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Tran is a Vault-Tec Scientist and Submodder for the Hearts of Iron IV mod Old World Blues.


  • Created parts of the Robot City focus tree with Violet.
  • Assisted with creating part of the Timekeepers national focus tree.
  • Assisted in creating the Vault shared national focus tree.
  • Assisted in tweaking/reworking Petro Chico and Vault 37 around the release of Old World Blues patch 4.0 for Octaman.
  • Created Custom Game Rules and custom AI scripting for the New California Republic, Vault City, New Reno, Eureka, Arroyo, the Shi, the Montana Chapter, the Rotpurgers, and one unknown one.
  • Adjusted and tweaked MacArthur, Strathcommune, and Big Grass for release.
  • Assisted in finishing the robot and vehicle technology trees for release.
  • Created all major technology changes and most balance patches for vehicles, robots, air, infantry, support company doctrines, and other things since Old World Blues patch 4.0.1, with most, if not all, changes donce since Old World Blues patch 4.0.3 being his.
  • Currently runs testing for future 4.1.X versions, ran testing for Old World Blues patch 4.1.
  • Adjusted/completely revamped focus tree effects for the New California Republic, New Reno, part of Vault City, all of Heaven's Gate, all of Ejército Mexicano, all of the Shi, and all of the Republic of Three Rivers.
  • Tweaked balances for many trees both before and after the release of 4.0 for various developers.
  • Developed AI research and production, as well as improving construction and political power spending priorities.
  • Assisted StealthArcher in creating proper weather patterns for the entirety of the map.
  • Developed bottlecap and organization balancing and quality of life, as well as creating new cap decisions, while updating existing ones.
  • Created new generic decisions, while updating existing ones.
  • Created new generic advisors for Settler, Raider, and Tribal nations, and adjusted all existing advisors.
  • Assisted in bugfixing across the mod.
  • Assisted in creating/developing Formable Nations.
  • Worked/working on unreleased content.
  • Creating a focus tree for the Crazy Horns.
  • Assisting in development of the Northern Khans.
  • Scripting the Dramatae, utilizing code made by Rhacius.
  • Assisting in scripting The Reservation focus tree, utilizing code made by both Rhacius and CGS.
  • Assisting with integration of the Legion of Hades submod with assistance from SayruZ.
  • Designed new Aaron Kimball NCR branch, alongside one for Allgood.[1]
  • Created approximately 15 focuses and GFX images with effects with Fored.[2]
  • Added operative slots to 1-2 generic advisors.[3]
  • Tested glider changes both before and after Old World Blues patch 4.0.4, as well as creating a game rule for New Reno, as well as troubleshooting and improving AI research behaviors.[4]



  1. Tran: "uhhhhhh kk so the nature of doing tech, ai and balance work is you've done an extremely long list of individually smaller things so I tried to omit some stuff? this is as far as I can remember off the dome, anyway
    -Made Robot City with Violet (was majority hers but I made parts of it)
    -Helped a little bit with Timekeepers semi-unique tree
    -Helped make the Shared Vault Tree
    -Helped tweak/slightly rework Petro Chico and Vault 37 right around release for Octaman
    -Made the gamerules and custom AI scripting for NCR, Vault City, New Reno, Eureka, Arroyo, Shi, Montana Chapter, Rotpurgers... I feel like I'm missing one lol but thats what I can remember for those
    -Helped adjust MacArthur, Strathcommune and Big Grass for release and did some tweaks
    -Helped finish the vehicle and robot tech trees for release
    -Did all the major tech changes and most of the broader balance patches since 4.0. Includes all the changes post 4.0 to Vehicles, Robots, Air, Infantry, Support Companies Doctrines, a bunch of stuff people don't care about. Whatever was from 4.0.3 onwards for tech balance was probably me, im the one who made all those changelogs at the top of those patches for tech things
    -I run testing now. Did it for 4.1.
    -Adjusted or completely revamped the effects of a lot of trees post 4.0, not a rework since I didn't change skeletons but just effects themselves. This was for all of NCR, all of Reno, some of Vault City, all of Heaven's Gate, all of Santa Anna, all of Shi, all of Three Rivers.
    -Helped tweak the balance of a lot of trees both pre release on behalf of devs and post release. Not worth listing.
    -A lot of AI work. Not sure how to quantify for people who aren't familiar with it but I adjusted the research and production a lot in particular as well as other priorities like construction and PP spending
    -Helped StealthArcher make proper weather patterns for all of the map
    -Lot of Caps and Organizations balancing and QOL. Also made the new caps decisions and update all of the existing ones.
    -Made the new generic decisions and updated all of the existing ones.
    -Made the new generic advisors for Settler/Raider/Tribal and adjusted all of the existing ones.
    -Lot of bugfixing all over the place if that matters
    -Helped with some formables here and there

    Have worked on or am currently working on some unreleased stuff
    -Making Crazy Horns tree
    -Making parts of Khans alongside other ppl
    -Scripting Dramatae, was primarily designed off the code by rhacius with my help
    -Helping script Reservation, same as the above but both CGS and Rhacius. CGS did part of scripting
    -Legion of Hades integration
    eventually will be done with help of Sayruz. It's at least started
    -Designed new Kimball branch Sayruz posted in fev teasers and working on one for Allgood atm-Other things I can't tease"

    - Obtained from Discord, 10/5/2022
  2. Tran: "fored and i literally made like
    15 focuses
    with gfx
    and other changes"

    - Obtained from Discord, 10/3/2022
  3. Tran on Reddit: "I actually did give one or two of the generic advisors an operative slot as I gave them a pass this update. I believe one of them was the settler spymaster, and a lot of non-generic nations use that trait, so steps in the right direction!"
  4. Tran on Reddit: "Hey! Dev here. Couple things:

    I tested the glider changes and both pre and post patch have noticed AI countries producing planes correctly. Could you let me know any more information about which nations you saw it on and when? That would be really helpful so I can troubleshoot this

    I have made a new, proper gamerule and some pretty detailed AI strategy for New Reno that will release in the next patch, so that should be taken care of

    The energy weapon research is something I have noticed and have been troubleshooting alongside the broad changes and improvements I made to AI research behavior. I will continue working on AI research in the future and hopefully make that change. Fortunately it's not a huge deal though"