmony and unity.png Flag of New California Republic New California Republic
Flag of Bone Dancers Bone Dancers
Flag of New California Republic Enabled: Some friendly visitors visit Shady Sands!
Flag of New California Republic Disabled: The visitors decide to go back home before causing trouble.
Triggers the Horses Destroy Shady Sands! event.
Changes the Bone Dancers Political focus tree as well as their leader The Odious King to the overpowered "nemesis" versions.
Flag of Great KhansThe Mad Baron Enabled: Khans will ride, ride to ruin and worlds ending!
Disabled: Khans know no Khan but the Khan of Khans, whose name is Papa.
Second Kemalist Revolution Enabled: Grand Vizier finds himself in a vastly different Turkey.
Disabled: Turkey? You mean like the bird? There is no way we could have a Turkey nation in the mod.
Admiral Dictator Enabled: Alexander Vasilievich finds himself in a weird place...
Disabled: Turns out it was just his fever dream.
The Eternal President Enabled: Get ready for the BBQ of all BBQ's as Kerensky breaks through time and space.
Disabled: It seems the Eternal President has decided it was better to take a nap today.
AnbennarBluesLogo.png Enabled: A Necromancer from a far away land has ripped a hole in space and time!
Disabled: Necronomics will forever remain a mystery...
Emperor Norton Enabled: Good Emperor Norton finds himself in the San FransicoIn-game spelling he's always known, sunny, lovely... irradiated?
Disabled: The Emperor never witnesses the world of Fallout. And the wasteland is forever worse for it.
The Gary Incident (April Fools 2021) Enabled: This will enable the Gary Incident
Disabled: This will disable the Gary Incident
The Texclave Is Real? (April Fools 2021) Flag of Texan Enclave Texan Enclave Enabled: Who're these guys in shiny armour?
Disabled: Texclave is a community meme at most. Get that out of here.
The Minutemen (April Fools 2021) Flag of The Minutemen The Minutemen Enabled: Preston Garvey's minutemen arrive on the East Coast, determined to carve out a place for them where none previously existed.
Disabled: April Fools content? No thank you! There's no way that is balanced...
The DK Crew vs King Kraven Enabled: The DK Crew will take over New Victoria and King K. Kraven will take over Broken Coast.
Disabled: New Victoria and Broken Coast are safe for now.

Gameplay Rules

Jury Rigging.png "Waiting on a shipment of spit and shine!"

This page is still under construction. Information here may be inaccurate, incomplete, or incorrigible!

Misc Rules

These are miscellaneous rules.

Tlaloc's Death Rattle

Enabled Disabled
Tlaloc will emit a final horrifying sound upon his death. Plays the deathscream.wav sound, when Flag of Tlalocan Tlalocan fractures. Tlaloc will not emit any audible final sounds upon his demise.

Wild Wasteland

Disabled Enabled
The Wild Wasteland game rule is used to toggle funny but strange and mostly benign circumstances across the Wasteland. By default it is off. The Wild Wasteland game rule is used to toggle funny but strange and mostly benign circumstances across the Wasteland. By default it is off.

Lone Wolf

Disabled Enabled
Army leader generation will be handled normally. All new army leaders will have Lone Wolf trait.