The Gateway national focus tree/scriptoutput

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Focus Prerequisites Effects
This Pretty Girl Runs a Haunted House icon
This Pretty Girl Runs a Haunted House
Destiny runs the show out here-- a dismal nightmare far from society.
  • Trigger country event “The Ghost of MANIFEST North”
  • Set country flag tpa_rebellion_flag
The Scarlet Blizzard, and Other Lovely Nightmares icon
The Scarlet Blizzard, and Other Lovely Nightmares
She was never the sort to let people have their fun. After all, there was always more that needed doing-- and if she couldn't move, she'd make them wish she could.
  • Requires the following:
    • This Pretty Girl Runs a Haunted House “This Pretty Girl Runs a Haunted House”
  • Trigger country event “The Scarlet Blizzard”
Katch Prison Blues icon
Katch Prison Blues
Hard times come when you're down on your luck. Even moreso when you're down in your luck in Fort Cap Hell's Supermax...
  • Requires the following:
    • The Scarlet Blizzard, and Other Lovely Nightmares “The Scarlet Blizzard, and Other Lovely Nightmares”
  • Trigger country event “Along Came Some Inmates...”
MANIFEST Clean-Up icon
MANIFEST North was one of the largest facilities ever built by the company, sport. A bunch of its most prominent experimentation sites are located right here. What do you say we turn this place upside down and see what we can't get kickin' again?
  • Requires the following:
    • Katch Prison Blues “Katch Prison Blues”
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock decisions to repair the various segments of MANIFEST North!
Regarding Other Fine Fellows icon
Regarding Other Fine Fellows
Listen, we ain't the only one that ever existed, as you might've guessed. There's at least three other MANIFEST facilities I'm getting a ping from. As luck would have it, we have a good old fashioned radio tower not far from here. Repair it, and I'll tell you what, champ: there'll be a barbeque in your name when this is all over.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: We must clear the respective part of the lab in the decisions tab!
    • Has completed national focus File:TPA Radar.png “Regarding Other Fine Fellows”
Minor Deputies icon
Minor Deputies
Plenty of old robots and other 'deputies' are out in the wilds. With this communication set-up back up and running, we'll call them all home, whether they want it or not-- and they're gonna listen.
Deputy Recall icon
Deputy Recall
  • Training time: −20%
  • Weekly Manpower: +5
MANIFEST Regina icon
See, the MANIFEST facility in Regina was a special kind-- more of a headquarters, really, though it was never officiated. This here's where I was REALLY born, and where we can really mess with other MANIFEST properties.
  • Requires the following:
  • Owns state Regina (1319)
  • Gains core on Regina (1319)
Revitalizing Old Production Lines icon
Revitalizing Old Production Lines
Plenty of old fuel around here, sport. Why don't we grease up these lines and see what it's got cooking?
  • Requires the following:
    • MANIFEST Regina “MANIFEST Regina”
  • Owns state Regina (1319)
  • [Scope]Regina (1319):
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_4_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 4 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
      • Add 4 Building slot building slots
A Snake In My Boot icon
A Snake In My Boot
We-hell, look at that...
  • Requires the following:
    • MANIFEST Regina “MANIFEST Regina”
  • Owns state Regina (1319)
  • Trigger country event “The Darndest Thing”
  • 800 units of Support Robot is added to the national Stockpile
Manifesting Destiny icon
Manifesting Destiny
Hoo-wee! Now there's a cold glass of Nuka-Cola's worth of code for you to digest, sport. Nice job on that-- I feel my head's clearer than it's ever been. Nice to know I can always keep improvin', right?
  • Requires the following:
    • MANIFEST Regina “MANIFEST Regina”
  • Owns state Regina (1319)
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • The Thinking Woman
      • Training time: −10%
      • Planning Speed: +5%
MANIFEST Saskatchewan icon
MANIFEST Saskatchewan
I'd say break out the red carpet, but she's more of a blue type of girl, so we'll oblige. She's my sister, after all.
  • Requires the following:
  • Owns state Pleasantdale (1353)
  • Gains core on Pleasantdale (1353)
Sisters Forever icon
Sisters Forever
I'm so looking forward to working with you again, Destiny!

Oh, trust me-- it's gonna be a real hoot.
MANIFEST Montana icon
This one's a bit more of a dejected facility, really, the one that slipped by the records and was left by the wayside. In any case, it looks like some strange cult-folks set up shop here in between all this 'Brotherhood' hubbub. Better to burn 'em out than let 'em keep fiddling with company property.
  • Requires the following:
  • Owns state Hawkeye (1083)
  • Trigger country event “They Called Him Fenrir”
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Little Red Riding Hood
      • Planning Speed: +5%
      • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
      • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.02%
  • Add 1 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
  • Add 1 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
The Wolf God's Folly icon
The Wolf God's Folly
Guess he's still kicking after all. Thought we got rid of him, but I guess some bastards just don't know when to let go.
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 75 Political Power
  • Add 2 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
A Stain Upon MANIFEST History icon
A Stain Upon MANIFEST History
He ain't worth it, champ. Trust me on this one.
  • Gains core on Hawkeye (1083)
  • Add 2 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
MANIFEST Alberta icon
A shell facility that was once scoured in Edmonton, MANIFEST Alberta was supposed to be the start of a new move for the company. Too bad the budget didn't allow it. Tsk, tsk. Now, we get to use that space to move in ourselves...
  • Requires the following:
  • Owns state North Redmond (1110)
  • Add 4 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
  • Add 4 off map Arms workshop Arms Workshop
The Production Wing icon
The Production Wing
If the biology lab is where the magic is made, then this is where the spells were first crafted. Take a good, long look-- we're gonna be able to do a helluva lot with this.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: We must clear the respective part of the lab in the decisions tab!
    • Has completed national focus File:Nuke code.png “The Production Wing”
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Ghost Stories icon
Ghost Stories
Turns out we're not the only relics in the Blizzard: there's an old feud between two little packs of ghouls, right on our back porch.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Deluded Soldiers icon
Deluded Soldiers
America's old news, I ain't forgettin' that. MANIFEST is always what came first outside of how pretty money could be. Now, when you told me there were livin', breathin' Americans under my nose, I giggled a little bit. What was I gonna do to them that they didn't already do to themselves? Well, instead of killin' 'em, why don't we throw a few of our cards out their way? See what that gets us long-term.
Lost Dragoons icon
Lost Dragoons
Look at that! Genuine Chinese Dragoons who've been stuck out in the Scarlet Blizzard since before the war. Now, I ain't one to endorse corporate espionage, but I see a fine opportunity here in their cries. I mean, how unlucky do you have to be to be stuck here for two centuries? Maybe we can squeeze this our way.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add production of 3 Water Water
    • Add production of 3 Circuitry Circuitry
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Moose Lake Air Base icon
Moose Lake Air Base
It seems the USA forces within the area had a secret landing area they had been making use of for their operations since before the war. That's cute. Whatever the case may be, it is now open to us. Why don't we make use of it?
  • [Scope]The Pass (1167):
    • Start construction of 5 Air base Air Base
What Little Funding We Had icon
What Little Funding We Had
The United States gave us a decent enough budget. 'Course, eggheads didn't know how to spend it worth a dime, but it got me in the mix and I think that's a pretty good trade, all things considered. You can imagine where the bias might come from.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_arms_factory=yes
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot
  • 150 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
The Werewolf of MANIFEST North icon
The Werewolf of MANIFEST North
Well, I'll be damned-- did you just see that?!
  • Trigger country event “The Werewolf of MANIFEST North”
  • Gain +33% research bonus (Montana Research Bonus) (3 uses) towards:
    • Medical Technology
Repairing Collapsed Roofs icon
Repairing Collapsed Roofs
This place might as well be swiss cheese... Wait, do you even know what that is, hon?
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
    • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
What Remained of the Infantry icon
What Remained of the Infantry
American guns guarded this facility, once. They oversaw their own cute little fortification just a bit north aways. Let's clear out the Umbravores there and see what we can't do with it.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_3_arms_factories=yes
    • Add 3 Arms workshop Arms Workshop
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
American Ways of Life icon
American Ways of Life
You look up stuff in your database sometimes and you see folks like John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and you really start to wonder-- where did men like THAT run off to? Now it's just a bunch of cracked noggins and mouthbreathing morons who can't tell an icicle from ice cream. And that, hon, is where you an I come in.
Old Constructions icon
Old Constructions
  • Construction Speed: +10%
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_civilian_factory=yes
    • Add 3 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Destiny.png “Broken Production & Recall Wing”
The Biology Labs icon
The Biology Labs
This here is where we did all the fun stuff, sport. Exploding a human DNA strand and then reconstructing it-- all the little miracles. We're gonna do it all over again, but this time, we're gonna make it right.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Support Technology
  • Gain +33% research bonus (3 uses) towards:
    • Industry Technology
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Electronics Technology
The Red Fern icon
The Red Fern
This. This here was the holy grail-- a plant that could make something into something entirely different. It's all a girl ever needs...
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
The Wonders We Left Behind icon
The Wonders We Left Behind
MANIFEST Saskatchewan and all its adorable little satellite sites have so much left for us to plunder. Red Fern research is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Gain +100% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Agriculture
  • Modify (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) resource output by: +1 (unrecognized string "metal_generator" for Template:Icon)
  • Modify Water resource output by: +1 (unrecognized string "water_generator" for Template:Icon)
  • Modify Energy resource output by: +1 (unrecognized string "electricity_generator" for Template:Icon)
  • Modify Circuitry resource output by: +1 (unrecognized string "circuitry_generator" for Template:Icon)
Post-Modern Horrors icon
Post-Modern Horrors
We've seen plenty of them out in the Blightwood, but these 'faeries' sure are something, huh? What really gets me is WE didn't make 'em. I should know; I've seen the files.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock Fairy DNA in the Replicator!
  • We must have Fairy DNA! (?


Starting Small icon
Starting Small
Some folks say I don't know anything about restraint! The nerve of em. Once I'm done with the first round of testing, they can serve in the second.
Red Fern Kibble icon
Red Fern Kibble
The Plump Nobility icon
The Plump Nobility
Woo-wee! Look at that. These nobles in Pleasantdale sure are chunky for a bunch of wastelanders and vagabonds, huh? I always wanted to see how much you could pump into someone like that before they burst. Is there a maximum capacity, I wonder? We'll just have to see... And maybe, we'll get some we can keep around.
  • [Scope]Pleasantdale (1353):
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to -5000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
Their Own Little Monsters icon
Their Own Little Monsters
Now, look at that, sport-- the Faeries came from here. Little HOPE was responsible for it. Should have known she'd want to make some toys of her own! Ain't it a helluva thing?
  • Requires the following:
    • Post-Modern Horrors “Post-Modern Horrors”
  • Requires the following:
  • Owns state Fairy Glen (1338)
  • Add technology: Faeries
Monsters, Imp. icon
Monsters, Imp.
Now that these Sisters are back together, I have a few ideas how we can improve her products. After all, two heads are better than one. Hmm, two headed fairies..... nah, they don't need to be thinking too much.
Fairies Of Destiny icon
Fairies Of Destiny
DNA Replications Chamber icon
DNA Replications Chamber
See here, sport, this is where the money was made. If you can make a man shoot fire from his fingertips, you can make ol' Saint Nicolas sing any tune you like. The Replications wing's how I made ya'll into what you are. Fixin' it up means we can make a helluva lot more like you, too.
  • Requires the following:
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: We must clear the respective part of the lab in the decisions tab!
    • Has completed national focus TTM DNA.png “DNA Replications Chamber”
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock decisions to change our troopers DNA on the fly-- but beware, you can only have one at a time!
Fairy Genome icon
Fairy Genome
So those folks out there are calling them "Fairies," you say? Well, I can't say that's the word I'd have used, but hell, if we can use their DNA, I ain't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. These friends of yours seemed pretty agile; I'm willin' to bet we can make you dance just like they did, with enough kick to boot.
  • Requires the following:
    • DNA Replications Chamber “DNA Replications Chamber”
  • We must have Fairy DNA! (?


  • Custom effect tooltip: Fairy DNA becomes available in the sequencer!
Ghoul Sequencing icon
Ghoul Sequencing
When nuclear hellfire came over the world, I figured it was over and out for little old me. Thought things would get real lonely, you see? But turns out it didn't. Half the staff that was left had burns so bad they ended up healing right back up. Sure, I may have tinkered with them a little bit, but there ain't nothing I've seen that says we can't put that regeneration on your average Dave or Buster, sport.
  • Requires the following:
    • DNA Replications Chamber “DNA Replications Chamber”
  • We must have unlocked the secret of Ghoulification! (?


  • Custom effect tooltip: Ghoul DNA becomes available in the sequencer!
Nightkin Genome icon
Nightkin Genome
Hoo-wee! These folks sure are something, ain't they? Big, blue, and meaner than a dog who ain't had any kibble in a week. Now THAT is something we can use, champ! See now, I bet you I can isolate the ideal parts of their scheme and shove 'em into your soup. Imagine this: "A world where bein' big don't mean a thing." Rolls off the tongue like taffy, don't it?
  • Requires the following:
    • DNA Replications Chamber “DNA Replications Chamber”
  • We must have Nightkin DNA! (?


  • Custom effect tooltip: Nightkin DNA becomes available in the sequencer!
Elemental Infusion icon
Elemental Infusion
There ain't a man or woman alive who don't turn their heads when they see a paying MANIFEST customer flick their fingers and light a cigarette just like that. Now imagine the sorta things we could do if we went even deeper into it. Making ice cubes with a snap, shootin' lightning from your eyes... We live in an age of dreams, sport. And we ain't ever lookin' to wake up.
  • Requires the following:
    • DNA Replications Chamber “DNA Replications Chamber”
  • We must have learned to merge humankind with elemental power! (?


  • Custom effect tooltip: Elemental Infusion becomes available in the sequencer!
Parahumanity icon
See, with these sorts of dilemmas, you run into the issue of parahumanity. Folks too far gone, if you can believe it, sport. Now, thankfully, we live in a world where there isn't any corporate nancies to tell us how we ought to think about things, and the way I see it, we ain't those kinds of folks. Normally we have folks on a limited trial; smoke a Lucifer, drink a Tonic, and get all the power you want for a good hour or two. 'Course, you and me, champ? We're here to stay in business for good. You get the whole package.
  • Requires the following:
    • Elemental Infusion “Elemental Infusion”
  • Requires the following:
  • Requires the following:
    • Ghoul Sequencing “Ghoul Sequencing”
  • Requires the following:
    • Fairy Genome “Fairy Genome”
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will merge the DNA using our newfound interpolator, creating the perfect parahuman sequencing.
The Last Showdown icon
The Last Showdown
He's the last skeleton in my closet, and killing him just doesn't come easy-- not when he's practically a virus, but we're gonna kill him anyway. Ain't that a bitch?
  • Requires the following:
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of Historians Historians:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Montana Chapter Montana Chapter:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unleash the banished beast, FENRIR, and be forced to confront MANIFEST's past head-on.

Be ready-- you'll wish it came easily.

  • Scripted Effect: fen_spawn_fenrir=yes
Confronting the Blizzard icon
Confronting the Blizzard
Out here in the blizzard, life ain't fair. It's my job to make sure that stays the case.
  • Requires the following:
    • Katch Prison Blues “Katch Prison Blues”
  • Gain Political Power 150 Political Power
Tales from The Pass icon
Tales from The Pass
The Pass is a town for those lost between the Great North and the Scarlet Blizzard. What you were before doesn't matter here-- you're all trapped between two hells, anyway.
  • Destiny:
    • Trigger unit leader event “A Town Away From Trouble”
Seizing Drinking Water icon
Seizing Drinking Water
The people of The Pass sustain themselves off of a series of heated wells and old MANIFEST supply trucks. Funny thing is that nobody can stop us from securing it.
  • Requires the following:
    • Tales from The Pass “Tales from The Pass”
  • [Scope]The Pass (1167):
    • Add production of 8 Water Water
  • Gain Command power 15 Command Power
Assessing Junkers icon
Assessing Junkers
Imagine being so smart you can fuck up a machine but dumb enough to think you can go under my nose.
  • Requires the following:
    • Seizing Drinking Water “Seizing Drinking Water”
  • Destiny:
    • Trigger unit leader event “Junkyard Rodeo”
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Robotics
Old Metal Bones icon
Old Metal Bones
If they won't bark when I call, it's better to rip 'em up and write them off as claims.
  • Requires the following:
    • Assessing Junkers “Assessing Junkers”
  • File:ExclusiveM.png Mutually exclusive with:
    • Red Light, Green Light “Red Light, Green Light”
  • [Scope]Freshford (1252):
    • Add production of 12 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
Red Light, Green Light icon
Red Light, Green Light
With enough elbow grease, Milo can work a wonder.
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = TPA_scrapyard_bots
  • Custom effect tooltip: Creates 3 Divisions of Support Robots!
Mayor Maybelline icon
Mayor Maybelline
Do what you want with her, I don't care-- just make sure that town's off the map, would you?
  • Requires the following:
    • Tales from The Pass “Tales from The Pass”
  • Destiny:
    • Trigger unit leader event “It's Maybelline, Alright”
Pulling from Locals icon
Pulling from Locals
The folks from The Pass can be used to our advantage. Throw 'em in the circuits and see who sticks.
  • Requires the following:
    • Mayor Maybelline “Mayor Maybelline”
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
Storm the Blizzard icon
Storm the Blizzard
I know the Blizzard ain't the best thing for ya'll to be walking around in, but it keeps us away from most morons and lets me think easy. That being said, everybody's gotta do some house cleaning every now and then...
  • Requires the following:
    • Mayor Maybelline “Mayor Maybelline”
  • [Scope]The Pass (1167):
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
Making Them Work icon
Making Them Work
Not every conveyer belt listens when I call the shots, son. Who's to say we can't use our newfound pals to fix 'em up, sport?
Forcing Work icon
Forcing Work
  • Construction Speed: +10%
  • Stability: −5%
Encouraging Work icon
Encouraging Work
I know the value of a good bit of diplomacy, son, and I doubt these people are gonna be real polite to us if we jsut throw 'em into the fire. That's not to say that's not what I WANT to happen, but sometimes you gotta compromise in life.
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Propaganda builder.png “A Mutually Beneficial Agreement, Spurred In Part By Blackmail, Because Destiny is Horrible”
A Mutually Beneficial Agreement, Spurred In Part By Blackmail, Because Destiny is Horrible icon
A Mutually Beneficial Agreement, Spurred In Part By Blackmail, Because Destiny is Horrible
  • Defensive War Penalty Stability Modifier: +5%
  • Starting Compliance: +15%
Reopening the Winnipeg Cannery icon
Reopening the Winnipeg Cannery
There's plenty of fish to be had in the sea.
  • Requires the following:
    • Mayor Maybelline “Mayor Maybelline”
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
The Gang Spreads the Curse icon
The Gang Spreads the Curse
Find me some of those roughnecked folks like Maxwell. I want to see what lets them stay alive...
  • Requires the following:
    • Tales from The Pass “Tales from The Pass”
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock Ghoul Sequencing in the Replicator!
  • We must have unlocked the secret of Ghoulification! (?


Hunting Umbravores icon
Hunting Umbravores
Funny story-- one time some weird knights from that there 'Kingdom' down south came up this way. Spat 'em out like tobacco, but not 'fore I threw them into the grinder with some Umbravore DNA. It went about as well as you'd imagine.
  • Requires the following:
    • Tales from The Pass “Tales from The Pass”
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Add Attack Skill: 1
The Blighted Woods icon
The Blighted Woods
The Scarlet Blizzard swings whichever way it likes. It ain't my fault it made a mess-- and I don't particularly care if it did either, sport, but some folks seem to think it's as fine a place as any to settle. We're gonna fix that.
  • Destiny:
    • Trigger unit leader event “Runoff”
Smiling Jack's Hollow icon
Smiling Jack's Hollow
See, this 'Smiling Jack' character was one heck of a guy-- a real fighter, he was, 'til I cooked his brain and stretched him like taffy. Now he's a gibbering mess of a monster, and he's in the way. Kill him.
  • Requires the following:
    • The Blighted Woods “The Blighted Woods”
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of The Blighted Woods The Blighted Woods:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war=yes
Taking Notes on Jack icon
Taking Notes on Jack
The Mountaineers to the south and us have repelled Jack and his ragtag bunch of freaks for years. We oughta really analyze what he was like, sport, because chances are we might run into another like him some day. I threw out a LOT of things.
Mopping Up Faerie Remains icon
Mopping Up Faerie Remains
I don't know what these things are, but boy do I wanna figure it out...
  • [Scope]Red Earth (1254):
    • Add 4 Building slot building slots
Clearing the Blight icon
Clearing the Blight
I don't give a rat's ass about pollution or whatever else kinda nonsense Milo keeps spouting on and on about. I want these freaks cleaned up and their guts in a lab.
The Dammed? icon
The Dammed?
The... The Dammed? Not Damned? Oh. Oh wait.

I see. So it's a joke.

Well... Let's... Let's 'damn'-- or wait, no, I mean 'dam' them to hell, sport.

The following will bypass the focus:
  • Flag of The Dammed The Dammed:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war=yes
Dam-Nation icon
Now just time to figure out what the heck we're gonna do with this thing.
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of The Dammed The Dammed:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Gains core on Dam Array (1178)
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock Elemental Infusion in the Replicator!
  • We must have learned to merge humankind with elemental power! (?


DESTINY Arrives icon
We-hell, look at that. We've got a whole bonafide civilization on our hands... Time to test our toys.
  • Requires one of the following:
  • Requires one of the following:
  • Requires the following:
    • Dam-Nation “Dam-Nation”
  • Requires the following:
  • Scripted Trigger: ai_has_no_other_wars_or_wargoals=yes
  • Flag of The Blighted Woods The Blighted Woods:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Set cosmetic tag to TPA_destiny
  • Flag of Pleasantdale Pleasantdale:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war=yes
  • Flag of Dundurn Dundurn:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war=yes
  • Flag of Stoon Dandies Stoon Dandies:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev_force_ai_war=yes
The Good Works of Doctor Toboggan icon
The Good Works of Doctor Toboggan
For a freak, he sure has a lot to say about science. I think I'll keep this one.
  • Gain 1 research slot
  • Flag of Stoon Dandies Stoon Dandies:
The Freakshow icon
The Freakshow
Amazing! A whole asylum full of stealth-boy-afflicted mutants? This is one for the books.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will unlock Nightkin DNA in the Replicator!
  • We must have Nightkin DNA! (?


Saskatoon Rumble icon
Saskatoon Rumble
If you ever wanna know why I don't have much tolerance for morons, look no further than here, sport. This was the capital of Saskatchewan once, and they just gave up on calling it anything other than 'Stoon' and would rather eat each other than apply themselves. If they had picked themselves up by the bootstraps, maybe things would have gone different.
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of Dundurn Dundurn:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Stoon Dandies Stoon Dandies:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • Gains core on Stoon (1188)
The Rodeo icon
The Rodeo
Between the industrial belt in Dundurn and the trainyards around Stoon, we could stand to really upgrade our transportation efficiency... Especially if we put these fools to work.
  • Requires the following:
  • Flag of Dundurn Dundurn:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • Flag of Stoon Dandies Stoon Dandies:
    • Scripted Trigger: all_core_land_owned_by_prev_sphere=yes
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Start construction of 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
Legacy of Fenrir icon
Legacy of Fenrir
Between Hope and this 'Spectral Cabal,' it seems the old legends just don't really go away, do they?
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic psyker.png “The Spectral Cabal”
The Spectral Cabal icon
The Spectral Cabal
  • Daily Political Power Cost: +0.02
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: −4%
  • Division Recovery Rate: +5%
  • Starting Compliance: +10%
The Spectral Cabal are a group of high-society individuals originating from Pleasantdale. Having experienced the same mutations from red fern usage—mass destabilization and restabilization—they prowl in packs, mewing poetic ideas and indulging drugs.

Recently, prophetic dreams have haunted the Cabal, illustrating a woman they call Saint Loke, and a chapel of healing resembling a familiar abandoned facility not too far out from the city...
The Last Bastion of Their Hideous Kind icon
The Last Bastion of Their Hideous Kind
Mutated child soldiers that can't speak? Why, it's such a wonderfully terrible plan... If only I could have been there to see it myself. The fact Hope even partook in it! Madness in all the best ways.
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
Destiny's Inferno icon
Destiny's Inferno
With this land and our own pushes forward, who can really stand against me now? Son, you've done a wonderful job-- I think you and I are gonna go real nice and far with this attitude, just you wait.
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • MANIFEST Destiny
      • Political Power Gain: +25%
      • Justify war goal time: −30%
The OTHER Company icon
The OTHER Company
Look, I ain't a fool-- much as I love MANIFEST, I can... Admit we aren't the most well-oiled machine. Middlemark at least had a gosh darn focus. That's why we're just going to... Take what we can, and never mention this again.
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Flag of Middlemark Middlemark:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: core_owned_states_of_prev=yes
A Real American Bastion icon
A Real American Bastion
The 'Enclave.' Really? No, seriously. This is America? See, this is where I'm happy that my loyalty was only ever programmed to be towards MANIFEST. This sorta thing... Well, it's just embarassing.
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: core_owned_states_of_prev=yes
Out of the Frying Pan... icon
Out of the Frying Pan...
Fort Cap Hell's a whole damn prison full of people like you, son... And we just got the keys.

We're just getting started.
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • Gains core on Jedburgh (1363)
Nuclear Mayhem icon
Nuclear Mayhem
Imagine this, sport-- me, with a gun pointed at the head of the world. Nobody would be able to stop me.

We live in that reality.
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Flag of Church of the Silo Church of the Silo:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: core_owned_states_of_prev=yes
MANIFEST Destiny icon
'For the lack of a better name.'
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • From Sea to Shining Sea
      • Resistance Target: −20%
      • Core Creation Cost: −20%
      • Required Compliance for Coring Factor: −20%
An Army of Idiots icon
An Army of Idiots
Sport, I know what you're thinking-- why the hell do I keep raiders around as my best company? Well, it's easy, really. Raiders are stupid and self-interested. I offer them the world like an apple, and son, they bite it harder than anyone else even if it hurts. Then, when they're dependent, there ain't a damn thing they can do but listen to me. Just like you.
  • Requires the following:
    • Katch Prison Blues “Katch Prison Blues”
Deputizin' icon
I can't run the whole show by myself-- well, I could, but that just ain't fun, now, is it? So I'm gonna pick one of you three as my best, and son, you're gonna make mountains out of mole hills.
  • Add technology: Lawkeeper Infantry
  • Add technology: Deputy Training
Mutating Loyalty Into You icon
Mutating Loyalty Into You
It's a funny sorta thing, son-- you're already stuck with me for life at this rate, but I'm a woman who loves some security in her life.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Deputy Milo icon
Deputy Milo
The Machinist takes the badge!
The Mechanic icon
The Mechanic
  • Production Efficiency Base: +5%
  • consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.03
The Genius Among Us icon
The Genius Among Us
Milo was always going to be an intellectual first and foremost-- no matter what loyalties he now had to hold.
  • Gets the National Spirit Assaultron head.png “Milo's Law”
Milo's Law icon
Milo's Law
  • Research Speed: +10%
  • Stability: +5%
Milo's Craft icon
Milo's Craft
Milo always had a knack for machines. It just came naturally to him-- and his time in Dundurn allowed him to really hone his craft.
  • Gain +80% research bonus or 1 year ahead of time penalty reduction (1 use) towards:
    • Robotics
More Machines! icon
More Machines!
There are plenty of old machines scattered around MANIFEST North and in the Blizzard. Milo can retrofit them and equip them for battle.
  • Requires the following:
    • Milo's Craft “Milo's Craft”
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = TPA_scrapyard_bots
  • Custom effect tooltip: Creates 3 Divisions of Support Robots!
The Working-Class Deputy icon
The Working-Class Deputy
You don't have to be a genius to get along with Milo. You just need a good head and a happy heart.
  • Requires the following:
    • Milo's Craft “Milo's Craft”
Everybody Loves Milo icon
Everybody Loves Milo
  • Robot Research Speed: +10%
  • Support Robot:
    • Production cost.png Production Cost: −5%
Ultimate In Law Enforcement icon
Ultimate In Law Enforcement
Combining the combat logs from hundreds of robots, cross-referencing with old world designs and accounting for regional variances, Milo is promising Destiny the best dang machines this side of the 49th parallel north.

Time will tell if he's lying.
  • Requires the following:
    • More Machines! “More Machines!”
  • Requires the following:
    • The Working-Class Deputy “The Working-Class Deputy”
  • Has completed national focus File:TPA DestinysInferno.png “Destiny's Inferno”
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Robotics Tech
Deputy Maxwell icon
Deputy Maxwell
The Mad Dog takes the badge!
The Wickerman icon
The Wickerman
  • Resistance Target: −10%
  • Damage to Garrisons: −25%
Hellfire icon
Maxwell was always an angry soul. Destiny just gave him a free pass to do what he wanted.
Roller Dynamite icon
Roller Dynamite
  • Demolitions Infantry Attack: +8%
  • Demolitions Infantry Defence: +8%
  • Demolitions Support Attack: +10%
  • Demolitions Support Defence: +5%
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
Scouring the Dead icon
Scouring the Dead
Hundreds, if not thousands of dead men and women litter the blizzard. Maxwell's never been an honorable soul-- so when he took power, he was quick to encourage folks to loot whatever they saw. Everything's fair game if you can take it.
  • Requires the following:
    • Hellfire “Hellfire”
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Infantry Technology
  • 400 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
A Real Bad Guy icon
A Real Bad Guy
Maxwell thrived on causing others pain. It's what he wanted, really-- a real psychopath. If he had his way, he'd kill half of Canada and laugh his way into Hell on a pale horse.
Burning Bright icon
Burning Bright
  • Infantry Division Attack: +12%
  • Infantry Division Defense: −4%
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
Maxwell's Charge icon
Maxwell's Charge
Ever the flame in his heart, Maxwell was always quick to shoot first... And when he wanted something, he went for it.
Canadian Venom icon
Canadian Venom
  • Justify war goal time: −20%
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Fire team Technology
  • Gain Manpower 250 Manpower
Overwhelmingly The Best icon
Overwhelmingly The Best
It's not enough to have intent if you wanna succeed. You gotta have the right tools for the job. And in Maxwell's case, spreading evermore misery requires more men, bigger explosives, faster firing machine guns, and dogs with a real nasty bite.
  • Requires the following:
    • Maxwell's Charge “Maxwell's Charge”
  • Requires the following:
    • Scouring the Dead “Scouring the Dead”
  • Has completed national focus File:TPA DestinysInferno.png “Destiny's Inferno”
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Support Tech
  • Add technology: Strength In Numbers
Deputy August icon
Deputy August
The Middleman takes the badge!
The Gunman icon
The Gunman
  • Non-core Manpower: +10%
  • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.1%
A Resourceful Bastard icon
A Resourceful Bastard
August may have been a nice guy, but being a nice guy doesn't get you much if you aren't working. So, he got used to scrounging-- and now, he's sharing his old tricks with the rest of us.
Scavver Legacy icon
Scavver Legacy
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10%
  • Resources to Market: −5%
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Production and Construction Technology
August and the Men Out Afar icon
August and the Men Out Afar
August's always been a wayfarer. One bad trip and he ended up in Fort Cap Hell, and now... Here. But the old soul never went away, and neither did his love for people.
The Hard-Working Deputy icon
The Hard-Working Deputy
  • Special forces Attack: +5%
  • Special forces Defense: +5%
  • Add technology: Sheriff Training
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Special Forces Technology
August and the Men From Over Yonder icon
August and the Men From Over Yonder
August's been all around the old block-- from Manitoba to Strathcommune, and he had friends from all over.
The Hard-Working Deputy, And All His Friends icon
The Hard-Working Deputy, And All His Friends
  • Special forces Attack: +10%
  • Special forces Defense: +10%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +10%
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +20
August and the Men From Way Over icon
August and the Men From Way Over
Once, August even found himself in Grande Prairie, where he and RELCOM had a particularly fun conversation-- the likes of which he prefers not to share, as it involves his 'personal life.'
  • Requires the following:
    • August and the Men From Over Yonder “August and the Men From Over Yonder”
The Hard-Working Deputy, And All His Friends, And Their Friends, Too icon
The Hard-Working Deputy, And All His Friends, And Their Friends, Too
  • Division training time: −10%
  • Special forces Attack: +15%
  • Special forces Defense: +15%
  • Special Forces Capacity Multiplier: +15%
  • Special Forces Minimum Capacity: +30
August's Handpicked icon
August's Handpicked
A handful of the deputies have really impressed August - they've survived for much longer than he bet Maxwell. With the every growing piles of material to scrounge maybe he can find them something nice to wear.
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Special Forces Tech
  • Add technology: Marshall Training