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KD was a Vault-Tec Scientist and Engineer for the Hearts of Iron IV mod Old World Blues, until their departure from the team on June 12, 2022.



  1. KD: "Special operations for Itza/Aztlan in the Flower Wars
    Special operations for Legion (with Alexander). I did most the operations for Lanius-adjacent stuff where he did more operations on the NCR iirc (I can't remember exactly so if he says otherwise go with him)
    Generic operations
    Operation storyline for Mojave Chapter (will probably be removed soon though)
    Mojave Territories rework in 4.0
    Mojave Territories civil war content
    All Eureka content that isn't Enclave-related
    All Arroyo content prior to 2279
    - Special shoutout to Dimitri, Nagor, and Chitsa.
    Max Sec, Packers, Umbra, and Fourways design/crises (original designs were Happy's, but I wrote all the actual text about them and changed a decent amount)
    Unifier game rules"

    - Obtained from Discord, 6/11/2022
  2. KD: "100% of Dam Busters content is by me, original specification is by Meld
    Two Peoples design/national idea"

    - Obtained from Discord, 6/11/2022