Ruminators national focus tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
The Stretch icon
The Stretch
A place far from the troubles of the world.
  • Trigger country event “A Quiet Little Place”
The Fireflies icon
The Fireflies
As times changed, the Park Rangers evolved with them, too.
  • Trigger country event “And Then, There Were Fireflies”
The Saints icon
The Saints
It was all fun and games... Until it wasn't.
  • Trigger country event “Along Came A Man With Ambition”
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Discordance of the Firefly, Part I” in 30 days
The Ruminators icon
The Ruminators
No matter who you are, no matter where you find yourself, you'll always have hope... Even if its buried. All you need is a little bit of encouragement.
  • Trigger country event “Heart of Gold, Eyes of Stars”
The Cult of Liberty icon
The Cult of Liberty
The Cult worships an angel named 'America,' and seem to have a gross misunderstanding of what America actually was. They crave vengeance and are fueled by anger-- but with them in Rosebud, perhaps we can change their path?
  • Trigger country event “They Worship America, Part I”
American Churches icon
American Churches
The Cult of Liberty's presence in Montana is undeniable, and their so-called "churches" are really just weapons production facilities and firing ranges. Still, they aren't outwardly harming anyone as of yet. Perhaps we can give some oversight?
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_4_arms_factories=yes
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
    • Add 4 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
A Symbol of Her Faith icon
A Symbol of Her Faith
Rhianna Robertson is a troubled soul, permeated by doubt and personal tragedy. There is much we can do for her, if we make the time for it...
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • [BTH.GetFlag] [BTH.GetNameDefCap] are Receptive to the ideals of America. (?


    • Trigger country event “Rhianna's Dilemma”
  • Gets the National Spirit File:USA.png “America's Arms”
America's Arms icon
America's Arms
  • Infantry Weaponry Research Speed: +10%
America's Boons icon
America's Boons
Be you in need of a weapon, then have no fear! Rhianna Robertson will give unto you exactly what you need. All you need do is but ask!
  • 350 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
The Works of America icon
The Works of America
The Cult of Liberty knows their stuff, and with our help, is more than happy to hand over their excess materials for our own usage.
  • Gain +75% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Industry Technology
  • [Scope]Hysham (1047):
    • Add production of 8 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • Add production of 4 Water Water
New Arrivals in the Northeast icon
New Arrivals in the Northeast
Blimps flew over Montana late in the night-- where are they going? Who's on them? Let's find out!
  • Trigger country event “They Travel in Style”
  • Flag of Montana Chapter Montana Chapter:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Has leader “Elder Patrocolus”
      • Trigger country event “Strangers from this Strange Land” in 3 days
    • Else, if:
      • Limited to:
        • Has leader “Sentinel Honour”
      • Trigger country event “Of Songbirds and Sisters”
The Historians Arrive in Rosebud icon
The Historians Arrive in Rosebud
Word spreads of the Ruminators like a song on the breeze, and other likeminded folks send their best regards.
  • Trigger country event “To Elizaveta, With Haste!”
  • Gets the National Spirit Corn.png “Pioneer Farming”
Pioneer Farming icon
Pioneer Farming
  • Monthly Population: +5%
  • Extra£resources_strip
The Historians' keep alive the methods used by the first settlers of the Dakotas. These make them friends throughout the region and improve their own crop rotation.
  • Custom effect tooltip:
Ruminating to Riches icon
Ruminating to Riches
  • Monthly Population: +12%
  • Stability: +6%
Helping Hands icon
Helping Hands
The Historians here are more than happy to help us get production going on proper townly systems and get jobs going. Hearing them out and doing as they say will surely pay off nicely.
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Ruminator Radio icon
Ruminator Radio
The Historians want to help us spread our teachings across Montana and beyond, but we need to actually think about what we're going to be broadcasting! Let's get it set up and really consider what we're putting out there.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has Radio Detection technology researched
      • None of:
        • Has Decimetric Radar technology researched
    • Add technology: Decimetric Radar
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Has Radio Detection technology researched
    • Add technology: Radio Detection
    • Add technology: Decimetric Radar
  • [Scope]Rosebud (1046):
  • Trigger country event “Ruminator Radio, Online!”
  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will automatically complete the focus Everyone Deserves a Home, allowing us to gather refugees from some nearby fallen nations.
  • Hidden effect:
Two Movements, Happily Intertwined icon
Two Movements, Happily Intertwined
The teachings of the Historians with our feel-good attitude have led to so, so much. Who's to know where it could go in the future?
  • Gain 1 research slot
  • Flag of Historians Historians:
    • Gain 1 research slot
The Saints Did What?! icon
The Saints Did What?!
The Saints have gotten themselves into a small bloody war with those Khan folks across the way, and it sounds like they deserve whatever happens. Innocent people might get caught up in it though, and it’s always better for people to be at peace! Elizaveta is on the job!
  • Remove the National Spirit Warband without a home.png “Blood on the Border”
  • Flag of Northern Khans Northern Khans:
    • Remove the National Spirit Warband without a home.png “Blood on the Border”
  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • Gain 2.5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 2.5% War support War Support
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Trigger country event “A Meeting of Idealists”
  • Flag of Northern Khans Northern Khans:
    • Trigger country event “A Meeting of Idealists”
A Tale of Two Troubles icon
A Tale of Two Troubles
The Four Fathers have long presided over Mount Rushmore, only striking out when in the ebbs and flows of their various rituals, otherwise remaining peaceful. Still, conflict with the Marshalls to the south led from one thing to another, and now they've lost their ancient grounds to the Republic.

The Republic itself does not wish for conflict, but due to their history, they won't budge either. All we can do is offer our best and wish them well.

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
    • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "bth_friendly" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Ruminators Ruminators
    • Trigger country event “Hoping for the Best”
Reaching Out to Yellowstone icon
Reaching Out to Yellowstone
The people of Yellowstone Park have lived peacefully for so very long. I've always wanted to visit... Perhaps they'd be willing to see us?
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip:
Saying Hi To The Neighbors icon
Saying Hi To The Neighbors
Just across the way there’s some new folks just moving in, calling themselves the Khans. They seem pretty tough but like their hearts are in the right place. We should say hello and we can bring them a few copies of Ruminating to Riches!
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • [Scope]Lampyridaen Caverns (1045):
    • Start construction of 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • Flag of Northern Khans Northern Khans:
  • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "bth_friendly_greeting" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Northern Khans Northern Khans
Approaching the Saints icon
Approaching the Saints
The Jacksons are getting bolder-- perhaps the Saints will be able to help? Surely they're also in danger...
  • Trigger country event “A Quiet Evening”
Looking Ahead icon
Looking Ahead
With the Jacksons gone, everyone's wanting to know what the plan is-- what if someone attacks us again? How are we going to protect ourselves? We need an answer... But am I equipped to give it?
  • Trigger country event “Saul Makes a Stand”
  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will automatically complete the focus There Should Be No World Without Good, allowing us to better define our military.
  • Hidden effect:
The First New School icon
The First New School
We will open the first new school in Montana since... Forever. At least, the first not in use by the Enclave.
New Schools icon
New Schools
  • Research Speed: +5%
  • Stability: +3%
Quality Teachers icon
Quality Teachers
Without people who know what they're talking about, then what is the point of our schools? We must ensure a good quality of education for the betterment of all!
  • Gain 1 research slot
To Give a Speech icon
To Give a Speech
A present leader is a good leader. To see the people with your own eyes, and to give them your words as personally as you can, is the most important thing you can do to sustain a connected movement.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
Reopen the Scrapyard icon
Reopen the Scrapyard
There's an old scrapyard outside city limits that we can 'retrofit' into a proper... Scrappery? Is that a good word for it? Ah, let's just let the hard-working people call it what they want.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 3 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
  • Add 1 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Montana Employment Programs icon
Montana Employment Programs
We will open up recruitment all across Montana for people to come and earn their due! Everyone deserves a good job.
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Inviting Companies to Our Sandbox icon
Inviting Companies to Our Sandbox
Plenty of little fledgling companies dot Montana, in places safe and places not. Let's get them somewhere they can actually succeed and help develop!
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • [Scope]Rosebud (1046):
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 1
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes
Eager Volunteers icon
Eager Volunteers
So many people all across Montana would love to help out the movement.
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
Repair the Water Pump icon
Repair the Water Pump
The water pump outside of town has been dysfunctional for some time after one of the Jacksons previous raids. Getting it fixed will be a great improvement for quality of life!
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Add production of 3 Water Water
  • Add 1 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Rosebud Development icon
Rosebud Development
We weren't always the most tidy-- neither was the town itself before we shacked up in it. Cleaning up will allow for better construction opportunities!
  • [Scope]Rosebud (1046):
    • Start construction of 2 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
    • Set temporary variable development_to_add to 1
    • Scripted Effect: add_development_to_node=yes
Encouraging Craftsmen icon
Encouraging Craftsmen
How many people do you know that want to put their hands to work but have no means to get down in the dirt? Well, here in Rosebud, the only thing that can stop you is yourself. No raiders or tyrants here!
  • Add 3 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Frontier Development icon
Frontier Development
We have so much land for so many different things, but so little room in it we can use! With how many things are changing around here, we need space to grow!
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
Sense of Community icon
Sense of Community
People taking pride in their surroundings, participating in the events we put out-- that's all that matters. If the people's hearts are in it, then so will their hands and minds.
  • Gets the National Spirit Veg three families.png “Local Pride”
Local Pride icon
Local Pride
  • Political Power Gain: +5%
  • Mobilization speed: +5%
  • Surrender Limit: +5%
We Believe in The World icon
We Believe in The World
With the future of our movement's security better put in motion, we may move forward onto a bigger scale hitherto unexplored. It's time to assemble the better elements of the area and see if we can't make a proper, friendly conglomeration.
  • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_midnight_union=yes
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Brahmin.png “Wasteland Settlers” for 1 year
Wasteland Settlers icon
Wasteland Settlers
  • Construction Speed: +5%
  • Monthly Population: +25%
  • Passive Caps Income: +3
Invite the Free Khans icon
Invite the Free Khans
Amgalan and his 'Followers of the Apocalypse' much resemble our own thoughts on the world and hopes-- together, we could achieve so much!

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of Northern Khans Northern Khans:
    • Is in a faction
  • Flag of Northern Khans Northern Khans:
    • Scripted Effect: invite_to_midnight_union=yes
Invite the Sisters of Steel icon
Invite the Sisters of Steel
The Sisters of Steel wanted to honor their ancestry and live without fear. We want that, too.

The following will bypass the focus:
Invite the Marshall Republic icon
Invite the Marshall Republic
The Free States were anarchists who knew nuclear war was coming. Now, they serve as a bastion of civilization and reason in Wyoming-- why don't we walk into the future together?

The following will bypass the focus:
Invite Highland Watch icon
Invite Highland Watch
Word of the Highland Watch has always been heard in old western sonnets and songs, but with them on our fringes, we can extend a loving hand.

The following will bypass the focus:
The Jamboree icon
The Jamboree
A party every now and then is great for the people. Who doesn't love a good excuse for a potluck and a squaredance?
  • Trigger country event “A Dance with the Devil, Part I”
The Alumnus icon
The Alumnus
The Saints have never been good people. Do they want to be?...
  • Trigger country event “The Broadcast”
What Are The Saints Up To? icon
What Are The Saints Up To?
Saul's been keeping an eye on the Saints for some time now, and while they may have Elizaveta fooled, he recognizes something's not quite right...
  • Trigger country event “Saul's Discovery”
Protect Our Network icon
Protect Our Network
With recent strikes at our supply network, we ought to invest in proper protective services.
  • Gain +50% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (1 use) towards:
    • Infantry Weaponry
Saul's Run icon
Saul's Run
Saul acts on his discovery with uncertainty...
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag bth_warning_elizaveta_flag is set
    • Trigger country event “Warning Elizaveta”
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag bth_confronting_archie_flag is set
    • Trigger country event “Confronting Archie, Part I”
  • Else:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Saul must make his choice for this to have an effect.
New World Hope icon
New World Hope
"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." --Thomas Paine
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag bth_warning_elizaveta_flag is set
    • Trigger country event “Time to Smile”
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag bth_confronting_archie_flag is set
    • Trigger country event “The Half Smile”
  • Else:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Saul must make his choice for this to have an effect.
There Should be no World Without Good icon
There Should be no World Without Good
If a people cannot protect themselves willingly, then they are not a people-- just souls wandering the world without intention. We need to change... Or, at the very least, take a firm stance on our approach.
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Listen to the Fireflies icon
Listen to the Fireflies
Saul is a fiery spirit, but he knows combat and people better than any of the other locals. We will listen to him and see what he can teach us.
Firefly Protection icon
Firefly Protection
  • Land Night Attack: +12%
  • War Support: +5%
  • Initiative: +5%
Scavenging Jacksons Equipment icon
Scavenging Jacksons Equipment
Saul places a special emphasis on gear-- he believes numbers are mostly inconsequential compared to skill. He's suggested scavenging what we can from the Jacksons old stockpiles as a result.
Firefly Gear icon
Firefly Gear
Firefly Gear icon
Firefly Gear
Fireflying Properly icon
Fireflying Properly
The Fireflies have long served as stewards and protectors of this land-- what say we let them show us how they did it for all these years?
  • Gain +50% research bonus (Ruminators Research) (2 uses) towards:
    • Land Doctrine
Greasing Rifles icon
Greasing Rifles
"The gun is half the trick-- the other half is knowing where to shoot." --Saul A. Everett
Firefly Gear icon
Firefly Gear
Firefly Gear icon
Firefly Gear
The Old Ranger Tricks icon
The Old Ranger Tricks
The Fireflies used to be park rangers, and it shows in their knowledge of the land passed down from generation to generation. They'll show us which plants to use and which ones to discard in field medicine!
Firefly Protection icon
Firefly Protection
  • Division Attrition: −5%
  • Experienced soldier losses: −8%
  • Land Night Attack: +12%
  • War Support: +5%
  • Initiative: +5%
Know Your Enemy, and the Land He Walks On icon
Know Your Enemy, and the Land He Walks On
The Jacksons spent years perfecting their riot gear in their quest for vengeance. Now, the Fireflies can put it to use protecting the people-- and hopefully, preventing anyone like the Jacksons from attacking us ever again.
The Fireflies icon
The Fireflies
We Are The Ruminators icon
We Are The Ruminators
We aren't fighters-- we never have been. That's never been the point of the movement. If we fight, we lose what made us who we are. We should focus on bettering peoples lives first and foremost.
  • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power
Medicine Stockpiles icon
Medicine Stockpiles
We have troves upon troves of medical supplies just waiting to be reviewed for use! Let's greenlight what works and get rid of the expired pieces. Lord knows we could use the help!
Need-to-Know Basis icon
Need-to-Know Basis
Between everything that has happened in Montana or will happen to Montana, we need to be ready. Maybe we'll be ready in terms of medicinal practice, or maybe it'll just be us knowing how to spot bad actors before they arrive in the area, but we need to know things ahead of time.
Service with a Smile icon
Service with a Smile
Our helpful demeanor and strict adherence to nonviolence where possible has turned a lot of good people our way. We will welcome them to the movement with open arms!
Ruminating to Riches icon
Ruminating to Riches
  • Monthly Population: +20%
  • Recruitable Population: 1%
  • Stability: +10%
We Can Do It! icon
We Can Do It!
What good is the movement if we aren't giving people quality of life? Let's start making houses-- the sort you used to see in all those old brochures. If we can give people a home worthy of their time, we'll never lose anyone!
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Industry Technology
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Construction Tech
We Worked So Hard to Build A Little House Together icon
We Worked So Hard to Build A Little House Together
If you can give people money and a job they'll enjoy, you'll have their hand and their heart for forever.
Ruminating to Riches icon
Ruminating to Riches
  • Monthly Population: +20%
  • Construction Speed: +8%
  • Factory Output: +5%
  • Recruitable Population: 1%
  • Stability: +10%
  • Caps Income: +15%
  • [SCOPE]One random core state:
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • [SCOPE]One random core state:
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
Appealing to Siegfra icon
Appealing to Siegfra
Siegfra, and by extension the Montana Chapter, have done nothing but help us since they arrived, asking only for bits of technology and such we find. Perhaps an appeal to them will help us secure our future?
  • Trigger country event “The Plea”
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will put us on a path to becoming a Puppet of [MNC.GetFlag] [MNC.GetNameDef].
The Old Machine Depot icon
The Old Machine Depot
For years we left the old machine depot abandoned-- but with our furthered cooperation, Siegfra has shown an interest in fiddling with some of the old technology there. We can set up a small mission and help her!
  • Gain +100% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Robotics
  • [Scope]Rosebud (1046):
    • Add production of 7 Energy Energy
    • Add production of 4 (unrecognized string "advanced" for Template:Icon) Advanced Components
  • Custom effect tooltip:
That Sort of Midwestern Love icon
That Sort of Midwestern Love
Sympathetic to our appeal, Siegfra has begun training some of the Ruminators on how to defend themselves the Brotherhood way. Perhaps we'll have more Knights and Scribes than we expected after all?
Working With What We Have icon
Working With What We Have
The Montana Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel has limited capacity for growth, especially under such short notice. We can help them, though we only have so much we can share.
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add technology: Basic Power Armour Tech
  • Custom effect tooltip:
Finalizing Trades icon
Finalizing Trades
With our growing cooperation, we've been able to optimize some of our production to suit both of our interests. Let's give them the good news!
  • Add 3 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add technology: Intermediate Power Armour Tech
  • Custom effect tooltip:
Trusting in Patrocolus icon
Trusting in Patrocolus
Patrocolus stood by us this whole time, watching over Siegfra and us. The least we can do is return the favor and pledge to the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Flag of Montana Chapter Montana Chapter:
    • Flag of Ruminators Ruminators becomes a puppet of the current scope
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will be able to produce Advanced Technical Armor!
  • Hidden effect:
    • Add technology: Advanced Technical Armour
Our Future Secured icon
Our Future Secured
With our stances on militarization affirmed, we may now turn our heads back to the world at large.
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability
  • Gain Command power 50 Command Power
  • Our military has been defined! (?


  • Custom effect tooltip:
  • Custom effect tooltip: With our military means now defined, we may now continue our focus tree-- unless we now answer to the Brotherhood.
Everyone Deserves A Home icon
Everyone Deserves A Home
The wasteland can be a cruel place, but that doesn't mean we have to be. We'll make it clear that our lands are open for anyone and everyone who's willing to treat their fellow men and women with respect.
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
Destroyed Once Too Many Times icon
Destroyed Once Too Many Times
The Khans came to Wyoming seeking providence, and were met instead with deliverance. Some of them might be unruly, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve somewhere to stay!
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Metal's Mettle icon
Metal's Mettle
Steel Joe couldn't save his gang from destruction. The Metal Mouths have been a source of ire for us for a very, very long time-- but they're gone, and the rest of them are fading into the breeze. Why don't we offer them a second chance?
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
A Land of Outcasts icon
A Land of Outcasts
Between the Cult of Liberty and the Thieves Guild, Havre has been a place for the unruly to thrive-- both just far enough away from MacArthur to be off their raider and just far enough outside Safehaven's borders to prevent skirmishing. It seems that luck has finally run out, though, and the outcasts need a new place-- though we may want to have them look into different crafts, haha!
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag bth_rhianna_friend_flag is set
    • Custom effect tooltip:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Because of our previous actions, this focus will also grant the following effects:
    • Flag of Cult of Liberty Cult of Liberty:
      • Rhianna Robertson:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Spawn 2 Infantry divisions composed of [HVR.GetAdjective] refugees.
    • Hidden effect:
      • load_oob = BTH_havre_refugees
The Last Jacksons icon
The Last Jacksons
The Jacksons tried to kill us, but they never meant to be out here. They never wanted to be outcasted. If we can make them feel welcomed, like they belong... Maybe there is hope for the family.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Hephaestus' Folly icon
Hephaestus' Folly
The people of Yellowstone had always been kind to people. Though they no longer hold the park, they need not lose hold of their hearts.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
The Republic's Finest icon
The Republic's Finest
The Marshall Republic has always stood as a bastion of fine folk, the sort who just wanted the world to be a better place. They can make it better here, should they choose.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Custom effect tooltip:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Additionally, the following characters will join us:
    • Flag of Marshall Republic Marshall Republic:
      • Marshall Witwicky:
No More Fathers icon
No More Fathers
They just wanted to go home. It's not the same, but we can offer them one in our stead.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
In the Land of the Free icon
In the Land of the Free
MacArthur has always been shrouded in eerie mythos-- the fortress in the mountains where the First Families and the Enclave play their reindeer games far away from prying eyes. It seems that such a thing has finally come to an end, however, and many of the personnel are looking for somewhere safe.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
        • Does not exist
        • Martha Santiago is active in this country
    • Custom effect tooltip:
    • Custom effect tooltip: Additionally, the following characters will join us:
    • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Hidden effect:
      • If:
        • Limited to:
          • Martha Santiago:
            • is_corps_commander = no
        • Becomes a General
Achilles' Heel icon
Achilles' Heel
The Montana Brotherhood, despite all their flash and awe, fell like bricks into the gentle Montana breeze. Let us offer them a hand!
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 2000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop