MacArthur events/scriptoutput

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The Last Great American Dynasty

Many Wastelanders know America took a fatal blow in 2077, its armies and people burning in nuclear fire. But most of them don't know the tale of the men and women who kept the dream alive in the darkness that followed. The Richardsons served America after the Great War, preserving its dream and protecting its citizens, whether or not they knew it. An enclave of the best and the brightest, who would keep the torch of freedom lit until it could burn again. They were close too, you know. The last Richardson had a plan to save the Wasteland, a weapon that would kill the super mutants and feral ghouls who held back recovery. Until it all fell apart.

Nobody knows what happened to the Rig. A Brotherhood of Steel commando raid? Remnants of the Master's army? Perhaps it was the Rangers, cloaking their hatred of America in their sweet lies of liberty. Certainly the NCR had no problem pouring north with tribals, Brotherhood paladins, and others in tow. The Enclave killed many, but we had to leave. With the chain of command in disarray, Santiago took off, and led the flight east.

Let us honour her, and how she worked to save America in the West.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Usa america goal eagle.png “Rebuilding America, Today!”

Event button.png
She took as many noncombatants as she could...
  • [Scope]MacArthur AFB (656):
    • Set temporary variable pop_add to 5000
    • Scripted Effect: add_state_population=yes
Event button.png
But recognized weaponry would serve the survivors best.


Men to Match These Mountains

When the Enclave fled the West Coast after the fall of Navarro, some fought on. Patriots who didn't give up on America journeyed east, by vertibird, truck, or by foot. Thundering gun battles echoed across the Great Plains as they carved through the Brotherhood's despotism to reach Chicago. But Santiago, and those who stayed? In the name of fighting a 'rearguard action,' they stayed at Navarro. With support from the Secretary of the Interior, they acted as the western flank of the Enclave. Gone was the President; but in its place was a land lightly touched by radiation, home to happy, healthy children. A land where old soldiers never died - they just faded away.

For something odd happened in the region. Over time to survive MacArthur began to trade with the surrounding towns and ranches. As relationships followed trade, soldiers turned into ranchers, medics into doctors. When Missoula asked for help against Heaven's Gate in 2268, she was protecting her retired veterans as much as she was the people of the town.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc verti reform.png “From a Base Into a Home”

Event button.png
Missoula's ranches now feed the depot.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_civilian_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop
Event button.png
And she turned the prisoners to coal mining.
  • [SCOPE]Capital state:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
      • Add 2 Building slot building slots
      • Add 2 Arms workshop Arms Workshop


The First Families

Missoula was an odd town, for the Wasteland. The town had good, unpolluted farmland, herds of healthy bison, forests for timber nearby. Nobody went hungry. But in every society some are more equal than others, and Missoula was no exception. The First Families, descended from the scavengers who returned after the War, controlled the best lands; the best forests; and the best mines. Colonel Santiago's detachment only increased the division, for who but the rich could afford the Army Corps of Engineers? Moreover, the increased security Santiago brought turned the region into a magnet for refugees fleeing Heaven's Gate and the Khans. The lucky ones found jobs in sweatshops or farms. The unlucky ones? Well, there was a winter every year.

One of Santiago's more considered decision was the use of auxiliaries, trained with local equipment. Some favoured drawing forces from the First Families, but others counseled that the refugees would be reliable to whoever offered a better life.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature brahmin.png “The First Families”

Event button.png
The First Families are reliable.
  • Gets the National Spirit Generic production bonus.png “Manufacturing Process”
Manufacturing Process icon
Manufacturing Process
  • Factory Output: +10%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger news event “Team October”
Event button.png
But weren't we refugees as well?
Resource Production icon
Resource Production
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +15%
  • Building Technology Research Speed: +10%
  • Scavenging & Recycling Research Speed: +10%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger news event “Team October”


Slander, Lies, and Treason!

The founders of the Brotherhood were deserters and traitors who abandoned the Greatest Nation on Earth in its hour of need. Two hundred years later, little has changed.

Now the Montana Chapter spreads lies and slanders about the Enclave's efforts to save America. Its paladins tell refugees and ordinary, hardworking citizens that our efforts to repair the mutations to humanity are 'genocide,' and concoct silly fantasies about a plan to wipe out every human. This is base slander! We're the government! We're here to help! But, unfortunately, some fools have been led astray by their lies.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
Event button.png
Counteract their propaganda with the truth.
  • Lose Political Power 15 Political Power
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Available because you launched the Montana Patriot.


They Fight for Freedom!

Haven't I promised you that America yet lives? At great effort, the Secretary of the Interior has sent proof that the Enclave lives, Montana! And no, not just MacArthur Army Base. Right now Enclave troops are enroute from Chicago, the gleaming heart of America! These fine men and women have one mission - the restoration of American peace and order.

Just remember. When you see the Enclave, you see the United States government. We are authorized to restore order and civility, by any means necessary. Just stay out of the way and let us do our job. Interfere with the Enclave's mission, and you will be dealt with. Harshly.

Together, we'll restore the glory of this great nation.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc verti o.png “Chicago Reinforcements”

Event button.png
One problem at a time.
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • 50 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • 10 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America VB-02 Gunship is added to the national Stockpile
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = MCA_chicago_dispatch_1
  • Custom effect tooltip: Two Rapid Response Divisions are dispatched to [656.GetName].
  • Increase variable mca_support by 0.05
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_metal by 3
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_energy by 3
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Changes Support from the Secretary of the Interior by 5%. You will lose 3 energy and 1 metal more going forward.


The Mission

As the screen flickered to life, the Colonel wondered, once again, why the Secretary appeared like this. But she said nothing as the Old Man spoke.

So, you ground the Rebels under heel at last, hmm?' he chuckled. 'They say a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. So of course those mutants broke under American heroism. Nevertheless, you are to be congratulated, Colonel. Or should I say Brigadier General!'

'But the Brotherhood was there for a reason. I'm sure you can guess why, as our old struggle in the Heartland heats up. We need you, Brigadier. We need the Northern Commonwealth.'

The terminal next to the Brigadier flickered. 'I'm afraid your charges will need to contribute a bit more to the Reconstruction.'

The screen flickered off, with the neon light of Chicago replaced by a single message. 'God Bless the Enclave.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enclave cool.png “The Fate of Traitors”

Event button.png
And God Bless America.
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • The Brigadier
      • country_resource_advanced = 5
      • country_resource_composites = 5
      • country_resource_circuitry = 5
      • Power Armour Attack: +2.5%
      • Power Armour Support Attack: +2.5%
      • Power Armour Speed: +2.5%
  • Increase variable mca_support by 0.05
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_metal by 5
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_energy by 5
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Changes Support from the Secretary of the Interior by 5%. You will lose 5 energy and 5 metal more going forward.


In the Army of the Enclave...

The resources of the Northern Commonwealth could turn the tide in the Heartland, and give the Enclave a chance to crush the Brotherhood once and for all. But alas, too few Americans are left to satisfy every front nowadays. [MCA.GetLeader]'s demands call for new sacrifices from everyone in [MCA.GetName], and there are three proposals to meet the Secretary's orders.

The easiest solution would be to appeal to Chicago for further assistance, in exchange for accelerating resource extraction in the North. We could also work with the First Families and the rest of the region's elite and rely upon their involvement. Although these would not be as powerful as the United States Army, they could supplement our ranks in additional battalions. Finally, we could recruit the Refugees and Wastelanders, opening the doors to widespread recruitment.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc limited army reform.png “Bring Me Men to Match My Mountains!”

Event button.png
This job calls for professionals.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Gain Manpower 100 Manpower
  • 30 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • 30 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle is added to the national Stockpile
  • Increase variable mca_support by 0.05
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_metal by 5
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_energy by 5
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Changes Support from the Secretary of the Interior by 5%. You will lose 5 energy and 5 metal more going forward.

Event button.png
Trust the Families and the Marshals.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Set country flag MCA_marshal_families
  • Gets the Outsider Recruitment Outsider battalions.png “Wasteland Scouts”
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Event button.png
Every man who can carry a rifle is welcome to one!
Refugee Volunteers icon
Refugee Volunteers
  • Recruitable Population: 5%


A Fire Burns Beneath the Ground

The world was on the cusp of greatness, they say. Or was it hubris? Poseidon Energy drilled deep beneath the waves for the last of Earth's oil; they harnessed the sun to keep old Vegas ablaze; and in Yellowstone, once a park, they drilled into Earth's marrow for energy.

Marvelous in men's eyes, all night and all day, unto them a fire blazed, tireless and unquenchable. Poseidon's Hephaestus Project, they say, would have powered twenty million homes for thousands of years. They say it would have solved the Resource Crisis. Or, they say, it would set off a volcano, and another nuclear winter. But they say lots of things, don't they? Yellowstone's rangers refuse to activate the plant, but others wonder . . .

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • On startup
  • On startup
  • On startup
  • On startup

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Think of what we would do with such power!


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
God shall condemn Man for such hubris.


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
We cannot trust the Wasteland with such technology.


File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Ok, and?



The Flame-Eyed Fire

At long last, our scientist discovered the secrets of the Hephaestus Project. But what shall we do with this power?

Chicago would prefer we divert the energy back to them, a vital resource for their war against the Midwest Brotherhood. But Rodriguez would argue the energy serves a valuable role for the region, and could further industrial development. In this scenario, we might still send resources to Chicago - but it would be processed uranium, coal, and other riches pulled from the mountains. And then there is Maria, the Colonel's daughter. Maria proposes we share the power with the people. People power? A novel idea. It might, at least, gain us support among the locals... but it will certainly anger the Secretary of the Interior. Can we truly risk that?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Poseidon poster.png “Prometheus, Bound”

Event button.png
Chicago needs this to fight the Brotherhood!
  • Gain 20% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Increase variable mca_chicago_research_speed by 0.05
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • 50 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America T-51b Hardened Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • 200 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle is added to the national Stockpile
  • Custom effect tooltip:

5% Bonus to Research Speed from Chicago Support

Event button.png
We need this to beat the Brotherhood!
  • Increase variable 590.yellowstone_power_var by 25
  • Lose 15% Stability Stability
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:


Event button.png
We must share with our fellow Americans.
  • Decrease variable mca_chicago_research_speed by 0.05
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip:

5% Reduction to Research Speed as Chicago withdraws support!

  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Set country flag MCA_power_to_people
Event button.png
The First Families Can Use This Energy
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Lose 3% Stability Stability
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Set country flag MCA_power_for_elites


Attacks on the Caravans

The Storm Mongers and Metal Mouths have become more aggressive of late, perhaps inspired by the Montana Chapter. We need to decide who to protect - the Crow Trucking Company, which knits Montana together, or outlying farmsteads? Protecting the caravans will gain First Family support, but this will turn more people into Refugees and cost us support.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature brahmin.png “The First Families”

Event button.png
The Caravans are our lifeblood.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Lose Manpower 100 Manpower
Event button.png
Protect the homesteads!
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Lose 10% War support War Support


Same Old Story

Although Little Reno is booming, bringing a bit of glamour to Missoula, Salvatore brought his own share of problems. It seems that some of his staff have been buying Enclave equipment to fund raiders in exchange for jet, booze, and other narcotics! Team September's been tasked with dealing with it - how will Corporal Stimson respond?

It may be that Salvatore is trying to double cross us, and we can easily find evidence to bury him in a Little Golgotha along with the rest of his crew. Or perhaps we can come to some sort of agreement - after all, Salvatore still has sources we don't.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Nuka girl 2.png “Little Reno”

Event button.png
After all we've done for him? Get my plasma gun!
  • Retire Mason Salvatore
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 150
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Set country flag MCA_chaos
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
Event button.png
This is no way to treat a distinguished small businessman.
  • Lose Political Power 30 Political Power
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Set country flag salvatore_good
  • Mason Salvatore loses
    • Two-Timing Dealer
      • Consumer Goods Factories: −5%
      • Caps Expenses: −20%
      • Resource Gain Efficiency: +15%
      • Damage to Garrisons: +10%
      • Political Power Gain: −5%
  • Mason Salvatore gains
    • Scared Straight
      • Consumer Goods Factories: −3%
      • Resource Gain Efficiency: +10%
      • Damage to Garrisons: +10%


A Little Help From My Friends

The Secretary's charming smile looked down at the Colonel, who stood at attention as always. 'Really now, Colonel, always uptight! Please, the Special Agent is, ahh, not intended to be a sign of disrespect. On the contrary! He is the finest soldier in decades, the pinnacle of Enclave science! A, ahh, man that no one would doubt. And we're sending another battalion with him, of course.

'Think of it as a sign of our faith in you, really. With Special Agent Johnson, it will be as if I'm right by your side. Forever.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc super soldier.png “Our Colleague”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.
  • Becomes a General
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = MCA_chicago_dispatch_2
  • Custom effect tooltip: Two Rapid Response Divisions are dispatched to [656.GetName].


Unwelcome Guests

Some slander the Colonel's harsh methods to civilize the North, but clearly she's been successful. If she weren't, why would there be so many refugees trying to come to Missoula and Bozeman?

But they are a problem - Macarthur simply cannot sustain so many poor Wastelanders at this time. To this end, refugees are turned back at the towns' borders, but smugglers try to sneak them into our slices of pre-war America. Corporal Ellen and her team of Rangers captured the smugglers' ringleader, Mamma Cotton. Cotton refuses to stop helping these Wastelanders, but for now they are nothing but a drain on Missoula. What shall Team October do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Various vegetables.png “Down on the Farm”

Event button.png
Turn a blind eye to smuggling - we can't ignore our fellow Americans!
Refugee Crisis icon
Refugee Crisis
  • Daily Political Power Gain: −0.1
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 10%
  • Stability: −10%
  • Appeal to Refugees: +10%
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
Event button.png
Send the smuggler to the stockades.
Spurned Refugees icon
Spurned Refugees
  • Daily Political Power Gain: +0.1
  • Stability: −10%
  • Appeal to Refugees: −30%
  • Lose 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity


Team October

The Colonel isn't the only Santiago in Macarthur. Her daughter, Ellen, rose through the ranks of the Enclave. Ellen could have requested a soft posting in Raven Rock or Chicago, but she chose to serve with her mother at Macarthur. There she works with the Colonel to protect the people of Montana, a true inspiration for all Americans! There are those who say she's gone native - those who whisper, indeed, that she may be a *mutant*. But if that were true, how could she handle the Enclave's weaponry so effectively?

Ellen's unit, Team October, guards the Wasteland and handles threats that need a special touch. Diplomacy with the First Families? A raid on a Metal Mouth Outpost? Trade mission to the Bizarre? Well, why not? What else is Team October for.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “The First Families” option “The First Families are reliable.”
  • The event “The First Families” option “But weren't we refugees as well?”

Event button.png
I'm glad she's on our side!
  • Becomes a General


Tribute from MacArthur

[MCA.GetLeader], undoubtedly afraid of our prowess, offers us tribute - energy weapons and caps, which we can use against the Brotherhood. Oh, we will; but surely she should know that these weapons can be turned against her as well?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Edn ata.png “Support the Brotherhood's Enemies”

Event button.png
The Brotherhood, then MacArthur.
  • 100 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Energy Weaponry is added to the national Stockpile
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Ask What You Can Do For Your Country

History cannot stand still, and as our mighty nation approaches its 500th anniversary, new orders fly to Macarthur. America's heartland is ripe for liberation! The Midwest Brotherhood, a threat for so long, can be crushed - if only Macarthur helps. To that end, the Secretary of the Interior asks for Macarthur to increase resource shipments East, that we can finish the Great Work.

So, my dear commander, what will you send to us?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Running out the timer on the decision “Shipments to Chicago”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable resource@water is greater than 10
Event button.png
Crops, to feed a hungry nation!
  • Set temporary variable temp_water_mca to the value of resource@water
  • Divide temporary variable temp_water_mca by 5
  • Round temporary variable temp_water_mca
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_water by the value of temp_water_mca
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Send [?temp_water_mca]£resources_strip

  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable resource@metal is greater than 4
Event button.png
Ores to forge into weapons of liberty!
  • Set temporary variable temp_metal_mca to the value of resource@metal
  • Divide temporary variable temp_metal_mca by 8
  • Round temporary variable temp_metal_mca
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_metal by the value of temp_metal_mca
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Send [?temp_metal_mca]£resources_strip

  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable resource@energy is greater than 4
Event button.png
Fuel to feed the flames of industry!
  • Set temporary variable temp_energy_mca to the value of resource@energy
  • Divide temporary variable temp_energy_mca by 5
  • Round temporary variable temp_energy_mca
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_energy by the value of temp_energy_mca
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Send [?temp_energy_mca]£resources_strip

  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
We cannot help the Secretary at this time.
  • Lose 15% Stability Stability

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Value of variable mca_resource_water is less than −25
  • Value of variable mca_resource_energy is less than −20
  • Value of variable mca_resource_metal is less than −20
Event button.png
Chicago Thanks Us For Our Service
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Because you have sent more than 25£resources_strip and 20 £resources_stripChicago is satisfied.




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
  • Lose 25% Stability Stability
  • Lose 30% War support War Support
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Sheriff.png “Withdrawn Support”
Withdrawn Support icon
Withdrawn Support
  • Recruitable Population: −2%
  • Stability: −25%
  • War Support: −30%


Who Are You, That Do Not Know Your History?

The Historians, a group of scholars and teachers, have been conquered. Now they come to MacArthur, begging for a new home. There is much to be gained from them letting them in; while we know how to maintain advanced weapons and circuitry, some of the simpler arts are not really practiced in Montana. As such, their practical knowledge of farming could be useful to our citizens.

But isn't there a danger? They have a sadly corrupted view of history, a harshly negative view of prewar America. And we unfortunately would lack the strength to correct all of their errors. Colonel, what should we do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation annexed

Event button.png
How dangerous could some historians be?
Historian Refugees icon
Historian Refugees
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 3%
  • Agriculture Research Speed: +10%
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Gain 1% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
Event button.png
Confiscate their resources for the war effort.
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Grounded in Tradition, Resilient in Spirit

[MCA.GetLeader] has come with a proposal - in return for economic assistance, our warriors will fight for the US government. The only downside is the risk of the Enclave should they prevail; a likely outcome, if their only true foe are boy scouts in power armour.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Tribal dog symbl.png “Lakota Auxiliaries”

Event button.png
If they get this far, we will crush them easily.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 100
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “The Mighty Braves”
Event button.png
Oh no, we're not doing this again.
  • Gain 5% War support War Support


The Mighty Braves

[STR.GetName] sent warriors to us in return for our offer. How wonderful! They will gladly protect Macarthur's interests - even if Chicago might not see it that way, alas.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Grounded in Tradition, Resilient in Spirit” option “If they get this far, we will crush them easily.”

Event button.png
It's important to rely on friends.
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
  • Gain Army experience 10 Army Experience
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


A Deal is a Deal, Even With a Dirty Dealer

The Americans are a treacherous brutal people who occupied Canada and exploited us for years, and followed up those atrocities with a nuclear holocaust. That said, they have money, and who are we to systemic oppression stand in our way? [MCA.GetLeader] offered us a large chunk of caps in exchange for some old airships. Should we make a deal?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus wpg masters of airships.png “Canadarian Airships”

Event button.png
We are a free people who believe in free trade.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 100
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Airships, Baby!”
Event button.png
What, so they can bomb us again? Pass.
  • Gain 5% War support War Support


Airships, Baby!

The Brotherhood traverses the Wastes with a vast fleet of airship. Alas for us, we are forced to rely on jet aircraft, vertibirds, and mechanized units. Until now. Thanks to [TRR.getLeader]

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Deal is a Deal, Even With a Dirty Dealer” option “We are a free people who believe in free trade.”

Event button.png
To the Whales of Liberty!
  • 35 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Assault Airship is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has completed national focus Enc free press.png “The Montana Patriot”
    • Trigger country event “AMERICAN INFLUENCE BACK IN CANADA”


A Well Regulated Militia...

To protect the North, Team October has hit upon an ingenious idea; relying more and more on local auxiliaries and locals. Although less well equipped than Team October or the Enclave proper, these Wastelanders, under the guidance of the First Families, are willing to fight and die for their homes and freedoms. Some of Macarthur's senior leadership fear that this will cause trouble down the line - for who knows where else the locals could turn their guns?

But the Secretary of Interior performed a rigorous cost-benefit analysis, and the math is clear. It is far cheaper for Chicago to lose a dozen Wastelanders than one American private. And so, let us salute the first battalions of our new national guard!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • Completing the national focus Enclave good.png “Local Self-Defense”
  • Completing the national focus Mount rushmore.png “Patronize Historians”

Event button.png
God Bless... Montana?



Stand Still, and Stay Silent

For too long, the people of Montana were governed with a slack leash. For too long, they took advantage of [MCA.GetLeader]'s compassion and failed to contribute to the Great Work. We brought order, and merely asked for compliance. We provided security, and merely asked for acceptance. And instead, we were spurned.

This ends now. Reliant as they are on Chicago's largesse, it's time for Montana to pay up. And so the Secretary of the Interior has run the numbers, and it's time for a change. If the people of Montana want the Enclave's protection, then certain changes are in order. For their own good.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc vertibird command.png “The Wings of Liberty”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.



America Is Not Yet Lost!

It's a miracle! It seems we are not the last Americans after all! From distant Montana, a leader known as [MCA.GetLeader] comes with word from the Provisional United States Government. Acting on behalf of a group known as the Enclave, [MCA.GetLeader] offers us military assistance to crush the Communist rebels and keep the Star Spangled Banner waving still. Perhaps there's still some life left in Old Glory after all.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Canada soldier.png “A Salute to Fallen Heroes!”

Event button.png
The Stars and Stripes Forever!
  • 50 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • 1 000 units of Flag of MacArthur MacArthur Infantry Equipment is added to the national Stockpile


The Incident on Higgins Avenue

Ever since the protests against Chicago's demand escalated, tensions between Enclave soldiers and the people of Montana escalated. On the night of [GetDateText], the people took action to defend themselves. Or did the mob slaughter unarmed heroes? According to some witnesses, a mechanic demanded a Sergeant pay a bill for repairing a broken radio - the officer, who claimed he already paid the bill, insulted the mechanic, and the two exchanged insults. Accounts are unclear; the mechanic, it seems, tried to punch the officer. The officer then bashed the mechanic with a laser pistol. Seeing this, civilians ran to go threaten the officer, who retreated to a nearby guard post. What followed then was a massacre, as ten Missoulans lay on the cold ground.

The First Families demand the officer be charged and executed for killing civilians. But the Enclave's officers are adamant that no soldier in This Man's army can be tried by, well, mutants.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Usa justice.png “The Missoula Massacre”

Event button.png
We will not sacrifice an officer and a gentleman!
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger news event “We Protect Our Own”
Event button.png
Sacrifice the officer to appease the First Families.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger news event “A Government of Laws, and Not of Men”


We Protect Our Own

The idea of letting the First Families have a say in the fate of the America's warriors was absurd, most of all to Ellen Santiago. 'What,' she shouted in her mother's office, 'will follow from this? Will they try you next? Or me?' And so the Corporal refused the First Family's request. For the Enclave does not listen to Wastelanders.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Incident on Higgins Avenue” option “We will not sacrifice an officer and a gentleman!”

Event button.png
We're here to help, not to be judged.
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Soup.png “The First Families, Last” for 1 year and 55 days
The First Families, Last icon
The First Families, Last
  • Stability: −30%
  • Resistance Growth Speed: +15%


A Government of Laws, and Not of Men

And so, the Colonel, resignedly sacrificed one of her officers to the mob.

But something unusual happened. Robert Peele, one of the First Families, defended the officer at the trial. He instructed the jurors, selected from the people of Missoula, to look beyond the officer's origin, and look to what happened that night. Peele noted that the mob gathered in response to a purely private, commercial dispute - that it was an accepted right for a Montanan to hold a firearm, they were entitled to stand their ground under threat - and that, based on several eye witnesses, the mob advanced despite warnings. Therefore, the jury found Officer Hardgrave not guilty.

Although he may have gone free, the Enclave's officers were still furious. If one officer could be charged, where would this end? But for Mr. Peele, the day would be long remembered as a cornerstone of Montana's salvation. For facts are stubborn things, and the law, will not bend to uncertain wishes, imaginations, and the wanton tempers of men. And the people of Montana did not bend the law, even to punish the Enclave. A fact that would serve them well, in the decades to follow.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Incident on Higgins Avenue” option “Sacrifice the officer to appease the First Families.”

Event button.png
But knew he was innocent before the trial!
Spurned Officers icon
Spurned Officers
  • Army Experience Gain: −0.25
  • Planning Speed: −50%
  • Max planning factor: −50%
  • Daily Command Power Gain: −0.5


Why Isn't Our Video Feed Working!

Horrible News! Someone - either Brotherhood terrorists, the Jacksons, or the Lakota took out our radio communication facilities and damaged the Macarthur Air Force Base. Although we can try to repair the network, it will be difficult to maintain the communications with Chicago and the Department of the Interior for the foreseeable future. We can only hope that a long distance radio link will make up for this, and that the Team October can find the culprit in time. But for now, we are isolated.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Uoa stealth boys.png “Going Dark”

Event button.png
This is a disaster!
Incommunicado icon
  • Political Power Gain: −80%
  • [Scope]MacArthur AFB (656):
    • The Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Arms workshop Arms Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage


A Pack of Hyenas

The twinge of plasma bolts fired out in the night, as the Colonel and those closest to her were killed by Special Agent Johnson. Few in Macarthur's territory realized what happened until the next morning, so tight was the Enclave's grip on the base nowadays, until Special Agent Johnson came on the radio. 'There are going to be some changes, Montana. Quotas, construction projects, taxes, labor contributions,' rasped the agent, 'all these fell behind. There is much for you to make up for, and much you will.'

If Montana has a hope now, it lies with Team October. Ellen and her unit have risen up with the support of some of the First Families to save their home. But what hope does a plucky band of rebels have against the full might of the Enclave?

And The Mother of Montana? What does a mutie sympathizer need, beyond an unmarked grave in the snow?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Threeway 3.png “The Long Night”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.
  • Set country flag MCA_enclave_chicago
  • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_chicago
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = ruler
    • popularity = 100
  • Special Agent Johnson becomes the leader for the Ruler party.
    • War Industrialist
      • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
      • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Retire Ellen Santiago
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Santiago is purged for treasonous thoughts

  • Hidden effect:
    • If:
      • Limited to:
      • Trigger news event “Mutant Soldiers Desert Us!” in 2 days
    • If:
      • Limited to:
        • Country flag MCA_marshal_families is set
      • Trigger news event “First Families Revolt” in 2 days
    • If:
      • Limited to:
      • Trigger news event “Watering the Tree of Liberty” in 5 days
      • Custom effect tooltip:

Team October's little side quests may have amounted to something...

    • Trigger news event “Mutant Soldiers Desert Us!” in 10 days


The Truth of the Jacksons

Everyone in Montana knows that the Jacksons were expelled from Missoula for treason. They invited bandits and raiders to attack the fair city, and were going to burn it down before the Colonel stopped them. Their treachery is one of the many reasons the Enclave is Montana's salvation.

That story is a lie. Team October learned the truth in its latest battle with the Jacksons. The Jacksons were expelled for challenging the Matriarch's rule and pushing for the people of Missoula to have a say in how Montana was run! For their request, the Colonel destroyed their ranch, seized their assets, and drove them east. There on the plains the Jacksons' turned their business acumen and organizational skills to raiding because it was the only way to survive. To put another way, one of the greatest threats to Montana could be viewed as the Colonel's fault!

Now the Montana Patriot has the story, and is threatening to publish it. The Colonel is making every effort to stop them from doing so, but even shutting down the press might not do it. Team October can launch a raid on the paper's press before they go live, but what will they do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Enc radio 2.png “A Phone From Home”

Event button.png
Paper is most flammable.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Lose Manpower 2 Manpower
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Retire Thomas Cordova
Event button.png
The people need to know.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity


Shelter From the Storm

During battle against the Storm Mongers, Team October came across what some would call a romantic story. A Storm Monger Warrior, Wind-That-Tangles, was wounded and nursed back to health by a Montanan woman, Nikki. Wind-That-Tangles fell in love with Nikki, and the two hid from the war in a cave. But perhaps there is no escaping the past, for Team October tracked down Wind-That-Tangles because he was wanted for killing a dozen civilians and sacrificing them to the Storm Father. Now Ellen Santiago must decide - will she spare the man who turned a dozen fathers into kites? Or will she punish a man who moved past his mistakes and wishes to make amends?

An easy choice, usually. But Wind-That-Tangles is the last sibling of their old Seer, Blinding Hail. There might be benefit in gaining his favour.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation annexed

Event button.png
Oh no, my finger slipped on the trigger!
  • Lose 3% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Lose 2% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 25
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
Surely there is benefit to compassion?
  • [SCOPE]Every owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of Flag of Storm Mongers Storm Mongers
    • Compliance:+40%


Soldiers and Super-mutants


It appears that the Salvatores, not content with opening tacky bars in Montana's cities, are making new plans. To expand their clientele, they are hosting what they call 'game nights', where our subjects play board games. One of the more popular ones involves a band of plucky Enclave soldiers fighting against the Brotherhood, super mutants, and raiders, gaining new weapons and skills as they delve into vaults and ruins. Although we have some qualms, we can't deny this is better than Tragic the Gathering.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Focus magainze aat fishmen.png “Salvatore's Tiki Bar”

Event button.png
Thanks? I guess?
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 5
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Rebuilding America Takes Time, Even for the Enclave

Special Agent Johnson,' intoned the Secretary, 'you have done well. The last of Team October and their mutant friends are either dead or in a work camp. But we must recover and move forward. We have three goals in the North we need you to pursue.

To the west, Washington's hydroelectric dams provide unlimited power, and the secrets of American aviation may yet lurk in Seattle. Indeed, strange signals emanate from under that snow and fog.' There a two second pause, an eternity for the Secretary, before he continued.

'But the tar sands of Alberta may yet contain petroleum, the fuel of the Wasteland. And the environmental damage won't affect American soil, should you succeed.' A crackle over the connection, before the final option.

'And the Dakotas! The old missile silos may yet contain nuclear weapons that we failed to use against China. What better use for them than against the Midwestern Brotherhood? Return those nukes to us, and come home.'

'Ultimately, Agent, the choice is your. You are the one with,' a synthesized chuckle, 'boots on the ground.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Bad Secretary.png “Pursuing the Secretary's Plan”

Event button.png
Look to the West!
Prepared for War icon
Prepared for War
  • Max planning factor: +10%
  • Daily Command Power Gain: +0.2
Event button.png
We will finish the Canadian occupation.
Prepared for War icon
Prepared for War
  • Max planning factor: +10%
  • Daily Command Power Gain: +0.2
Event button.png
The Dakotas are, and will always be, American.
Prepared for War icon
Prepared for War
  • Max planning factor: +10%
  • Daily Command Power Gain: +0.2


The Bizarre's Costume Change

'The Bizarre is a marketplace of the exotic, the expensive, and the esoteric, a trading emporium based in a pre-war underground shopping establishment. Legend has it that the Monster Army which runs the Bizarre found it under four feet of snow when they heard idling arcade games. Another legend says they ate the previous inhabitants, pig farmers who they followed underground. Either way, the real horror are their prices!

Ellen and Team October journeyed to the Bizarre to pursue rumours of grav-plates that can be placed on vehicles to eliminate fuel use. But upon arrival, they faced a dilemma. The Bizarre's current master, Flab the Inhaler, long dealt fairly with Macarthur. But that's the problem; he showed no favoritism, accepting traders from across the North. But [WYR.GetLeader] had an offer for the Colonel; why not help him take over the Bizarre? How absurd was it that a a former raider gang ran one of the North's greatest trading hubs?

Normally, Team October would stay out of such internal matters. But the benefits were clear. [WYR.GetLeader] offered to give them the greatest of the Bizarre's arsenal, a stash of prewar miniguns. But any conflict in the Bizarre would destroy the Grav Plates, and jeopardize one of the North's greatest trading hubs. What does Team October do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Bizarre” option “Better to trade with them than the Brotherhood.”

Event button.png
Stand with Flab!
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Ellen Santiago:
      • Unit leader gains trait:
        • Grav Plates
          • Army Energy Cell Consumption: −10%
          • Division Attrition: −10%
          • Desert:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Hills:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Forest:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Mountain:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Plains:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Urban:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Jungle:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Marsh:
            • Movement: +10%
          • Radioactive Wastes:
            • Movement: +10%
Event button.png
The Bizarre belongs to the Baron.


Steeltown Blues

To many in Montana, Steeltown is hope for a better tomorrow - a dream that one day, Americans might enjoy the standards of living their ancestors had in the 2070s. But to others, it's a lie. Steeltown relies on refugee labour, and their demands have gone unmet for far too long. Heavy machinery crushes worker limbs. Production quotas and low salaries lead to tired, hungry workers. People who dreamed of a better life for their children Markham's plan for Steeltown to be a lie, and at long last, they've risen up. To quote Salene Crow, leader of the strikers, 'No more sixteen hour shifts, no more locking us in the factory so we can't see our family, and most importantly, Markham, no more you! We're done paying you for pee breaks and meal breaks. If you don't go, we don't work.'

[MCA.Getleader] dispatched Team October to handle the situation, but how will they do so?

Favouring Markham, who runs Montana's economy, may be the easy choice. But don't the people of Montana deserve a square meal and fair wages? And more importantly, won't crushing the workers damage Steeltown's factories, while alienating a large group that may one day prove useful?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic scyscrapers prewar.png “Steeltown!”

Event button.png
Markham built Steeltown, and she'll build Montana.
  • [Scope]Great Falls (653):
    • The Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Infrastructure Infrastructure receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Arms workshop Arms Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Looks like Markham gave Team October a reward!

  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Martha Santiago:
      • Unit leader gains trait:
        • The Atom Smasher
          • Army Energy Cell Consumption: +10%
          • Power Armour Attack: +10%
  • Set country flag october_hates_refugees
Event button.png
The Refugees are people too!
  • Retire Abigail Markham
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower
  • Set country flag october_hates_markham


A Call to Action

Team October wlil respond to any call for help, no matter who sends it! Especially if it comes on a prewar channel restricted to the president only. During one of their heroic escapades, Team October heard a signal that led them to an old abandoned garage. There they found the armoured car that once acted as President Germanotta's chauffer and body guard. This poor vehicle drove the Wasteland, where its camera systems saw so many terrible things. Slaughter. Cannibalism. The long death of the American dream. Indeed, this wonderful robotic armoured car wishes to kill itself given what befell America.

Will Team October grant its dying wish, snuffing out one of America's last servants? Or will they persuade it that America yet lives in the Enclave?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:CES Industry TS Car Road.png “Motor City's Outpost”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Strip it for parts.
  • 1 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Military Car is added to the national Stockpile
  • Gain +100% research bonus (1 use) towards:
    • Vehicle Technology

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has less than 1 ManpowerManpower
Event button.png
Oh god, we're under attack! We can't help!
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
Would Germanotta tell you to give up? We are on the edge of glory!
  • Lose Political Power 50 Political Power
  • Set country flag MCA_germanotta_rides
  • Flag of Strathcommune Strathcommune:
    • Trigger news event “What in the God Da-”
  • Custom effect tooltip:

The Patriot's subroutines will now be an advisor.


Service to the Cause

People of Montana!

The Enclave needs you. Not your hopes, your resources, or your lands; it needs you, personally! And you need it.

The Department of the Interior labours even now to restore the heartland, but that mighty project needs new workers. To that end, [MCA.GetLeader] has been authorized to conscript several hundred of our nations' citizens to take part in the reclamation. Those who go east will receive rations, healthcare, and wages, plus a land grant at the end of their service. Do not weep for those who go; rejoice at the future they will help build in Iowa.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Steel.png “The Great Falls Restoration”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has more than 500 ManpowerManpower
Event button.png
They will go gladly.
  • Lose Manpower 25 Manpower

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has less than 1 001 ManpowerManpower
Event button.png
Oh god, we're under attack! We can't help!
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability


Doing Our Part!

Montana, we want you to know that we remember you, out East. But your nation asks more of you. To that end, Macarthur asks for some more of you to resettle; and, regretfully, we will need you to bring your families. But rest assured, the finest life awaits! Indeed, we promise you will never miss Montana.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Truck 1.png “The Convoys”

Event button.png
We thank you for your service.
  • [SCOPE]One random controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • Has more than 1 Civilian workshopCivilian workshop
    • Remove Civilian workshop Civilian Workshop by up to −1


They Miss You!

People of Montana, we've heard your questions. Why have so few letters come back from the East? What happened to the refugees we settled there? Well, don't you worry, my fellow Americans. They're safe and sound. Happy, even, with plenty of nuka cola, clean water, and baseball. But there is something terrible.

The Brotherhood of Steel destroys your mail deliveries. That's right, not content to strive to bring us back into the Dark Ages, those tin can boy scouts want to keep us adrift and isolated. Every day the valiant Enclave fights against their wickedness, but even we are fallible. So you see, if you don't hear from any of your loved ones who went East, it's because of the Brotherhood. Only by working together will we achieve the final victory, and reunite you with your loved ones.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus TTM Water.png “Expand the Dam”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • [SCOPE]Any owned state:
    • has_resources_amount
      • resource = water
      • amount > 4
Event button.png
You'll be together, one day.
  • [SCOPE]One random controlled state:
    • Limited to:
      • has_resources_amount
        • resource = water
        • amount > 4
    • Remove production of 3 Water Water


Nomen Nescio

Things can only go on for so long before people start to wonder, and new rumours have filtered west. They come from Lakota scouts, River League traders, and Enclave officers who've had a few too many drinks. In the bars of Montana, people whisper of Enclave experiments with FEV. They tell of factories where workers never see the light of day, building war machines and luxuries for men and women pursuing a Great Game. And they mutter that that the handful of letters sent west are always devoid of personal details.

More and more people are asking, silently - just what is happening? And what does the Enclave plan for Montana?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic scyscrapers prewar.png “Steeltown!”

Event button.png
We will rebuild America, the way it is meant to be.



The Bizarre

'I used to think I was the strangest person in the world, until a man dressed as Zetan sold me a hot dog with spiced mayonaise. At least, I think it was a costume.'

Before the bombs fell, Vault Tec built an underground mall in Billings Montana as a tourist attraction. The novelty soon wore off, especially with the Great War rationing, but when the bombs fell the mall found new life as a home for swineherds. Finding little to war beyond a large Halloween store's costumes, the inhabitants became the Monster's Army and prospered, adopting a carnivalesque atmosphere. Today, the Bizarre offers a giddy little thrill at a reasonable price for the weary traveler; and a neutral trading ground for those traversing the Great North.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • On startup
  • On startup
  • On startup
  • Completing the national focus Welcome home.png “A Little Slice of Heaven”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Better to trade with them than the Brotherhood.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 2
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The Bizarre's Costume Change” in 50 days

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Better to use a solar panel than scrap one for parts.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 2
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

Event button.png
Better to use a solar panel than scrap one for parts.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 2
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Death or Taxes

Many of those who flee to Macarthur's oasis of stability find themselves in a desperate predicament. Bereft of anything other than the clothes on their back, they turn to the First Families of the Enclave for support. Each has its... complications. The First Families often extend loans to their new workers, but the refugees find them nigh impossible to pay off. The Enclave is happy to support all Montana's citizens, in exchange for a twenty year stint in the Conservation Corps.

Needless to say, many work for the Families. Which is how the latest issue arose! Some indentured refugees absconded from their, ah, supervisor with the funds he loaned and hit it big at Little Reno. They want to use that money to pay off their debt and escape early. But their supervisor claims the refugees received a loan contingent upon working for him for seven years, and they cannot pay it back.

Team October were the first on the scene of the dispute. What should they do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Ancient wealth 2.png “First Family Investment”

Event button.png
Confiscate their winnings and ensure no witnesses.


Event button.png
Let them pay off their contract with all of their winnings.


Event button.png
The refugees agreed to work; they cannot rescind their agreement.



What in the God Da-

It is as we feared. After centuries, the American capitalist imperialists are back.

We received a report from an outlying outpost that it's been attacked by an American 'death limo equipped with a laser turret?' Casualties are light for now, but the Proletariat's vanguard is now worried that more drive by shootings will occur. And in the distance, they hear the ominous honking a radio blaring 'The Enclave keeps rolling along.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Call to Action” option Would Germanotta tell you to give up? We are on the edge of glory!

Event button.png
Must even their automobiles oppress us?
  • Lose Manpower 1 Manpower


The Broken Chain

They'd let him keep his mask and ventilator, at least. A small mercy, or a joke from the men who called him the Mortal? Better to have died when Seattle fell, perhaps.

Days of interrogations, asking why he betrayed his country, as if he owed his oath to a nation that died two hundred years ago. As if he owed loyalty to Lost Hills, who'd forgotten them. Patrocolus, his cellmate, still held faith that the Brotherhood prevail. But what hope had they now? They shared a cell at the whimsy of men who said two traitors could partner in prison as they had not as warriors. And stared, with remorse and regret, for hours.

When the door opened, The Immortal almost laughed as the Agent struggled to fit. But he showed no response; they'd broken his leg the last time he laughed. The brute stared at him silently, and the Immortal wondered once again what was behind that mask. Was there anything at all?

'We are sending you to Chicago,' rasped the agent. 'Perhaps you will find your answer there.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA BArnold Heirs.png “The Heirs of Benedict Arnold”

Event button.png
A fitting end to a traitor.



The Window on the Pacific

Conquering Washington was one thing, but ruling the foggy mess? Quite another. At the end of the day, until the Enclave restored the Transcontinental Railway, Seattle would be an outpost, nothing more. But that is not to say there is nothing of value in the region. The mysteries underneath Capital Hill give so many insights. And how fitting that the Brotherhood's remnants are used to test Secure Site Pl. To administrate the Pacific Northwest, the Enclave created a new division - the Pacific Command. Its leader shall ensure that work on the Special Circumstancse surrounding Secure Site are undisturbed.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Bad Washington Chad.png “Making Washington Proud”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.
Victory Over Washington icon
Victory Over Washington
  • Required Garrisons: −25%
  • special_forces_min = 35
The Secrets of Secure Site PL revealed many insights into the art of persuading others. And the Brotherhood's stockpiles will let us outfit even more of our boys in black!
  • Increase variable MCA_favor_chicago by 1
  • Custom effect tooltip:

You can now pursue a new campaign, and have the Secretary's favour!


How Many Times Do I have To Teach You a Lesson Old Man?

Somehow, America Returned!

That's right, the military remnants based out of MacArthur are clearly gunning for us, and are preparing to conquer our lands once again. But this time, we are prepared. Where our forefathers fought with gun and horse, we shall fight with anti-tank weaponry and combined arms fire. Let us show [MCA.GetLeader] how we dealt with General Custer.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Bad Dakota Monument.png “Remember Big Horn!”

Event button.png
For Our Lands, Where Our Dead Are Buried.
  • Gain 5% War support War Support


The Inhuman Resources Division

Nordikon's offspring, save for Yellowjacket, are monstrosities. But Mosquito, ah, there's a useful monstrosity. Moqsuitor loves to experiment on the mutants of the Wasteland, testing them to destruction. And it's learned so much about the fragilities of the human condition. Rather than destroying it, we could trade dissidents, rebels, and anyone who doesn't meet a quota in exchange for data. At the end of the day, everyone in the West exists at our sufferance anyway.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Bad Canada Nordikon.png “Clean Up Calgary”

Event button.png
Glad we found some use for them.
  • Flag of Mosquito Mosquito:
    • Trigger country event More Specimens
Event button.png
While we applaud their goals, we prefer a more hands off approach.
  • Flag of Mosquito Mosquito:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes


More Specimens

Proposal received from Americans - not dead? How?

Accept Subjects?

Or Risk Costly Interruption

Experiment? Or Defend?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Inhuman Resources Division” option “Glad we found some use for them.”

Event button.png
Accept their offering.
Raw Materials icon
Raw Materials
  • Weekly Manpower: +1
  • Energy Weaponry Research Speed: +5%
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Garbage Disposal”
Event button.png
Refuse Corruption
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Okay, Even We Find This Gross.”


Garbage Disposal

Wonderful news, Agent. [MSQ.GetLeader] agreed to take some garbage off our hands in exchange for the secrets of their research. What's not to love?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event More Specimens option Accept their offering.

Event button.png
Who knew mosquitos help with pest control?
Surplus Mutant Disposal icon
Surplus Mutant Disposal
  • Research Speed: +5%
  • Weekly Manpower: −4


Okay, Even We Find This Gross.

Terrible news sir. Nordikon's children refuse to have anything to deal with us.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event More Specimens option Refuse Corruption

Event button.png
Honestly, they are incredibly sticky anyway. What the heck?
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability


Tolerance of Different Views

Some may say that Nordikon is monstrous, alien, or an inhuman abomination. But we here in the Enclave know that it's quite possible to work with it for a reasonable purpose! Indeed, think of all we've learned from it. Who needs a ZAX when we have a biological construction processing calculations using Wastelander gray matter?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Bad Canada Green Brain.png “Cleaning up the Mess”

Event button.png
Waste not, want not.
  • Add technology: Sophisticated Electronics Tech


Guns & Roses

The Enclave sent its finest, a woman as beautiful as the night, and as deadly. She brings a gift of caps and flowers from the Garden of the Gods, Macarthur's little slice of paradise. Mostly, she brings a chance to kill to the Brotherhood. How can we say no to a woman who looks so good in black?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Toc warden3.png “Our Western Wardens”

Event button.png
She's probably into us.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 150
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “The Glass Hammers”
Event button.png
Doesn't she work for unspeakable evil?
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Oh God, the Stench is Unbearable”


The Glass Hammers

Let it never be said that the Matriarch is a monster. Rather than risk the lives of the good people of Montana, she's found some ghouls who will gladly fight, and hopefully die, for you. Some would say ghouls are a threat that must be eradidcated; but is it not better to turn these poor, inhuman, doomed creatures into our friends? After all, if someone has to shoot them - it's cheaper if it's our enemies.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Guns & Roses” option “She's probably into us.”

Event button.png
Reduce, reuse, recycle!
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Hidden effect:
    • load_oob = MCA_ghoul_guys
  • Custom effect tooltip: Two Warden Mercenaries will join us in [332.GetName].


Oh God, the Stench is Unbearable

The rotting, disgusting, oozing ghouls of the Warden refused our offer. Instead, they plan to stay in their benighted dens, plundering innocent Wastelanders and terrorizing Spokane. A tragic fate, and a sign that the Enclave has the right idea.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Guns & Roses” option “Doesn't she work for unspeakable evil?”

Event button.png
Their time will come soon.
  • Gain 10% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity


Heroes of Another Story

In all their travels across the north, Team October never found a group which warmed their hearts the way the Lionhearted did. They said old soldiers never died - and here, up north, that may well be true. Harris had only a few, foggy stories to tell of the pre-war era; a time that fell from his memory, save for bits and pieces. What was a Nuka World? What was Camp Turtledove? And why, given all its achievements, was he so skeptical of the Enclave?

They even fought together, once, at the Everest Hotel; a cannibal outpost that held dominion over hundreds of people. And while most of the stories about their relationship were false, none would deny that Elena learned a thing or two.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Toc warden g11 2.png “The Lions in Winter”

Event button.png
One day, old friends, I may ask you for a favour.

It pays to have friends, out in the Wasteland.


To Set a Country Free

Chicago came for Team October, as many feared. They descended in their vertibirds, black as night, on the Team October base. But what a tragedy! For they found no one whom when they came. The kitchen's stew bubbled for no one; the gun racks empty, and the fuel cells drained. Instead, they found a single tarp - a recording, which echoed over the speakers of the base, and then the airwaves of Montana. 'Five hundred years ago, in a time beyond imagining, our ancestors brought forth, upon this continent, a dream. A new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. I ask you now - do any of you remember your history? Or have you forgotten that dream?

The Enclave claim to lead you - but they take your children and your crops without your consent; they pollute your fields and forest; and they tell you of an America you will never see. They now begin their Great Work, which will doom everyone but those loyal to the Enclave. I do not promise you an easy fight. But I present you a choice - to live as free men, or die as slaves.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Threeway 1.png “Liberty's Country”

Event button.png
God Bless the E-America.
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Your actions to date will affect the strength of the Revolution.

  • Clear country flag MCA_chicago_shipments
  • Set country flag MCA_free_state
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Vehicle vertibird fo4.png “Incommunicado”
  • If:
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has completed national focus Enclave researchers.png “Expand the PoseidoNet Links”
    • Trigger news event “PoseidoNet Hacked!” in 2 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag MCA_power_to_people is set
    • Trigger news event “What's In it for Me?” in 3 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag MCA_chaos is set
    • Trigger news event “The Drug Trade” in 4 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger news event “Chicago Reinforcements” in 5 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has completed national focus Enc free press.png “The Montana Patriot”
    • Trigger news event “The Montana Patriot Speaks Out!” in 1 day
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger news event “The Lion, the Witch, and the Plasma Gun” in 2 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag salvatore_good is set
    • Trigger news event “Salvatore Sticks With Us” in 3 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag MCA_power_for_elites is set
    • Trigger news event “Strike the Electric Chain Where We are Darkly Bound.” in 4 days
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
      • Has completed national focus Enc free press.png “The Montana Patriot”
      • Has completed national focus File:Toc warden g11 2.png “The Lions in Winter”
      • Country flag salvatore_good is set
      • Country flag MCA_power_for_elites is set
    • Trigger news event “Oh, Sweet Child of Mine” in 10 days
  • Else:
    • Trigger news event “War Once More” in 10 days
  • Hidden effect:
    • Retire Special Agent Johnson


Wannamingo Attack!

Oh no! It seems the wannamingos we imported from Chicago are not, in fact, our friends! Since we launched a rebellion against Chicago, the monsters are now attacking our farms and supply lines, strengthening Chicago's holds on the hinterlands. This is tragic and wrong!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
I never thought the wannamingos would eat my face!
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Lose Manpower 25 Manpower
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Deathray.png “Alien Infestation?” for 250 days
Alien Infestation? icon
Alien Infestation?
  • Supply Consumption: −5%
  • Division Attack: −4%
  • Weekly Manpower: −1
  • Supply Efficiency: −10%


What's In it for Me?

Diverting power to the refugees might have been the moral decision - but the businesses that keep Montana alive saw little to no benefit. Indeed, some now worry that Ellen and her revolutionaries are anarchists interested only in mob rule, and bide their time. While the refugees are happy to support the revolution, they lack the resources that the First Families could have brought.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
Supporting the people was still the right thing to do.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Clear country flag MCA_power_to_people


The Colonel's Fate

Look,' said Wesson, leader of the First Families, 'We can't just execute the Colonel. She did good for Montana. She brought us roads, stability, technology.' Jacob, the Historian present, smirked and said, 'And he showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and said to him, all these I shall give you if you will prostrate yourself and worship me. What of the taxes? The refugees sent east? The civilians imprisoned for asking too many questions? You would defend the Colonel because she supplied you with *heating?'

Ellen was silent, torn. She'd gone to her mother, the night before. Told her to beg for forgiveness, to say that she had only been following orders. The Colonel refused, and called her daughter a traitor. 'Tell them,' she had said, 'that everything I did I did for America. And I would do it again. Except this time, I would not trust my family over my country.'

Steeltown's representative, silent for most of the meeting, spoke up. 'Simply let the mob decide her fate. We can say it is a sign of the people's support, and it's not our responsibility. That way should anyone ever complain, they will write that it was not our responsibility.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Declaration.png “The Second Birth of Liberty”

Event button.png
Execute her as an example to the people.
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
Event button.png
Life Imprisonment.
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Event button.png
Pardon her.
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
Event button.png
Appoint a jury to decide her fate.
  • Trigger news event “Sweet Child of Mine”


Sweet Child of Mine

And so the leaders of Montana's revolt asked the people of Missoula to decide the Colonel's fate. They forced the woman who once inspired terror across the North to sit before a thousand people who debated her valour and inequities, her heroism and her atrocities. The mob did not kill her - nor did it absolve her. Instead, the town voted send her away as she first arrived - with a suit of advanced power armour and a plasma rifle. Only then, after the four hours of debate, did she address the people assembled.

'Look at you. Thirty years ago, you huddled in ranches and fortified towns afraid of Metal Mouth or Lakota raids. A man was unimaginably wealthy if he had a generator for his ranch. Your greatest commercial emporium was an underground costume store, for Atom's sake. And now you have electricity, food, and warmth. Your children can learn to read and dream of something beyond an early death at the ass end of a brahmin.

You say this is some new birth of liberty, but you can't even decide my fate. Forget generations yet unborn; you won't even last a decade.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Colonel's Fate” option “Appoint a jury to decide her fate.”

Event button.png
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger news event “Rumours From the Dark” in 1 year and 5 days


Rumours From the Dark

We've received word from an outlying settlement. A band of Lakota have been harassing some isolated farms, and we've simply been stretched too thin to help. But now word has come of an attack in the night. When the Lakota showed up at the ranch to take yet more crops and brahmin, someone in Advanced Power Armour launched an attack from a rear. It was over in minutes, but twenty raiders are dead, their ashes scattered to the winds. The only thing the soldier did afterwards was bandage a ranchhand, and left without a word. We've had no reports of desertion, so we must wonder - who was that?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Sweet Child of Mine” option “...”

Event button.png
It couldn't be, could it?



The Chicago School

File:Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.
The following description is used if:

  • Country flag october_hates_refugees is set
Nobody can deny Markham's economic boom, but there is more to be done. She came west because she was tired of entrenched interests in Chicago, and now she fears the same trends are setting roots in the Rockies. The First Families are in many way oligarchs, maximizing their gain over society's as a whole. Her calculations, which are admittedly hard to follow, suggest that just as the Refugees' demands were excessive, so to can you not leave the First Families in control of the economy. Only by giving decisions to an impartial ZAX can capitalism truly flourish in the Rockies.

The First Families are, of course, outraged. The Computer's suggestions are absurd. 'Is it a crime,' they ask, 'for us to use our control over the economy to work together? Is it a crime for gentlemen and women to refuse to do business with an upstart? If you listen to the ZAX, what will happen to us?'

The following description is used if:

  • Country flag october_hates_markham is set
Steeltown's no longer the boom town it once was - but it still retains a modest prosperity, for all its people. But now the First Families want to overturn the Workers' cooperatives which run the town. They claim that only with their funds can Steeltown blossom, and that absent Markham's leadership Montana's industry will stagnate. To that end, the First Families propose selling off what is, functionally, government property to the highest bidders. This will give people an incentive to further develop the region. The Refugees who run Steeltown, of course, are opposed. 'We did not trade one mistress for a hundred lords.' The First Families are obviously powerful in Montana, so upsetting them will have consequences. But going along with their requests will upset the people of Montana as well...''

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Industry Miner.png “The Role of the Refugees”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag october_hates_refugees is set
Event button.png
We can't upset the First Families!
  • Gain 5% War support War Support

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag october_hates_refugees is set
Event button.png
Trust the Computer - and Trust Markham.
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag october_hates_markham is set
Event button.png
We can't upset the First Families!
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag october_hates_markham is set
Event button.png
Workers' cooperatives? Sounds like *communism*.
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Soup.png “The First Families, Last” for 1 year and 55 days
The First Families, Last icon
The First Families, Last
  • Stability: −30%
  • Resistance Growth Speed: +15%


We Battle Cold and Conquer Mountains

The Northern Commonwealth covers hundreds of thousands of square miles - and without the advanced technology of Chicago, it will be much more difficult to protect. The threats from Canada, from Washington, and from the East are a menace to our people - but how will we protect it?

The First Families believe they should be responsible for raising units for their districts, under the command of their officers. This would be the easiest solution, but it puts them in control of our military. Alternatively, we could hire mercenaries from across the Wasteland - reliant upon the government for caps and supplies, they will never threaten our great nation. Team October, in turn, proposes throwing the ranks open to all Americans in the Commonwealth.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Army Uncle Sam Army.png “This We'll Defend”

Event button.png
The First Families' personal touch is required.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Gain Political Power 250 Political Power
  • Gain 11% Stability Stability
Event button.png
Mercenaries will show impartial favoritism
Event button.png
A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people...
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Set country flag MCA_saps
  • Lose 12% Stability Stability
  • Gets the Outsider Recruitment File:Recruitment flag us.png “The American Dream”


A Knight With Armour In a Savage Land

Ranger Santiago stood over the corpse, and knelt down to read the paladin's rank and insignia. She awkwardly brushed some dirt with her gloved hand, frowning. 'Pa.... Paladin? Paladin who?' She shrugged, and targeted her radio. 'Looks like we'll never know who was in this bunker. But regardless, it belongs to Montana now.' For a moment, she thought of an old, prewar song. 'Paladin, paladin,' she muttered. 'So far from home. Where did you roam?' Then, after a moment, she stood up, and walked out of walked out of Patrocolus's last command into a brilliant, clear day. But she would always wonder, in her autumn years, what bceame of the Brotherhood's leader.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Army Honour.png “Honour Never Dies”

Event button.png
God Bless The North.


There's No Business Like Show Business, And Thank God For That.

Recently, a group of purported actors have traveled through the Rockies, the Traveling Symphony. This group is mostly harmless, playing old TV commercials, Shakespeare plays, and other great works of literature. But word has come that the woman they call the Conductor is a former Brotherhood Paladin named Johanna. What should we do with them?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Army Honour.png “Honour Never Dies”

Event button.png
Arrest the leader.
Event button.png
They quite clearly knew they harboured Brotherhood remnants.
Event button.png
Make them put on the performance of their lives.


The Final Story Never Told

At [MCA.GetLeader]'s suggestion, the Traveling Symphony was tasked with performing a radio drama - and in a fit of whimsy, she let the Symphony pick their performance. An unusual choice, for none of the props carried by brahmin could be seen. So what to do?

The Conductor put on something she'd been working on - a tragedy, about a family right before the war. A warrior, home from the front - a wife, a barrister fighting for what passed for justice, and their robot butler, more aware than he let on. It ended with robot, narrating the end as the couple escaped the end of all things. 'Up in the sky, there goes a Chinese plane. The last one for a while, I fear. No more planes, now. No more towns glimpsed through airplane windows, points of glimmering light. No more looking down from thirty thousand feet and imagining the lives lit up by lights at that moment. No more airplanes. Maybe their children will use them to store food in the winter, if they ever find food.' And then the noise of bombs, and silence.

'No epilogue here, lest you make it. If you want your future, go and take it.'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Event button.png
I genuinely cannot tell if this was anti-Ranger propaganda?
  • Custom effect tooltip:

I guess if we can't understand it it must be art?

  • Trigger country event “All the World's a Stage, And One Man in His Time Plays Many Parts”


All the World's a Stage, And One Man in His Time Plays Many Parts

It was worth it, thought Johanna, as the troopers escorted her into the Colonel's office. The Enclave rebels might put on a new coat of paint, but it was just a power struggle between the factions that destroyed the world. Even the posters on the wall, the pomp and insignia - it all reminded her of the dead hand of history, even now choking the Midwest. She would die, but she would die making people think. And yet when she walked into [MCA.GetLeader]'s office, she was surprised. The woman was younger than expected, reading some report on her computer. 'A clever performance, really. I think I understand - the world, and our past, has been swept clean. It's time to begin again.'

There was an awkward pause, and Johanna smiled. 'Well, no playwright reveals her secrets. But certainly, that is one interpretation. And,' she added, 'I'd prefer to think I'm not following a script.'

The Colonel smiled. 'By the way...'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Final Story Never Told” option I genuinely cannot tell if this was anti-Ranger propaganda?

Event button.png
Will we ever learn what happened to that family?
  • Lose Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Set country flag mnc_honorsplan
  • Playwright Johannes:
    • Becomes the leader for their party
Event button.png
I'm still going to execute you as a Brotherhood paladin, obviously.
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Everybody liked that!

  • Gain Political Power 30 Political Power


Peace, Land, and Bread!

With victory over Standing Rock and the other raiders of the North, we've liberated countless slaves from their possession. But what to do with them? Obviously, slavery is a terrible evil. But can we trust them to start out again on their own?

The First Families propose taking over the holdings, and selling the lands to whomever has money. This is a great plan in the short term, but will leave the freed slaves as tenant farmers on the land. Some say we should let the slaves farm the land as they see fit, and recognize their right to divide it. Yet can they really manage it on their own?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Army Lady.png “For We Died to Make Men Free”

Event button.png
Guidance from success leaders will serve them best.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 150
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • [SCOPE]One random controlled state:
    • Add production of 15 Water Water
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
Event button.png
40 acres and a brahmin!
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Everybody liked that!

  • Gain 10% War support War Support
  • Gain Manpower 800 Manpower
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity


Peace, Land, and Bread!

With victory over Standing Rock and the other raiders of the North, we've liberated countless slaves from their possession. But what to do with them? Obviously, slavery is a terrible evil. But can we trust them to herstart out again on their own?

The First Families propose taking over the holdings, and selling the lands to whomever has money. This is a great plan in the short term, but will leave the freed slaves as tenant farmers on the land. Some say we should let the slaves farm the land as they see fit, and recognize their right to divide it. Yet can they really manage it on their own?

But Markham has a plan of her own. She suggests that we spend significant resources for two seasons to help get the newly freed slaves on their feet - loaning seeds, using vehicles as agricultural equipment, and irrigating their farms. It would be a heavy investment, but her notions of 'capital investment' may be worth pursuing. In her scenario, the newly prosperous farmers will consolidate their holdings, creating a stronger domestic market and a prosperous work force. How shall the council decide?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Army Lady.png “For We Died to Make Men Free”

Event button.png
Guidance from success leaders will serve them best.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 150
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • [SCOPE]One random controlled state:
    • Add production of 15 Water Water
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
Event button.png
40 acres and a brahmin!
  • Gain 10% War support War Support
  • Gain Manpower 800 Manpower
  • Lose 10% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
Event button.png
She hasn't steered us wrong yet, I guess...
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Two cars.png “The Square Deal” for 2 years and 50 days
The Square Deal icon
The Square Deal
  • Consumer Goods Factories: 5%
  • Construction Speed: −25%
  • Factory Output: −25%
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The American Dream” in 2 years and 51 days


The American Dream

Sheesh, look at their eyes ma'am. You think they'd never seen a city before.

Indeed, the tough, bearded farmhands rode into town blinking in obvious amazement at the strange sights - at windmill generators and electric lines, busy machine shops, and the school, with its clean, noisy children playing in the yard. Calling Bozeman a city might be stretching things, compared to what they'd heard of Chicago. But Old Glory flapped over a busy central post office, while uniformed couriers leaped onto bicycles and sped off, news of the world to share. And from Salvatore's poured forth the syncopating rythms of electric sound, while overhead flew one of the blimps of Three Rivers.

The bartender frowned, as the old woman at the bar refused to respond. She came into town every few months, trading pelts for supplies. Impressive, for a woman her age. No kin, best the bartender could sell. Sad, that. Someone her age should have sons or daughters to look after her. A story, there, maybe? She poured her another drink, waiting to see if the woman would say something.

Finally, after a couple minutes, the woman raised her glass.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Peace, Land, and Bread!” option “She hasn't steered us wrong yet, I guess...”

Event button.png
Ain't much, but its honest work.
  • Gain 1 research slot


Luck-Bringing HERMES

Shorn of Chicago's resources and technology, The Northern Commonwealth was forced to cobble together a technological and industrial base from what remained behind. The APA that made them the terror of the North and the shield of America was no longer available - and without that, what could Macarthur do? Fortunately, there was a plan.

Before the Great War, the Enclave and Poseidon worked on a new form of combat armor. Code named HERMES, this was designed to provide some of the strength and protection of power armor, while relying fewer power cells, less maintenance, and being easier to ship. It is possible, with the aid of the Historians, to begin converting power armor suits into ATHENA gear. This equipment is arguably more suited to the Rockies, and unlike the APA, it will not require a deal with the devil to use.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Athena.png “Lessons from Would Be Gods”

Event button.png
With this armor, we truly are shepherds of the people.
  • Add technology: Special Forces HERMES Armour


Please Stand By

Really, General, you expect me to believe this? That the Special Agent was destroyed by *mutants*?'

The Secretary's image turned a burning red, and the General swore heat blazed from his electronic visage. But she held firm.

'I am afraid so, sir. It seems they're working with Team October as well.' A pause, at that - a pause so long as to be an eternity for a machine, as the Eyebot floated closer to her. 'Interesting - your own daughter went native?'

The General did not raise her voice. 'That's unproven. Perhaps she is a hostage of other elements.'

'Perhaps. Doubtless that is something you will figure out, when you crush them, no? The eyes flashed again. 'After all, anyone capable of killing Special Agent Johnson must know many of our secrets.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Threeway 2.png “The Last Command”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = intellectuals
    • popularity = 100
  • Hidden effect:
    • Retire Special Agent Johnson
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Oh no, the Chicago Enclave's instructor suffered a bullet related accident!

  • Set temporary variable MCA_civil_war_bad_size to the value of party_popularity@elites
  • Increase temporary variable MCA_civil_war_bad_size by the value of party_popularity@ruler
  • Start a (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People civil war (MCA_civil_war_bad_size size)
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]One random country in the world:
      • Limited to:
        • Original country is Flag of MacArthur MacArthur
        • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
      • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_good
      • Changes the national focus tree to mca_nf
      • Scripted Effect: create_new_owb_country=yes


Sweet Child of Mine

The field communique was as quick and to the point. 'The 31st found the remnants of the rebellion at a ranch outside of Lincoln. Initial attempts to subdue the insurgents peacefully failed, and a vertibird strike was called in for support. Civilian casualties were minimal, as everyone at the ranch was either an insurgent or an insurgent supporter. Team October was identified at the site, and terminated with extreme prejudice.' The General stared at the last sentence for a while, as the screen flashed - 'Will There Be a Reply?'

At least, she typed the only words she could.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Colonel Shooting VB.png “The Golden Mean”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.
  • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_santiago
  • Remove the National Spirit File:Vehicle vertibird fo4.png “Incommunicado”
  • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_montana_enclave=yes
  • Hidden effect:
    • Retire Martha Santiago
  • Custom effect tooltip:

And Thus ends Team October.


To Sacrifice Meat To the Flames of Hephaestus

Research at the old Poseidon Facility has unlocked possibilities in energy storage as well as production! We are now able to overcharge power cells, giving us more bang for our plasma. A great day for the Enclave, and the Northwest Command!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Colonel Vulcano.png “The Tireless Flame”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag MCA_power_to_people is set
Event button.png
Magma, weaponized.
Refined Hephaestus icon
Refined Hephaestus
  • Increase variable 590.yellowstone_power_var by 15
  • Add technology: Poseidon Energy Schematics
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag MCA_power_to_people is set
Event button.png
Why did our daughter divert so much power to the Wastelanders!
Refined Hephaestus icon
Refined Hephaestus
  • Add technology: Poseidon Energy Schematics
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Custom effect tooltip: nf_mca.75.b_tt


The Enclave Doesn't Go to Heaven Because We're Raising Hell

The reports from the East are worse than we feared. [MNC.GetLeader] controls an empire of darkness - with multiple points of weakness.

Slave barracks outside some 'Paladin Thrift's' garage, where dead eyed women and children strip old cars for anything of use.

A former Historian soup kitchen at an old air field hosts the planes they call an 'air force'.

And for some reason, they built an arena where tribals engage in their animalistic instincts for the paladins' amusement, a waste of resources for all involved.. Sitting in booth, the Brotherhood elite satiate their blood lust in a manner unbecoming of descendants of the United States Army.

Any of these targets would be great to hit, but we can only strike one. Corporal, what are your orders?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA martha.png “Send Team October”

Event button.png
The Brotherhood really doesn't need those cars.
Event button.png
Any weapon is an anti-aircraft gun, if the plane is on the ground.
Event button.png
One booth you say.
  • Custom effect tooltip:

One day, our enemies will stop standing within the blast radius of a plasma grenade. But not today.


This Place About to Blow

Great news! Team October was able to blow up several fuel depots and garages that the Brotherhood used at Thrift's garage, while an Eyebot captured the Corporal walking away silhouetted by explosions in the night sky, plasma pistol at her hip. I guess the Brotherhood will have to walk to to their next atrocity.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
You know the difference between us, Paladin? I make this look good.


How Does This Keep Happening?

I don't understand how it happened! Our finest paladins, mowed down outside Thrift's Garage! The Wastelanders we conscripted to polish our armor, vanished into the night. The commemorative statue of Paladin Maxson, graffitied with 'E' and jokes about the Appalachia Chapter. This is an embarassing setback that even now is being placed on Macarthur Radio.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “This Place About to Blow” option “You know the difference between us, Paladin? I make this look good.”

Event button.png
I should've stayed in bed today.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
    • The Arms workshop Arms Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Arms workshop Arms Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Atomic warhead.png “Team October Strikes!” for 270 days
Team October Strikes! icon
Team October Strikes!
  • Energy Cell Gain per Energy: +50
  • Division Recovery Rate: −5%
  • Construction Speed: −15%
  • Stability: −20%
  • army_fuel_capacity_factor = 1



To our great surprised, the Brotherhood's airfield did not just contain a few planes. There was also an old Delta IX Rocket which must have landed in an emergency during the Great War. Team October was able to power up its old databanks and gain some useful information.

They also blew up several Brotherhood planes of course. The od thing? The Brotherhood, for all their pretensions to understanding technology and seeking prewar wisdom, did not realize what the rocket was. There are some signs the Historians knew what was at the base, but never told the Brotherhood after the Paladins expelled them.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
We are lucky they are so f***ing stupid.
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Air Technology
  • Flag of Montana Chapter Montana Chapter:
    • Trigger news event “How Does This Keep Happening?”


How Does This Keep Happening?

We don't understand; somehow, an explosion went off at one of our key airfields that took out much of the strip? There was no airstrike, so what destroyed the base? All we have is a message from a satellite playing some jaunty old time American tunes. What could have possibly set the base off?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Karma” option “We are lucky they are so f***ing stupid.”

Event button.png
I should've stayed in bed today.
  • [SCOPE]One random owned state:
    • Limited to:
      • Scripted Trigger: is_valid_state_for_2_arms_factories=yes
    • The Arms workshop Arms Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
    • The Arms workshop Arms Workshop receives 0.8 levels of damage
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Atomic warhead.png “Team October Strikes!” for 270 days
Team October Strikes! icon
Team October Strikes!
  • Energy Cell Gain per Energy: +50
  • Division Recovery Rate: −5%
  • Construction Speed: −15%
  • Stability: −20%
  • army_fuel_capacity_factor = 1



Some have accused Team October of being too serious, but that's most unjust. Did you know that one of the fighters in the Arena is a tribal they call 'Cannibal Jones'? They say he ate the bodies of his enemies, and was a threat to the whole region before the Brotherhood captured him. This is probably a lie - what what Cannibal Johnson told us, he was a raider, but not a monster. Regardless, Team October learned that the Montana Chapter killed his wife and children, and now use him for sport in the arena. It was only reasonable, then, to help him out of his cell, give him weapons, and let him go into the top booth of the arena. Although . . . why did he ask for salt?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
The irony is delicious, but I'm not sure if those Paladins are.


The Cannibal's Loose!

This is monstrous! One of the raiders we make fight for sport in the arena escaped thanks to Team October, and they've killed Scribe Amity and are on the loose across our lands. Apparently Team October gave the raider some explosives and plasma weaponry, and it will require significant resources to take him down.

We aren't going to tell the Chapter as a whole what Cannibal Jones did to Amity, of course. But I hope she gave him indigestion.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Cannibal” option “The irony is delicious, but I'm not sure if those Paladins are.”

Event button.png
Enclave savagery knows no bounds.
Team October Strikes! icon
Team October Strikes!
  • Energy Cell Gain per Energy: +50
  • Division Recovery Rate: −5%
  • Construction Speed: −15%
  • Stability: −20%
  • army_fuel_capacity_factor = 1


The River League and the Coal Consortium

The fate of the Coal Consortium is most tragic - the Brotherhood seized their land and drove out their officers on the grounds of 'protecting children'. No thought, of course, to the countless Wastelanders down the river who rely upon the Dakota's coal. Or anything else, beyond their own gain. With the Brotherhood's defeat, the question of the coal mines comes to the fore.

We could ship some of the Bank's coal down the Missouri to Chicago, in exchange for additional weapons. Or we could keep it here for our own industry. The River League is also offering lucrative economic concessions to sell to the highest bidder, and, finally, one possibility is to restore the Consortium's control over the region, but with new management.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Caps.png “A Seat on the Board”

Event button.png
The war effort needs the coal.
  • Decrease variable mca_resource_energy by 5
  • force_update_dynamic_modifier = yes
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • 50 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America Advanced Power Armour is added to the national Stockpile
  • 20 units of File:United States of America.png United States of America VB-02 Gunship is added to the national Stockpile
Event button.png
We need it here.
  • Gain Political Power 200 Political Power
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
Event button.png
Sell to the highest bidders of the River League.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity
  • Lose 6% Stability Stability
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 150
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
Let the Coal Consortium work under our guidance.
  • Release Flag of Coal Consortium Coal Consortium as a puppet
  • Flag of Coal Consortium Coal Consortium:
    • Set cosmetic tag to CPK_prometheus
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag october_hates_markham is set
    • Trigger news event “Quiet Prosperity”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag october_hates_refugees is set
    • Trigger news event “Do You Hear the Whistle Blowing?”


The Articles of Confederation

To our great surprise, the revolutionaries overthrow the Enclave outpost in Macarthur, stood against the Brotherhood, and failed to die to the raiders, cultists, and others that surround them. This new government, the Northern Commonwealth, invites Bismarck to join them as part of a democratic republic across the Rockies. This is obviously far superior to any other outcome, unless we're led by a mad nationalist who's convinced we're a German city as an April Fool's joke. So what shall we do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Bottom Anchors.png “Revolutionaries, Old and New!”

Event button.png
Our state motto is Liberty and Union, Now and Forever? Lame.
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Liberty and Union, Now and Forever!”
Event button.png
I really miss the Hinterlands, sorry.
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “What the Hell is a Kaiser?”


Liberty and Union, Now and Forever!

The Northern Commonwealth's voice became just a little bit louder today, as Bismarck agreed to join us. For the first time since 2076, Old Glory flies next to the City's banner by the river, and the future looks a little brighter. Some cannot help but wonder - will the Missouri one day carry our flag to the shores of the very Gulf?`

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Articles of Confederation” option “Our state motto is Liberty and Union, Now and Forever? Lame.”

Event button.png
Freiheit Über Alles!
  • Annex Flag of Bismarck Bismarck (troops not transferred)


What the Hell is a Kaiser?

Apparently Bismarck has fallen under the sway of some crazy warlord calling himself the Kaiesr. Our best guess is he's a knock off of Caesar's Legion, but regardless, he has declined our offer of unification. Naturally we need to depose him for the safety and security of the North.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Articles of Confederation” option “I really miss the Hinterlands, sorry.”

Event button.png
I still don't get the title, to be honest.
  • Flag of Bismarck Bismarck:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes


The Ashen Skies

Like an archer with a bow, the Dakota silos were always on guard, always at ready, before the Great War. And when the time came to protect the United States, they were ready, sending hundreds of missiles forth to avenge the Chinese attacks on this great land. But they suffered in return, as China's warheads poisoned the land. The Cult of Atom worshipped the radiation, and bathed in the Glow. But they were children playing with guns, ignorant to the weapons that slumbered in the Earth.

Now [MCA.GetName] has control of the Silo Fields, and can salvage the remaining weapons. And with control of the missiles, we can ensure that Chicago will never threaten us again.

This event happens only once during a campaign.
Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation annexed

Event button.png
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.
  • Set country flag mca_event_silo
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Okay, fine, I'll do the Chicago Enclave if they ask.


Quiet Prosperity

We can rest easy, I suppose; the lands of [CPK.GetName] are prospering, and new mines are opening up. But one can't help but wonder - were there other ways to proceed? Still, the River League opened a new port in our lands, and a Place of Honour is becoming a Place of Commerce.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The River League and the Coal Consortium” option “Let the Coal Consortium work under our guidance.”

Event button.png
This is fine.
  • [Scope]The Bank (1017):
    • Add production of 8 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • Add production of 8 Energy Energy
  • [Scope]A Place of Honour (1009):
    • Rename state to Place of Commerce
    • Add 2 Naval base Naval Base, on the province (12826)


Do You Hear the Whistle Blowing?

An odd change spreads across the Great North. Boys who once looked forward to a life behind a plow, began to look to the horizon. Brahmin milkmaids perked their ears for a new sound on the horizon. For along the route between Steeltown and the mines of the Dakotas, the Northern Railroad ran once again. Thanks to Director Markham, one did not simply dig coal out of with pickaxes; instead, new machines did it for them. And despite her objections, many youths began catching the railroad to and fro, traveling farther than their family had in generations. A problem for the future, perhaps? How you gonna keep them down on the farm, when they've seen the bright lights of Fargo?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The River League and the Coal Consortium” option “Let the Coal Consortium work under our guidance.”

Event button.png
All Aboard!
  • [Scope]The Bank (1017):
    • Add production of 14 (unrecognized string "metal" for Template:Icon) Scrap Metal
    • Add production of 21 Energy Energy
  • Flag of Coal Consortium Coal Consortium:
    • Add technology: Sophisticated Exploitation Tech


The War of the Copper Kings

Much to our annoyance, the Historians aren't just teaching people how to can goods or read. They are also teaching the history of Montana and the North. It seems that almost 400 years ago, rich conglomerates dug deep into the earth, sending Montana's treasures east for a a reasonable sum. Despite this rising prosperity, socialist agitators striked and bombed corporate offices - perhaps inspired by Red China. Fortunately, the military was able to restore order and keep the state safe, suppressing the strikers with only minimal property damage. A happy ending, surely?

But it seesms some miners take a different tact. They claim that once again, the US Army is exploiting the people of Montana for those out east, and now the miners are talking of 'unions' and 'rights.' The Historians, it seems, have caused no end of trouble.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Let them grumble.
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
Event button.png
Arrest any anarchist organizers.
  • Lose Political Power 15 Political Power
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "intellectuals" for Template:Icon) Intellectuals party popularity
Event button.png
Shut Down the Historians.


All the News Unfit to Print

Horrible news! A reporter for the Montana Patriot captured photos of Enclave soldiers roughing up a Wastelander caravan. Rumours of such conduct always spread with the snow of the North, but nobody ever brought proof. But now these are in the hands of the paper, and the journalists are threatening to print them. Team October's been dispatched to find the journalist, who has gone into hiding with the film. What shall we do?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Enc free press.png “The Montana Patriot”

Event button.png
Bribe the paper to bury the story.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -60
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
Why bury the story when we can bury the reporter?
  • Lose Manpower 1 Manpower
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
Event button.png
The Brotherhood must have stolen the film and the journalist!
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Lose 7% Stability Stability
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Still... since when does the Brotherhood care about oppressing Wastelanders?


MALMSTROM AFB RESTORED! - Colonel Honors First Graduating Class.

For the past few months, the Pre-War site of Malmstrom Air Force Base had been left rotten and decayed, as it had since the Great War. Readers of the Patriot may remember a past opinion piece on an unfortunate reporter who contracted tetanus whilst doing an expose on the state of the base (see "Salvaging Rusted Tank Rivets - Help or Hazard?"). Today, however, the secret operations at the base have finally been revealed, as Colonel Santiago allowed this reporter an exclusive on the base's reconstruction and its first graduating class in 200 years.

The Class of 2276 (named for the anniversary of America, rather than the current year) comprised of ace cadets, such as Airmen Newsome, Stone, and Philpot, overseen by MacArthur Air Force Staff Sergeant Torvald Wold, who had the most air combat experience out of anyone on-base. When asked for comment, Wold replied "These boys and girls have made for hard cadets, but with a couple more weeks in the simulators, and exceptionally careful real-world training in our limited Vertibirds, they should be made into air aces within the next 4 or so months. I can't make the same promise about the next class though."

Although Malmstrom was renowned for its hundreds of nuclear missile silos, and approximately 1,000 Minutemen IX model nuclear missiles, as of reporting, none of the nuclear silos have been able to be found. However, Team October reports that many mutated Green Berets, Pre-War special operatives for the US Army, had been found with special electronic keys on their corpses, potentially giving access to the illusive nuclear stockpile of Malmstrom, should or if it ever be found.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:Enclave jet plane.png “Malmstrom, Restored!”

Event button.png
Shirley Cooper - Military Correspondent




Late last week, over a video call with Windypeg, [MCA.GETLEADER]] negotiated a historical airship deal with noteworthy Canadarian [TRR.GetLeader]. A Montana Patriot present during the call reports "Her Canadarian accent was hard to follow, but her expressions once caps were brought up said it all." [MCA.getleader] ad this to say - "It is fortunate that the good Canadians(sic) have had the correct outlook to our offer."

Today, Canadarian airships were seen approaching from the northeast. Although many of the airships were of alien, foreign origin, a massive white behemoth designated the "Aurora" was a wholly American design. Colonel Santiago has designated the Aurora as the foremost capital ship of [mca.getname]'s new Chair Force fleet, to be piloted by Montanan air enthusiast Head-Full-Of-Air, Storm Monger refugee.

The sheer sight, might, and righteousness of the MacArthur Zeppelin fleet will remind all tribals, ne'er-do-wells, and other evildoers in America and Canadaria why Montana is the best slice of paradise you'll ever see.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Airships, Baby!” option “To the Whales of Liberty!”

Event button.png
Brad Bigley - Economist Correspondent




Despite our best efforts, the Canadarians refused to work out an agreement with [MCA.GEtLeader]. Phrases made out from a reporter on the scene of a call between our leader and their merchants imply that the Canadarians of Three Rivers denounced the idea from capitalism, democracy, and even APPLE PIE. It looks like once again, the great people of [MCA.GetName] are on our own against the mutants of the Wastes.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Brad Bigley - Economist Correspondent



The Disappeared

Team October received an odd request - a group of mothers, wives, and siblings of convicts shipped East asked the Corporal to check into where their families were going. Although of course [MCA.GetLeader] is adamant that all labour conscripts are taken care of, their families haven't heard from them in months and would like the Corporal to investigate.

This is somewhat silly, of course - [MCA.GetLeader] knows what's best, and the letters that make it home are full of praise for the comforts of Chicago's bright lights. But why not investigate to quash these rumors? And how will she, and Team October, respond?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus Generic creature brahmin.png “The First Families”

Event button.png
Do we look like a courier service?
  • Gain Political Power 25 Political Power
Event button.png
Let's put the rumours to rest.
  • Lose Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Trigger country event “Where Are You Now?”


Where Are You Now?

The Corporal's first visit was a retired officer, who now resided in the Veteran's Settlement at Eagle's Rest. Sadly, time was not kind to the old man - who, when the Corporal met him, was on his fourth bottle of synthehol of the day. The Corporal sauntered in, her uniform stained. 'You know you can't get drunk on that, right?'

'Nothing real around here,' he said. 'But we all pretend anyway, don't we? Why not me too?' The old man paused, his eyes creasing. 'So, is this a visit from the Colonel? Or the local?' He took a step back, and knocked over his Mr. Handy to do so. 'Shit, damn thing will have to be repaired now.'

The Corporal sat down, brushing away some crumbs to do so. 'Some families asked me to check on their husbands and sons. You know, make sure they're okay, quash those Brotherhood rumours. I see you handled resource conscription, but the files don't say where, exactly, you went.' The Corporal paused. The Old Man's hands trembled, she saw. 'And you owe me for Three Forks.'

The Old Man sighed. 'I'm a washed up old man. What's in it for me to talk?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Disappeared” option “Let's put the rumours to rest.”

Event button.png
If you want to forget, try the hard stuff.
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to -75
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
Event button.png
Do ye not serve your nation? And will ye not serve Team October?
  • Lose Political Power 25 Political Power
Event button.png
Remember what you did that day. I wonder who else does?
  • Lose Manpower 1 Manpower


Father of Mine, Tell Me Where Have You Been?

The Enclave likes to draw lines on a map, thinking paper is power, and radio means control. But that's not the North. The Old Man knew little, other than clasFsified references to some project - something about an Eden on Earth. But he told them of a rendesvous point in the Midwest, a rendesvous for the riches of the North. A free town on the River League, a city called Saint Louis.

They drove through the Nebraska Badlands, past the war machines of the Reclamation Army and stopped in Fort Pierre. Something about the paperwork and rumors were odd - why did the Wastelanders need inoculations?

Still, so far, the information Team October found was innocuous. The rumours that conscripts were sacrificed to tribals, for instance, were false. And so they drove towards Chciago, with the smiling people and their cold bright lights.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
What's a control sample, anyway?



Where Did You Come From, Where Did You Go?

They say if there's a bright spot in the Wasteland it's Chicago, where the Department of the Interior continues reconstruction. A city of leisure and comforts, shades of the gleaming future that was promised, and may yet coming to pass.

And in this gleaming utopia, she found most of the conscripts after all. The few she spoke to said they were fine, well fed, with the best medical care they'd ever seen. They lived in a barracks with heat and electricity, with hot and cold running water. They'd be rich to have that back home! Only ...

There'd been a few more, one worker mentioned. They'd been taken away for a cancer treatment to fix what RadAway couldn't cure. But the Enclave was so thoughtful they'd been taken to Saugutuck, up north, to recover.

The Corporal played with her Pip Boy, later, as she ate in one of the dive bars that accepted Ring Pulls instead of dollars. How come there was no record of a Saugutuck?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Well, it's probably enough for now...
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Martha Santiago:
      • Unit leader gains trait:
        • Road Trip
          • Division Attrition: −5%
          • Experienced soldier losses: −5%
          • Terrain Penalty Reduction: +5%


Au Revoir

The clock ticked silently, as the doctor from Chicago, in his clean crisp robes, read the Auto-Doc result's. The red lights made the outcome clear, but the words cut like a knife. 'It's as we feared, General. The cancer is almost certainly terminal. If we'd caught this earlier,' he said, as his voice trailed off. 'Well, even then. Sadly some of the work out West might have had long term genetic consequences. But Dulce et decorum est pro patria mor, eh?'

'I'm dying and Chicago still looks down on me, babbling in a language as dead as China' the General thought. 'There's nothing to be done? We can design the Great Work, Horrigan, and god damned Wannamingos and you can't cure cancer?' The good doctor looked at the results, making a note to add some tranquilizers to the General's coffee. The poor veteran worried too much, even now that her duty was done. 'Perhaps if you were to resign, and go to Chicago? You've served with honours, is it not time to give it a rest?' The Doctor's glasses glinted in the harsh cold light. 'Isn't it time for the next generation to take charge?'

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
I ain't dead yet.
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Cancerous Legacy
      • Stability: −10%
      • intellectuals_drift = -0.05


Americans Will Always Fight for Liberty

There are those who said America died in the Great War; that the raiders, the hunger, and the chaos that followed silenced America's voice. But that is a lie - for the people of the Wasteland show America yet lives. In California, they build a government of laws, and not of men. In Boston, the Minutemen fight tyranny at Bunker Hill once more. In the Capital, slaves worship Lincoln and dream of freedom. And today, after weeks of arguing and debate, the Rocky Mountain Conference has come to an agreement. Gone are Enclave soldiers, coal miners, ranchers, and and cultists. Gone are River League Merchants and First Families. In their place? A dream stretching back five hundred years, and a dream that will live for five hundred more.

For at least in the Rockies, the Star Spangled Banner now waves, over the land of the free, and the Home of the Brave.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Bottom Bell.png “The Dream Never Dies”

Event button.png
Please rise for the national anthem.
  • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_USA
  • Hidden effect:
    • sound_effect = rebirth_of_a_nation
  • Hidden effect:
    • Trigger country event “The First Election in 200 Years”


Men Come And Go, But Earth Abides

They said they found the Colonel's body slumped over her desk one morning, a plasma burn in the side of her skull. They say she found a cure down south, and hides in an abandoned motel with a bottle. They say she's in cryosleep, ready to emerge in America's darkest hour to truly save the Wasteland.

But mostly, they say nothing. For Chicago's orders are clear - The Colonel's death was tragic, but perhaps for the best. She'd gone soft, the Secretary said. A firmer hand was needed. And a firmer hand would be provided. Special Agent Johnson's death was a tragedy, but surely nobody thought the Enclave only had one super soldier? Because despite the Colonel's death, the Enclave is at the height of its power. And the Great Work? Well, its salvation is near at hand.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Colonel.png “The Colonel's Triumph”

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.
  • Hidden effect:
    • Retire Ellen Santiago
  • Becomes a General
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler
  • set_political_party
    • ideology = ruler
    • popularity = 100
  • Special Agent Jackson becomes the leader for the Ruler party.
    • War Industrialist
      • Military Factory construction speed: +10%
      • Dockyard construction speed: +10%
  • Custom effect tooltip: nf_mca.101.a_tt




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Colonel Jacobia.png “Taking Stock in Spokane”

Event button.png
If you want to forget, try the hard stuff.
  • Scripted Effect: create_or_join_montana_enclave=yes
Event button.png
Do ye not serve your nation? And will ye not serve Team October?
  • Lose Political Power 25 Political Power
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “They Choose Death!”


They Choose Death!

Although the fate of most of our enemies is clear, the Jacksons' capture has revealed something unsetttling - it appears that their leader disputes he ever attempted to take over Montana. Instead, Neil claims he was expelled because he demanded the restoration of democracy; something the Colonel refused. This presents us with an interesting problem - Jackson claims he did nothing different than Ellen and the First Families; he was just ahead of the time. Jackson demands a full pardon or he will attempt to release records of his meetings with the Colonel.

None of this excuses the Jacksons crimes since 2264, of course. They killed, they looted, they threatened. But the story could be incredibly inconvenient for us.

Then there is the question of what to do with the gangs we captured. Is there anything worth salvaging in that wreckage?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event nf_mca.102 option “Do ye not serve your nation? And will ye not serve Team October?”

Event button.png
  • Flag of Rotpurgers Rotpurgers:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes


Way Up North in the Land of Raiders, Wannamingos and Cult Crusaders

Although the fate of most of our enemies is clear, the Jacksons' capture has revealed something unsetttling - it appears that their leader disputes he ever attempted to take over Montana. Instead, Neil claims he was expelled because he demanded the restoration of democracy; something the Colonel refused. This presents us with an interesting problem - Jackson claims he did nothing different than Ellen and the First Families; he was just ahead of the time. Jackson demands a full pardon or he will attempt to release records of his meetings with the Colonel.

None of this excuses the Jacksons crimes since 2264, of course. They killed, they looted, they threatened. But the story could be incredibly inconvenient for us.

Then there is the question of what to do with the gangs we captured. Is there anything worth salvaging in that wreckage?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Drop Him Out of a Vertibird
  • Gain 5% War support War Support
  • Gain Political Power 100 Political Power
  • Trigger country event “Warriors For the Working Day”
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Has completed national focus Enc free press.png “The Montana Patriot”
    • Trigger news event “Last Will and Testament”
Event button.png
Perhaps we can arrange community service.
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Set country flag MCA_community_service
  • Trigger country event “Warriors For the Working Day”


Warriors For the Working Day

[MCA.GetName]'s victory has left us with far too many prisoners, and we must decide what to do with them. Although the old bad Enclave would have executed them for 'treason' to a government they didn't know existed, we are much more compassionate. There are two options that present themselves. First, these boys and girls could join the military, serving us for a period of time and ultimately gaining their freedom. Alternatively, we could let them go, and hope that it reduces the difficulty in occupying the lands they once terrorized. What shall it be, Governor?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by
  • The event “Way Up North in the Land of Raiders, Wannamingos and Cult Crusaders” option “Drop Him Out of a Vertibird”
  • The event “Way Up North in the Land of Raiders, Wannamingos and Cult Crusaders” option “Perhaps we can arrange community service.”

Event button.png
Service guarantees... something, eventually.
  • Gain Manpower 500 Manpower
Event button.png
To destroy our enemies, make them friends.
  • Lose 5% Stability Stability
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]Every state:
      • Limited to:
        • At least one of the following is true:
          • Is a core state of Flag of Jacksons Jacksons
          • Is a core state of Flag of Metal Mouths Metal Mouths
          • Is a core state of File:RUM.png RUM
      • Set variable coring_cost_targeted_state_factor@MCA to -0.5
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Reduces coring costs for [JCK.GetNameWithFlag], [BTH.GetNameWithFlag], and [MET.GetNameWithFlag] lands.


Last Will and Testament

Terrible news! The Montana Patriot published what it called the 'Last Americans' Epitaph' - a diatribe by the Jacksons against the Matriarch of Montana. The document accuses her of a host of atrocities, ranging from the use of slave labour to deploying wendingos pursuant to shadowy Enclave experiments. This news is frankly insulting, but it has done nothing to instill distrust for Ellen in the populace. For if her mother was so terrible, can anyone truly trust the daughter?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Way Up North in the Land of Raiders, Wannamingos and Cult Crusaders” option “Drop Him Out of a Vertibird”

Event button.png
The First Amendment? More like worst amendment.
  • Lose 15% Stability Stability


Saving American Lives

One of our greater ideas, out west, were the Wanamingos. These monsters had a built in biological clock, replicating until a certain generation, then dying out. Chicago is interested in reviving the technology for counter insurgency, but is leery of testing it close to home. But out here? Well, the wannamingos are unlikely to damage anyone truly loyal to the Enclave. To that end, [MCA.GetLeader] has received permission to deploy Wanamingo detachments to neighboring states. Doing so will increase Chicago's influence, but it will also weaken our neighbours. And the weaker they are, the less they can threaten our boys in black. And what can be more importnat than that?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
I'm glad they're on our side.
  • Set country flag wannamingo_infestation
  • Custom effect tooltip: nf_mca.107.a_tt



Something horrible is happening, [ROOT.GetLeader]. Monsters with razor sharp teeth and poisonous tentacles are attacking outlying settlements, and, in some cases, isolated patrols. These monsters attack with their gross protuberances and spread radiation wherever they go, as if they feast upon the Wastleand's decay. What are these monstrosities? And will they ever let us be?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Taking the decision Dispatch the Wanamingos to [From.Capital.GetName]

Event button.png
Wat sort of cruel god would design these creatures?
  • Set country flag MCA_wanamingos_sent
  • Gets the National Spirit File:Deathray.png “Alien Infestation?” for 250 days
Alien Infestation? icon
Alien Infestation?
  • Supply Consumption: −5%
  • Division Attack: −4%
  • Weekly Manpower: −1
  • Supply Efficiency: −10%


Strike the Electric Chain Where We are Darkly Bound.

Power does not just come from a barrel of a gun; sometimes, it literally comes from a plant. Chicago kept control over Montana by providing the electricity to the First Families and loyal businesses. But when Team October turned the Hephaestus Project over to the region's elites, they have gained a newfound confidence and certainty in their position. As such, the First Families will risk going it alone and standing up to Chicago.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
We'll help the refugees one day.
  • Lose 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity


Faithful to Their Masters

Regretfully, the Lakota auxiliaries flock to Chicago's banner. It appears they favour a distant American overlord instead of our stalwart comradeship close to home.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
But why would they do that?
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity


PoseidoNet Hacked!

As it turns out, increasing our data uplinks to Chicago is bad during the middle of this war. Now Chicago is taking down our connection and hacking the Commonwealth's plans! It seems that revolution is not as easy as we hoped.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
Even now the Enclave cripples Montana.
Hacked Comms icon
Hacked Comms
  • Division Defense: −20%
  • Planning Speed: −20%
  • Reconnaissance: −10%
  • Intelligence gained from Combat: −25%


Chicago Reinforcements

The good news is that restoring Malmstrom Air Force base gave the Chicago Enclave a secure airbase in the northwest, expanding its reach and power. The bad news is that restoring Malmstrom Air Force base gave the Chicago Enclave a secure airbase in the northwest, expanding its reach and power. As such, they have additional logistics facilities they can use to send troops against us.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
I am so sick of my actions having consequences.
  • Set country flag MCA_restored_malmstrom
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Chicago loyalists will get extra units. Your ride's over mutant.


The Lion, the Witch, and the Plasma Gun

While the Lakota might stand with Chicago, and the Wardens remain neutral, there were some in Washington who would fight for what's right. Team October's old friends, the Lionhearts, will work with the revolutionaries and strike out for freedom. On paper, Team October and the Lionhearts have much in common. But does it not set a dangerous precedent? While Ellen is no bigot against the radiologically challenged, many in Montana are. Choosing to work with ghouls to overthrow the Enclave will set a precedent for the North going forward.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
That ghoul's fought for America more than Chicago has.
  • Set country flag MCA_oob_boost
  • Custom effect tooltip:

When war breaks out, you will need all the help you can get - and you'll get it.

Event button.png
Let's just be friends.
  • Set country flag MCA_restored_malmstrom
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity


Salvatore Sticks With Us

Faced with the threat of law and order, one should not be surprised that Salvatore prefers to work out a deal with Team October. A barracks state with eyebots on every corner will never leave room for a respectable businessman such as himself, and the quotas harm him just as they do every prosperous Montanan. Whatever our qualms about his jet trade, it looks like we have an (un)welcome ally against Chicago.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
He may be a gangster, but he's an American gangster.
  • Gain 8% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity


The Montana Patriot Speaks Out!


A simple headline that echoes across the North, as the Montana Patriot publishes its last report. The paper, it seems, slipped its leash. Its reporters are not content to publish weather forecasts and propaganda, and now ask about the Enclave's conduct. Black and white pictures of Enclave troops at a massacre stain the front page, as do concerns about a new 'vaccine' being rolled out. And finally, a list of those who were dispatched east, but whom Montana never heard from again.

The paper is burned by the Enclave, wherever it can be found - but across the great north, families see that they were not the only ones affected - it is not isolated incidents - it is a threat to all the Wastes.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
But Chicago said they're fine!
  • Gain 8% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity
  • Lose 7% Stability Stability


Oh, Sweet Child of Mine

It could have been a bloody conflict, one of the many struggles that saw the Wasteland trapped in an endless cycle of war. But just once, in this small corner of America, everybody lived.

Electricity gave the First Families confidence to stand on their own, and question the need for Chicago's oppression.

The Montana Patriot brought word of the Enclave's atrocities to isolated farmsteads and towns, uniting opposition.

LionHeart's raids destroyed vertibirds at a refueling station, stopping Chicago from organizing a quick countercoup.

And Salvatore? That son of a bitch drugged Horrigan himself, they say.

Faced with that array of support, outnumbered and outgunned - why would the Matriarch die for a hopeless cause?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
Thank god, I hate civil wars.
  • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_good
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People


The Drug Trade

Sadly, since the death of Salvatore, the drug and slave trade has only spread in our fair lands. Moreover, without one person in control, the violence between warring bandits and dealers escalated. While we've done our best to combat it, more than one Montanan now fears the chaos that would come from any further strife. This will only strengthen Chicago's vice around the free people of the north.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
... I may need a hit of that jet too, now.
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler party popularity


War Once More

It seems that in this small corner of America, someone will stand up to the Enclave. Farmers take rifles out of storage; auxiliaries desert their post and rally to Team October; and the First Families' mercenaries prepare for war. Time will tell who wins; the would be freedom fighters, or the unspeakable war machine with the most advanced weaponry in the Wastes?

Well. Umm. We'll see.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “To Set a Country Free” option “God Bless the E-America.”

Event button.png
Firepower will fall to people power!
  • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_good
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People
  • Set temporary variable MCA_civil_war_bad_size to the value of party_popularity@intellectuals
  • Increase temporary variable MCA_civil_war_bad_size by the value of party_popularity@ruler
  • Start a (unrecognized string "Ruler" for Template:Icon) Ruler civil war (MCA_civil_war_bad_size size)
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]One random country in the world:
      • Limited to:
      • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_chicago
      • Changes the national focus tree to mca_nf
      • Scripted Effect: create_new_owb_country=yes
      • Special Agent Johnson becomes a member of the Ruler party.
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • Country flag MCA_restored_malmstrom is set
    • [SCOPE]One random country in the world:
      • Limited to:
      • load_oob = MCA_chicago_dispatch_4
    • Custom effect tooltip:

Because you restored Malmstrom, the Enclave can send additional aid!

  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Lose 10% War support War Support
    • Custom effect tooltip: nf_mca.119_robot_reliance_tt
  • If:
    • Limited to:
    • Trigger news event “Take Your Gun and Go!”
    • Custom effect tooltip:

You didn't think *everything* you did would be bad, did you?




Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png


All Men are Created Equal, Now We're Gonna Write Ghouls Into the Sequel

To expect anyone who served with the Enclave, even someone devoted to the rights of Wastelanders like Ellen, to support ghouls, might sound absurd. And nor were ghouls welcome in much of Montana. Who wanted a neighbor who would devour your brain?

But Lionheart's support for Team October and the Revolution changed the hearts of many. It was only natural that the new state would welcome ghouls. In Missoula and the [MCA.GetName], the definition of liberty stretches a little farther once more.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Ghoul.png “The Fourteenth Amendment”

Event button.png
God Bless America.
A Haven for Ghoulkind icon
A Haven for Ghoulkind
  • Recruitable Population: 5%
  • Mobilization speed: +10%


The Constitution Doesn't Mention Ghouls

Montana is a land for good folk, and therein lies the rub. [MCA.GetName] would never go out of its way to kill ghouls, but their rotting stench always reminded people of post-war decay. Better for them to move on, to greener pastures. As time went on ghouls would know Montana's fair communities as a place where they shouldn't be caught over dark.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Ghoul.png “The Fourteenth Amendment”

Event button.png
Not all the Enclave's views were wrong.
  • Gain 10% Stability Stability


Watering the Tree of Liberty

Chicago made a terrible mistake. By letting Team October travel the Wasteland and fight for the Encalve, they gave Ellen a chance to build ties and alliances. Now her supporters travel the state and harass our supply lines. We may take out a dozen for every traitor we put down - but, lurking in the snow, is a 13th. We face not just an insurgency, but a revolution.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Pack of Hyenas” option “God Bless the Enclave.”

Event button.png
What the Hell Was She Doing on Her Adventures?
Mutant Insurgents icon
Mutant Insurgents
  • Division Attrition: +10%
  • Supply Consumption: −5%
  • Division Attack: −4%
  • Supply Efficiency: −10%


Remembering Our History

One reason the Historians always had an awkward relationship with Macarthur is because, frankly, they knew too much. Pre-war America was a land of apple pie, but it was also the land of Camp Turtledove and brain harvesting. So while Macarthur would play jaunty tunes and promises on Enclave Radio, the folks who taught the importance of crop rotation and hand washing taught about the nation's many sins. A fraught relationship, to be sure.

But now the Northern Commonwealth stretches a little farther, the settlements that the Historians guard are open to joining [MCA.GetName]. But they will only do so if we agree to turn Mesora into more than just a center of the Historians. They'd like us to build a university - a center of higher learning for all of the North. And one of the topics will be pre-war America, in all its majesty and darkness.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Books.png “History Lessons”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has completed national focus Mount rushmore.png “Patronize Historians”
Event button.png
Next to coal, children are our most precious resource!
  • The Historians loses
    • Tactical Historian
      • Research Speed: +2.5%
      • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
  • The Historians gains
    • Remembering Our History
      • Research Speed: +7%
      • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
      • Consumer Goods Factories: 5%
      • Stability: +5%
  • Annex Flag of Historians Historians (troops not transferred)
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of Flag of Historians Historians
    • Compliance:+0.9%
  • Set country flag MCA_historian_flag
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Available because you patronized the Historians.

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
This is not worth it, but we will take you under our protection.
  • Flag of Historians Historians:
    • [SCOPE]Our country
      • Scripted Effect: grant_wargoals_on_core_states_of_prev=yes
  • Set country flag MCA_historian_flag


Remembering Our History

One reason the Historians always had an awkward relationship with Macarthur is because, frankly, they knew too much. Pre-war America was a land of apple pie, but it was also the land of Camp Turtledove and brain harvesting. So while Macarthur would play jaunty tunes and promises on Enclave Radio, the folks who taught the importance of crop rotation and hand washing taught about the nation's many sins. A fraught relationship, to be sure.

But now that we've liberated the Historians' original home, they ask for our support. The Historians propose to build a center of learning for all the North, where they will teach of the past to ensure a brighter tomorrow. They ask to build a university - which will teach the ways of pre-war America, in the hopes we can avoid their mistakes.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

On nation annexed

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Has completed national focus Mount rushmore.png “Patronize Historians”
Event button.png
Next to coal, children are our most precious resource!
  • The Historians loses
    • Tactical Historian
      • Research Speed: +2.5%
      • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
  • The Historians gains
    • Remembering Our History
      • Research Speed: +7%
      • Army Experience Gain: +0.05
      • Consumer Goods Factories: 5%
      • Stability: +5%
  • [SCOPE]Every state:
    • Limited to:
      • Is a core state of Flag of Historians Historians
    • Compliance:+0.9%
  • Set country flag MCA_historian_flag
  • Custom effect tooltip:

Available because you patronized the Historians.

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
This is not worth it.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Set country flag MCA_historian_flag


The Reunited What Now?

[NCR.GetLeader], a vertibird is radoing in and requesting permission to land outside Shady Sands! They claim to be from Montana, and are interested in trade and diplomatic relations. According to their ambassador, they represent a coalition of towns formerly under the rule of the Enclave, but who threw off the shackles of oppression. They claim, like us, to be a successor to the United States, and devoted to opposing tyranny and the Brotherhood of Steel across the Wastes.

Also they brought a gift basket with fruit we've never seen before, the legacy, they claim, of Enclave science.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:MCA Freedom Bottom Ranger.png “The Other Great Democracy”

Event button.png
I can't hate someone who introduced us to pineapples.
More Brotherhoods, More Problems icon
More Brotherhoods, More Problems
  • (Flag of Lost Hills Lost Hills) Attack bonus against country: +10%
  • (Flag of Lost Hills Lost Hills) Defense bonus against country: +10%
Event button.png
An Enclave trick! Kill them and take the pineapples!
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “California Spurns Us!”



The meeting in Shady Sands was indeed productive, and although we are too far away to interact much at the moment, [NCR.GetLeader] sent a delegation back to us. Further, several rangers volunteered to work with Team October to patrol the north. Some talking heads have evern suggested a meeting for the republics of the wastes to come together to coordinate on trade, defense, and other issues. But what are the odds of that?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Reunited What Now?” option “I can't hate someone who introduced us to pineapples.”

Event button.png
Well, maybe....
Ranger Training icon
Ranger Training
  • Special Forces Equipment Research Speed: +30%
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain Manpower 50 Manpower


California Spurns Us!

California stole our vertibird and kidnapped our delegation. What the heck, seriously?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “The Reunited What Now?” option “An Enclave trick! Kill them and take the pineapples!”

Event button.png
This would be an act of war if we were closer.



Mutant Soldiers Desert Us!

The Colonel foolishly let Wastelander scum serve the Enclave, convinced it was better for them to risk their lives than our own men. But look now at their treachery! After we disposed of her, most of the troops refused our efforts to disarm them and instead took to the mountains, joining the Colonel's rebellious little girl. But you know how to handle traitors, hm? Much the way you handled so many Brotherhood scum.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Pack of Hyenas” option “God Bless the Enclave.”

Event button.png
I regret they have but one life to take for my country.
  • Gain 20% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity


First Families Revolt

The Colonel foolishly gave power and weapons to the First Families, letting them raise militia companies to serve alongside the Enclave. But now these troops join Team October's little rant. We'll have to kill them when we're through, but at least there will be ample hazard pay for our brave soldiers.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Pack of Hyenas” option “God Bless the Enclave.”

Event button.png
I regret they have but one life to take for my country.
  • Gain 20% (unrecognized string "elites" for Template:Icon) Elites party popularity


Mutant Soldiers Desert Us!

The Colonel foolishly let Wastelander scum serve the Enclave, convinced it was better for them to risk their lives than our own men. But look now at their treachery! After we disposed of her, most of the troops refused our efforts to disarm them and instead took to the mountains, joining the Colonel's rebellious little girl. But you know how to handle traitors, hm? Much the way you handled so many Brotherhood scum.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “A Pack of Hyenas” option “God Bless the Enclave.”

Event button.png
I regret they have but one life to take for my country.
  • Set temporary variable MCA_civil_war_bad_size to the value of party_popularity@elites
  • Increase temporary variable MCA_civil_war_bad_size by the value of party_popularity@people
  • Start a (unrecognized string "People" for Template:Icon) People civil war (MCA_civil_war_bad_size size)
  • Hidden effect:
    • [SCOPE]One random country in the world:
      • Limited to:
        • Original country is Flag of MacArthur MacArthur
        • Current ruling party is (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People
      • Set cosmetic tag to MCA_good
      • Changes the national focus tree to mca_nf
      • Scripted Effect: create_new_owb_country=yes
      • Ellen Santiago becomes a member of the People party.


Kind of Weird How Everyone in the North Flies, Isn't it?

The rebels up in Montana have taken to calling themselves the [MCA.GetName], dedicated to truth, justice, and the Wastelander way. A naive dream, but an intersting chance. Freed from the colonial shackles of Chicago, they seek new markets for Montana's goods, and have turned to us. They offer us the use of the airbase at Macarthur as a nucleus for a new route to the north.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:EAG first aerial merchant fleet.png “Eagle Rock of the Ages”

Event button.png
Their caps spend as good as anyone else's.
  • Gains opinion modifier “Helped Military” (Opinion +25 opinion) towards Flag of MacArthur MacArthur
  • If:
  • Set temporary variable org_influence_amount to 50
  • Set temporary variable org_selector to 5
  • Scripted Effect: organization_add_influence=yes
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Airships For Fun and Profit”
Event button.png
Our airships are busy elsewhere.
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Flag of MacArthur MacArthur:
    • Trigger news event “Airships Are Stupid Anyway”
  • Gains opinion modifier “Assisted Enemy” (Opinion −25 opinion) towards Flag of MacArthur MacArthur


Airships For Fun and Profit

Eagle Rock agreed to expand their trade with Montana, and while they will not formally join [MCA.GetName], they will ally. Even now their airships begin to ply our skies, binding the north just a little bit tighter.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Kind of Weird How Everyone in the North Flies, Isn't it?” option “Their caps spend as good as anyone else's.”

Event button.png
Thank goodness they figured out airships before the war.
Eagle Rock Resources icon
Eagle Rock Resources
  • Resource Gain Efficiency: +5%
  • country_resource_metal = 2
  • country_resource_composites = 1
  • country_resource_advanced = 1
  • Gains opinion modifier (unrecognized string "honorary_americans" for Template:Opinion) towards Flag of Eagle Rock Eagle Rock
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Airships Are Stupid Anyway

Eagle Rock refused to expand trade with us, seeing our pretensions of uniting the Wasteland as a potential threat. Sort of weird, but whatever. We have planes, which are much better than rigid airships.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Kind of Weird How Everyone in the North Flies, Isn't it?” option “Our airships are busy elsewhere.”

Event button.png
Let's light a cigarette near their ports to be a jerk.
  • Gains opinion modifier “Assisted Enemy” (Opinion −25 opinion) towards Flag of Eagle Rock Eagle Rock
  • Set temporary variable caps_to_add to 50
  • Scripted Effect: add_caps=yes


Bots on Parade

Ever since the Appalachia Reclamation, the Enclave used robots to patrol the Wastes. And while we do not speak of White Springs, there is no reason that same principle cannot be applied out here. Eyebots reporting directly to the Secretary of the Interior can patrol the Wastes, securing safety and security for our little slice of paradise.

You can see the option in the state tool, above the bunker symbol in provinces.

Just remember - We're watching out for you!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
God Bless the Enclave.



Take Your Gun and Go!

'Don't stop a moment to think, Juan
Our homeland calls, then go.
Don't fear for me nor the children, Juan
I'll care for them you know
Take your guns then go, Juan
Yes take your guns and go.
For Ruth can drive the brahmin, Juan
I can use the hoe.
The army's short of blankets, Juan
Then take this heavy pair
I spun and wove them when a girl
And worked them with great care
A rose in every corner, Juan
And here's my name, you see
On the cold cold ground they'll warmer feel
Because they're made by me.'

-Songs of the Revolution, [GetYear]

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “War Once More” option “Firepower will fall to people power!”

Event button.png
Thank God we trained a well-organized militia.
  • Gain Manpower 1 000 Manpower


Agent Sigma

Canada was an American treasure before the Great War - rich in coal, natural gas, water, and other resources. Small wonder then that its commodities play a role in the Enclave's plans, even if they are not yet apparent. For now, Agent Sigma operates to spy on the Frozen North. But should he ever become more than a spy? Well then, perhaps we would need to lend a helping hand. For surely we can do more with the riches of the north than a mad ghoul king?

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:RMM agents hat.png “Our Eyes in Canada”

Event button.png
Waiting for further orders.
  • add_decryption
    • target = WPG
    • ratio = 0.5
  • add_decryption
    • target = MTC
    • ratio = 0.5
  • add_decryption
    • target = BRA
    • ratio = 0.5
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC La Résistance La Resistance is enabled
      • Has not created an Intelligence Agency
    • create_intelligence_agency
      • name = "Office of Strategic Services"
      • icon = "GFX_intelligence_agency_logo_enclave"
  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • DLC La Résistance La Resistance is enabled
      • Has created an Intelligence Agency
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_economy_civilian
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_army_department
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_passive_defense
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_portable_radios
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_training_centers
    • upgrade_intelligence_agency = upgrade_diplo_training


Como Estas, Amigos!

We've received word from up north - apparently Montana also had a problem with las cuarachas, but they were expel them. Concerning to see that the Enclave's reach extends from the frozen North to Armageddon, but perhaps we can take hope from their defeat in both our lands. Who nkows? Who knows? Maybe one day all of us, together, will work together to save the Midwest. Although direct contact is impossible for now, maybe, just maybe, we could do more if the Mississippi were to become safer for travel.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the national focus File:TLA LQ rrg.png “South of the Border”

Event button.png
Seriously, what's up with Chicago?
  • Gain 5% Stability Stability
  • Gain 5% (unrecognized string "people" for Template:Icon) People party popularity


The Mexican Vacation

Inspired by talks with the Republic of Rio Grande, Team October have gone on their greatest adventure to date - a trip to Mexico. They sacrificed at the Memphis pyramid; freed slaves in the super mutant dens of the Ozarks; and recorded intelligence on the Brotherhood bunkers in Saint Louis. All worth it, to reach the Crescent City and the Gulf. After dining on Deathclaw Gumbo, they booked passage to Reynosa and Rio Grande, where they met with [RRG.GetLeader]. Some interesting ideas came from those talks, actually - perhaps, one day, they can form an alliance to clean up the Wasteland. Or at least deal with Chicago and the Mississippi.

In the interim, the cultural exchange enriched us both, and we bought some neat souveneirs.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Time for a new exhibit at the Bozemann museum!
  • Gain +50% research bonus (2 uses) towards:
    • Robotics


The Mexican Vacation

Inspired by talks with the Republic of Rio Grande, Team October have gone on their greatest adventure to date - a trip to Mexico. They sacrificed at the Memphis pyramid; freed slaves in the super mutant dens of the Ozarks; and recorded intelligence on the Brotherhood bunkers in Saint Louis. All worth it, to reach the Crescent City and the Gulf. After dining on Deathclaw Gumbo, they booked passage to Reynosa and Rio Grande, where they met with [RRG.GetLeader]. Some interesting ideas came from those talks, actually - perhaps, one day, they can form an alliance to clean up the Wasteland. Or at least deal with Chicago and the Mississippi.

In the interim, the cultural exchange enriched us both, and we bought some neat souveneirs.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(No triggers)

Event button.png
Time for a new exhibit at the Bozemann museum!


The First Election in 200 Years

With the Rocky Mountain Congres'ss work done, the first free American election since the 2060s can now take place. Who will lead the Great Experiment forward into the future? It seems as if, alas, everyone Team October's interacted with has an interest...

Still, whether the first president owns a casino, runs a factory, speaks for the tribes of the plains, or led the last Free State of Marshall, all can agree - better this mess than the Enclave. To our election, and the many others that dot the Wasteland!

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The event “Americans Will Always Fight for Liberty” option “Please rise for the national anthem.”

Option conditions

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag october_hates_markham is set
Event button.png
Steeltown's Prosperity Inspires Us All
  • Abigail Markham becomes the leader for their party

File:Event trigger.pngAlways enabled:

Event button.png
First in War, First in Peace, First in the Hearts of the Commonwealth.
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Mother of the Republic
      • Political Power Gain: +20%
      • Stability: +20%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag salvatore_good is set
Event button.png
Salvatore, the most successful of the refugees, inspires us all.
  • Mason Salvatore becomes a member of the People party.
    • Satisfaction Guaranteed
      • Stability: −4%
      • Passive Caps Income: +6
      • Consumer Goods Factories: −6%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Owns state Greenway (1029)
Event button.png
The Khans speak for those history forgot.
  • Amgalan becomes a member of the People party.
    • Silent Workhorse
      • Political Power Gain: +15%
    • Follower of the Apocalypse
      • Construction Speed: +5%
      • Recruitable Population Factor: +5%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag MCA_marshal_families is set
Event button.png
The First Families will guide us forward.
  • Set the ruling party to (unrecognized string "Elites" for Template:Icon) Elites
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Smooth-Talking Charmer
      • Trade deal opinion factor: +10%
  • Country leader gains trait:
    • Local Elites
      • Stability: +10%
      • Division Organization: +10%
      • Required Garrisons: −20%
      • Daily Compliance Gain: +0.1%

File:Event trigger.pngEnabled if:

  • Country flag MCA_power_to_people is set
Event button.png
The Colonel healed our hearts; the Ecologist will heal our land.
  • President Sea-Bastion becomes a member of the People party.
    • Department of Environmental Protection
      • Research Speed: +15%
      • country_resource_energy = 15
      • country_resource_water = 20
      • Stability: +10%
      • Power Armour Attack: +2.5%
      • Power Armour Support Attack: +2.5%
      • Power Armour Speed: +2.5%