Dev Teasers

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Dev Teasers (Formerly Dev Diaries) is an Old World Blues Discord channel for developers to share Work-In-Progress concepts and showcases.


Originally a channel for showcasing Development Diaries, the Development Diaries were later relegated to Reddit posts, while Dev Teasers became an area of showcasing developer developments. With the introduction of Discord Threads in 2021, Dev Teasers expanded to incorporate individual Threads for developers to comment and potentially elaborate on fan questions and commentary.


March 10, 2017


May 27, 2017

Mechano: New Dev Diary, Dev Diary 4 out now! Click here >>>

July 22, 2017


July 28, 2017


August 4, 2017


August 7, 2017

Mechano: A high resolution image of the map after an extensive overhaul in all it's glory

September 5, 2017

Zapdude: Got some tasty screenshots of the new Legion industry update!
Don't you just love the Legion? :vaultboyglasses:
Have some bonus Mexican minor details, too

September 13, 2017

Don't you just love Colorado?
The Hangdogs were the Legion's hardest conquest for a reason... :vaultboyglasses:

October 12, 2017

Mechano: new-newest picture of the map

October 28, 2017

Chacolah: Some sneaky peeky on the Vault City historical events:

December 2, 2017


December 21, 2017

Mechano: State Counter: 735
Province Counter: 9075
Game Stability: Great!
Ports: In Lines of Code total: 309,730
Development: Full speed ahead!
I am very excited about our prospects for release, I think the mod is going to make waves, other people think of a project like this to be impossible but through an immense amount of perservation and refusal to let the project to die it has begun to come together beautifully. I'm surprised and yet honoured there's still people around here waiting for the release, hopefully it will be a worthwhile and enjoyable experience for everyone.

February 9, 2018

Zapdude: Here's some up-to-date images of the map for you all

July 21, 2018


December 25, 2018

Zapdude: Muy buenos, wastelanders! Those aren't sleigh bells ringing in your ears, they're the drums of war calling Aztlan warriors to action. On this most festive of days, are you ready to take the plunge into the mutant jungles of America's gravest mistake? As our gift to you, our community who've supported us this far, we're giving you a very special Christmas present: a jam packed Mexican dev diary!

Be sure to let us know what you think of it here, and on reddit.

May 6, 2019

Zapdude: I meant to post this here originally. Let's just pretend I didn't also post it in announcements okay? :vaultboyglasses:

July 25, 2019

Mechano: As the release of Mexico draws nearer, our talented team member @unquiet work has put together some great promotional content!

February 24, 2020

Powered Garn: Greetings, wastelanders! Do you hate numbers? Are you the kind of mutant who doesn’t know the difference between a fracture and a fractal? Well it sucks to be you then, because this dev diary is all about maths! More specifically, it’s about our soon-to-be released changes to OWB’s division designer.

Be sure to let us know what you think of it here, and on reddit.

March 7, 2020

Powered Garn: Resistance 2.0 will come with the next patch.
I will also write up a tutorial/explanation thing, or perhaps make a video about it. Depends on if I can find a mic or the energy to do that. :TECHWOKE:

June 2, 2020

Zapdude: Howdy there partners, and welcome to the Wasteland’s finest rodeo! Down here in Texas and good old Oklahoma, things work differently from the rest of the Wasteland. Oh yes, you see here we’re a fine folk, a refined folk, the kind of people who greet you with smiles and a face-full of buckshot if you even think about whipping out your tire iron. Yes, life here is simple, rustic, and downright apocalyptic...

June 8, 2020

Happy: greetings, Wastelanders! It's (just about) Tuesday again, and so you know what that means: another development diary! This weeks covers something many of you are already familiar with, but that has seen a vast rework and expansion at the hands of @iCodeBlaster Join him as he discusses the highs and lows of wasteland economies with us all.

June 16, 2020

Happy: Another week passes, and the Old World Blues team has yet more marvels from 3.0 to show off to you, Wastelanders! We promised this week's development diary would be something unexpected and exciting. Indeed, it's a journey back to our namesake. Without further ado, I present Dev Diary 13: Old World Blues

June 23, 2020

Happy: howdy, partner! Today we ride through the Texan wastelands, and stop to feed out steed in the mighty trade town of Lone Star. A trading powerhouse, Lone Star has a strong industry and a sprawling capital. Can it survive the coming storm? Here's a flavour of Lone Star in Dev Diary 14: The Lone Star in the Wasteland

June 30, 2020

Happy: Buenas Tardes, Wastelanders! This week, as hinted at by the team over the past week, we're going to be looking at some changes to a much beloved nation in Mexico. Yes, that's right: it's time for the Silver Fox himself to get a focus tree, closely tied in with the Legion Rework and the massive caps overhaul. So join us in Development Diary 15: The Silver Fox of Mexico

July 7, 2020

Happy: you know what time it is, Wastelanders! Some colourful characters in Mexico have more than a slight interest in the goings-on of Texas, and so this week we're going to be exploring may who come a-conquering across the Rio Grande. Come join us for Dev Diary 16: The Menaces of Mexico

July 14, 2020

Powered Garn:

July 21, 2020

Happy: on this week's episode of things that weren't part of the 3.0 brief but we decided to rework anyway, that's right - it's Colorado! Van Buren provides rich, if sometimes confused and outlandish, lore for the region: lore that one of our incredibly developers @Zusk has been looking into. Come join us Wastelanders, as we dive into Dev Diary 18: Van Buren's Bounty

July 28, 2020

Happy: another week comes and goes, and alas all we seem to do is keep coding. In this week's development diary, we're going to be diving into two systems that were introduced in 2.1, but we promised at the time would receive significant overhauls in the future. Well: here's a taste of those overhauls! Join us as we do some chems and take some slaver.

Er, what? We don't do chems! Let's just get into Dev Diary 19: Don't Try This At Home

August 4, 2020

Happy: we've had some fun variety in our development diaries over the last weeks, and this week is no exception! Today, we'll be diving into some of the rewriting @T the light tank has done for a beloved Mexican AI. Through T's writing, you'll be taken on a story of grief and wrath, as Santa Anna tries to grapple with his father's demise. Join us, Wastelanders, for Dev Diary 20: Grief Drives You Mad

August 11, 2020

Happy: it's the moment you've been waiting for, Wastelanders! Well, one of the two moments. In this week's development diary, we take a look at the military powerhouse of Texas - the Texan Brotherhood. From humble foundations, the Texas Chapter has thrived through its alliance with the Texas Rangers. Every citizen of the Brotherhood knows how to use a gun, and is ready to defend their home at a moment's notice. It's just a shame the state is almost broke...

Join us over on Reddit for Dev Diary 21: Yeehaw!

August 18, 2020

Happy: as we continue our tantalising circle towards Caesar himself, this week's dev diary focuses in on the Navajo. While they were but a minor before 3.0, in the upcoming update they will interact heavily with the reworked Caesar's Legion? How, you might ask? Well, come join us on Reddit where we spoil some of the beans in Dev Diary 22: The Story of the People

August 25, 2020

Happy: Van Buren has a difficult history with Fallout fans and its cannon, with many of its finder details coming contradictory to later cannon lore. However, that doesn't mean we can't still do our damndest to represent some of the many and various stories that VB gives rise to. One of these, Hangdogs, has a long history in our mod, and in this week's development diary we'll be exploring the wonderful work @The Colonel has done for them in 3.0. So hop on over to the Reddit, and join us for Dev Diary 23: A (s)Bark of Hope

August 27, 2020

Happy: a very special out-of-season treat for you tonight! We're going all the way back to Dev Diary 13 (aptly named Old World Blues), in which we didn't show off much of the Mojave Brotherhood's tree because the localisation wasn't yet complete. Well, it is now, so we thought it only fair to let you have a look!
(open the original in your browser, you won't see much otherwise!)
Also what can I say, @Zusk likes them tall and skinny

September 1, 2020

Happy: last week we discussed one of the handful of non-cannon fallout games: Van Buren. In this week's development diary, we'll be talking about another two: Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel and Brotherhood of Steel 2. While you may have heard some odd things about the games, you've probably not played them: luckily for you, however, we'll be exploring them in the Texas update. Of particular note amongst the various characters in the two games is Attis, a Supermutant general keen to show Super Mutants' true strength. In F:BoS1, the protagonist (a lowly Brotherhood initiate) killed Attis before he could spawn legions of new Super Mutants, and Attis's army shattered. Pieces of it remained, however - pieces the joy that is @Zusk has today explored for you in Dev Diary 24: Attis's Legacy! Come join us :))

September 8, 2020

Happy: in the rugged terrain of Colorado, there lives a Goddess. Her beauty is beyond comparison, and her wisdom surpasses all those who call the Wasteland their home. Her name is Diana, and her tribe the Twin Mothers. From her Nursery, Diana would subvert the residents of Vault 29 into worshipping her, as she intended to continue her ambitions centuries after she became one with the ZAX. However, the Wasteland is a cruel master, and Diana has but a small tribe. Join us on Reddit to explore how she can, and cannot, make her way in the Wasteland as @Zusk brings you another week of fun in Dev Diary 25: Paradise

September 15, 2020

Happy: once upon a time, there was a man called Edward Sallow. Well educated and a born-and-raised Follower of the Apocalypse, Sallow was a talented linguist and one of the Wasteland's brightest minds. After reading books of the great Julius Caesar in the back of a cart on the way to his first Followers posting, Sallow's life was forever changed when he was captured by the Blackfoot tribe: alongside his fellow Follower Bill Calhoun and the Canaanite Joshua Graham. Despite the objections of Calhoun, Sallow offered his services to the Blackfoot: teaching them tactics and drilling them into shape. The Blackfoot, at war with seven tribes and hopelessly outnumbered, accepted Sallow as their unlikely warchief. From the first tribe to fall, the Ridgers, to the eighty-sixth, the Twisted Hairs, Sallow led his men to victory after victory, employing ruthlessly brutal tactics and erasing the identities of every tribe he conquered from history. In their place Sallow proclaimed his Rome, and himself the new Caesar: a twisted mockery of the empire he had read about long ago.

Now, the year is 2275. Caesar stands at the shores of his Rubicon: the Colorado river. By his side stand his loyal generals: Vulpes, Aurelius, Lucius and the Malpais Legate Joshua Graham, ready to execute his every command. At the back of his head, a dull throb of pain grows. How will you shape Caesar's path? Come join us for Dev Diary 26: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered
Lanius. His name is whispered among the Legionnaires and slaves across the Empire. All know of his conquests, and all know of his glory. Far to the east, Lanius serves Mars and Caesar with ruthless perfection. Far to the east, Lanius shall set Texas free. Far to the east, Lanius amasses tribute to aid his Caesar's conquests. No matter Caesar's orders, Lanius obeys. One day, he shall turn west: and California shall know his fury...

We promised Lanius' story in the next dev diary, but it seems he cannot be stopped. See how you can guide his conquests in Dev Diary 27: All Exist to Test the Strength of the Legion

September 20, 2020

Zusk: - - -
As you can see, #dev_diaries is now #dev_teasers! This is a small change, but now any developer can post into here. This way if developers want to post small, single image teasers they can do it in one place rather then posting in #anouncemeents or #general.
For server subscription purposes, if you only want the major dev diaries, anouncements and flavor fridays then you can subscribe to #anouncements - otherwise, for smaller posts you can look here.
- - -
To start us off, ill post something small.
This is a recreation of the original render used in Interplay's original logo, seen in Fallout 1 and 2 - with Interplay replaced with Clauswitz, HoI4's internal engine.
:pencil: :CUTEY_ONI: Aquila asked: Is Maxson bunker actually unique or is it kind of generic?

Glad you asked! The Maxson Chapter is going to have a small sub-branch of the main Brotherhood Generic tree that Washington Brotherhood and the old Mojave Chapter tree use.
Its mostly to establish their flavor, since a lot of it had to be rewritten from what existed in Van Buren as well as to give some fun off-map teases...

September 22, 2020

Happy: I've not shown off much of the inner-workings of the Mojave Territory, since they were still in a rather WIP state at the time of the Old World Blues Dev Diary that showed them off. So to treat you all, I present a snapshot of the Mojave Territory's three unique decision systems: War is Not an Independent Phenomenon. The Mojave Territory is weak, especially compared to the Bull and House's Securitrons, but by calling on the resources of the NCR itself they have at least a shot at keeping pace. Be careful though: if you ask too much of the NCR, or expose the Campaign's true horrors to the NCR's population back home, you might find that support for your military occupation quickly evaporates...

September 23, 2020

Happy: :pencil: :wokenth: Theranis asked: Are all 3 of the new formables coming in 3.0? Also, did we ever get a teaser for the fiends one?

I actually realised the only teaser of the three nations that won the poll was for The Cause, our friends from Fallout: Extreme who'll rough it out with the Washington Brotherhood. That leaves the Old Country and the Fiends unteased, so here's one for you now...

Should you be able to fend off the imperialist NCR troopers and House's Securitrons, the Fiends will finally be able to embraced the motor engine and sell their drugs far and wide. It won't be easy, however...
With the entire Mojave under their thumb, Motor City will make serious caps...

Zusk: :bee:

September 24, 2020

Faeelin: Rio stands firm against the Norteamericanos!
The Cherokee also have thoughts

September 26, 2020

Shoggi: Not every place in the wasteland is filled with raiders and beasts trying to murder you. There are still some places of learning around.... that are also filled with raiders and beasts trying to murder you. Well, sometimes you got to work for an education.

Wtchappell: Already working on post 3.0 content - all things in time.

September 28, 2020

Alexander: Your favorite furbaby is ready to rock'n'roll the Mojave.

The Colonel: The Old World Wall will be Caesar's

September 30, 2020

Powered Garn:

October 1, 2020


October 2, 2020

Zusk: New main menu lobby buttons in 3.0! :pepeJAMMER:
Nothing else to be seen here.

Powered Garn:

Shoggi: what is this for? who knows?

October 3, 2020

Powered Garn:
WIP obviously

Faeelin: Texas is fine, but have you heard of Los Estados Unidos?

October 4, 2020

Zusk: New difficulty names + flavor text in 3.0.

October 5, 2020

Powered Garn:

October 6, 2020

Faeelin: This isn't me actually

October 7, 2020


The Colonel: We did it boys we passed Caesar’s test... wait a minute wasn’t this supposed to be someone else

Powered Garn:

October 8, 2020

Powered Garn:

Zusk: In 3.0, for some countries slave collars will be used as enforcer equipment.

October 9, 2020

Zusk: :flag_owb_vlt: Vault City :flag_owb_vlt:
Spot the difference between 2.1 and 3.0 :ZuskHole:

October 10, 2020

Faeelin: Not as good as some of the other stuff posted but I am easily amused

October 12, 2020

Powered Garn:

Zusk: Got something a little more technical today - going to frame this as more of a work in progress post, rather then a Look at this content you will see in 3.0 post!

Considering that, I would love if you would send me feedback on this.. Essentially: What I am thinking for 3.0 is to change the layout of the Western Brotherhood & Shi.

*Giving western brotherhood the territories between their two main territories helps both the AI, a NCR player and a brotherhood player fight 'fun wars' in that area. Dealing with multiple tiny frontlines was often more headache then it was worth - especially considering how splitting up BoS's territory like that impacted supply.

*BoS's tree is getting some changes as well. To compensate them getting this extra core territory on game start they are losing their war goals on Umbra. ( They can still take the Arroyo one, they just have to border them first - IE, through a player made War Goal. ). The territory they gained on start is more valuable then they lost from Umbra regardless, so its a net positive for them.

*Shi now starts larger and is actually leaned towards siding with the NCR, rather then the Brotherhood. ( Lore justification of this being the San Francisco-Shady Sands cultural exchange mentioned in Van Buren. ).
This is done partly to ensure that the NCR gets a 'consistent buddy'. With the Legion starting with two strong puppets the NCR was kind of hurt due to the fact that a lot of their factional allies can be 'swingy' - Steel Rangers and New Reno mainly.
In addition, this will help give Shi a fun and reasonable war they can fight in - since if the NCR-Brotherhood war starts up again the Shi can lean to take some territory off of the Brotherhood!

( Its worth noting that the above changes will not reflect the NCR and the Brotherhood in 3.1. This is merely how California will work for 3.0 until then. )

October 14, 2020

Powered Garn:

Faeelin: You can't eat all of the hot dogs, after all . . .

ICodeMaster: Fuck it
You all will see it on saturday probably, and I don't enjoy the poopy picture floating around of it
tree not indicative of final product at all :TECHWOKE:

Zusk: Fae's little post reminded me we could do this.

Ill go ahead and retrofit some of the old focus trees benefits to apply to specific unit types now :ok_hand:
( We will localize these strings before launch )

October 15, 2020

Faeelin: Thanks to @iCodeBlaster and @Zusk 's great work, El Generalissimo will come for Texas by land, sea, and air!

Alexander: Ok lads and gals. Our operatives have intercepted a cypher which we can assume was sent from somewhere on the Vegas Strip:


Hints will be thrown once in a while until it is cracked or less than 12 hours till the dev-stream remain.
It is encrypted with more than one code;
Two letters of the PNG image are in caps;
He who wields the _______ is the key;
Community Finds:
First Layer is Navajo Code;
Imgur png;

The code has been cracked and it revealed:
Congrats to @[RodSquad] Supersonic Spaghetti for being the first one.

Powered Garn:

October 16, 2020


Happy: owobowos

Dev relations deteriorate quickly as the release date draws closer

Zusk: Newly coming in 3.0: Wild Wasteland!

This is mostly going to be the toggle that, in the future the Old World Blues team will use to put extra silly content into the mod. Unlike the other more wacky game rules this one won't feature as blatantly overpowered content - so feel free to toggle it on when playing with friends if you want to mess around!
Don't want to reveal everything in it - but I can show off this:
A little treat in the :flag_owb_bos: Western Brotherhood tree!

October 17, 2020

Zusk: Maxson Chapter leader!
The Courier: "This road leads nowhere. There's nothing in the Divide."

Ulysses: "Many in the Mojave think the Divide's nothing but canyon and storm. Wasn't always. There was life, a town, farther West... not talking about an Old World town like Hopeville... more recent. Something you saw in your lifetime. It had the name "the Divide," too. But rather than cracks in the earth, it was a road from the West into the Mojave, a supply line. Took a Courier to make that road. You. Back then, you saw the road with eyes facing East. This time... the Divide's in the other direction. And if your eyes try to make sense of it when you reach it... home's not what it was."
Tiny :brain: Think Tank :brain: Teaser, due to all of the :BabyRage: in chat today.
Aaand one more..

October 19, 2020

Powered Garn:

October 20, 2020


October 21, 2020

Zusk: Always frustrated me how Hidden Valley had more MP as a state then Lost Hills.

Shudderfly: why did zusk put this on my branch wtf

ICodeMaster: guess the nation

October 22, 2020

Happy: :musical_note:

It was the night before release
and all through the house
not a dev was messing around
not even with Mr House


Wtchappell: IN CASE OF ATTACK: Tune your AM radio dial to 640 or 1240 for official information.

Happy: 3.0 testing enters its final stretch...

October 23, 2020

Zusk: In 3.0 - I have some hidden stuff that I haven't teased yet.

When people start posting about em ill pop it into here. :ZuskHole:

Shawniepie: In Memory of the 3.0 Tester team. Love all of you :heart:

October 24, 2020

Happy: I've been promising to give y'all a full map pic for ages: here it is!

October 25, 2020

Zusk: As we move on from 3.0 and towards bug fixing and future content production its time that you guys will get a chance to see the new attitude the OWB team is taking!

For the last few years - 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 - we have had a mindset of keeping content releases to these massive patches and not having much inbetween. Now, by this point the team has grown large enough where we do not have to do that!
What will that mean for you all? It means that you will start to see the occasional intermittent content release every now and then, to help keep OWB fresh inbetween these massive releases.

As a part of this new attitude here is a little teaser of something you can expect pretty soon. A focus tree for the Last Patrol!

MrBlazzar: For the next patch and future versions we'll be adding the Mod Version number to the main menu so you can know if you are running the latest version of the mod without booting into the game and checking the pipboy!

ICodeMaster: @Ribilino

Indyclone77: I'm not dead yet! (Polishing Generic Ideas)

ICodeMaster: chugging along some more caps QOL features!
Now see how much your routes earn at a glance!

October 27, 2020

ICodeMaster: Last major change to caps UI for 3.0.3
Preview caps sent and received from a route
one more, removing double routes here and adding value gained
importantly, if you send it internally it counts for both!!

October 28, 2020

4l3x4nd3r: DISCLAIMER: Pictures are work in progress

Enjoy a little taste of the Chinese Ghouls struggle in Northern Colorado, curtesy of @Lord Militus

October 31, 2020

Powered Garn:
Very much WIP, but this is going to be a very fun shift regarding doctrines.

November 1, 2020

Faeelin: since folks wanted more scientific vehicles, I give you the new and improved 80s

November 3, 2020

Powered Garn:

November 5, 2020

4l3x4nd3r: I do wonder, what would happen if House collected them all...

25x the performance :race_car:
NEW (real though this time

November 7, 2020

Zusk: Big changes incoming to Lanius's Cohort in the near future.
The biggest of which? Working on the balance needed in order to remove the East-West Legion Faction.

In the future Caesar will be able to call in Lanius using the same ruleset that other faction members follow.

For some design context: We added this in mostly as a way that we could justify Lanius having a super strong tree - since it meant that we could design the Legion effectively as two seperate power bases. With 3.0 Lanius's current balance if he was called freely into any of Caesar's wars the Legion would simply just be too powerful.

November 9, 2020

Powered Garn:

November 11, 2020

Powered Garn:
Areas marked with red contain changes
- Decreased manpower usage from 60 to 40
- Decreased supply usage from 0.25 to 0.2
- Increased weight from 1 to 3, weight is the need for convoys when transporting.
- Increased production costs by about 90% for all tanks, scrap to 60 from 32
- Halfed the amount of tanks needed per unit, to 10 from 20
- Increased reliability of all tanks to 95% from 80%

November 15, 2020

Powered Garn:
# Wip, the potatoe might change

November 17, 2020

Powered Garn:
Warforms got buffed excessively, to perhaps make them maybe not really worth it.
Almost doubled recovery rate to 0.5 from 0.3
Increased Org from 30 to 100
Reduced combat width from 5 to 4
Reduced manpower usage from 50 to 25
Increased base supression from 4 to 8
Increased HP, meaning how many losses they take due to fighting from 5 to 50

Gave them a 25% boost to soft, hard attack and defense
Gave them a 20% boost to breakthrough.

The events remain as punishing as before. Try at your own risk. Dropping with 3.2

ICodeMaster: mysterious new button in the forgotten ledger that you click on accidentally when trying to core

November 19, 2020

Faeelin: In 3.2, the Hand's Warband will be focused less on merging with the Legion, and more focused on uniting Texas under their banner. Long live the Tyranny!
Here, one more and I'll stop

November 23, 2020

Powered Garn: A lil something

ICodeMaster: More QOL stuff:

Faeelin: The Brotherhood should not have said we look like jerks. They look like jerks!

November 27, 2020

Powered Garn:

November 28, 2020

Powered Garn:
In 3.2 you can actually see how many nukes you have.
And using them adds the exhausted order trait for a set amount of days, based on the duration of the ability.
Which means that you can't use any other order until said trait is gone
No more stacking nukes and force attack.

November 29, 2020

Powered Garn:

December 2, 2020

MrBlazzar: Some people have been asking for this for a long time. Soon it shall exist :TECHWOKE:

December 7, 2020

Powered Garn:

December 12, 2020

Powered Garn:

We've seen the issues from some users with lower then 1080p monitor resolution having troubles with how the technology tabs don't all display on your screens. We've heard you and present the solution! Coming in the next patch.

December 14, 2020

Faeelin: from @Lord Militus , a strange name for a communist sympathizer:
With the upcoming North Colorado communist trees we introduce a faction system for them as seen in a previous system.
Weakening and ultimately destroying them will be a quicker and safer option, yet the rewards for befriending them should be kept in mind before you choose which way to go!
Keep an eye out for another teaser this week about Hexie Lu and Doushou Lu's faction system.

December 16, 2020

Powered Garn:

December 17, 2020

Powered Garn:

December 23, 2020

Faeelin: Because people keep yelling at me, pour one out for El Generalissmo's starting fleet.

December 29, 2020

Powered Garn:
240 planes vs 40 planes
Before and after
Going to reduce the amount of CAS that can actively contribute to a fight, this is going to make quality ten times more valuable than quantity now for close air support

January 3, 2021

Happy: Happy Sunday, Wastelanders! Rather than writing my essays, as I should be doing, instead I present y'all with the first post-3.0 Development Diary. In today's post, I talk about the newest system I've implemented for y'all: Project Exodus

Project Exodus is a comprehensive overhaul of @Mechano's age-old decimation system, an anti-snowball mechanic, and also its expansion to also cover refugees! The wasteland is now going to be much more exciting and dynamic come 3.2.

@everyone should come on over to the Reddit and join me for Dev Diary 28: Project Exodus - Refugees, Decimation and Dynamicism

January 17, 2021

Powered Garn: Going to be a different kind of teaser. Buut, mood music for 4.0 tech adjustments.
Stats are not final. But for those that were wondering.

January 23, 2021

Powered Garn:

February 8, 2021

Powered Garn:

February 14, 2021

Powered Garn:

February 15, 2021

Powered Garn:

February 16, 2021

Faeelin: Vault City has gained many new citizens since the days of the Chosen One, and among them is Chad Rannor! Once a private military contractor, Citizen Sergeant Rannor shows why Lynnette was wise to take another look at the outside world. Too bad he still has to work for a living.

February 18, 2021

Powered Garn:

February 19, 2021

Powered Garn:
# This tech also makes logistics units require vehicle equipment
While vehicles are 4.0 work, this is a little 3.2 teaser. Let's see how many people get what this actually means.

Happy: Developers work hard at producing the next update to the smash-hit "Old World Blues", a mod for Hearts of Iron IV, 2021 (Colorized)

February 21, 2021

Zusk: I have been in Lanius-Hell for the last two months during development of the Lanius rework, but I have some little things to share!

The Legion conscription laws are now easier to upgrade then before, while before they required war now they can be upgraded while at war, or after a certain date has passed. This should help prevent nations like CES from feeling like they have to bank political power for their minor wars before the NCR one ( While still giving them an advantage if they use their resources well, since it means they can upgrade their law quicker. )

Faeelin: One of the many plans in Project Plowshare was to use nuclear weapons to build a canal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Obviously, during the American occupation of Mexico, the Corps of Engineers finally fulfilled this dream, unconcerned by things like the Clean Air and Water Act...

February 27, 2021

Zusk: Not doing a huge amount of work for Shale's Army, Ironmongers and Unity of Austin in 3.2; But with the update their trees will see a little polishing to remove some of the regular weirdness that comes about with there and make playing with, or against them more fun.

Here's a commonly suggested little nugget I put in; A little focus branch for a certain secret leader...

March 1, 2021

Powered Garn: I should not be doing this, because it's far too far in the future, buuut.
Also, still WIP

March 2, 2021

Zusk: In 3.2..
Black Sun are GONE
Pree F to pay respects for :flag_owb_bsu:
- - - - -

Pretty much the gist of it is that Black Sun were a bit of a bit of a simple, no effort war for Lanius - which felt weird that late into their tree. By beefing up Sun Dogs Lanius gets a bit more even of a difficulty curve leading up to the Hangdogs war.
That in tandem with the fact that Black Sun was non canon and hadn't had its lore updated since pre-2.0.

Happy: The first of a new wave of flavour events, decisions and ideas I'm planning to bring to you with 3.2 comes for the Shoshone Nation.

The idea, originally pitched to me by @Rhacius, is the first of many"quest decisions" I'll add to the game, aiming on giving lots of nations non-focus driven goals to achieve.

Feel free to contribute more ideas with the doc I dropped in #announcements!
Someone used the new flavour suggestion doc (which I'm slowly working through!) to comment on Danish-American groups on the West Coast. While Danish-American groups are mostly integrated across America, there's actually a sizable minority of Danish-Americans in Utah! It seems many of them survived the apocalypse, but New Canaan doesn't appear to have quite worked out what a Denmark is...

March 3, 2021

Zusk: As part of the Alamo and Texan Super Mutant Changes, gave a look to Unity of Austin.
Some people have been asking for a "Independent Union of Austin" path for a while, instead of just forcing you to be integrated.

( A little technical: Savvy' viewers might also notice that the capstones have been simplified a little, rather then being as obtuse as they were.
For Unity of Austin and Ironmongers to go down later in your tree to your deeper capstone focuses you just need to have Shale gone to do so, rather then needing that you own the entire region. This means that, for example, if Carbon or Los annex Shale early then the mutant war is bypassed entirely and won't happen!

This should help to add more variance to the region in how it plays out if Shale messes up. )

March 8, 2021

Zusk: Here is a little more of a technical balance teaser related to some miscellaneous Twin Mothers focus tree tuning coming in 3.2. I know that some people appreciate this more technical stuff so I figured I would throw them a bone too!

The Tribal Tech Tree is gone for them. I put that into their tree at February 2020, before the tribal tree had even been formally developed yet! I had presumed it would be smaller-scale, tribal themed buffs. Its benefits turned out to be scaled too ridiculously when coupled with implants and advanced infantry tech. Since the implant tree is more rare then the tribal one I chose to cut the tribal tree, rather then implants from Twin Mothers.

Speaking of implants; they are now slightly harder to get for Twin Mothers. The focus that enables them now requires Robobrains, in addition to its other requirements. This should reduce the pace that a Twin Mother player is able to get an early rollout of Implants, but ensures that its still relatively the same when its on the field.

Twin Mothers now start with 3 research slots, but get an additional one at the end of their DNA path through a new focus! This is another step in attempt to curb Twin Mothers early game strength and try to push them more into being a late bloomer sort of nation.

Its not all nerfs though!

DNA is much more accessible then it was before. DNA being removed from mutually exclusive paths where it is ( Radscorpion and Wanamingo DNA ) and being brought over to non-exclusive paths, partly to ensure that you aren't locked out of the chance to get DNA easily.

Its still a little too early to talk about Twin Mothers political tree, which had to be redone a bit due to how much Lanius changed in this update. Its not really a huge overhaul for them, just some tweaks to ensure that the tree makes sense with Lanius's new design.

Faeelin: I have heard your pleas, and in 3.2, conquering Vegas will not automatically save Caesar! Note that everyone in the Legion will lose glory if you pick this option, however. . . .

March 12, 2021

Zusk: A little change in 3.2; The Reservation starts in the Legion faction, as a equal partner - rather then the puppet status that the other two Legion members have.
This is to reflect the deep trading relationship between the Reservation and Legion in Van Buren.

Technical: If you are wondering - no Reservation focus tree at the moment! The Navajo tree is going to be fairly unchanged - if you go with the 'War with the Reservation' route it will simply kick the Reservation from the faction.

March 14, 2021

Powered Garn:

March 15, 2021

Faeelin: Coming in 3.2, the TAA tree will have a bit of flavour if they are a puppet of Rosado.

March 20, 2021

Powered Garn:

March 21, 2021


March 31, 2021


Powered Garn:

April 1, 2021

Powered Garn: for those that wondered what those imense stats from the earlier teaser where about. Here is the answer.

April 5, 2021

Happy: Hey folks! Your irregular Happy is (ironically) never happy with the systems she creates teaser here. Yep, you guessed it, I'm not completely satisfied with how Exodus has turned out after listening to lots of fun feedback.

So, I've made it about 16 times as good. How? Well, the system has been morphed a little, and now refugees flee from states to nations. This both reduces the number of calculations somewhat, and makes the system much more transparent.

When refugees flee to your nation, they now join your Unassimilated Refugee Pool rather than moving directly to your civilian population. Over time, you'll passively assimilate a portion of the pool: this portion is modified by techs, laws and ideas.

Moreover, when population assimilates it will now spread evenly over your controlled core states, meaning there'll be much less clumping in state capitals. Similarly, should a nation be annexed while it still has Unassimilated Refugees the refugees will be considered scattered and disappear. This means you can't ping-pong refugees across the wastes after taking states in quick succession.

I'm also working on a set of decisions to allow you to spend caps and/or political power to quickly integrate a portion of your pool, if you're in a tough spot and need manpower. It'll be with you in the next hotfix!

April 7, 2021

4l3x4nd3r: Following the departure of one of our dearest community members to the big lake, we've chosen to include the option to simply get him back.
Fair Winds and Following Seas @[FlowerPower]Sentinel "The Bear" !
~ Humbly Signed, Old World Blues Dev Team

April 12, 2021

Happy: Hey @everyone! It’s not been too long since we release 3.2, but we’re back on the Reddit to give you so more insights into what’s on our pipeline. Today, @unquiet work looks at what we’ll be bringing to 3.3: Down Mexico Way. Head on over to the Reddit to read the full diary, Wastelanders - we hope you’re already excited!

April 22, 2021

ⵢkip: some fresh new namelists for your immersion needs :happycrab:

April 25, 2021

Powered Garn:

April 26, 2021

Faeelin: From @KAA the Wise, who shall be true to Caesar?

May 2, 2021


May 3, 2021

Powered Garn:
"WIP, by Militus" -Militus

May 7, 2021

Powered Garn: Hype

June 11, 2021

Zusk: In 4.0, I am doing quite a bit of AI work behind the scenes to improve how the AI of specific countries picks and creates templates, research technology and decks itself out. Ultimately with the end result of helping the AI play a better performance where it needs to, be a bit less of a pushover, and play to their strengths where they need to.
Rather then focus on general back-end changes for every nation, I am framing these under the guise of coding the AI of specific nations. For example; in 4.0 Troll Warren will more accurately build Behemoth divisions to its force limit to take advantage of the special forces limit changes that came in 3.3.

Expect, in particular, for 4.0 for most of the major participants of the NCR-Legion war to receive expanded AI work to help improve their ability to make meaningful templates that take advantage of their individual national spirits to the best of their abilities, rather then just outfitting templates based on their doctrine.

This is something that is a bit harder to reflect with a screenshot, so instead I will post a fun little piece of Fallout trivia.

Did you know that there was an Unoffical Fallout Choose Your Own Adventure Game? Its from the Siberian newspaper "Komok". Its still playable in browser to this day! Although you will need google translate, or to play it in chrome if you don't read Russian :flag_ru:

June 13, 2021

Faeelin: All numbers are subject to balance, of course.

Happy: no context Happy-posting

June 18, 2021


June 24, 2021

Happy: A rising heartbeat. The tremble of fear. A new story unfolds at your fingertips.

(EDIT: the use of Hellfire in the teaser has no link to the awesome submod of the same name - that’s pure coincidence and will be tweaked :birbscoot:)

July 6, 2021


July 8, 2021

KAAwise: “Earth, 2275. Mostly harmless."

A new teaser from @McGebe, Militus' Little Aid!

July 12, 2021


July 16, 2021

KAAwise: It always bugged me how quite advanced slave collars were tribal level. Now, thanks to @Meld's discarded account's help, we will have both tiers of enforcer's equipment for slaver countries. (P. S. if you have any ideas about a better name for the first level, ping me with them)

July 17, 2021

KAAwise: # UPD. After looking on more than dozen name suggestions, I've decided to use Slaver Shackles. Thanks for help!

July 20, 2021

KAAwise: @Rhacius never forget. - Meld :SuperMutantSmirk:

July 24, 2021

Happy: It's going to be a long day...

July 25, 2021

Happy: ...or is it?


July 27, 2021

Shoggi: are these two teasers related? probably

August 3, 2021

Zusk: And now for something completely different

August 4, 2021

Faeelin: From @McGebe, Militus' Little Aid , did you know that in 2276, Colorado will be 400 years old? Neither did he!

August 5, 2021

Freddy: I owed TNTDragon and a few others a teaser for quite a while now. However, it comes with a caveat. The other 2 teaser images are in a short questionnaire about what you'd like to see from OWB's UI team.

Thread: OWB Main Menu Teaser

Note: This was the first Dev Teaser to utilize the Discord Threads feature.

August 7, 2021

Freddy: Results are in. There will be one big UI update, once a large majority of the work is complete. We will be going with a more unified, single artstyle. This does mean a rework of some of the art that's already been done, including what's above, but I think this is for the better. You guys were about 50/50 on this, but given how big of a deal it is I think that everything working as one unit will be for the better. We will also be changing the layout of the UI - not major changes, but you may for example be able to navigate to the coring screen or caps trade menu from the politics screen.

Thanks for your feedback!

August 9, 2021

Soviet Cyber:

Thread: What’s Stagnant Diplomacy For Anyway?

August 13, 2021

Faeelin: Some people miss Tandi's restrictive laws, but a free society is a prosperous society.

Thread: Defending Kimball is R13

August 14, 2021

Faeelin: There's been a lot of discussion about how to handle Hoover Dam. We originally did a random event, which, for obvious reasons, was frustrating to players since it put control of the dam to random chance. One of the common suggestions was to replace it with a border war, because hey, wasn't Hoover Dam a border war, kind of?

This ran into the problem that border wars are are great idea with room for improvement in HOI4. For one thing, they are very much about the meta for your units, which means that the Legion, due to its individually better divisions, usually wins in the hands of a player. And of course the NCR and Vegas have no role to play.

So what to do? @Happy and @LimonenZitrone have been working on an idea for 4.0, where the Legion, NCR, and Mojave Territories face off in a new GUI system.

Some of the details are being worked out, but this is essentially a rock papers scissor system. Both sides will be able to affect the other parties' options at certain key points. This will also generally be weighted to an NCR victory, but that doesn't mean the Legion will always lose.

Thread: The First Rock Paper Scissors Battle at Hoover Dam

August 23, 2021


Thread: Experiment Log 04032 - Eleven - Lab Discussion

September 1, 2021

Faeelin: @Shoggi, Obscurer of Secret Paths and I have been cooking up some fun stuff for 4.0's vault city rework.

September 3, 2021

Faeelin: I hate coding civil wars so, so much. This will be a rare occurrence absent a game rule or the player choosing to explore it.

September 5, 2021

Faeelin: @Lord Militus is taking applications to a new vault, coming soon!

September 21, 2021

Soviet_Cyber: Ad Victoriam.

September 29, 2021

Faeelin: A fun example of feedback from our testers; in 4.0, Lynette was going to be the candidate who pushed for Vault City to align with the NCR. AI Lynette will still pursue this path, but she'll also have the ability to pursue a cooperative path with Reno and others. (But join the NCR, they need your help)
The promised Lanius puppet path for 4.0 takes shape...

October 2, 2021

Zusk: Hey! Wanted to show off something fun I am doing in 4.0.

In a upcoming update, Raiders will have a unique coring mechanic! When they core a state as normal they will also Ransack it. Ransacking a state damages the infrastructure in a state, and gives you things in turn!

Included in this image is a few examples of the system in action, from leader modifiers to some hooks in legacy focus trees!

Let me know what you think

Thread: Raider Ransack Coring System

October 4, 2021

Faeelin: I wanted to show this mostly as a fun example of how the team could come together. As some of you know, the NCR's gone through a few different iterations over the course of 4.0, from a system where the Republic would start divided to its current, largely unitary form. This has also affected how the NCR's Election of 2278 would play out.

At one point, we were simply going to do a scripted localization like the Glory Mechanic for the Legion. But that doesn't reflect work, because the Legion is an armed warband, and the NCR is special..

Indeed, the NCR may be a bit different from what you're used to. There are no chieftains, town bosses, kings, or dictators here. Their leaders are elected by the people! That's right -- every state has the right to send representatives to the Hall of Congress. These representatives select the President and Vice-President to head the council and it is their advice which guides the President's decisions.

To that end, pursuant to a new GUI that @Soviet_Cyber and @CGS whipped up, two of three potential candidates will compete in the presidential election. But candidates' campaign promises will affect what other states support. For example, Hayes's support for an income tax will cause the barons to rally to Kimball.

(We won't be showing the GUI until close to release or until release, but I will say CGS was kind enough to include compatibility for a certain candidate from Nevada in a submod).

Thread: To the Republic!

October 7, 2021

MrBlazzar: You lot usually don't see me in this channel but I've got something I want to show you today. I've been working on, what I would call, a quality of life improvement/mod integration.

This time we will be integrating the "Custom map Modes" mod from our very own @iCodeBlaster as well as I expanded on the already available mapmodes he's created: Countries, Stability, War support, and State Factory Count and added a few extras including a Coring Status(name subject to change) map mode!

The custom gui can be opened from the drop down menu located next to the logistics button your already all know about and use, hopefully.

The Coring Status(name subject to change) allows you to core DIRECTLY from this new custom map as well as know all the requirements to being able to core a state! It's a very exciting thing as the amount of actual mechanics this map mode gui can do is rather large.

This feature is coming in a future update as we refine and polish it along adding more map modes. If you have ideas for more map modes please make a detailed post in #suggestions.

I'll leave you with a screenshot of a example of Caesar's Legion looking to core a state with the new map mode gui.

Thread: If only I had a map

October 12, 2021

Faeelin: @Tar recently joined the team as a writer, but they've been kind enough to work on some other material as well. In the attached screenshot, you'll see a hint for for the fate of Arizona under one of the NCR's presidents. . .

Thread: Rangers Lead The Way

October 14, 2021

Faeelin: As work on 4.0 continues, thoughts turn towards the End of Civilization. And what better way to make the first teaser for 5.0 than with a reference to two of the trees I will be doing for it.

Thread: Ad Victorium!

October 21, 2021

Zusk: As a war between empires rages on in the Mojave, the Bones Dance endlessly in the land of monsters, and Mexico's sleeping giant pens his will...

The Big Circle.. well, the Big Circle keeps on spinning. Drug traders and Gamblers, Tribals and Vaulters, raiders and nation-builders all compete for a few caps and a fresh glass of water. Its a place of ambition, a land where some who has lost it all can win back what they felt they always deserved.
In 4.0, they might just get their chance.

Thread: The Big Circle

October 22, 2021

Faeelin: As we close out the Anniversary of the Great War, I can’t help but notice there’s someone left out of the map Zusk posted. Guess she’ll have to find her way on it somehow.

Thread: The spoke in the circle

October 30, 2021

Faeelin: Democracy is not always peaceful. As House reminds us, if you want to see the fate of Democracy, look out the window.

Thread: Negotiating Democracy

Powered Garn:

Thread: Brainbots rule

November 8, 2021

Faeelin: @Key, The Descendant of Mikael snd @4l3x4nd3r are having a spin at the wheel

Thread: Every card a shift in circumstances

November 9, 2021

Soviet_Cyber: I've been doing a little bit of GFX work...

November 13, 2021

Faeelin: Since I shared the Montana Chapter's focus, it's only fair to share the Colonel's

Thread: God Bless the Enclave

November 23, 2021

Zusk: I heard Mr Turkey say
Gobble, gobble, gobble
Soon t’will be Thanksgiving Day
Gobble, gobble, gobble,
People say it is such fun
But I think that I will run
And hide until the day is done,
Gobble, gobble, gobble

Faeelin: I tried my best

November 24, 2021

Powered Garn:
I got doctrines to work again like they did before NSB, but we are still having issues with a CTD on startup. Team is hard at work getting this sorted.

November 27, 2021

Faeelin: The full piece. Thanks to @Herckeim for this monstrosity coming in 5.0

Thread: I’m not doing posting this again

MrBlazzar: Trading in the wasteland almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Thread: Hype train?

December 4, 2021

MrBlazzar: I showed you the abomination that we had when first getting trains working with some of our models and now I will show you what those dummy tribals and settlers who don't use vehicles will be dragging their supply around with.

Model provided by the glorious @iCodeBlaster

Thread: Brahmins Go Fast

December 20, 2021

Faeelin: After some discussion with @Zusk and testers, I've been experimenting with another way to show off the NCR's importance in the Wasteland. These numbers are subject to balance, but let's all toast the Republic!

Thread: God Bless a Free Market and a Free People

December 21, 2021

Zusk: :PowerArmor: Maxson needs YOU. :PowerArmor:
Between now and January 1st I will be allowing submissions for anyone to submit custom advisors they would like to see incorporated and used by the western Brotherhood of Steel in 4.0!

Feel free to send as many submissions as you would like until January 1st, the more the merrier! :christmas_tree:

December 23, 2021

Faeelin: Currently going through a bit of a tuneup of the 4.0 NCR tree based on some feedback, and thoughts in general. Why would you ever join the NCR, if it's going to suck away your resources? And who formed the OSI anyway?

Well, in 4.0, if the NCR has formed the OSI at the suggestion of Mayor Hayes, anyone who joins the NCR will be added to its research pact!

Thread: The Brotherhood Wont Show You This

December 31, 2021

Faeelin: Im not allowed in announcements, but happy New Years to every citizen, present and future, of the NCR!
That means I owe you an actual teaser, I suppose -

Canada, long united, must divide - long divided, must unite.

In the heart of Alberta ranchers live by the history of their forefathers - by hoof and bike, they roam and fight. But as the Chairwoman looks to fulfil the Five Year Plan, the King comes into his own again, and the monsters stir, the residents of Coppershoe Stables turn to newlyweds to Stampede over their foes.

And as with all marriages; its for better and for worse, till death do them part.

One of many leaders, and nations, designed by @StealthArcher and @Thyrork (They/Them)

Thread: Canada, Eh?

January 7, 2022


Thread: Its apparently a holiday?

Janury 20, 2022


Thread: The Chains That Bind

January 22, 2022

Faeelin: In response to some requests for more art, some random doodling for 5.0 from @Herckeim . But I’m afraid it’s something of a Khan Job….

Thread: Didn’t the Mongols care about horsepower?

Faeelin: Cheer up, everyone! In 4.0 the NCR can clean up the mess House made of Vegas!

Thread: Sorry Mikael

Janury 26, 2022


Thread: There Are Other Things to Fear Than the Cold in Canada

February 6, 2022

Powered Garn: Fair warning, this is super WIP

Thread: Doctrines

February 8, 2022

Faeelin: Coming from @KD in 5.0, don’t ask who watches the watchers. There are a people who kill over that joke.

Thread: But Who is Watching?

February 11, 2022

4l3x4nd3r: "Welcome to the Lucky 38, glad you could make the trip
The crowning jewel in the oasis of the Vegas Strip
I'm Robert Edwin House, the founder of this place of rest
A haven for the wayward, that's to say, if you can pay the rent"

Thread: A House Of Cards

Faeelin: Just a little teaser, and a reminder - the NCR will win because it's people fighting for their families, not for a man who would be god or for an ancient code.

Thread: What are Fallout ice cream flavours?

February 16, 2022

Powered Garn: Soon TM
Honestly tho, Soviet did an amazing job on this particular piece of icon work.

Thread: Land Doctrine Perks

Faeelin: Just had to show off these amazing done by Soviet! These are some of the custom laws you'll see for Hexie Lu, Duoshou Lu and the Canadian People's Front's successors. While HXL & DSL are a bit on the backburner for Vault 27, they are still being worked on!

Modifiers are temporary. Feel free to give good ideas for names/description/effects if you have them in the thread attached to this! Keep in mind if you do give ideas, the three vault boy communists are a generic icon for all of the communists, from the Canadian People's Front, to the Chinese Remnants and any future commie nations, whereas the ghoulified one and Chinese stealth armour are generally more targeted at HXL/DSL. Expect a lot of custom laws and options for HXL, DSL and OOG (Vault 27). - @Lord Militus

Thread: We excel at destroying the old world, and we excel at building a new one.

February 19, 2022

Faeelin: Welcome to Shady Sands! In response to requests for more art, one of the lovely pieces @NuclearForest did for 4.0. The Brotherhood may have your toasters, but the NCR has traffic jams.

Thread: They also have ice cream!

March 6, 2022

Faeelin: A teaser from 5.0's Brotherhood... Credit to @[FlowerPower] Lusa and @[FlowerPower] violet for this one

Thread: What's Honor Worth?

March 8, 2022

Faeelin: Probably one of the last teasers before we open applications for 4.0 testing - from @Karlov

Thread: Welcome Home

March 29, 2022

Special thanks to @Soviet_Cyber for the amazing teaser art, as always!

Thread: Echoes of the Past

April 1, 2022

For this year we've teamed up with KaiserreduX to bring you another Crossover April Fools event. Massive thanks to our friends at KaisrreduX and to everyone that has helped out making this a possibility! - Have a whacky April Fools out there!

Thread: Apil Fools!

April 3, 2022

Faeelin: From @OCTAMAN and @Tar come one of the new nations in 5.0, and one of the winners of our nation contest - Vault 37.

Thread: Thread here sure

April 5, 2022

The work in this teaser is from @[FlowerPower] Lusa and @[FlowerPower] violet !
As always, gotta love @Soviet_Cyber 's teasers.

Thread: Wings of Steel

April 6, 2022

4l3x4nd3r: Offer coming from @[FartSquad] [BigShart] SGucciG :

Tired of Raiders from Strasbourg killing your family?
Annoyed with Fort Cap Hell arresting your son while he's pillaging? Get a Mercenary Loan from Bank End Credit Union!
5% down on the highest quality mercenaries! Save up to 600 Caps! If we don't win, you don't pay!
In no event shall Bank End Credit Union be responsible for any special, consequential, incidental, or indirect damages whatsoever. For any other questions or concerns please contact Grand Teller Toonie at The Bank of Bank End.

Thread: Bank End Credit Union!

April 8, 2022

Powered Garn:

Thread: Dem Robots

April 11, 2022

LusaLy: Hello recruits! With the recent Montana BOS teaser, I’m here to drop down my portrait done for Honour from the Montana Chapter! An additional chip of fun fact; the Montana Chapter is taking a tarot card art style approach, and here’s Honour repping the Ace Of Swords card.

I’ve posted this just recently in oc-art , and I will continue to feed in more art I do for the mod there in the near future! See ya’ soon!

April 12, 2022

Showing off more of the lovely work of @[FlowerPower] Elder Lusa and @[FlowerPower] Paladin Violet !
As always, gotta love @Soviet_Cyber 's teasers.

Thread: Festering Rot

April 25, 2022

Faeelin: To celebrate resolving one of the 4.0 Build's CTDs, I'd like to introduce one of the leaders added to Eureka since we first teased it. Expelled from San Francisco in the 2240s, the Hubologists made their new home in Eureka, where they remember better days down south. There they work to raise money and resources to cleanse the world of the neurodynes which block communion with the Star Father, and dream of the day when they will dance on Quetzal with the righteous of the Stars. Dick Goldman invites you to join them - and the better future that awaits you, for the right price. Credit to @NuclearForest for the piece!

Thread: The Starfather Loves You

May 6, 2022

LusaLy: "You should have been with us in our glory days. You'd have loved it."

The Khans of Wyoming strive to break free from old traditions and binds for a new way of life in the north-east reaches. Guided by Amgalan, a Khan graced by the values of the Followers, he paves a future where the pen triumphs sword. But his pacifism is shaky, and those under his leadership, no less familiar faces from the past, yearn for more direct approaches to their problems...

A story unfolding with @[FlowerPower] violet, @IronVanguard and @[FlowerPower] Iron Montana

Thread: Yes We Khan!

May 21, 2022

Faeelin: I want to ask you, what is the purpose of man?

Thread: Taxation is Tyranny

May 30, 2022

Zusk: Soon

Thread: 31

May 31, 2022

LusaLy: I hope you're all enjoying 4.0 so far! I've put together a little Behind The Scenes document for the Montana Chapter. Dev comments, artwork, scrapped ideas, and more! Enjoy!

come get ur music :notes:

June 5, 2022

KD: Look, ma, I'm playing 1.0!

Thread: I can't even hear my computer fan!

June 14, 2022

SayruZ: Moore is getting a bit of a rework, and so is lost hills!

Thread: Mama Moore

June 15, 2022


Thread: No Comment

June 16, 2022


Thread: Time to Wake up

June 17, 2022

Faeelin: variant_walk.mp4

Thread: Models

Violet: You Khan't believe what we have planned...

Thread: My Khans Come in Three Flavors!

June 19, 2022

Karlov: The North is waiting for unification.

Thread: Republic of Manitoba

June 21, 2022

Shudderfly: I listen to the invisible choir, singing in the dark
That breaks the sacred silence of the dusk

Thread: A little psykic teaser.

Mikael Kerularius: Thanks to @Clockwork it lives! :TECHWOKE:

Thread: Thanks to JangoXIII8020 it lives

June 25, 2022

Faeelin: From @bronzeroom74 , some in Canada will fight against tyranny, no matter its source.

Thread: Coming soon

June 29, 2022

Violet: In 5.0, the Montana Chapter can get… Complicated. Where Patrocolus fails, why not strike out on your own and do what he wouldn’t?

Of course, such decisions can always spell disaster…

Thread: Hey-man, what are you doin'?

June 30, 2022

Mikael Kerularius: While most of The Canadian Peoples Front looked to emulate China and were inspired by the teachings of Chairman Cheng, the men at Loidminister looked to The Old Bastion, the ideas of The Father of Communism lives on in Canada, protected by its Sons and Daughters.

Thread: Red Dawn

July 1, 2022

Violet: @Sharp was kind enough to make an awesome reskin of the PA model for the Khans in 5.0— honestly had me infatuated enough with it that we really wanted to show it off :VaultBoyPlead:

Thread: With a Khan-do attitude, anything is possible!

July 7, 2022

Mikael Kerularius: As some of you have probably realized The Ministry at Loid currently has a T34 among their tanks, and due to @Miiron which graciously provided these and made them, in the future it won't be alone. Nothing like a Soviet tank to send the invader running

Thread: Through Days Dark And Stormy...

July 12, 2022

Faeelin: Tank Tuesday Teaser

Thread: Tank Tuesday Teaser

July 13, 2022

LusaLy: Montana's future holds interesting cards...

Thread: Perhaps We Should Deal A New Hand?

July 16, 2022


Thread: Even More Robots

July 23, 2022

Mikael Kerularius: As work continues on 5.0 @Silverfishv9 also has something in store

Thread: The Steam might just thaw the hearts of the north...

July 24, 2022


Thread: I love Peacekeeping Operations.

July 25, 2022

Shudderfly: Here's the latest Dev Diary, this one covers work being done for a fan favorite tag, the Chained Choir!

Thread: The Choir Sings!

August 8, 2022


Thread: Guess who's back, back again...

August 10, 2022


Thread: Warden you waiting for?

August 19, 2022

Karlov: There have been no teasers here for a long time, so I decided to show some of my content.

August 21, 2022

Carpo: Dreams of old world grandeur still slumber in the north...

Thread: Do you dare wake it?

August 23, 2022

Zusk: "The Electorate is home to both the law and the lawless, but most importantly, it’s no stranger to the bizarre. Among its charms are two AI from a distant past—Destiny and Hope. Though happy to abide by their code and modern-day duties, it’s only a matter of time before they realize they're capable of so much more with the right amount of stake in the game. Will the Electorate learn to fear the ambition of the past?"

Thread: Two Troubles for One

August 24, 2022

Scatterman: "The depths of Vault 24 remained desolate for centuries, until it became the home of salvation"

Thread: It's about time

August 26, 2022

SayruZ: "Why in the world did you attack President Kimball?"

Thread: Understandable

August 30, 2022

Mikael Kerularius: "Tyrants will always meet their fates in the end, but if you ever threaten The Workers Of The World you may have finally drawn your one way ticket to hell"

Thread: Death To Tyrants

September 4, 2022

Scatterman: "Third times a charm, I bet Washington would be proud"

Thread: The Congressional Question

September 5, 2022

SayruZ: ""Pay taxes"
- President Aaron Kimball"

Thread: Pay taxes!

September 9, 2022

Scatterman: "Soon...."

Thread: Tock has a new face

September 24, 2022


Thread: It smells like perfume and annoying people!


Thread: America Anew?

September 27, 2022

Carpo: Far From Home, They Do not Waver

Thread: Far From Home, They Do not Waver

October 11, 2022

Scatterman: Join the Reclamation Bureau today! Uncle Johnson needs you!

Thread: Join the Reclamation Bureau

October 14, 2022

Carpo: Farewell old OWB achievement system, hello new paradox system that persists between games (:SoonTM:)

Thread: Something something achievements

October 23, 2022


Thread: Good News Actually

October 24, 2022

SayruZ: Enjoy Free Fighters even more with the new focus, that gives you one of four formables, depending on you leader!

Thread: Lucha Libre!

October 30, 2022

SayruZ: While the kingdom celebrates victory, the King is haunted by dark thoughts...

Thread: Manitoba

November 5, 2022

SayruZ: A brand new expansion of the Legion of Hades path, brought to you by @tran

Thread: Hades

Dantkey: Anbennar Blues

Thread: Anbennar Blues

November 17, 2022

SayruZ: They asked me if I understood Hegel
I said I didn't
They said welcome aboard

Thread: Hey man, when in Rome

November 22, 2022

Dantkey: The Great War taught us many lessons, the most important was to always have an insurance policy.

Thread: Better Living Underground With, oh wait...

November 27, 2022

Dantkey: The Past Of The CPF and the truth of what truly finds itself in the North is Knowledge few is privy to Atleast that is what @Niko: Loc Sergeant tells me

Thread: The Truth Of The World To Unravel, all at your finger tips

December 5, 2022

SayruZ: Who's laughing now?

Thread: "Who s laughing now"

December 20, 2022

Shudderfly: Over the Concrete Wall

Thread: Over the Concrete Wall

December 23, 2022

SayruZ: All is Good

Thread: "All is Good"

December 24, 2022

IronVanguard: This Christmas: A Plague of Teasing

Thread: This Christmas A Plague of Teasing

December 25, 2022

tran: huh, wonder what this button does :thinking:

Thread: If You Know, You Know

December 27, 2022

[IMH] ~LSTER~: Myron, we need to cook!

Thread: He can't keep getting away with it!

December 28, 2022

Dantkey: The North Is Unforgiving, yet it promises untold treasures

Thread: What is hiding beyond the Great Breach?