Arroyo events/scriptoutput (4.1.3)

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The Search for Vault 13

The Chosen One set out from Arroyo alone, facing a near impossible battle against a hostile wasteland. They knew only that their village, their people, were dying, and that only the secrets of nearby Vaults could save it.

Their journey to nearby vaults, which would take them through the likes of Shady Sands, Vault City, and Klamath, was frought with peril. But from it all the Chosen One learned...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr geck start.png “Quest for the Holy G.E.C.K.”

Event button.png
The importance of trustworthy allies
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
Event button.png
How a big gun, or stick, can make things a whole lot easier
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Add 3 Arms workshop Military Factory
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots
Event button.png
That a full purse can buy many a solution
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 85
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Arrival at the Holy 13

After a long journey across California the Chosen One finally arrived at Vault 13. They found a startling surprise in their ancestor's home, now inhabited by a tribe of intelligent, yet friendly, deathclaws. Far more powerful than the Chosen One or any of their potential companions, and with the Water Chip hidden just behind them, the Chosen One was forced to cooperate, at least to some extent.

Once inside the vault the Chosen One found a unique status quo. The descendants of those that had stayed in Vault 13 lived in tandem with the deathclaws and had created a thriving society together. Yet what shocked the Chosen One the most was how...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr v13.png “Reaching Vault 13”

Event button.png
How the humans of Vault 13 had put aside their prejudice by accepting their new partners
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Increase variable chosen_karma_num by 1
  • Gain +90% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • support_tech_category
Event button.png
The fear that still ruled the deathclaws, in particular of a certain Dr. Schreber
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable chosen_karma_num by 1
  • Gain +33% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • cat_land_doctrine
Event button.png
The ordered nature of the tribe, as each member knew their part
  • Gain +40% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Industry


The Giant Faces

What the Chosen One believed to be their moment of victory was soon dashed by a vision from their tribal healer, Hakunin. The people of Arroyo had been kidnapped by soldiers in giant metal birds and taken somewhere into the sea. The Chosen One's mission to save their tribe became true in a far more literal sense, with certain death awaiting those that were taken into Enclave captivity.

Investigating the matter to the best of their ability, the Chosen One came upon several promising leads, the best of which was...

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr rig.png “The Enclave Oil Rig”

Event button.png
The Shi Emperor, a Chinese pre-war supercomputer, capable of predicting every possible outcome
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will have §Yunforeseeable consequences§!!
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic research bonus.png “Shi Expertise”
Shi Expertise icon
Shi Expertise
  • Research Speed: +3%
  • Gains opinion modifier “Likes the Shi” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Shi Shi
  • Flag of Shi Shi:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Likes Arroyo” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Shi Shi
Event button.png
The Navarro military base, a well-organized but surprisingly penetrable Enclave hold
  • Custom effect tooltip: This will have §Yunforeseeable consequences§!!
  • Add technology: Basic Power Armour Tech
  • Gain +50% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • power_armor_tech_category
  • Gains opinion modifier “Likes the Navarro Territories” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Navarro Territories Navarro Territories
  • Flag of New California Republic New California Republic:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Likes Arroyo” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Flag of Navarro Territories Navarro Territories:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Likes Arroyo” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
Event button.png
The drugs of New Reno gave the them the needed courage
  • Gain Political Power 95 Political Power
  • Gains opinion modifier “One Night in Reno” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of New Reno New Reno
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Gains opinion modifier “Likes Arroyo” (Opinion +50 opinion) towards Flag of Arroyo Arroyo


Choosing a Leader

The time has come to select a Council Leader. They will hold this position for one year, during which they will be tasked with maintaining a final review of Council decisions. They will also act as a dignitary and figurehead, with their demeanor influencing how our tribe members conduct themselves for this coming year.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Choosing a Leader” option “Nagor, the humble warrior, will lead the Council”
  • The event “Choosing a Leader” option “Chitsa is clearly the right pick to guide the Council”
  • The event “Choosing a Leader” option “Dimitri will show an outsider's worth as Council leader”
  • The event “Disappearance in the Night” option “Our Chosen One... is gone”
  • Running out the timer on the decision “leader_election_countdown”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
Event button.png
Nagor, the humble warrior, will lead the Council
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = people
    • popularity = 40
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
  • Increase variable arr_nagor_years by 1
  • Nagor becomes the leader for their party
  • Trigger country event “Choosing a Leader” in 1 year

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
Event button.png
Chitsa is clearly the right pick to guide the Council
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = elites
    • popularity = 40
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
  • Increase variable arr_chitsa_years by 1
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 1
    • Decrease variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
    • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Chitsa becomes the leader for their party
  • Trigger country event “Choosing a Leader” in 1 year

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Event button.png
Dimitri will show an outsider's worth as Council leader
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = intellectuals
    • popularity = 40
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
  • Increase variable arr_dimitri_years by 1
  • Dimitri Constantalpos becomes the leader for their party
  • Trigger country event “Choosing a Leader” in 1 year


Disappearance in the Night

We awoke this morning to a strange feeling. Across Arroyo citizens awoke in a haze, silently missing a familiar presence. We didn't realize until the afternoon what we were feeling, and it took until nightfall for us to openly speak it.

The Chosen One had departed into the wastes.

A number of notes and journals had been left behind, somewhat resembling the memoirs once left by their grandparent. Most of their gear had been taken, along with the old Highwayman they once roamed with. While a time of mourning has been declared decisions now rest solely in the hands of the tribal council. While they will always work together in unison it would be best to select a temporary Council Leader, someone to shepard both our tribe and our Council into this new dawn.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Running out the timer on the decision “Wanderlust Takes Hold”

Event button.png
Our Chosen One... is gone
  • Set country flag chosen_one_gone
  • Trigger country event “Choosing a Leader”
  • Hidden effect:
Exerting Influence icon
Exerting Influence
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.5
Max Sec Influence: [?arr_mxs_influence


San Francisco-born, Follower-trained

The kidnapping of the people of Arroyo at the hands of the Enclave meant the death of Hakunin, the tribal healer. Despite their best efforts the tribe spent years fruitlessly searching for a suitable replacement. Hakunin had no pupils and left little behind in terms of medical advice. Although a number of Arroyo tribespeople had some level of medical knowledge none rivaled the old coot's skill and experience.

A lucky break came when traders brought word of an ex-Follower who had taken up residence in the Packers. Set on convincing him to settle in the Arroyo tribe, the Chosen One journeyed south to Happy Camp. Once there the Chosen One found Dimitri, a San Francisco-born doctor. Having split from the Followers due to his willingness to accept violence, Dimitri had wandered north, providing small amounts of aid in return for various payments. He had heard of Arroyo and the Chosen One, but he wasn't certain it was time for him to settle permanently.

Knowing that Arroyo needed his skills, the Chosen One...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr dimitri.png “The Doctor From San Francisco”

Event button.png
Appealed to his empathy, urging him to help Arroyo
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Increase variable chosen_karma_num by 1
Event button.png
Reminded him that the wastes was a dangerous place, where accidents befall lone travellers
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Rlower§!
Event button.png
Offered compensation and safety for his help, a reasonable trade



The Other Bloodline

After the destruction of the Oil Rig by the Chosen One the Vault 13 survivors settled in Arroyo with the tribe. Numerous children were born in the years after, one of which was a young girl named Chitsa. There was a healthy rivalry between the children of the Arroyo tribals and Vault dwellers that defined the early childhood of many of the young children, and Chitsa established herself as the cunning leader behind many of the Vault childrens' sport teams and mock battles.

The Chosen One noticed her from an early age, and watched her grow from a leader among her peers to a manipulative negotiator, able to steal deals from even the most unwilling traders. Her quick wit and capacity for charisma made a position as tribal negotiator a certainty. Having seen Chitsa grow from a young girl to proud woman gave the Chosen One a sense of pride for the next generation of Arroyo. In particular, they were glad to see...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr chitsa.png “Vault 13's Young One”

Event button.png
Her capacity for leadership
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Increase variable chosen_karma_num by 1
Event button.png
Her unsatiable lust for power
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable chosen_karma_num by 1
Event button.png
Her keen mind and quick wit



Fearful Beginnings

Nagor was the youngest cousin of the Chosen One, yet, despite his strong posture and fit body, shared none of his cousin's bravery. His dog, Smoke, was one of the few friends he had growing up. He was teased constantly for his weakness and timidity but never fought back, although he could have easily knocked cold a number of his tormentors.

But the Enclave's arrival shattered his desire for a meek life. Those who fought back were killed, and Nagor could only bring himself to watch the massacre. His demeanor changed entirely once in Enclave captivity. He began to steel himself for battle, train incessantly, and provoke his captors as often as he could. The Chosen One barely recognized Nagor when he arrived at the oil rig, their once calm and quiet cousin transformed into an aggressive and fearsome man.

After escaping the oil rig and returning to Arroyo Nagor began to return to his old self, but never entirely forgot the man he had briefly become. Nervous and worried, Nagor approached the Chosen One for advice. The Chosen One...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr nagor.png “The Humble Warrior of Arroyo”

Event button.png
Urged him to remember his humanity and use violence only as a last resort
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Increase variable chosen_karma_num by 1
Event button.png
Warned him of the dangers of the wasteland, and the necessity of killing
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable chosen_karma_num by 1
Event button.png
Told him to make his own decision. It was his life, after all



Sentence: Max Sec

Northern California has changed a lot since the Chosen One's quest. Thirty years ago only the most developed cities, Shady Sands and Vault City, bothered to maintain a permanent jail or police force. In most towns, being caught for theft meant a beating. Anything worse required the application of "shotgun justice".
The emergence of Max Sec in California politics has changed this dynamic drastically. Their process is simple but lucrative: caravans are sent to nearby towns or cities, asking for any unwanted criminals. A decent fee is paid to whoever presents a criminal for incarceration, so long as they can show some proof of their guilt. The Max Sec caravan then returns to Medford, bounty in tow, and promptly sets about using their new prisoners for heavy labor. The materials produced from Max Sec can range from rare minerals to rewired circuitry, but largely fall under the general guise of crafted metal components. These materials are then exported to various nations, turning Max Sec a healthy profit.

This egregious profit is in no small part thanks to the atrocious living conditions present in Max Sec prisons. Prisoners are barely fed enough to stay alive, and even the most hardened criminals face little respite under a Max Sec guard's gaze.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr maxsec prison.png “High Security, High Stakes”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Bad people, certainly, but do they deserve to live like this?
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • [Scope]Medford (467):
    • Add 3 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
    • Add 3 Building slot building slots

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
The focus should be on rehabilitation whenever possible.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • [Scope]Medford (467):
    • Gain Manpower 1 500 Manpower

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Reminds me of the good ol' days of chain gangs on railroad tracks.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Medford (467):
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Perhaps they should spin on hamster wheels too?
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • Add production of 4 Energy Energy to Medford (467)

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
An inventive solution to a complex problem.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §YNeutral§! karma
  • [Scope]Medford (467):
    • Add 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
    • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower


The Quiet Ones

They began as quiet shadows, a presence that regional leaders were only vaguely aware of. A seemingly small group of hunters lived off whatever game they could find in the forests, rarely interacting with nearby settlements. The perception of harmless foresters changed, however, when a trader who'd lost the woodland road witnessed twenty hunters work in unison to bring down three deathclaws in quick succession. The startled trader told his story to the people of Arroyo, a story which soon began to spread like wildfire to nearby towns.
The Chosen One had no easy task tracking down the isolationist survivalists but still managed to trace them back to their camp. Initially greeted with suspicion the Chosen One was eventually able to win their trust, or at least subdue their hostility. Assured that these "Packers", as they called themselves, were no threat to Arroyo the Chosen One took time to study their culture and traditions.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr packers camp.png “Investigating Happy Camp”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Intelligent people. They've learned to live with the land, not exploit it.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Add production of 6 Water Water to Northern Reaches (182)

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Well-tuned hunters, but I still worry for them. Hopefully we can spare aid.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Flag of Packers Packers:
    • 300 units of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Savages! I'll teach them what a civilization looks like.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • Flag of Packers Packers:
Packer Tribal Workshops icon
Packer Tribal Workshops
  • £prod_eff Production Efficiency growth: +15%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
They isolate themselves out of fear? Well, I will provoke that fear!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Northern Reaches (182):
    • Add 3 Land fort Land Fort, on the provinces (6662), (7155), (7156), (4998)

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Their tribal ways suit them well.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Flag of Packers Packers:
Packer Tribal Workshops icon
Packer Tribal Workshops
  • £prod_eff Production Efficiency growth: +5%
  • Add production of 2 Water Water to Northern Reaches (182)


Stacks of Shells

Eureka was a town of no note when the Chosen One last adventured across the wastes. Overrun with mirelurks, a perseverant group of survivors had made it their crusade to return to their ancestors' home. When they eventually did, led by an elite fireteam known as the Portmasters, they decided to use their plentiful military experience on foreign shores. Their homeland is a mountainous waste, so instead of farming they ship mercenaries across the west coast, trading guns and lives for food and supplies. Thankfully, they lack the population and desire to expand as an empire and instead view war as a means of sustenance.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr eureka meet.png “There Was Once A Peaceful Port”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Eureka's mercenaries bring profit to its shores.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 85
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
They have almost no space for workshops, but somehow make do.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Luckily, the mirelurks kept their population low.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • [Scope]Arcata (39):
      • Add 3 Building slot building slots

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
They could have turned and ran, but spent a century being slaughtered.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • [Scope]Arcata (39):
      • Add the following modifiers:
        • Local Manpower: +20%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
They're survivors. That won't change, no matter what else does.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • [Scope]Arcata (39):
      • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots


The Old Ways Abandoned

Sulik had traveled across the wasteland with the Chosen One during their quest for the G.E.C.K.. While he has since passed on his son, Avueron, now leads the Umbra tribe. Taught of the wonder of technology and civilization by his father and the Chosen One Avueron has turned his tribe away from their traditional spiritual ways. He has instead opted to encourage discovery and permanent settlement, pioneering Arroyan building techniques for members of his tribe.
There's been resistance within the tribe, especially amongst Sulik's generation, but most Umbrans have accepted the changes.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr avueron.png “Child of an Old Friend”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
They're taking a brave new step, and certainly for the better.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • Gets the National Spirit Generic research bonus.png “A Brave New System”
A Brave New System icon
A Brave New System
  • Research Speed: +3%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
I'm confident they'll remember their traditions as they move forward.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • 350 units of Flag of Umbra Umbra Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Those savages best hurry to abandon their past. They have the makings of useful slaves.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • Add production of 4 Circuitry Circuitry to Crescent (239)

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
On my advice the lower members of the tribe have been put to hard labor already.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Crescent (239):
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Avueron's path is an interesting fusion of tradition and civilization. Exciting.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • 150 units of Flag of Umbra Umbra Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Add production of 2 Circuitry Circuitry to Crescent (239)


Arroyan Roads

As the G.E.C.K. secured the Arroyan people's survival the Chosen One began to instruct Arroyans to build roads into the wasteland. Constructed quickly to promote a rapid increase in trade, the roads have since begun to fall into disrepair. Already relatively small to begin with the roads have begun to collapse and be overtaken by the passing wilderness. While still serviceable for Arroyo's current level of trade any increase in traders would first require an expansion and repair of the road system.
Chitsa has promised to spearhead the rebuilding efforts, but now faces a choice on how to deal with recruiting the manpower needed for the expansion. The effort is certain to be a net positive economically, but fairer wages could buy the workers' loyalty and a more permanent support of Chitsa among the populace. However, a more brutal oversight of the road building will complete the road faster, whatever many lives it may cost. Or, of course, Chitsa could simply decide to allow the effort to procede as is, with whatever rewards that will bring.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic trade economy.png “Trader Rest Stops”

Event button.png
It is better to be feared than loved, but why not be loved as well?
  • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Increase variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 5
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
They will work to their bones, and then my guards will make them work some more.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Lose Manpower 200 Manpower
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 20
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
We've created extensive enough plans already.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 10
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Merrymen Construction

The Merrymen have done a fine job building schools and jobs across the nation. They design their work in insightful ways, allowing for last-minute repurposing of the structures for any use needed. Having completed their most recent work and moving to their next project all that's left is to assign the building's purpose.

Trigger conditions
  • Country flag merrymen_enabled is set
  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
Mean time to happen

480 days

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
Event button.png
Arroyo expands further...
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • One of the following at random:
      • 50% (50) chance of:
        • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
      • 50% (50) chance of:
        • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
Event button.png
Arroyo now requires aid for its people
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
Event button.png
The military must now expand to meet our enemy's
  • [SCOPE]One random owned and controlled state:
    • Add 1 Arms workshop Military Factory
    • Add 1 Building slot building slot


Breakout in Max Sec

Frightening news reached us this morning from one of Chitsa's sources in Medford. A massive breakout was staged in Medford a number of nights ago, and a sizeable portion of Max Sec's prison population managed to escape into the wastes. The prison's government has obviously attempted to keep this under wraps, but the information our source has gleamed suggests a super mutant named Wiggs, a former member of the Master's army later turned outlaw, led the revolt.

While Max Sec security hunts down the escapees our focus must remain on protecting our citizens. Border defenses can only do so much, and it seems that proactive steps may be necessary.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
The worst criminals of the West Coast were all kept together...
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks §Minfluence and coercion§! decisions for the relevant country.
  • Set country flag maxsec_insecure
  • [Scope]Medford (467):
    • The Civilian workshop Civilian Factory receives 0.4 levels of damage
    • The Arms workshop Military Factory receives 0.4 levels of damage
  • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec


The Geezers' Rebellion

Avueron has worked tirelessly to modernize and industrialize the Umbra tribe, but despite overwhelming popular support a number of religious hard-liners have refused to acceede to the process. This discord struck a high point this week, when a number of elderly warriors and shamans took up arms in the easternmost Kerby area, driving out the tribal warriors loyal to Avueron.

While the situation hasn't escalated to a civil war, the increasing autonomy of the eastern regions, along with Avueron's failure to assert control over them, make the possibility near inevitable. Avueron has contacted the Arroyan Council for support, hoping we will be able to solve the crisis.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
They seem well armed, at least for a bunch of old people.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks §Minfluence and coercion§! decisions for the relevant country.
  • Set country flag umbra_insecure
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • The Civilian workshop Civilian Factory receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Arms workshop Military Factory receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • Is demilitarized
  • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra
  • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra
  • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra
  • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra


Chitsa's Logistics

Kept hidden to the best of her ability from the Chosen One, Chitsa's success as the Arroyan trade manager came both from strong negotiation skills and under the table dealings. Chitsa made subtle contact with the raider and bandit gangs that harassed trades approaching Arroyo from the south and offered them a deal: They'd take their business elsewhere, instead robbing traders traveling north from the Den to Klamath, all in exchange for a hefty yearly sum.

With one swift blow Chitsa managed to both remove Klamath as a serious trade competitor and help Arroyo prosper. While the deal has been in effect for years, Chitsa has recently reevaluated its stipulations. In a secret letter sent west to Dorris Chitsa explained a new aspect of the contract...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Cowboy hat.png “Dorris Warbands”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
They're to rob the rich traders only-no need for anything else.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Lay low for now and stay the course. It's working well enough.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Increase the plunder! Too many still take the route north.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma


Setting to Work

Arroyo had changed drastically in the Chosen One's absence. Chitsa, Nagor, and Dimitri had each made their mark on the nation as the disturbances in Arroyo's neighbours turned a semi-reclusive tribe into a regional power.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Arr chosen one returns.png “The Chosen One Returns”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's work was the most impressive
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • support_medical_tech_category

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's work was the most impressive
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • support_medical_tech_category

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's work was the most impressive
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Add technology: implant_tech_access_tech

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Chitsa had proven her shrewdness
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Create an operative named “Chitsa” with nationality Flag of Arroyo Arroyo and recruit them and can be recruited by the spymaster
        • operative_smooth_talker
          • operation_infiltrate_outcome = 0.25
          • operation_infiltrate_risk = -0.25
          • operation_steal_tech_risk = -0.15
  • Else:
    • Gain 10% Stability Stability

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Chitsa had proven her shrewdness
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Create an operative named “Chitsa” with nationality Flag of Arroyo Arroyo and recruit them and can be recruited by the spymaster
      • operative_smooth_talker
        • operation_infiltrate_outcome = 0.25
        • operation_infiltrate_risk = -0.25
        • operation_steal_tech_risk = -0.15
    • Else:
      • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 15
      • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Chitsa had proven her shrewdness
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
      • Create an operative named “Chitsa” with nationality Flag of Arroyo Arroyo and recruit them and can be recruited by the spymaster
        • operative_smooth_talker
          • operation_infiltrate_outcome = 0.25
          • operation_infiltrate_risk = -0.25
          • operation_steal_tech_risk = -0.15
      • Else:
        • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 15
        • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Nagor had kept Arroyo safe
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Gain 30% Stability Stability
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Defense Skill: 2

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Nagor had kept Arroyo safe
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Gain 15% Stability Stability
  • Gain 15% War support War Support
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • add_max_trait = 3

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Nagor had kept Arroyo safe
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Gain 30% War support War Support
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Attack Skill: 2


Prisoners Stream Across the Border

The Max Sec warden's attempts at rounding up the escaped prisoners seem to only have incurred their flight from the territory. Early yesterday morning, a number of wounded Max Sec officers, followed closely by a band of pursuing prisoners, crossed into Arroyo. Our border security engaged a portion of the prisoners in a brief battle, but the majority managed to escape into our territory. Our choices now stem from each of the three leaders' perspective. Dimitri is focused on making something of the wounded officers, while Chitsa has drawn up emergency plans to coordinate the capture of the escaped prisoners. Nagor, meanwhile, has urged both of them to agree to new security measures, including a drastic increase in military funding.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Dimitri won out. The officers were fully recovered before being sent home.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • 50 units of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Support Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Dimitri patched the officers up, but sent them on their way.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's combination of psycho and buffout sent the officers careening towards the prisoners.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • Gain Political Power 50 Political Power

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Chitsa offered the prisoners amnesty for valuable information.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.4 levels of damage
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
The prisoner's able bodies made for good workers.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 30
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
By Chitsa's command, the prisoners were captured and hung at the border.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • 75 units of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Nagor focused funding into border security, preventing a repeat incident.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.05
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Nagor did his best to make sure Max Sec had the tools they needed.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • Send 100 Infantry Equipment to Flag of Max Sec Max Sec prioritising older equipment

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
With his army bolstered, Nagor drew up plans for an invasion.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.1
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -30
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Danger Close

Arroyan scouts placed in Max Sec's territory have been forced to flee in the face of an ever-approaching sentry bot. The robot seems to have somehow malfunctioned, or perhaps been hacked, and is now heading straight for Arroyo's territory. Even though it's alone, the robot's formidable armor and missile launcher have made it all but impervious against our scouts' attempts to halt it.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's robotic experts shut it down.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • Lose Manpower 200 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's robotic experts reprogramed it to target dangerous prisoners.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Dimitri's experts rerouted the robot, and then took careful notes on the chaos.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • Gain Army experience 10 Army Experience

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Knowing that a joint effort was needed, Chitsa worked with Max Sec against the robot.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.1
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Chitsa set up a system of decoys and bait to change the bot's course.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • [Scope]Temple of Trials (96):
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.5 levels of damage
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Chitsa knows that everyone can be hooked. Some, enough to suicide charge a sentry bot.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • Lose Political Power 30 Political Power
  • Gain 10% War support War Support

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Nagor personally lead a team across the border to destroy the robot.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Attack Skill: 1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Nagor instructed the scouts to immobilize the robot.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Increase variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • 40 units of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Support Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Nagor let it rampage, and used that time to draw up emergency militias.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose influence with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_influence by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will lose coercion with §OMax Sec§!
  • Decrease variable arr_mxs_coercion by 0.05


The Gecko King Emerges

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks §Minfluence and coercion§! decisions for the relevant country.
  • Set country flag klamath_insecure
  • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Klamath Klamath
  • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Klamath Klamath
  • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Klamath Klamath
  • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Klamath Klamath


News From Eureka

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
    • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka exists
Arroyans were shocked when they learned of a massive explosion that rocked the Eurekan port yesterday. Most had considered the small area a relatively stable one, preoccupied more with mercenary schemes than internal conflicts. This presumed attack occurred at the heart of the Eurekan port, killing numerous fishermen returning home from a long day of work. Eureka's reliance on the sea for food production means that this was likely no accident, and instead the work of a hostile actor.

The following description is used if:

  • At least one of:
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 4
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka exists
  • None of:
Eureka has been on the minds of the Arroyan council for a few months, and the time has finally come to clarify its relationship to us. There's certainly a level of pity that permeates discussions on the subject: trapped between us and the NCR, everyone is certainly glad to not be in their position. Still, we think we can offer them a fair deal, at the cost of some of their independence. Becoming our subject would allow them to maintain their simple way of life without fear of invasion. All we need to do is convince them of this plan, since, unfortunately, our recent expansion has soured our reputation among the Portmasters.

The following description is used if:

The people of Eureka thought they had it bad when mirelurks ruled their streets. But now, with the occupation they find themselves enduring, the people cry out for a new Portmaster corps.

But, for now, their cries go unanswered.''

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • None of:
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka exists
Event button.png
Who could have done this?
  • Custom effect tooltip: Unlocks §Minfluence and coercion§! decisions for the relevant country.
  • Set country flag eureka_insecure
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
      • Trigger country event “Without a Hitch” in 1 day
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • Trigger country event “Too Close to Home”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • At least one of:
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 4
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • None of:
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka exists
Event button.png
This will benefit us both.
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Set country flag eureka_insecure
  • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Eureka Eureka
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Building Bridges” in 20 days
    • Trigger country event “The Shi Make an Offer” in 50 days
    • Trigger country event “A Show of Trust” in 80 days

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
At least that isn't us.
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 1 level of damage


Under New Management

New signs hung from the O'Brien trading posts today. The old flag that used to hang from the old church steeple had been replaced. The four colors, the four paths, gone with the morning sun.

Instead, a yellow 13 now signals your arrival in Arroyan territory.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Deal Accepted!” option “Now, on to other things.”
  • The event “Deal Accepted!” option “Now, on to other things.”
  • On nation capitulation

Event button.png
If it suits us, it suits you.



Eureka Bay - Travel Advice

I don't know what's wrong with Eureka, but it must be under some sort of curse. Addicts, dealers, and more addicts are on the streets, the whole place is a kind of gloomy, dumpy mill town that has some gaudy victorian architecture amidst the cast-offs of northern California. I couldn't wait to leave. I can only hope that a second Great War vastly improves the living conditions of the area.

- Wasteland Travel Log, vol. 3

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
Sounds like a fun time!



Rise of the Whoz Gang

Until now, the prisoners who had managed to escape Max Sec prisons had been disorganized, to say the least. While there were often gangs of five to ten prisoners working together, they were just as likely to attack each other as the guards trying to round them up.

The emergence of Whoz and his gang, however, has completely shifted the dynamic within Max Sec. A leering and massive Super Mutant, Whoz and a number of his fellow muties began to recruit smaller prisoner gangs to their cause. There seemed to be little cause for alarm, as the gang had maintained an isolated camp within nearby forests. Yet, last night Whoz's gang assaulted and annihilated a heavily-fortified Max Sec outpost. As far as we can tell, Whoz's gang shows no signs of stopping, and is slowly making their way towards the main prison structure. Due to the urgent nature of this crisis, a response falls to the elected council leader.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Immediate effects
  • Set variable whoz_success_chance to 75

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
Event button.png
Dimitri introduced a stomach bug to Whoz's human troops, incapacitating them.
  • Increase variable dimitri_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Dimitri's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 30

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
Event button.png
More information was needed before Dimitri could act.


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
Event button.png
A deadly pandemic among his troops ought to aid Max Sec's robots.
  • Decrease variable dimitri_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Dimitri's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 60

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
Event button.png
Aiding Max Sec would be costly, but it was Chitsa's best option.
  • Increase variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 40

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
Event button.png
Chitsa pursued discreet sabotage and assassinations to cripple the Whoz gang.
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 20

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
Event button.png
An inspiring and capable leader? Chitsa knew that's who she wanted behind Max Sec.
  • Decrease variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Increase variable whoz_success_chance by 30
  • Set country flag ARR_cooperate_whoz

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
Event button.png
The threat was clear enough. Nagor rallied his army and marched against Whoz's gang.
  • Increase variable nagor_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Nagor's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 70

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
Event button.png
With his troops drawn up, Nagor waited for the best opportunity to strike.
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 35

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
Event button.png
Nagor waited patiently for Whoz to engage Max Sec. Only then did he attack.
  • Decrease variable nagor_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Nagor's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable whoz_success_chance by 75



File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Country flag whoz_successful is set
Whoz's army made mincemeat of the Max Sec defenders. Despite the best efforts of the remaining guards, along with a small militia of those looking to defeat Whoz' reign of terror, the gang broke through their lines with little difficulty. Whoz has declared the remaining prisoners to be free, and placed them all under his protection. Max Sec's neighbors have responded fearfully, and its former patrons have fled to California and Nevada, seeking shelter from the prison madness. Anyone sympathetic to the old regime, as well as anyone suspected of being so, is quickly being rounded up and massacred by a horde of bloodthirsty inmates.

The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
      • Country flag whoz_successful is set
While it seemed for a moment that Whoz might have his day, his gang was nevertheless routed by Max Sec's elite security forces. Whoz himself was brought down by a contingent of assaultrons, while the majority of his army broke at the sight of a fierce counterattack. Any prisoners who surrendered were returned to the harsh labor of Max Sec, but any who resisted were killed without second thought. There are certainly still prisoners who have yet to be recaptured, but the defeat of Whoz marks the end of serious disruption within Max Sec.

Still, this saga has exposed Max Sec's weakness to the Arroyan Council. The situation may have been resolved, but the promise of Max Sec is clearly untenable. Arroyo can no longer sit idly by and watch Max Sec collapse upon itself again.''

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Value of variable whoz_success_chance is greater than 39
      • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
        • Set country flag whoz_successful
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Country flag whoz_successful is set
      • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
        • Hidden effect:
          • Party Popularities will change:
        • Kill the current country leader
        • Whoz becomes a member of the Ruler party.
          • Isolationist
        • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
        • Set the (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party name to (Whoz's Gang) Whoz's Gang
        • If:
          • Limited to:
            • Scripted Trigger: wild_wasteland=yes
          • Set cosmetic tag to MXS_brazil
        • Else:
          • Set cosmetic tag to MXS_whoz

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Country flag whoz_successful is set
Event button.png
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Hidden effect:
      • Party Popularities will change:
    • Kill the current country leader
    • Whoz becomes a member of the Ruler party.
      • Isolationist
    • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
    • Set the (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party name to (Whoz's Gang) Whoz's Gang
    • Set cosmetic tag to MXS_whoz
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Country flag ARR_cooperate_whoz is set
      • Trigger country event “The Max Sec Gambit” in 5 days
    • Else:
      • Trigger country event “The Whoz Conundrum” in 5 days

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
      • Country flag whoz_successful is set
Event button.png
The aftermath always poses the greatest challenge.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Dealing With a Broken Prison” in 5 days


The Max Sec Gambit

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
At first, the others would hear none of it. Neither Dimitri or Nagor particularly liked Max Sec, but that super mutant marauder? Never would they agree to ally with him.

But Chitsa persisted. With enough promises, assurances, and briefings, Chitsa brought both of them on board with her plan. Whoz, for all his bravado, had the makings and capabilities of a leader. Any capable leader, Chitsa reasoned, could spot the enemy's weaknesses as well as their own. Whoz ruled a young nation of murderers and psychopaths, all of which eyed his position with envy. His survival now rested primarily on keeping his subjects in line. Chitsa proposed a deal: If Whoz agreed to act in conjunction with the Arroyan military (as well as allow a number of high profile refugees to escape to Arroyo), Chitsa would ensure a regular supply of goods and crops to Whoz.

The following description is used if:

  • At least one of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Whoz, for all his bravado, had the makings and capabilities of a leader. Any capable leader, Chitsa reasoned, could spot the enemy's weaknesses as well as their own. Whoz ruled a young nation of murderers and psychopaths, all of which eyed his position with envy. His survival now rested primarily on keeping his subjects in line. Chitsa proposed a deal: If Whoz agreed to act in conjunction with the Arroyan military (as well as allow a number of high profile refugees to escape to Arroyo), Chitsa would ensure a regular supply of goods and crops to Whoz.''

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event nf_arroyo.25 option “Savagery...”

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Clear country flag maxsec_insecure
    • Remove Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
    • Remove Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
    • Remove Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
    • Remove Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Max Sec Max Sec

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
We'll see how he responds...
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Trigger country event “Arroyo Offers a Deal”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_coercion is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Let's add their captured weapons to our list of demands.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Trigger country event “Arroyo Offers a Deal”
  • 1 000 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 75 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec combat_robot_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
They have a number of their own prisoners now. We'll take care of them.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Trigger country event “Arroyo Offers a Deal”
  • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_coercion is greater than 0.39
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Our bargaining position is strong enough to push further.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Trigger country event “Arroyo Offers a Deal”
  • 1 000 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 75 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec combat_robot_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower


The Whoz Conundrum

Violent ensembles of murderers and criminals tend to make for poor neighbors. While Whoz has so far been content to loot and burn what remains of Max Sec, no one doubts he'll eventually turn his eyes towards us. As Whoz's abuses mount, it seems clear that war will break out soon. Luckily, the network of influence we've built across Max Sec, as well as the grip we hold over a number of former officials, may still be useful. With enough influence and coercion, we'll be able to bring the remnants of Max Sec's forces across our border, giving us an edge in the coming conflict.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event nf_arroyo.25 option “Savagery...”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
We have no time to waste. We must strike before he can.
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_coercion is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Thankfully, number of their robots and weapons are in decent condition.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • 1 000 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 75 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec combat_robot_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Refugees from Max Sec will be more than willing to fight.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_coercion is greater than 0.39
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Our near-complete control over Max Sec will be our saving grace.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • 1 000 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • 75 units of Flag of Max Sec Max Sec combat_robot_equipment_1 is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower


Arroyo Offers a Deal

We've gone and dun it. Now that the warden and hiz lackeys are long gone, we've just gotta deal with Arroyo. We figured it'd end up as an all-out war, but one of their leaders seems to think otherwise. Chitsa, her name was, is offering us some kind of pact. We agree to fight when they want, and they make sure we stay in power. It makes us look a bit weak, but it really doesn't sound too bad. The question is if we'll gain more from fighting, or talking.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “The Max Sec Gambit” option “We'll see how he responds...”
  • The event “The Max Sec Gambit” option “Let's add their captured weapons to our list of demands.”
  • The event “The Max Sec Gambit” option “They have a number of their own prisoners now. We'll take care of them.”
  • The event “The Max Sec Gambit” option “Our bargaining position is strong enough to push further.”

Event button.png
Deal! At least, for now.
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec becomes a puppet of the current scope
    • Trigger country event “Whoz Accepts”
    • Gains opinion modifier “Deal Brokered” (Opinion +100 opinion) towards Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Gains opinion modifier “Deal Brokered” (Opinion +100 opinion) towards Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Hidden effect:
    • Party Popularities will change:
    • Kill the current country leader
    • Whoz becomes a member of the Ruler party.
      • Isolationist
    • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
    • Set the (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party name to (Whoz's Gang) Whoz's Gang
Event button.png
Haha, negotiate? Never!
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo


Whoz Accepts

Just as Chitsa expected, Whoz accepted the deal. It will remain a secret, at least for now, but Whoz is already using the time to solidify his grip on Max Sec's populace. Whoz is a cruel leader, and many will cast judgment on Arroyo for cooperating with him. Yet, the realities of the situation had forced her hand, and Chitsa's scheming had managed to prevent the outbreak of war.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Arroyo Offers a Deal” option “Deal! At least, for now.”

Event button.png
What a month.



Dealing With a Broken Prison

Most escapees were killed outright. The ringleaders were mostly captured, and hung from the prison's walls. Whoz is dead, and his gang scattered. Yet, for all of the Max Sec administration's blustering at a return to normalcy, the prison nation has been irreperably scarred by the breakout.

We've worked steadily throughout the crisis to sway Max Sec's population and elites towards Arroyo, and now is the time to make our move. As outrageous as an invasion might seem, Max Sec is clearly too unsteady to maintain independent. With enough coercion, we might be able to convince the prison to submit peacefully. Or, our influence over the Max Sec population might lead to their citizens abandoning them in droves. Either way, the Arroyan army will march victorious.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event nf_arroyo.25 option “The aftermath always poses the greatest challenge.”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Military subjugation is needed to ensure peace.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
    • Custom effect tooltip: Nagor's karma will §Rlower§!
    • Decrease variable nagor_karma_num by 1
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
    • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Rlower§!
    • Decrease variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
    • Custom effect tooltip: Dimitri's karma will §Rlower§!
    • Decrease variable dimitri_karma_num by 1
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_coercion is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
The prison can maintain nominal independence, while we benefit from their labor.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec becomes a puppet of the current scope
  • Gets the National Spirit Veg good business.png “Loaned Labor”
Loaned Labor icon
Loaned Labor
  • Construction Speed: +10%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
The prison elites that haven't defected to us already stand no chance against our army.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Lose 40% War support War Support
    • Lose 30% Stability Stability
    • [SCOPE]Capital state:
      • force_disable_resistance = ARR
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_influence is greater than 0.39
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_mxs_coercion is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
With decisive action, the prison's labor and wealth can be ours.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Max Sec Max Sec
  • Flag of Max Sec Max Sec:
    • Lose 20% War support War Support
    • Lose 15% Stability Stability
    • [SCOPE]Capital state:
      • force_disable_resistance = ARR
  • Gets the National Spirit Veg good business.png “Loaned Labor”
Loaned Labor icon
Loaned Labor
  • Construction Speed: +10%


Brick By Brick

Admittedly, the old world was to thank for part of its splendor. While the brahmin barons had invested heavily into its security, much of the prison stood from two hundred years ago, when people not unlike the barons had built it for a similar purpose.

While the Arroyan army pushed the Max Sec defenders back to the prison's walls, they were careful not to lay siege to the prison itself. Both sides wished to avoid a second breakout, and so Max Sec surrendered soon after their defeat became apparent. Now, the Arroyan council was forced to reckon with the prisoners.

It seemed logical to simply place the prison under management and continue its function. It had proved a strong economic backbone for Max Sec, and the fear of breakout seemed far less likely while the prison benefited Arroyo. The risk was nevertheless present however. It seemed to many that the prison could simply be shut down, with the prisoners either executed or returned to their communities.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation capitulation

Event button.png
The benefits outweight the risk. Send the prisoners to work.
Max Sec Prison Labor icon
Max Sec Prison Labor
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.3
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Second Max Sec Breakout” in 200 days
Event button.png
That kind of thinking is what caused the breakout.
  • [Scope]Medford (467):
    • Add 1 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory


The Second Max Sec Breakout

History repeats itself.

In the dead of night, a number of Max Sec prisoners staged a daring escape. Using sticks of dynamite and stolen rifles, they burst through one of the prison's gates, spewing out into the night. The clean-up operation is already underway, but this fiasco leaves a sour taste in the mouth of those who suffered at these prisoners' hands half a year ago. Protests and riots have already broken out, even in Arroyo itself, over the mishandling of the prison. Even after the prisoners are rounded back up, it's clear to most that the Max Sec experiment is over.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Brick By Brick” option “The benefits outweight the risk. Send the prisoners to work.”

Event button.png
This makes us look bad, doesn't it?
  • Lose 40% Stability Stability
  • Lose Manpower 75 Manpower
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Shovel.png “Max Sec Prison Labor”


Avueron's Plea

The loss of control in Kerby forced Avueron to turn to the Arroyan Council for help. He was hesitant at first, fearing that the Chosen One's departure may have signaled an isolationist growth within the tribe. His fears were subdued by the Council itself, however.

Chitsa, Dimitri, and Nagor all vowed to support Avueron's desire to industrialize against any dissenters from the tribe. Of the three, Nagor was the most passionate, exclaiming that Arroyo and Umbra would share the same bond that Sulik and the Chosen One once did. Dimitri recognized the importance of Avueron's work, especially his efforts to create more formalized clinics and medical training. Chitsa agreed with the other two, but kept a sly look about her throughout the Council session. After a brief discussion, the Council broke for the evening.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
Of course we will be there!
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05
  • Trigger country event “Chitsa's Plan” in 20 days
Event button.png
Arroyo will aid our neighbor, for a cost.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.05
  • Trigger country event “Chitsa's Plan” in 20 days


Chitsa's Plan

Chitsa was the first to meet with Avueron after the council ended. Her idea was rather simple: Umbra would allow Nagor and the Arroyan military to establish permanent bases across their territory. While this would give Arroyo a stronger grip over Umbra, the advantage to Avueron was clear. Still, Chitsa worried that it might be too up front. If Avueron grew resistant too quickly, any future deals would be far harder to agree upon.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Avueron's Plea” option “Of course we will be there!”
  • The event “Avueron's Plea” option “Arroyo will aid our neighbor, for a cost.”

Event button.png
Despite her concerns, Chitsa suggested the plan.
  • Custom effect tooltip: If Avueron accepts, we will gain §Y10§! coercion.
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • Trigger country event “Chitsa's Plan”
Event button.png
For now, Chitsa kept to friendly overtures.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05


Chitsa's Plan

Chitsa was the first to meet with Avueron after the council ended. Her idea was rather simple: Umbra would allow Nagor and the Arroyan military to establish permanent bases across their territory. While this would give Arroyo a stronger grip over Umbra, the advantage to Avueron was clear.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Chitsa's Plan” option “Despite her concerns, Chitsa suggested the plan.”

Event button.png
Accepting was the only reasonable option.
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §GUmbra§!
    • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.1
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Trigger country event “Dimitri's Options” in 15 days
Event button.png
Avueron staunchly denied her request.
  • Lose Political Power 30 Political Power
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Trigger country event “Dimitri's Options” in 15 days


Dimitri's Options

Avueron was surprised by Dimitri's proposal. Instead of a violent confrontation with the traditionalists, Dimitri advocated for an education campaign among Umbra's population. While any hardline tribals would oppose the idea, he figured that most people would be receptive to it. And, so long as it was able to reach Umbra's populace, whether or not tribal leaders directly approved modernization would matter little. If the majority of the population, especially the young, were educated, technology and industry would be impossible to keep out.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Chitsa's Plan” option “Accepting was the only reasonable option.”
  • The event “Chitsa's Plan” option “Avueron staunchly denied her request.”

Event button.png
That's the plan.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -15
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A Show of Will” in 15 days
Event button.png
No, we need to show force.
  • Gain Army experience 5 Army Experience
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “A Show of Will” in 15 days


The Rise of Rain Gambling

Corn has been a staple crop of Arroyo since the Chosen One's early days. While Arroyan farmers long sought to only maintain sustainability, an increase in soil fertility and farming advancements has led to a massive boom. In recent years, Arroyo has even begun to export the crop, inviting external revenue from outside sources. However, success breeds speculation, and rain gambling has taken ahold of many Arroyan villagers.

The premise is rather simple. A person or small group, known as arbiters, run bars in the community. Community members arrive at the arbiter's bar, and individually purchase 'betting cards.' Each card contains a small range of expected total rainfall, with each range having a limited number of cards. Community members may buy betting cards off each other, sometimes leading to massive bid wars for particularly valuable ranges. At the end of the season, profits are distributed using the total in the betting pool, with the arbiters taking their cut.

The swell of rain gambling bars in the recent months has worried Dimitri. He has little problem with harmless gambling, but the value of the betting cards has led to a slew of robberies and thefts. Dimitri's education has made him aware of the dangers of gambling, further increasing his desire to crack down. Yet, rain gambling does seem to have become a staple of Arroyan village life, and any attempts to limit it might provoke backlash from the farmers.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • Is Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
Mean time to happen

400 days

Event button.png
Confiscate the bars and betting pools.
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 60
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
Tax the betting cards.
  • Lose 3% Stability Stability
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 20
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
It's probably fine as is.



A Show of Will

These old-timers were working to undo everything that the Chosen One and Sulik had worked towards. Not only was it a spat in the face of the ancestors they claimed to care so much about, it was an affront to the Chosen One themselves. Nagor would not allow this to stand. Not now, not ever. He could work with Avueron, but it might even be better to attack the enemy directly, despite what Avueron might think.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Dimitri's Options” option “That's the plan.”
  • The event “Dimitri's Options” option “No, we need to show force.”

Event button.png
His rage consuming him, sabotage was ordered.
  • Decrease variable nagor_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Nagor's karma will §Rlower§!
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.5 levels of damage
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.5 levels of damage
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.05
Event button.png
He knew to work with Avueron, not despite him.
  • Send 100 Infantry Equipment to Flag of Umbra Umbra prioritising older equipment
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05


Strike Against the Modern!

Their calls and cheers far preceded their appearance. This band of Umbra raiders was at first nothing more than an odd curiousity for the watching traders.

What were they doing here?

Were they with that rebel group?

Those questions faded away and were replaced with terror as the raiders charged the caravan.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • On startup
  • On startup

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • [Scope]Temple of Trials (96):
      • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.3 levels of damage
      • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.3 levels of damage

Event button.png
  • Custom effect tooltip: §ROur infrastructure has been attacked!§!


Avueron Attacked!

A regular tribal meeting was interrupted by a would-be assassin. Screaming ritual chants and prayers, the man charged the tribal circle with an axe. Unarmed and without guards, things looked grim. However...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
A member of the Arroyo delegation tackled the assassin.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable chosen_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
From nowhere, the Chosen One intervened... and disappeared.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.1


Grampa Figleef Presents Demands

While the anti-modernization movement in the eastern regions of Umbra has so far been largely leaderless, one elder has begun to emerge as a de facto head of the movement. Grampa Figleef, and elder dating from Sulik's era, has presented a list of ten demands to Avueron and the other members of the tribal council. These demands include the resignation of Avueron as tribal elder, permanent rejection of industrialization, and greater autonomy for the eastern regions. While Avueron has been willing to concede on some points, he has refused the majority of them. Grampa Figleef, in turn, now falls under the banner of the tribe of Eastern Umbra, an autonomous part of the Umbra tribe.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
      • Release Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra
    • [Scope]Kerby (372):
      • Is remilitarized

Event button.png
Send more supplies to Avueron. He'll need our help.
  • Send 50 Support Equipment to Flag of Umbra Umbra prioritising older equipment
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
      • 400 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
      • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower
      • load_oob = "EMB_revolt"
      • Party Popularities will change:
      • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
Event button.png
Increase our border presence and watch. Closely.
  • Lose Army experience 5 Army Experience
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.05
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
      • 700 units of Flag of Umbra Umbra Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
      • Gain Manpower 2 000 Manpower
      • load_oob = "EMB_revolt"
      • Party Popularities will change:
      • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites


Avueron Prepares For War

Grampa Figleef's declaration clarified the situation. Avueron knew that he had mere weeks until the eastern tribesmen entered into open rebellion. Disheartened that peace no longer seemed to be an option, Avueron begrudgingly contacted the Arroyo Council again. Aware that war was now inevitable, Nagor's military had two options. They could either deploy with the Umbran forces, working together in joint maneuvers, or conduct their own drills on Eastern Umbra's northern border, threatening a pincer attack.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
A joint plan was the most logical route.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.05
Event button.png
Arroyo must be able to stand on its own.


The First Strike

With war now on the horizon, the members of the Arroyan council needed to decide how to begin the war. The simplest option would be to wait for an enemy attack, and respond in kind. While this would provide a clear justification for the conflict, they feared that such an attack might catch them off-guard, giving the rebel forces the upper hand in the conflict's opening stages. A preemptive attack could be launched, but it would be difficult to explain to Avueron, who still hoped for a peaceful resolution. There was a third option as well. If a rebel attack were to be fabricated, or provoked in a key location, the war could be framed as a defensive struggle while still retaining the initiative in battle.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Spend this time stocking emergency supplies.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • 25 units of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • 50 units of Flag of Arroyo Arroyo Support Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
A precise strike against their commanders would go well.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
    • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
      • Unit leader gains “Wounded” for 40 days
        • Leader Skill Bonuses: −50%
        • Cannot Use Combat Abilities

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
A rebel attempt at bomb-making will go horribly wrong.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.4 levels of damage
  • [Scope]Crescent (239):
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.2 levels of damage
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • Gain 10% War support War Support

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Erect fortifications. They'll walk right into a trap.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.05
  • [Scope]Temple of Trials (96):
    • Add 1 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (7151)
  • [Scope]Crescent (239):
    • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the provinces (4913), (2170)

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Tribal or not, they need weapons. And Chitsa had a solution to that...
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
    • 125 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • 125 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
A few dead sentries of Avueron would work fine.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
    • Lose Manpower 25 Manpower
    • Gain 25% War support War Support
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Nagor would coordinate closely with Avueron's defenses.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_influence by 0.1
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Defense Skill: 1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Arroyan officers would oversee Umbran deployment in this conflict.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §GUmbra§!
  • Increase variable arr_umb_coercion by 0.05
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Plannning Skill: 2

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Traders will be found massacred by rebel bands.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Gain 20% War support War Support
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -5
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


The Day Arrives

Avueron's worst fears have come true. He had known from the outset that this was a possibility, but stubbornly believed that he could make his people see reason.

He had failed.

Grampa Figleef's warriors have swarmed across the border, demanding the return of the Grampy Bone as a symbol of tribal leadership, the death of Avueron, and the rejection of modernization. Arroyo, honoring their pledge to Avueron, has intervened on Umbra's behalf. War has come to Umbra.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
          • Is AI-controlled
      • Flag of Umbra Umbra becomes a puppet of the current scope
    • Clear country flag umbra_insecure
    • Remove Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Remove Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Remove Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Remove Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Umbra Umbra

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
We will honor our alliance!
  • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
      • Party Popularities will change:
      • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_umb_coercion is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Through these months, we've learned to learn.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
      • Party Popularities will change:
      • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_umb_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Umbran troops will be commanded directly by us.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
      • Party Popularities will change:
      • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
  • Custom effect tooltip: Umbra will send us §G2 divisions§! to lead.
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = "UMB_rein"

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_umb_coercion is greater than 0.39
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_umb_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Our preparation was thorough. Victory will be ours.
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Flag of Eastern Umbra Eastern Umbra:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Umbra Umbra:
      • Party Popularities will change:
      • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
  • Custom effect tooltip: Umbra will send us §G2 divisions§! to lead.
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = "UMB_rein"


The Rebellion Crushed

The Geezers' Rebellion, which had wracked the Oregon tribe of Umbra for nearly half a year, is now over. The remaining warriors surrendered to the combined Umbra-Arroyan forces today. Grampa Figleef has fled across the Packers' border, and the now leaderless traditionalists have realized they have no path to victory. All that remains is to set out a new path for the eastern area of Umbra. The ties forged between Umbra and Arroyo have permanently placed the tribe under Arroyo's wing, meaning the decision lies in the hands of the council. The state could see its forest cleared to accomodate new industry, but it might benefit Arroyo more to see it used as a supply path for any future southern conflicts.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation capitulation

Event button.png
Industrialization is our first priority.
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
Event button.png
We should be certain to accomodate future expansion.
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • Add 3 Infrastructure Infrastructure


A Boy and His Dog

Sometimes, people thought it was a bit odd that Nagor always named his dog Smoke. To most, it wasn't a concern. Nagor clearly loved Smoke, even if the name Smoke could refer to a dog from any number of different generations. Chitsa, and a few others, whispered that it was related to some childhood trauma, as if he was trying to make up for what had happened to his first dog.

In truth, that type of thinking wasn't fair to Nagor. To him, Smoke wasn't the... 4th? 5th? different dog he's kept throughout his life. Smoke was one consciousness, passed down from generation to generation. That was why every time Smoke grew old, or got wounded while hunting, or was exposed to too much radiation, Nagor never despaired. He was sad, to be sure, since he could see that Smoke was clearly in a lot of pain. But he always knew that he'd find Smoke again soon.

The only thing Nagor truly feared was how he would find Smoke when his turn came.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions Mean time to happen

100 days

Event button.png
Who's a good boy?
  • Gain 1% Stability Stability


Kids' Games

Chitsa had decided that naivety was charming. Nadia, her closest confidant growing up, had plenty of that. Really, Chitsa had decided to hope that naivety was charming. If it wasn't, she truly had no excuse for the amount of time she'd spent with that idiot.

They had been introduced to each other as first or second cousins. At the time, Nadia's parents had left the vault, and Nadia needed a new family to live with. A few years later, Chitsa would learn about what Vault Security had found buried underneath Nadia's parents' floorboards. But she had been preoccupied with more pressing matters when she met Nadia: namely, how completely idiotic she was. Chitsa didn't mind calling people stupid, but Nadia was truly, deeply, amazingly, stupid. It wasn't even that she was dim-witted, like Nagor, or lacked common sense, like Dimtri. Nadia was just an idiot.

At first, Chitsa cursed her misfortune. It was just her luck to be forced to make friends with an imbecile. Yet, the more Chitsa thought on it, the more she began to believe that Nadia might be a blessing in disguise. Thing is, everyone knew Nadia was stupid. Few people liked her anyways. It was pretty easy to, when needed, blame everything on Nadia. She wasn't thrilled with that, obviously, but she knew better than to challenge Chitsa, the only person who at least put on the facade of being her friend.

Actually, it had been a while since Chitsa had seen Nadia. Whatever happened to that girl?

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions Mean time to happen

100 days

Event button.png
To simpler times
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 1
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


His First Patient

Every now and then, Dimitri would think back to his first patient. He hadn't been a full-fledged doctor back then, only a student. Just experienced enough to take the lead on prescribing a treatment, while far too novice to see a patient alone.

The patient told Dimitri that he had been beaten by a gang of thugs in an alley near his home. Shocked, Dimitri and his supervisor saw to the man's wounds, gave him pain medication, and sent him home. Dimitri, however, was outraged. While he wished to immediately report the attack, his supervisor dissuaded him, arguing that Dimitri's job was to treat the patient. Justice was another man's duty.

Even all these years later, thinking of that response infuriated Dimitri. How did that make any sense? How could someone be blind enough to simply rely on others to do the right thing? Isn't that attitude only treating the symptom, rather than the cause?

He knew that not every Follower thought like his supervisor. Still, that day had shaken his faith in the organization that had trained him, setting him on his present course.

The holier than thou attitude of the Followers might be their downfall, but he wouldn't let it be his.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
  • Is Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
Mean time to happen

100 days

Event button.png
Another day, another step forward



The Chosen One's Wandering Mind

The Chosen one had ventured far and wide in his absence and he had seen a new side of the wastes he had wandered decades prior. His view on the world had been quite cemented since his last escapade through the wild territories of California.

While no one truly knew what side of the South-West the elderly adventurer had gone to it was certainly an area where the grass simply wasn't greener. It was up to the Chosen One's conviction on his past ideals whether hope would prevail or whether stagnation and wrath would take power over his future.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:GFX goal PLS Long Road.png “My Wanderings”

Event button.png
He had grown good
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Gincrease§!
  • Hidden effect:
    • Increase variable chosen_karma_num by 2
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
Event button.png
He had stayed the same
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Gain Political Power 50 Political Power
Event button.png
He had grown cruel
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because the Chosen One has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: The Chosen One's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Hidden effect:
    • Decrease variable chosen_karma_num by 2
  • Gain 5% War support War Support


Flames Lick the Sky

Yesterday, many of our villagers met the forest people of the Packers for the first time. They awoke this morning to flames drifting up from the forest to their south. No doubt, they thought, a terrible accident.

Hours later, they noticed a small band approaching that direction. Thinking they might be refugees from the fire, our people approached them with blankets, food, and water.

The survivors tell us that was when the slaughter began.

While we still don't know what caused this fire, or why the Packers have left their forest to attack us, we must respond to the situation at hand. Reports indicate that these battles extend beyond minor raids, and have engulfed almost all of the communities along the forest's edge.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
The Packers are... attacking?
  • Flag of Packers Packers:
    • Gets the National Spirit Service rifle.png “Defensive Terrain”
Defensive Terrain icon
Defensive Terrain
  • (Flag of Arroyo Arroyo) Attack bonus against country: −25%
  • (Flag of Arroyo Arroyo)Defense bonus against country: +40%
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Umbra Umbra
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Activate Decision: “Map Packer Territory”


The Doomsday Druid

There isn't much point documenting the man's ramblings here. He talks for hours on end, most of which is spent lamenting the burning forest, identifying it as a clear sign of the end times. While he's the first we've seen of this type of doomsday preacher, we doubt he's alone. On one hand, it would be a sound plan to make an example out of him. The doctrine he preaches is no doubt what caused the Packer warriors to begin raiding our territory. However, a less threatening approach is warranted as well. If we managed to bring him on side he might be able to persuade other Packers that the fire wasn't our doing.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
Punish him for the role he's played
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.05
  • Gain 4% War support War Support
Event button.png
We need to be reasonable about this
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.05
  • Gain 4% Stability Stability


War's Aftermath

After a grueling campaign we've finally managed to bring the Packers' territory under our control. This victory is more than hollow, considering that we had not desire for this war to begin in the first place. We already know that fully retreating from this territory isn't a realistic option. The Packers' warriors have either been slain or surrendered, but retreating now would only allow them to prepare for a potential second attack. The warriors we have captured have been mysteriously silent on what caused the attack, as have the civilians questioned in the encampments we've uncovered.

If we are to prevent a second Packer attack and avoid an even greater conflict, an investigation into the Packer society is a necessity.

Because in the darkest part of the Council members' hearts, they know that they could just kill them all.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation capitulation

Immediate effects

Event button.png
A mystery...
  • Flag of Packers Packers becomes a puppet of the current scope
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “War Comes Anew” in 200 days
    • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers
    • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers
    • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers
    • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers


War Comes Anew

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • All of:
      • Value of variable arr_pac_coercion is greater than 0.39
      • Value of variable arr_pac_influence is greater than 0.39
The reports of young Packers attacking our garrison troops has made it clear that our investigation was a failure. Whatever progress we made seems to have fallen short of fulling understanding and stopping the outbreak of a second war.

Our one small comfort is that this conflict will be lamentably one-sided. Their most experienced warriors were killed in the first war, and our mapping of the Packers' forest home has reduced the advantage they once held. While this may end up only acting as a setback for Arroyo, it will most likely permanently cripple the Packer tribes.

The following description is used if:

  • At least one of:
    • Value of variable arr_pac_coercion is greater than 0.39
    • Value of variable arr_pac_influence is greater than 0.39
The news from the Packers' former territory has been increasingly hopeful over the past few weeks. The mistrust of the populace has begun to ebb away, slowly being replaced with an uneasy acceptance of our soldiers and doctors. Our diplomatic overtures to tribal leaders have born even more fruit. Various influential Packers have agreed to accept that their forest is now part of our territory, so long as we respect their independence and freedom of movement within it.

Our fear of renewed war, present since we took control of the Packers' home, seems to have faded.''

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “War's Aftermath” option “A mystery...”

Immediate effects
  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • None of:
          • At least one of:
            • Value of variable arr_pac_coercion is greater than 0.39
            • Value of variable arr_pac_influence is greater than 0.39
      • end_puppet = PAC
      • Release Flag of Packers Packers
      • Flag of Packers Packers:
        • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
    • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
      • Trigger country event “The Rambling Old Man” in 50 days
    • Remove Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers
    • Remove Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers
    • Remove Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers
    • Remove Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Packers Packers

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • At least one of:
      • Value of variable arr_pac_coercion is greater than 0.39
      • Value of variable arr_pac_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
Why do they persist?
  • Decrease variable nagor_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Nagor's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable dimitri_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Dimitri's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Decrease variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Rlower§!
  • Clear country flag packers_insecure

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • At least one of:
    • Value of variable arr_pac_coercion is greater than 0.39
    • Value of variable arr_pac_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
It finally ends.
  • Trigger country event “Uncovering the Truth”
  • Clear country flag packers_insecure
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Clear country flag packers_insecure
      • Set country flag fourways_insecure
      • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
      • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Flag of New California Republic New California Republic:
      • Set variable arr_fou_influence to 0.08
      • Set variable arr_fou_coercion to 0.05
      • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
      • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable arr_pac_coercion is greater than 0.39
  • Value of variable arr_pac_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
This was a victory.
  • [Scope]Northern Reaches (182):
    • Gain Manpower 400 Manpower
    • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
  • Trigger country event “Uncovering the Truth”
  • Clear country flag packers_insecure
  • Hidden effect:
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Clear country flag packers_insecure
      • Set country flag fourways_insecure
      • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
      • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Flag of New California Republic New California Republic:
      • Set variable arr_fou_influence to 0.08
      • Set variable arr_fou_coercion to 0.05
      • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
      • Activate Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Activate Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways


Senseless Killing

In the end, they knew it was the only option. Try as they might, the Packers had refused to even meet with Arroyan officials, let alone negotiate with them. The past few months had seen increasing aggression from their end, with our patrols finding evidence of training camps and arsoned buildings throughout their territory.

There was no choice. If we wished to prevent a second war, we had no choice but to make the Packer tribes unable to wage it. That meant killing. Killing until they fled. A mass refugee crisis that would empty the territory, allowing Arroyan settlers to take the land for themselves. In the end, the Council was unanimous. The Packers had brought this on themselves.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Kill Them All”

Event button.png
  • Set variable arr_pac_influence to 0.4
  • Set variable arr_pac_coercion to 0.4
  • [Scope]Northern Reaches (182):
    • Lose Manpower 10 000 Manpower
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Mutant head smashed.png “§RThe Slaughter of the Packers§!” for 1 year
§RThe Slaughter of the Packers§! icon
§RThe Slaughter of the Packers§!
  • exodus_national_appeal = -1
Event button.png
There must be another way!



Searching the Graveyards

The army contingents sent to investigate the battlefields have made a number of surprising discoveries. First, evidence indicates that each Packer warband almost always included a druid who acted as the group's commanding officer. It is unclear if these druids were chosen for tactical prowess or a fanatical devotion to some higher cause, but most were located in the rear of a warband, indicating that the warriors held them in high regard.

This was probably all we will be able to gleam from these battlefields, but our investigators have noticed a number of small warbands still active in the region. We could order our soldiers to track them down, potentially preventing them from becoming a future threat. However, there is no guarantee of this strategy paying off.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Finishing the decision “Survey Battlefields”
  • Finishing the decision “Question the Populace”

Event button.png
We'll use this to understand them.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.1
Event button.png
We must continue the search!
  • Lose Manpower 250 Manpower
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Weapons Cache Found!” in 2 days
Event button.png
We'll use this to control them.
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.1


Weapons Cache Found!

A series of skirmishs against the Packer guerillas eventually led our soldiers to a small weapons cache hidden deep within the forest. The enemy forces managed to eventually escape our pursuit, but the capture of these weapons has most likely dealt a blow to their operations. It isn't the decisive victory we had hoped for, but it will do for now.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Searching the Graveyards” option “We must continue the search!”

Event button.png
At least it wasn't a total waste.
  • Gain Army experience 5 Army Experience
  • 150 units of Flag of Packers Packers Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.15


Death of a Doctor

Chitsa had always seen Dimitri for what he was: a reject, an outsider, a failure who had been taken in by a desperate Chosen One. And now, he stood in the way of her power. His machinations continually undermined her authority, funnelling time and resources to his stupid projects. But, by the end of tomorrow, no more.

A mentally ill man will visit Dimitri tomorrow night, carrying a concealed knife in his coat. He will spontaneously attack and flee into the night. A month later, he will be found by the side of a road, presumably having taken his own life.

Chitsa had planned it all.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Assassinate Dimitri”

Event button.png
Do it.
  • Set country flag dimitri_dead
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Blood On Her Hands
      • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
      • Reinforce Rate: +3%
Event button.png
This... isn't right



In His Place

Nagor's military knowledge is invaluable, especially for a smaller nation like ours. His service over these past decades has secured Arroyo against the possibility of foreign invasion, making him well-liked by most Arroyans. But, while serving on the Council, he only served to make Chitsa's life harder. His popularity made him dangerous, and his status as military head made assassination an impossibility. Instead, Chitsa might be able to convince him to focus entirely on his military leadership. While this ran certain risks, it would get him out of her way, at least in the short term. To any neutral observer, this would clearly be seen as a coup. However, with the right assurances and Nagor's tentative acceptance, the public could be swayed to accept the measure, for now.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Overpower Nagor”

Event button.png
Show him his place
  • Set country flag nagor_dead
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • chitsa_overlord
      • Recruitable Population Factor: +10%
      • Training time: −10%
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Unit leader gains trait:
      • Warchief
        • Division Attack: +8%
        • Division Defense: +8%
Event button.png
He still has his uses



Interrogation Report /#21

So far, our interrogations have suffered from a lack of focus. During the war, the enemy soldiers who surrendered were brought into makeshift camps set up in Grants Pass. Jailors from Max Sec were brought in to oversee the camps, but were surprised by the lack of escape attempts. Most prisoners sat, defeated and dejected, throughout their quarters, mindlessly taking the meals offered. They rarely made conversation, even to each other, making our interrogations an awkward affair. Our officers aren't sure if they should get under their skin or try and appeal to their homesickness. Whatever approach we choose will no doubt dictate the information we manage to extract.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Interrogate Prisoners”

Event button.png
Offer amnesty
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.15
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Interrogation Report /#146” in 1 day
Event button.png
Threaten violence
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive coercion with the §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.15
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Interrogation Report /#146” in 1 day


Interrogation Report /#146

It wasn't easy to break through our prisoners' mindless pondering. Our investigators originally theorized that their inattention was a trained defense mechanism, taught to make them resistant to torture. However, after we managed to communicate with the prisoners we learned that their perception of the situation couldn't be further from reality.

These warriors have been brainwashed to believe that surrendering to an enemy is sacrilege, and that any who do so will be punished by the Packers' forest spirits. This is tribalistic nonsense, but these lies seem to have a tight hold on most Packer warriors. It seems that a group of druids are the source of this fanaticism. We will investigate the matter further.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Interrogation Report /#21” option “Offer amnesty”
  • The event “Interrogation Report /#21” option “Threaten violence”

Event button.png
Finally, a breakthrough!



Hearts and Minds

The native Packers will barely speak to our garrison, let alone give them the information we need. These groups were already extremely tight-knit, and the devastation brought to their home has only made them more reclusive. Most carry small totems and trinkets around with them and spend their time either hunting and gathering or attending to their woodland homes. Our search for information in these communities must answer a few key questions. We still don't have a clear picture of what led to their attack, or an explanation for the flames that were sighted that same morning. In a situation as complex as this, there are a number of ways to approach the issue.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Offer medicine to build trust
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • Send 75 Support Equipment to Flag of Packers Packers prioritising older equipment
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Let me think of the metaphor...
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Send 25 Support Equipment to Flag of Packers Packers prioritising older equipment
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Send aid... if they talk
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Send 75 Support Equipment to Flag of Packers Packers prioritising older equipment
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive coercion with the §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Everything has a price
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -25
  • Scripted Effect: subtract_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Infiltrate their communities
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -10
  • Scripted Effect: subtract_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Midnight kidnappings should help
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Northern Reaches (182):
    • Lose Manpower 250 Manpower
  • Remove production of 4 Water Water to Northern Reaches (182)
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive coercion with the §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
We're friends, not soldiers
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Recruit locals into the army
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • [Scope]Northern Reaches (182):
    • Custom effect tooltip: §G2 divisions§! of Packers will be raised.
    • Hidden effect:
      • Create Flag of Arroyo Arroyo unit based on the Militia Force template
      • Create Flag of Arroyo Arroyo unit based on the Militia Force template

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
The army will make them talk!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Northern Reaches (182):
    • Resistance: +10%
  • Lose Manpower 10 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.1



Arroyo is a paradise, built through the miracle of the G.E.C.K. and the labor of the Arroyan people. We're safe in Arroyo. We have plenty in Arroyo. So why, our people wonder, do we keep expanding?

The reasons were clear at first. Our allies needed help. Since then, things have become less clear. Every day it becomes harder to justify our expansion and wars, but each day also brings more of it, trapping us in a spiral of increasing involvement outside our tribal home.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On startup

Event button.png
There is nothing to be done.
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability


Uncovering the Truth

It was no easy task, but we did manage to fully uncover the truth of the Packers' society. Their seemingly harmless semi-nomadic communities were in truth overseen by an elite ring of druids. These druids oversaw a woodland religion that came to infiltrate almost every aspect of Packer life, turning a naturally reclusive people into religious fanatics. Their tribal religion obstensibly promoted a strong respect for nature, but in reality was used by the druidic elites to accumulate power.

Grampa Figleef's arrival marked a shift in their goals. He was already close with many of them, and slowly managed to convince the inner circle that Arroyo posed a serious danger to their power. So, the night before the attack, a small group began a fire that quickly spread through the north of [182.GetName]. The inner circle issued a unanimous proclamation in the hours after: Arroyo was responsible. From there, the rest is history.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “War Comes Anew” option “It finally ends.”
  • The event “War Comes Anew” option “This was a victory.”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • At least one of:
    • All of:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
      • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 4
    • All of:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
      • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 4
    • All of:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
      • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 4
Event button.png
Who knew...


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • At least one of:
    • All of:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
      • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
    • All of:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
      • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
    • All of:
      • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
      • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Actually, they had some good ideas



Dimtri's Device

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Dimitri smiled and lightly juggled the cold metal box. To the uninitiated, it appeared to be nothing more than some odd contraption, marked by buttons and dials on its surface. To Dimitri, however, this piece of metal was the culmination of years work. He had originally come across the idea during his time spent in Happy Camp, with the Packers. It had been a hobby of his since then, tuning, fiddling, and tampering both with the device and, by extension, the environment around it.

Given the present circumstances, he now hoped to use the device on the land which had birthed it. The forest fire had scarred much of northern [182.GetName], and the wanton destruction had affected the Packers' psyche. Using the device to help regrow the forest could be seen as a useful gesture of good faith, creating trust between the wary people and Arroyo. The device was also fully modular, meaning that it could be used as a punishment, of sorts. Tuned correctly, it could cause a destructive level of growth, overruning settlements and perhaps even killing the slow or unlucky.

The following description is used if:

  • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
The device was interesting, if obfuscating. Left behind by the good doctor, its mechanisms and traps are betrayed by its simple exterior. A test run conducted by a few Arroyan scientists led to its hasty disassembly, as its activation almost immediately led to vines and roots sprouting out from the ground around it. What could the purpose of this contraption be?''

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation capitulation

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Event button.png
For those in need
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Event button.png
It seems necessary
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Event button.png
They want forest? Well then...
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Event button.png
Well, he isn't here to tell us
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §WPackers§!
  • Increase variable arr_pac_coercion by 0.05


The Rambling Old Man

New Reno tourists have found a new oddity in the past few weeks. An older man calling himself Grampa Figleef, dressed in tribal garb and decorated by string laced bones, has taken a street corner near the center of the city. Rambling and raving about the degeneracies of civilization, the old man occasionally draws a small crowd of entertained listeners.

Until, one day, a junkie finds him laying on a heap of garbage, blood trickling from under his ragged shirt.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

As an immediate effect of the “War Comes Anew” event

Event button.png
  • Gain 1% Stability Stability


Outcast Once More

Nagor had always distrusted outsiders. So why had he allowed for Dimitri's place on the Council? He should have known better, allowing a man from so far to the south into Arroyo's top ranks. No matter what he said or did, it was clear that he couldn't be trusted. Something had to be done. Dimitri may be well-liked, but few would truly stand up to his enforced exile. Besides, Nagor controlled the military. A visit to Dimitri's home, with appropriate force, would make his options clear to him.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Finishing the decision “Exile Dimitri”

Event button.png
It's time to send him off
  • Set country flag dimitri_dead
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Distrusts Outsiders
      • Trade deal opinion factor: −20%
      • Daily Command Power Gain: +1
      • Defense: +5%
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Defense Skill: 1
Event button.png
Perhaps Nagor misjudged



All Eyes on Fourways

While the NCR has begun to fully take on the mantle of a truly Californian Republic, Arroyo has grown to consolidate most of southern Oregon. Both nations, with their slowly growing empires, have focused on [FOU.GetName] as a potential source of economic support. A natural junction for traders traveling from Oregon to California, [FOU.GetName] provides safe harbour for weary souls, taking a generous cut in the process. Despite their amassed wealth, [FOU.GetName] is being slowly torn in two directions - towards the powerful [NCR.GetName] in the south, and the upstart [ARR.GetName] in the north.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “War Comes Anew” option “It finally ends.”
  • The event “War Comes Anew” option “It finally ends.”
  • The event “War Comes Anew” option “This was a victory.”
  • The event “War Comes Anew” option “This was a victory.”
  • The event “Fourways Debug” option “Okie”
  • The event “Fourways Debug” option “Okie”
  • The event “Fourways Debug” option “40/40 for Arroyo”
  • The event “Fourways Debug” option “40/40 for Arroyo”
  • Taking the decision “Reopen [FOU.GetName] Talks”
  • Taking the decision “Reopen [FOU.GetName] Talks”
  • On nation capitulation
  • On nation capitulation
  • On nation capitulation

Event button.png
[ROOT.GetName] will prevail!



Fourways Attacked!

Our best efforts at resolving the Fourways situation diplomatically seem to have failed, as the nation we hoped to court has now been ruthlessly attacked by our counterparts. While this isn't what we hoped for, a direct military response is unlikely. Many of our people already see this dispute as a needless source of tension, and will probably just be glad to see it over with. However, this bellicosity has enraged our military, and our generals are currently drafting plans to undermine the enemy advance.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Taking the decision “Begin Aggressive Negotiations”
  • Taking the decision “Begin Aggressive Negotiations”
  • Taking the decision “Begin Aggressive Negotiations”

Event button.png
We'll show them!
  • Gain 8% War support War Support
  • Gets the National Spirit Service rifle.png “Military Response!” for 120 days
Military Response! icon
Military Response!
  • Max volunteer force divisions: +2
  • Daily Command Power Gain Multiplier: +100%
  • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Clear country flag fourways_insecure


Opening Strategy

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

We must approach these negotiations with the utmost care. We must decide on our goals for this upcoming summit and pursue them closely. With tensions being as they are, demanding too much will almost certainly lead to the negotiations breaking down. However, requesting too little is likely to limit our ability to benefit from Fourways' wealth.

The following description is used if:

We must approach these negotiations with the utmost care. We must decide on our goals for this upcoming summit and pursue them closely. With tensions being as they are, demanding too much will almost certainly lead to the negotiations breaking down. However, requesting too little is likely to limit our ability to benefit from Fourways' wealth.

§GOur close relations will make them more likely to agree to our terms!§!''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “[FROM.GetName] Offers a Deal” option “Let's make a counter offer”
  • Finishing the decision “Begin Negotiations”

Event button.png
Offer an 80/20 split
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain [FOU.GetName] as a §Gpuppet§! and a §Gsmall monetary bonus§!, and they will receive a §Rsmall monetary compensation§!.
  • Set variable arr_offer to 3
  • If:
  • Else, if:
Event button.png
Offer an 70/30 split
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain [FOU.GetName] as a §Gpuppet§!, and they will receive a §Rmonetary compensation§!.
  • Set variable arr_offer to 2
  • If:
  • Else, if:
Event button.png
Offer an 60/40 split
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain a §Glarge monetary bonus§!, and they will receive a §Rmonetary compensation§!. We will both §Yguarantee§! [FOU.GetName].
  • Set variable arr_offer to 1
  • If:
  • Else, if:
Event button.png
Offer an 50/50 split
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will sign a §Ynon-aggression pact§! and both §Yguarantee§! [FOU.GetName].
  • Set variable arr_offer to 0
  • If:
  • Else, if:


[FROM.GetName] Offers a Deal

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Value of variable FROM.arr_offer is equals 3
[FROM.GetName] has attempted to offer us a deal over Fourways. They propose:

A non-aggression pact between us, and a mutual guarantee of [FOU.GetName].

This will resolve the issue for now, but it might be reopened later.

The following description is used if:

  • Value of variable FROM.arr_offer is equals 2
[FROM.GetName] has attempted to offer us a deal over Fourways. They propose:

That we both guarantee Fourways and receive a monetary compensation.

This may not be ideal, but would allow us to focus on other matters.

The following description is used if:

  • Value of variable FROM.arr_offer is equals 1
[FROM.GetName] has attempted to offer us a deal over Fourways. They propose:

That [FOU.GetName] becomes their puppet in exchange for some monetary compensation for us.

This isn't a good deal, but could put an end to this charade.

The following description is used if:

  • Value of variable FROM.arr_offer is equals 0
[FROM.GetName] has attempted to offer us a deal over Fourways. They propose:

That [FOU.GetName] becomes their puppet in exchange for a small monetary compensation for us.

This isn't a good deal, but could put an end to this charade.''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 80/20 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 80/20 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 70/30 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 70/30 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 60/40 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 60/40 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 50/50 split”
  • The event “Opening Strategy” option “Offer an 50/50 split”

Event button.png
We accept.
    • Trigger country event “Deal Accepted!” in 1 day
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Clear country flag fourways_insecure
Event button.png
Let's make a counter offer
  • Trigger country event “Opening Strategy”
Event button.png
No deal!
    • Trigger country event “Negotiations Break Down”


Negotiations Break Down

Despite our best efforts, it seems that no deal over the Fourways issue will be reached any time soon. Our diplomats have returned empty-handed, and the race for influence continues.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “[FROM.GetName] Offers a Deal” option “No deal!”

Event button.png
Next time.
  • Lose Political Power 10 Political Power
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Clear country flag fou_negotiations


Fourways Debug

If you see this without console commands post it in #bug-reports or on reddit

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Set country flag fourways_insecure
    • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
  • Flag of New California Republic New California Republic:
    • Set variable arr_fou_influence to 0.08
    • Set variable arr_fou_coercion to 0.05
    • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
Event button.png
40/40 for Arroyo
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Set country flag fourways_insecure
    • Set variable arr_fou_influence to 0.4
    • Set variable arr_fou_coercion to 0.4
    • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”
  • Flag of New California Republic New California Republic:
    • Set variable arr_fou_influence to 0.08
    • Set variable arr_fou_coercion to 0.05
    • Trigger country event “All Eyes on Fourways”


Deal Accepted!

Wisely, [FROM.GetName] has agreed to our terms. This is a major diplomatic breakthrough, and will hopefully put an end to this tiring endeavor.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “[FROM.GetName] Offers a Deal” option “We accept.”

Event button.png
Now, on to other things.
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Clear country flag fou_negotiations
    • Clear country flag fourways_insecure
    • Remove Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Remove Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Remove Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Remove Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
  • Flag of New California Republic New California Republic:
    • Remove Decision “Invest in [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Remove Decision “Secure the Border with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Remove Decision “Tighten Our Grip on [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Remove Decision “Build Bonds with [From.GetName]” on Flag of Fourways Fourways
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_offer is equals 0
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Set country flag fourways_split
    • Grants a guarantee of independence for Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Enters a Non-aggression pactNon-aggression pact with FROM
      • Grants a guarantee of independence for Flag of Fourways Fourways
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_offer is equals 1
    • Grants a guarantee of independence for Flag of Fourways Fourways
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 85
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
    • Gets the National Spirit File:Gold bars.png “Fourways Tariffs” for 2 years
Fourways Tariffs icon
Fourways Tariffs
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 6
      • Grants a guarantee of independence for Flag of Fourways Fourways
      • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 65
      • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_offer is equals 2
    • Flag of Fourways Fourways becomes a puppet of the current scope
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “Under New Management” in 65 days
      • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
      • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
      • Gets the National Spirit File:Gold bars.png “Fourways Wealth” for 4 years
Fourways Wealth icon
Fourways Wealth
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 12
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_offer is equals 3
    • Flag of Fourways Fourways becomes a puppet of the current scope
    • Hidden effect:
      • Trigger country event “Under New Management” in 65 days
      • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 25
      • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
      • Gets the National Spirit File:Gold bars.png “Fourways Tariffs” for 2 years
Fourways Tariffs icon
Fourways Tariffs
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 6


Without a Hitch

Chitsa methodically closed the binder, sweeping every sprawled paper into its old plastic frame. She paused, smiled, and handed a nearby assistant a silver-lined cap. Without a word the young boy smiled, nodded, and exited. He had been trained well enough, and knew that a cap like this was a sign of good tidings, to be delivered to the same agents behind the contents of Ms. Chitsa's binder.

Chitsa, for her part, waited until the assistant exited before reopening the cover and clicking her lighter on. The plans and reports detailed here were far too incriminating. No one could be allowed to know what she had ordered.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “News From Eureka” option “Who could have done this?”

Event button.png
Eureka burns.



Eureka Blames Us!

Somehow, the Arroyan people have become the targets of Eurekan blame following the bombing at their port. Certainly a tragedy, few in Arroyo understand why they have become Eureka's targets following the attack. Portmaster Smith has gone so far as to refuse to even meet with the Arroyan council, let alone produce evidence of this supposed plot. War seems to be an inevitablity, and the Arroyan council has declared that force will be responded to with all of Arroyo's might.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
But, why?
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “On the Homefront” in 20 days
    • Trigger country event “The Shi Make an Offer” in 50 days
    • Trigger country event “The Eurekan Army” in 80 days
    • Trigger country event “The Final Struggle” in 105 days


On the Homefront

Arroyo has undeniably grown since the Chosen One's departure. We were once a single, united tribe, rallied behind our saviour's presence and agenda. Our incorporation of our neighbours into our territory, either through our influence or direct control, has created a pluralistic nation. In times of crisis, such as now, we need a unifying force to rally the people behind. Thankfully, we are clearly victims of aggression, leading to a general popular support for the war. This could be increased and exploited by deciding on a symbol of Arroyan resistance in the face of Eurekan aggression, further inflaming our people.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Eureka Blames Us!” option “But, why?”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Glorify our medical advances
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
  • Gain +70% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Industry

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Emphasize our preparation
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Add Logistics Skill: 1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Demonize the Portmaster ghouls
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
We must grit our teeth and fight
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.1
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Guilty Conscience”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Every action is for Arroyo, or against it
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 30
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Gain Political Power 20 Political Power
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “Guilty Conscience”

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Refuse to trade with Eurekans!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Defend our home, no matter what
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • [Scope]Crescent (239):
    • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (4917)
    • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (4918)
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (7059)
    • Add 2 Land fort Land Fort, on the province (4919)

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Be ready to support our armies
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Add 1 off map Arms workshop Military Factory

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
We will attack decisively
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • Add Attack Skill: 1


Guilty Conscience

Try as she might, the words of her agents' reports refused to leave her head. The brutality described, the horror brought, all of those were her doing. She had attacked Eureka. She had ordered the bombing. Her schemes and her designs and her plans and-

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “On the Homefront” option “We must grit our teeth and fight”
  • The event “On the Homefront” option “Every action is for Arroyo, or against it”

Event button.png
Damn it!
  • Decrease variable chitsa_karma_num by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Chitsa's karma will §Rlower§!


The Shi Make an Offer

It's no secret that the raw resources in Eureka and the Navarro Territories are incredibly important to the Shi economy. It was quite a surprise, then, when the Shi approached us with an offer. They correctly recognize that we are far stronger than Eureka, and stand to crush them were war to break out. The Shi have offered to use their influence in Eureka to facilitate our takeover, so long as we were to reimburse them for the expense. There's no doubt that the Shi stand to make a hefty profit off this deal, but it might benefit us as well.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “News From Eureka” option “This will benefit us both.”
  • The event “Eureka Blames Us!” option “But, why?”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
We'll pay them off, to an extent
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -20
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
We do have caps to spare...
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -40
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
There's no point to this


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Can't we strike a better deal?
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -30
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.15
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05


The Eurekan Army

The nature of the Eurekan army is quite different from that of a normal army, such as ours. Instead of acting as a unified fighting force their military is based primarily on acting as small independent strike forces, able to fight freely without conforming to a larger strategy. This style of organization makes them perfect for mercenary work, giving them a fearsome reputation across the West Coast. With enough preparation, we might also turn that organization into their weakness, weakening either their ability to resist our offenses or conduct attacks of their own. Alternatively, we could ignore these possibilities entirely, and instead focus on building control over Eureka's civilian population.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Eureka Blames Us!” option “But, why?”

Event button.png
Invalidate their fortifications
Weakened Fortifications icon
Weakened Fortifications
  • Division Defense: −5%
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
Event button.png
Prepare for their offensives
Weakened Offensives icon
Weakened Offensives
  • Division Attack: −5%
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05
Event button.png
Focus on the domestic
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05


Mounting Tension

The spies' reports were unanimous. Ships and barges clog Eureka's ports, carrying literal boatloads of mercenaries returning from their foreign deployments. Hasty trenches and bunkers are being erected throughout the border, and whatever supplies the Eurekan scavengers can uncover are being hastily delivered to their army. War is coming, and every Eurekan knows it. Our response to this unprovoked attack must be decisive.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Contact friendly officials in Eureka
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • Add the following modifiers:
      • Compliance Growth Speed: +3%
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Gather information on the Eurekan army
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Unleash our ghoul test subjects
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • The Arms workshop Military Factory receives 0.8 levels of damage
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Offer incentives to Eurekan migrants
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Sabotage their scavenging teams
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Plan an invasion through Umbra
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Crescent (239):
    • Add the following modifiers:
      • Local Supplies: +120%
  • [Scope]Kerby (372):
    • Add the following modifiers:
      • Local Supplies: +120%
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Create emergency defensive plans
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • has_id = 12175
    • Add Defense Skill: 1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Recruit every capable hand
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Nagor should consider hard-hitting tactics
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05
  • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
    • Limited to:
      • has_id = 12175
    • add_max_trait = 1


The Final Struggle

Eureka's facade of outrage has boiled over. Whatever trickery Portmaster Smith orchastrated to enrage the Eurekan public against Arroyo successfully turned the tragedy at their port into a full-blown war. Our people, while still unsure why Arroyo has been blamed, intend to defend what we've fought for to the last man. The past three years have been spent building alliances and control over the region around us, growing an empire to keep our people protected. We can't, and won't, let all that work slip away now.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Eureka Blames Us!” option “But, why?”
  • On declared war

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Once again, war

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_eur_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
We've changed their hearts
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Add 3 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Eureka Eureka

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_eur_coercion is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
They know they can't win
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Add 3 off map Arms workshop Military Factory
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Eureka Eureka

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
    • Value of variable arr_eur_coercion is greater than 0.39
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
    • Value of variable arr_eur_influence is greater than 0.39
Event button.png
In time, we'll be proven right
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! coercion!
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available due to §Ghigh§! influence!
  • Add 3 off map Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
  • Add 3 off map Arms workshop Military Factory
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Declares a Annex war against Flag of Eureka Eureka


A Show of Trust

Eureka's primary mode of income is their Portmasters, elite mercenaries which travel abroad in exchange for caps sent home to Eureka. These are fearsome fighters, but due to their small numbers are often placed in dangerous situations. We could use some of our military expertise to provide them aid, but this could backfire if we were to come to blows with them.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “News From Eureka” option “This will benefit us both.”

Event button.png
Provide reconnaissance support
Strengthened Offensives icon
Strengthened Offensives
  • Division Attack: +5%
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
Event button.png
Donate sandbags for outposts
Strengthened Fortifications icon
Strengthened Fortifications
  • Division Defense: +5%
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05
Event button.png
Focus on the domestic
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05


Building Bridges

What the people of Eureka fear most is foreign domination. Accepting Arroyo as their overlord does imply that, but we can take steps to show that this will be to their benefit, rather than their harm. Eureka's land is mountainous and barren, leaving little space for farming for settlement outside of Eureka itself. We have an impressive engineering corps who could conduct building projects throughout their territory. These projects wouldn't be free, but would help us build a relationship with Eureka.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “News From Eureka” option “This will benefit us both.”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Build new workshops for their craftsmen
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Bgood§! karma
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • Start construction of 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Factory
    • Add 2 Building slot building slots
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Offer them industrial loans
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable dimitri_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Offer them extremely high-interest loans
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Dimitri has §Rbad§! karma
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -5
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive coercion with the §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Pay whatever we need to help them
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Bgood§! karma
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -10
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
A new road between our capitals should help
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain influence with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.05
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • Start construction of 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [Scope]Crescent (239):
    • Start construction of 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • Start construction of 1 Infrastructure Infrastructure

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable chitsa_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Engineers? Saboteurs is a better term
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Chitsa has §Rbad§! karma
  • [Scope]Arcata (39):
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.3 levels of damage
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is greater than 5
Event button.png
Offer logistical training
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Bgood§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • [SCOPE]Every employed unit leader:
      • Limited to:
        • Unit Leader flag eureka_general is set
      • Add Logistics Skill: 1
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain massive influence with the §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.15

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is equals 5
Event button.png
Gift a small shipment of weapons
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §YNeutral§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • 50 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
    • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain strong influence with §MEureka§!
    • Increase variable arr_eur_influence by 0.1

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
  • Custom trigger tooltip:
    • Tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
    • Value of variable nagor_karma_num is less than 5
Event button.png
Conduct small-scale raids
  • Custom effect tooltip: Available because Nagor has §Rbad§! karma
  • Flag of Eureka Eureka:
    • Lose Manpower 200 Manpower
  • Custom effect tooltip: We will gain coercion with §MEureka§!
  • Increase variable arr_eur_coercion by 0.05


Greater Centralization

Our grip on our region has now been solidified. Having grown from a hopeful tribe into a mighty nation, we can now reconsider how we view the various bodies that agreed to subjugation. While their lack of independence will remain true either way, we could begin to fully integrate them into our nation if we so wished.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Arroyo Asks For Submission” option “Arroyo's offer is reasonable”
  • On nation capitulation

Event button.png
Begin integration
  • Custom effect tooltip: Use this to clean up border gore
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
      • At least one of:
      • Is AI-controlled
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Annex the previously mentioned country
Event button.png
Leave them their nominal independence



Eureka Interferes Against Us!

Eureka's mercenary army has become a consistent thorn in our plans. Our troops have noticed that a number of our current enemy's soldiers seem to be made up of elite Eurekan mercenaries, a stinging blow to our supposedly neutral relationship. News of this betrayal has enraged our citizenry, hastening our recruitment efforts.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Event button.png
They'll pay for this!
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = "ARR_rein"
  • Custom effect tooltip: Six new divisions will be raised


A Returning Hero

In 2279, three years after his departure, the Chosen One returned from his self-imposed exile. Greeted by endless cheers and wild celebrations, everyone in Arroyo was certain that they would again take up the mantle of leadership. The leadership of the Council, which had guided Arroyo to dominate Northern California, had reached its end.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Event button.png
Give him a hero's welcome!
  • Set country flag chosen_one_returned
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = ruler
    • popularity = 80
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
  • Chosen One becomes the leader for their party
    • Well Liked Leader
      • sprite = 13
      • Improve relations opinion: +15%
    • Popular Figurehead
      • sprite = 13
      • Stability: +10%
      • War Support: +5%
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch
Event button.png
Let us not disturb him.
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Trigger country event “The Succession of Arroyo”
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set country flag a_quiet_return
  • Refresh the focus tree restarting the checks in allow_branch


The Succession of Arroyo

The past several years have seen a flurry of change and activity. Now it is time to decide who will lead Arroyo once again.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “A Returning Hero” option “Let us not disturb him.”
  • Completing the national focus File:RDS Flynn Chosen One.png “A Quiet Return”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag nagor_dead is set
Event button.png
Nagor's no bore!
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • set_political_party
      • ideology = people
      • popularity = 80
    • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
    • Nagor becomes the leader for their party
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set country flag nagor_in_charge

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag chitsa_dead is set
Event button.png
Chitsa's at ya!
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • set_political_party
      • ideology = elites
      • popularity = 80
    • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
    • Chitsa becomes the leader for their party
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set country flag chitsa_in_charge

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag dimitri_dead is set
Event button.png
(Dummy option for possibly AI or invisible actions)
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • set_political_party
      • ideology = intellectuals
      • popularity = 80
    • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals
    • Dimitri Constantalpos becomes the leader for their party
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set country flag dimitri_in_charge


The Council's New Position

The Chosen One's renewed leadership of Arroyo has returned the Council to their previous position as an advisory board. Still, the time they spent in power has dramatically altered the dynamics of power, shifting how they will advise the Chosen One in the future.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature bald eagle.png “A Glorious Return”

Event button.png
So what did you all get up to?
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_chitsa_years is equals 3
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Chitsa's Leadership”
Chitsa's Leadership icon
Chitsa's Leadership
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.25
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.15
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_chitsa_years is equals 2
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Chitsa's Leadership”
Chitsa's Leadership icon
Chitsa's Leadership
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.2
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_chitsa_years is equals 1
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Chitsa's Leadership”
Chitsa's Leadership icon
Chitsa's Leadership
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.1
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.05
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_dimitri_years is equals 3
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Dimitri's Leadership”
Dimitri's Leadership icon
Dimitri's Leadership
  • Reinforce Rate: +5%
  • Research Speed: +10%
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_dimitri_years is equals 2
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Dimitri's Leadership”
Dimitri's Leadership icon
Dimitri's Leadership
  • Reinforce Rate: +5%
  • Research Speed: +5%
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_dimitri_years is equals 1
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Dimitri's Leadership”
Dimitri's Leadership icon
Dimitri's Leadership
  • Reinforce Rate: +2.5%
  • Research Speed: +2.5%
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_nagor_years is equals 3
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Nagor's Leadership”
Nagor's Leadership icon
Nagor's Leadership
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: +8%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +20%
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_nagor_years is equals 2
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Nagor's Leadership”
Nagor's Leadership icon
Nagor's Leadership
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: +5%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +15%
  • Else, if:
    • Limited to:
      • Value of variable arr_nagor_years is equals 1
    • Gets the National Spirit Vault open bonus.png “Nagor's Leadership”
Nagor's Leadership icon
Nagor's Leadership
  • Equipment Capture Ratio Modifier: +2%
  • Recruitable Population Factor: +8%


Taxation, Not Tyranny

The charming little town of Arroyo has offered to pay tribute to the Republic in exchange for protection. Some may call that onerous, but we are, really, their only viable trading partner.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Road construction.png “Fourways That Goes Two Ways”

Event button.png
A wonderful idea!
Fourways Price icon
Fourways Price
  • caps_income_modifier = -0.03
Fourways Income icon
Fourways Income
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.03
Event button.png
Today taxes, tomorrow.... territory?



A Bribe

Arroyo has offered to pay us in exchange for looking the way if they were to secure Four Ways. Although it would be a useful buffer for us against the North, we could do worse...

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Two road3.png “Fourways Try Our Way”

Event button.png
A splendid idea!
Fourways Tariffs icon
Fourways Tariffs
  • caps_flat_income_modifier = 6
Event button.png
A terrible idea!



Eureka Moment

While some might say the Republic and Arroyo already have too many ideas, Eureka's instructors could be invaluable.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Imo ammobox.png “Eureka Moment”

Event button.png
Eureka Advisors icon
Eureka Advisors
  • caps_income_modifier = -0.05
  • Army Experience Gain: +5%
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
      • Gets the National Spirit Generic research bonus.png “Eureka Advisors”
Eureka Advisors icon
Eureka Advisors
  • caps_income_modifier = -0.05
  • Army Experience Gain: +5%
Event button.png
Different ideas? In this economy?



The Eurekan Fisheries

One of the benefits of the agreement over Eureka is access to the fisheries. Amazingly, these are so productive that they benefit both the NCR and Arroyo equally despite their size difference.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Hot woman on fishman action the sequel.png “Eurekan Fisheries”

Event button.png
These will be useful
Eureka Fisheries icon
Eureka Fisheries
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.04
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Gets the National Spirit Generic research bonus.png “Eureka Fisheries”
Eureka Fisheries icon
Eureka Fisheries
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.04
Event button.png
Sushi? What are we, Shi?



Out of Many, One

The Republic, for all its flaws, is the last best hope for the Western coast. It has its critics, its dissidents; but it is a healthy enough society to *have* those. We reject the choking conforming of Vault City, the corruption of Reno, or the despotism of Caesar. Once again, we fight for the cause of freedom.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Ncr council hill.png “NCR Statehood”

Event button.png
We didn't take out the Enclave for a new tyranny to prevail.
  • Set cosmetic tag to ARR_NCR
  • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_new_california=yes


Friends Again

Let us join the Republic in war, holding out against all forms of tyranny. For whatever their flaws, they did build our ancestor a really nice statue.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Kha focus ncr formal alliance.png “Accept The NCR”

Event button.png
You know, maybe we should build a statue too?
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Scripted Effect: ask_to_join_new_california=yes


Reopen Max Sec

In hindsight, a prison complex run for profit was a great idea. Let's reopen it, and guard the Wasteland's trash. For is not every person a treasure? Especially if we are paid to guard them?

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Prison woman.png “Reopen Max Sec”

Event button.png
Bring them in.
Reopened MaxSec icon
Reopened MaxSec
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.1
Reopened MaxSec icon
Reopened MaxSec
  • caps_income_modifier = 0.1
Event button.png
Keep them out.



Caps for Guns

Arroyo, as a bunch of peaceful hippies, believes it has too many guns. In turn, as smooth businesspeople, we have plenty of caps and not enough guns. A trade suggests itself!

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus New caps for loyalty.png “Reno Arms Deal”

Event button.png
This is a great deal
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 65
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
    • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is removed from the national Stockpile
  • Flag of New Reno New Reno:
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -65
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
    • 1 000 units of Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile
Event button.png
I've heard worse ideas.



Vault City training

Valult City's army has come a long way, and our technology has helped us develop. Why shouldn't we assist our fellow Vault Dwellers?

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Vb female prisoner.png “Vault City Military Training”

Event button.png
Progress through peace.
Event button.png
This is unneccesary.



Klamath Trappers

The trappers of Klamath are famous for finding some of the greatest skins and pelts in California. We won't need to worry about nuclear winter anymore once we employ them!

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature mirelurk.png “Klamath Trappers”

Event button.png
Patrolling the Mojave will almost make you miss our fashion sense.
Professional Trappers icon
Professional Trappers
  • exodus_nomadicity = 0.15
  • Damage to Enemy Garrisons in our states occupied by the enemy: +35%
  • Support Equipment:
    • £production_cost Production Cost: −5%
    • reliability_factor = 0.15
While Klamath's residents are best equipped for trapping geckos, if push came to shove they could conceivably use their skills for other means. If the trap can kill a gecko, you don't want to imagine what it can do to some poor raider's leg...
Event button.png
This is not environmentally friendly!



The Yakuza Connection

Although we really doubt that these are actual Japanese people, it can't hurt to honour their customs as we hire them.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic swords.png “Yakuza Connection”

Event button.png
The Chosen One did dumber things.
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -30
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
    • Gets the National Spirit File:Weapons bench.png “Yakuza Connection” for 90 days
Yakuza Connection icon
Yakuza Connection
  • Land Night Attack: +20%
  • Divisions speed: +5%
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
      • Owns state Bridgeport (171)
    • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 30
    • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Modoc Breadbasket

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Various vegetables.png “Modoc Deal”

Event button.png
This will greaten our prosperity
Breadbasket of Nevada icon
Breadbasket of Nevada
  • Monthly Population: +5%
Modoc Deal icon
Modoc Deal
  • Consumer Goods Factories: +7%
  • [SCOPE]Every country in the world:
    • Limited to:
      • Owns state Modoc (585)
    • Gets the National Spirit File:Weapons bench.png “Arroyo's Deal” for 90 days
Arroyo's Deal icon
Arroyo's Deal
  • Consumer Goods Factories: −4%
Event button.png
We don't need this



The Nevada Pact

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Enc nevada reborn.png “Home is Nevada”

Event button.png
We shall make this great
  • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_nevada_pact=yes


Eastern Allies

The savages under Thunderbird could be useful allies against the Republic. Let us appeal for their assistance.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Generic focus ncr raids.png “Bring Down The Bear”
  • Completing the national focus Generic focus ncr raids.png “Bring Down The Bear”

Event button.png
We could use some assistance against the NCR
  • Grants guarantee of independence for Flag of Arroyo Arroyo
  • Flag of Arroyo Arroyo:
    • Grants guarantee of independence for our country
    • Hidden effect:
      • Set country flag arr_thn_ncr_war
  • Scripted Effect: ask_to_join_chosen_ones=yes


This means War

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic focus ncr raids.png “Bring Down The Bear”

Event button.png
War never changes