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The Hangdogs are a raider nation in Colorado, occupying the Pre-War city of Denver, Colorado, and the surrounding area. The Hangdogs are led by the Great Hound Master Bares-His-Teeth, ruling the nation with his war hounds.

In 2275 the Hangdogs are the largest and strongest nation in Colorado, using the old-world Industry of Denver to their advantage. The Hangdogs are a big contender for rule in Colorado, but first they need to consolidate their position, as there is a great mystery within the depths of the city. If the Hangdogs want to make Colorado their playground, they will first need to overcome this challenge.

Eventually Lanius will come to Denver, or as it is now known, Dog City, and the battle between these two nations will decide the outcome of New Mexico and Colorado.

Historical background

Old world cities are frequented by scavengers and vagabonds for their precious salvage, but only the foolish or desperate would seek to plunder Dog-City. The Hangdogs dominate the towering skyscrapers of Dog-City, watching the packs of feral dogs that stalk the streets below - training their own hounds in the art of war.

With the Legion on a rapid campaign of conquest and integration, the Hangdogs cautiously watch the south as they await the arrival of the Bull. Soon, Bull and Hound will lock horn and jaw in a battle set to define Colorado for years to come.
- Scenarios country selection screen quote

Long before 2275, the Hangdogs formally took over the city of Denver, due to their spiritual attachment and worship of the dogs of the city,[1] kicking out other groups that tried to take over the city. These groups would later reform as the Claim Jumpers and Foragers.[2] The Hangdogs managed to consolidate their position, and they became the masters of Denver, terrorizing enemies with their Dogs. Afterwards, a Brotherhood of Steel Expedition, the Maxson Expedition, came to Denver trying to make a new chapter, but they were forced out by the Hangdogs using a trap. This Expedition was nearly wiped out, but they were saved by the arrival of the neighboring tribe Scorpion's Bite.[3] Over time, word spread throughout the Wasteland of a nation ruled by Dogs in Colorado, and because of these rumors, Denver became known as Dog City.

By 2275, the Hangdogs faces the threat of Caesar's Legion, which has decided to attempt to conquer the region, utilizing Lanius's Cohort to do so.[4]



The Hangdogs starts with the following templates:

  • Milita Force (4 Militia Battalions)
  • Hangdog Battlegroup (9 Infantry Battalions with Dogs and Anti-Tank Support Companies)

The Hangdogs starts with the following divisions:

  • 10 Hangdog Battlegroups (at 100% strength)


Behind the scenes

  • The Hangdogs are based on the faction of the same name depicted in Van Buren, with the Old World Blues canon having the tribe responsible for taking over the city.


  1. Development Diary #23 (Development Diary 23: A (s)Bark of Hope): "The Hangdogs represent another chance to shine a light on Van Buren’s lore, and, in particular, Dog City. Denver in Van Buren was a fantastic source of scrap and salvage: so rich that it attracted prospectors from all the way from New California. The Hangdogs, unlike other tribes, could thrive in Denver because of their ties to the dogs of the city, who they worshipped as spirit animals and learnt to form close bonds with. The Hangdogs weren’t the only forces present in Van Buren, however: Denver was home to scrappers seeking to earn their fortune, refugees fleeing the Legion, and a rather mysterious Box."
  2. Development Diary #18 (Developer Diary 18: Van Buren's Bounty): "In Van Buren there was quite a bit of lore based around the salvagers of Denver. In Denver there was this concept known as “Claims”. Each group had their own claims - street blocks - of which they salvaged from. You were a “Claim Jumper” if you jumped from one claim to the next and ignored other people's space.In Old World Blues, the Foragers & Claim Jumpers are the remnants of the groups kicked out of Denver when the Handogs took over the city. The Claim Jumpers are led by Bombay Jack, and the Foragers led by the more respectable Porter."
  3. Development Diary #18 (Developer Diary 18: Van Buren's Bounty): "In Old World Blues the Maxson Chapter was formed to assist the Midwestern Chapter as well as help gather salvage from around the Denver area. When the Hangdogs took over Denver the brotherhood was forced to fight a losing war with the Handogs for some time, being saved by the timely arrival of the Scorpion’s Bite, giving the smaller chapter enough breathing space to fortify itself in preparation for another attack from the Hangdogs."
  4. Development Diary #23 (Development Diary 23: A (s)Bark of Hope): "As we promised last week, next week may feature something exciting. It seems Caesar is interested in this part of the world, seeking conquests from Dog City to the Alamo. Maybe next week we'll see his face at last: or maybe it will be a strange figure behind a golden mask..."