Eden events/scriptoutput

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Shortly before our nation's founding, a man named Reese once threatened the entire Wasteland. However, thanks to the timely intervention of a few brave individuals, he was defeated in a battle at the former city of Corpus Christi (now known simply as "The Corpse"). Among these individuals were Scarlet and her followers, our people, who still protect Eden and Reese's corrupted G.E.C.K. today. What was most paramount to our victory?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn corpus.png “The Battle of Corpus Christi”

Event button.png
Our flamers
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will receive a veteran 20-width infantry division with flamer support.
  • Add technology: Dynamite
  • Add technology: Flamers
  • Hidden effect:
Event button.png
Our mighty power armor
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will receive two veteran 15-width power armor divisions with recon support.
  • Add technology: Simple Servos
  • Hidden effect:
Event button.png
Our overwhelming numbers
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will receive six veteran 10 width infantry divisions.
  • Gain +100% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Weaponry
  • Hidden effect:
Event button.png
Our use of superior tactics
  • Add technology: Warrior Training
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Land Doctrine
  • Gain Army experience 50 Army Experience


The Beginnings of Something Great.

After Reese's defeat, we realized that the G.E.C.K. must be contained. But when we burned the red jungles, they grew back, more robust and thicker. With no way for us to deactivate the G.E.C.K., we realized we had to become the guardians of such a dangerous weapon to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands for a second time. And so we also became protectors of the people here. The people, independent though they were, lacked basic infrastructure, industry, and, generally, any of the things needed for an organized society. We pooled what little resources we had to invest in...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn can.png “Starting From Scratch”

Event button.png
Civilian Goods
  • [Scope]Brady (935):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Event button.png
Arms Production
  • [Scope]Brady (935):
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
    • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Event button.png
  • [Scope]Eden (936):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [Scope]Brady (935):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [Scope]Mountain Home (678):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [Scope]Kerrville (920):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure


The People Of Eden.

The people of Eden transformed, just as the land. Just as it had become a mutated hellscape of nature, the farmers, ranchers, and scavengers adjusted too. They became hunters, soldiers, and scientists. But above all, those we protected became our people. They could only be described as...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn people.png “Those We Protect”

Event button.png
Resourceful icon
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +15%
Above all, our people are resourceful.
Event button.png
Productive icon
  • Factory Output: +7.5%
Above all, our people are productive.
Event button.png
Industrious icon
  • Max Factories in a State: +10%
Above all, our people are industrious.
Event button.png
Skilled icon
  • Construction Speed: +5%
Above all, our people are skilled.


Scarlet's Speech

As she stood up to address the soldiers at the front, Scarlet chose her words carefully. One wrong word in this critical time could mean the loss of their confidence.

"Though we may have been pushed back, the fighting has only just begun. Already you have shown inspiring grit and cold resolve. I will make no false claims about our enemies, nor will I mention the countless atrocities they have committed. All that needs to be said is that you are what stands between them and what we protect. The evil corrupted G.E.C.K., your livelihoods, and your loved ones. As a wise man once said, a real soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him but because he loves what is behind him."

After this brief but powerful speech, she stepped away from the makeshift podium.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn speech.png “Bolster Morale”

Event button.png
The men returned to the front, reinvigorated


Our Own Little Slice of Paradise

Rivers flowed, plants grew, and flowers bloomed. However, this was not like before. Before everything was distorted, crimson red rivers, man-eating plants, the foliage so dense that it produced darkness as black as night at all times, no longer. The rivers now flow clean, and there is no more dense foliage; it is instead replaced by lush grass and fertile soil. The G.E.C.K. has produced a miracle, and people from all over flock to Eden to take advantage of this otherworldy place. Which can only be described as the Garden of Eden.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn geck.png G.E.C.K. Restored

Event button.png
Best get started on your homesteads
Paradise icon
  • Construction Speed: +10%
  • Recruitable Population: 3%
  • Max Entrenchment: +10
  • Stability: +15%
  • Monthly Population: +30%
  • Appeal to Refugees: +5%
We have finally done it, the G.E.C.K. has been purified, and the results have been nothing short of a miracle. Rolling fields of lush grass, not seen since before the Great War, now dominate the landscape, bringing people from all over Texas to settle in what's being referred to as the Garden of Eden.
  • Add 20 Victory pointVictory point to province (11 615)
  • [Scope]Eden (936):
    • Rename state to The Garden of Eden
    • Set state category to Restored Megacity
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Add 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Add production of 12 (unrecognized string "advanced" for Template:Icon) Advanced Components to Eden (936)
    • Add production of 12 (unrecognized string "composites" for Template:Icon) Composite Materials to Eden (936)
    • Add production of 15 Circuitry Circuitry to Eden (936)
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 20000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes


The Texan Integration Act

At long last, Texas will be united. After much controversy and debate over the exact terms and details of the agreement, Eden has formally been annexed by the Provisional Republic of Texas. This will be a boon to both nations; with our combined resources and strength, we can ensure a safe and free Texas for all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn integration.png “The Texan Integration Act”

Event button.png
Three hurrahs for the Provisional Republic
  • Annex Flag of Eden Eden (troops transferred)
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of Flag of Eden Eden
    • File:TEX.png TEX gains a core on this state
    • Remove the core of Flag of Eden Eden
    • Claim lost byFlag of Eden Eden
    • Clear state flag do_not_exodus
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • [SCOPE]Every employed navy leader:
    • transfer_navy
      • target = TEX
  • File:TEX.png TEX:
    • Set country flag tex_eden_integrated
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add_to_tex_edn to the value of EDN.caps_number_display
    • Increase variable caps_number_display by the value of caps_to_add_to_tex_edn


The Eden Declaration

Today, it has been announced that Eden will not give in to pressures from either the Republic of the Rio Grande or the [892.owner.GetName]. We will forge our own path; these foreign powers with grandiose designs on Texas do not know what's best for our people. We're the only ones capable of protecting our people and their interests. Thus, we must walk alone.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn look inwards.png Looking Inwards

Event button.png
Eden will always be free!
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • If:
  • Else:
    • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power


The Houston Conference

It has been decided that to prevent future conflict, a conference will be held between delegates of the [892.owner.GetName] and Eden in the neutral city of Houston. The primary concern of the conference is to settle the claims of both parties over the hotly contested border region where the Unity of Austin once was. With the fate of the two nations in their hands, the delegates from Eden decided to...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn conference.png “The Houston Conference”

Event button.png
Offer them all of the Unity's former territory
  • If:
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
      • Trigger country event “Eden's Proposal” in 1 day
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will likely result in peace with the [892.owner.GetName].
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • State is owned by Flag of Eden Eden
      • Set state flag do_not_exodus
Event button.png
Offer them the city of Austin
  • If:
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
      • Trigger country event “Eden's Proposal” in 1 day
  • Custom effect tooltip: This may lead to war with the [892.owner.GetName].
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • State is owned by Flag of Eden Eden
      • Set state flag do_not_exodus
Event button.png
Offer them no concessions
  • If:
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
      • Trigger country event “Eden's Proposal” in 1 day
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will almost certainly lead to war with the [892.owner.GetName].
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • State is owned by Flag of Eden Eden
      • Set state flag do_not_exodus


Eden's Proposal

The delegates representing Eden have given us their terms. They are willing to cede to us all of the former territories of the Unity of Austin. This is a very generous offer, and we do not expect to receive any better terms. It would, however, mean giving up any future aims on Eden. What is our response?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “The Houston Conference” option “Offer them all of the Unity's former territory”
  • The event “The Houston Conference” option “Offer them all of the Unity's former territory”

Event button.png
We accept
  • [SCOPE]Our country
    • Becomes owner and controller of San Saba (924)
    • Gains core on San Saba (924)
    • Becomes owner and controller of Johnson City (917)
    • Gains core on Johnson City (917)
    • Becomes owner and controller of San Marcos (916)
    • Gains core on San Marcos (916)
    • Becomes owner and controller of Austin (915)
    • Gains core on Austin (915)
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "EDN_mutual_respect" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Eden Eden
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "EDN_mutual_respect" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Eden Eden
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “The [892.owner.GetName] Accepts Our Offer” in 1 day
      • Set country flag houston_conference_mex
      • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Event button.png
We will show these upstarts who really rules Texas
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “The [892.owner.GetName] Rejects Our Offer” in 1 day
      • Set country flag houston_conference_tex
      • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch


Eden's Proposal

The delegates representing Eden have given us their terms. They will cede to us the city of Austin. Only, however, if we renounce our claims of all territories south of the West Brazos Tributary. What is our response?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “The Houston Conference” option “Offer them the city of Austin”
  • The event “The Houston Conference” option “Offer them the city of Austin”

Event button.png
We accept
  • [SCOPE]Our country
    • Becomes owner and controller of Austin (915)
    • Gains core on Austin (915)
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "EDN_mutual_respect" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Eden Eden
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "EDN_mutual_respect" for Template:Opinion) towards our country
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “The [892.owner.GetName] Accepts Our Offer” in 1 day
      • Set country flag houston_conference_mex
      • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Event button.png
We will show these upstarts who really rules Texas
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “The [892.owner.GetName] Rejects Our Offer” in 1 day
      • Set country flag houston_conference_tex
      • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch


Eden's Proposal

The delegates representing Eden have given us their terms. Perceiving themselves as the stronger party, they have demanded that we renounce all claims on their territory. This offer is almost laughable, and unless we truly are in no position to fight a war with Eden, we should reject this offer. What is our response?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “The Houston Conference” option “Offer them no concessions”
  • The event “The Houston Conference” option “Offer them no concessions”

Event button.png
We have no other choice
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “The [892.owner.GetName] Accepts Our Offer” in 1 day
      • Set country flag houston_conference_mex
      • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Event button.png
We will show these upstarts who really rules Texas
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “The [892.owner.GetName] Rejects Our Offer” in 1 day
      • Set country flag houston_conference_tex
      • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch


The [892.owner.GetName] Accepts Our Offer

The [892.owner.GetName] has accepted our offer! War has been successfully avoided. With a mutual understanding between both of the major powers in Texas, it is clear to all that peace reigns supreme in Texas once more.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Eden's Proposal” option “We have no other choice”
  • The event “Eden's Proposal” option “We accept”
  • The event “Eden's Proposal” option “We accept”

Event button.png
Peace in our time
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • State is owned by Flag of Eden Eden
      • Clear state flag do_not_exodus
    • [SCOPE]Every state:


The [892.owner.GetName] Rejects Our Offer

The [892.owner.GetName] has rejected our offer! With the failure of the Houston Conference, it seems war is inevitable. We now seem to be on an unavoidable collision course and must prepare ourselves for the inevitable conflict.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Eden's Proposal” option “We will show these upstarts who really rules Texas”
  • The event “Eden's Proposal” option “We will show these upstarts who really rules Texas”
  • The event “Eden's Proposal” option “We will show these upstarts who really rules Texas”

Event button.png
Texas ain't big enough for the two of us
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • State is owned by Flag of Eden Eden
      • Clear state flag do_not_exodus
    • [SCOPE]Every state:


The Matter of Texas

While we now control much of Southern Texas, the regions along the Rio Grande remain separate. The people of the TAA suffer under the elitist ruling class, while the ranchers of the Pecos are frequently targets of raids. Not to mention the fear created by the recent expansion of Caesar's Legion into the region. Not only would their annexation mean an end to these issues, but the lands would certainly be a boon to our own economy and offer a much more defensible border. However, as these regions are under the influence of the Republic of the Rio Grande, we cannot outright annex them without permission. The last thing we want is to start a conflict with our powerful Southern neighbor.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Event button.png
We should communicate this proposition


The Matter of Texas

We have observed as the mysterious hermit Texan nation of Eden has grown swiftly throughout the past few years. Today, we received a request that they wish to annex the border regions of Texas along the Rio Grande. They have made sure to convey that they do not intend to do so without our government's consent and wish to maintain amicable relations, whichever decision we choose. That being said, this region has traditionally been in our sphere of influence and holds many resources and people, some of which consider themselves our people. What decision will we make?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Matter of Texas” option “We should communicate this proposition”

Event button.png
We need a strong ally across the Rio Grande
  • Hidden effect:
  • Custom effect tooltip: Eden will receive all of our and our puppet's land, should we have any, north of the Rio Grande, and wargoals on what we do not own.
  • [SCOPE]Our country
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "RRG_northern_bulwark" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Eden Eden
  • Flag of Eden Eden:
Event button.png
The land is more valuable in our hands
  • Custom effect tooltip: Eden will develop our lands and the land of our puppets, should we have any, north of the Rio Grande.
  • [SCOPE]Our country
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "EDN_mutual_respect" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Eden Eden
  • Flag of Eden Eden:


Rio Accepts

Rio has accepted our proposition to annex the border regions! The people and government alike are ecstatic, hopes remain high for the future, and our relations with the Republic have greatly improved due to this development.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Matter of Texas” option “We need a strong ally across the Rio Grande”

Event button.png


Rio Refuses

Rio has refused our request to annex the border regions of Texas. However, as we do not want to sour relations, as an act of good faith, it has been decided that we will help to organize and fund the expansion of industry and infrastructure within the lands of South-East Texas. Under this agreement, Rio has also communicated the desire for further cooperation with us for the good of people in both nations.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Matter of Texas” option “The land is more valuable in our hands”

Event button.png
Disappointing, but understandable


Scarlet Becomes President

As Scarlet was in the capital of the Provisional Republic finalizing the integration of Eden, she was suddenly summoned into the halls of the Congress. Upon entering, she was rather unceremoniously offered the position of the Republic's first president. The people of Texas had watched as Scarlet bravely defended her lands against Shale's Army, moved on to defeat the last remnants of Attis's Army, and put an end to the secessionist state of the Alamo Chapter. They also commended her on her remarkable progress in modernizing both the military and industry of Eden, greatly improving the standards of living for the people living there, as well as organizing the Herculean task of repairing the corrupt G.E.C.K. Scarlet, though slightly embarrassed, graciously accepted the position.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Texan Integration Act” option “Three hurrahs for the Provisional Republic”

Event button.png
No one was more qualified for the job
  • Hidden effect:


(Hidden) nf_EDN.100.t

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Scarlet Becomes President” option “No one was more qualified for the job”

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • remove_country_leader_role
      • character = EDN_scarlet
      • ideology = peoples_militia
    • remove_country_leader_role
      • character = EDN_scarlet
      • ideology = meritocracy
    • remove_country_leader_role
      • character = EDN_scarlet
      • ideology = survivalism
    • remove_country_leader_role
      • character = EDN_scarlet
      • ideology = benevolent_dictatorship
  • [SCOPE]Every country that exist and could exist:
    • Limited to:
      • Scarlet is active in this country
    • [SCOPE]One random recruited character:
      • Limited to:
        • Is character “EDN_scarlet”
      • Set nationality to our country

Event button.png
  • add_country_leader_role
    • Character = EDN_scarlet
    • Promote_leader = yes
    • Country_leader
      • ideology = constitutional_republic
      • expire = "3000.1.1.12"
      • traits
        • EDN_keeper_of_the_jungle