Lone Star events/scriptoutput

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During the height of the Cold War, the dusty plains around Abilene housed 12 missile silos belonging to the 578th Strategic Missile Squadron. Whilst the missiles were decommissioned long before the turn of the 21st century, the missile silos that they resided in remained Air Force property up until the outbreak of the Great War. As missiles started flying the most senior local commander, Col. Carrie Owens, had a tough decision to make. He had 12 silos, built to survive nuclear detonations and the harsh fallout that would follow them, but far too many important things to put in them. Her men had bunkers, but the local National Guard units did not: saving fighting men would surely help after the apocalypse. Or, Owens could prioritise moving precious resources into the silos, resources that would be invaluable in the future. Or should he allow all citizens who could make it to shelter in the bunkers? Was her duty not to save American lives? With little hesitation, Owen made her decision.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns rising star.png “Thank God for the Air Force”

Event button.png
The National Guard took priority!
Event button.png
We needed all the stockpile space we could get.
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • Add production of 4 Circuitry Circuitry
    • Add production of 3 (unrecognized string "advanced" for Template:Icon) Advanced Components
Event button.png
Protecting citizens was our first call of duty.
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 400
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population_no_state_name=yes


What Survived The Apocalypse

Whilst spared a direct hit, Abilene suffered two glancing blows from missiles striking to the North and South-East of the city. Most buildings were flattened by the shockwaves, but more resilient structures in the Dyess AFB and city centre remained standing. The survivors of the blasts, emerging from the missile silos surrounding the city, found themselves greeted with a dead city. They needed a goal, and fast, lest their despair overtook them. Col. Owens once again took the helm, making a tough decision to prioritise one project above all others. The following years would be harsh, and many of those that survived in the missile silos around Abilene would perish from malnutrition, illness or radiation poisoning, including Col. Owens herself. Despite the overwhelming hardships, the principal project Owens pushed for was completed, and it transformed Abilene into shining star of hope across the nuclear wasteland that Texas has become. Indeed, it became the Lone Star. That project was...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns rising star.png “Rebuilding Our Star”

Event button.png
Ensuring access to safe food and water for all citizens.
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • Add production of 12 Water Water
    • Add production of 6 Energy Energy
Event button.png
Significantly rebuilding Dyess AFB, providing a safe haven for all.
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_arms_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • Add 2 Air base Air Base
    • Add 2 (unrecognized string "bunker2" for Template:Icon) Bunker, on the province (11666)
Event button.png
The clearing of the I-20, allowing all to reach Lone Star.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • Is state Lone Star (921)
        • Is state Brackenridge (925)
        • Is state Leetown (929)
        • Is state Carbon (931)
    • Start construction of 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 100
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population_no_state_name=yes


Mutants Block the I-10

Before the war, there were two great roads into Texas from the south-west: the I-10 and the I-20. Even after the Great War, the two roads remained relatively undamaged, leading to a significant flow of trade and people from the west to Austin along the I-10 and to Dallas along the I-20. As a result, settlements along the two roads began to find their feet again: gradually expanding and rebuilding. That was, until the mutants arrived. Led by the charismatic but twisted Shale, they made their home along the I-10: Shale's hostility to humans ensuring no trade convoys could travel the I-10 until they had moved on. As a result, the I-20 became the only safe and reliable route into both Austin and Dallas. Thanks to this, Lone Star boomed.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns rising star.png “Shale's Army Musters”

Event button.png
Our industry expanded to provide for the traders.
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
      • Add 1 Building slot building slot
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
Event button.png
Trade along the Colorado needed protection too.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_dockyards=yes
    • Add 2 Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
Event button.png
The markets in our city centre grew bigger than ever.
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 1
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes


Friendship Across Texas

Whilst Lone Star is without doubt an economic powerhouse, military affairs have never been our strong suit: for the most part, we rely on paramilitary groups and mercenary companies. To our south-east lies the Texan Brotherhood of Steel, who are quite the opposite. The Brotherhood has a strong military, and advanced tactics, but struggles with a sluggish economy. The solution, therefore, seemed fairly natural: the unification of both nations under one economic treaty. Under the original agreement, a 10-year union would cover trade and industrial relations, with Lone Star providing technical know-how to the Brotherhood and the Brotherhood providing military expertise to Lone Star in return. The agreement was ratified by both sides on the turn of the new year in 2265, coming into effect on this day 10 years ago.

Whilst the original agreement was time-limited, there little doubt an extension would be signed once the successes of the agreement became clear. A permanent extension was put before our assembly last week.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns rising star.png “The Formation of the Texan Economic Union”

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A Massacre Outside Leetown: More Than the Hand Gang?” in 55 days to 60 days

Event button.png
The extension passed: unanimously!
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 40 Political Power
Event button.png
The extension passed, conditional on greater military advice.
Event button.png
The extension passed, but closer than many would have wished...
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
  • Gain 7.5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity


Lone Star Recalls the Lubbock Expedition

With trouble brewing for them at home, we today received word from [LNS.GetLeader] that the Lubbock Expedition will be returning to Lone Star proper. Their presence has been much welcomed by our military and our people, who will all be saddened to hear that the expedition is returning to Lone Star. [LNS.GetLeader] and Cap. Saunders both assure us this is a temporary move, and they will return in time. We'll see about that.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns lub withdrawl.png “Recall the Lubbock Expedition”

Event button.png
Farewell, friends.
  • Revokes military access for Flag of Lone Star Lone Star
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Lns lubbock expedition.png “The Lubbock Expedition”
  • [SCOPE]Event target LUB_cap_aaron_saunders_target:
  • Delete template “Lone Star Expeditionaries” and delete all units created from this template


A Massacre Outside Leetown: More Than the Hand Gang?

Our garrison at Leetown was awakened early this morning by an exhausted, blood-soaked caravan guard collapsing at their steps in the early hours. On the verge of collapsing, he managed to say a few words to our garrison commander, Cap. Rose Edmund.

"Ambush... road... massacre..."

A pause.

"Hand Gang..."

Edmund shook her head in disbelief. The Hang Gang? Surely not: they had been mostly wiped out by the Lawmen and Brotherhood special forces long ago, and the survivors weren't capable of an ambush, much less a massacre. Dutifully, however, Edmund gathered up her men and marched to the I-20. The early reports from her scouts were bad, but nothing could prepare her for the sight they were greeted by when they approached the river.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

As an immediate effect of the “Friendship Across Texas” event

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Crisis on the Colorado” in 55 days to 60 days

Event button.png
The only movement amongst the bodies was a red banner fluttering.
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Has more than 0 InfrastructureInfrastructure
      • Remove Infrastructure Infrastructure by up to −1
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • has_resources_amount
          • resource = metal
          • amount > 5
      • Remove production of 6 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • Else, if:
      • Limited to:
        • Has more than 0 Arms workshopArms workshop
      • Remove Arms workshop Arms Workshop by up to −1
  • Replace the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Hand Gang Resurgence?” with the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Warlord Rises?”
A Warlord Rises? icon
A Warlord Rises?
  • Weekly Manpower: −8
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −15%
  • Encryption: −15%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −5%
The recent attacks outside of Leetown were far too coordinated and brutal to be orchestrated by stray Hand Gang remnants. Our latest working theory is there is some kind of warlord acting in the south, intent on raiding traders.
Event button.png
The caravan was still just about fighting back.
  • Lose Manpower 170 Manpower
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • has_resources_amount
          • resource = metal
          • amount > 3
      • Remove production of 4 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • Else, if:
      • Limited to:
        • Has more than 0 InfrastructureInfrastructure
      • Remove Infrastructure Infrastructure by up to −1
  • Replace the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Hand Gang Resurgence?” with the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Warlord Rises?”
A Warlord Rises? icon
A Warlord Rises?
  • Weekly Manpower: −8
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −15%
  • Encryption: −15%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −5%
The recent attacks outside of Leetown were far too coordinated and brutal to be orchestrated by stray Hand Gang remnants. Our latest working theory is there is some kind of warlord acting in the south, intent on raiding traders.


Crisis on the Colorado

For the second time this season, the Leetown garrison has been woken in the early hours by blood-soaked messenger at their perimeter. Whilst she hoped this day would never come, Cap. Edmund is no fool, and had been making preparations for another massive engagement with a hostile voice, and so sprung into action. This time, however, the attack had not come a caravan on the I-20, but instead on a large convoy following the Colorado south-east to Austin. Edmund's troops marched as fast as they could to reach the battle site, but by the time her garrison arrived the attacking force was long gone. Instead, all that was left was burnt out caravans and canoes, with hundreds of bodies littering the ground. This was a tragedy of even greater proportions than the last attack: these attackers were efficient, merciless and able to strike across a large area. Something sinister must be at work, for this kind of attack is far beyond the Hand Gang.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

As an immediate effect of the “A Massacre Outside Leetown: More Than the Hand Gang?” event

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Legionaries in Lone Star” in 55 days to 60 days

Event button.png
Double our river patrols. This must not happen again!
  • 80 units of Flag of Lone Star Lone Star Convoy is removed from the national Stockpile
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has more than 0 Naval dockyardNaval dockyard
    • Remove Naval dockyard Naval Dockyard by up to −1
  • Replace the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Warlord Rises?” with the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Foreign Attack?”
A Foreign Attack? icon
A Foreign Attack?
  • Weekly Manpower: −16
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −20%
  • Encryption: −20%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −10%
  • Divisions speed: −5%
A second attack outside Leetown, this time more brutal and efficient than the last. We must be dealing with someone with excellent military expertise here: this is no mere local warlord.
Event button.png
Their next attack will surely come on the I-20.
A Foreign Attack? icon
A Foreign Attack?
  • Weekly Manpower: −16
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −20%
  • Encryption: −20%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −10%
  • Divisions speed: −5%
A second attack outside Leetown, this time more brutal and efficient than the last. We must be dealing with someone with excellent military expertise here: this is no mere local warlord.
Event button.png
Our settlements could be next. Expand the garrisons!
A Foreign Attack? icon
A Foreign Attack?
  • Weekly Manpower: −16
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −20%
  • Encryption: −20%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −10%
  • Divisions speed: −5%
A second attack outside Leetown, this time more brutal and efficient than the last. We must be dealing with someone with excellent military expertise here: this is no mere local warlord.


Legionaries in Lone Star

Whilst our leadership in Lone Star has naturally been aware of the disturbing attacks around Leetown over the past 4 months, nobody could have been prepared for the news the Lawmen brought [LNS.GetLeader] today. According to their men on the streets of Lone Star, two Legionaries were spotted walking into an alleyway in one of poorer districts of the city. Whilst unconfirmed by more than a handful of witnesses, Legionaries haven't been seen around Lone Star since the Legion's scavenging mission to the area more than a decade ago. Even during the expedition, the group stayed far away from the city, making this sighting even more bizarre.

If it weren't for the attacks around Leetown over the past months, we'd be able to discount this report with ease. However, the more we think about it, the more it seems to make sense. The coordination of the attacks, the brutality, the expertise. If Legionaries are at play, the risk is far greater than any of us could have imagined.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

As an immediate effect of the “Crisis on the Colorado” event

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Fighting on the Streets of Lone Star” in 55 days to 60 days

Event button.png
Find these Legionaries: now!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Finding the legionnaires will §greduce§! a §Rrevolt§!'s §Ygenerals§!, but some houses will be damaged in the process!
  • Set country flag lns_reduce_uprising_leaders
  • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
    • Remove Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop by up to −1
  • Replace the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “A Foreign Attack?” with the National Spirit File:Generic spy intel.png “Legionaries Pull The Strings!”
Legionaries Pull The Strings! icon
Legionaries Pull The Strings!
  • Weekly Manpower: −32
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −25%
  • Encryption: −25%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −15%
  • Divisions speed: −10%
  • Training time: +5%
Following sightings of Legionaries in Lone Star itself, it seems that we have the solution to our conundrum. The Hand Gang has unified under some legate of the Legion, and is intent on either toppling or destabilizing our government. We will have to wait for their next move.
Event button.png
Assign units to protect our industry everywhere.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Posting units to our factories will §greduce§! the effect of sabotage in the event of a §Rrevolt§!, and stabilize the situation, but it will have costs . . .
Legionaries Pull The Strings! icon
Legionaries Pull The Strings!
  • Weekly Manpower: −32
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −25%
  • Encryption: −25%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −15%
  • Divisions speed: −10%
  • Training time: +5%
Following sightings of Legionaries in Lone Star itself, it seems that we have the solution to our conundrum. The Hand Gang has unified under some legate of the Legion, and is intent on either toppling or destabilizing our government. We will have to wait for their next move.
Event button.png
The Lawmen must be hallucinating. Surely.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will take no action, preventing mass hysteria but also preventing us taking action against any §Rrevolt§!. But there won't be one, right?
Legionaries Pull The Strings! icon
Legionaries Pull The Strings!
  • Weekly Manpower: −32
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −25%
  • Encryption: −25%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −15%
  • Divisions speed: −10%
  • Training time: +5%
Following sightings of Legionaries in Lone Star itself, it seems that we have the solution to our conundrum. The Hand Gang has unified under some legate of the Legion, and is intent on either toppling or destabilizing our government. We will have to wait for their next move.


Fighting on the Streets of Lone Star

No matter what we all hoped, we all knew deep down that this day would come. Starting in the northern outskirts of Lone Star, skirmishes have started breaking out across the city between the Lawmen and Hand Warband insurgents. At first limited in scope and length, ever more clashes are sparking as it is become clear the Lawmen alone are ill prepared to deal with the insurgency. Whilst the attacks are nowhere near total war, they have the possibility to evolve into it: and fast. Based on the current situation, fighting will probably reach the central districts within two to three days. We need to take action to prevent this. Or God help us all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

As an immediate effect of the “Legionaries in Lone Star” event

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Uprising Spreads!” in 5 days to 6 days

Event button.png
Divert all units. The uprising must be crushed.
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Custom effect tooltip: Posting extra units to Lone Star will §Greduce§! the number of enemy divisions that spawn around Lone Star.
  • Set country flag lns_reduce_lone_star_spawn
  • Lose Manpower 400 Manpower
Event button.png
This will spread. Defend all our settlements.
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Custom effect tooltip: Diverting units to the minor settlements will §Greduce§! enemy divisons spawning around our settlements.
  • Set country flag lns_reduce_minor_spawn
  • Lose Manpower 300 Manpower
Event button.png
Empower the Lawmen to deal with this crisis.
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Custom effect tooltip: Empowering the Lawmen will §Gincrease§! the number of §YLawmen§! divisions spawned on the outbreak of civil war.
  • Set country flag lns_increase_lawmen_spawn
  • Replace the National Spirit Generic military draft2.png “Fatigued Lawmen” with the National Spirit File:GFX idea unknown.png “Empowered Lawmen”
Empowered Lawmen icon
Empowered Lawmen
  • Division Attack: −5%
  • Political Power Gain: −15%
  • Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: −20%
Following the breakout of sporadic fighting on the streets of Lone Star, we have authorised the Lawmen to use all means necessary to restore the peace. Only time will tell if they are successful.


The Uprising Spreads!

We hoped that the bulk of the Hand Warband's forces were being used in the assault on Lone Star, but that appears far from the case. In the far north and far south of our territory, we have received reports of local garrisons being besieged by invading warbands. If Leetown and Haskell have not yet fallen, they will soon: especially Haskell to the north, where it appears a Legion division has joint the attack on the local garrison. Even graver news comes from the north of Lone Star itself, where fresh enemy divisions have been sighted preparing an all-out attack on our capital.

In response to this threat, the Lawmen have mobilised themselves into military-style divisions, and all mercenary divisions have been put on full alert. It seems we have a fight on our hand, pals. We better give it our all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

As an immediate effect of the “Fighting on the Streets of Lone Star” event

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Set global flag LNS_beatdown
    • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
      • Start a (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler civil war (0% size)
      • [SCOPE]Every state:
        • Limited to:
        • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
          • Becomes controller of the previously mentioned state
    • [SCOPE]Every other country:
      • Limited to:
      • Scripted Effect: create_new_owb_country=yes
      • Becomes controller of Haskell (926)
      • Becomes controller of Leetown (929)
      • Gets the Conscription Law File:Recruitment merc-frnt.png “Mercenary Frontlines”
      • Set country flag has_unique_manpower_law
      • Changes the national focus tree to nf_lone_star and keep completed focuses
      • [SCOPE]Event target LNS_warlord_hand_target:
        • Set nationality to the previously mentioned country
      • Warlord Hand becomes the leader for their party
        • Economic Knowhow
          • caps_expense_modifier = -0.05
          • caps_income_modifier = 0.05
        • Radical Reformer
          • Stability: −10%
          • Research Speed: +5%
      • load_oob = lns_revolt_base
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
              • Country flag lns_reduce_lone_star_spawn is set
        • load_oob = lns_revolt_lone_star
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
              • Country flag lns_reduce_minor_spawn is set
        • load_oob = lns_revolt_minors
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • None of:
            • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
              • Country flag lns_reduce_uprising_leaders is set
        • [SCOPE]Event target LNS_centurion_sarrius_target:
          • Set nationality to the previously mentioned country
          • Centurion Sarrius becomes a Field Marshal
          • Custom effect tooltip: §RAttack Skill§!: §Y2§!

§YDefense Skill§!: §Y2§! §GPlanning Skill§!: §Y1§! §CLogistics Skill§!: §Y2§!

        • [SCOPE]Event target LNS_centurion_renatus_target:
          • Set nationality to the previously mentioned country
          • Centurion Renatus becomes a Field Marshal
          • Custom effect tooltip: §RAttack Skill§!: §Y2§!

§YDefense Skill§!: §Y1§! §GPlanning Skill§!: §Y1§! §CLogistics Skill§!: §Y1§!

      • 800 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
      • 400 units of Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
      • 200 units of Special Forces Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
    • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
      • set_equipment_fraction = 0.8
      • Create “Lawmen” division template
      • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
        • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lawmen template
        • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lawmen template
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • Country flag lns_increase_lawmen_spawn is set
        • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
          • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lawmen template
          • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lawmen template

Event button.png
Send word to the Brotherhood. We need help here.
Event button.png
Ave! True to Caesar...
  • Custom effect tooltip: §RWe will switch nation and play as the Legion-aligned Hand Warband!§!


The Old Order Triumphant

With the last pockets of the Hand Warband being eliminated as we speak, it seems all but certain that we have survived the insurgency of the warband and their legion allies. Fortunately, Legion involvement was limited, and not a full-scale invasion as we first feared: it appears instead that the groups were remnants of the Legion scavenging group sent into Texas over a decade ago, who remained behind to attempt to take over and woe Caesar's favour. Certainly if they had succeeded it would have been a master-stroke, granting the Legion a base deep in Texas. However, they fortunately failed. Decisively, at that.

Much is left to do, however. We've had to make extensive diplomatic and economic concessions to win against the warband, and we will need time to recover again. Moreover, we still have our plans for developing the Texan Economic Union to deal with. Exciting times lay ahead!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns victory lone.png “Victory of the Greater Good”

Event button.png
Forwards we go, stronger than before.
Revolts in the West icon
Revolts in the West
  • Weekly Manpower: −4
  • Stability: −10%
Whilst we've managed to defeat the majority of insurgent forces, the Hand Gang has retreated back to the desolate territory in our West and North that it used to call its home. We'll need a concentrated political and military campaign to dislodge them.
East in Flames icon
East in Flames
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +5%
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −5%
  • §YMilitary Factory§! construction speed: −5%
Whilst the Hand Gang has long since been driven from our eastern lands, they've caused devastation to our lands that will take time to fix. In the mean time, our economy suffers.


A New Warlord on the I-20

The last pockets of those loyal to Bang and the old order are currently being eradicated as we speak, and so it appears we have at last managed to seize control of the country from the stuffy traditionalists that refused to recognise our true master: Caesar. Now that we have control of most of the nation, we can go about implementing our program. Much is needed to be done before we can reach out to Caesar and rejoin the Legion, however. The economy has suffered much as a result of the civil war, and our army is nothing befitting of a Legion. We also need to deal with the pesky rangers to our east, as well as safeguard Lone Star from any other attacks. We must get to work, for Caesar!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns victory hand.png “Victory for the Greater Good”

Event button.png
Caesar wills it, and so it will be done.
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability


The Lubbock Expedition Returns

Following the conclusion of the civil war in Lone Star, and the relative stability that has returned to the troubled state, Lone Star has offered to reestablish the so-called "Lubbock Expedition". This group, led by the veteran Col. Aaron Sauders, has been greatly beneficial to our stability and military capacity when they were stationed in our nation in the past. Surely should we allow the troops to return once more we can expect these benefits to return. However, we have reason to think Lone Star's motives may not be purely protection: Lone Star may use these troops to exert leverage against us in the future. We have a difficult decision to make.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Goal generic alliance.png “Return to Lubbock”

Event button.png
They're more than welcome here.
The Lubbock Expedition icon
The Lubbock Expedition
  • Stability: +5%
  • Infantry Technology Research Speed: +10%
  • Land Doctrine Research Speed: +10%
Although primarily sent west to patrol the I-20, the so-called "§YLubbock Expedition§!" from Lone Star has benefitted us in other ways than mere protection. Lone Star units have improved our knowledge of military affairs, and have proven to be reliable mediators between the ghoul and human sectors of Lubbock itself.

§GSo long as the §YLubbock Expedition§! remains in our lands, we shall provide Lone Star military access and receive a guarantee, units and an expeditionary general in return.§!
  • Give military access to Flag of Lone Star Lone Star
  • [SCOPE]Event target LUB_cap_aaron_saunders_target:
    • Set nationality to the previously mentioned country
  • Custom effect tooltip: §gThe three divisions that make up the Lubbock expedition will return to our control with §YCap. Saunders§!.


  • Hidden effect:
    • Create “Lone Star Expeditionaries” division template
    • [Scope]Snyder (928):
      • Create Flag of Lubbock Lubbock unit based on the Lone Star Expeditionaries template
      • Create Flag of Lubbock Lubbock unit based on the Lone Star Expeditionaries template
      • Create Flag of Lubbock Lubbock unit based on the Lone Star Expeditionaries template
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Trigger country event “Lubbock Welcomes Our Expedition” in 2 days
Event button.png
Turn them away, we can't risk foreign troops.
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Trigger country event “Lubbock Refuses Our Expedition” in 2 days


Lubbock Welcomes Our Expedition

Lubbock has accepted our offer to reestablish the so-called "Lubbock Expedition". The troops that used to compose this detachment are now taking up positions in Lubbock, led by the veteran Col. Aaron Saunders. This will surely lead to greater ties in the future!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Lubbock Expedition Returns” option “They're more than welcome here.”

Event button.png
  • Grants a guarantee of independence for Flag of Lubbock Lubbock
  • Delete template “Lubbock Veterans” and delete all units created from this template


Lubbock Refuses Our Expedition

After much deliberation, Lubbock has decided to decline our offer to reinstate the so-called "Lubbock Expedition". This means they will no longer have our support in war and in peace, and our troops will not be able to freely move in Lubbock territory without sparking a war. On the plus side, this now means the veteran troops from the expedition can now be integrated into our army, alongside Col. Saunders.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Lubbock Expedition Returns” option “Turn them away, we can't risk foreign troops.”

Event button.png
Lubbock Refuses Our Expedition
  • set_division_template_lock
    • division_template = "Lubbock Veterans"
    • is_locked = no


We Dare to Dream

Two decades ago, Texas was a fractured and chaotic mess of raiders, slavers, traders and mutants. Then, things changed. Together, Lone Star and [TBH.GetNameDef] signed the Texan Economic Union. Mutually beneficial to both, the Union ushered in two decades of economic growth in both nations. Lone Star thrived as trade along the I-20 boomed, and [TBH.GetNameDef] expanded to protect yet more settlements. Together, the two brought stability and wealth to the central and south-eastern regions of the old Texan Commonwealth. As a result, a previously ridiculous idea has left the realm of insanity and joined the realm of possibility. That idea? A new Texan Republic. By combining the economic power of Lone Star with the military and peacekeeping prowess of [TBH.GetNameDef], we could bring stability to the Texan wastelands previously unheard of. For the good of our people, we owe them to try.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Texas2.png “Dreams of a Reformed Texas”

Event button.png
Forwards, together!



Integration of the I-20

Maybe we knew this day would come. Maybe we should have been expecting it. Nevertheless, the communique Cap. Saunders brought us today came as a surprise to the entire government. The government in Lone Star, emboldened by the dream of reforming a Texan Republic, has demanded we submit to annexation under their leadership, until such a time as a provisional Congress can be established for the new Republic. If we refuse, [LNS.GetLeader] has promised swift military action: both an invasion from the east, and the so-called "Lubbock Expedition" moving swiftly to conquer our capital. We have a tough decision to make.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns I-20.png “Integrate the I-20”

Event button.png
We will be safer as one.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will switch to §YLone Star§!, continuing our adventures under their rule.
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • None of:
          • Is AI-controlled
      • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
        • Country becomes the previously mentioned country
    • Delete template “Lone Star Expeditionaries” and delete all units created from this template
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Trigger country event “Lubbock Accepts Annexation” in 2 days
Event button.png
We can't compromise our autonomy.
  • Revokes military access for Flag of Lone Star Lone Star
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Lns lubbock expedition.png “The Lubbock Expedition”
  • Delete template “Lone Star Expeditionaries” and delete all units created from this template
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Trigger country event “Lubbock Resists Integration” in 2 days


Lubbock Accepts Annexation

In the face of overwhelming odds against them, the government of Lubbock has accepted our demands of annexation and integration. Command of Lubbock troops has been transferred to Cap. Saunders, who has established a temporary military government in Lubbock until or troops can take complete control of the area. We can now be certain our traders will be able to access the I-20 forever more, and so we can press on with our efforts to reform Texas!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Integration of the I-20” option “We will be safer as one.”

Event button.png
Diplomacy wins again.
  • Annex Flag of Lubbock Lubbock
  • Hidden effect:
    • Cancels it's guarantee of independence for Flag of Lubbock Lubbock
    • Create “Lubbock Veterans” division template
    • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
      • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lubbock Veterans template
      • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lubbock Veterans template
      • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lubbock Veterans template
  • [SCOPE]Event target LUB_cap_aaron_saunders_target:
    • Set nationality to the previously mentioned country
  • Custom effect tooltip: §gThe §YLubbock Expedition§! returns to Lone Star, led by §YCap. Aaron Saunders§!, a skilled general, and composed of three §Gexperienced§! infantry divisions.§!


Lubbock Resists Integration

Despite the best diplomatic efforts of Cap. Saunders and the intimidation of the Lubbock Expedition, the leadership of Lubbock has refused our offer of integration into our trade empire. Fortunately, we have other means of perusing our interests.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Integration of the I-20” option “We can't compromise our autonomy.”

Event button.png
This could have been so simple.
  • Flag of Lubbock Lubbock:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Cancels it's guarantee of independence for Flag of Lubbock Lubbock
    • Create “Lubbock Veterans” division template
    • [Scope]Lone Star (921):
      • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lubbock Veterans template
      • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lubbock Veterans template
      • Create Flag of Lone Star Lone Star unit based on the Lubbock Veterans template
  • [SCOPE]Event target LUB_cap_aaron_saunders_target:
    • Set nationality to the previously mentioned country
  • Custom effect tooltip: §gThe §YLubbock Expedition§! returns to Lone Star, led by §YCap. Aaron Saunders§!, a skilled general, and composed of three §Gexperienced§! infantry divisions.§!


The I-10 Gambit

A delegation has arrived at our capital today from [LNS.GetLeader] of [LNS.GetName] himself, seeking to open negotiations about the access of traders to the I-10. They offer economic aid and "more than adequate compensation" in exchange for exclusive rights to control those who can trade on the I-10. Whilst the deal probably makes economic sense, allowing Lone Star troops into the heart of our land would be incredibly dangerous should we wind up at war with them. Plus, can they be trusted to keep up their side of the bargain?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns I-10.png “Establish Dominance Over the I-10”

Event button.png
Accept their offer.
Trading Away the I-10 icon
Trading Away the I-10
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
  • Stability: −5%
  • Industry Technology Research Speed: +7.5%
  • Agriculture Research Speed: +7.5%
Following intensive negotiations with the leadership of [LNS.GetName], we have agreed a treaty to grant [LNS.GetNameDef] sole dominance of the trade on the I-10. In exchange, we benefit economically and through technological knowledge. The deal is obviously null and void if we wind up at war with Lone Star or lose control of the I-10.
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Trigger country event “[FROM.GetName] Accepts” in 2 days
Event button.png
It's too dangerous!
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
    • Trigger country event “[FROM.GetName] Refuses” in 2 days


[FROM.GetName] Accepts

It was certainly a risk, but [FROM.GetName]'s weak response makes it all worth it.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The I-10 Gambit” option “Accept their offer.”

Event button.png
Our gamble paid off.
Control of the I-10 icon
Control of the I-10
  • Research Speed: −2%
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +3%
  • Stability: +5%
Following successful negotiations with the Fort Stockton leadership, we have agreed to an economic deal in which we gain sole right to determine who can pass on the I-10 in exchange for some economic aid.


[FROM.GetName] Refuses

It seems that our willingness to push forward 'at all costs' will now be put to the test. [FROM.GetName] has refused our offer, which now places pressure on our response.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The I-10 Gambit” option “It's too dangerous!”

Event button.png
We must achieve our goals.
  • [Scope]Fort Stockton (932):
    • [SCOPE]State owner:
      • [SCOPE]Our country
        • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes


Unity Awaits

Our Texan brothers have reached out to us and offered unification. This has been our grandest dream since near our inception and the fires of the Great War. So why wait? Why cling, gasping and struggling, to the last vestiges of a self-defeating independence? Let us forge a new future together, for ourselves and all of Texas.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Tbh flag gear.png “Rally [TBH.GetNameDef]”

Event button.png
Together, we will make our plans!
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Custom effect tooltip: When §YLone Star§! completes their upcoming focus to form the §YRepublic of Texas§!, we will switch to the §YRepublic of Texas§! and unify §YLone Star§! and the §Y[TBH.GetName]§! under one nation.

§gIf you are playing multiplayer with another player leading the other of the two nations, you will both receive the new focus tree, but each only be able to access the relevant portions of the focus tree whilst remaining two separate nations. You may, however, have more fun if the current [TBH.GetName] player hotjoins as [LNS.GetName] before the focus to form the Provisional Republic is completed, and allowing you both to play the new Republic together as one nation. The option is up to you.§!


The Texan Stronghold

Caesar is a genius man. With little apparent hope of success, his agents and recruits did the impossible. Lone Star is now a home of proud legionaires, swearing loyalty to him and him alone. But the best is yet to come. We have a role in the Legion's greater plans, and why deny the Fates their due?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Generic legion diplomatic focus.png “Prepare for Something Greater”

Event button.png
By Caesar's Will!
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity


A Hostile Expedition

Our hostile Hand neighbors have sent a punitive expedition against us! We must act quickly if we have any hope of survival against what is no doubt a coming onslaught.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Lns lub occupation.png “The Occupation of Lubbock”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Send our army to meet the expedition!
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • [SCOPE]All countries with the same original tag as Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
        • Flag of Lubbock Lubbock:
          • Is a subject of the previously mentioned country
    • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
      • Limited to:
      • end_puppet = LUB
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • [SCOPE]All countries with the same original tag as Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
        • Is in the same faction as Flag of Lubbock Lubbock
    • Leave faction
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
    • Declares a Annex war against the previously mentioned country

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • [SCOPE]All countries with the same original tag as Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • At least one of the following is true:
      • Is in the same faction as Flag of Lubbock Lubbock
      • Flag of Lubbock Lubbock:
        • Is a subject of the previously mentioned country
Event button.png
We will be safer under their rule...
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
    • Annex the previously mentioned country


A Friend Up North

An delegation has reached us from the Hand Warband to our north. They present a deal to us: one they believe is mutually beneficial for both sides. The deal proposes a temporary military alliance between our two parties with the aim of carving up the mutant lands of Shale's Army and Eden between the two of us. They would conquer the lands once belonging to Shale's Army, and in exchange we would gain the lands of Eden. To sweeten the deal, they also offer a substantial lot of iron for us to do what we will with. How should we respond?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Accept their deal.
  • Custom effect tooltip: §RWe will be called to war to conquer our new claims when the Hand Warband declares war.§!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Gain a §Gclaim§! on all §Ystarting core states§! of §Y[EDN.GetNameWithFlag]§!.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • Is state Eden (936)
        • Is state Brady (935)
        • Is state Mountain Home (678)
        • Is state Kerrville (920)
    • Is claimed by Flag of Ironmongers Ironmongers
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Gain a §Gclaim§! on all §Ystarting core states§! of §Y[SHA.GetNameWithFlag§!.
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • At least one of the following is true:
          • Is state Fort Stockton (932)
          • Is state Odessa (930)
          • Is state Dead Plains (934)
          • Is state Ozona (933)
      • Is claimed by the previously mentioned country
    • Flag of Ironmongers Ironmongers:
      • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
        • Add production of 10 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
      • Limited to:
        • has_resources_amount
          • resource = metal
          • amount > 9
      • Remove production of 10 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • Flag of Ironmongers Ironmongers:
    • Enters a Non-aggression pactNon-aggression pact with Flag of Ironmongers Ironmongers
    • Set country flag imo_accepts_deal
    • Trigger country event “[IMO.GetName] Accepts Our Deal” in 3 days

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Their words mean nothing!
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger country event “[IMO.GetName] Refuses Our Deal” in 3 days


[IMO.GetName] Accepts Our Deal

After relatively swift negotiations, [IMO.GetNameDef] have agreed to our deal to carve up the lands to our south between our two nations. They have pledged their support in our upcoming wars to conquer the area!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Friend Up North” option “Accept their deal.”

Event button.png



[IMO.GetName] Refuses Our Deal

Despite our best attempts to sweeten the deal proposed, [IMO.GetNameDef] have refused to ally with us against the threats to our south. We shall have to focus on the I-10 alone.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Friend Up North” option “Their words mean nothing!”

Event button.png
A shame...
  • Custom effect tooltip: Gain a §Gclaim§! on all §Ystarting core states§! of §Y[SHA.GetNameWithFlag§!.
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of the following is true:
        • Is state Eden (936)
        • Is state Brady (935)
        • Is state Mountain Home (678)
        • Is state Kerrville (920)
    • Is claimed by our country




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “True to Caesar”

Event button.png
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
    • Custom effect tooltip: The so-called §RLone Star Legion§! will pledge allegiance to us, and all their troops and generals will become ours to command. We will gain §Gcores§! on all states they call cores. This will surely greatly strengthen us.
    • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • [SCOPE]Every employed navy leader:
    • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
      • Set state flag remember_this_state
      • Set state flag do_not_exodus
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Annex Flag of Lone Star Lone Star (troops transferred)
      • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
        • Set state flag remember_this_state
        • Set state flag do_not_exodus
      • [SCOPE]Our country
      • [SCOPE]Every state:
        • Limited to:
          • State flag remember_this_state is set
        • Clear state flag remember_this_state
        • Clear state flag do_not_exodus
      • [SCOPE]Every state:




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “True to Caesar”

Event button.png
  • Set cosmetic tag to LNS_legion
  • Scripted Effect: ask_to_join_caesars_legion=yes
  • Changes the national focus tree to cohort_focus_tree and keep completed focuses
Event button.png
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • Flag of Texan Brotherhood Texan Brotherhood:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • File:TEX.png TEX:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • Set country flag ai_prefers_to_fight_neighbors
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Tooltip: Every §YTexan§! State
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_texan_state=yes
    • Is claimed by Flag of Lone Star Lone Star


A Bird in the Hand

The city of Lonestar has been taken over by a band of raiders. Although they will be no threat to us, why not send them weapons to fight the Brotherhood wish? This honestly costs us nothing.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Pal cannibal followup raider.png “Our Friend to the South”

Event button.png
Together, we will make our plans!
  • Flag of Lone Star Lone Star:
    • Trigger news event “Hecho En Mexico!”
Event button.png
We're Busy, sorry.
  • Gain +60% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Robotics


Hecho En Mexico!

Santa Anna was kind enough to send us antitank equipment to use against the Brotherhood. And perhaps against him, if he gets uppity...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Bird in the Hand” option “Together, we will make our plans!”

Event button.png
What's he going to do, attack a divided Texas?